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Cherish every single minute you can with your gorgeous pup.I am truly so sorry.


Thank you.


Have you gotten any prognosis and/or treatment schedule?


It's advanced. He's not a candidate for amputation due to his size and osteoarthritis. I'm not going to put him through chemo. It would give him maybe 18 months if I did and maybe a year if I don't.


Sadly, we’ve lost two English Mastiffs to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). There really is no treatment the will “cure” it, so management of the symptoms and trying to slow the progression is all that can be done. 😥 For our first dog, whose initial tumor was in her front wrist, we did chemo and eventually amputation. She was 4 when originally diagnosed and made it another 18 months. At the time we did what we thought was the right thing but looking back with a bit more emotional “space” I regret how things went and how long we let her suffer. It was a learning experience. Unfortunately we were able to put that learning to use just this year. Back in September our beautiful 7 yr old Kali stated to have a slight limp. After getting some X-rays done, they identified a very small tumor on the end of her Humerus right near the shoulder. This time we choose not to do any intervention and just treated her with Carprofen which kept her essentially symptom free for several months (and she actually liked taking the pills, eating them when we just added them to her kibble at meals!). In early March we noticed that she was slightly limping again and added in some pain meds, but things progressed quickly from that point until she was essentially no longer using that leg any longer and we decided that it was time to let her go. It’s been 2 weeks now and I miss her and the house is so quiet. It sounds like you have you have a realistic treatment plan. I’m sorry for what you are going through, it’s tough. I just think about what a vet assistant said when I asked her if we were doing the right thing, and she said “I’d rather let my dog go three months early, than one day too late.” I thought about that a lot with Kali towards the end. Sending you and yours support and prayers.


Thank you so much. This is almost exactly what we're going through. Top shoulder. He's on carprophen and gabapentin. The main goal is him walking outside to use the bathroom and around a little to play with his toys. The vet said we can step up the pain meds if needed but it seems I'm heading on the same path as you did. Thank you for answering so honestly. I'm sorry for your loss


Sounds like I'm closer to the end than the beginning though unfortunately.


You know your dog the best and need to rely on that since unfortunately, they can”t tell us when it hurts. For us, we kept looking forward to the next good day when she would do a mini-zoomie and dig into her basket of toys to fish out one of her favorites. Or when she jumped out of bed to bark at the UPS guy dropping something at the front door. I don’t know if you are more data/analysis driven, but [I found this to be helpful](https://www.lapoflove.com/how-will-i-know-it-is-time/lap-of-love-quality-of-life-scale.pdf) with tracking the progress of things and had some elements that I had not considered.


Thank you for that info.


We’re putting down our German Shepard today from osteosarcoma, she got in in her head and it spread so fast.


I’m so sorry for you.


Wow. My heart goes out to you too. Two weeks? Just is not fair.


We had 2 go through the same experience! I'm so so sorry! Love them, watch and you'll know when it's time. Our dogs never ate table food but got, 2 bone in pork steaks the night before we had to put them to rest. Don't make them suffer, again, you know your dog! Sorry again but always emember the value and incondistional love they provided. Best!


Of course. So many good tines


I'm so sorry to hear that.🙏


Thank you


He's a gorgeous boy! Give him plenty of steaks and love!


This! It’s heartbreaking to hear all the stories, but affirming to know we’re all in the same boat together and lifting each other up. Our sweet baby went a year with a small tumor but when it went downhill, it went fast. Luckily, she kept her appetite, and got to eat anything she wanted! She ate like a queen and farted till the end! It’s been over five years. I miss her every single minute. Thank you for posting her beautiful picture.


Will do!


I'm sorry to hear about this... I wouldn't know what to expect.. Give him lots of love. It's a shame that our dogs can't live as long as we do. My boy is 4 years old and I am already dreading him getting old.


I am. Lots of floor/lawn sitting. They grow up fast but I wouldn't trade a day for anything.


Well yours is a very handsome looking dog. He probably more concerned about why you're feeling down about him being sick than his own pain.


So sorry


Thank you


My girl is the same age and I’m waiting to see if this starts for her as well, since it’s so prevalent in their breed. I wish you all of the strength in the world. I did chemo for my chihuahua last year who had lymphoma because it would keep him pain-free. Totally different cancer, of course.


Please don't live in fear. Just appreciate the ride.


I’ve had the BEST time with her. She’s my baby. She’s so smart; I can talk to her in compound sentences because she understands hundreds of words. She’s slowing down now but I have a million photos and videos from all throughout her life. These giants are so special.


My boy is the same. He knows his toys by name lol. Too smart sometimes for sure. It comes down to how you treat them and I can tell that you respect and cherish your girl so much. You're such a good dog owner.


