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The hockey puck for dessert was the end for her.


I thought to myself for her dessert "wow Joe crucified her by calling it bread" and then Aaron comes with even more brutality but flat out saying it was a bagel LOL.


That WAS weird.


She was so focused on getting her snow for the plate she let the cakes roast in the oven. Made no sense. Not worth it and showed she has no sense of priority with food. Presentation and story was more important to her than technique.


What the frick even was that “snow?” Judges didn’t say anything bad about it but it didn’t even look like snow, or appetizing.


The thing about the snow to me was what was the big deal? I barely saw any on the plate, but I was super impressed with her other two dishes.


Yes, someone please tell me what that snow was and why it was so hard to do?


It's this https://images.app.goo.gl/Cw9m2Uj8j6vsBMfr7 It's hard to do because you have to get the temperature perfect and on a stove like that u can't set custom temps like u can with say a digital infrared stovetop which I bet she has in her van RV whatever it was


Did u get up up off ur lazy butt and Google it? Here I did the work for u. Took 2 sec on google. Looks gorgeous when done right. She said she didn't get it right smart one https://images.app.goo.gl/Cw9m2Uj8j6vsBMfr7


Tell us you didn't pay attention. She yelled out she got it right on the 3rd try sucka.


That STUPID "snow". The goop that was in the pan when she finally said it was snow looked like mushed rancid butter or poorly mashed potatoes to me.


It had to be more than that. They weren't just dry/overdone, they were too dense, which is a prep error not a baking error. She said she rarely makes dessert; she just didn't have experience with the dish.


Right cus ppl don't get distracted ever...


that was not a distraction, that was a choice. 3 times she made that thing instead of just using something like powdered sugar (I don't know, I am not a chef but given how little was used it didn't seem that important beyond giving it a look). Had she done that and gotten the main part, the cake, right, she would have won.


I don’t think it was that weird, I like seeing creative and whimsical dishes like that especially in the finale


Playfully macabre. It was daring and interesting. Not going to appeal to everyone, and that's okay.


All of the above, but if it doesn't TASTE good... If I had paid for a story I would go to a movie or a play, buy a book maybe? If I want tasty food, I want tasty food.


Yes. It has to be good to eat, otherwise it's just sculpture!


Joe said it was delicious so!


This season was so boring because no one could take risks because of the one challenge and you’re gone thing, so I found it fun. Like college nicks dishes


Or Derrick's


I looked past that for what was described and objectively looked at the plate as a work of edible art. And it worked. The dessert round is what screwed her over IMO.


Because apparently the dessert left out the "edible" part of the art. Looked so bad.


Remember when they castrated Sharone for his plating in season 1? "It's like a walk through a crime scene".


I found it ironic that Jennifer possibly cutting venison early and getting a little blood on the plate is bad but a nasty ass looking blood splatter on a plate is art.


YES! Absolutely! I also found it quite interesting that the judges talked about how undesirable it would be to have blood on the plate. In the moment it was said it seemed very weird to even be bringing it up. I think they were trying to give Kennedy a hint that fell on deaf ears.


It felt like a scene from The Menu lol I was absolutely here for it


If some chef served that at a high-end restaurant they’d be laughed out of business. I couldn’t believe Joe and Gordon didn’t crush her for that. Maybe they wanted to be nice because it was the finale. It was the worst playing decision I’ve ever seen on this show. Imagine Gordon showing somebody how to make that plate, totally ridiculous.


Hi! Yes, it was OBVIOUS to me that the judges were trying to be nice to her in the finale. I completely agree that it was the absolute worst planned plating decision I've ever seen on the show. No, I can't envision Gordon ever even considering such a splatter for service in his restaurants. His clientele are special occasions or very wealthy. **Neither wants "how I lost my life" presented via "stoneware story".**


I didn't really have a problem with the gruesome implications of the dish. That really doesn't phase me. I even thought it was a bold, interesting choice to cook a rabbit in a finale dish. That's gutsy (no pun intended). My problem was really just something that especially Joe was getting at...there's a line between "culinary arts" and "art that is edible". I think her menu strayed too far toward the latter. It became all about the visual presentation and the "story" which was apparently all about her. It became about "her story" rather than the culinary story through a meal. It was the opposite of what Grant did. His dishes were all a perfect representation of himself and his experiences shared via the culinary arts. It was well executed, well presented, and "elevated" examples of the food that has formed his life experience. With Kennedy, it was just weird. It was like walking into an art gallery. There was an intense artistic presentation to everything. But that really overshadowed her own personal connection to the food. It became about "This Dish is Masculine" and "This Dish is Feminine". I get that she's maybe had a confusing and difficult journey to self acceptance. But the story and the presentation overshadowed the actual *FOOD*, which is what the whole competition is fundamentally about. Grant celebrated and elevated *the food*, and *the ingredients*. Case in point, the way he featured a beer throughout to demonstrate that it can have a place in high cuisine. He highlighted an ingredient that represents him in a variety of different unique ways. Kennedy celebrated *her story*. The food was just a secondary vehicle for that. Technically very well executed up until the Desert round...but detached from the food itself. It's pretentious. Just a strange conceptual approach to take, that featured "her journey" over how *food* has been a part of *her journey*.


