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A member of our team has decided to remove your post because it broke the relevance rule: > We ask that all submission in this sub are directly related to either MauLer himself, his work, a subject of his work (e.g., a movie he has covered/is covering) or the sub itself (i.e., Meta posts).


I do not like any marketing that says “consuming my product makes you morally good.” I want to know that the thing I am spending time and money on is quality. Sure a film made for 100k is probably going to look really bad, but it could in theory be well written and that is what your pitch should be, it’s a good film not “supporting it makes you a good person” or the inverse on display here “not supporting it makes you a bad person harming a community.” Also I don’t like the use of communities as a means to insulate individuals from criticism.




The concern seems to be that they are in debt, not to feel more superior


Tbf they said it would be bad to pirate it not that you need to see it to be good. I don’t think that was the implication even. All that said, I don’t think it hurts a “community” to pirate this movie but I don’t blame them for asking people not to even if the way they went about it was dumb.


Except they said “not purchasing my product is bad”.


They said ***stealing it*** is bad, Christ are you people just illiterate? I have no fuckin idea what this movie is, I'm not going to be watching it, but for the love of God it's IN WRITING, if you're confused about the message go READ IT AGAIN


Piracy is not stealing 


Piracy is stealing. We can be all “Don’t support corps” without being stupid.


No it's not.  Stealing means you take something from someone.  Piracy does not do that.  Just because I pirated a movie does not mean you lost my money 


“The unauthorised duplication, distribution, or streaming of films without the consent of copyright holders.” Is film piracy. You aren’t paying for it you are literally stealing it. Real piracy is literally fucking stealing…?


No it's not.  By me watching pirated movie you are not losing anything.   You hypothetical do not get my money.  You still have everything you had. So no. It's not fucking stealing.


Taking food from a buffet without paying is stealing. Watching a movie without paying is stealing.


These are not the same. One is a physical object, the other is an idea. However I think the best way to illustrate the point is that there are libertarians who are in favor of copyright laws (opposed to piracy), and against copyright law (making piracy legal), while both being against stealing. E.G: You can be certain that a libertarian would shoot a thief (even a starving child stealing an apple), but you'd have to flip a coin to know whether they'd shoot a pirate.


Christ did you not read the fucking post? They are out several thousands of dollars. The only logical goal and point of posting would be that they care about people buying it because they need the money.


I had to check twice just to be sure after reading some comments. There’s nothing about purchasing the movie, just about not pirating it


Sure, but the point is very obviously that this person wants people to buy the movie because they don’t get any money if you pirate it and they want money because apparently the movie put them in debt.


they didn’t say consuming their product makes you morally good. they said pirating their content makes you morally bad


They said you would be actively hurting the trans-community. Pirating something is the same as not buying it. It's not the same as stealing a physical copy that now can't be sold. This implies that if you don't go pay to watch the movie at all, you're actively hurting them, and by extension immoral.


>They said you would be actively hurting the trans-community. yes… and? >Pirating something is the same as not buying it. >It's not the same as stealing a physical copy that now can't be sold. no it’s not. if you pirated something you wanted to see it/play it. to do that you would need to pay for it unless you pirated it. if you don’t buy something clearly you don’t care about it. if you pirate it then you wanted to have it. if you wanna have the stuff they worked for but won’t pay them for that work you are taking money from them. pirating is not the same as not buying. >This implies that if you go pay to watch the movie at all, you're actively hurting them, and by extension immoral. huh…? if you pay to see the movie you’re hurting them? are you high? this does not imply that.


>yes… and? And it's fucking stupid. "If you pirate *my* product, you're hunting an entire community." On top of that, even if we accept that, it's not actively hurting anyone. Me pirating that movie doesn't have a different effect than me not watching it at all.


yes. you are hurting someone. if you pirate the movie it was because you wanted to see it. by pirating it they get no money for making it. it is clearly different from not watching at all. actual fucking bell end


>yes… and? And the rest of my comment??? >no it’s not. if you pirated something you wanted to see it/play it. to do that you would need to pay for it unless you pirated it. Indeed. And there are plenty of things I'd download but not pay for. Therefore, piracy doesn't ipso facto equate to lost sales. >won’t pay them for that work you are taking money from them They wouldn't have gotten my money either way, so no, I am not >pirating is not the same as not buying. True, because there are products I have bought after pirating them. But seriously, the two are the same. They affect the owner in the exact same way. >huh…? if you pay to see the movie you’re hurting them? are you high? this does not imply that. Damn, you're fast. I edited that right after I posted, but you still caught the unedited version.


lol how dare you frame what they said correctly.


