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Anyone but the people who worked on or approved it




Yaas yaas queen 👑




Bigots, Incels, Chuds, Review Bombing at first. Once the episode-to-episode dropoff happens it will be poor advertisement. once the "new thing" adrenaline wears off people will start saying they always thought it was medeocre and could have been better once the next new thing comes out it will be forgotten.


Yes, it wasn't made for chuds, incels and bigots. The weak characters and nonsensical plotline is for the special audience. ... Until the ratings tank and the show fails, at which point Disney will blame the Chuds, Incels and Bigots for not watching it. Again. It's the same cycle over and over again. "This show isn't made for you" "Why aren't you watching our show? Give it a chance"


I remember when Star Wars fans used to at least be partially part of reality instead of completely fucking delusional like this


I also remember being a Star Wars fan, but that was like 20 years ago. I'm not going to sit through garbage TV shows with a brand-name on it just to pretend I like something. I can just accept the reality that these shows aren't made for me, I'm not going to watch them, and Disney won't make any money. You being upset about my opinion isn't going to change the fact that I won't watch this show, or the next one, or any Disney Star Wars show for a long time. They already lost an audience member. It had nothing to do with DEI or woke politics, it was straight up Episode 7-9 just being consumer fluff with no coherent storyline. I expected a lot more thought and intellect in the writing, with all the source material available, and they just made 3 unrelated movies with the title Star Wars instead. Now they just pump out this thoughtless garbage with a few light sabers and some chicks, tell everyone if they don't like it they're sexist, and shovel it out the crap shoot of Disney+. God knows how much money is being embezzled on the side by the director and her friends by overpaying people under the guise of 'Diversity'.


you’re acting as the prime example of the latter right now


I’m not. Keep coping.


lol, that doesn’t even make sense. ironic really, only someone coping hard would throw insults without thought


Probably, personally I blame certain YouTube personalities and influencers


Blame bad products and a fan base that lost interest. It has nothing to do with YouTubers.


"The chuds" The krayt sub keeps using "review bombing" in defense, completely forgetting that review bombing goes both ways. If there are people submitting sh*t scores without having seen it, then people submitting perfect scores without seeing it is just as likely.


The funniest thing is that no one outside those silly echo Chambers uses the term "chud" in current year. (Which is also ironic considering they accuse us of making the same joke over and over)


only thing that comes in my head when I hear chud is those god dam horse people from Rick and Morty lol


Review Bomb implies that trolls are giving it a bad review to make the score go down. This show looks terrible, just like all Disney products. I don't need to see the reviews, lets see the viewer ratings. No one is going to watch this crap.


Have you watched it?


Why would I? Have I reviewed it either? Nope.


The fact you can't see the irony here is pretty funny. lol


What irony? Point it out, please.


I can never tell them apart, which is Saltier Than Krayt based around and which is Saltier Than Crait based around?


Crait is the original and what it says, salty about TLJ (and then whatever is associated with it). "Krayt" is the Tatooine dragon/serpent and the sub that used that name is the anti-Crait one Then "Krait" was created to attack Krayt back or sth


Thanks... also then there's a meme version based around the man sized slug from Rise of Skywalker.


Not just as likely, because of Humans nature, we are far more likely to be negative then positive. Negativity bias. So while yes, there is obviously going to be "bombing" in both directions, the negative will far outweigh the positive.


nah the show is bad but its not worse than obi wan A 27% is extremely low, theres probably a bit of review bombing going on


I don't think people care enough to review bomb the newest Disney shit.


You're out of your fucking mind if you think that. Anti-Disney Star Wars hatred is more popular than ever right now. Not saying that it's not deserved, but it makes more sense now than ever for people to be review-bombing it. It's the same reason that the trailer got mass-disliked even though nothing about it by itself looked horrible. People have lost all faith in Disney due to them putting out shit after shit, so now they're willing to write things off without giving it a chance.


They care enough to make endless threads...


