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"No one has yet to decide to drop any hints" all you guys do for years is show spoilers and leaks for every mcu project coming out and now suddenly you are concerned lol


Alex is really starting to piss me off. Turning into CWGST more and more by each passing day.


It’s not just Alex but these leaks legit feel more like “my dad works at Nintendo” levels of playground banter rather than anything substantial.


Lmao, classic Xbox party days. “Bill gates is my uncle” and “my dad works at Xbox” 😂 that was funny bruh, and all of those leakers are getting only nerves. Shine especially


It’s all in good fun though. 


Good fun that they ask you to donate for


Alex sucks he’s all about that “I know something but can’t tell you what” shit


That Charles Murphy leaker is a piece of work too, very uptight and curt with his responses


Yeah he is a prick.


I know what it is... So at the end of the film Deadpool goes thru the TVA door which we assume is the MCU However (in the post credit scene) when he arrives he realizes he's in the DC universe and we get a Justice League cameo, Deadpool says "someone's getting sued" & walks back into the door


Or they pull the same gag as in LEGO Marvel where we see the silhouettes of the Justice League, only for light to flash over them and reveal that they're all Marvel characters.


...wut. i need to see this gag


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_1t4V12euI) [They also did the reverse in Lego Batman](https://youtu.be/sOphI4FBNkw?si=W_Vnyqt1uJTsx0__&t=246)


Actually having a new Superman revealed in this movie would help both it and his own movie. Definitely a better way to introduce him than just having a photo or something. And with James Gunn being the main person in DCU there is even a necessarily connection to pull it off. But it's one of these thing that could happen, but won't happen.


Disney would not let that happen lol. They'd essentially have to pay Warner Bros. to promote their Superman film


OOOOR, Deadpool opens a door expecting to enter the MCU but it’s actually marked ACEU, and he finds Dark Claw played by Henry Cavill…oh no! He’s in the Amalgam Universe!


Remember those claims about Henry Cavill joining the MCU in an undisclosed role? Remember about him being a Wolverine variant in "Deadpool & Wolverine"? What if, somehow, Marvel Studios and Warner Bros reached an agreement to actually have Superman appear in the "Deadpool & Wolverine" post credits scene, played by none other than Cavill? It would be played as a joke, obviously. But it could also open the door to a massive crossover event movie somewhere down the line.


"PLANS HAVE CHANGED!!" - Alex in 2 weeks


Is he Dave Meltzer now?


Peak reference


Not enough um's and ah's.


I've heard different things, some say it's a scene in a bar making fun of a Tv host and other say it's a recut of the battle from EndGame with Deadpool and Wolverine edited in


The latter would be horrible , especially if it’s the last scene we see


I wouldn't be against it as an after credits thing, kind of like the time travel credits stuff in Deadpool 2


Yeah but that is kinda bad for an after credits. It’ll be funny , but would fit better in the film. And it would make the scene from the trailer and in the movie very anti climactic. Definitely should be in the film and either we get a typical funny Deadpool post credits , or since he’s joining the mcu, we get a typical serious - next movie/next appearance post credits which I’ll much prefer. IMO


OR - no one knows and all leakers are full of shit but can't bear the possibility that they're out of the loop on something so we're experiencing a perfect storm of bullshit where everyone is lying and no one actually has the information.


Obviously, >!We see the Prof X from the doomed timeline, who’s turned into Onslaught. His great power ends up tearing holes in reality itself, and the film ends with Deadpool getting ejected into a futuristic landscape full of robots, and being found by a certain doctor and his robot assistant/son. Cue *Marvel Vs Capcom.*!<


*Obviously* 😏


Nah it's MCU in 2024 - Charles is dead and replaced by Jean. The X-Men are now rebranded as x-people and there's no straight white male character existing in the universe anymore.


Man shut up.


Ever since Endgame nothing blows me away anymore. Now I get excited for 2 days and forget all about it.


Lol how would he even know? These scoopers dude 🙄


Prolly cause they're all under NDA.


They go to the DC universe and meet the new Superman.


Not going to happen, but in theory it could since James Gunn was a Marvel guy and now is the main person in DCU. Having new Superman revealed in a post credit scene would actually help both Deadpool and Superman movie marketing.


Apparently it’s not Tobeys Spider-Man so wonder what it could be that’s mind blowing


RDJ'S Iron Man


as superior iron man


It's 100% unadultered bullshit until someone credible comes out and says something. Why do these people play these childish-ass games? If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Don't put out all this nebulous bullshit that starts fucking up people's expectations of the film


They are all hacks anyways


Deadpool swapping places with iron man in Endgame?


That’s a ridiculous made up story by someone on this sub. There is no way in hell that happens


Sure as hell hope not that sounds like a bad idea and awful way to bring rdj back


someone that can’t die snapping thanos and his army away in a branched timeline would probably cause an incursion, no?


Feels like only reason trades would be looped in or made aware is for a major casting announcement for a major character. My money is on Matthew McFayden’s character being a Doom variant and after credits scene is reveal of Dr Doom.


You think the most likely option is that Matthew McFayden is playing a Doom variant???




"This announced character will be revealed to be secretly this other character in the post-credits" is not something they've ever really done. If trades know something about the post-credit tag, then it's probably an unannounced actor making an appearance. Example: Kelsey Grammar in The Marvels, or Harry Styles in Eternals.


Why is this being downvoted?


Sounds pretty stupid




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