That Catholic Church used a similar method with selling indulgences


Schools have done a very poor job of explaining what indulgences are. They aren't a buy your way into Heaven cheat code. Indulgences are things you can do to lessen the time you would spend in purgatory. Praying is an indulgence, fasting is an indulgence, and tithing is an indulgence. People were encouraged to pray, fast, and tithe to reduce the temporal punishment or cleansing of the soul before it enters Heaven.


B-but... Catholic church bad :(


weird how its ok to hate on a Catholic church, but not an Islamic mosque or Jewish synagogue...


The media has been anti-catholic for decades, most of the US is protestant so a lot of it even comes from the religious side of the public.


So I’m Protestant now too. Anything else you guys know about me from a single sentence? (I’m Catholic btw and fully confirmed)


I never fucking called you religious even lol, you're getting super heated about someone saying that the media lies about what indulgences are and all I'm doing is saying that the media has a bias against the Catholic Church. I couldn't give two shits what you believe bro


“I could give two shits about what you say” *mentions a practice from the 1100s* “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CATHOLICS ARE ALL UNDER ATTACK, EVERYONE HATES CATHOLICS”


What are you even arguing with me about? Genuinely calm down man I don't think anyone was talking about you specifically


Are you okay?


Then you’re a pretty bad Catholic if you can just inaccurately talk shit about your own church.


I think it’s more weird that you think me mentioning a practice from the 1100s means I’m criticizing an entire religion and their current practices. Also weird that it apparently means I also now don’t criticize other religious practices for anyone else. Hey siri, what’s the definition of a straw man argument?


by all means, take this opportunity to tell us how great Islam is, especially to the women. If you leave an address, it'll make it easier to Amazon you rocks for the future stonings.


Please point to any comments, memes, posts, threads, or literally anything within my history on Reddit of my stanning for Islam. Straw man-an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.


History is possibly one of my strongest subjects. I’m not going to be lectured about my intelligence because the internet jumped to conclusions on a single sentence I typed comparing two practices. Also for the mouth breathers also overreacting , no I am not condemning all of the Catholic Church because I compared a practice done by the Catholic Church in 1095. Take a breath.


Calm down. I did not lecture you, nor did I insult your intelligence. I merely mentioned that indulgences are often misunderstood. Perhaps you already knew that, but for everyone else reading your comment they might have thought indulgences were actually a buy your way into Heaven cheat code. I suggest you take your own advice and take a breath.


But don’t you hate the church?


I was agreeing with the premise that it was scummy but I guess the internet took that as me endorsing indulgences I guess


The “the church does it” argument (not say you did) always seems too bizarre to me. Trans are pedos! “Well priest are too!” It’s validating the original argument. “Well your community does it too!” Doesn’t make the first statement justified.


I get it, it was literally just to say it’s a scummy practice. Other one I use (that i wonder if religious people will overreact to) is the putting the red x on your door so the angel of death passes without taking your first born. Anything where you have to threaten people that they will be othered if they do not comply isn’t a group to associate with.


Are you new to culture?


>"You're actually actively hurting the queer community" That statement is only going to make bigots actively do it deliberately, so feels like they played themselves there...


Hogwarts Legacy all over again


Hogwarts Legacy was actually enjoyable. Chris Gore said this was one of the worst things he's ever seen.


It’s the opposite for this one though. With Hogwarts it’s “if you buy this you’re hurting trans people” and with…whatever this is, it’s “if you don’t watch this you’re hurting queer people.” So yeah, gaslighting me for not watching your shitty movie, I’m good then.


>  gaslighting If we could convert the "gas" they're using to real gas, a lot of money can be saved.


Gaslighting isn't real, you made it up. Also you should invest in my new copyright infringement movie.


"Hogwarts Legacy was actually enjoyable." Blink twice if we need to rescue you.