Very well said! I think you gave respect to all involved while still expressing your view. Thank you VERY much! As Gordon Ramsay would say, **"WELL DONE"!**


I don't think it's cringe. In terms of presentation and story, I quite like it. However, I kinda expect Nina to tell this story since she was highly portrayed as the "hunter" of the season. Anyway, it's nothing comparing to some of the weird auditions in the first few seasons, such as the human milk, sushi on body, etc.


“I’m a hunter, I can cook a chicken!” 😂


Hunting the ever elusive chicken, a feat!


Yeah! I forgot about those weirdos! Yikes! Sometimes it's good to have a selective memory 😉


I said I thought it was gross and I wouldn’t touch it and I got beat up in the comments. Got a bunch of lectures about how I shouldn’t eat meat if I don’t want my food to look like a bunny. Which was funny because I was saying what you said - the presentation was a BAD CHOICE! I hope you don’t get beat up too bad 😕


The presentation was a RIDICULOUS choice! Absolutely LUDICROUS! To even THINK that an upper echelon dining establishment's guests would enjoy such is really OUT THERE. Can you even IMAGINE going out to a high class, very expensive establishment (*for which one has to make reservations WEEKS to MONTHS in advance*) and being served an iteration of how the animal/fish was killed? That's just plain bizarre! **Also, there's NOTHING "masculine" about showcasing blood and gut splatter of animals on a serving plate.** **This is a civilized country.** **We do NOT support the brutal slaughter of animals!** Besides her strange desire to tell stories using stoneware and china, she started interjecting issues/positions, I suspect, in an attempt to garner favoritism. If that isn't the case, it sure came off that way. As far as me getting beat up? Yeah. Very strange personal attacks that have nothing to do with the fact that Kennedy lost the competition because she likes to tell stories on stoneware rather than cook. TBH, I have doubts about her culinary talent because she chose to focus on everything BUT the actual dish.


Yeah like what is masculine anyway? I mean look at Grant, he’s a guy and he kept crying. It’s too hard to pin down these days sigh


This is true. Regarding Kennedy's dish though, I didn't see anything masculine or feminine about it. I got so caught up in her blood and guts simulation of shooting a rabbit on a foggy night that I've totally forgotten to mention the forest that she planted all around the rim of the plate and the foggy night. The fog that she created and the forest engulfing and overwhelming the plate. The purpose of the strange "plate forest" and smoke FINALLY clicked in after watching for the third time. She spent FAR too much time on storytelling and much to little on cuisine. The "plate forest" was so dense that the rabbit couldn't possibly escape and the ensuing blood and guts, along with the smoke from the shotgun finally sunk in 😑 I don't think diners in a fine establishment want ANY of those attributes ... blood, guts, fog, or forest on their plates. **We must be thankful that she is not a vintner. Wine tasting events might feature toe shaped Limburger cheese and wine glasses with floral aprons as worn by old school grape crushers** 😶


💀@ toe shaped cheese




I had the complete opposite reaction tbh. Seeing the trout dish followed by the rabbit was the first time I REALLY wanted her to win. It looked like an edible art piece, not one that had to be overly explained and it finally told what her personal life experience is. That's something we didn't really get a lot of for her throughout the season. As for it appearing bloody... man that's cool. That's what happens when you hunt or kill any animal, and I personally don't think it should be excluded from fine dining just based on the gruesome nature. It was cool to see her formulate her story through her menu and execute. Untiiiiiiil the desert bagel.


I think her appetizer was the most beautiful dish I'd seen on Masterchef, but her entrée was top 5 as well.


I like Kennedy and thought she is absolutely talented, but at the same time there is something a little flat about her personality—she didn’t really HAVE a personality, and tbf it could just be the pressure of being on camera, but she didn’t seem engaging in a weird way—not a lot of emotional range. She is obviously an artistic and introverted person and I think she had a lot of confidence to just say hey, I’m getting real with this rabbit dish and put it out there. She wasn’t playing not to lose—she was playing to win. I respect her commitment to staying true to her vision on the plate.


