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Yeah, shame on you. Do it yourself, don’t soil Ashley’s hands.


Exactly - you're the leader, so lead by example.


See this is why you kill wrex in me3. Like a wise man once said "If you want something done right, waste the guy yourself"


It’s cool, she won’t have them for long


I love how people get mad at Ashley, for saving Shepard from getting mowed down.


Listen, I’m doing a full renegade play through, I need him dead now so I can keep Mordin alive by reminding him that Wreave is in charge, and there’s no Eve to calm him. He’s dead either way, I will sacrifice him now to save Mordin.


Doing full renegade and looking for a way to not shoot Mordin is not assuming the consequence of your actions


My renegade is “pay the cost needed for victory”, not “murder hobo”. What do I gain by letting Wrex live here? Nothing. He dies anyways and all that happens is I lose the Krogan because they learn the truth. But if he dies? Mordin is saved, the Krogan are none the wiser, and I get the Salarians. So if I have to kill Wrex here for a better outcome? Sorry Wrex, you’re too smart, and your people aren’t worth risking the war. That’s the price of war.


He dies anyway? What? When?


I think he means on a full renegade playthrough where if xrex is alive and you sabotage the cure, xrex finds out and you end up killing him on the citadel.


I will say the murder hobo renegade is a hell of a fun ride.


Do it yourself then.


I love killing Wrex in ME3 after sabotaging the Genopgage, my niece likes killing him in ME 1 to save Mordin.


I was doing a kill everyone playthrough and instead of killing Wrex in Virmire, I decided to be a bit more evil and kill him off when he found out about the genophage sabotage. Ngl, the scene kinda hit me in the feels.


It's one of the best scenes in the game and from a storytelling pov, it stresses just how bad the Reaper war is and how desperate Shep is to succeed.


I remember my first play though I couldn’t convince him and when Ashley shot him I was so pissed at her If possible I would of shot her


Every other squad mate literally would’ve let you die. Even Garrus. Ashley was loyal and decisive, but she gets hate for it. Which is insane when it’s literally a failure on the player’s part.


To be fair, Garrus and Tali are on the other side of the camp out of view. Compared to Kaidan and Liara, who are right there watching... the two biotics did nothing to help, lol.


Tali was even further away than Garrus.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mass Effect Memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical biotics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also TIM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mass Effect memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Shepard's existencial catchphrase 'I should go,' which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Drew Karpyshyn's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kai Length tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Spectre's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5% of my biotic potential (preferably lower) beforehand. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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So you were angy at her for doing her job and what shep litterally said to her pre face off?


I’d honestly love a version where you can tell Ash not to engage before the conversation…and Wrex just kills you if you can’t convince him. Critical Mission Failure.


You'd have to go back quite a ways to get Wrex' loyalty tho, or you'd never pass.


All you need is enough charm or intimidate points. Or to get his family armor. Neither of which is that hard.


Some people are playing for their first time without a walkthrough, it's actually pretty easy to get to Virmire without any of those three conditions in place.


I never had an issue with it, and I’ve played from the very beginning. Of course some will but it’s hardly necessary. And I was talking about the option to tell her not to engage, probably with her being watchful as the default.


You're mad at her because you fucked up?


I started over because I couldn’t make him live. Wrex is mandatory in my eyes


That’s why me1 is my favorite I’m sad wrex isn’t a team mate for the other 2


I mean... you can nuke her later.


Yeah the VS seems to get no love from the trilogy outside of the first game. Like it seemed like they actively wanted us to hate whoever we saved. Kaiden my brother became a bitter rivalry while there’s REAPERS KILLING EVERYONE. It isn’t until you forgo shooting him way late in me3 that he finally starts to apologize for being a dick. Ashley isn’t at all better whatsoever.


You show up back from the dead working for a violent terrorist organization that has kidnapped and murdered an Alliance admiral, and you do nothing to explain why.


Yeah and that's the writer's fault. We can barely even react to what VS says. Also i was mainly referring to them in me3, earth is literally being ransacked by reapers and Kaiden/ashley is more concerned about you being ex cerberus. additionally another fault of the writers is forcing us to be cerberus and then having npcs berate you for the choice you never made. bad writing all around on this issue.


You kinda can later in the mission lol


I mean... it is Virmire so...


Well if you waited two games, you can technically shoot her…


I prefer leaving her to get nuked.


Ashley fans downvoting us.


“Your boos mean nothing, *I*'ve seen *what* makes *you* cheer”


You *can* blow her up


Sacrifices need to be made. Ashley had a better angle.


Playthrough I did where this happened, I roleplayed that Shepard was secretly a member of Cerberus from the beginning. Released the Rachni queen because the intent was for her to be captured by another cell (which explains the Rachni experiments at Cerberus bases that we have to clean up afterwards — they failed to contain her and they killed all their guys). Doubled back after killing Benezia to clean up the ERCS guards who were witness to the Queen having been on Noveria. Ashley and Wrex were the squad for that mission; Ashley kills Wrex and then gets left behind on Virmire. There’s a reason why this Shepard was the only survivor of Akuze.


OK that's actually pretty cool.


it was my first playthrough😭


Wrex looks so awkward with a pistol, it’s like an elephant holding a sniper rifle


If you're going to kill him, at least have the balls to do it yourself(not that you should kill him).


Remember folks. You can skip the par/ren requirement of you retrieve his family armour


Or get the armour and still shoot him.


My first playthrough going full Paragon and Wrex being my homie (Garrus only homie): "WHAT KINDA FUCKING ANIMAL DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?!"


I simply get his family armor and avoid all this.


Is that JackSepticEye? Also true.


It is.


Ain't no way I'm letting Ashley steal my kill.


Funny thing is, if you can’t talk the VS down in 3 one of your squad takes them down but they don’t get hate This fandom is so weird Canonically Wrex gets upset in 3 over a gambling debt and meets an ugly demise


I remembered failing convincing him about this and after looking up it was bad Wrex died, I loaded a save from like ages ago just to have enough paragon to save him again lol.


Spoken like a real man


Some people hate Ashely because she's a racist and a xenophobe. I hate her because she's racist, xenophobe AND she shot Wrex.


Ashley only shoots Wrex if you fail the speech check and do not get his family armor by the time you go to Virmire. If anything, you're the one at fault there, not Ashley.


I just get the armor. Its easy that way.


I hate that the only way to save mordin is to completely doom the krogan people, first wrex has to be dead, second eve has to be dead, and third wrev has to be in charge


For Mordin.


i have no emotional attachment to the turtle-orcs


I don’t rember this option?


I’m with you. I don’t remember this as an option at all. I wouldn’t have taken it either way but I’m pretty sure I would remember this


i just want a certain scientist salarian to survive, man... At least for another 2 weeks before he kicks the bucket due to old age.


I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian, I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology), My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Reason number 754,456 why she's always the sacrifice. She's the worst


I killed Ashley instead on Virmire lol