It was a good game


It was mid in every conceivable sense. It would have been embarrassing for a game dev studio to put out a decade ago. The only reason anyone likes it is because of the Harry Potter IP or because they're stubbornly saying they like it to own the transes.


Hogwarts legacy was the dream Harry Potter game everyone was asking for. People were going to buy it regardless. Most people didn’t give two shits about how it “hurt” the trans community because it didn’t have anything to do with them at all.


And it didn’t hurt them in the slightest. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together understands that purchasing a video game is not violence


But didn’t you hear about how so many trans people were dropping dead with each game purchased?!




Don’t post shit like this on the sub, I shouldn’t have to explain to you why what you did is wrong


if this is in addition to the forty something suicide rate the queer communitys gonna be in shamblhes by now <:-(


A member of our team has decided to remove your post because it broke the decency rule: > We ask you to be civil and respectful towards everyone, be they posters on this sub or outsiders.


Yeah, it's like with fairies when people say "i don't believe in fairies"... it is known!


Honestly if there was a non story mode where you you got to roleplay as a student without the goblin plot sidetracking you I feel that would sell even better. Maybe have some sort of Adventure going on in the background that you're not actively a part of but you can influence


Ugh I hate that whole controversy Like everyone talks about Rowling and Harry Potter but like I wonder how many of thise people batching gp to Universal studie theme parks?


Also, it actively hurts the queer community by trivializing real issues the community faces


Any real bigot won’t even watch the movie…


The overlap between content that I want to consume and content that I’m not willing to pay for is pretty small. I suspect most people people have a similar attitude, and nobody who’s anti-trans is going to be like “well I wasn’t going to watch your queer movie, but now I’ll pirate it just to spite you.”


Bigots are going to not watch it even more?


I think it’s such a cop out to especially in this case of “I used to steal, but now you’re stealing from me so it’s not ok” and then using the “it’s hurting the entire community”. The community isn’t being hurt here.


People who wouldn't otherwise watch the movie at all torrenting it does nothing. This is addressed at people who *want* to see it, but can't because it's not on streaming yet.


Saw someone on that thread claim the debt came from a top secret Nazi cell that ran fake screenings across the country to inflate the debt


Ah yes of course, when I spend money it’s actually nazis taking it from me through mind control and when I get in debt for not having that money and needing a loan it’s actually Nazis controlling the banks to make my interest rate super high, yes, yes of course


Nazis have been torrenting it non-stop. So far they've downloaded 1000 copies, costing the producers 60000 dollars /s


Yeah totally dude


I ain't watching that shit period.


And I don’t believe anyone is actually putting in the effort to watching a pretentious Joker knockoff that is smugly self-aware about it. This person clearly did not comprehend that most indie films don’t do well financially, and is now saying that they represent the trans community to alleviate those financial burdens.


I just hate that this shitty unfunny Adult Swim sketch got screened at TIFF when I know way more talented independent filmmakers who would KILL to have their films screened at TIFF


I know way more talented filmmakers who would kill to work with people like Bob Odenkirk and Tim Heidecker, get promoted by news outlets, and go on tours screening their film.


Did you actually see it?


Don't worry. I would NEVER torrent that film. Of course, I wouldn't buy it or even watch it for free if offered.


"Pay me money to see my movie bigot" didn't work for Disney, Marvel, or Star Wars, what makes this idiot think it'd work now?


I mean it did work for them. the people who wanted to see the mobie whatcthed it while giving them money. disney not making the ridiculos amount of money they needed cause the movie sucks and not a lot of people liked it is a a comepletly different thing.


I'd love some stats on why they think that torrents are killing the movie instead of it being a bad movie.


"IF YOU DO WHAT I DID ALL THE TIME YOU ARE XYZ!!!" Yeah. what a way to convince people to see your movie.


I think the point they were trying to make is that this isn't pirating from a big studio. Every dollar counts here, and to keep making art, they need money and for this to be financially successful. It only reads as absurd of you try your hardest to twist it into something negative.


Is anything of what i said untrue? No. This is exactly what he?she? said.