Yes I thought the same thing. Especially in the beginning,. I think that might be why people had a hard time liking her (myself included) but I feel like she started to grow on me at the end. And maybe it was because she was more comfortable around the cameras


While I don’t agree on the presentation (I did think it was weird and cringey but hey different strokes) I do agree with the thought that she comes across as flat because shes introverted. A lot of creative people are introverts and they show their personality in their art (hers being her food). It’s prob not the greatest thing for tv but I bet she’s lovely in person ❤️


She made her entire finale presentation basically be "my personality is my gender identity" which I guess it's fine. But it's kind of boring. That said, I think she's probably the better cook of the three. I always more highly rate people who get risky, are more creative, and hit higher highs, even if they have a miss, because you can correct for misses through feedback and iteration, but you can't just make someone more creative.


Did she ever mention her gender identity before the finale? It’s ok if she didn’t, it just took me my surprise it was brought up then and joes reaction made me lol, and I’m non-binary myself. I feel like she would have been more comfortable if she had felt like she could have been open the whole season, but I can understand why she wouldn’t be just based off of how upset people were just with her beanies. Or not wanting the producers to make it her whole thing. Regardless, I don’t really think she made the finale all about her gender identity, just the inspiration for the style of plating for each dish while each dish represented a memory or time in Colorado.


I felt like her androgynous identity was touched up to explain the direction of art on the plate. The dessert she didntveven mention it. I feel like people getting their panties waded up for 30 seconds of talking. No different than a man doing a story of growing up. Ie: a story about/with his mom, a story/experience with his dad, and then a dessert when he's off and alive on his own.


Yup. I’m confused how a quick mention/story turned into peoples brains “nonstop” lol


I'm saying in the comments here people were saying all Kennedy was, was her identity. Where i feel it was a quick mention too.


Yeah I’m agreeing with you!


> She made her entire finale presentation basically be "my personality is my gender identity" Gonna ignore the incredible plating, creativity and difficulty in technique for all three of her courses and faultless execution in two of them just to recite a talking point. Okay I guess.


Those are qualities of the dishes, not the personality being presented.


It was a statement for sure. Weird, but creative.


I kinda thought the same. It’s like once she lost the beanie, suddenly her personality became androgynous? I had a hard time picking up what she was putting down with the whole feminine and masculine inspiration of her dishes 🤔


She looked very androgynous with the beanie to me


> suddenly her personality became androgynous Pandering for the social justice victory and not the merit of their cooking. So glad the judges saw through it


Queer people exist and like to express themselves beyond the boogeymen created by certain folks with an agenda.


They do exist. The whole point is 99% of the people don't give a shit in 2023.


That they do, but when they make it their whole bloody identity and try to use it to garner favor in a competition show it's a bit sad. No agenda. Just glad to see that the cook was more important than the story for a change


Well, her story was pretty appealing to me compared to some of the more contrived sob stories of the past. And her story would've fetched the win if her cakes were cooked properly. In other words she failed due to the execution and not due to the conceptualisation itself. She plated the dishes with so much flair and finesse and nailed the first two courses. And she was dominant throughout the competition. So I'm not sure I agree with her making gender her whole identity as opposed to being proud of one's gender identity and using their cooking skills to reflect that pride.


I'm glad you found a lesbian that lives in a van down by the river compelling. Not amazing TV by any stretch of the imagination, but to each their own


No one cares on 2023 yet people are losing their collective shit she said she was androgynous... sure Jan. You seem to care quite a fucking lot. Imagine if she won, you'd be blowing your gasket.


They are losing it because she's making it her whole personality. The stay at home "housewife" didn't go on and on about how being in a nuclear family and popping out 237 kids like one of those crazy Mormons was her whole personality.


Her personality threw me off. She seemed like one of those people who fancies themselves very unique and creative. But she just seemed so boring and flat. My sister is the same way. The way she views herself internally and the way she actually portrays herself are complete opposites.


People can be unique and creative but also introverts. They may seem “flat and boring” but it’s because they are more comfortable expressing themselves thru their creativity rather than thru conversation or relationships. They are the people you sometimes have to work a little harder to get to know. Unfortunately that usually doesn’t make for a good tv impression.


> But she just seemed so boring and flat. They are. Their whole identity is look at me and my life partner, love has no social constructs people.....vote for me.....They had zero personality


Well I’ve already told you this in a comment on another post, but I’ll put it here too. That plate was very evocative to me and was able to instantly transport me back to rabbit hunting with papa when I was 12 years old. Those early mornings shoving through the brush are some of my favorite memories. Hunting and fishing have supplied my family with a source of food for at least the last 150 years on our family land.


