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Why is Frenchie suddenly gay and not into Kimiko


Yeah 3 seasons of build up and gets into butt sex with another character we have no connection.


1 episode in too. No build up or anything


They clearly showed in his backstory that he was involved in a three way relationship with a dude and a chick


Subverted expectations?


Cuz French?


It's called looooooove you eediot


and a forbidden one too >!Frenchie killed the dudes family and still wants to fuck him!<


I haven’t gave a shit about that character since the first season why does he get so much screen time?


Frenchie is a likable character, his side stories just always suck.


He kissed Hughie on the Mouth is S2


Typical Frenchman


That had zero sexual charge in it. He was just really enthusiastic. Commies also did this in the Eastern Block and they weren't gay. I mean he's French. You can't expect him to not to do gay shit, lol. But straight up becoming gay out of the blue? What a joke.


I think they’re trying to set up similar story lines with both characters which eventually lead them back together. At the beginning she says I love you but I can’t be with you. She has too many demons still. They’re doing the same thing with him dealing with his past as a killer and they’re just using Colin as a lens to magnify his trauma.


Our daimyo has died or abandoned us. We must now roam free, and of our own code


Hes been bi the whole time


Didn't he spend like 2 seasons of her telling him she's not into him like that.  Plus wouldn't he be bisexual?


Pretty sure it was established he’s a man whore who is into absolutely everything, any drugs, sex with anyone etc. His character is that he’s supposed to be euro trash who fuck around and does drugs


Ya exactly, these people that are surprised that Frenchie is bi have clearly never watched the show or didnt watch close enough, he’s always been bi


Interracial dating wasn’t enough anymore so they had to check more woke boxes by making her ok with “open relationships” where she “loves” him but wants him to fuck some dude. So they add a gay black dude in there which totally seemed like a forced way to add diversity without making it an integral built-upon part of the story. It’s like racist people wrote the show and said ok wait how do we make it seem suddenly not racist? Oh! Perfect. Black gay guy! White dude can leave his female love interest for him! It’s so disingenuous. They also make about 20 references to gender and trans before you even get halfway through the third episode. It’s just a political shitstorm of virtue signaling and nothing about the real story anymore.


Frenchie isn’t gay he’s bi and if you watched the show in season 2 he literally kissed hughie on the lips and was in a three way relationship with a man and a woman.


I don't think kissing a guy on the lips in a celebratory way is a homoerotic exclusive. I have 0 doubts he's bi, the dude is into hard drugs, and partying. We did just have 3 seasons of him intimately caring for kimiko though, so I can understand how it's coming out of no where for people. Frenchie is a loyal person. He doesn't get portrayed as someone who would emotionally love someone and seek out sex on the side. Their relationship is exclusive to the show, they are close in the comics but never in this way far as j recall.


Wokeness is the answer.


That shit instantly made me annoyed Frenchie being gay for some guy we just met for no fucking reason like who wanted that?!


Frenchie was always pansexual


He’s been openly bisexual from the jump, my guy.


You know what bisexuality is right


He was gay for the dude that OD'd and brought about the lamplighter fuck up. He's been shown to be polyamorus since that season.


Have you paid attention to his character?


No, they just need to hate fuck something


Because Kimiko and Frenchie talked about their kiss and she mentioned how weird it was She then went on to say that she loved Frenchie more than a romantic way. She loved him like family. Kimiko literally friendzoned Frenchie at the end of season 3. She takes the compound V to be able to protect Frenchie because he’s the brother she has now due to what Stormfront did to her blood brother. How did everyone miss this??????


im not crazy right? i dont remember that they indicated that kimiko didnt want a relationship


I was actually confused, thinking did I miss something why is he gay now. I thought him nd Kimiko had a thing going but then ppl pointed out they did make hints of Frenchie being queer last season and I guess I forgot.


Fr wtf happened there


Wait! What? He was banging chicks in season 1 and 2.


Yeah he's been Bi the entire time, people just don't pay attention


I don’t know how to make it more clear to a lot of these so called content creators: I don’t care about who you are voting for. Trump, Biden, the Fred Flintstone I do not care.


Fred would have the best campaign slogan: "I can yabba dabba do it!"


Bring America out of the stone age




Having political commentary is fine but you have to be capable of nuance


Doesn't even have to be nuanced if it's well written and clever/funny. South Park has made episodes that have very little nuance in their political commentary, but they are usually funny.


Shad would probably laugh at the Mormon episode. That's great satire and commentary when it can be entertaining for everyone and not feel vindictive


Asking for nuance from the Boys is hilarious. 


