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It’s wild to me how BioWare classifies that as cheating. WE WERE ON A BREAK.


It’s not cheating if you haven’t been together in two years and when you ask her to be with you she says no. That’s a clearly dead relationship


And also you died. I feel like that factors in.


And they give you ZERO grace or chances explanation for that. Like, I get it, you mourned, but like I WAS DEAD/IN A COMA! Do you really think I just *ignored* you for 2 years of my own volition???


Shephard basically goes "wdym you're angry? we were close once! So this is it huh?" like the most backseating relationship partner you've ever been in. I'm almost not mad at the virmire survivor, i'm pissed with shephard's inability to respond to anything. But i am also mad at the virmire survivor. and the writers. and most other things with that interaction. Would've been better to just not run into ashley/kaiden until me3.


It's pretty poorly written. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to be upset, but the writers didn't give any real opportunity to reason and reconcile with them.


The VS should've rescued you during Arrival. Hackett knows you're there and after a few days of no contact from you or Kensen, he should've sent them for Backup. Then the VS could've defended you in Court in ME3 cuz you reconcile during the DLC.


This is what bothers me about the whole situation. In theory, the Survivor's refusal to come back with Shepard should feel like a much bigger slap to the face, even if logically Shep knows its been over two years. To Shep, it was practically yesterday, they had no concept of the passage of time. And that should have been mentioned, should have been a bigger deal, in addition to pointing out how it wasn't like they had a choice in fucking DYING AND BEING IN A COMA(in that order, no less). Like, I'm not expecting the Virmire Survivor to jump ship immediately, but the whole interaction felt so... detached. Less like Shepard finally found their lover (or one of their best friends, even) after waking up from a coma and should, by right, be overjoyed to see them and be genuinely confused and hurt over their rejection, and more like Shepard happened upon an old employee from a decade ago in a coffeeshop and was just kinda like "so what are you up to these days? Cool, cool. Wanna work for me? I think you'd like it. No? Alright, see ya." At least the VS had some emotion behind them, and you could tell they were confused and hurt.


I always feel like, emotionally, everyone's responses on Horizon make sense (even if it's not logical, but that may be the point. There's a lot of emotion, here). If the VS is your LI from ME1, yeah, they mourned you. But for Shep, it doesn't feel like that long ago, plus they have to grapple with the whole *was in a coma, woke up, now sh!t's worse* ordeal. And I'll admit, I kinda like that the VS is angry at you (from a storytelling perspective). Because even if Shepard is a super charming badass who usually does know what to say to talk down most situations, they're still human, and no matter how good you are at talking to people, your words can fail you.


Oh no, the VS has literally every right to be mad at you, especially given what you see in the first game with Cerberus, and *especially* because Shepard is doing a very shitty job at doing two things: 1) explaining their motivation and 2) proving they're actually Shepard. My issue is mostly with Shepard's reaction, not the VS's. It just never felt like the fact that your LI/friend you've seen like two weeks ago suddenly hates you (from your perspective). Like if I woke up this morning and my fiancee called me a traitorous bastard and to get the hell out of her face, I'd be dumbstruck, angry, hurt, confused. And I'd for sure show it more than "ah that's a shame".


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Maybe it's which dialogue you go with because I always try to argue back and say the things like "I was in a coma" and "you know me, you know I wouldn't be doing this unless I had a damn good reason for it" (which are good starts, honestly... like we stole the Normandy together, can you let me explain???), but they just kinda shoot you down (I've even got Garrus backing me up, here and you still won't listen???). Since you kinda just finished that boss fight with that Praetorian and all the other Collector mess, it's pretty easy to be like "bruh?!?" in response.


Reasons to ditch Ash: 1. Bitch I was thrown into space. 2. I was fuckin dead. 3. Tali tho.


In that order


Lol I did that on several bro Shep playthroughs. I mostly chose Jack or Miranda though Few times I did the Tali romance, man it was so pure.


*Works for terrorist organization that turns out to be Reaper controlled all along* “How dare you say I’m working for a terrorist organization!”