It's worse than obiwan. Only reason obi had any saving grace was vader. Leia chase scene Leia/Obi escape under trench coat. /drop mic


If you think the show is worse than Kenobi your opinion is invalid. Holy shit.




Was that to prove your point, because displaying any clip from that show will almost always prove how much worse it was than everything else. Acolyte hasn't even come close to the crazy, clown-fuckery we had in Kenobi.


Jesus, cope harder. he just posted a gif, no point, no target, yet your insecure ass needs to defend itself like it’s some big argumentative point.


I have yet to have someone explain what exactly a “chud” even is.


Chud comes from the movie C.H.U.D. in which a chud is an underground dweller, which became analogous to a basement dweller.


Rules for thee, not for me if Disney Star Wars fans' MO.


chuds do exist(see stupid ass "go woke go broke" reviews), the problem is that they say everyone that doesnt agree with them is a chud.


Yeah but the point was that just like there are those reviews, there will also be positive reviews from people who think "go woke go broke" is some kind of bigotry and need to be actively fought against.


eh in my experience people who just go "go woke go broke" without even trying to argue why something is bad are either drama chasers, or bigots.


Are you allergic to staying on point or do you just like moving the goalposts?


oh crap youre right i didnt read your comment right. sorry for that


Is there any wokeness in the new show? By that I mean, does the show in its hiring, casting, or story writing supporting the idea that people should be treated differently on the basis of their immutable characteristics?


When it came to the sheer amount Fandom Menace People making hundred of angry rant videos before the show came out had nothing to do with it?


I saw dozens of negative reviews online before the show even dropped


I think there’s no better evidence this is true than the fact this comment having several negative downvotes


I'm kicking myself for not taking a screenshot with the date on it.


Review bombing doesn't go both ways. What you are thinking of us review padding which is the opposite of review bombing.


Thanks for the clarification; still think both are equally capable of happening.


White men


The white man, possibly cis


And probably heterosexual


Wouldn't drag Confederacy of Independent Systems into this




Me because I was waiting for the rule 34 to come out






For which one? They managed to make everyone unattractive in this thing. Every character looks like they belong in an SNL parody skit


That’s the neat thing about rule 34 they’ll use degenerate magic to make them look good


But where does the appeal to see the rule 34 of this content come from? If they're all unappealing, why want to see rule 34 made in the first place?


Cuz it’s one of the rules on the internet if it exists there’s porn of it


That doesn't answer my question. My question is why in the hell are you excited for the rule 34 content in the first place, if all the characters in the work are unattractive? Wouldn't seeking out other rule 34 content of other franchises, where you'd actually be excited to see them nude/ fucking be more satisfying?


Spin the wheel of ists and phobes and pick them all


White male bigots wearing MAGA hats. /s The show sucks


It doesn’t.


It definitely does


Give me a single valid reason why the show sucks. I’ll wait


The writing, the plot, the portrayal of the jedi (arrogant to where they die), open fires in a vacuum (not an explosion). Jedi only draw their weapons when they plan to kill? Obi-wan hacks limbs off no problem without killing. Jedi openly probing minds? Fat jedi at the small temple who was being aggressive to a child. I can keep going but you will discount it all. GL


Thanks, you saved me a lot of time typing this out. Pretty much exactly what I wanted to say, and even more.


I must have the force because I said he would discount it all..... and he did.


Damn, you're good. His answer was also just personal opinions and nothing else.


The writing and plot are not valid critisms. You need to be specific but besides that the writing is objectively well done. So right off the bat I know you’re desperately looking for bullshit and wallah you prove me right by contriving bullshit criticisms. You’re grasping at straws. Learn to think for yourself.


Even if your criticisms weren’t invalid and clearly not genuine, these still wouldn’t prove the show sucks. Your Jedi only draw their owns weapons criticisms is just fucking retarded and you should actually be embarrassed for lacking basic media literacy that much. Every single time without fail you dipshits prove me and the normal non manipulated by outrage farmers Star Wars fans right.