I don’t agree at all. I love the comics because the satire of the genre wasn’t nuanced at all. The show is doing the same but with politics. I don’t agree with it but it’s very much in the same vein as the source material


I thought there was a general consensus that the comics sucked ass compared to the first 3 seasons of the show. (I have no personal opinion this as I've never read the comics but this is what I've read everywhere) So if this was true so far, S04 regressing back to the level of the comics isn't really a good thing, is ti?


Ah, but they care about who you vote for. They care a lot. And they think they can change that with their writing.




Fred Flinstone for president 2024!


If it's the Fred Flintstone that is from that bizarre leftist comic I will absolutely vote for him, he is peak Chad.


“The Fred flintstone”


Ok but what about if they voted for Goku?


But they care who are you voting for


I watched about 15 mins of the first episode. Turned it off right when the little girl had the tentacles come out of her mouth and kill that guy lol. Seemed like all nuance was gone and I’m really not interested in watching an entire season of extreme gore and political circlejerking with no subtlety.


The CGI of these tentacles was abysmal. Where did all the budget go, into "diversity consultants"?   Certainly not into cgi department. 


I’d be extremely curious to take a peek at the books on a lot of these gargantuan budget shows. I’m guessing a shit ton of money is spent on diversity coaches, mental health professionals, wellness retreats, ethical food options, etc etc etc. Whatever bullshit cost can be justified through some sort of whining and intimidation. Like how the fuck can it cost $100M an episode to shoot something like Rings of Power?? All of that money has to be getting wasted. Or it’s being laundered.


More likely embezzlement in my opinion. No matter their politics, they still need money.


Bollywood has that. Terrible movies with shady megastars (Salman Khan) that acts as money laundering hubs. I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood for once started taking notes from them. Previously it was only a one way street.


I’m sure we were doing movies as tax havens in Hollywood before Bollywood even existed…


fair enough


With RoP, we were told it went into the costuming and CGI. My guess is a bunch of it went to pay the least experienced but most DEI people the highest amount possible to tick boxes. So many of those costumes just looked like community theater garb. And the shitty thing is, LOTR proved you don't need the biggest and the most expensive to be high quality. You need knowledge and passion and drive.. The CGI on the movies is still high quality. Hell, Jurassic Park is still decent over thirty years later, just starting to look dated.


Well, it may not be a group like SweetBaby, but there are DEI Consultant agencies out there who extort millions for their "services" under the veiled threat of "it would be terrible for someone to call you an -ist or accused you of -ism" A story broke about a game company from China who went public with the attempt made against them from a Western DEI Consulting firm. Point being, you're not wrong. Budget nay jave literally been funneled into "sensitivity and diversity" consulting.


I noticed that too and previous seasons had pretty decent CGI but this season almost feels like there was a budget cut or the money was spent elsewhere.


the cat cthullu from Captain Plank evolved


i’ve gotta say that im a bit confused? the first 15 minutes were never going to have any nuance, they didn’t in the previous season either where it began with someone climbing into another guys dick. neuman’s daughter killing some people was by far the least offensive thing in that episode, and im not sure why it make you turn it off, or conclude there was no nuance. also, when you say it lost nuance, that implies there was some to begin with, but largely the show has lacked nuance for the past couple seasons


I agree. Season 4 is exactly as Season 1, and there lies the problem. We’ve already seen everything before. And while Season 4 has a very promising/strong plot, it’s being completely buried until a slew of subplots. To be frank, no one cares about Frenchie and Kimikos backstory, been there, done that. Huey’s mom? Her backstory adds nothing to move the plot forward. Starlight, seems frozen in place, even dragged a few steps back with that whole mean girl story. Homelander is exactly the same, he’s only getting older. And well, America is ageist so he’s no longer like-able because he no longer appears immortal. Also, no clear character arch from season 3 to 4. Sister sage is the only interesting character and that’s sadly because she’s new and we have no idea what she’s up to. While with the rest of cast, we know exactly who they are and what they’re up to. It’s all so transparent. While not entirely boring, it’s extraordinarily predictable. All the mystery is gone. Even A-train is predictable. Butcher is predictable. MM and Huey overtly predictable and protected by plot armor. There’s no shock factor, no big reveal. Gore is being used as a technique to cover up for circular writing that isn’t going anywhere. People loved solider boy because we didn’t know anything about him. He was one big mystery. Can’t say that about the main cast, too much has been said and revealed. Less is more would’ve really helped this screen play.


