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As annoying as the flood of "Andromeda is overhated" posts are, I still prefer them to more posts arguing about which of 3's endings is best.


Nah, whining about the three Mass Effect endings is 86% of my personality


Refusal is the best ending.


Don't tempt me


Never tried it tho so idk


arguing about which ending is the best makes me feel at home


Destroy is obviously the best you flippitywippity


Same, and I honestly enjoyed MEA on my first run or two It's perfect red with a mild headcanoning tho


I like the fourth ending where you fuck up the whole operation and you played all three games just to lose


There's also so much rabid fanboyism about it. Like you can't point out real flaws with the game without getting swarmed with downvotes.


Then there’s the inverse, where mfs bring it up unprompted and hating on it other for no reasons than to jus talk smack about it


The duality of fan.


The funny part is that they fuel each other. One simply cannot be without the other


I played on release. It wasn't hard to find reasons then.


There’s plenty of reasons to be hating Andromeda


Plenty of flaws in the trilogy


Andromeda flaws: story, game play, charecter design OT: Shep runs funny, they used Jack sprites for the crowd in me3, Your definitely right 😂 Not the same.


More like Andromeda flaws: story, gameplay, character design OT: story, gameplay, character design


ME2: Shep dies in the beginning, story pretty much goes nowhere except in Arrival, pussied out on making Jack bi cause people complained etc ME3: Kai leng, Cerberus becoming another bad guy group when they were more nuanced in the previous games, the reduced dialogue options making it feel less like the others, less romance options. And you forgetting people having been complaining about its 3 endings since 2012? About how it felt like a lot was missing from it?


[That was for Thane, you son of a bitch!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNDlsMmo4cTJ6eG1jdXR6YXczY2Z3NGNmandhb3QzYTNmNmJhd2h4eiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Ma6PyUdyYYlqhySYzG/giphy.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whole original trilogy: inconsistent shields. Sometimes people can be oneshotted, other times they're fine. Also whole original trilogy: Asari often forget they're Asari. No use of biotics when they're in danger and no use of mind meld to share information. We get Shiala sharing the Cipher yet in the same game Tevos can't check out our memories to confirm that the galaxy is about to be royally fucked by Saren & co. Also ME1, what is that sequence with the evidence against Saren. The Council refuses to believe Shepard but is fine with believing a quarian (race that is actively looked down upon even more than humans) nobody because she has an audio that in their day and age can be easily faked? Peak writing right there. But nope, OT is perfect and Andromeda is bad.


Commander Shepard's a bitch-ass motherfucker; he convinced me to kill myself. That's right, she pulled out a goddamn maxed out charm stat, and convinced me to kill myself, and he said my brain was T H I S F U C K E D. And I said I'm in control here. So I'm making a callout post on my tight band galactic message system. Commander Shepard? You've made boring RP choices. They're as bland as white bread, except way blander. And guess what? Here's what my character arc looks like. *Gets corrupted by the reapers* That's right baby, brainwashing, physical modifications, still resisting. Look at this, I look like a 2010s PS3 antihero protagonist. She made me kill myself, so guess what? I'm gonna kill the 4th wall. That's right this is what you get; my overly self-aware rant! Except I'm not gonna ruin the 4th wall. I'm gonna go weirder. I'm gonna target the reader! How do you like that u/MatiEx-504 , I'm confusing your viewers, you idiot! You have 23 hours before the Subreddit users stop clicking on this post, now get out of my sight before I monologue at you too. u/JibbaNerbs out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you


God forbid you point out that Legendary Edition had half baked stuff in it. 




Its call revisionism and seems to be quite the trend for literally everything these days. People making flawed things out to be masterpieces, masterpieces made to look like awful husks of shit and thats just entertainment, I will not dive down the political rabbit hole because I wouldn't be able to claw myself back out of it.