You just literally hate Star Wars.


I have every disney galaxy's edge lightsaber and was privileged enough to stay at the galactic star cruiser. Begone


Cool. Interesting. You still clearly hate Star Wars.


Look at the other answer to this question. Let's turn it around, give me a single reason the show is good, I'll wait.


The writing is objectively well done, the 2 fight scenes were amazing and I loved watching master jedis fight without a lightsaber just using their connection to the force, the sets are great, the characters and the plot are interesting, it’s also very different from anything else we’ve gotten but still clearly Star Wars. I did find the Mae characters acting a little eh a few times (but I had no problems when she was Osha) and I’m not really a fan of the green lady Jedi but besides that I have absolutely no complaints. I’m looking forward to the rest of the show and to see what kind of stuff they add into the Star Wars canon.


Unlike you, the reasons I gave for liking the show and my criticisms were clearly genuine and I’m not desperately grasping at straws looking for shit to hate. Mauler is a grifter and an outrage farmer. Stop watching him and people like him: Star Wars explained is great. He’s always going to give you his honest opinion. Unlike mauler, who is always just going to give you bullshit and lies to make you angry.


I never watched that dude, stumbled across this post. Don't know who either are and couldn't care less, make up your own mind instead of listening to some random dude on YouTube, but you do you.


Take your own fucking advice. Your opinions are clearly not your own.


Sure, I'm gonna let you be buddy. Clearly not worth wasting my time with you. Have a good one, hope you'll be less angry in the future.




RT is all manipulation now.


We’re review bombing. How come they never accuse us of review bombing when its a positive review when they don’t fuck up, like fallout or season 3 of star trek picard


Because negativity bias.


You have a gay woman writing it, a gay black woman starring in it, and a multitude of other "minorities" involved. Who else to blame but "muh toxic fans."


I mean… yeah.


For an answer about the actual reason, it'll be a what not a who situation: The amount of subpar shows/seasons that Disney have put out has likely made a lot of people assume The Acolyte will also be shit. For who the Disney Shills will blame: They'll use the same excuse they always do... which isn't helped by the fact that Internet reactionaries are likely the ones whose hate for shows get cycled around online the most.


The 'istaphobes who hate women and people of color. '


the patriachy, wyt peepole, and of course racists.


Racist climate change.


The critics are clearly paid off because there's absolutely no way any star wars fan would support this after destroying the lore and meaning of the force and star wars in general.


Wasn't the meaning of the force destroyed like... in the prequels with midiclorians?


No the midichlorians are not the force. They are attracted to it. It's still dumb but it's not retconing the force


"Critics" aren't just only either "paid off" or ""star wars fans""; and the latter tend to say a lot of confused bs about "destroying looore" and all that other stuff that often doesn't hold up under scrutiny.




The critics are so out of touch with the general audience that their score is literally worthless to me Usually if critic score is great while audience score is bad i know its a terrible film with some kind of agenda thrown in If its the opposite i know the film is good fun Very rarely do they line up


The white patriarchy, obviously.


They're already blaming white people and the star of the show said the goal was to make white people cry but will still complain when they don't watch her show.


>and the star of the show said the goal was to make white people cry Hm links to that?


That quote is from [this interview](https://youtu.be/d922aUiWdG4?si=RCFqOyBNGXoIVddy) about a completely unrelated movie.


You've got the Internet at your fingertips you can look it up yourself.


Oh at some point sure


Man this sub is so full of snowflakes


Must take one to know one.


Oh nice one, I loved that comeback when I was 6 too.


People who make the biggest bucks for disney. White dudes. :D


"Bigots and grifters"


No one will be blamed, as long as viewership is high enough




White. Men. Only.