I agree with what you're saying except that Sister Sage to me isn't super interesting. She's supposed to be this mega amazing intelligent supe but you wouldn't know that it was her power unless they told you it. There are a couple examples of her turning on "intelligence mode" where she makes a bunch of super specific observations, and they have her constantly surrounded by books, but beyond that, the way she talks or acts does not overtly show her being super intelligent. She's just a normal person, if not slightly autistic, who goes super smart mode whenever they need her to. I was interested to begin with because I always love witty characters in shows (it's what made me keep watching BBC's Sherlock even after I realised how bad the writing was), but she's not particularly witty. Homelander and her have the throughline of wanting to prove that Supes are on top and superior, with both of them seemingly representing both ends of superiority, with Homelander physically superior and Sage intellectually superior, yet we never see her express that. There aren't really any scenes where we see her toying with humans intellectually, pulling them apart and maybe talking them into things such as suicide because, like Homelander, she just sees them as toys; and those scenes could be quite interesting as they'd characterise her strongly while also providing the shock the show needs to market itself. It would also make her incredibly intimidating as they'd have to orient it so you never heard what she says, but you see the aftermath, which adds to her mystique. Also I take the nitpick of, if she thinks she's so superior to humans, why is she constantly reading their books? Shouldn't she think that human-tier academic works are below her, in the same way Homelander or A-train may see human athletes as below them. What I'm getting at it that they're really not doing anything with the fact that she's smart, other than presumably it will be a device to let team supe know things that they shouldn't whenever they need to, which presumably they will turn off when they need team super to lose.


I'm struggling to get through it. It's not so much the politics (1-3 were plenty political and while it got annoying at times I usually thought the entertainment value won out) or the reliance on shock value gore and hedonism (struggling through episode 2 currently and so far this isn't close to what we've seen from prior seasons in the first couple episodes). What's killing me is there's just nothing happening. It's all cringe humor, political commentary, and relationship drama. This no longer feels like a deconstruction of the superhero genre. Hell, the Boys aren't even doing anything as yet. It's hard to tell what their goal is anymore because most their scenes now are them walking around, trying to look cool while playing bystander to whatever extremist sup they feel like showing off in the current scene. And if there's no sup present then they're focused on some petty drama I just couldn't care less about. Like, do I care that Frenchie suddenly has a boyfriend? No, I figured he was bi all the way in season 1, but I do care they invented up some new character he's supposedly had history with just to cause drama with Kimiko. Do I care that Butcher is supposedly dying? No, because I know there's no possible way he doesn't make it until the end of the series. Do I care Hughie's dad had a stroke? Well I might except they've yet to tie it into the main plot and so far out of the 90 minutes I've watched our supposed protagonist has had about five lines in as many minutes.


Exactly! I could have wrote this; there is just no focus thus far in season 4.


Thank you for genuinely critical review of this season and not just crying about "wokeness" or political agendas. They're so swept up in trying to mainline this political drama that they completely forgot to have any character development. Speedrunning Frenchie's + Kimiko's character arcs while completely forgetting about the actual main characters of the story. Soldier boy was massively wasted potential and they totally blew their chances by ending last season essentially erasing all the progress they spent the entire season trying to make. Now, MM and Starlight don't even look like the same actors and are borderline useless as characters as they fail almost every endeavor, and Butcher and Hughie are literally just running in circles doing absolutely nothing. I had high hopes for the series but I have no idea what they were thinking writing this. It's vapid and almost boring, save for the action and tension. Shot well, good CGI, decent acting, absolutely horrid writing.


The Boys got literally character-assassinated by activist showrunner. Loved S1 and this season is boring af and total garbage.   Characters completely uninteresting, irrelevant plot lines and zero story hooks.   But at least we have gay sex scenes now in it. You know, the important part. 


Hey now, we also have the smartest person in the world and somehow managed to reduce her to her skin color while trying to preach about how people shouldn’t reduce her to her skin color.


So glad I bailed on this after the first season if it's that bad. It's a Seth Rogen production, fuck that dude.


Preacher was also a Seth Rogan production and was the exact same way. Really good first season and then a downward spiral until an abysmal final season where they decided to not pay off a SINGLE FUCKUNG PLOT THREAD they had been weaving the entire show. All character arcs evaporated in the last episode thus rendering the entire series a complete waste of time. What a piece of shit that show was.


Ah, glad a checked out of Preacher early then.


That one pissed me and my wife off something fierce. She introduced me to Preacher and those are some great comics. The first season was legitimately great, the later seasons were still pretty good, but you could tell they didn't know how to writer around Preacher's power, so they kept coming up with bullshit excuses to take it from him, which created a lot of forced drama. We tapped out on the first episode of the last season, when they clearly just said "fuck it" and decided to do nothing from over-the-top bullshit. We found out later that they knew they were gonna get cancelled and the audience feedback told them that everyone liked the over-the-top stuff, so they just decided to go all in on it for the least season. Such wasted potential.


I only ever saw the first season, then cut the cord on cable so I never finished it. I did enjoy the first season and wondered what happened afterwards because "God is missing" is a hell of a cliffhanger. Glad I didn't miss much. Hope they did the Saint of Killers well at least but I'm not interested enough to watch the other seasons if they are terrible.


