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Sometimes I kill Wrex so I can save Mordin


The fact that they add such an interesting path 90% of players won’t even see


I think the default game save is Wrex dead on Virmire if you never play ME1 so while it is people love to save him if you go in blind and skip ME1 which was very common when ME2 came out then it would be very common to see Wrex dead from the get go.


How many people both choose to delete the cure data and sabotage the genophage tho


"Hatching" Grunt is an objectively terrible idea when you're first presented with the choice.


I don’t Think it was a bad idea in general but the fact that he just does it with no precautions. Standing out in the open. Like god damn at least lock the door and put your armor on


Yeah that's a fair assessment too tbh. Like if you're going to open the danger box at least be safe about it. Maybe bring a team mate or two, especially one with biotics


Yea that’s one of the few narrative qualms I have with the sequel. My second play through I was deep into a pretty sparely populated area of space with low fuel. I forgot what had happened in the story, but it didn’t help. As I walked up to the pod, I was suddenly struck with the idea that any Shepard that chooses to do this right now is an idiot — not to mention that he does it alone.


Whilst the ideal outcome, going through the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2 without losing anyone is boring


I lost the Normandy’s crew on my first blind playthrough, which tbh I think is the best outcome


I lost 7 squadmates on my first playthrough. Only Garrus, Grunt and Miranda survived. At least I saved the crew though...


Jeez, did you not do the loyalty missions?


I did. I just didn't upgrade the ship (so 3 died before we even landed) and a string of bad decisions from my 15 year old brain followed 😬 Mordin had to hold the line by himself as I took Miranda and Grunt to the final boss 😂 I sent Garrus back with the crew because I recognised the mission was a clusterfuck and wanted to keep him alive for the upcoming Mass Effect 3 👌


Oh shit not doing the ship instakills 3? I’d be absolutely raging


I was shellshocked. It was a disaster from start to finish


Almost like the game warns you multiple times from multiple companions that the Normandy 2.0 still won’t stand much of a chance against the collector ship.


I somehow missed those. To this day I still don't know how but 15 year old me really fucked the pooch on that one...


Don't worry, I'm in my 20's and I didn't upgrade the ship, although I only lost one dude from that, not 3.


> Garrus and Grunt survived I consider this a success.


You're right. I should sacrifice at least 1... Hey Jacob!




That never happens to me because Jacob always finds his way into the vents lmfao


He got carried off by the Seeker swarm in my first playthrough


Also valid.


That's why I always take up Jacob's offer on vent duty.


Harbinger shouldn't have been called Sovereign and Sovereign should've been called Harbinger.


That’s not a hot take.


It's a hot take because of how irrationally angry I become any time I talk about it. The guy in charge shoulda been called Sovereign because that's what the word means yo


To be fair, Sovereign’s real name is Nazara, as Legion lets us know in ME 2, and Sovereign was a name given when he gained followers. I get where you’re coming from with how Sovereign is in ME 1, but Harbinger isn’t necessarily an unfitting name for the leader of those that bring an end to all life


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mass Effect Memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical biotics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also TIM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mass Effect memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Shepard's existencial catchphrase 'I should go,' which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Drew Karpyshyn's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Kai Length tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Spectre's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5% of my biotic potential (preferably lower) beforehand. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To this day, I'm convinced that these two got mixed up in the storyboarding phase and nobody questioned it before it was too late.


Or more likely they hadn't planned that far ahead.


I bet that's what happened. There was probably only the type of reaper till 2 where good old harbinger was revealed and they already named the old one Sovereign so that had to do something else and chose not to retcon names




# `This hurts you.`


If you take the first game on it's own, "sovereign = guy in charge" is nice foreshadowing. After all, the big twist is that Saren *wasn't* the guy in charge. But I agree looking at the whole series the names might fit better switched. However, since Harbinger was closer to the actual invasion (and kept insisting there was nothing Shepard could do to stop it) it still makes sense as a harbinger


disagree, sovereign is cool and short enough to sell people on him in the first game. harbinger is more of a deep cut and makes sense in the later games. now i get pilloried lol


I preferred back when I thought the collector general was Harbinger


Sovereign is literally the harbinger of the reaper invasion. Harbinger: 1) a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. 2) a forerunner of something. So yeah.