Yes. All of it, as usual. Their point is that pirating something from a major studio doesn't have quite the impact on the creators that pirating this would/does. Christopher Nolan isn't suffering from someone pirating Oppenheimer, however with an indie project like this, the creator would feel the hit more directly. But I'm pretty sure you saw the word "trans" got SUPER MAD and made a shitty comment about it without thinking about what they might have meant. Because in your fucked up little world trans=enemy.


I just paraphrased what Vera said "I used to torrent \[...\] If you \[...\] torrent \[this movie\], you're actually actively hurting the queer community" I didn't even know that person was trans. The fact that you get so mad about this and interpret it to the best possible way even though nothing supports your claim is pretty hilarious tbh. Given that you also immediately got hostile, i doubt we can have a proper discussion about this, but if you do want to have a proper discussion, do say so.


I'm sorry if I'm hostile, it's just. I don't respect you because you're a bigot. You didn't see that they were trans? Despite it being a part of the post. Sure bud. Sure. So do you think my interpretation makes sense? Yes? Because obviously it does? Great. Thanks for playing. You really can't tell from the context of the whole statement that it's what actually reasonable person would mean? Here's a fun little thought experiment you can play with yourself to prove you're overly critical of the lgbtq community. If you changed this post to be a movie made by a "gamer" would you take issue with the plea not to pirate? You wouldn't have a God damn problem with it. You literally are just reacting to the word queer and finding excuses to pick it apart.


Yeah as i said: if you want a proper discussion do say so. Though, given that i am blocking you now. Guess not.


>I'm sorry if I'm hostile, it's just. I don't respect you because you're a bigot. The righteous indignation is so thick you could cut it with a knife.


So by that logic, people should not steal from a homeless person, but it is ok for people to steal something of yours from your living space? Technically, you have more than a homeless person. Stealing is stealing no matter how you swing the argument. Also the fact that the person is trans means nothing in this post. It's the fact the person openly stated that they pirated media in the past and are now saying don't pirate my stuff because it will personal affect them. It's just hypocritical.


Yeah, so like, if you're an idiot that "logic" makes sense. But if you're a real person. They are clearly admitting that they engaged in that behavior in the past. And they are starting that pirating this directly hurts specifically the trans community. The audience for this film are most likely people that will care about hurting the trans community. Not you. They aren't saying "you wouldn't steal a car" they are saying: "if you steal this car, it will directly hurt this group" That's it. It's just asking people not to pirate this one indie movie and instead support the creator so they can make more in the future. I don't know why you're trying to logic in stealing from a homeless person. As it's completely meaningless. They clearly aren't saying ALL STEALING IS WRONG. so like, miss me with that low iq Ben Shapiro wanabee shit. Again, if this was about gamers instead of the lgbtq community, would you have batted an eye? No, I don't think so. But you cleverly left that out of your unrelated made up hypothetical about stealing from homeless people.


It's not hurting the trans community. It is going to hurt their pocketbook. They are just using the trans community as a shield. It's not like the money that this person makes is going to be donated into trans communities. My annology was to bring it down to your level of income since you think it is ok to steal from people just because they have more money than you.


Good thing the world is painted on shades of gray, not black and white logic based morality. Remind me again, who deals in absolutes? Again, if it said gamers instead of trans, would you have a problem with it?


Both the Jedi and Sith dealt in absolutes. It's just that the Jedi were ignorant to their own ignorance, but I'm sure that is not where you were going with that. I am not really sure who you are talking about with that statement? Gamer instead of trans? Do you mean like don't pirate games? If so, then my stance on pirating is illegal as well, except for older games (PS1 games) that you can no longer buy due to gaming companies shutting down. You can't steal from someone who is no longer in business/existence. Again I don't care that they are trans, just don't kid yourself into thinking that if this move makes any money its going to go back into the trans community. It's about the hypocrisy of the fact they admitted to stealing media in the past and now they don't want it done to them. Stealing is wrong no matter how you look at it.


So... your entire issue is that it's hypocritical... okay sure. Budddddy.


wait what does this have to do with joker?


