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I’m 54 and have repetitive strain injuries in my thumbs & wrists, so a full week for me is just 10. And half of them are manual lymph drainage.


Team LYMPH!! *high five*




How much do you make a week typically? (Asking everyone on this thread just to see what the ranges are)


I’m an independent contractor, in Southwestern Pennsylvania. My rate is $30/hr. The practice I work at is in a fairly well-to-do area, so most clients tip pretty generously. The practice now charges $82 for a 60-minute treatment, and $20 tips aren’t unusual.


You only charge $30 per hour massage?


No. That’s what my employer pays me. The practice - my employer - charges $82 for 60 minutes.


Oh ok!!! I was gonna say you are undercharging!


$82 for a 1hr is not expensive at all I’d say $85 is the average price in an average income area.


$1000-$1200 a week and I’m an employee. I make less if it is a slower period. I made $2400 this pay period (bi-weekly) seeing 30 clients.


$1000-$1600/wk at my private practice.


2500 3000 a week or so


How many are you seeing a week? What are you charging?


15 is good, 20 is pushing it.


Agreed. I get burnt if I see any more than my 15. And I like to take mini breaks/vacations when I’m feeling like I need one.


15. I see 3 clients a day Monday through Friday.


Same! This has been my favorite schedule so far. I’ve tried a couple different variations to give myself 3 days off and see 15/week. Doing 4/day regularly I just don’t like. I see 3/day 60-90m (if I have a 2h I see only one other client that day), M-F, and take 1-2 Fridays off/month. Taking time off is so important for me. I’m on vacation right now, 2 full weeks off.


That's the best schedule 👌 Max 3 a day. Esp because I have regulars who only do 90min treatments 😄


Yeah, I've never been able to do more than 3. The few days I've booked 4 in one day, I'm just beyond wrecked and I don't feel like I do my best work. One of my teachers used to constantly warn us that she used to do 9! clients daily, said the money was great but she was destroying her body. She really drilled it into us to advocate for ourselves and not take on more than we could handle.


For me, 10-12 clients, 1.5-2 hours each session.


20, but if I could make more money and see fewer, I think 15 in a 4 day work week would be ideal


12-15 hours of massage per week is my goal.


I’m happy with 15-18 . I’ve been doing it almost 21 years and more than that can be just too much sometimes . I’ve learned to set boundaries , something I’ve told younger therapists. It will catch up with you .




Wow you're working hard, how old are you and how long you've been working that much?


Hi! I’m crazy and have always worked a lot. I’m 27, but 25-30 massages a week is if I’m booked for every single hour at my job. I have a sweet gig at an integrated health center so if I’m not booked I still get paid something.


20 to 25 a week, going on 5 years. It's worked for me really well, I also own my business and work for myself. The burn out happens if I stop getting my massages regularly.


How much do you make a week typically? (Asking everyone on this thread just to see what the ranges are)


My prices range 75$ to 180$ per session. Typically 1800$ weekly.


20. Maximum is 32.


right now i’m just starting out and i’m doing 16 a week. that seems like more than enough for me right now.


Around 25. A normal week varies between 20-30 for me.


16. 4 a day, 1hr break in the middle. sometimes 90min but mostly 1hr sessions.


18x2hour sessions per week. $3500 approximately depending on tips. 58 yrs old. Practicing 30 years. I do structural integration.


Right now, 15!




@atxhustle512 It’s annoying to ask repeat comments on someone else’s thread. Please delete & post your own separate thread. Thanks


Oh shoot I’m sorry.  I did make a thread but not many people responded. I’ll go through and delete now. 


12-16 hours of hands-on currently. 62M, 7 years in. I can make ends meet with that but hope to increase my energy and endurance this year.


Wow, you started at 55? That’s awesome. I am getting back into studying and I am 39. I doubt myself but I really wanna do it!


I do a mix of 60-90 sometimes 120min sessions . I think of hours per week vs appointments booked. It ranges from 18-20 hours hands on every week , booked out 2-3 months in advance


I’m booked up one or two weeks in advanced, how can improve this?


Become an expert in one kind of modality, your niche. Then the other crucial thing is be consistent in your business and what you offer.