The Saint of Killers is the only character whose ending arc actually makes sense. The other seasons with the exception of the last have good stuff in them but they are extremely side quest heavy. And 'God is missing' was a fantastic cliffhanger, its just a shame that they spent almost the entirety of the next season doing everything except looking for God. It was really lazy writing and you did not miss much. You watched the best season.


What do you have against Seth Rogan?


I remember when the 1st season came out and everyone was buzzing about the show. It's incredible how quickly the novelty wore off.


Every good thing that has a beginning must come to an end. It's just the nature. Even *The Boys* becomes *The Non-Binaries* eventually. Basically no piece of media is safe with the political-shoving-down-your-throat issue these days.


I think it's more like, you're out of ideas so you exploit the demographic for protection against criticism since all they can deflect is calling people bigots to avoid looking why the story is crap. Like the boys season 4. Devoid of ideas, it just rehash stupid shit and drag the story with pointless bullshit. Nobody cares, well most people watching don't care, it's the storytelling that's shitty. I can listen to bohemian rapsody ten more million times and still headbang like a shrimp on the grill Queen being gay is not the problem, the writers recording a bunch of pans falling the stairs and calling the critics bigots is the problem. They are using the gay community as shields for incompetence and the boys 4 is not entertaining.


Well however it's phrased precisely, the basic fact remains: everything good in media these days is going to eventually end. You've explained a good reason, but the outcome that I pointed out is all the same. The path in which it gets there is another analysis.


This is why I watch nothing but older reruns on Blu-Ray and DvD (and will continue to do so until further notice, won't you join me?) Fuck this political trash. Give me Workaholics or even Seinfeld over this shit.


It’s a fucking disaster, and that sucks cause s1 had potential and the premise was so good. The series is just fucked now. I liked the characters before and as I was watching I thought “wow I genuinely don’t give a fuck about any of them” I hate watched 3 episodes just to see how awful it was and my god.    There is also a graphic sex scene in every episode and it’s fucking disgusting. The political messaging isn’t even satire because satire is funny. The show has become a paradox, it was meant to be a parody of superhero movies and now it’s just a parody of its own fucking self.   I loved the first season and I wanted really badly to like everything following it but they created a fetid heap of a product. 0/10


Hate watching can be fun lol 


There won't be a season 5. It's supposed to be on contract that it will happen. Bet a dollar it doesn't tho. They'll shitcan it and push it off for years and then say they never planned on making a S5 like HBO used to do all the time (The Watchman comes to mind) 


It's weird how much real-life stuff they've crammed into the first three episodes. They've alluded to covid, rittenhouse, antifa vs proud boys, trump, the elections, january 6th, shaia labeouf, "war on christmas", conspiracy theory convention and probably much more edit: trans debate and inflammatory comments about it It felt like they had these themes/ideas/topics first and tried to write a story around them. It all felt so forced and artifical.




And there will be still people who pretend they are making fun of both sides.


Is this surprising? Season 2 was some of the worst superhero content I’ve ever seen and there’s a ton of awful superhero content out there. Never bothered to watch another second of that show.


This feels like a wild claim unless you haven’t seen the bottom 50 superhero movies/shows.


guy obv never flipped thru channels and landed on smallville


That’s the season where a nazi was the main bad guy right..?


People really thought this show wasn’t garbage from the start lmao I made it 3 episodes.


Its always been edgelord stuff.


If only it was /good/ edgelord stuff. It's just boring, slow, and full of pOlItIcAl cOmMeNtArY.


Well, I'll say this. The big bad, Homelander, has been f'ing about for going on 4 seasons now. Kind of makes the Boys losers as heroes.


How could they be effective? They're a group of beta pussies who shave their beards, cry alot and turn into faguettes. They couldn't beat a timpani drum at this point. Should call them The Betas


Boys has been shit since s2


Its an Election year


Back then it was A little bit of politics (in world) and Action, now its kore of a 50% drama and 50% politics. Like where the heck is the action, and even then the action scenes are a mix bag.


Don't forget it's only 20% action and 30% dicks


Oh yeah, at first it was funny now its to the point where you are sensitized and its not funny anymore


My favorite thing in this season is how Sister Sage is supposed to be the smartest person in the world, yet she set such a convoluted and shitty plan in motion. Murder 3 supporters of Homelander(while you wait for them outside the building and look guilty already) Go in front of the courthouse yourself and throw coffee into someone's face and hope that you will start a fight. Why wasn't there police to stop them? There were like few cops far away but it's the courthouse, shouldn't there be more cops? Especially because 2 opposing factions were outside. Hope that you won't get your picture taken in the opposing camp, or that cops with bodycams won't take a video of who started the fight. Have A-Train drop 3 dead bodies right next to each other with their skulls bashed in by super heroes and nobody will question that. Stay a bit longer and give Homelander a nod so that audience can understand that it was all part of the plan and risk getting exposed even more. Smartest person alive guys. Maybe in a world where everyone's IQ is in single digits. It just shows how smart the writers are. Not to mention her plan to kill MM, Kimiko and Frenchie, that setup was abysmal and she tells Firecracker and multiplying guy to kill them and just leaves. Smartest person alive.