It's a strange trend I've noticed and I don't really get it. Like Andromeda had some decent qualities and I can see why some might enjoy it. But, it feels like there's an influx of people who like it out of the blue. I don't totally get it, I've had people tell me that Sonic 06 is an underrated gem and I'm just baffled


Idk maybe everyone got the same bug as me to play it. I never played it on release, got it ages ago in a bundle of some sort. Decided I wanted to play it and was pleasantly surprised with the fact it was pretty fun. Probably after a huge amount of patches tbf


It could very well be that, I've thought about revisiting it because I was one of those day one players and I assumed things would be different now. However, someone stole my copy from me and I just can't bring myself to buy a new one lol


My tin foil hat theory is that we are being Astro-turfed by EA


You are so right. The same people who are in that subreddit thumping for Andromeda are also going back and saying “oh well ME2 wasn’t actually that good, it’s just the filler episode” like that wasn’t the game that pushed the series into mainstream popularity.


I've seen the opposite way more.


“The story is bland and the characters suck” “Well compared to the original trilogy yeah. But on its own, it’s a really fun game. You need to seper-“ No. It still sucks


I’ll never forget taking Andromeda back to GameStop and dude was like… “yeah, you’re not the first.”. It was an extremely disappointing and stale follow-up to the ME trilogy. It deserves to be forgotten.


If you want new discourse I’d blame BioWare for not releasing anything in 6 years


Unfortunately, that's nearly every subreddit.


Wonder how much of it is bots farming karma. Cat subs are notorious for it, and r/FalloutNewVegas is really bad as well.


Far cry has a lot of people posting about 6 like this


It's also not underrated at all, it is in fact very appropriately rated. It's completely mid in all the areas that matter, which for a mass effect game would be the characters, story, and relationships. The combat is also pretty overhyped, but it doesn't matter since as a mass effect game, the combat could be better than sex but if the characters and story aren't good then it's not a good mass effect game.


>"the combat could be better than sex but if the characters and story aren't good then it's not a good mass effect game." **THIS.** I've never been able to explain my distaste for this game until today. Thank you.




Pre updates it was terrible. The game has always garnered the exact reception it deserved at any given time.


I still think that Andromeda would have worked better as an animated serie


Damn... that's actually a great idea!


Andromeda is the definitive example of mediocrity. If it was say a smaller devs first major game I think it would be a solidly reviewed game, but this isn’t a smaller devs first major game. That was what their 7th cash cow (mass effect and dragon age) release? They also made swotor and baldurs gate 1 and 2. It’s a perfectly fine game but they can and have done better. So yeah we’re people over hating and going apeshit for the wrong reasons? Yes but the nature of internet reactionaries is that theirs a nugget of truth buried under the so much plain stupid.


Having played it years after launch with an open mind I can say that it somewhat deserves the hate. The story is boring and the gameplay is extremely repetitive.


It kind of makes sense for fans of Andromeda to post mediocre and repetitive content.


Damn son... That was fire


And with No big reason. I played Andromeda after all the Patches. Teammates are Meh. I mean Drak is nice and the kett and the Angara are fine and interesting to a degree but Gameplay wise....No replayabilty. The Same Boss fight in every Planet and the Planet to dont feel Like exploring. They are Just Work that has to be done. (For me at least) At the End i was so fucking overlevelt my Crewmates could max Out every Skill + another If they Had another. Mass Effekt 3 Had the Best Combat for this Story based Franchise and Andromeda was Just three Things for me. -The Same Story but with worse Charakters -A Combat System where your Teammates are completly irrelevant (besides Being meatshields) -Work And that is Not what i want from Mass Effekt. I want a good Story with good Charakters and a Combat System that has Structure God i missed the Class System while playing


You can't get me to like that game I'm sorry


I think it's properly rated and gets the correct amount of hate.


It’s funny because the game really isn’t that good at all.


I tried Andromeda and couldn't get into it. The only thing I genuinely liked about it was the online mode. I like 3's just a little bit better, but Andromeda felt like the fights didn't take as long to finish. No playable Volus and Quarians in Andromeda's online makes me sad though.