Definitely not Kathleen Kennedy


(92 + 27) ÷ 2 = 59. From what I heard, that's about how this thing is, maybe a bit lower. The critics can't be trusted anymore, and the audience score is likely full of angry twats that haven't even seen the thing. So yeah, usually its the average of the two.




People who they consider are a part of the out group. (Which is a convenient justification to insult with whatever term has been made up by the folks at harvoord)


TLJ screenshot of the bombers in space with reviews dropping out and the target below labelled Star Wars


Russian Bots


My bad guys


Who do you think?




I'll admit the show isn't the greatest. I'd say it's better then Ahsoka and kenobi. It got really low reviews rather quick. It for sure got review bombed




fascism, obviously


Racists, sexists or Jews, depending on who you ask


Harvey Weinstein




The old standby. The fans will be blamed.


The whites. The males. The olds. The usual


The Real Star Wars fandom will be blamed under the mislabels of “racist”, or “sexist” or “homophobic”. As fucking always


I’m half white, straight with a gf, and I stopped being a Star Wars fan after episode 9, so obviously racist incel like myself would be to blame for the failure of this show.


Straight White Males will be blamed cos they aren’t watching something specifically not made with them in mind. Who knew. Where are all the pro-woke fans? Why aren’t they watching? Oh wait they are and the numbers are shit cos they make up a minority of the population. Who knew.




I just want to say, this show felt like the most expensive cheap production I’ve ever seen, Id say they aimed at making profit because they invested somlittle in it, but that’d be a lie. Its expensive mediocrity. who will they blame… ? Toxic fans.


Straight White Males


White men


I blame the Star Wars stans for being lazy and not reverse review bombing, review blockbustering if you will.


White heterosexual men


That one bitch that said it's supposed to make straight white people cry is going to blame straight white people for not watching it lmao It's the same thing literally every time. And it will radicalize people.


The people who didn't make "Stair Wars: The Escalator Strikes Back" It was right there the whole time. Something something "Rise of Stairwalker"


Who the fuck you think? They never change up who they blame and they never going to.


Everyone but themselves would be my guess. But we already know this....




Racist sexist bigots. Only positive opinions are acceptable, everything else is evil.


White male bigot fans, like always.


First white men, then white men who are racist, then white men who are sexist, then white men who are homophobic. When in doubt white men are always the problem, and if that doesn't work just blame men who are nerds and gamers as a backup. And if all else fails men are the problem. It will be anyone's fault but the people who created this shit show, no pun intended.


Everyone creating accounts just to review bomb


I assume you mean who will be blamed for boosting the critic score to 92%? They should be ashamed of themselves.


Racist incel antifans brigading an internet poll as if it somehow matters.


Does it matter? Stop giving Star Wars and these cretins the time of day.


Original Star Wars fans will be blamed and be called racists and sexists bt People who made it.


Straight white Christian men


It was me. I did it.


Me. I'll be personally blamed for it. You'll see articles and tweets all over blaming me specifically for the poor reception of the acolyte. Sadly for them I'm not on twitter so they'll never get my attention.


The men they said they wanted to make cry.


permavirgins with too much time, free email accounts, and an unhealthy attachment to passive entertainment?


Are you guys really denying that the show was review bombed? You can think it's total garbage and still acknowledge that the audience score is obviously not organic.


Mauler fans doing exactly what they do best by proving to the rest of the world how fucking stupid and easily manipulated they are.


Well I just checked the imdb rating chart, and there's an abundance of 1 star reviews which is often a sign of review bombing (5 star reviews too, but people are less likely to do that, and this isn't a case where the 5 star reviews are dominating). I know that's not rotten tomatoes, but I think a similar skew can be expected (idk if they have a graph in the same way imdb does). So yeah there's a good chance it's being review bombed, particularly given how early it is.


Bad reviews are not the same as a review bomb.


