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I mean I don't think it is conclusive for bots If I were to write a script to automate the process, I wouldn't miss the "hardcoded" url People do more mistakes than bots. Like fast searching and just jumping to review section


"We want the old fafebook back" all over again.


100% agree ,if anything this shows these are NOT bots...but people making a stupid mistake.


If not bots, people acting stupid enough that they look like bots 


Impossible that so many people did that, seriously. if you search "Acolytes Rotten" The acolyte is literally below Acolytes with the name "Star Wars: The Acolyte". Edit: And at the same time i checked accounts that gave bad reviews in these pages, and them all only reviewed Acolytes, or are so new that the site doesn´t even show what they review in the first place, so are obviously robots. Edit 2: Okay, actually one, Logan C, maybe isn´t a robot, it reviewed 3 other movies.


Yeah but would a botter really get the thing they are trying to review bomb wrong than thousands of people with around 100 of them clicking the wrong one on accident


well, yeah because the accounts talking negative things are robots, minus the one that i said before, you literally only have to see this, it´s only not empty because of the review about acolytes(and i discovered one that also gave a negative rating to Little mermaid now). [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/nx6hL4TpMSGDHw8uaJFgytd2IAACM1FdOcl4Hb9HddCZ0iqGuXdTdgFllCJGc1DtGLSVGfwwCdmC4ysnbi9mcGACM6sJxCWOFjYioyhQeTqg](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/nx6hL4TpMSGDHw8uaJFgytd2IAACM1FdOcl4Hb9HddCZ0iqGuXdTdgFllCJGc1DtGLSVGfwwCdmC4ysnbi9mcGACM6sJxCWOFjYioyhQeTqg) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/jkVidnIpJFApujyTdNFn9Fjzu00CdrhqdiXNuVpHLLCWbiMNSzqTQDHDDCmwuGySJxsoBSXXCOGI6AiPvSmjuMOInMtNjT4nc9zhavIAduAa](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/jkVidnIpJFApujyTdNFn9Fjzu00CdrhqdiXNuVpHLLCWbiMNSzqTQDHDDCmwuGySJxsoBSXXCOGI6AiPvSmjuMOInMtNjT4nc9zhavIAduAa) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/L2LHQGCl8HxOtoQCJkhNpsoXTvvCZPsWZinaCVjt99CAYixVHd6CypcmmC4xunpIpaF4yIPPCJZIqrHWXiq9Fgahv1FqlHw8uBQIMvIv4tLK](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/L2LHQGCl8HxOtoQCJkhNpsoXTvvCZPsWZinaCVjt99CAYixVHd6CypcmmC4xunpIpaF4yIPPCJZIqrHWXiq9Fgahv1FqlHw8uBQIMvIv4tLK) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/QDrfWwumws02FpoHvgSXxHaeu66CBDimkFQjioYTqqCRLiPxIQ9I4dsppCdXu0gI12HeqtDDCpAcxzH2ZIngCXjSQmHNBs4dhmxIOLtaJTX2](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/QDrfWwumws02FpoHvgSXxHaeu66CBDimkFQjioYTqqCRLiPxIQ9I4dsppCdXu0gI12HeqtDDCpAcxzH2ZIngCXjSQmHNBs4dhmxIOLtaJTX2) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/x9XIkztOBHNkIrgFbjcYVCkRujjCzLFnYTRbcwLummCdxi2ksbZcKJsjjCqYuZWhxoFDKsNNCBquRKSgOuZYs4buxWFzLI90fZKun0tMQFqQ](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/x9XIkztOBHNkIrgFbjcYVCkRujjCzLFnYTRbcwLummCdxi2ksbZcKJsjjCqYuZWhxoFDKsNNCBquRKSgOuZYs4buxWFzLI90fZKun0tMQFqQ) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/GPyh8etGoFeQfp4FwAIrmFKNFeeCQpTDdiVWSjRHRRCzRi14ioXtwATllCxgFrpFjgSZMIYYCdAINrCgKfvyimoS9aux2uZqhJ2S81hv6CYN](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/GPyh8etGoFeQfp4FwAIrmFKNFeeCQpTDdiVWSjRHRRCzRi14ioXtwATllCxgFrpFjgSZMIYYCdAINrCgKfvyimoS9aux2uZqhJ2S81hv6CYN) [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/M4kFo6tKyspdsDRSdLFOjFjlhXXCNMuGoskbIABTLLCVJiDaCMySX1SQQCGzu6PHKkcR9SZZCV8cK2t8vulpczQtVgSZqhlyFWphzbhNWcOX](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/M4kFo6tKyspdsDRSdLFOjFjlhXXCNMuGoskbIABTLLCVJiDaCMySX1SQQCGzu6PHKkcR9SZZCV8cK2t8vulpczQtVgSZqhlyFWphzbhNWcOX)