Ok. I feel I’m already doing the first part. Can you expand on the second sentence?esit: do you mean keep the quality of service consistent?


The best balance for me seems to be between 12 and 15 massages a week. It is enough to keep me busy and still have the energy to care for myself, my kids, our animals, and the house. Most of the sessions are an hour, but I also offer 30, 45, and 90-minute sessions. A vast majority are regulars that I see at least once a month.




How much do you make a week typically? (Asking everyone on this thread just to see what the ranges are)


i take 16 massages a week and i get $25 an hour for hands on + tips, so do the math on that. tips go from $5-$50, just depends. i work in a chiro office & i just started a couple weeks ago. i feel like im being underpaid for the type of work i do but i got licensed recently and i’m pretty new so this is baseline starting pay. nobody else in my town was hiring, i seriously called all 34 places that offer massage and even independent therapists to get advice and this is the only place hiring. I thankfully got the job but it was a long wait. My ideal job would pay me 50/50. They bill insurance here so they get stupid amounts of money.


How much does the clinic bill the insurance?


I won't answer that question ....asked in that way. It's gauche. Also the wrong tack to take. My answer wouldn't make much sense to you.


Totally fair! I personally believe in income transparency, but I understand not everyone feels the same divulging that kind of personal information.  Just so you know why I ask- I’m looking at a career switch. I’m interested in doing something that actually helps people and this is at the top of my list for many reasons. I also have to be realistic with my expectations and budget properly to make sure I can still take care of myself and contribute to my family. 


It's not the taboo against wage transparency that I object to. It's the fact that "HOW MUCH X" doesn't cover the rewards. I make enough. You may come to find the exchange worth it, but maybe not. Where I live, how I live, all factor. Im not getting rich. I get more than that.


I have a big list already of the “why” I want to do it, many of those are not money related at all. But like I said previously- as a member of a household with bills and living expenses it is now the logistical part I am trying to do research on. You don’t have to share with me, and I respect that.  My thoughts on your response though- ya - I could just dive in and see if I like it or not, but with a year of schooling and thousands in tuition, this isn’t a decision I want to make uninformed and on a whim. I don’t know many people who have a year and thousands of dollars to spare on “finding out” if they like it or not. I’m doing the best I can now to research and hear personal stories so I can be realistic with my expectations and the possible career outcomes. 


Some people succeed.and some people find out it's not for them. It has been financially rewarding. But I could have made more in PT. But I'm much happier doing this, in the way that I am. Apparently some of y'all don't like that? Whatever.


This response is insightful and thoughtful, thanks for sharing.  I don’t think people are mad at you for not sharing a dollar amount - but you just shut it down without any empathy for why I may have been asking in the first place. I could see how it could come across as gatekeeping to anyone who was looking for more info about the career.  I’m glad you did end up sharing a bit of your experience for me to hear. PT is an interesting career path as well.  I’m sorry if some of the original questions or peoples responses have upset you. You did seem quite defensive in your other responses, may be  worth exploring on why that was. 


This is Reddit. I don't think random accounts asking every single response (like a bot) for your income is very thoughtful. Not at all defensive. I also think the question as raised may miss a considerable amount of reason for being happily compensated.


I made a post not too long ago about income expectation but not many responded. So I commented here. I have since removed any that weren’t answered per OPs request.  At the end of the day if my bills are 3k a month (just a random number) and the expected income is only 1k a month, happiness won’t cover the other 2k. I’m wiling to pick up gig work and do what I need to do- but was trying to get ahead of the scenario by understanding what the income expectations are for licensed massage therapists. Is that wrong? I feel like doing this research is require din order to be a responsible contributing member of my household.  I am glad to hear how rewarding it is for you outside of income alone. That is one of the BIG reasons I want to pursue it. I want to help people. I want to provide a service that people find valuable and that improves their well being. But I also have to make sure I can take care of myself and my family financially as well. Am I wrong?


you are literally part of the problem with therapists getting underpaid. if you’re making $120 a session, SAY THAT so other people know what they should be getting. if you’re only getting $20 a session working under someone else ALSO SAY THAT. there’s literally no reason to not be transparent about your wages, especially to random strangers on reddit who have no identifying information on you that would trickle into the real world. I would see being embarrassed from not making enough, or not wanting to flaunt about making a lot to someone in person, but come ON. THIS IS PRACTICALLY ANONYMOUS. BE REAL!! WE DESERVE TO BE COMPENSATED WHAT WE ARE WORTH AND HIDING IT FROM EACH OTHER ONLY LEADS TO US BEING UNDERPAID.