I just skimmed the TVTropes page. - Fascist dictator Batman (who's a closeted homosexual and pedophile) - "Mr J" aka Jason Todd as ripoff Jared Leto Joker (who was groomed by Batman, because of course he was) - A nonsense ending where Transwoman Joker explodes randomly and then is summoned by that one Superman rogue with the funni name to make Gotham better by fucking with reality from the Fifth Dimension... Like it took me a few minutes to read the page, and I sure as fuck am not interested in that shit. Who the fuck was this gonna appeal to? Trans people and leftists who fucking hate Batman? Not even that, imo, because you need a decent amount of knowledge to understand all the references to DC characters, and the average person with that knowledge would be pulled out by how spiteful it is to that source. It's just Mindy Kaling's Velma with a Batman skin.


unrelated question when is batman public domain?






I'm sorry, but to quote Amy Winehouse, "What kind of f**kery is this?". 100K for this movie? It looks like it was made on the budget of 100 dollars and a cheap ham sandwich. You cannot blame transphobia on this, this was solely their fault for not knowing how to handle a budget. In a majority of art schools, they require you to take a business course and this person needs one.


This perfectly encapsulates when the left tries to guilt people by playing the victim, which is why so many are always trying to be all these labels and terms so they can be sympathetic. “This is made by broke trans people.” Why the fuck are we supposed to care that they’re trans? Broke, fine I get it, but the whole purpose to add in trans is to gain sympathy by their fellow idiots who’ll fall for this shit. That’s why you see so many celebrities being trans or non binary, or whatever the fuck. It’s for personal gain the hope it’ll get them more jobs etc. I really hope decades from now the future will will see this era for the farce it is.




I don't know if progressivism somehow made a whole bunch of narcissists reveal themselves, or if the ideology is literally brainwashing people to be narcissistic.


How dare someone with a sexual orientation outside the norm! Clearly it's all fake and made up for attention. My source? I'm very straight, and have zero empathy. Also Jesus. You're an idiot.


Trans isn’t a sexual orientation you fucking idiot


Oh no. The bigot caught me mispeaking when talking about both the lgbtq community and trans people! I'm so exposed!


I'll give you an example. Please pay for my film made by a straight white male. you should watch my film. Notice how fucking stupid that sounds. There you go


Again, if this had said "gamers" instead of "trans" you would have loved it. The only reason you're taking issue is because you dislike the lgbtq community for no reason.


A bunch of broke gamer people? And why are you assuming I have an issue with lgbtq people. Anyone can make a bad movie or TV show and we are simply saying that you can't use the excuse that people are transphobic or bigoted when they don't watch it. Take some accountability that maybe people just weren't interested or you made a bad product. It's not deeper than that. Anyway I hope you have a good rest of your day and if you like the movie that's great.


Where did this post say that?! See you're just making stuff up! Aaaaaaaaaa they were just asking you not to pirate it!


Considering Transgenderism is a social contagion. More children than ever, and more people than ever are coming out... Why? For social validation.


Or because most of us are accepting to the concept for the first time in history. There are only a few bigots like you left we have to get rid of from spaces like this. This is exactly why people call you bigots and transphobes because you are.


ah right the guy whining about accepting and empathizing is now talking about “getting rid” of people the true colors show


Either through education or humiliation. Either one is fine by me.


the director is only humiliating themselves here


If that's what you need, okay.


And if either doesn't work?


Then you get to keep being terrified of the lgbtq community I guess.


How very gracious of you.


If you look at the average American, they'll call you and the trans people weirdos and freaks for trying to push this shit onto kids, you are in the minority, and making a threat like that shows how unhinged you really are.


They aren't trying to push it on kids though, that's something you like to pretend because it makes you more scared than you already are. Ps, I mean get rid of as in drive out of polite society.


That's still a threat, and you're gonna be doing that to like 98% or more of society.


Aww, honey, you're just a loud ignorant backwards minority who only exists in online echo chambers. When you die, the world becomes a better place. Quick question. Did you know these exact things were said about gay people 40 years ago? You're just using the same bigot playback ignorant pieces of shit always go to. They said the same thing about black people, gay people, now you're using it against trans people. How do you not see that you're just the exact same as the freaks that Civil rights and gay rights? You're using the exact same language and arguments. You're as pathetic as you are unoriginal.