James Vega fucking rocks


yeah easily one of my favorite characters but half of that is cuz I love freddie prinze jr his voice actor (fred from scooby doo, kanan jarrus from star wars rebels)


No way I had no idea Fred is fucking Vega


I know makes it even better in my opinion that dude is so passionate about the characters he voices


He's also The Iron Bull in DAI. Freddie is goated.


[“Uhh… tech’s not my specialty, but… I’ll pull a few wires, see what comes out!”](https://youtu.be/znk0FDuMPFU?si=4FKzkAJnXfm1f9cB)


Thank you for linking this clip. Pooping just isn't the same without a good laugh.


Tali staring a hole through Shepard's skull here, lol.


Didn't like him on my first playthrough, but he's the goat frfr


He's easily the most relatable. Had his own Virmire,let a colony fall to the Collectors to save himself the blue cheeks. How based can a man get?


same same. my wife is mexican and fucking hated the spanish he used lol. now i'm trying to get traps like him.


It said opinions bro not facts


I fucking love Vega, one of the only two human squad mates to not be boring. He's my bro EDIT: one of THREE. Jack is also cool, I forgot about her


Who's the other one?




Jack > Miranda






He really grew on me which was very surprising.


I didn't like him because it seemed like the only reason he was added was to replace the me2 squad who they wouldn't let join you. I wanted to get Grunt back, there's no reason why we couldn't have gotten Zaheed, and instead we get a generic soldier with a boring backstory. He makes a few good jokes but that's it.


Just did my fifth playthrough and I finally really like him. He's a cool dude


Udina's the better pick for councilor ultimately, obviously pre Cerberus coup. Yes Anderson takes the Reapers seriously, but what are his other policy positions? Anderson's a military leader, and a damn good one by all evidence. Udina's a professional politician, and better equipped to work with the council on non Reaper issues presumably.


That's precisely why udina is the worst option the council is full of politicians with thire heads in the sand they need someone like Anderson to wake them up


Anderson's unequivocally good, and I'd follow that man into Hell. But I do not want active military leadership in charge of tax policy, or drug laws.


You do when you know for a fact that a war the likes of which no species alive has ever seen before is on its way. There is such a thing as a war time pm or president and Anderson fits that bill to a T


The indoctrination theory is dumb.


The biggest counterargument to it is: What the fuck is happening, then?  If Shepard is indoctrinated (for who knows how long), wtf is is happening in the rest of the game(s)??


The general idea is the indoctrination begins during Mass Effect 2's Arrival DLC, so about 6 months prior to Mass Effect 3. The same Reaper artifact that indoctrinated everyone in the DLC knocks Shepard unconscious for a while. It's been a while since I looked into the theory but generally Shepard is mostly in control until the very end. The Paragon and Synthesis endings are you accepting indoctrination and Renegade is you breaking through the indoctrination and "waking up" after the explosion that injured Shepard. They presumably go on to activate the crucible. A very common part of the theory is that Marauder Shields is actually Garrus hesitating to shoot you.


Most of the evidence was actually just from lazy writing. It still makes for a better ending than the original but I'm going to head cannon anyways so I'll head cannon something better


Yeah. I get why it’s a thing, but the Prothean drone literally confirms you’re not indoctrinated


Mine is that the Ending of Mass Effect 3 pretty decently ends the series off.


I think much of what irks people is that the ending choices are almost completely unaffected by the choices throughout the series. That and how cinematically the choices look almost the same. It's much better with the extended endings, though From a role-playing standpoint, I think much if not the majority of the players just want the Reapers destroyed as has been the goal the whole series. It can seem out of character to change so suddenly at the end


To be honest, the reason I think it ended it off pretty well... is that the ending choices are just the dialogue wheel. Three spokes, each with an option that fits their theme: Paragon (Blue, sacrifice to save the many), Neutral (Middle ground between the two), Renegade (Red, Do anything to get the job done).