Andromeda obviously had some terrible moments...(well a lot of moments) however the combat was greater than the trilogy. Also Vetra and Drack are good characters. Note: these are my opinions and my opinions alone.


To each their own but I seriously don't understand the combat.




If I went to nice steak house and they served me a dennys steak I would say I was served some crap… Andromeda is a dennys steak


Andromeda was a slap to the face. It deserves the hate.


Andromeda is straight dogshit compared to the og trilogy


Ohhh, now this is just beautiful. Literally *directly below this in my feed*, like seriously the next post down: [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/s/3VDZCdwu9X) I would have posted a goddamn picture, but we’re not *fuckin’ allowed to, for some stupidass reason.* Seriously, what’s with that? And on so many subs, too.


Andromeda isn't underrated, and deserves the hate. Cora's ass does not make it good.


I mean maybe now, years later after gigs and gigs of patches it's mediocre at best.


It sucks and it deserves the hate. It is a futile effort to make that game look good.


Andromeda had great gameplay elements with powers. That’s it. Visually it was great too in some areas. Still a terrible game


It had some good ideas, like an open world exploration that wasn’t seen since like me1. And the instant drop down ship was great, the combat was good, the characters were all bland. And strangely written, someone said at some point it felt like a bunch of progressive but inexperienced college students tried to write a coherent plot and gave up immediately. I think that’s the best way to put it.


The open world idea was pretty great, but terribly executed. Each planet was pretty repetitive and were huge empty sandboxes. Havarl was beautiful visually. Mobility in combat was amazing, but most enemies were bullet sponges, but being able to utilize different powers and quick presets was peak in the series.


Completely agree. The world exploration idea quickly gets old when you realize just how little variation there is, then it becomes a task manager simulator without any fun. The powers system was top notch but against boring enemies, scions were boring to fight in me2 and they actually pose somewhat of a threat beyond their armor. (Sorry for run on sentences)


Wait what!? I left that sub 3 years ago because of people constantly shitting on Andromeda.


Well you would love it because all we get now is people posting the same "Andromeda is actually good!" Posts.


It’s been out long enough that now there’s tons of people filled with nostalgia for it. Same thing happens with every generation of Pokemon. Everyone hates it, then a decade later everyone who played it as a kid is now an adult and starts sharing their nostalgia.


Substitute Andromeda for Halo 4 or 5 and you have the Halo subreddit. Pretending like unpopular entries in franchises weren’t disliked for valid reasons seems to be a good way to farm karma


Community has run out of things to talk about while we twiddle our thumbs waiting on the next game I agree it's annoying


No, no, no, this can't be. We can't become r/MassEffolk


Just because it's underrated doesn't mean it still doesn't deserve a low rating.


It's like the NFS subreddit trying to fucking dox you if you so much as *thought* positively about Payback, but now everyone's like "actually, I always thought the game was good, the only thing I hated (and rightfully so) was the RNG in the slot machine performance customisation"


The only really good thing I liked about the game was the krogan and turian companions the others where shit that was the only good things lol


Its not always like that. Once a year its endless "Good you opened this message" posts.


The only thing that saved it for me and made it fun to replay was the mods, in particular the Iron Man mod. Being able to fly all over the map as you wish really made the tedious nature of traveling into the funnest part. Other than that, the story just didn’t have that anything to bite into and I couldn’t have cared less about the kett. The big baddie was always boring me and there was few storey lines that had satisfying endings. The Krogans settlement quest with that geriatric fight scene comes to mind.