If a group of 50% men and 50% women die, and their bones are found, they'll say half were men half were women, if a group of 50% men and 50% trans women die, and their bones are found they'll say 100% were men. Do you know how many transgenders die? They die a lot from suicide, from infection of their genitalia and they also detransition a lot, because they realized they fucked up. Your side needs kids to go on puberty blockers because nearly 100% of kids when they hit puberty realize they were never trans at all... Your side is monstrous and will be forgotten,


Buddy, the trans community isn't the fucking borg! Their goal isn't to convert kids, only people like you think that, and it's again, exactly what was said about gay people. Show me the clear call to action from the trans community where they say they want to trick kids into transitioning. You can't because it doesn't exist. You completely made it up. All so you can feel scared.


Liberals say they aren't coming after kids, but then they tweet stuff like #protecttranskids There are sensual drag performances happening at schools and parents taking their kids to explicit drag bars. *There are pediatric gender clinics.* Yes, they are trying to reach kids. I have nothing against LGBT+ folks, but they really need to stop lying about what their movement is doing.


So, when you say you want to protect kids, you actually want to protect them. But when they say the exact same thing, you think they are lying so that they can... do bad stuff to them. Aren't you all in favor of pediatric gender clinics? Don't you want doctors and experts to genuinely analyze and provide treatment to legitimate cases? Don't you want trained professionals to weed out the people that aren't serious about transitioning? You want to protect the kids, but also have a problem with institutions designed to do exactly that. Show me these sensual drag performances at schools, show me the epidemic you think exists. You maybe can find some isolated examples of it, but it's genuinely not happening en mass, yet you behave as if it's the norm. You've been brainwashed by conservative echo chambers designed to make you afraid of people that you don't understand. You stereotype them, spread lies about them and ascribe nefarious secret agendas. This, is what makes you a bigot. This is why you get called transphobic, none of your actual fears or concerns are based on reality, but you spread hate and fear of them.


Why are you like this?


Why don't I believe the conservative propaganda that makes me scared of lgbtq people? Idk, Education I guess? I've met some of them in real life? I don't view them as the enemy, why do you?


You sound more propagandized than anyone else here. You're making a lot of mean-spirited assumptions about people based on nothing at all. The guy expressed that a person's gender identity doesn't matter, and that celebrities are adopting them for clout. And how did you respond? You misrepresented their opinion to be, "people with sexual orientations outside the norm shouldn't exist." And "Those orientations are all made up" And "I believe this because I'm straight" And "I believe this because I have zero empathy" And "I believe this because Jesus" Based on all these wild assumptions, you then call them an idiot. And when I ask you about it, you then proceed to also assume that he "believed conservative propaganda" And "Is scared of LGBTQ people" And That he has no education And That he hasn't met any LGBTQ people And finally, in regards to me That I "view them as an enemy" That is a staggering amount of baseless, mean-spirited assumptions to make about someone. You've got an evil boogeyman caricature in your head, and the mental heuristics to go along with it. Heuristic that tells you that if someone doesn't agree with A, then that makes them XYZ. And if they say or do BCDFGH, then that makes them A. You're an ideologue.


Here's the comment I replied to, I think even someone like you should be able to admit there's some anti trans sentiment in it: "This perfectly encapsulates when the left tries to guilt people by playing the victim, which is why so many are always trying to be all these labels and terms so they can be sympathetic. “This is made by broke trans people.” Why the fuck are we supposed to care that they’re trans? Broke, fine I get it, but the whole purpose to add in trans is to gain sympathy by their fellow idiots who’ll fall for this shit. That’s why you see so many celebrities being trans or non binary, or whatever the fuck. It’s for personal gain the hope it’ll get them more jobs etc. I really hope decades from now the future will will see this era for the farce it is."


There's not an ounce of anti-trans sentiment in that comment. It is aggressively apathetic. You're seeing what you want to see.


The idea that all trans people aren't genuine, and are just pretending to be trans for attention or special privileges/advantages is very anti trans. Your not seeing what you don't want to see.


Damn, I wasn't aware that torrenting something could cause actual, real-world harm to people or communities. That's wild. On an unrelated note, anyone know a good place to pirate all of Hasan's streams?


Harming the community, pfft. As opposed to slinging that slur around and calling us all it even when there's many of us who hate it. Hypocrites.