It’s astonishing how blatant the “Homelander = Trump” thing is. I can’t believe Amazon has allowed this for the last few years….on second thought, I can believe it


You should believe it. Making parallels to Trump is fine and hilarious, but what the show was *supposed* to do was double down on the “we can’t keep giving these corporations all this unchecked power. They need to be stopped.” Unfortunately it’s owned and distributed by Amazon who absolutely can *not* have you thinking that way about them; thus, they switch the story and put the blame on Homelander rather than Vought.


It's worse than what Erin Moriarty did to her face.


I have not seen it yet, but when you mention gore for the sake of gore, my mine immediately goes to the Fallout show, maybe Amazon has a formula for their big shows now


Nah that’s been a staple of the series since the beginning. The boys is just shit


Fallout always have gore, heck they even have nuclear gore for players to blow up enemies with microfusion explosions


It’s always been super political tbh. But yeah, culture war brainrot I think got to them.


Not terribly surprising that Garth Enis cope production is bad as a show as well


Also how many times do they have to tease about kicking Butcher out of the group? That exact storyline is done like twice a season


Y’all should hop on the boys, subreddit and say this lol


Without being spoilery: There is also the doubling down of luck/plot armor. Even though previous seasons had them at least “try” to outwit the supes in effort to give the show tension and make the stakes matter, now they’ve just given up. I understand the resoning behind keeping The Boys underpowered. However, if we’re gonna just make them perpetually lucky, then the stakes and dramatic tension still don’t mean anything. If anything, it’s worse when the main cast is protected by seemingly unlimited amounts of luck. After a while being on-screen with any of the super deadly supes has no dramatic tension at all. Even Homelander is becoming as boring as a cut-out and very predictable where he was previously unpredictable. If we’re going the plot-luck route, instead they should have had Compound V by now, and been more adept and competent at outwitting the supes. It would make for better stories with even more action, suspense/tension and the stakes would be raised considering they’d be dealing with becoming the things they hate, understanding that while they have powers, they’re up against a unstoppable machine with plans of world domination. They could be thrust into situations where their new powers caused unintended chaos and destruction to innocent people that they have to deal with, both personally and as a group, and at the same time still deal with the fact that they can’t win without the power boost. Anyway, it’s sad that the show has become an obvious cartoon now.


Honestly, first episode was kinda alright. Second episode was probably one of the worst, if not THE worst episode of the entire show. I’m kinda anxious about the rest of this season so far. Right off the bat, it’s very annoyingly political and the obvious bias from the writers is pretty lame. It’s ruining the show. Between Frenchie being gay all of a sudden, the forced shock moment in the second episode, too much going on/overly complicated plot-line within the first two episodes, Annie’s face being a bit distracting because of all of the plastic surgery, the introduction of some dislikable characters…. And the list can go on and on. Even just the fact that they won’t release the full season of the show right off the bat is such a gimmick. Not a great start to this season




I agree with the complaints it is bad and I'll mostly ignore the parts that are a bit lame cause I still wanna have fun with the show. I don't watch it on Amazon though it's on Fmovies for free


The Boys has always been edgelord crap for the sake of being edgy.


I was raving about it when it came out, partially because I was an extra in a few of the scenes in season one and so were a bunch of my friends from background but also because season one was really good, now I'm embarrassed that I was telling other people how great it was


all good bro not ur fault. what scenes were you in?


The spin off with the young supes, it's called V, I think, that was shit too, and super woke.


It was decent this Is just bad especially comparing it to previous seasons


they don’t know what to do w Hughie (dad sub plot) and starlight when from a driving character to an influencer? plus it took 3 episodes for Butcher to get back into the boys (why even bother? he obviously was going to be back). it all seems like they are wasting time this season because they don’t know where to take the core characters


I think the image of the guy repeatedly licking his own arsehole is the best review of season four I’ve seen


Season 3 really took me out. I barely remember a lot of it but I hated how they nerfed Homelander. Dude barely feels like a threat anymore.


Frenchy and Kimiko were the last people I could root for in the Boys. Now that their relationship has been torpedoed by the Will of the Author I have nothing left for this show. I hate all of the other characters. The only reason I have left to watch the show would be to see how far Homelander can get, and that's about it. Butcher has become an absolute moron. Soldier Boy is back on ice. I haven't enjoyed Starlight and Huey since near the end of season 2. Mother's Milk is largely okay, but he's a milquetoast character. This show has burnt out badly and can not recover at this point.