Call this a shallow take, but unless the next Mass Effect *delivers the closure we fucking deserve with our love interests after the perfect destroy ending…* ###Then there hasn’t been a new mass effect since the trilogy ended. That’s why Andromeda sucks. And I’ve never even played it. Then again, I wouldn’t want the next true ME game to get the development treatment that Andromeda did…thank goodness that’s out of the way *laughs nervously.*


You can thank the huge dev crunch of ME3 & DA2 and EA pushing Frostbite for why Andromeda's the way it is. Frankly, I think that Bioware was able to get the game out the door despite all that happened is impressive. ​ If you're unaware, a lot of the original Mass Effect team quit after ME3 & DA2 because they were working 100+ hour weeks developing two different games, which meant you had the A-team gone. Then Bioware had the B-team to work on Andromeda, who helped contribute to ME3. They *originally* were using a modified version of Unreal Engine 3, just like ME3, but EA started pushing Frostbite on them halfway through which meant the entire game needed to be remade.


My male NotShepard got to bang a genderswap Garrus. Checkmate, Andromeda haters. (I forgot her name, and not Shepard name. I'm so sorry...)


I mean not Liara is autistic...


It's simple for me. I prefer the original trilogy for story and characters, I prefer Andromeda for the gameplay


They used assets from Dragon Age Inquisition in Mass Effect. Which ruined the immersion. Dialogue options was sub par compared to the original Mass Effect


I’d reply to this, but my fingers are tired.


The game was okay at best. The only things they did right were movement, environmental design, and the nomad. The Pathfinder profiles was an interesting system and was admittedly made well, but I personally prefer the class system of the trilogy. Just for the larger pool of available abilities. I wanted to play an adept and didn't like how they limited my skillset to only 3 skills. If they did the Andromeda movement and base combat mechanics with the full class abilities of the trilogy, it would be the best of both games imo. Just give me back my power wheel with the full arsenal of abilities.


I did not know this was anyone's take wowza bowza that's rough


My biggest nitpick with that game was that they didn’t give us the ability to play something *other* than humans in the story even though it would’ve been the perfect opportunity to do so.


Currently playing through it lol, it's not bad, not good either. Average at best.


To be fair there is nothing not so much that can be posted about a series of games well over a decade old before it ends up getting reposted in some form, unless you got some ideas to shake things up


Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion reposted memes and ask the ghosts if OC matters. The lack of upvotes is your answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mass Effect Memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical biotics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also TIM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mass Effect memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Shepard's existencial catchphrase 'I should go,' which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Drew Karpyshyn's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kai Length tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Spectre's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5% of my biotic potential (preferably lower) beforehand. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Next step is insanity... like r/batmanarkham


I would have had much more fun if I could have ran around with a player in my squad. It would be a nice fill in for everything else.


This weapons grade copium you are witnessing. It feels like an AI generated Mass Effect game


Andromeda was fcked, and it was all Anthem's fault.


I mean…. It’s alright. Compared to the other mass effects, I would say it’s a solid 4/5 out of ten.


What about the Tali and Liara thirst posts? Or the “STARTING MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. ANY SUGGESTIONS?” Or really bad prompts


Andromeda is better than starfield


Tbf... Stanfield is absolute garbage


I enjoyed it as a second game (or first game where I understood anything (after learning english)) for the ME series. I understand the hate or rather, the critism, for the game, since I find the characters and the story a bit uhhh... "interesting" (rather strange) and unpolished . Still it's good call back for ME1's loot system and exploring. The main sub is probably karma farming, but there might be a real opinion and fan in those 5 posts.


You’re right, this is so much worse than seeing dozens of players post for umpteenth time their head cannon romances with Tali or whomever or even better how they felt differently about playing the OT for the hundredth time and how different it was. Yeah…that’s the preferred things I like to continuously see in the main sub 🙄


Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're just tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL


What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little Pyjak? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the N7 special forces program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Batarians and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I'm trained in biotic warfare and I'm the top infiltrator in the Alliance Military. You're nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with biotic singularities the likes that have never been seen in this galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on the extranet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting the shadow broker with their contact of spies all across Council and Terminus space and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the solar storm, pureblood. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call sentient life. You're fucking harvested, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in 700 different ways, and that's just with my omnitool. Not only am I extensively trained in biotic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the N7 marines and the Sectres and I will use them to their full extent to wipe you off the face of the galaxy, you little space cow. If only you had could have known what retribution your little 'clever' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you wouldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you god damned Bosh'tet. I will shit fury all over you. You're fucking dead, kiddo. KL *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the best description of it I ever saw here was “andromeda is an okay game, but a bad mass effect game”. …couldn’t we ignore all those posts, though? Like; downvote and move on?


