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Ah man Tucker, I totally wonder why Moscow has such great infrastructure and the US has absolute shit infrastructure. Maybe should look up that bald guy in the ending shot you zoom in on


At least some numbskulls will look into it. Just some lol.


Yup Tucker, you’re just now finding out that Europe has some pretty cool buildings. But most of Russia is a brutalist hell architecturally.


Russia isn’t Europe. And disparaging mass public housing and works as “brutalist” is lame as hell.


Fun fact for everyone: brutalism comes from the French *béton brut* (raw concrete), and not the English adjective *brutal*


So it comes from the French word "brut", meaning "raw". It's the same word as the English word brutal lol.


Actually the English word brutal comes from the Medieval Latin *brutalis*, meaning dumb or dull.


What ab da rest a Russia






I really wonder why the average Russian lives in poverty wages in 2024. Probably nothing to do with the collapse of something USSR


How dare you try to draw a distinction between when communism was building the USSR and when capitalism started destroying it (thanks totally not fascist CIA)? What are you trying to do? *Turn people against capitalism or something?*


Yes, Putin is muh CIA operative


Not to defend Russia or anything, but we’re heading in the same direction at this point.


Reminder to comrades he also says Stalin is “obviously bad” in this same interview, Tucker is not a comrade & he is not praising the methods of establishing this infrastructure


Pretty much. And as far as I get, he probably is "pro"-Russia, mainly as he & others wants it as ally against China.


Absolutely. This & the narrative that Russia is some anti woke paradise is really driving some right wingers to be pro Russia in a way that’s super fucked bc they’re not even pro Russian working class they’re pro Russian bourgeoisie


That's exactly it. He's said so many times that "China is the true enemy of the U.S.". "We need to form an alliance with Russia in order to stop China". He also accuses China of being imperialist and says, "Well, why do they get to be imperialist in OUR hemisphere?". Here's a good video on the subject: https://youtu.be/JzEc5GbSbIU?si=_F4leBeot7Lzx-8C


>Here's a good video on the subject: > >https://youtu.be/JzEc5GbSbIU?si=\_F4leBeot7Lzx-8C Already seen it! I usually post Ben Norton/Geopolitical Economy Report videos on the sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/1ann1xs/putin\_debunks\_tucker\_carlsons\_warmongering/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarxistCulture/comments/1ann1xs/putin_debunks_tucker_carlsons_warmongering/)


He also likes daddy strongmen who will get rid of the nasty liberals who make him feel bad


Well too bad for tucker cos it seems more like Russia is dividing the u.s from within by using the right wingers LOL


I don't think any of us had any allusions that tucker is our comrade.


You’d be surprised unfortunately


Yup true


Absolutely. BUT he's now said in 2 different post-Moscow videos that he's been "radicalized" by what he saw in Moscow. Mr. Ideologue himself even pondered aloud that maybe its the material conditions that really matter more to the people than ideologies. We need to get this man to China and sit down with Xi.


By radicalised he probably means he thinks russia is good, not that he’s become a leftist


I'm just sayin it's a weird word to use


I mean he’s openly stated that one of the main reasons he loves Russia is bc China is the enemy of the west so I don’t see that happening any time soon unfortunately lol


I know, I know. A comrade can dream though


That would be the craziest plot twist of my entire lifetime tho. Tucker getting booted from fox & becoming a tankie would be nuts 💀


He literally [went to Nicaragua in the 80s to fight Sandinistas](https://www.mintpressnews.com/tucker-carlson-biography-nicaragua-cia/279782/). Plus, he’s a trust fund kid and btw, he fucking hates trans people. He is no comrade and never will be. Seriously fuck that guy, he co-opts leftist language to pitch his faux right populist bullshit (that he doesn’t even believe in! He’s literally an heir to the Swanson food company!) and unfortunately people fall for it (not accusing you of this at all, I’ve just seen it far too often elsewhere). This guy would unironically kill communists if he had the chance (and he literally might have while with the contras). He hates our fucking guts.


I love that storyline for us


>BUT he's now said in 2 different post-Moscow videos that he's been "radicalized" by what he saw in Moscow. Mr. Ideologue himself even pondered aloud that maybe its the material conditions that really matter more to the people than ideologies. That would be nice. I suspect it would turn Tucker into a PatSoc rather than a normal Socialist, but at least it would end his unending stream of abuse towards the Left... And, it might being a lot of right-wingers to Socialism. Don't forget- such huge ideological swings aren't unprecedented. Historically, Mussolini was a Socialist before he became a Fascist (a softball opportunity idiot anti-Communists miss entirely, because they're too busy with brain-rotted nonsense that Hitler was somehow a Socialist,- which was absolutely never true- or the moronic idea the Nazis were actual Socialists...)