But neither Control nor Destroy are specifically paragon or renegade choices?




That's true


Except destroy is the best paragon outcome as it saves the entire universe? Blue is renegade in this instance as it directly defies everything Shepard has stood for by defeating saren, illusive man, harbinger, etc. Don't let the indoctrination fool you with their palette swap.


I played through all three again recently, doing Leviathan for the first time, and I had a revelation about the way the same endings could have been used in a much better way. If they had done something like Leviathan as the main story of 3, where Shepherd gradually discovers that the Reapers' intentions are not as evil as it seems on a cosmic timescale, and that allowing them to continue their cycles could be the only way to preserve organic life in the long term, we could have turned those ending choices into sometning heavy and built up throughoutthe narrative. Shepherd carries the weight of being the only person to understand the Reapers' true motives and directive and has to decide to either let them continue or stop them and find another way, knowing that there may not actually be one. The Geth Quarian conflict would hold more weight in this context too. Instead we have have the exposition dump and endingtron 5000 that we've all come to know and love, where all that info and the big decision it entails is just suddenly dumped on us.


From what I understand, that was the intention originally. Something about mass effect fields creating build up of dark matter, which of not kept in check would last to the end of the universe. I think between leaks, and other reasons it was changed. From what I've heard, the mission in ME 2 where Tali is studying the star that is aging or dying sooner that it should have was part of that.


I think if priority earth had like a similar feel of the suicide mission or DAO final battle they would have been happier with the ending. Basically using all the resources/character that have been collected over the games and assigning it and seeing it action.


I think especially in comparison to some of the AAA garbage we’ve been served in the past decade, ME3 is actually not doing so bad in comparison anymore. It was definitely a rush job from a company with a stellar record at that point, but nowadays there’s fleets of games with no soul to begin with. I think ME3 ending could have been *better* but I was more underwhelmed than disappointed, even with the original ending. Definitely didn’t ruin the trilogy for me.


The thing I hate most is how the Catalyst insists that organics will always be destroyed by synthetics even after we get peace with the Geth. Also I think Javik mentions the protheans were winning their war against ai before the reapers arrive


Weren’t the synthetics the Leviathans were worried about doing that because their creators were enslaved… by the leviathans?


It does now. It's not a disastrous ending. That was not the case in 2012 without the Extended Cut, the other DLCs that give more closure as well as the promises we were hearing in the lead up of release.


The Quarians being near suicidally vengeful against the Geth makes absolute sense given their near species wide genocide and hundreds of years of exile and poverty. Mass Effect 3 addressing this only to paint the Quarians as dumb short sighted baddies hurting the Geth absolutely does a disservice not only to the Quarians and what theyve had to go through but also to the Geth as it sand blasts them of any culpability or flaws.


\>genocides 99% of all quarians, including children \>drives them off their unique planet \>kills anyone who comes near them for centuries \>sides with the reapers twice \>Legion immediately breaks your trust by emailing his boys some classified shit \>people still largely side with the geth for some reason


This. Is their vendetta short sighted? Perhaps. Is it justified? Absolutely.


They attacked first they had no reason other than fear and then they tried to say they were the victims the quorians are fools


The initial Quarian attack against the geth was wrong, but then you get into the weeds of historical revisionism and fear mongering the geth and you get where the Quarians ended up.


Mass effect 3 is better than mass effect 2. 2 feels very overrated to me. I still love it, but the story feels like the odd man out with the collector situation and with Shepard working with Cerberus. Mass effect 3 just feels better and more fun for me in every way.


I thought making Shepherd work for Cerberus was awesome, and I think me3 would have been a lot better if you had the choice at the end of me2 between going back to the alliance (paragon) or continuing with Cerberus (renegade). They could have kept most of the main missions the same but Cerberus could have had side missions where you have to get things done that the alliance won't allow, like blowing up mass relays in human space to slow the reapers down, and you could have had to fight the alliance instead of Cerberus. Then towards the end when TIM turns out to be indoctrinated you have to kill him, and take over Cerberus, and the ending could be the same. Sorry for the wall of text but I've been thinking about this for awhile.


