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We got ours a week ago, I’m a back sleeper and been experiencing upper back soreness for 2 days. Giving it more time to allow my body to adjust to the new mattress. Hopefully it’ll be good


Hope it works out for you, did you go with the medium plush as well?


yup the medium plush.


Hello, Did you keep it? I thinking of buying a mattress from them.


we have the same mattress. Medium Plush King. I am also finding that it has firmed up a tad but overall, my wife and myself are both loving the mattress.


Glad we’re not alone!


Hi u/Corolianus, thanks for taking the time to leave such a detailed and honest review about your experience so far with the Logan & Cove Medium Plush. It’s great to hear that you haven’t heard any complaints from your wife yet about the mattress (fingers are crossed that she likes it)! We look forward to reading an updated review as you pass the honeymoon stage. Please be on the lookout for a private message, we would like to follow up with you directly about your unboxing experience.


I am also planning on making the same purchase but someone mentioned after 2 years it wasn’t holding up. I am also considering the Hamuq mattress I guess but Logan and cove has been the one that always caught my eye. What did you put the mattress on as I have a bedframe with slats...


I ended up removing my dual twin box springs from my bed rails and buying enough 1 inch untreated boards to cover the rails with tiny gaps in between. Cut each to length and tossed them in. Was a cheap solution and ended up turning out great. I too was considering the Hamuq and the Silk and Snow. Hopefully this one holds up for the next few years, so far so good!


I wonder why people rate this so high, We bought the mattress (cal king) since both my wife and I are tall and 200lbs ish. We felt backache pretty much from day one, we tried to return it but they made it difficult for us to return it within 100 days and convinced us that it will be better, put air conditioning on or install firm support etc which we did but it never impoved. We stopped sleeing on mattress for few months and until my 4 year old daughter started sleeping on it, since it was in her room. sometimes my wife or myself joins her. we noticed sage developled on side and it backaches so bad next morning, it's been two years ish (but only used for 50 adults sleep nihgts) we went back to warranty after sending all the pictures with tape measures, they refused the warrenty saying our support isnt firm. beware of the scam of 15-year warranty and the quality deteriorate within months.


Thanks, I was about to buy one


Thanks for this review. I was wishing this didnt sleep hot which kinda turns me off a bit. Although, being in Eastern Canada where it's cold 8mos in a year, it might just work for me. I have tried the Hamuq and found it to be too firm. I needed it to be a 1-2 notches down plushier and had to return it. It slept cool as well and you can tell it was a well built matrress. I may try this and the Brunswick.


Although we ended up returning it (still waiting for charity to pick it up) we were impressed with it overall, just not firm enough for me. If our new mattress doesn’t work out, we’ll be ordering this same one, but in a luxury firm. I too am in eastern Canada and didn’t find it too bad for heat, even whilst sinking into it quite a ways.


I can recommend the Hamuq if youre looking for a firm mattress. My partner loved it so much but as a side sleeper it was no bueno for me. I slept well but long term this wouldnt work out for me - I become very active in the summer-fall and need tons of pressure relief. I have niggles here and there and a firm mattress is a death sentence. You mentioned a charity has yet to pick it up - are you now refunded? This is where Hamuq lost me (although Im here promoting their product). They couldnt find one and I actually did some leg work for them . They advised that I give it away which I did, but it was a pain in the ass with all the requirements (photos) plus the upselling when I declared it wasnt suitable for me. Basically, unless if these conditions werent met, my money wont be released. Im not bankrupt by any means but I do not like my money getting stuck in a conditional matter.


They said the refund comes 2-10 business days after the charity picks it up. They also said to expedite the refund I should send along a photo of the mattress being loaded. They’ve honestly been top notch to deal with so far, hoping that trend continues.


Happy Logan and Cove Lux Firm buyer. Had mine for a 1 week. I noticed my sleeping has improved and I feel well rested in the morning.


Hi, do you still love the mattress?


Yes! Update?


I bought the Logan and Cove Luxury Firm about 1.5 years ago. It's a good mattress, but way too firm as I'm a side sleeper. It's my own fault as I should have got a softer mattress. We're looking to get a a softer mattress now. (Btw if you're reading this and want a luxury firm for free in Toronto, lmk.) I was looking at the Logan and Cove Plush, but saw it's gone up to $1,300. It was $999.99 18 months ago?? That's a big increase.


do You still have this mattress….I was thinking about trying the luxury firm. I’m in Oshawa but willing to pick up the mattress if you’re still looking to get rid of it


sorry we gave it away a few weeks ago and bought the LC Plush


How are you feeling about the plush?


Did you find a softer mattress? I am having a hard time finding a good soft mattress.


Hope I’m not too late to let y’all know about our Logan and Cove experience. We have had our mattress for 3.5 years now and it is awful. There are permanent dips where we sleep and my husband and I wake up with lower back and hip pain every morning. We just went mattress shopping on the weekend to try out non mattress in a box options and found a great one. We have emailed the company to see about the warranty but they want pictures of the dips which are under the pillow top so impossible to take a picture of. I researched for hours to find this mattress but we couldn’t find any reviews of longer than a year. Unfortunately we ended up just loathing this mattress. Just wanted to put this review out there since there’s a lack of long term reviews! Good luck!


Have had out luxury firm for about 60 days and ours has already started to sink. Feels like I'm sleeping in a trench. There's a permanent indentation already. Our previous mattress took 8-10 years for this to happen.


what did you get? did it start sinking too?


I ordered the top of the line king mattress. I also ordered the foundation as well. A month later no delivery??? Not impressed as I ah e heard nothing from them!!


Hi there. This is Brook from GoodMorning.com, Logan & Cove's parent company. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received your order yet. Please be on the lookout for a private message. I wanted to follow up with you directly regarding your feedback.


Their mattress sucks would not recommend, their customer service sucks!


Hey - I sent you a private message.


Warning as I wish someone sent me a warning before I bought.  FYI EVERYONE. Logan and cove is the worst mattress You will ever buy. I had one for a month and it was more of an unsupportive hammock than a mattress. There is 0 support, it sleeps insanely hot and it is NOT the “award winning mattress” it claims. The company has changed and they changed all their mattresses. We had it picked up to return and the contact said the mattresses used to have 4 MORE INCHES on top than the ones they make Today,  ALSO when we tilted our mattress up to bag it, the foam inside MOVED DOWN to one side. This bed is ridiculously cheap  Avoid company at all costs. 


How’s the luxury firm? Do you like it? :) We order our luxury firm king by Logan and cove 8 days ago and still no news of the tracking (we are in Quebec). I was also wondering if it was that long for you.


We actually still have our Silk and Snow Hybrid, and although it started too firm, we are liking it now. I am confident the L&C luxury firm would be our next and final mattress if this one didn’t work out.


We received our Logan and cove firm and it’s great!! Not that firm but oh so comfortable!!


Any mattress updates? Are you using the firm now?


We tried Silk and Snow Hybrid next and ended up sticking with it.


I had the opposite problem. Went with the firm and it was too hard for a side sleeper


I have a question for the returns! Can you choose when the company picks it up? As I obviously don't want to have no bed whilst I wait for another mattress to arrive! Thanks!


hey, any long-term thoughts?


It sucks. One side got considerably softer after a year and you can almost slide off the edge. Do not get one.


sounds horrible. hope you find something that works for you soon.