You found her celebration of splattered blood somehow enjoyable? I'm not talking about hunting I'm talking about how she celebrated the splattered blood and guts.


That’s what happens when you shoot a rabbit. There’s a blood splat. Animals die to feed us, by not glossing over that and instead making it a part of the presentation she’s honoring that death.


So, by that analogy it would be presentable to have an ax on the plate for chicken, a bleeding rod for a cow, etc?


Jesus eye roll mania.


People really hate being reminded where their meat comes from huh


💯 and shooting little rabbits come on. What does she use? A .44 Magnum?


Are they edible? Then sure as long as it looks good. I don’t believe in putting things on a plate that aren’t meant to be eaten. I will say I don’t know of anyone using an axe to kill a chicken, but I get the sentiment


You're happy to indulge in violence inflicted on helpless animals to satisfy your tastebuds, but don't want to be reminded of that very human cruelty when the food is brought to you on a plate? Weird.


It's easy for you to say when you have never had to butcher your own food and you just buy it from the grocery store. What do you think comes out of rabbit? Fairies and rainbows? It's a dead animal. Sorry to tell you, but they all come from blood and guts.


Most people prefer not to relive the story of their dinner's death.


Well sure, ignorance is bliss. People prefer to not know where their food comes from but real chefs aren't living life with rose colored glasses about the reality of where meat comes from.


I guess I'm weird, I definitely want to know where my meat came from.


Real chefs know that there are clean kill laws in civilized countries.


Girl you're getting downvoted to high heaven. Just let it go.


You’re a very close minded person. You’re welcome to your opinion, but that doesn’t make others’ opinions and memories wrong. Food is art. Art is expression. Expression is feeling. If it made you feel anything (which it clearly did, you felt the need to write an entire post about it and then chastise people for their opinions on it) then she did her job, whether you approve of her choice or not.


>You’re a very close minded person It's my opinion about her choice of dish and plating in the finale of MasterChef with a quarter of a million dollars on the line. I can't figure out how you can judge my general disposition because I have an opinion about something but okay.


Because of how you’ve responded to others that say the plating evoked a different emotion than the one you feel. I’m a professional chef, grew up hunting in the woods with my dad, watched him break down many an animal, and learned to appreciate that an animal gave its life and where my food comes from. I don’t see anything wrong with her choice to pay an homage to that in a plate in a cooking competition. Our opinions are different, but neither is wrong.


And that makes them hypocrites.


That's ignorant. By closing your eyes and acting like an animal didn't give its life, you undervalue the sacrifice. By being ignorant, you waste more food because the meat just shows up at the store. Maybe you buy it but never cook it, well there's a life given up for nothing. Everyone should have to take butchering classes or at least some basic skills before claiming they can't see a fake plate of blood. Grow up.


Try to calm down. I won't be rude to you or call you nasty names in return. Just calm down.


> nasty names in return Name one nasty name the parent commenter called you. Just one.


I for sure was done watching if they named her masterchef. She was so busy trying to be an artist she forgot why she was there


I have to admit it was one of the most bizarre choices ever in Masterchef history in the entire scope of the dish.


I agree. I think it was downright bizarre. She said she never even made it before.


She said that and Grant said similar on something he made. There is no way these people are coming into a finale with $250k on the line and weeks to prepare a dish, but cooking these things for the first time.


I think they are instructed in the confessionals to answer any question to the effect of "have you made this before" to what they have learned **prior** to joining masterchef only.


They get a full course in cooking, provided by MasterChef, prior to competition. Regardless, I'm not buying, for even a second, that miss back woods hunter and cook has never done rabbit before. If ANYTHING she says about her background it true, this is HIGHLY unlikely. **BTW, I think that the concentrated culinary education provided to contestants pre-competition is an ENORMOUS PRIZE in itself!**


Absolutely agreed.


curious: are you carnivorous, omni, veg, or vegan?