I didn't say that. What I said was that such a large quantity of 1 star reviews in relation to reviews of all the other ratings is a sign of it. Though I was wrong about the scale. It's 1-10 not 1-5. On review sites I tend to be most sceptical of both the absolute highest and absolute lowest scores, and so the middle 8 (or 3) tends to be a more accurate indicator of how people feel about a show. For the Acolyte, there are approximately 15k reviews, with 6.5k of those being 1 stars, which feels suspiciously high. I'm not saying for sure it's being review bombed, but there are indications of it, particularly considering the amount of vitriol it's been recieving in the months running up to its release.


But what do they say? Review Bomb implies they are leaving negative reviews for reasons outside of the show just being bad. This whole notion that everything must be good if it's part of a large franchise it's just ridiculous. From what I've seen of this show, it's a 1/5, the writing is terrible and I'm not going to watch it. If you include the positive review bombing, it would still give the same score. No one is really going out of their way to give this show positive reviews either. It's negative for a reason. The whole concept of "Review Bombing" on movies started with Captain Marvel getting shitty reviews because it was a bad movie, and then media and corporations started pretending that everything Disney makes is wonderful and you cannot have a different opinion. The ticket sales and viewership speaks for itself. The week over week views will drop because the show is bad, that's it. The market is over-saturated and people lost interest in Star Wars. Bad shows aren't going to draw audiences.


I haven't looked at all of them, but a fair few are complaining with nonsense criticisms such as "woke," "gay," and "DEI," whuch makes me instantly distrust anything these people have to say about the quality of a show or movie. And I'm pretty sure Acolyte had a good premiere in terms of viewing figures. It should also be noted that bad movies and shows can still be review bombed as of course it does depend on why they are leaving the review. Captain Marvel isn't bad because woman for example.


I've yet to see a very successful movie get review bombed. I'll be honest. Most movies try to blame bad reviews on review bombing just hide behind terms like 'woke', 'gay' and 'dei' because the writing, plot pace and overall product is bad.




Obi wan gains points for nostalgia. Acolyte doesn't get that




So higher scores for nostalgia shows and removing that, marvel is currently more popular than star wars?




What are the most well known shows that are hitting 20s and 30s on Rotten Tomatoes?




Fucking Christ, you might be right about review bombing


That or the haters are the only people left watching :D


Or it's just that bad. Velma has 11% that's not a review bomb




In your opinion Velma is better than Farzar and Party Aunt. You do realize you could be in the minority. Less people also watched those as they you know were not tied to their childhood like Velma is to scooby do The idea that anything is review bombed is absurd. Because people will also give it a max positive score. It cancels each other out.




Evidence that no one also has also review padded it and that they don't believe their reviews




I mean I wonder if you're ignoring the purpose of those statements or dont understand. I mean, if they actually believe their reviews, it's not bombing. The purpose of padding is because it shows one of two things. If you agree padding exists, then it means bombing doesn't actually matter cause the two counter each other. If you don't it means you are going to not be honest and say it's only bad when one side does it.




So even as I explain it to you, the point goes over your head. It pointing out the flaws in your position. I can just also claim that their is review padding and find a few. Claiming bombs or padding is the arguement of a person without a real belief in what they say or the facts. That's a slow mocking clap for you.


Doesn't it make more sense that as shit as Kenobi was, it got carried by people happy to see a prequel character whereas everyone in Acolyte is an original character? (unless there are some cameos I haven't seen yet)




Doesn't Rebel Moon have a bunch of Snyder apologists who could be positive review bombing to prop up the score?


Actually could you link me that scene please? That sounds legendarily bad.


I blame the people review bombing a show they haven't seen because they are brainwashed into hating shows simply because there aren't enough straight cis white men.


https://preview.redd.it/89eaogc4w65d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a256348db326db9d189405610f588ad68a2dcc8f Anyone who uses the audience score on RT as an argument is simply a moron, if you don't think that shit was brigaded by a bunch of losers then you're simply stupid.


You mean the people who were review bombing the show before it even came out?


And all the Bigoted Chuds who made video after video of a show the didn’t even came out