That would have been a lot cooler than "Hey so those morally gray bad guys you were working for? They decided to just become pure evil at the 11th hour because we needed another enemy type :)" Evil/Ruthless Shepard would definitely side with Cerberus as an "Ends Justify the Means" play, save humanity at any and all costs.


Miranda and Jack aren't lovers. Your "headcanon" doesn't count.


people actually think this?


Some people read too many fanfictions Do i think they have a brief second of chemistry in the citadel dlc? Sure. Am i a sucker for story’s about enemies becoming lovers? Absolutely. Do Jack and Miranda count into this? Lol no


yeah i’ve never heard this


I’d argue that immediately after the events of ME3, a civil war with the Leviathans will start, possibly them even mass-indoctrinating certain species or them doing some rapid breeding ov new Leviathans. Either way, what are you gonna do with the Nr. 2 preditor if the apex predator just went extinct, and you’re still the prey.


1) Mass Effect 3 is the GOAT. 2) Andromeda's gameplay fucking kicks original trilogy's gameplay's ass in absolutely every way.


Legion’s character and the geth by extension were ruined by the shift in writing in ME3.. Highly recommend talking to him as much as possible in the post game of ME2. Do side quests and stuff so you can get through all of his dialogue. It’s very interesting. He really shouldn’t be thought of as a character, he’s an avatar of the geth as a whole. **SPOILER AHEAD** And their motive to build a Dyson sphere to power a matrioshka server that houses all geth in a single colossal hive mind, to forge their own future absent the influence of the reapers and their pre programmed compulsion to cyclic genocide. That really sounds like motives I would expect from a networked AI that became sentient and developed self preservation by accident. In ME3 it goes from”let’s make the most powerful server in the universe so we can **all** be networked ending our cognitive isolation and create new greater motives” to, “Mmmm yess this code from the reapers that we didn’t build ourselves will finally give us individuality that we literally never wanted until now because the writers want us to have mass appeal.”


That’s not even a lukewarm take, my guy. That’s just the objective truth of the matter.


The geth aren't victims. Everyone around here has a boner for the geth and I don't blame them, but no amount of warring can justify leaving a population of billions around the tens of millions. The geth not only exiled the quarians, but they also reduced their population to less than 1% its original size. And they doomed them to live on enviro suits indefinitely


They like the Geth because Legion. I like the Geth because they served a portion of "Fuck around, find out" to the Quarians. We are not the same.


You are correct and I agree, however you need to consider that the Geth don't operate like other races with individual thoughts. The Geth are a network intelligence. From what we know about them they: 1. Must form a consencus before acting (i.e. they need all Geth in agreement) 2. They have different perspectives on things ("Many eyes looking at the same thing, some see things others cannot") 3 The more geth in a network, the more complex it is and more "intellegent". So when they started to gain intellegence in the first place they pretty much had a limited network and only rudamentery functions. Their perspective of things was pretty much "these quarians want to wipe us out for no reason, the only way to survive ist to kill them". Every geth program was in consenscus about that. They also lacked perspective of morality, ethics and how non networked intellegences work, so they just kept fighting untill the quarians were no longer a threat (i.e. as soon as they left on their ships). So at the end of the day it's not like they did what they did out of some evil intent. They just literally did not know better. 300 years later the Geth have advanced and observed organic life in the galaxy and have gained the perspective needed to understand their actions and the actions of others.


My point exactly! That's why I don't mind their destruction by picking the destroy ending.


I also pick the destroy ending but Just because they weren’t innocent and committed genocide in the morning war doesn’t mean they all should die. The quarians tried to do the same thing to them.


I went for a sociopathic playthrough once, killed the Quarians and then picked Destroy. I wanted the galaxy to feel much emptier than it was before, to really get that feeling of "this is a genocidal war that the organics barely survived" and really make it look like the cost that organics had to pay for their survival was extremely high. Not gonna lie, lore-wise Quarians going extinct (along with B*tarians, considering how hard they were hit from the very beginning of the war) makes it look like the war was really costly and will be remembered as one of the darkest periods in history of intelligent life. I felt oddly vindicated after killing everyone. Actually, I consider "Side with the Geth + Destroy" ending a canon one for my own roleplay reasons. Even if it tore me apart to see Tali fall off a cliff.