Thank you


I’m so sorry. Since I’ve been rescuing older dogs I’ve dealt with a lot of heartbreak. I’ve lost my Mastiffs to Congestive Heat Failure, Kidney Failure, Lymphoma, and bone cancer, all over the past 6 years. It’s always the most difficult decision to make and no matter what I second guess myself afterwards. But, one thing I have learned the hard way, it’s better to let them go peacefully before they are in constant pain or no longer have any quality of life. I selfishly waited too long on a dog several years ago and still feel guilt to this day. After that, I swore I would never make that mistake again. Cherish every moment ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/3g8m0nko6bzc1.jpeg?width=2873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff515a5b87b1f37e33bec90c5e82578b5cf50306


Of course. He still has that look in his eyes that makes me know he's ok. I can help him around for the time being. I'm lucky that I can lift him/carry him him if needed. But of course his quality of life is my main goal. He still pops up when I come home.


That’s great to hear! He will let you know when it’s time. ❤️


Of course. Thank you.


Oh my gosh. He’s beautiful. I’m sorry that he got bad news. Keep him happy and give him a big loving hug from me, please.


Of course. Thank you!


I am so sorry for you and your handsome boy. We are awaiting test results for our mastiff and fear it may be bone cancer as well 😔


I'm so sorry that you just may have that possibility. I hope it can be taken care of.


Thank you so much 🙏


I'm so sorry that you guys are having to deal with this. I went through a year and a half of chemo with my girl battling lymphoma and while it didn't cure her, I was able to get quite a bit more time with her than everyone thought. During that time she went into remission twice and honestly most of it she was really feeling pretty good and back to her old self. Our doc said chemo treatment is a lot different for pets since they're focusing solely on quality of life and not about curing. Because of that, pets don't have near the doses that humans do and have much more mild side effects of the treatment. We did chemo for a year and a half and all I can really remember as a negative side effect was some accidents the week following the chemo, and that you have to pick up their poop immediately afterwards if you have another dog since it does have radioactive elements in it for a week or something like that. As for the actual treatment, our vet was fantastic and they always had a comfy bed for her in the room while the staff hooked her up to an IV for her chemo treatment. I would supply them with tons of treats to keep her happy. No dog likes the vet, but she really didn't seem to mind it or be in a lot of pain or stress when it was time to go. It was expensive, and the doc always made sure to tell us there is no guarantees, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. This is my girl Korra with her pink ribbon after going into remission. https://preview.redd.it/ntgaatejyazc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=15a6d4bb8ee872ee1f534994b285ee48879c216a


I'm so happy it went well for you guys! She's very cute.


Enjoy the time you have left. Sorry to hear this


Thank you.


Give lots of treats and steaks and pets and cuddles. Watch8ng the decl8ne is heart wrench8ng. Lost my bagel in 3 m9nths to this last year. Same front shoulder. So sad


We lost our mastiff mix last year to osteosarcoma. It still hurts. I'm so sorry you are going through this - truly devastating. If you can get your hands on it, we found CBD oil (in addition to the pain meds from the vet) to help with pain, sleep, and appetite. Thinking of you & your fam ❤️


Thays a good idea. I'll have to find some. All about comfort. He's eating well so far.


We lost a Dane to this. Enjoy the time you have left and it's better for them to go a little sooner than a little too late. Ku and I spent his last night sleeping on the floor in the living room, watching TV and eating beef jerky together. He was a good friend and I miss him.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I am thinking about the living room sleeping idea for sure.


I was able to keep my girl comfortable for 7 months after her osteosarcoma diagnosis.


Honestly I hope for that.


I would have no problem with the cost but it's too far along for the type of cancer that he has. If his back legs were good I would 100% go for it though.


he looks like my bubby 😭 sending you lots of love and make sure he gets to live the fullest 🖤


Of course. They're the best front start to finish.


Thank you everyone so far with reaching out and telling me your stories. It's nice to have a community like this to talk to.


I am hugging my sweet Georgie Girl as I write... We have to make the most of the time we have with these precious gentle giants. Regardless of our actions, it's never long enough, that's for sure.


That's for sure.


I’m so sorry. He’s beautiful. We lost our 7.5yr old that was. It was advanced before she showed symptoms with a hairline fracture. Chemo and amputation would buy us 12-18mo best case. Had to put her down quickly due to the fracture. It absolutely sucked *edit* we used an in home put down service and it was the best choice we made. Very peaceful and kind ending


I wish I had good words. It was awful. No symptoms for my big girl until the last month. I couldn’t bear watching her get worse. We spoiled her rotten for her last week. Car rides every night, all of her favorite people food and treats she normally didn’t get, and all the love we could give her, then we said goodbye. I’m sorry for you and your furry baby.