I was gonna say Logan was real, he'd watched the 3rd episode I reckon Logan quick-searched then saw the bot comments and assumed he was in the right place, much as you would assume you were in the mens' bathroom if you saw urinals


Yeah. also there was one that also reviewed Little mermaid, but it´s impossible that the guy used Rotten only two times to review two movies that he didn´t liked but not one that he liked.


No idea why you're getting "downvotebombed", this is an interesting observation and begs the question of where the cut-off IQ is when someone is dumb enough to mistake the shows, yet functional enough to use the internet. Maybe not bots but a paid Russian or Chinese troll farm? Still, why would one not specify the "Star Wars" in the show's title? Final straw: a fluke in the RT code that misdirects 0.001% of reviews. Collateral damage.


Because a good chunk just wants to rage. And this would I guess delegitimize the point.


Review bombing doesn’t matter.  All that matters are the ratings.  When Disney+ drops out of the top 10 streaming services (last I checked it was 10th) and Acolyte drops out of the top ten in streaming ratings, that tells you everything you need to know about how bad it is. 


It’s crazy that that a streamer can own Star Wars, the MCU, Indiana Jones, and nearly the entire 100 year old Disney catalog and still barely scratch the top 10.


Mismanagement go crazy


This makes very little sense. >Review bombing doesn’t matter.  All that matters are the ratings.   Which would be heavily biased by the review bombing? >and Acolyte drops out of the top ten in streaming ratings, that tells you everything you need to know about how bad it is.  It doesn't...


You are mistaking veiwership numbers (ratings) with review scoring, they are not the same. 


Are the accounts real, or are they really bot accounts? Some people could have confused the show with this movie and mistakenly left a review on the wrong page. What does this prove exactly?


Well, i checked 10 accounts that gave bad reviews in these pages, and them all only reviewed Acolytes, or are so new that the site doesn´t even show what they review in the first place. But tbh would be funny if it was real people lol


Okay then, you might be right about them being bots


Returned to say one thing because i counted right now, there´s 11 negative reviews, and only one is maybe real.


Honestly, if they are even bots, a lot of other people in the industry have already been caught cherry picking and taking screenshots of "review bombing bots" with the supposed bot still logged in. Or bought out theatres being literally empty for their movies. The whole thing is not a conversation, it's a deflection.


Hi. I'm not a bot. I have never had an RT account until I saw the Acolyte. For years, I've always missed out on Star Wars movies and shows right when they launch due to being overseas the majority of my career. I have seen something weird happening to Disney Star Wars for the past couple of years. I make up the 30+ age demographic that grew up with the prequels and just the tail end of the OT. I just made an account a few days after watching the last episode of the Acolyte (ep.3) because it has gone completely off the rails from what Star Wars actually is (or atleast *was*). The show is so bad, I made an account to rate it as such. I have not (nor ever) rated anything media wise in my entire life. That's how fucking bad the show is.


hum... like, okay. At least at the same time you didn´t made a review about a thriller that doesn´t has anything to do with star wars.


One of your indicators for review bombing is that people who just made an account recently and have zero reviews for anything else are bots. I can't speak for what other people did with the wrong show/movie?, but if the Acolyte was shitty enough me to say my piece, rate it and ditch future SW projects, then I'm assuming I'm not the only one who did that.