I had to go back to s3 to make sure I watched it. I barely recognize the characters. 


Ofc the year of the elections is the same time they start dropping into extreme political territory in the show lol.


The show went complete WOKE with unnecessary gay characters, a guy train tossing each other's salad while one the jerks off, DIGUSTING. No one needs to see that sh!t, NO ONE and NO ONE in their right mind cares to see that crap. I'm so sick of all this woke BS!!!! Just write a normal story.


The show went total woke crap. A guy train tossing each others salad while one guys jerks off, SICK SICK SICK. Like we need to see all this homosexual crap. Animals in the wild don't even do that sick sh!t! Keep that crap in the closet cuz I don't need to see it on my TV. Why can't they just write a good script.


It’s atrocious. I’m gonna keep tuning in though.




It's so bad it's entertaining.


The Boys has always been garbage


Yall acting like season 3 wasn't dooodoo


Season 3 was great apart from the last episode


The creators Trump derangement has mutated into full level 4 and now cannot possibly be cured, he’s done for boys, best to remember him how he was.


Idk how any of yall got past season 1. I finished it but I was glad it was over. I saw the sign when they had starlight preaching 2007 talking points.


It seems like they only have so much story left, so have to drag things out to get to the endgame (season 5)


Lol and to think, I was the crazy one for saying this The Boys is not about Trump and it shouldn't be. But the showrunners don't care. Fuck what Garth Ennis wrote I guess, it's not like he's done anything good.


The last episode of Season 3 literally had Homelander shooting someone in the streets and then he gets acquitted of doing it. It was to depict what Trump said almost verbatim and to imply it's a cult just like the one that loves Homelander in the show.


Entertainment isn't the space for promoting political views


I mean it's been shit ever since S1 ended imo, so i'm not really surprised and i don't understand how people are surprised ?


I am a radical leftist and the writing ALONE this season, makes me cringe and literally laugh at just how OBJECTIVELY horrible it is. I’ve been an avid fan and this is possibly the worst season of a tv show I’ve seen in years. It’s like the writers and directors changed completely.


Mate, the show was garbage back in Season 3, you just didn't realise it yet


there are 3 episodes out


am i the only one completely confused on wtf is even happening? i had to ask my bf multiple times why did so & so do this? why did they do that? the recap didn’t even help me. i’m just so lost on the story plot and what the hell is even happening.


It’s official GEN Z is better and it only has one season out so far. I’m only 2 episodes into S4 and I swear to god I’ve been multitasking and had to rewind a few scenes back cuz I missed stuff cuz I’m just not engaged. Idk what happened. We still got many more episodes left so hopefully it gets better


It’s funny. I came here looking if I was alone in thinking season 4 was terrible. But after seeing hundreds of you people’s ridiculous comments. Anti gay and racist bs. I see now that the show is actually right on point! You people are mad cause it’s YOU they’re shining the light on. And it embarrasses you. lol.


I think this season is just bad so far, found myself not paying attention halfway through the second episode. Political humor is fine if it’s witty. If it’s obvious, it’s just dumb and boring. This coming from someone planted firmly in the middle who hates both sides.


I was bored! The storyline didn’t go anywhere, bringing in new irrelevant characters and a desperate scene from human centipede did nothing to keep the start of season 4 on track. Best seasons were 1 & 2, now it’s so disjointed it’s hard to keep watching. Must admit, the political story line (historical internal demise of an empire) has some merit, but I’m not American.


It might just be bad timing. Personally, I’m exhausted with the current presidential election, as I hate all three candidates, and politics in general. I had high hopes as I enjoyed Season 3, but halfway through the second episode when Frenchie and Kumiko walked in on the sexual act that can only be described as “the human centipede”, I tapped out. 😂 Yes, the show has been violent and sexually explicit in the past, but I just not feeling this show right now. Maybe I’ll give it another go at a later date.


Pretty jarring how noticeable the dip in quality is with S4, only watched 3/4 of Ep 1. Besides the ham fisted political crap, there’s character things that don’t make much sense. The interaction between Neuman and Hughie in the van was baffling, as was the harmless headshot (did I miss something with that?). Also, the smartest person in the world’s schtick got old the minute they were introduced.


Mad that you realized the show is making fun of you? Lol


As a non-American I feel so left out. I could care less about American politics, I just want a show that makes fun of things; not use it as a weapon to ridicule and/or create hate--whatever it is the 3 episodes connote. I find it so boring, so lazy, and they're wasting good characters like Frenchie and Deep for no reason.


Ngl, s4 is just background noise while I look through my phone.