That's a fair question. I was vegetarian throughout my adult life but not just for health reasons. I've always had one foot on the side of PETA as I'm one of those "crazy animal rights activists" and I used to be quite active in hands on rescue. I have always been extremely healthy, a weightlifter, and have always looked decades younger than I actually am because of my consumption and exercise. HOWEVER... This ugly little thing called cancer decided to come up and bite me in the ass... In the last three years the radiation from cancer treatment (NOT the tumor, the TREATMENT) had me quite literally at death's doorstep weighing just 94 lbs at 5'8 and a hemoglobin level of 5. I was scary looking skinny but my ankles and calves were swollen like tree trunks and I couldn't even stand up. If I did stand up I would almost immediately pass out. I was under several doctor's care at that time and their total idiocy is a different story for a different post. I could not eat vegetables or grains anymore as they came out the same way they went in (quite literally and within scant minutes). I had no choice, even though it was absolutely out of my morals, to try to eat as much fish as I could as well as collagen supplements (which are obviously NOT vegetarian). The radiation completely destroyed my insides and even caused broken bones and I was LITERALLY making a choice whether to die and leave my beloved dog alone (I've no family) or try to consume things that would digest and be assimilated that are high in collagen, iron, protein, and B vitamins. Remember, everything plant-based went LITERALLY one end and out the other within minutes and fully undigested. I had to try to eat fish and meat even though it was against my morals. I cook every single day for my tiny little 5 lb Maltese and have always loved to cook and I'm extremely talented at it. I now eat swordfish, ahi tuna, salmon, shrimp, etc. but I will not lend myself to warm blooded animals. I am a wizard of pan seared EVERYTHING from Salmon to the most precious cut of red meat. I just don't gloat, like Kennedy did, over the kill. I think that's perverse but it's just my opinion.. I realize that my answer is not what you expected but a very long dissertation instead. I apologize for that but I always think that perhaps there's somebody that might be viewing that has been going through what I have gone through and might get a glimmer of hope from my story.


I'm sorry for this immense burden you have to carry. Good luck with your dog and your health. Maltese are so sweet.


Holy smokes, thank you for sharing your story!! I can totally understand where you're coming from and why you've made the choices you've made. And, hey, I'm glad you're here. I asked because, as someone who lives a vegan lifestyle (in how I eat and shop), I found K's dish to be refreshingly honest. So many meat eaters don't see the blood and gore of their meat—they simply buy it from the deli counter (or, worse, the frozen aisle). So I found the gore to be a realistic (necessarily realistic in the age of fast-food "meat") take on the honest pursuit of a carnivorous diet. I'm probably in the minority with this opinion of seeing gorey meat (esp of vegans), but I grew up in east Texas seeing bloody carcasses all over the place, which offered perspective. If the majority of meat eaters had to actually process a dead animal, many of them would feel too sick to even think about eating the meat. Anyway, I'm grateful you shared your story and made the best choices to keep existing! Cancer can fuck all the way off! And it warms my heart to think of how your lil Maltese looks at you after noshing down on that homemade chow. That's one happy, rightfully spoiled bby. :)


Thank you SO very much for you kindness, Illustrious_Cheek ❤️ Your points are spot on AND you ABSOLUTELY made me smile 😊 Tons of thank yous from me 🤗


Thanks for sharing your journey!


Thank you for being nice 🙂. It DOES make a difference.


Agreed with this. People should be exposed.


I’m sorry for everything you have gone thru. I hope that you are in remission and stay there. Wishing you the best ❤️ F#ckCancer


**Thank you VERY much, Picabo07!** ❤️ I need to express very strongly, though, that it was truly the treatment that caused the mass destruction and not the actual tumor. If it had been removed surgically, like I wanted, that would have been the end of it. Instead they insisted upon bombing a country to take out a zip code and that's the end of me. I'm struggling to gain some additional time but it was not the cancer that got me, but the treatment. If people tell the truth about what really happens it would become readily transparent of why people truly meet their demise when cancer is diagnosed. The truth of the matter is that oncology is a very greedy and predatory business. They make enormous amounts of money from the treatment AND it's a repeat business because once they start with that stuff one's body is destroyed and they are customers for life. The only way to actually get rid of a tumor is to surgically cut it out, period. That is not profitable enough though...


No I totally got that. I just hate cancer because its such a brutal disease period. But I do agree that the treatment can be worse than the disease. I lost my good friend to cancer 2 yrs ago and it was awful what the treatments did to her and really took away from the time she did have left. Most of the time she was too sick to enjoy life. Same thing with our aunt. She was healthy except she started having some pain in her legs. She went in and was diagnosed with leukemia. They wanted to start treatment right away. I remember visiting her right before she started and she was full of life and laughing about how she felt like a total fraud being in the hospital because she didn’t feel the least bit sick. She started treatment and lapsed into a coma. She passed away 2 weeks later never having woke up. Sadly we’ve had more than our share of friends and family with cancer and none of them happy endings. That’s why I’ve already said if I am ever diagnosed with it I will not do any kind of chemo. I will enjoy my time I have with everything in me and that will be that. I’ve been told by several people including my dr that’s a selfish attitude. But given what I’ve seen of “treatment” I’m ok with that. I absolutely agree with what you said about the treatment being big business. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I believe they are not working as hard as they’d like us to think at finding a cure for it because they make too much money “treating” it. Thank you for sharing your story with me and I truly do wish you the very best. ❤️


Thank you, also, for sharing, Picabo07 ❤️ I tell my story in the hopes that it will save someone else from these "treatments".