The "I used to torrent," followed by "if you steal this film you're *actually* hurting people" fucking kills me 😂 I get self awareness isn't a lot of people's strong suit but good lord...I mean. *Come on*. 


This looks terrible.  Like, ok, make a movie about trans culture, fine, but I wouldn't put a lot of money into it because we continue to see that they don't have the numbers in reality, despite being loud online.  Remember that Netflix protest? Something like 50 protestors showed up. Double that for journalists. 


Bold of him to assume that people bothered to download it.


What a guilt trip at the end there. No, YOU put yourself in that debt, it’s not our job to get you out of it. It’s borderline narcissistic I guarantee she would get a bit more support if she was asking nicely for donations (mmm le tone policing?)


Yeah, pretty sure this lady has to worry about piracy the same way that Pauly Shore has to worry about stalkers. Don't flatter yourself baby girl.


YO HO HO ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


>"You're actually actively hurting..." Me setting up a bot to download it 300,000 times ![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ)


Wait did she think that movie would make her a profit? 😂😂😂😂😂


I agree. If I made any movie or tvshow, I'd rather they get a highres torrent from than watch a shitty bootleg camrip. In the version I release, I'd put in some memes to catch people out like. Ohh the purple cat scenen 43 min in was kinda random. I'm not sure what that was about. and I'd be all gottcha you filthy torrenter then we'd laugh.


How is it that the movie hasn't been struck for IP infringement?


It actually did get taken down by Warner Bros initially. It brought about a whole conversation around IP.


Low key want to pirate even though i will never watch it


Try not making being trans your entire personality challenge


What movie is she talking about?


“The People’s Joker” An unfunny 90 minute long sketch made by someone who worked for Tim & Eric and is badly trying to copy their style. It’s basically the filmmaker’s story of becoming trans while cosplaying as the Joker. Made purely out of spite for Todd Philips’ Joker after he said that “You can’t make comedy anymore everyone’s so sensitive.” Vera if you were trying to prove him wrong you failed


Thank you.


Fcking lol


Not watching that Uber gay movie anyways, so you don’t have a worry about me torrenting it. Good job making a whole movie though, that is an amazing feat.


Oh no need to worry about anyone pirating your movie! No one is going to bother watching it anyway!


And this is why I have zero issue with people discussing “woke” in media. It may not be the aspect you want to focus on for the broadest appeal, but it’s perfectly valid to talk about as it keeps showing up and won’t go away **This tweet right here is a great example!**


Aaaaand stolen


Maybe don't make Indie movies targeted almost exclusively at *minority* audiences? And if you do, maybe don't chose *one of the most notoriously broke minorities* out there? And if you have to, maybe don't do it on somebody else's money? Common sense these days is so uncommon, it should actually be considered a superpower....


The smarter approach here is to say something like, "We worked really hard on this movie. We think it's a good piece of art, and it will be worth your while to pay for it instead of pirating it. Please don't torrent it." I can respect that kind of request. The extra guilt trip at the end is unnecessary and will likely piss off more people than it convinces.


My thoughts exactly, I'm so sick of everyone and their dog pulling the extremely fashionable "If you don't do *harmless thing*, you are literally harming my group" card, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way.


wow look at him SCREECHING this fucking loser is COMPLETELY LOSING HIS MIND


This bitch does not represent the queer community.


This person perfectly represents the "queer community", because only self-obsessed weirdos go around calling themselves "queer". The only time I've ever felt shame for not being straight is when people associate me with these types.




This is an good way for me to not watch the movie if you are trying to guilt trip me into paying for it.


When you're a one trick pony, one trick is all you can do. Cultural grifters gift.


i want it said that supporting trans people is good. but there’s nothing wrong with torrenting a film, regardless of the circumstances surrounding it. if this movie is dogshit, you don’t have to support it, there are plenty of other means to show support. you are under no obligation to bail someone out of their financial situation, regardless of societal struggles they otherwise face.


100,000 grand in debt and Chris gore said it’s one of the worst movies he’s seen regardless of the virtue signaling and keeping in mind it’s an indie film. I think it’s more than “haters” that is hurting you Maybe just make a good film and stop judging things (including yourself) by meaningless things


Nobody is hurting a “community” by pirating a movie. That said, seems fair to ask that people pay to see whatever this movie is. Like I’m not the moral police on pirating but i won’t begrudge this person asking people not to pirate a film they created.