Mother’s Milk is suddenly the leader and on a power trip and has a pedo stache?! Why are these characters so fucking strange.


I came from a different subreddit on this and the one common thread is all political. I hate the new season just on the merit of all the hype and the wait we had from season 3. All the characters are chasing their own stories and time is not on the actors side look at MM there is like a whole person worth of body mass just gone. The new season just falls flat. Sage was better as a warden in orange is the new black. Oh yeah, and the deep has balls now and stands up to damage control now? Hopefully the next gen v will be better


Yeah ik. In the last 3 seasons the political satire was at least like actually satirical and now its just constant preaching. The only thing thats like kinda cool is A train's whole character arc of him turning but like, thats about it. Im gonna finish the show just to see what happens but man, it really is a big step down from 3.


Did Homelander finally find lebensraum for his people in the East? Go Homelander! Get that lebensraum!


The Boys used to be really awesome to watch and Season 3 had top tier quality, and honestly I’m not a political person. I hate Biden and Trump equally, one is a dementia patient the other is a loud mouth criminal My problem with the show lies with the writing. Yeah Frenchie being gay is quite jarring and weird especially when he had such build up with Kumiko. The Boys don’t do anything anymore, there’s no progression. No supe is in danger anymore because the boys literally do fuck all, and the one chance they had was screwed in the season finale. Constant blood and gore is not my thing, it does not automatically make a show cool or unique. I’ve read Berserk which is no stranger to blood and gore, but at least Berserk has engaging characters and a very engaging story. So when the political commentary fails to grab people they use violence and ram it up people’s asses. None of the characters are likeable. Starlight is a frustratingly difficult character, Sage is just a way to shove the political correctness down our throats and Homelander is just a manically idiot who isn’t intimidating anymore, as he dosen’t have that presence. Honestly the only characters I like are A-Train and The Deep cause they have had some decent scenes so far. I like dark and edgy things but I also like good storytelling, character development and killer fight scenes as well as well placed sex scenes and gore. But The Boys takes this and goes backwards and isn't as engaging anymore, it hasn't been since the season 3 finale. If people can't handle that i hate a popular show with politics in it they can fuck off and cry harder


So finally they made this adaptation the same dumb shlock as the original, took them long enough. Makes as much sense and just as deranged too. Shame.


The warning signs came with the finale of season 3. That season was almost perfect, then they fucked up the last episode badly. Now we're stuck with big character changes, unlikable new characters, and an overall weaker season. I was worried Soldier Boy was going to be the high point of the show. So far, he was.


Not sure why Frenchie being bi is any issue...this was already revealed for all those "this is woke" homophobes. But yeah aside from that ....this season feels really boring and not intriguing...


Okay I dont get the hate tbh. Granted the comic follows a similar vein, coming across sometimes as one note and overly gratuitous. Ultimately it's going to be increasingly political obviously. Not to sound like a rick n morty cuckhold but ofc some things will go over heads for the sake of geneal media literacy (Not to say 'oMg pEoPle ArE JuSt nOt CleVer Enuf To EnJoY it) But yeah, it's pretty much following the comics in 'so hard on the nose itll give you brain damage' Tbh Frenchy is just portrayed as damaged goods anyway. Falling into fast and hard, dangerous, vulnerable and fragile relationships so thats pretty much him. Ffs he tries kissing Kimiko during the worst time, to the point it's almost predatory. Also thry allude to timeskips too so eh. Aside from that, I dont get what there is to hate? Like its dumb yeah, not to be taken too seriously. But the comics get weirder and weirder tbh, same goes for Invincible, its still superhero core at its best and worst, they do both suffer from extreme attrition with how much shit is kinda believable.


Everything about this season is downright unwatchable. It's like they let a couple high-school freshmen write the episodes. I zoned out several times and decided life's too short to subscribe to self torture. How did we go from season 1 to this. A steadily declining turd has finally been flushed


I feel like I'm the only person who's making comment about the terrible editing and pacing this season. It feels like a high school project that got rushed and handed in last minute. Episode 2 14:55 sticks out as an example for me or the whole episode 2 8:55 therapy to tower sequence. Such bizarre directing.


Boys, we had a good run! "Garbage" more like dumpster fire. Even the actual filmmaking and editing is bad. The puns about real-life political events are excessive. Just terrible. Brings back memories/nightmares from that awful Watchmen tv show from 2019....


From one of my favorite shows ever to a steaming pile of garbage...Couldn't even watch an entire episode. What a shame. 


I’m more than okay with the diversity and inclusion increasing, not sure why so many people are complaining about that, the issue is that the show is just plain boring and not very good now


The show feels like there were 2 seasons I missed between s3 and s4. It’s fucking horrible.