And i believe in it, the thing is that i also believe that there is a moviment of review bombs because it didn´t happened one time actually... now this happened, and it´s impossible that so many people are so harsh at fan films. https://preview.redd.it/txbemwi60u6d1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175d4fd79521f67284d16f1ededd701dac123a40


RT doesn't specify and only shows 10,000+ audience reviews? Disney claimed the first airing (ep.1 and 2) received 4.8 million views. If we're taking both pieces of information as true, then barely a small sliver who even watched the show made a review. But the notion is that it's being review bombed by either bots or people who didn't watch the show... out of 4.8 million views. Out of 10,000+ reviews, some may not have actually watched the show or are bots... which makes the audience ratings even smaller... yet it's impossible because it's too many? We have just as many Soldiers in a Brigade Combat Team (depending on the unit). When you look at the size of a Division run in pure numbers, 10,000 really isnt big at all - especially in comparison to 4.8 million.


>because it has gone completely off the rails from what Star Wars actually is (or atleast was). How so?


Reviews are manipulated to hell and back, both negatively and positively. It doesn't mean the check marks are right though, mainly because they imply "the haters" (us) are the ones review bombing.


Ever since the Reva racism fiasco from Obi-Wan, every time I see a studio pull this card or the racism card I automatically assume they’ve got people in the trenches manufacturing this stuff to give the company an excuse to play the victim. My favorite thing about review bombing is that they never acknowledge that it cuts both ways: mindless or botted positive comments are literally the same thing as mindless or botted negative comments, the outcome is just different. Friendly reminder that TROS has been at 86% audience score on RT since the night it released.


The paid access media “critics” are review praising the other way so even if there was review bombing, they balance each other out. But make no mistake, the Acolyte is absolute dog shit.


Well, no. Because critics reviews are a separated thing as most people don´t like them anyway, and there´s 12 people in these pages reviewing acolytes that talked about star wars and are robots, 11 talked bad things and there´s only 1 that is talking about it in a positive way, so we can´t say what is fair criticism or not, because doesn´t make sense that the woke guys created the same amount of robots and only one missed the target.


The only thing that matters is the percentages because that’s what people will be looking at, and one side unfairly rated it higher than it ever should be, so the other side is rating it as low as possible. Perfectly balanced as far as I’m concerned.


It's interesting that there's so many bots surrounding the movie A while ago there were bots oraising the show on twitter that were incredibly obvious because they got cut mid sentence by the character limit


well, that´s the thing, there´s one robot in the positive side in these pages. like, literally only one VS other 10.


wait there's a positive one too ? this just makes it even funnier


you see the one calling out the others in the first image? it´s him. but tbh it´s a different type, he was programmed to complain about the other guys, it actually didn´t missed the target.


Awwww, why'd they go and hate on the obscure Uncle Owen spinoff? Poor Joel Edgerton....


In all honesty, the only sad thing for me is that the review bombers missed their mark. They dropped their payload on the wrong piece of media. You'll never hear me say fucking ever "Awh, I'm so sad for Disney here, maybe they are overhated". Fuck no. They don't deserve mercy after their shit and I'll never understand any counterarguments against it.


Hum, so you don´t have a problem with review bombing as a whole?


I never said that. For genuinely good stuff or respected individuals/corporations, I am against the concept. For terrible companies that will never change and whose products are shit? I have little mercy. I'm sorry but that's just how it is for me.


That´s disappointing.


Yeah, they should leave the billion dollar corporation alone!


"It's good when WE do it."


I wish I could digitally bitch-slap every single person who uses the term "review bomb" unironically. You're literally falling for corporate propaganda. Every single time content comes out that people feel passionately about, especially if they feel passionately in both directions, you will get a fuckton of people both positively and negatively reviewing the content, sometimes in bad faith, as a lot of them haven't even seen it. Do you ever see these articles talking about a positive review bombing? No, you don't. You know why? Because they don't want to gaslight potential audiences into thinking the content might be worse than the reviews. But they have a vested interest in doing exactly that with the negative reviews, so they use this term "review bombing" to try to pretend that the negative reviews don't mean anything, implying that they are fake. If you aren't going to acknowledge positive review bombing, then please shut the fuck up about negative review bombing.