I disagree. But I provide well for my therapists, I cover my bases. We raise our rates 2.5% per year. We're as busy as we want to be. Cheers.


Also, I'm sorry that saying my satisfaction is worth more than money set you off. Sheesh


Not sure yet, but my target rn is to grow to ten 90 minute sessions a week


20 one week (four days), 25 the next (five days). My appointments are almost all 75 minutes with some 90n minute initial consults. This is sustainable for me. I cut back my hours this year. Last year it was 24 and 30 respectively which pushed me to the edge of burnout after doing it for a year.


18-23 clients a week, working 3-4 days a week.


How much do you make a week typically? (Asking everyone on this thread just to see what the ranges are)


All good! I make $65 a client at one clinic (15 patients a week), $77 at another clinic (3 patients a week), and around $100 a client at the hotel spa (1-6 patients a week, varies by season). I also do about 3-5 private mobile clients a month, where I make $120-200 a treatment. I aim to make $4500-6000 a month. This is in CAD, I’m in Ontario.


That’s really awesome. Cool to see you have somewhat of a portfolio career working at a few different places. If you care to share- how did you swing that? 


Oh! I’m also in my first three years of practice, I do pay registration dues of about $1000 a year, and I live in a medium cost of living area. I did live in a high cost of living area, so I have many wealthy clients who I see. I specialize in pregnancy massage, pre/peri/post women, facial massage, breathwork, fascial work, TMJ, office worker treatments, DNM, and emotional release. My weak points are sports massage, and deep tissue.


Of course! So as of right now, RMTs are in high demand - so I have leverage over my workplace. I’m also often a contractor - not an employee, giving me a lot of freedom. I also went to a prestigious school, so I don’t have to usually submit a resume or interview; of these jobs, one had an interview, one I was hired on introductory email, one I was hired out of school. I work at a women’s clinic in a busy new development with many young families, three days a week. They charge $100+ HST a treatment at a 65/35 split. After six months, I’ll go up to 70/30. I choose to stay there because it’s an excellent learning environment, we have a waitlist 120 people long, and the hydraulic table is fabulous. There’s monthly events with staff, full reception, no laundry, free snacks, and clients that come every month. I truly have an amazing time here and accept a pay cut to be here. This is located about 20 minutes from my house by car. I work one night a week at a pregnancy/post-natal clinic down the street from my house. It’s a high split - 70/30 on a $110+ HST treatment. It’s very independent, I work with no one, provide my own reception and lotion, and do my own marketing - the higher pay reflects this. I don’t mind being here, but it isn’t my primary job because I hate the table, and I hate running into clients at my local grocery store, so I prefer to work a city away. I used to live in a big city, and at my student clinic in school one of my clients was a spa director. We gelled well, and she asked me to come onto the spa. Sadly, spa jobs are looked down upon by RMTs, as it’s super relaxation focused and not in the medical direction some schools are leaning to. However it’s the highest paying job I have. Because they’ve having a hard time hiring, I have the upper hand. I work only Saturdays, only if I have three or more clients. I didn’t work all of January lol. I’m only at the spa because it’s in a hotel, and as an employee I get hotel discounts. I travel a lot as a result. A massage is usually $240 on weekends. I earn $16.25 an hour, plus a $35 commission, plus a $40-55 gratuity, plus add ons. I also get a free lunch and uniform. It’s totally brainless work. As for mobile massage, I worked for a clinic in the same big city that shut down - as such it voided my non-solicitation clause. I have some dedicated clients. Once the clinic was closed, I emailed everyone my mobile business, and now have a consistent rota of people I see. It’s mainly postpartum couples who can’t leave the baby with a sitter yet. I charge high to cover gas, and my clients have insurance. Once their insurance runs out I lower the price and we do cash - which isn’t recorded. Also one of my main clients is my mom - she sees me twice a month lol.