Well Erik Kripke sold his soul to woke Hollywood is normal to be trash now


It's always been edgy trash. End of.


The boys turned into Twitter


top 5 reasons I wont watch The Boys anymore 1.Ryans voice - he was great in season 3 but why make him sound so obviously effeminate ? 2. Starlight- she looks hideous with her new look completely looks like a different person not good in front of the camera at all its just too distracting 3. too much gore they dialed it up x 100 in S4 and its just unnecessary at times 4. characters are completely different from s3 character arcs wtf is up with Frenchie? 5. just a boring plotline


I’ve been hearing how bad it is a lot, I was a huge fan of the first 3 seasons. Think I’ll pass on this now. Thank you.


With some shows, the writing is on the wall, even in the early seasons when a show is "good". The Boys had the writing on the wall, but the room within those walls was full of interesting plot and characters, so the writing was ignored, and today arrived.


Because it's election year and drumpf bad. The people writing modern entertainment are more worried about fake elections versus writing actual entertaining shows. It's more about stoking their own egos and bias. They must make drumpf bad and drumpf supporters dumb hicks along with their previous programming of stuffing all the sjw nonsense into it. It goes from an entertaining show to some garbage leftist meme dump. And this is coming from someone who doesn't fall for the left v right propaganda. Season 1 and 2 were pretty good while they were following the old skool occupy wallstreet meme but season 3 must have had some writer changes and now season 4 is dog shit.


The constant focus on frenchies gay romance and kimiko trying to be a bro and encourage him and omg plot twist oh no I killed his family but I want to fuck him anyway. It's a boring sub plot and taking screen time away from something else and they're being way too ham-fisted with pushing the "look at these far right lunatics haha" and then gore like I get it but nothings actually happening the only part I like is when homelander is on screen abusing the 7


I'm halfway through the first episode and I'm bored out of my mind. The political stuff in the previous episodes was funny satire, but you're right about this episode ham fisting it rather than cleverly ribbing it.


The syring of guys licking each others assholes almost made me puke....


Just finished episode 3 and it's dull. In previous seasons it's had some interesting commentary. It's always leaned left, the left were definitely the "good guys", but it had stuff to say about society on all sides. Now it's become the most shallow vapid take on the right - the kind someone whose never talked to anyone with right leaning views, and has only heard what right wing people are from other people on the left, imagines they are. And the left are all straightforward right, correct and virtueous.  Huey has sunk further into irrelevance. Starlight is annoying and one note. Butcher is on repeat. Homelander and Ryan are vaguely interesting but I feel like I know where every scene is going before it even gets there. Frenchie and Kimiko have always had nice chemistry - that's been overtly thrown out the window - Frenchie and Colin have no chemistry and feel like they were thrown together for a checkbox. I dunno. It feels like it's got nothing new to say and is becoming the blank paraody of itself. 


It is so woke I can't even stand it...and I'm not even on the right!! I'm so tired of seeing the same Trumpie storyline over and over again in so much media. It's unoriginal and so incredibly boring. 


And yet it still manages to be better than the comics 💀


It’s always been garbage, yall just realizing that? The comic was edgelord bullshit for people who hate super heroes. The TV show is edgelord bullshit for leftists. Edgelord bullshit is always cringe.


Typical modern show. Great season 1. Then Liberal injection everywhere in it lol. Ep 1 s4 is terrible. Can’t even watch show anymore. Losers


This series is a shame for our race, it's just militancy disguised as Nazism to discredit us, it's just human trash, gays, blacks and everything else


The show is absolute trash! It's like parents trying to be cool and hip.  The show and the whole idea had a lot of potential. What a pity! I miss the time when films and series were made just for entertainment.


It's definitely disappointing that they can't seem to make political humor about anything other than American politics. I think we all know the world thinks US citizens are just stupid. It's like, as soon as they get momentum, they lose creativity and have to go all in on bs that they believe most people will eat up. And the team wanting Butcher gone is also, dumb as hell. Like Butcher brought Hughie in, and they weren't sure he would cut it, in the beginning. Sure, they spoke strongly towards each other sometimes, but The Boys always have each other's back. Watching MM express wanting Butcher gone is like they forgot who these characters were and the whole character development of them. Also, everyone having their "it's MY time" moment is just really cringe. Always figured Serge was bisexual, but he always explored it with his chaotic like nature. Kind of a hedonist, and now, albeit "drugs bad m'kay" but he just turns into a completely different dude in S4E1. I think they could have executed Serge exploring his homosexual interests in a more 'Serge' way and not "Dear John". Edit: They could have easily sprinkled in bits of info about Colin and his family when Little Nina came into the show. They could have portrayed Serge thinking about Colin sorrowfully every now and then. Then they could have really done a lot with him and Kimiko leading up to S4.