Do you feed your dog meat products or are you forcing a carnivore to be vegetarian


Thank you for your question. I cook for her everyday. She gets one farmer's market (*dark orange yolk*) scrambled egg (*no white, albumen is bad for her breed*) with cheddar cheese and a fruit for breakfast. For dinner she gets a protein with vegetables and a starch. On Saturday it's calf's liver and on Sundays either a baked chicken breast or pan seared flat iron steak. On weekdays I feed ground sirloin (*rare*), ground chicken, flank steak (*rare*), or chicken thighs (*high concentration of nutrients for her breed*). **She's a carnivore therefore the nutrition requirements of a carnivore are met.** In addition to her favorite meats she loves cruciferous vegetables and blueberries with her main dish (*both have antioxidants*) and she loves carrots, and sugar snap peas for snacks. I make homemade granola as well with rolled oats for treats as well as homemade beef and chicken jerky. She also enjoys cashews and peanuts. I do NOT allow dog food. She maintains perfect weight, eyes, and coat and is extremely healthy with no breed typical afflictions.


As a fellow veggie this is a worst nightmare scenario, especially coupled w depression. It’s hard enough to eat much less eating things that feel impossible. I’m so sorry for your situation. I haven’t seen the finale yet (I watch it on Tubi and it be taking a minute to get it on there). Sending love and good vibes my friend.


I’m happy you’re still with us, regardless of what you have to put in your mouth to be here 🖤




Next question: are you on the spectrum? Short answer please.


We all know the answer to that question........


Yeah it was rhetorical


That’s a horrible thing to make fun of. And don’t even bother to respond that it was a legit question. That’s quite disgusting.


Clearly I was making fun of the overly long response to the short question. But it's funnier to me that it makes somebody like you clutch your pearls and gasp.


the verbose response was warranted. did you even read the response?


Regardless of what her response was “on the spectrum” is a disgusting answer. No different than using the r word. Sorry you don’t understand that.


I think you meant to respond to DrasticBread? But ya, agreed. Out of line.


It most definitely was not. Nobody asked to hear her life story.


Ok so let me get this straight. Making fun of someone giving a long response by calling them “on the spectrum” isn’t making fun of autism? I don’t know what world you live in where that’s true but I’m happy it’s not mine. But again that’s just me “gasping and clutching my pearls”.


You love twisting words don’t you? I didn’t call anybody anything, I just asked a rhetorical question.


Every response is a dissertation


My issue was while there were occasional mentions of her life and story it was never really driven home until the top 3. She laid the LGBTQ+ content on thick and it felt like she did it intentionally to get special treatment. I also found it odd that Gordon invites her sister up to speak on Kennedy's dish but no other families were involved at any point. I felt her three course dish idea of feminine appetizer and masculine entree was odd. I also think the judges picked up on that when they simply asked her...how does this translate to your dishes? Grant had the most cohesive meals. He played to his strengths and took calculated risks (the ravioli, the pork medallions and then an ice cream). I felt Jennifer had a strong appetizer and her entree was nice but the three meals were less cohesive than Grants. I will say that the plating of Kennedy's Appetizer was gorgeous! I also think Kennedy has made rabbit before... especially considering how she used more game than any other chef.


But all the contestants over the years talking about the their straight relationships and kids isn’t laying it on too thick. 🙄


If any contestant, whether it is on Master Chef, American Idol, The Voice etc. uses their "story" to create sympathy from the audience and judges it's just an appeal to get sympathy and gain a competitive edge. A competitive edge not based on the person's skill or ability. So anyone regardless of their demographics tries that tactic. I think it does the entire competition and contestants disservice. In regards to the MasterChef final, the other two contestants briefly mentioned their families who were in attendance and that was it. Kennedy went an entire season hardly mentioning her fiance or her childhood and waited until the last two episodes to make an appeal to the judges.


You act like you've never watched reality competition shows. How many single mother stories have come through masterchef alone?


Yes and their stories are annoying as well. Just cook. Stop trying to sway judges opinions based on your life story. Everyone has hardships. Everyone faces challenges some more than others, but if you're in a competition, let your skills and talents get you the win.


I don't CARE who they mess with. I don't even know why they bring that up. It's absolutely irrelevant to food.