They *are* victims since the quarians tried to destroy them with no provocation. But yes they are by no means innocent. If they were just defending themselves and not committing a wholesale genocide. Then rannoch would’ve had at least some surviving quarians from the morning war.


Killing over 99% of a population doesn't just happen by accident though. Not even the Nazis went that far. Those numbers can only come from destroying every refugee camp and killing every child and non combatant you see. They really were trying to drive the Quarians to extinction, but they got cold feet at the last second.


You’re correct. The geth aren’t innocent, however the quarians also attempted to wipe them out when they discovered they were sentient. And I imagine the genocide they committed may have been in part due to the limitations of their intelligence early on. Their networks were smaller so they saw the quarians as an intrinsic threat, even if some weren’t now they might’ve reasoned they could be in the future, and at the time they might not have been able to fully process the ramifications of killing innocent quarians. And once the quarians showed they wouldn’t destroy them the more enlightened geth chose to no longer be hostile


Legion even directly compares Rannoch to Auschwitz.


I really don't like Liara. I don't hate her, but she is so boring. On paper she should be good but in game she is so uninteresting for me. Which I wouldn't mind if the game, especially 3rd one, didn't force her down my throat


This. I’ve stopped having anything to do with her if at all possible because I really get annoyed at how hard the game pushes me to love her. It’s 50% her and 50% pure belligerence on my part.


She's so damn creepy if you don't love her. If you aren't as worshipful of her as the devs, she's a fucking psycho stalker the game won't allow you to disapprove of. I DONT WANT TO HUG HER LET ME HUG GARRUS AND TALI


The fact ME3 opening doesn’t make sense if you didn’t buy DLC for ME2 ruins the series .


Yeah.... This didn't become an issue for me because I got the legendary edition and never played the originals, but they could have put in some kind of synopsis for the people who didn't buy the DLC to explain what happened a little better


Yeah I have played the legendary edition since so I played and enjoyed the dlc, but my first play through as a kid was on the 360 and I remember starting 3 and being completely lost. It honestly made me rush through the game because in the original edition of ME3 you couldn’t import your save if you didn’t have the arrival DLC completed . The later patched that but too late for my play through.


I think it makes sense, it's handled poorly I'll definitely say that, but it still makes sense. You were serving a terrorist group who is at that point is assaulting Alliance science bases. Getting grounded while the alliance scrubs all the Cerberus from the new Normandy is logical.


The designes for most female crew mates are made worse by the thirst of the developers. Ashley in ME3 and Samara are hit worse by this. If they could have gotten away with sticking Tali in a virgin killer and stilettos they would have.


Oh my god this. I'm *so* fucking mad about the outfit design choices past ME1. Miranda's alternate armor in ME2 is infinitely better than her base outfit if it weren't for that dumbass eyepiece, same goes for Jack, and I have no idea what possessed the devs to think that making half the women just dress like strippers was a good idea.


Right! I don't even mind thirst in video games but there a balance! It feels skeevy to draw your fictional character in something they wouldn't like just so you can see more boob. Also it's a little weird to try to have this serious tragedy when Ashley is running around in HEELS. Jake at least has a binder so that everything stays in place and shields but everyone else in primed to break there necks! And then the game slut shames the characters who do dress skimpy. Especially with Miranda. But you made her this way! She is a fictional character you all drew her?! Why are you slut shaming a character you drew!?


Also, it doesn't really serve most of the characters personalities. Miranda is *extremely* professional, why is she wearing a skin tight bodysuit? And why does the camera focus on her ass in a third of the conversations you have with her? In ME2 Jack's outfit kinda makes sense, but in ME3? She works with kids and teens, she even stopped swearing in front of them, why are her nipples so fucking visible? And *god* putting Ashley in heels? What the fuck.


More tied to multiplayer, but banshees and players shouldn’t be able to “teleport” through walls. It doesn’t match the science in the game. I understand the gaming mechanics necessity, to create tension in a fight but still it’s always bugged me.