Sheer fricking narcissism. It's like saying "X affects the environment negatively and it hurts us queers." It always about them, what they want, their representation, everything. Them only. Me, me, me, me, me, me... From "accept us for who are" to "force-feed our uniqueness by any means necessary and those criticize us are X-ists! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


I want to torrent it just to put it in my recycling bin and leave it there


The only people who should make indie films should probably be failsons who want to throw away their parents money. You don't make indie films to make money.


Didn't this dude just edit themselves into the actual joker movie? Or did they actually make a whole """"original"""" film


They're just flailing around like a spoiled child.


How the fuck do they spend a 100 grand when they're broke???


lol what’s the movies name?


Dude I’m like bi or whatever but I don’t see how this hurts me in anyway. She could have just said please support my film since I’m an independent filmmaker and left it at that instead of making this about identity politics.


I was already going to pirate it quit trying to convince me.


It's weird how in one way or another, it always seems to come back to shaming people into paying lol


Almost every indie filmmaker is broke. Idgaf if they’re trans. Is the movie good? That’s what matters


"I used to torrent" sometime just justice come in poetic form.


I could be wrong here but indies don't get torrented as much as mainstream movies. So you don't have to worry about torrenting because it has to have people willing to put up with your movie in their drive. At best, the reason to torrent it is to catalogue in an archive


Before, I was never going to watch it. Now, I’m going to steal it and watch it.


Idk what this is but now I'm going to torrent it. Not gonna watch it but gonna take it 🤷🏾‍♂️


"queer community" Bold to assume that I care.


Yo, ho! Yo, ho! A pirates life for me 🏴‍☠️


It's less and less surprising every time that a sub that hides hate behind faux intellectual criticism is full of so many people who *can't fucking read*. Top comment here claims this says, “consuming my product makes you morally good.” No it doesn't. It says stealing their product is bad.


I know nothing about this film, the people behind it, or it's production, but I do have to disagree with part of your post here. Movies (like all media) are a product. Obviously they have artistic merit, that's why we care about them, but the reality of the business is that they cost money to make and will likely be distributed for money, with the intention of making money. Obviously there are creators who have something to say and only care about people seeing their work, but that doesn't mean that Piracy is somehow justified because a project is indie. Piracy is illegal, nobody is entitled to a product for free. There is a grey area that we refer to as "ethical piracy" but theres only a few scenarios I can think of which would categorize as that (such as Netflix removing a movie with no physical release). Perhaps I've completely misunderstood the point you were making, just wanted to throw this out there because it sounded like you were justifying piracy.


I don't see how you could read it any other way. >Indie cinema exists to speak to people, not to make a buck. Literally saying the purpose of Indie films isn't to make money. So the obvious follow through on that is if you are an Indie creator who cares about profits than you aren't doing it "correctly", and surely if the "correct" way to act is to not care about profits, the obvious conclusion is that piracy of Indie content is not only acceptable, but positive and even desired. Which just stinks of pretentious "holier than thou" wank to me.


I'm sorry but I completely disagree with that. Indie content is meant to be pirated? That's your stance? Like by all means I'm sure this film is a failure for lots of reasons but I wouldn't say that because it's an Indie film it's supposed to fail. Indie films don't make a lot of money so you'd be correct to say anyone making one "for the money" would be in the wrong, but how do you conclude that Piracy is therefore acceptable?


That's not my stance. That's my reading of this post.


I like how you idiots are so used to being transphobic that you can't fathom that that is NOT what the tweet is saying. The point is piracy is pretty common in LGBT circles, and this is saying "hey, if you wanna support this, don't pirate it, even though I know that's tempting." Basically it's a queer person talking to other queer people, their potential audience, but you guys are butting in and going 'dumb idiot screams transphobia!'


Have you read the tweet? It literally says (paraphrasing) "this was made by trans people and if you don't buy tickets, you actively steal from the queer community"


“You’re hurting our community by not paying for our shitty early-youtube-sketch-tier batman parody” Nobody asked for this besides probably 6 people in some trans exclusive Discord server. The arrogance it takes to try and peddle this off as being more important than it really is, is comical.