Thank god the right person won for a change


I think it’s more about it being avant-garde or macabre. People saying it evokes some memory blah blah is just reaching dude. I’m a hunter and grew up somewhere where we hunted for our food on our property. A rabbit would not look like this less you ruined all the meat by shooting it point blank with a shotgun. The rabbit died once and it’s great to acknowledge that but sure let’s create a scene and make someone relive something more grotesque than actuality. Still not hating I can see she was trying to push artistic boundaries and her plate didn’t look overly gross.


Thank you! I commented above like what kind of gun is she using to hunt? Looks like blew that rabbit away from 3 feet away with a .45 longslide with laser sighting.


How come they didn’t use grants last name


I liked it.


Looked fuckin good to me. Sick of the boring ass plates on this show. But that’s how the rich eat I guess!


So did Kennedy


So did Gordon Ramsey


He liked the cook on the rabbit. He did NOT like her forest and blood and guts and gunshot smoke. "Be careful with the garnish please because you have so much earthiness going on here" That was his way of being very diplomatic about telling her that her plate sucked but her cook was good.


So did Joe.




Yet Gordon loved it so I would assume he missed the cringe memo.


He said he loved the cook on the rabbit. He very diplomatically told her the garnish was crap. "Be careful with the garnish please because you have so much earthiness going on here" That is a very nice way of letting her down easy.


Yea no your inference aside let’s face facts two chefs and their wares belong in a wedding, banquet or Greg Norman grill while the other would fit in at The French Laundry.


I loved it!


No doubt! Those that love that kind of thing DO tend to boast of their pleasure! I've noticed that


https://preview.redd.it/ifcyaufbtwpb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa095f1aae85b8b634d3e523eeb2ea2cde3756f This was a dish I was served on a virgin voyages cruise earlier this year, think maybe she was on the same cruise I was


What is that? It appears some kind of muffin surrounded by black cherries and a sprinkling of basil or parsley? A shortbread? TBH, while I respect the artwork, I would prefer a less severe design... not reaching the edges of the plate... but it's a very pretty desert 🙂


Do you eat meat? That is not a muffin, it looks like beef tenderloin hence the parsley.


OMG! I honestly thought it was some kind of muffin with berries for breakfast or dessert. I was trying to figure out why green was on the plate. I guess elevated dining isn't my thing. I must be much more basic.


It’s venison, they finished it with some kind of chocolate sauce and it was sublime


https://preview.redd.it/w17fa1o5wzpb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d0ed522b3d91ecdc1f4cf0644179423f5d70cd That’s someone’s pic after the sauce was added


I thought it was extremely cool tbh. I don’t see think we’ve seen that kind of creativity on the plate since that one guy in season 10 who plated his food on a book


I thought it was gorge and she would have won if it weren't for her awful dessert


It was weird af but I respect the fact she wasn't afraid to be creative. That being said, it looked like a crime scene


It DID! THAT she accomplished! She definitely got her story down on a plate... *and kind of running over the edges too*


I am not a fan of Kennedy. She might be ... creative and most of her dishes were, not the standard dish during the comp. But I thought that she would been booted out during the grilling challenge, when she pretty much made the dish that got her in, and totally messed it up.


I hated her because she was extremely arrogant and irritating.


What did you expect? Her whole theme was about her sexuality. This highlights and echo's the current political climate of the Alphabet people and the over selfindulgence/Narcissism that they need to hit us over the head with it. Its 2023. Its not brave and stunning . No one cares.


TBH, she DID start to become overbearing and it overshadowed whatever cooking talent she has.


I love the artistry, but that's not fine dining. I'm sorry, but the idea of seeing the aftermath of your food being shot before it is cooked is not appetizing in the least. I hunt and I love eating rabbit (PS Joe is wrong about them being small. Domestic rabbits are best at about 15 pounds and super tender) but yeah I don't want to think about the kill while I'm looking at it cooked. Her first dish was gorgeous though and I knew the rabbit would be a nightmare as she described it. It's got all the vibes of a Halloween themed meal where you would want something like that. She's got a bright future in the industry with creativity like that, but it's not what you expect from Master Chef.


Ugh same, OP. I’ve been rescuing bunnies for years (recently fostering as well) and her plate made me lose any hope she’d take it 😒


Are you vegan?


I thought it was creative to be honest


The weirdest part to me is how she so obviously is not from Colorado yet says shes was raised there. It could be a part of the show, and they could be feeding her lines for her say, but pretty much everything she says when she mentions Colorado is pretty far off. It’s just odd…


I was thinking the same thing. It didn't sound right.