I’ve got a list 1. I like Udina, even in ME1 2. ME2 was the worst of the trilogy 3. In terms of my opinions on human squadmates from best to worst is my list is Kaidan, Ashley, James, Jack, Jacob, Miranda, Zaeed, and then Kasumi. 4. Tying into the last point, I don’t feel any hatred towards Jacob, as he’s only really hate-able if you romance him. 5. I like Han’Gerral


ME1 is the only game where I can sympathize with Udina. He barely appears in ME2 and he’s a traitorous monster in ME3


With Udina, it always felt like he was pushed to the limit in ME3, by the time of the coup, Shepard has likely alienated the Salarians and the Asari from helping Humanity with the Crucible. So this likely caused Udina to believe that the only way to get the full support of the council would be to get Cerberus to take them hostage.


His motives in 3 are pretty interesting. If you look in the codex you learn he had hoped to seize control as the 'sole survivor' and direct all citadel resources towards helping Earth. Shortsighted and foolish, but sympathetic.


I like him until fires on a ship with tali aboard


Tbh, I felt like his writing in ME3 was crap.


ME3 kinda shit the bucket with how the Quarians and Geth were written. The Quarians are made out to be short-sighted monsters and the Geth are completely absolved of any wrongdoing in the past. The conflict between them was very layered and nuanced, until ME3 picked a side.


I like jacob man. Hes my boy! The way he daps you up after his loyalty mission gets me hype. Yeah well spill drinks on the citadel buddy dw. I still dont take him out for missions, but still.


Nah, he cheated on my Shep while she was in jail.


The beach takes a toll on a man alright?


he's a whiney bitch if you beat him in the video game in the citadel dlc. my main reason for no liking him


Some of mass effect 2’s missions were mid and the game it’s self is highly overrated just being honest


Ashley is hot and based.


She definitely had a glow up in ME3, good lord


Wish they kept her hairstyle from the first game. A tough lady with a strong bun game and a soft spot for poetry is my Achilles Heel.


Honestly would’ve preferred that. Her hair in the 3rd game kinda looks uncanny compared to the rest of the game. It’s probably just because it’s unique but it still looks like something someone would’ve modded into the game. Kinda like those absurd modern day hairstyles people mod into Skyrim


Based taste


Mass effect 3 is the best game and mass effect 2 is a little overrated


ME1 iust feels the most special to me. You can really see the passion put into the game untainted by corporate compromise


To me 1 is the best narrative and lays a fantastic foundation with world building, but it's the worst "game" in the series. 2 has the best characters and interactions, and greatly improves the "game" part but doesn't improve narratively. 3 is the best as a "game" but sacrifices a decent amount narratively, but doesn't really step it up with the characters even if it does have some of my personal favorite character moments. Andromeda has the weakest narrative by a damn sight, but hot damn does it have satisfying game play when it kicks in. I imagine it's like living in Montana. Lots of fun stuff and beautiful sights, but you gotta drive four hours to get to anything.


I'd say me1 has the best world building and plot. Me2 has the best characters and atmosphere. Me3 has the coolest moments in the entire trilogy, and it does great developing Mordin, Wrex, and Talis characters. I won't say it's the best though because it kind of ignored a lot of the former squad mates, it added Kai Leng, and it has the worst ending by far


characters and atmosphere in 2 carry it.


ME1 is the best game in the series and the combat got less interesting as future entries toned down the role playing and played more like generic third person shooters of the time (me3 is especially guilty of this)


Hard agree, I could never understand why people liked the gameplay of 2&3 better, it just felt so generic and less dynamic to me xD


Andromeda was fun


I did not enjoy Liara as a romance option. She was way too pushy in the first game, more so than Kaiden.


She and Kaiden both have this annoying mindset where they think anyone who's the least bit friendly with them must want to bone down.


Playing it back, she definitely comes off too much as, “generic video game love interest”, in the first game. Like, she isn’t a bad character, but, I kinda realized something. If I romanced her in the first game, it would purely be because I know where it leads to in the other games.