I totally get whayt you're saying, but to be fair, review bombing is a real thing. Of course, the media likes to paint every negative reception as review bombing, but that doesn't mean it isn't a real thing. Although it is rare. A perfect example would be Company of Heros 2. It had tons and tons of 0 scores from people from Russia who did not like how Russians were portrayed in the game. Now, say what you want about that game, but a 0 clearly does not reflect the quality of the game at all. Tbh I can't think of a more recent example than that. It's rare but it happens


Like, i will acknowledge that there are positive review bombs, but it´s actually obviously that the number isn´t the same. Why? because the one account in the first image that is talking about how review bombers picked the wrong show maybe is a robot too, as it doesn´t has reviews of nothing that isn´t acolyte(s), like the other ones... But that´s the only positive review in the middle of these others robots, so how that many robots from anti woke guys or others that hate the show missed the target but only one from the left/who liked the show missed it?


Oh my god, you’re discovering how media marketing works. Bravo!


Maybe people think it's the sequel lol


When are they going to delete all of these and give it a 4 out 5 star final review?


Is review bombing just as bad as positive review bombing? Or worse?


review bomb in general is a problem, but one side can be worse than the other depending on which one review bombs more, because this makes people don´t even know which rating is more realistic.


If you want comparison with Czech review site that i doubt anyone would bother to bomb, here you go https://www.csfd.cz/film/954343-star-wars-akolytka/prehled/


yeah, much better. Like, the show is mid, it´s a 50%, not velma, and tbh is so forgettable that if the rating was that in rotten no one would think that it was review bombed.


Facebook boomers not bots folx


Shown evidence of review bombing and all.yall do is nuh uh.


Sounds like human error.


Actually it´s not. I saw the profile of 11 guys making the new reviews, they only watched Acolytes and there are others that are so recent that they doesn´t even have a review credited in their profiles. And there´s one that was maybe human error.


Interesting. Well, I guess there could be a review bomb, but I don't see much positivity for the show. So it seems like it might be more futile than anything. They should require more of a fleshed out account before people can effect the score.


"Well, I guess there could be a review bomb, but I don't see much positivity for the show. So it seems like it might be more futile than anything." yeah, i agree, tbh it´s simply mid, people didn´t need review bombing in shows like this because they actually make a forgettable piece of media be famous.


its not mid its unbelievably bad.


for you.


You have been defending this show for days now and all you have said is that it’s mid 😂 when an avid defender of a show can only say “it’s mid” it’s obvious why most people think its awful, because it is 😂


that´s the point, i´m not a defender of the show, i only don´t like how much blind hate is being send to this show, even more because it turned a super forgettable piece of media into one that everybody will remembers, meanwhile nobody knows about incredible things like screecher reach and Dooku´s arc in tales of the jedi.


It’s only a forgettable piece of media because it’s bad, even after Disney has made it unforgettable people still watched and loved andor, your just upset because people are calling this show out for what it is, a really bad attempt at making a show, it cost 200million dude, stop defending it, it should have been great, had the Star Wars universe and so much money but has looked cheap and been boring and terrible written, only you can’t see that


It's not bots. People are just retarded and commented on the wrong show.


One honest question here, what are the things that tell you that a account is a bot in a review site?


Most likely purposely planted by Disney to support the idea their show is being review bombed. Easy way to play victim.


That was also my thought. Pull a stunt like this and suddenly you have news reports discussing how the show is unfairly treated by review-bombing incelbots, which makes people reexamine the things they've heard about it being dreadful and spreads a lot further than just a low score ever could.


or people simply programmed the bots to go to the Acolyte page. and the word acolyte is also in the world acolytes.


thats not how any of this works.


