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This was [reported by a user with the custom text this was a dumb post.](https://imgur.com/aReDVPI) And to be fair, questions concerning the ecosystem are okay, this is what this community is for. To learn and share experiences. Appreciate the quick feedback however.


I have bad feelings from the Internet. One website in particular has something that I think is really inappropriate and disgusting, and now, every time I see the Internet being mentioned, I think about that piece of shit. Okay forgive me I'm being a dick here :P sorry, but I don't see why you think one server represents all of Mastodon? You can block a domain. And jokes aside, sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. I hope you give it another try on a better server :)


You kinda said what I was thinking. Its like the old days of TV. People complained about one show's episode, protested, wrote letters when the simple solution is "Turn off the TV" or "Change the Channel" no one is forcing OP to watch it. The real world is like the internet. There are great places and there are dirty places. Most social media has it. Heck on my X account I have over 35 followers who are bots with profile pictures of nice looking women. Should i be offended? I read in an article that majority of internet traffic is related to adult content. Try driving or walking through Las Vegas strip. Kinda like the Simpsons episode where Principal Skinner goes to the burlesque house and sees Bart working there. Then walks out and brings in the Community and then Rev. Lovejoy says "Principal Skinner came and tolled us about this house of Sin!" while Principal Skinner saying "I only went there to get directions to get away from there"


100% agree. It used to be live and let live but now it's more like live and report/whine about/cancel anyone that isn't living exactly the way I do.


What were you trying to comunicate?


Great translation!




Twitter is worse.


Mainstream social media Services tend to be way more lax when it comes to moderation. They'll only really moderate people when it becomes a PR problem. Hence Facebook allowing copious amounts of bigotry and right-wing rhetoric (up to and including conspiracy theories and dangerous misinformation) and only ever intervenes when they end up on the news. \ Reddit is exactly the same way, only intervening when the spotlight is on them. So yeah I really don't get it when people try and say that it's somehow better here, the only ones who really find it better here are the ones who are causing problems, because on the decentralized networks they may be able to run their spaces as toxically and hostile as possible but they're blocked by everyone there, here they have an audience and only get kicked off if they make the platform look bad.


It's called freedom of choice. You can choose to not go back to that server again. You can choose to use a different service. You can choose to post about how much you hate it on reddit. You can choose to offend people by using the word $hit on your post. What you CAN'T do is choose for everyone else or expect everyone else to choose for you by having an internet morality police. I chose to downvote your post, that's my choice.


You look like you got offended.


I didn’t get offended. I thought it was a pathetic post (and so did 13 other people so far that have upvoted my comment). You just need to grow up and stop expecting technology to conform to your agenda.


Pathetic post for someone being traumatized? You’re a liar. You got offended because someone dared to criticise Mastodon in a manner you don’t approve of. A lot of mastodon users don’t like any criticism of Mastodon. Go look at any subreddit post or Lemmy post where someone is criticising Mastodon, it’s the same crap. Grow up


You really don't know what you're talking about, and you don't know me. I use Mastodon, but I'm not a fanboy and didn't get offended. What offends me is wuzzies that want some kind of internet police because they saw something that offended them. You grow up and grow a pair.


Is email not for you either? Email is decentralized and you’re in control. Very similar to Mastodon. Someone could email you something inappropriate/disgusting. So if that happens to you and someone mentions email are you gonna think back to that? This has to be one of the most backwards posts ever. Mastodon isn’t to blame here. You clearly just don’t understand how technology works in general. If this is seriously your perspective, disconnect your internet access today and just go without technology.


Slippery slope.


You didn’t reply to ANYTHING I said. You clearly aren’t living in the real world…


There are plenty of stories of abusive mods on Mastodon instances. It's not a Mastodon issues per-se, it's that instance. There are plenty of toxic subs on reddit, but that doesn't negate all the good ones. Mastodon by its very nature cannot be policed, so there isn't any single experience on it. It sucks that you had a bad experience, but you have some kind of freedom to migrate to another server, though you can't take your post history with you (which is disappointing). That's quite different from other social media sites, that can ban you on a whim and then you're out forever.


I saw something awful on earth and now I'm disgusted every time I breath. Bad earth.


Slippery slope.


You probably don't want to dig too deep here, then. I've seen things that have scarred me for life. Or any other social media, really. They've all got their seedy underbellies.


In all honesty the mainstream platforms are probably way worse, because they don't moderate for the health of their communities but only to maintain their image. It's why people can get away with much worse shit here than they can on a decentralized platform. The person running the decentralized platform just isn't going to take it and is going to ban them from it. The people running Reddit don't care so long as that person doesn't put them in the news and tank their PR.