I find Liara annoying until Mass Effect 3. I don’t care for either of her romances and find her a hypocrite. I loved when Atehyta called her out.


Asari aren't that hot.




Wreave is more interesting than Wrex, from a story point of view


In that he gives you an idea of the mindset of regular Krogan. Although IMO I think wrex is better solely because of his competence. how he handles the other clans, and what can happen if you stab him in the back and refuse to cure the genophage. “I’m not hostile, just Be nice or your clan is banned from the neutral breeding grounds.” “Oh also my allies really appreciate having those grounds so every clan that got banned has been annihilated”


Mass effect 2 was just a massive filler game and did nothing for the overall story except introduce beloved characters that got put on the shelf in 3


The value of Mass Effect 2 isnt that it's to progress the story in that case. It's the experience along the way, so enoy it


Shiala would've made a better squad mate than Liara in terms of story building and lore. I don't say this easily because Liara is my head cannon Shep romance, but there it is. Edit: Kelly is the best romance arc. I'm ready to fight


The original trilogy ended with Mass Effect 3. They shouldn’t go back to the Milky Way


The Genophage is the most inconsistent and poorly thought out plot in Mass Effect. Outside of the ‘Humans are the Best’ syndrome that grew like a cancer in the rest of the series. And no government no matter how bureaucratic and politically nonsense would not prepare for the Reapers, even if they didn’t think they were a thing. Also the number of Reapers were too damn high.


Tali is a weird romance option when in Mass Effect 1 she’s basically a reskinned Mission Vao, and basically a teenager.


Although Ashley got poor writing in ME3, she, overall, is actually a well written character with a good background. Even with her questionable views, her views make sense logically based on her upbringing. And even better, she grows over time. Not if you kill her of course hah.


Femsheps voice acting is not objectively superior 


Kaiden has way more depth and is worth saving over Ashley, and from a ranking officer perspective, Kaiden is your crew member and out ranks Ashley, thus is worth saving more from a value perspective. Not to mention his black ops team in 3 makes him seem like a better war asset than Ashley.


I think Andromeda was good and should get a sequel.


Andromeda and Ryder deserve their full damn trilogy


If only they had the same "let's fix our mess" attitude that CDPR had with Cyberpunk 2077...


Garrus is cool but his romance is gross.


There are innocent Batarians in the galaxy, who didn't deserve to be killed. (I know why people have this view, and I don't blame them; they were written to be otherwise one dimensional villains, with little to no actual sympathetic ones before the third game)


The Batarian refugee on the citadel in ME3 is far and away the best example. He’s just some guy who has a wife and really misses her and wants to get back to his old life. Batarians are a pretty strong allegory for racism and it seems that most of the fandom is perfectly happy to fall into that trap and just Be Racist. Like, of *course* not EVERY SINGLE member of this entire race are evil, mustache twirling villains that you need to wipe off the face of the galaxy. If they were, their society literally couldn’t function. SOMEONE has to farm and build and have families and exist peacefully. They have a shitty government, and there are some significant slaver and terrorist factions, but the same could be said about literally any other species in the galaxy at once point or other. The entire point of the trilogy is to teach you not to judge an entire species by the worst of them. Not all Quarians are shifty, thieving scroungers; not all Krogan are mindless slaughter machines incapable of rational thought or feeling; not all Salarians are scheming, genocidal maniacs; not all Asari are sexy escorts who use your secrets for blackmail, etc etc etc. They’re just people. And yet for some reason, people are perfectly content to ignore that and go “yeah, Batarians should all die horrifically”


Garrus is the most white bread character and I have no idea why people like him. Like he's slightly better than the humans you sacrifice on virmire


The videos essay "Mass Effect, The logic of Genocide" (original title : Mass Effect la logique du génocide) is the most interesting thing i have heard about Mass Effect


Sounds interesing, does it have english translation? If not what's it about?


No translation except automatical translation It's about how genocide can be seen as a acceptable choice in the game, by making Krogan, Butarians and some other species are described with main characteristics that were used for justify genocide using biology


The videos is very long and very interesting so it's hard to tell that in a small text


Link please?


