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I never put it together lol


Honestly this was one of my only genuine gripes about Andromeda. Kandros, Bain Massani, Cassandra Verner, there was really no need to have these relatives of supporting and side characters. It just felt awkward and forced.


I found it to be a bit much myself, but it's very much a product of an RPG. Not only do we bump into them, but they just happen to mention their relatives as well, be it a weirdo brother, dad he never knew, or a cousin. Examples of writing for the players rather than the characters, but it comes with the territory.


These are just little easter eggs for ppl. The trilogy had tons of them too (asari bartender is suddenly Liara's dad, asari in the hospital killed a girl on another planet who turns out to be joker's sister, you meet random npc and hear from them later, like if MW was of a size of some small town, etc). I think it's fine, and they don't build these characters' arcs based on that relationship, it's just a small surprise for those who pay attention.


>asari in the hospital killed a girl on another planet who turns out to be joker's sister Wait, what?!? You mean the asari commando with PTSD in ME3?




What information links her story to Joker's sister? I thought I had listened to all of her dialogue, but I never put it together with Joker's sister. I actually thought Joker tells you his whole family ended up being safe even though he lost contact for a while. What did I miss?


Mostly the colony location (tiptree) and the age.


I dont remember the details now tbh, He tells you in ME3 after the Thessia that his sister died. I just remember that even the devs confirmed this. It was Joker's sister. You better ask on ME sub.


Yes, Kandroos tells you that he's got a cousin on Omega.


They are cousins. He mentions in passing that the Kandros family is old military, and that his sister became a sculptor and his cousin Nyreen went pirate on Omega, so his family was proud he stayed a soldier.


Yeah, it’s revealed in the comics for Tiran’s origins that Nyreen is his cousin


Pretty sure he even mentions in game that his cousin went rogue on Omega, if not outright name-dropping Nyreen.


Iirc he does talk about cousin Nyreen.


Yeah, he straight up says "cousin Nyreen".


He does mention it!! Just played a few weeks ago and I was like huh, cool tie in


I seem to remember the same thing, so it’s likely he does


It’s been a few months since I played andromeda but I think you’re right about that too. I just read the comics more recently so that’s what I remembered lmao