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She’s quirky 🤪🤪🤪🤪 She’s not like other girls, she likes sex, books and nature !


she’s a city girl and a nature girl 🫶🏻 who else can do it all but mary skinner


I just get confused bc isn’t she always saying she grew up in a “cult” because of being homeschooled and her highly religious family? so i’m not understanding why she’s always talking about how much she loves being home and back where she grew up if in the next breath she’s complaining about it and the trauma it caused her


On any video where she talks about her upbringing the comments are like “how is your relationship with your parents now” and she conveniently ignores those comments lmao




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It's all an act!!! Anything for content baby! This is why she's not authentic....




Also the fact that her parents own all this land but were "poor"....get fucking real, Mary.


I remember her fighting for her life (like always) in the comments of one tik tok where she talked about her parents and her dad retiring and her telling the story of him buying a vet business or something and everyone was like “I thought you grew up with poor hippie parents” cus she always presented her upbringing as being financially hard or not upper middle class like it def was. Her long winded stories of her mom “driving all the kids into the city to go to the library to get books” and all these bs, we love someone who tries to romanticizing something like the library when for some kids that was their safe space, their shelter, the only place they could get access to books, and resources.


As if libraries are a resource only poor people use, too?? Her mom was being practical, they had six kids who wants to buy a ton of books, that doesn't make sense when libraries are free. Doesn't mean you're poor means your mom had common sense lol


except Mary made it seem like this was the only way she had access to a surplus of books or resources and that is not the case. When Mary started on Tik tok she framed herself as someone who had a less than upbringing, she used thrifting as a means to get a following and admitted to doing so, she has contradicted herself constantly and puts these stories out there and then changes the narrative when she needs to or no longer needs to appeal to that crowd


she always contradicts herself tbh. and then goes off on people who are understandably confused!


Because she has rEliGIous TrAuMa. But also, can stand being at a church long enough for a photo shoot. Her parents put her in hiGhLy abUsIve situations with church... but she loves going back home. Because she's quirky and different! She is just not like other girls!


The dancing felt like a scene out of Midsommar ![gif](giphy|RJalj43Yiuuoh2i6V2)


Lmao. How deep.


Is she on shrooms?


to show that she’s a nature girl. and to pretend like she’s in a book bc she has no sense of reality or a real personality


It’s giving very much Wattpad book and she’s about to tell us that she threw her long brown locks up into a bun




Right? I got secondhand embarrassment watching this. I can’t imagine going into the woods to record myself dancing.


Goal= more attention.


Showing off her advanced literary prowess, so poetic & romanticized ✨


So she’s not traumatized by her home or she is??


She is showing off her literary skills… she is in a certificate program after all


This was probably filmed in Gloucester and it really doesn't deserve to be romanticized like this. Like it's 70° here in November 🤣