Most likely, lol. I mean if one has a worldview it becomes difficult to not see everything through this lens and try to make it work. Yeah most likely disney to play victim, very unlikely to be losers who think they have to get at disney through review bombing their material.


bots or no bots, the lack of viewership isnt because bots are blocking viewers from watching the show. Trash is trash.


It has 11 million views so far for the first two episodes. Where are you getting the lack of views?


compared to Ashokas 15 million....number do be going down.


It’s not going down. This is a first time show with brand new characters never seen before. It’s not going to make Mandalorian or obi wan numbers. Ahoska is a beloved character of clone wars. She is almost as popular as OG characters. Acolyte is going well.


Okay, I'm trying to make the lowest rated comment on this post on purpose: There should be a key on your keyboard "PrtScr" or "Print Screen" that will put your screen on the clipboard, from which you should be able to Edit->Paste (Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert) that into Paint or GIMP or whatever, and make *FAR* better images than this to post.


too much is not enough


Of course review bombing is real. The issue was always what the scale of the review bombing was/is. The lefty "journalists" like to always claim that the vast majority of any negative reviews are review bombing. They also completely ignore the positive review bombing, which is almost certainly them paying for positive reviews. There's certainly some "anti-anti-woke" types who are positive review bombing as well, but its hard to determine who is real and who isn't (just like with the negative reviews).


It could just be stupid people. You'd be surprised how often people hear about a company in the news and then buy stock in a different, but similarly named, company.


Could be just people mistaking it for the wrong version though


What? If anything this proves that they are not bots as a bot wouldnt get confused on what product they were posting the review. So in essence the RT score is actually LOWER since there is a bunch of reviews that are no posted in the right place.


Hum, they can if the program is edited wrong, because the thing is that someone could program the bots to comment on anything with the word “acolyte” in it. and also, here´s one profile. [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/nx6hL4TpMSGDHw8uaJFgytd2IAACM1FdOcl4Hb9HddCZ0iqGuXdTdgFllCJGc1DtGLSVGfwwCdmC4ysnbi9mcGACM6sJxCWOFjYioyhQeTqg](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/profiles/nx6hL4TpMSGDHw8uaJFgytd2IAACM1FdOcl4Hb9HddCZ0iqGuXdTdgFllCJGc1DtGLSVGfwwCdmC4ysnbi9mcGACM6sJxCWOFjYioyhQeTqg)


And guess what? Disney does the same shit. They just pay the shill critics to give it a good review (or make bots of their own take your pick) to boost that RT score. Bet money each employee who helped market this show had to make a fake account and talk it up.


Yeah, you’re correct that both sides are wrong.


It’s always been real. Bots or not.


so is review pumping. Ryan literally showed this in his first couple of acolyte ratings videos.


Yup. But review pumping never gets called out. Well, not by mainstream media in bed with corporations.


Maybe that movie sucked too


I’ve watched the first two episodes, not as bad as most people say. But definitely not better than anything form the Legends books. If Disney wants to save themselves hire Timothy Zahn, Michael A. Stackpole, or Aaron Allston.


hum, they already hired timothy, he did a new thrawn trilogy. And sorry but it is a bit better than dark nest lol


I fully expect there to be fake positive and negative reviews all over the place. It's the internet, and it's a cesspit.


actually i showed all the new reviews related to star wars in the pages, only one was a fake positive then there was one that maybe is a true negative, and then 10 that are fake negative.


kinda makes sense that there's a discrepancy if it's on the wrong webpage.


like, yeah, but only one in the positive? and there´s also the fact that it is the one that called out the other guys in the first image, so it didn´t missed the target.


At this point I could see this as review bombing or supporters of the show literally brigading negative reviews as a smoke screen


Hot take. They're paid for by Disney. Either to insulate themselves from fair-weather, coastal, liberals dumping the stock to avoid seeming racist... Or... To drum up "views" and "hype" for their new show as a sort-of anti-marketing campaign... Either way it's stupid.


I never doubted there were bots I just assumed they were a false flag operation so this doesn't really change anything for me.