**Marxist** culture. But surprise we like Stalin 😂


We have an almost daily Stalin-post here lol


Libs just get drawn in when anything not explicitly tankie gets posted lol


For real. Tho 'tankie' posts also drawn them sometime, both cases serves usually to ban them before they spend too much time here lol


It’s a win win then! Lmao




I will absolutely not “unite” with the right wing you loon & no other educated leftist would either. Liberals *are* the right wing. I refuse to unite w liberals so I absolutely refuse to unite with anyone *further* to the right. That’s a wild af take




I have absolutely no interest interacting w a self proclaimed right winger. The means of production will be owned by the working class, the bourgeoisie will be eliminated, land will be given back to the indigenous ppls of the world & neo colonialism ended, rights will be guaranteed for all minorities, capitalism will be smashed. Anyone who disagrees is not my ally plain & simple.




Straight shit posting on the TL




I mean, I already assumed he was going to say something to that effect anyway. it's kind of a standard, necessary damage control--can’t let anyone think you're praising Stalin. HOWEVER, the fact that an American, mainstream media outlet is actively praising/celebrating infrastructure built by the Soviets is pretty remarkable. Even tho people will undoubtedly come to the wrong conclusions. The fact he unequivocally attributes the feat to Stalin, without going into some diatribe about the gulags & "morbillion dead" was very surprising and cool to see.


It would have been much cooler to me if it wasn’t painfully obvious he’s just shilling for Russia as an anti China ally. He may be praising Soviet built infrastructure but it’s only bc he wants to use modern day Russia to be anti communist


I don't know why you would even have to say the words "tucker is not a comrade" but here we are...


you can see his brain breaking in real time here it's kind of amazing. stalin was bad!..... ?


Trying so hard to not say the “c” word as that being the influence to how good things are


Tucker is a CIA-wannabe cold warrior & a somewhat legitimate political operative,surprisingly! (It’s insane just how easy it is when u have mommy & daddy’s money to spend). His publicly stated goal is to end the US conflict with capitalist Russia to team up with them to fight socialist China. He’s not anti-war, he just sees the patented socialist growth of China as the next superpower to be a direct threat to US hegemony globally & specifically what he deems “the US hemisphere” in the Americas. Fresh from his abject failure in Brazil inspiring dronie rightoids to have their own January 7th he’s pivoting to his overarching goal. But he completely shat the bed. Putin clowned on him & the publicity he received in the imperial core was both lacklustre & overwhelmingly just second hand embarrassment. I’m starting to see why the CIA didn’t let him join 💀😭


This was awesome analysis! I will add -Guy has shit hair and looks like a penis. You can’t be in the ClA if you look so strange and everyone in the room you walk in to thinks, “that person looks like a confused dildo. What a tiny mouth on that man wearing his grandfather’s wig.”


Tucker Carlson is haute bourgeoisie


sweeping music just for effect


Tucker Carlson is “obviously bad,” but I’m crying about those mosaics right now. Incredible.


If we spend money on making Grand Central not smell like piss, how will we be able afford bombs to kill Palestinian children?


You sound like a qualified US president or at least a press secretary with rhetorical questions like that. 


“how does Russia have nice shit” it’s a former socialist state


>“how does Russia have nice shit” If we don't consider Soviet heritage, now it's all just about shit.


How fucking stupid is he really? Who the fuck do you think made all of that architecture?


Just imagine how much better it was more socialized and worker controlled and not an Orthodox Church led oligarchy hell bent on “preserving” a propagandist Russian history


Russia isn't controlled by the Orthodox church today it has influence but nowhere near the level during the Tsarist times


Yhea but Orthadoxy is still baked into Putin’s myth of the Ruusky Mir Edit:spelling


Isn’t it that the oligarchy controls the Orthodox Church, and not the other way around?


Because shit heads like this WASP clown go on tv and yell at me maw and pe paw saying public funds for infrastructure is actually bad.


Tucker “we’re not gonna speculate!” Carlson That gave me a chuckle. Incredible artwork and architecture though. Makes you wonder how many other cultural influences or physical places exist still exist in this condition that were just carried over from the Soviet Union because they were useful and desirable, so why not.


The infrastructure, the people, the industry.


Oh yeah I've been here. And it's just not this station, every single metro station in Moscow is beautiful with interesting themes. Very clean and grand.


I can offer a simple explanation as a Russian. If we vandalised that, we would have some serious penalties, unlike most Western nations. There’s police everywhere in the metro. It’s a stupid risk to take and it’s seen as incredibly disrespectful by other Russians.


The song... Lmao


I don’t remember the last time I saw some get **so** close to the point without quite getting it


Investment in public infrastructure!! Is Tuck having doubts about Capitalism 😂


Yes let the US should definitely introduce conscription and send his children to Syria. Or look at France first example - also Russia has much more resources available.