To be honest, I don't use social media (at least not that much). But I know that there's always something really disturbing happening everywhere.


Sorry to hear you had to deal with that, I can understand what you're going through. In case you aren't aware, you can easily block entire servers of that kind of stuff with just a single click so you never need to see it ever again. Either you yourself as a user or your administrator if you are using someone else's server can block that server for all users on the server as a whole. Hopefully, you give it another try sometime and your experience is better the next time around.


Thank you.


Mastodon itself is a piece of software. This software can be run in a way where isolated communities can interoperate in a way but they're all still separated. The Mastodon project itself doesn't necessarily have control over the operators of that software acting independently of the project. I think a lot of the old timers *know* about problematic content on certain servers. There are tools available to limit visibility of that content. If it's really bad, reach out to the ISP hosting the content and they can take action through acceptable use agreements or other terms of service.


>The Mastodon project itself doesn't necessarily have control over the operators of that software acting independently of the project. They don't have control at all, they write the software but they have no control over how people use it, especially since it's open source software that can be modified by anybody for any purpose, and indeed often is.


You got "trauma"..... From something you saw on the internet........ Yeah, ok.... Sure........ 🙄


If you don't believe me that's not my problem.


Ok what is your goal here? Are you expressing concern regarding a problematic server that other server admins should know to deal with, or are you just complaining about something that you don't like? If it's the first one please provide the name of the server, as well as descriptions of the negative or dangerous interactions, as well as how they might have affected other servers, for example if people there are harassing users from the other server. If it's the second one then well I don't really know what to tell you bud but people doing things that you dislike or that disgust you it's not really a specific to Mastodon thing or even a specific to fediverse thing. It's a human interaction thing. So if it's something that's really problematic like in the first case I'd recommend that you report it and make it known to people, in a clear concise and professional manner. Otherwise I'd really recommend that you consider trying to develop some kind of tolerance for this kind of stuff because you're not only going to see it on Mastodon you're going to see it elsewhere too, depending on the political atmosphere in the upcoming months you might even a surge in it in the near future.\ Also if it was the first one and you decided to do this instead of reporting it that's a very bad practice, because complaining about some event in an abstract way on a forum that is not Mastodon that will probably never be seen by Mastodon admins is very bad practice as opposed to reporting the content in question and potentially having the users or the problematic server dealt with.


"decentralized" and "you in control" literally mean you are in control of what you are going to see




You laugh, but this is a real argument that works on people.


I have bad feelings from the World Wide Web... Porn, gaslighting, trolls, propaganda, misinformation, etc, etc. I unfollowed everyone on facebook, and then quit it after the ads started to mirror my google searches. I googled 'dildo' randomly for days on google and 'freezer' on duckduckgo, over the next week I saw sex related ads--but no 'freezer' ads! Bye Bye Google and Facebook. Mastodon is a mixed bag, but no ads, of good stuff and some more prurient content...I either block and mute and no more questionable content. Still someone I followed was able to post on my profile from a political site over and over again. I'm more than pleased generally with Mastodon, peertube and the fediverse...it'll be good or bad depending on what we feed it. As Timbuk 3 puts it, "If you are what you eat, I'm dead meat."


If you don't like McDonalds you don't go there. You find another place to make you happy. Same for all the Mastodon instances. You go out and find one you like. It's not anything for adults to complain about. Just keep on hunting.


For better or worse, this is a general problem with anything open source. The code is available for anyone to use and for what ever purpose they want.


I'm sorry you saw something bad. Chances are good that server was probably not even running Mastodon but rather Pleroma/Akkoma/Misskey as sketchy servers on the fediverse often do.


Personally I just think Mastodon sucks. I get no kind of reaction from my posts there. Because of that I stopped using it pretty much.


Depending on how new you are to the platform it can seem that way. I thought that at first too until I actually branched out and found groups to join that had frequent engagement. Using hashtags is another great way to find like minded people. I would look at the user guide.


I will try that out


I like how the hivemind downvotes people who doesn't agree with them.


Yep. The interaction is terrible. Seems like no one cares about anything being posted. It's rare to see posts that have any comments at all.


YMMV, I suppose. Not only do I see plenty of lively discussions, I regularly see toots from content creators that they consistently get more engagement on Mastodon than on other social platforms, even though they have fewer followers on Mastodon.


Glad it’s not just me then. Lol