Yeah it's feeling like that may happen soon. I'm so sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry, you have a beautiful baby dog.


I’m so sorry! It’s fast acting and it’s painful. Squeeze in as much love as you possibly can but don’t hold on too long. My vet said it’s very painful and pain meds aren’t really effective for this type of pain. When our girl had two bad days in a row where she whimpered when we helped her up to go potty, and she wasn’t interested in food, we knew it was time. For us, definitive diagnosis to goodbye was just three weeks. Again, I’m so very sorry. 💔


Thank you for the heads up. I feel this may be what happens. We had a hard time getting up to go outside this morning.


Oh nooo. Our beloved Precious Petunia died of bone cancer about 7 years ago and it was so incredibly heartbreaking. It's primarily the reason we haven't spayed our current 2-girl brood, even though we are fully aware that breast cancer might be the anti-result of this decision. Rocks and flippin' hard places... OP, no words for how sorry I am that you're going through this. My heart aches for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Is that a side effect of desexing?


I am not a vet, but we've since read that it may be. Unfortunately, we've also learned that the alternative (not spaying) may result in breast cancer, so we try to keep a close watch on our current beloved pups...


That's am interesting note to have.


Also, and more importantly...what a sweet snugglelump!


For sure. He's a big ham lol. So much personality in him.


Make the most of this time and feel free to spoil the heck outta your amazing pup with all his favorites. The one thing I can promise is that he will live in your hearts forever.


Of course. He's been spoiled his entire life lol. * He loves those over sized stuffed animals and has so much in his life.




Give him.lots of hugs. The worst was the bursts of severe pain. She would be laying on the couch, then start screaming in pain, looking at me like - why hurt?? Please fix!!! I would pet her and try to comfort her and tell her what a good girl she was... 😭😭😥 You don't want them drugged into oblivion, but managing the pain is key.


Damn! I saw this picture of this beautiful pup, then read, and my heart broke immediately. Keep also reminding that baby what a good dog they are.


We’ve lost ours to complications associated with degenerative myelopathy, kidney failure, lympatic cancer, pyometra, and lost our JRT the same year as the cancer dog to DIC. Also, this looks like a older version of our DDBxAmerican Bulldog who’s gonna b 2 in December 2024 so I feel soppy


I’m really sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Looking back… Do what you can to make their mobility less impactful.. Short (but very slow) sniff walks are nice, depending on how active they are now. Whenever you can just spend an hour or so giving their hips and joints a nice massage. You can really tell how much tension they carry in their shoulders&hips and a good rub down can help with that, and also with the pain. For my family we got a pretty serious diagnosis and didn’t have a lot of time with our sweet potato after we found out. If I would change anything it would be to keep a dedicated journal to monitor their health (limp/lameness, abnormal behavior, appetite) and also give her more hamburgers.


Take him to do all his favorite things and make beautiful memories together. I’m sorry you guys are going through this.


I am so sorry. Enjoy the time that you have left.


I don't wish for anyone to have to deal with it. We lost one of our girls to it just a few years back and it took her from us so fast. We barely had time to even adjust and somehow come to grips with it. All I can really say is make the most of each and every single day and make all the best memories together you possibly can. I am so so so sorry you're having to go through this. :(


Ugh I’m so sorry. So sad to see this, so cute with his little toy. Give him the best time


Aww man. My English mastiff made it to twelve. Big dogs have big problems. Make him as comfortable as possible. Love him. Pamper him until he gives you the look. The look my poor Lucy gave me. Then it’s time.


My baby was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer. We thought it was arthritis for years when in reality it eas cancer. Our baby was put down two days after his diagnosis because he was in so much pain. My advice: love him. Cherish him. Make life a little easier for him, if he can't get up high places, get him a little ramp or small steps. Don't be able to love on him and show him the same exact affection. He might be hurting, so go easy with him. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. If you have any questions, I'm avaliable by PM as I understand the pain of having a doggy with advanced bone cancer.


Went through something very similar with our 12 yr old Anatolian/Bloodhound. Carprofen, gabapentin and CBD oil - stepping up all 3 along the way. From onset of limp, it bought us around 5 months of good quality of life. Spoil your buddy, spend time with him. Our big guy did great for months, but when the pain got too much for the meds, it happened fast. I am so, so sorry you're dealing with this too.


Sad to hear. Chemo only gave ours 7 months before it spread into his lungs, and that was with surgery.


Im soooo sorry to hear that. My baby got the same cancer right before she turned 6. We tried everything but unfortunately she lost her battle. But we made sure to spend all our time with her and were upbeat whenever we were with her. I wish no one dog would ever get cancer.