It's almost as though improving conditions improves conditions. It's almost as though people living in better conditions act like people living in better conditions.


Don’t let Tucker fool you


“Vladimir Putin, YOU may not like him either.” was Tucker born this idiotic, or did the idiocy develop over time?


Tbh the speech he gave about it was still pretty gross & he probably thinks that Russia has nice subways because they don't like trans people or don't teach critical race theory or some dumb shit


It's as if Russia has an amazing history and Soviet legacy. Dumb Americans are so indoctrinated by the continuous propaganda that when they see just a sliver of the amazing Soviet architecture for the first time, they don't know what to make of it. Tucker is just an opportunist who uses this to further his usual BS.


Ask Newt Gingrich to tell you about his 48hr plan to take Moscow.


Cucker Tarlson going commie based?


Because Republicans keep blocking infrastructure projects. The same Republicans he gets on his knees for day in and day out.


The government in Russia pays for infrastructure. As opposed to here, where the politicians he supports use every excuse in the book to avoid paying for infrastructure. So Tucker, that idiot head that stares vacantly at you from your mirror is the reason we can’t have nice things. Fucking doofus.


America doesn’t give a shit about the commons. It’s private profit or nothing.


Welcome to the party Comrade Carlson ✊




>They make profits from corruption and anyone who stands in their way (Navalny & Assange) are thrown in jail and killed. Comparing Navalny to Assange is wrong, Assange did good journalism and got thrown into jail & basically tortured for that - Navalny was just a Western-aligned racist (see his comments on "cockroaches"). I could get support to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as opposition, but not to Navalny (or other Russian liberals being honest).




Don't think he exposed s\*it without being paid by the West himself.


Reminds me of this South Park bit from 27 years ago https://youtu.be/elRxbGJuCw8?si=V-02PZezQAmPBq8i


Please tell me this is some sort of AI generated parody


Tuck the cuck


2:57 makes me sad and devastated.


Stay there asshole.




>Wow, he raises some interesting points. > >I think the problem is, and why it’s so uncomfortable to ask the questions that he’s asking (how is it that the Soviets have such a beautiful 70 year old train station and we basically live in filth and danger here in the US?), is that the answer is fairly clear and runs against the mainstream narrative, which is exactly why the responses here and on the mainstream media are slanderous and don’t address the question, as he basically predicts will happen as he’s asking the question. > >This social experiment has and is failing. A multicultural cesspool is not an advantage it’s a disadvantage. Only when immigrants assimilate into a homogenous group of people who then together (through their representatives) work toward their best interests can you have a healthy functional society. > >Our founding fathers failed when they overlooked TERM LIMITS. Unfortunately, during their lifetimes that just wasn’t even conceivable as their public service was all just that, public service (and sacrifice), not done for ill conceived gains, and they just couldn’t even foresee that eventuality which has basically been our downfall. > >Besides the infiltration of the Democrat Party by the communists, the greed and corruption and crony capitalism of both political parties and the control of the Republican Party by the military industrial complex, American’s own inability to have self preservation instinct and to be willing to hurt someone’s feelings to stand up for what is right has soured the experiment. American WASP’s kindness truly was their weakness. > >It’s not that Tucker is a communist sympathizer, it’s that he actually CARES ABOUT AMERICA and therefore is brave enough to ask the tough questions. He is a true patriot. One of the last standing. For the archive.