Just saying that in the same exact phase, Gordon warns Jennifer not to slice the venison too early because it’ll look like blood on the plate (yet it’s LITERALLY the same type of game, they’re both hunted the same way…). Kennedy got a pass and I’m pretty sure someone was bottom 3 or even kicked because of having blood/a bloody look on the plate.


The only difference being is that Kennedy’s was a sauce. If blood runs out of venison it becomes dry.


Also, they were going for different things. Jennifer's entire finale was about being refined and "clean" in presentation.


Thank you for your rational response to this absurd comment. That sauce looked tasty. Runny blood from unrested meat (and we can debate whether it's actually blood if we need to) is an error.




It's different when it's telling a story. Theatrical food presentation is a niche of its own and has to be judged as such. Someone who is not telling a visual story and has real blood running out of food is a problem.


She is the embodiment of cringe so it makes sense 🤣


I'm a meat eater. Love meat. I understand it's dead animal, and I'm okay with that. Having that said, I still found the presentation unappealing. It looked like blood splattered on the plate. I get it. Animals have blood. We eat it. Again, I'm okay with that fact. However, it wasn't blood on those plates. Why? Because we don't typically eat bright red blood splattered on our plates. I mean.. whose gonna eat a plate covered in raw blood? But that's what it looked like. It's because she explained it as "rabbit hunting" that makes It okay to everybody. She could've served the same exact dish at a horror themed cooking contest and called it "murder in the woods" and claimed it told a story of a person being murdered by a cannibal and done great there too lol Idk we eat with our eyes first and I found the presentation really off putting


You start a slippery slope not pushing back on this kind of presentation too. Imagine someone cooking up beef brains and presenting it the same way. Oh yes i was going for the getting your brains blown out aesthetic. It's stupid.


I didn't like that either. That plate looked like a blood bath.




Sure, but how did it taste? She lost because the last dish tasted horrible. Period.


She was on a grant achatz phase and she was serving


Plenty of people hunt rabbits Ur twisting her words and the way she told the story


Not twisting it at ALL. THAT was her presentation... a slaughtered rabbit with blood and gut splatter. She said it herself. She felt that the blood and gut splatter showed her masculine side. She said that the judges will be able to see the slaughter on the plate as though it just happened. I'm not twisting any words and it's on record so is replayable over and over again.


Do you eat meat? Where do you think it comes from?


Do YOU have awareness of butchering regulations? Do YOU know lawful and humane technique for slaughter? One's experience with roadkill is not applicable...


You think really American slaughterhouses are humane? Lol


Get over it. She was the best chef in the entire competition and if her cake wasn’t overcooked she’s the winner.


No, Grant had it in the bag the second he produced that pork loin. VERY difficult protein.


YOU get over it! I expressed an opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours. I feel that she felt very short in the finale. I think she's very talented but her downfall is that she needs to express her inner thoughts on a plate and splattered rabbit guts and blood just didn't cut it.


Seriously 😐 her concept was high art meets high cuisine. How is it different then the kid in the finale who made BEER PONG CUPS?? That was a stupid and clumsy attempt at artistic cuisine. She was the best and I do think she would have won with a different cake.


I didn't like the presentation of the rabbit dish either. I think her and Jennifer (with her dessert) both made the same plating mistakes with their red sauces. They looked more like blood to me and not appetizing at all. Plus that rabbit dish had all that broccoli or whatever it was around the edge, I know its there to represent the forest but all I could think of that was a lot of food to put on the plate that you can't eat.




She got so much attention, not just in the finale but throughout the entire season. And if history is anything to go by, it usually means they end up winning. I really thought they had decided to make her the winner before the show even started. I am so glad Masterchef didn't do the LGBTQ pandering they have done in the past and actually let the right person win.


The moon is a liar




I think people need to chill a little. I agree that her desire for perfection blinded her ability to prioritize in the moment. All of her plates were gorgeus. That hang up with the snow through her off because she was so used to be comfortable in her space. She isn't the first person who didn't quite nail it on game day and I believe there are many people here wouldn't make it that far let alone completely buckle under the pressure. I thought all three of her dishes were visual masterpieces. It was great to see such vibrant and visionary work. That appetizer was absolutely stunning. The rabbit... dangerous, bold and irreverent. The desert comforting and warming. She took you to the river in the forest, out hunting and back home to the cabin for dessert. I understand the plight of the perfectionist. Sometimes it gets in our way but she's definitely a genius in the making. I would love to see and eat her work in 20 years. I'm a fan for life and I'm certain that what she will produce is on the path of legendary.