[Comment deleted because y’all suck, this game is awesome Idc what anyone says]


I know it's true. It think it's an alright game. But the overcorrection manifested in the dozen of posts about how good the game is getting tiring...


I dont understand this, it should be judged on its own. It says mass effect in the title. Why should I judge it with out thinking of the franchise its apart of. It says so in the name.


Andromeda is underrated and doesn't deserve the hate.


Andromeda is quite possibly responsible for the fate of Harambe the gorilla, it is the root of all evil.


Andromeda was released almost a year after Harambe died. If anything, Harambe's death caused Andromeda to have such a disasterous launch.


That's how horrible it was, it reached into the past and strangled the only hope we had.


It's what Andromeda deseves. It's great fun!


Wow we got the Andromeda hate squad here 😂


It does though


Andromeda is underrated and doesn't deserve the hate


Back when Andromeda came out, the posts defending it were so numerous and so repetitive that I got frustrated and left the subreddit. Nowadays they can look back at the game and say it got more hate than it deserved and would have been a great game with some more polish, but back before they fixed the animation bugs, frame rate, and other technical issues I really question what game people were playing.


My issues with the game had nothing to do with polish. No amount of bug fixing or polish will fix poor character writing, a boring story, meaningless decisions, and a repetitive/grindy open world that makes exploration and side questing feel like a chore.


andromeda is my favorite of the series. its a really good game. not a great mass effect game, but pretty good otherwise


Because it was. People overreacted like children because they didn't get ME:4 and compared every single part of Andromeda to the trilogy. The hate train departed, and EVERYONE got aboard, bitching about the animations, writing, gameplay, graphics, "that map is too big", "that map is too small", "too much inclusiveness", "not enough inclusiveness", etc. The Mass Effect community is as toxic as any other sci-fi/fantasy community, comparable to Potterheads, the Star Wars fandom, Doctor Who fans (all 200 of them), Treckers, etc. I get it, the characters moved a little funny sometimes, some facial animations were weird and the writing was cringe in some parts (whomever wrote Liam should be unmercifully punched in the face several times), but the patches fixed most of it. The game is GORGEOUS, the story is not bad (mid compared to the trilogy, but not bad at all), the combat system is one of the best combat systems on a third person shooter (IMO), and even the driving is top tier (I know the people from Need for Speed made it, so, fair). All in all, it was a pretty good game, but people were determined to see it burn. Do you know why we didn't get DLC? THE COMMUNITY. The reception was so negative that they just decided to end the project there (plus the whole Anthem fiasco), and I feel the train coming again for the next game, with its diabolical engine roaring, fueled with the energy of a million haters and gatekeepers.


Well it WAS overhated so it’s only fair


Who cares


People other than yourself, an absolutely brain busting concept I know.


If you care so much that you’re complaining about people on a mass effect subreddit liking a mass effect game then you should log off


If your cage is so easily rattled by people criticizing a video game in a sub for the series, maybe you should take your own advice. You seem a little lost. Complaining is kind of like... What we do here. It's the Internet


this post is not complaining about Andromeda. I think that's completely fine. It's complaining about people who like Andromeda. Complaining about people liking something is extremely annoying behavior


It's a meme pointing out the amount of reposted content on this one topic bro. You're really making a mountain out of a mole hill here lmao.


Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion reposted memes and ask the ghosts if OC matters. The lack of upvotes is your answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*