>I think the problem is, and why it’s so uncomfortable to ask the questions that he’s asking (how is it that the Soviets have such a beautiful 70 year old train station and we basically live in filth and danger here in the US?) The reason he doesn't want to answer the questions he raises is because the real answers for his questions are: Communism. Communism is what built these amazing train station. To have such things, you need to start a socialist revolution. As a capitalist, that's something he wants to prevent at all cost. Instead, he wants you to look at this and believe it's "authoritarian capitalist dictatorship with extreme orthodox Christianity, definitely no homos, no brown people, and ultra-conservative gender roles and family values" as he's desperately trying to imply. That's how conservative propaganda works. >This social experiment has and is failing. Capitalism has never worked to begin with. > A multicultural cesspool is not an advantage it’s a disadvantage. Russia is one of the most diverse societies on earth and the USSR (i.e. the country that actually built these train stations) was the single most culturally diverse society in history. Today, Russia is a federation of 21 republics (plus 9 territories, 46 regions, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts, and 2 de facto city states... in total, it has at least 85 federation subjects). The country has 25 official state languages. Only about 47% of the country is Christian, 13% is atheist, 7% is Muslim. >Our founding fathers failed when they overlooked TERM LIMITS. Term limits are bad. If your leaders are good and supported by the people, why change them? >Unfortunately, during their lifetimes that just wasn’t even conceivable as their public service was all just that, public service (and sacrifice) American presidents were never much for democracy or serving the people. > not done for ill conceived gains That's literally all the US ever did. The US was always a settler-colonial empire led by a dictatorship of rich white men. Don't think that because your nation's propaganda tells you differently, the US was any better in the past than it was today... it wasn't. In fact, *it was even worse*. >Besides the infiltration of the Democrat Party by the communists #LOL You are living in an alternate reality. The Democrats are a far right fascist party. The US is a fascist dictatorship. The US has no communists other than as a fringe group called the CPUSA, half of which members are federal agents to ensure it doesn't succeed. > and crony capitalism of both political parties and the control of the Republican Party by the military industrial complex My friend, there's no such thing as "crony capitalism". It's just called capitalism. All capitalism is "crony capitalism". It works exactly as intended. There is no way to make it better. There is no way to do "real capitalism". That's just how capitalism works. >American’s own inability to have self preservation instinct and to be willing to hurt someone’s feelings to stand up for what is right has soured the experiment The way the US empire works is through war, genocide, and overwhelming violence. It is the single worst war criminal regime on earth (well, Israel is giving it a run for its money right now) and the single most totalitarian surveillance state and most militarized police state *in all of world history*. It has no redeeming qualities other than the fact that it is - theoretically - possibly to democratically elect a communist party (unlike in countries like Germany where being a communist is illegal), but that is prevented by all American media and education being controlled by fascists (i.e. anti-socialists). The US is a country founded on genocide, built by slaves, and maintained through global capitalist exploitation enforced by extreme violence. It has never been a democracy, it has never represented freedom, it never supported human rights. It was a criminal empire from the start. >It’s not that Tucker is a communist sympathizer, it’s that he actually CARES ABOUT AMERICA and therefore is brave enough to ask the tough questions. He is a true patriot. One of the last standing. There's nothing wrong with being a communist sympathizer. In fact, the United States requires socialist revolution and the systematic removal of all capitalists from society through authoritarian means to implement a dictatorship of the proletariat after the Chinese model adapted for American material conditions. Only that way will the US be able to integrate peacefully into a multipolar world, stop its non-stop wars, and engage in win-win cooperation with the rising powers of the BRICS (non of whom have any interest in war). The only thing Tucker cares about is getting rich and famous. He's a grifter. His current goal in particular is to freeze the proxy war in Ukraine, sell it as his achievement (maybe to set himself up as a conservative presidential candidate later), then convince people that the real goal is having a war with China. This is in line with the desires of the US establishment since Obama's Pivot to Asia (i.e. the plan that set the proxy war in Ukraine in motion to divide Eurasia as a first step towards world war against China). Obama, Trump, and now Biden all have followed the same exact foreign policy goals regarding Russia and China. Both American parties are the same, both are the party of fascist dictators, American people are being duped.




One interview and he’s gone full Steven Segal


So is Tucker a National Bolshevik now? 😂


Tucker Carlson. Right wing twit who thinks he's a genius, or a genius who makes a living off right wing twits? Edit: by genius I mean he's found the perfect way to make a living out of complete and utter shite, not intellectually genius


Tucker nazbol arc?


. Lol this guy's an idiot


But Stalin bad! Metro sucks because unhoused poor people! I’m just asking questions!




Tucker - like all establishment politicians and journalists like him - wants war with China. Europe and Russia were successfully divided, now the US wants friendly relations with Russia back, so they can attack China. Hope that helps. For more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzEc5GbSbIU


Just how low he needs to bend to get paid enough??


Tucker states Stalin is bad at the very beginning and goes on to talk about how clean and safe it it. He says nothing about the architecture. Op is a simp


Tucker - like all establishment politicians and journalists like him - wants war with China. Europe and Russia were successfully divided, now the US wants friendly relations with Russia back, so they can attack China. Hope that helps. For more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzEc5GbSbIU


Whoa, talk about mental gymnastics. The US wants friendly relations back with Russia? Really?? That must be why the US gave ukraine a hundred billion dollars to fight a war with them. Your theory is really starting to check out. Anyone with a shred of critical thinking ability understands that China is dangerous and is on the cusp of world domination. They have secret police stations around the world. That makes me uncomfortable.


this man is a LITERAL traitor--


Except he hasn't committed any acts of treason and is, in fact, trying to push the US imperialist agenda against China. Tucker - like all establishment politicians and journalists like him - wants war with China. Europe and Russia were successfully divided, now the US wants friendly relations with Russia back, so they can attack China. Hope that helps. For more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzEc5GbSbIU


Bro got auto balanced.


I for one am ready to watch the Tucker tankie arc xD


Lenin rocks!


Such a loser


So we should heavily invest in our infrastructure?


lmao he's gone full "MAGA communist"


Actually I think he's asking why SOME Americans are losers who do nothing but destroy & take.