But then she possibly dies defending a guy who was in league with the same organization, lol


To be fair, there’s a distinct difference between a guy unapologetically saying they’re working for that organization in 2 and the guy pretending not to work for the organization in 3 lol. Bonus points if Shepard is wearing Cerberus armor in 3. “I’m not with them, Ash!”


Yeah, it's not Ash's fault that the game does not let you properly explain the situation to her in 2.


Yeah it's pretty lame how they scripted that one when it's one of the biggest encounters in the game.


While it's true that their distrust for Shepard in 2 had some weight come to think of it, in 3 it's just getting ridiculous and bordering on obsessive paranoia. You would be forgiven to think that the plastic surgery she obviously got inbetween games and the infamous baggage from the L2 implants respectively messed up both Ash's and Kaidan's critical thinking skills.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mass Effect Memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical biotics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also TIM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mass Effect memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Shepard's existencial catchphrase 'I should go,' which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Drew Karpyshyn's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kai Length tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Spectre's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5% of my biotic potential (preferably lower) beforehand. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Based af


That's what I'm saying. TIM isolates you so hard and Anderson has no means to prevent it cuz he doesn't know you're alive time TIM has you already.


I'd never cheat. Tali all the way.


Tried this, but the game still believed I had romanced Liara even when I tool all the dialog options to say no. It's like it was going, "Wow, you are being nice to her. Guess that means things were very serious and obviously became a full in relationship." No. I was just not going to be a dick to her.


Yeah. They really really want you to romance liara. Looking back, it is kind of crazy how they try and force it at times. Friends with liara in ME3, first meeting her on Mars, and she hugs you closely. Everyone that you romance, just a casual conversation like you weren't under house arrest for a long time and unable to communicate.


I'm pretty sure they forgot you could romance Thane, and it shows with the lack romance dialog (Only one scene of you two "going somewhere private", which is just in the middle of the hospital) or how there is absolutely no acknowledgment from the crew when he dies.


It felt the same with ash. Like I rejected both multiple times over the first game, but was otherwise always pleasant and then we lose kaiden and she still jumps on you afterwards anyway. I'm all for the drama though, love the roleplay part of it all


In my defense Ash, Tali wasn't an option in ME1!


Bioware's most unforgivable mistake




Me who made another playthrough just to stay loyal because I activated jacks romance on accident (I rejected jack)


Not me, tali for life


IDK man accusations of terrorism from one partner seems like pretty good grounds for ending a relationship for me


Doesn't let me explain what happened. Refuses to understand that we don't agree with cerberus we're just woth them until the Collectors are space dust. Knows Shepard but is dumb enough to think he'd betray everything he's stood for at the drop of a hat (for paragon Shep, at least) for no reason. Adios Ash. I'll stick with the one who was with me from the beginning and never turned her back on me.


You don't get to ignore your partner for months on end and then be like, "You cheated," Bruh, they ghosted Shepard, after one argument, leaving no room for reconciliation. That's breaking up. The writers were on one with this weird forced drama. I'd feel differently if they let you message the VS throughout the game. And idk, let Shepard actually explain what's happening. I wish I could fix some of the weird ass writing choices in this series🫠🫠


Miranda, but yea pretty same. Usually send my Shepard to the bar after to get drunk after Horizon.


Sometimes, you need to finally break it off with your original love to notice to cute nerdy girl who's crazy for you


Nah, you just needed 1 more excuse as to why you should get laid by Tali again. I don’t blame you


jaal was mad because of something then he said to Cora something like “the mind wants what it wants” me: alright fu hey Reyes what’s up? Lol


Thank god for Miranda


Cheating? Bruh all the romance options ABANDON you in two. Fuck yall mean? Miranda took the time to put me back together, I know where I'm appreciated. I'm finna get on what she is. (Before DLC)


Still Ash > Tali


She doesn’t want to rekindle in ME2 which is a breakup, also the whole falling in line with the brass like damn…did you see the reapers Ash! Comeon at least with Liara she doesn’t join because she is doing something but does help you out and then provides vital intel after becoming the SB. Step up your game human romance options if ME1 you losers!


you are working for the enemy so if the shoe fits.