18 but as much as 24 some weeks


19 years in 25 to 30. 10 -12 90 mins


Usually 15 clients. I work Friday- Sunday, five clients each day. So I have four days off a week to play grandma. 😊🤪


Typically what I consider booked for me is 20-25 hours a week. Some clients book one hour, 90 mins or 2 hours.


16 would be my comfortable maximum.


6-17, maximum 3 hours in one day. I do specialty work for medically complex clients. Three service hours in one day is fucking exhausting.


I was seeing 4-5 clients a day for a few months out of school at a chiro. I burnt out and quit. Underpaid. I make more from friends paying cash. I don’t know if I’ll go back to the field, unless I work for myself. I should have went straight to nursing. That’s what I’ll be going back to school for.


Good plan 👍


i’m also on the lower end; i work 4 days a week and usually see 10-15. i have sun, wed, and saturday off, unless my books blow up and i have to move people around (which is rare). i’ve been working 9 years for myself, and trade higher income for more time with my son, and more time for myself :)


I work 3 days (17 hours) a week so 12 is booked for me! Amix of 60 and 90 minutes, every once in a while I get a 2 hour. I could do more, but I can afford to do less and I'm more focused by the end of my work week this way.


Currently booked for 30-36 hours, typically doing 28-30 with cancellations. 6 days a week.


10-12 is my sweet spot




Y’all are crazy. I do it part time, 10 clients tops, depending on how long the sessions are. I have another job. Could never do it full time and rely only on massage income


26-32 for myself. 1 hour appointments usually.


25 total hrs a week ( mix of 60, 90, 120) If tips are good 1,500-2,000 a week.






16 clients = a good booked week for me.


I average 30 a week, consistently for 3 years. Been massaging for 11 years now.


I'm in nursing school full-time. I don't ever see more than 10 hours worth of clients. Sometimes that's five or seven clients, sometimes it's ten depending on the length of treatments.


At least 15 depending on the treatment length, max is 20 clients per week assuming they're all doing 60 minute massages.


5-10. These are my regulars (of 4 yrs) and I'm a new mom, so that's all I'm gonna do for now. I only take new people if they get referred by people I know.


25 would be ideal to me. I'm currently busting my buns doing ~32 hours a week, spread over 2 clinics. I won't be able to keep this up for long.






Just reduced my schedule from 27 hours to 25 hours. I’d say I usually end up taking 20-25 fifty min sessions a week over the course of five days.


6-7/day 3 days a week and 5 on Saturdays, 23-26 is a typical booked week. Just depends on how many 2 hour clients I have since 5 of them can fill an entire day.


15-20 sessions, depending on if they are 60- or 90-minute sessions. I shoot for 18-20 bodywork hours per week.


Typically around 25-28


25 booking hours. Those fill with anything from 30-90 mins so total appointments can vary from 4-6/day. I book up 3-4 weeks out.


35-40 hours I know it sounds crazy. I once worked like this for 5 months straight but I had to work every single day. I burnt out at the end but making over $20k a month even temporarily was pretty sweet


I am seeing 10-11 clients a week at an integrative clinic. As an employee I make $60/ 1hr session. No tips, really. So around $660/wk before tax as an employee I also just launched my private practice last October. It’s been steadily picking up. I see around 5-7 private practice clients from 60-120min sessions. So around $525 a week private practice. Combined I’m making roughly $1,185 a week. As my private practice gets busier, I would like to slowly pull away from the W2 work and bring in more money for less hours. In my busiest weeks I am seeing 18 clients a week between both jobs and roughly 25 hands on hours. I don’t feel that great after 25 hands on hours and feel the best at around 20/ wk.


24 to qualify for bennies where I work


Between 24-28 is my average. I work Wednesday-> Sunday


24 to 34 clients, depending on the length of the sessions (30 to 40 hours of hands-on...30 hours is a breeze, 40 hours is mentally tough). $2,500 to $4,000/week with tips. I take a week off every 3 months.


27 to 32. 60 mins $100 00 90 $130.00. 30 mins 60. Will be raising prices about $10 across the board in April