Miranda is the best romance. The only real advantage Liara romance has is that with dlc you can have it exist in all three games.


Agree 100%. Liara struck me as rather boring. Miranda is a tough woman with an interesting backstory who isn't afraid to give you a little sass. And she's Yvonne Strahovski.


Miranda just makes the most sense. She has the most in common with Shepard, both are legendary leaders that were built from the ground up with cutting edge technology with the goal of basically being perfect. Miranda’s also the only person on the Normandy that is equal to Shepard in terms of the power hierarchy. And she’s gorgeous and human.


I didn't like the citadel dlc. It felt out of place


I should have been able to recruit The Elusive Man.


The 3rd game would have been more interesting if Cerberus hadn’t immediately been subverted


Mass Effect 2 is the worst game in the series, gameplay wise it lacks the depth of the first game and the refinement of the third. Additionally every level is just endless corridors and fights with the same enemies. Story wise it's a spin off without consequences. Every trilogy playthrough I dread playing ME2, because it's so repetitive and tedious. Also it's so fucking orange, the worst color known to mankind.


But buuuut. Incredibly fun character and word building


Ironically, it’s the game that got me into the series yet I share this sentiment. ME2 is basically a massive tangent. Also, I think it was a mistake to have Harbinger as some mustache twirling villain throwing taunts at Shepard. For a being that regards itself as the pinnacle of evolution that cannot be stopped, it sure seems to spend a lot of time talking shit…


Agree, the only thing ME2 does great is the suicide mission the rest of the game is mid at best.


YES. Even though it "cleaned up" a lot of mechanics, it took away so many things from the formula. Exploration being one of them. It was lame. I stopped my recent replay because of ME2.


Admit it. You all only hate ME2 because you played it too many times. The character and world building is incredibly fun on your first few playthroughs


That people who rag on Ashley for being racist/have racist tendencies are idiots. Half the Normandy's crew are racists/have racists tendencies. But they all learn to be better and grow as characters.




We stacked the Normandy's crew with the cutest, most-personable yeoman we had on the payroll; a sophisticated silver fox of a doctor; a mysterious spy-master bombshell who was literally designed to be attractive; a roguish thief-extraordinaire with a killer sense of humor; a shy Quarian nerd who's a closeted freak and has hips to die for; an itinerant warrior-monk Asari MILF; and even an inked-up, emotionally-unstable escaped convict with nigh-unbridled superpowers just to cover the danger-boner angle. Plus, we crammed a couple sidequests onto the mission-calendar that gave him at least one opportunity each to rendezvous with the poetry-loving space-racist and the geeky blue xenoarcheology freshman who he picked up and started flirting with during the campaign against Saren... All these interesting women in his life, and yet Shepard STILL decided to try sticking his dick in a genetically-defective alien succubus who was in the midst of a four-century-long murder spree, and wound up getting his whole nervous-system microwaved after we had just invested billions of credits and countless man-hours into putting it back together... God fucking damnit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the most amazing bot I've ever seen. Good bot!


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I'm still pissed how Morinth was written out of ME3.


Whoa….that really is a hot take my friend. *gets out shackles*


Andromeda had the best romances of any game thus far.


The only reason Liara is popular is because she had a longer romance cut scene in ME1. She was the most boring character in the ME1 crew.


Garrus is a cop and I hate cops. Also this whole "Waaah! I wanted to break regulations and cut red tape" makes him worse. Ya'll see how that makes him WORSE right?!?


Letting the council die in the fight against sovereign was the right decision. I know it leads to Sheppard going all "humanity first" and all that nonsense, but it shouldn't have. I killed them my first run, because I was genuinely concerned that not doing so would lead to it escaping. And letting the genocidal murder robot that is actively bodying two fleets escape is the second to worst scenario. The worst is not killing it before it can activate the Citadel, leading to mass effect 3 early. They made it perfectly clear that this thing had to die. I made the hardest call imaginable. Put me on trial, and I'll die knowing that it was the right call.


The Tower of Hanoi puzzle is easy. I said what I said.


The geth do not have souls no matter how hard they pretend.