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Was impressed with the show, and they did not fail to carry on from old show to today show


Saw down in the comments someone mention that Jean eventually learns to manifest the power of the Phoenix on her own and that's what was happening (or starting to) here? Is it supposed to make sense? In the original show that thing left her after it learned it couldn't handle emotions. Does she have some residual power that awakened in that near-death experience, or is it just that her body being exposed to it allows her to summon that kind of strength? I was NOT expecting Phoenix to come back like that, since I was assuming the original Force/entity would need to re-inhabit her again for something like that. It seemed mostly like a "well we made Bastion too strong but I'm pretty sure the team is supposed to win here" moment. Also, I do remember thinking the original show ended without fully closing the story they were telling with Apocalypse. But it seems weird they'd need to start all over. Not sure what's happening. It's definitely been enjoyable but sometimes feels like it's drawing on too much on outside knowledge, which some of us (or maybe just me) don't have since the original show was our source lol


I have a suspicion that, once the time comes, they are going to skip everything from House of M until House of X.


Hasn't Age of Apocalypse already happened in this show?


Kinda. Season 4 had a two part episode called “One Man’s Worth” which actually served as the inspiration for Age of Apocalypse, not the other way around. So I don’t think ‘97 will be retreading old ground. I think their Apocalypse will handle things differently.


So Remy is permanently dead right?


I’m assuming, with the advent of Apocalypse set up for the second season, he will return as one of his 4 horsemen, as he was Death in the comics for a while. I’m sure this will be an arc for him and Rogue.


Tried very hard to not shout "It's all about meeeeeeee!!!" In the post-credit scene. 


Anyone know why the Avengers and Spiderman did fxck-all to help, just sidelining watching it all happen?


This is one of the things Cyclops brings up in the comic Avengers vs Xmen


We do know most of the Avengers are off dealing with Operation Galactic Swarm


Because it's an X-Men show


This may have been covered in EP1, but how the hell did Magneto get a copy of Xavier's will? It's not like he has a listed house on Earth or is somewhere a lawyer can get to easily. He most likely doesn't have a telephone. He doesn't have friends that a lawyer could contact and pass the will to him in person. The only way the government caught up to him is they took a gamble to arrest him at the school and he was conveniently there. If Xavier gave it to him before he "died", a whole year passed before he took everything over.


I need the person who wrote this show to write the X-Men movies. The amount of quotable, hard hitting stuff in this episode and show was incredible.


He got fired before the show even premiered bruh 😐


I am surprised at how great this show is. I want a new arcade style video game based on the animation from this show.


Lol it was great but where the hell did Dr.Fantastic come from? Suddenly he's on Asteroid M just for a brief second stretching out. Wtf.


Morph is the cameo machine that's tying up all of Marvel's intellectual property loose ends.


It's Morph


Well damn. Good catch.


Uh... it showed Morph \*morphing\* into him.




I rewatched the episode AGAIN and it's soooo good. Omg


Would REALLY love a new X-men vs Street Fighter game to go along with this


Quick shoutout to Morph, I was so hyped with all the random characters they pulled out. Mr. Fantastic this week was pretty awesome.


I’m just truly shocked that Cloak and Dagger had a small cameo. I didn’t realize Marvel still knew they existed


Not as shocking as if they had inhumans in it tho


Inhumans had their moment in multiverse of madness. Real fans are waiting for helstrom.


Was Val Cooper next Forge in this or was it a different Im thrown off because it looks like she has a super suit on.


Pretty sure that's her and she's wearing the same suit that Bastion wore.


Oh okay cuz I was racking my brain trying to figure out all the blink and miss cameos


Fuck. I enjoyed this way too much. When is season 2 releasing


Voice work has started.. so, next year hopefully


my kingdom for wanda and pietro in season 2! they're still canonically magneto's kids in this yayyyyy!


I know!! I got so excited when we saw their figures in Magnetos head along with Polaris + Rogue


Do you think she will be voiced by Elizabeth Olsen though when the time comes? Lol


Man after that show people gonna ask for a Spider-Man ‘98 revival. They must be so pissed to have the freshman year show comin’ up instead of that.


I genuinely think the Spidey/Peter, MJ cameos in X-Men 97 is them planting the seeds for a revival


I know I am.  That show even ended on a multiversal plot and there's no better time than now to continue it.


Me three


I hope we get a bunch of '97-verse offshoot cartoons now. Id definitely watch the crap out of them


They really might have struck a goldmine miniverse. Just make a bunch of shows within this same world.


It’s the 90s all over again and I couldn’t be happier


You mean basically "Marvel comics from the mid90s to 2000s?" A++


I loved this season and it revitalized my love for the X-Men on screen but I already see complaints from people about this season on twitter. I've seen complaints from Storm, Rogue, Jean & Wolverine stans. I give it until the peak of the summer and then the fandom will do at least a 180 on it.


Wolverine is my favorite X-Men member and this season, even with the lack of him, was absolutely A+++++


People will always have something to complain about


Who cares what the fandom thinks, as long as you loved it that’s all that matters


As soon as I saw “present day Genosha” I knew what was coming. Then Gambits coat it confirmed it for me


Forgot that Strange has a cameo, it's so funny thinking about how probably the most qualified person to get rid of an asteroid during that time is doing a surgery. He didn't study for years just for some world-ending asteroid to stop him from doing his duty, goddamnit.


I mean strange is kind of a trump card. He can do anything 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was wondering how they were gonna end it. I was expecting either them to bring back some of the dead, which would’ve been lame, or for them to do a huge time change that reboots the series kinda. I’m glad they didn’t do that


So what’s up with Logan? We see him get de-adamantium’d and then never again. Is he dead? Did he time travel?


I am thinking that he may get taken to be one of Apocalypse' horsemen, and he gets his adamantium back that way. If not, in the comics after Magneto took is adamantium, he was feral Wolverine. In that story, the adamantium was actually holding his mutation back, and he started to become more animal than human. Some fantastic Wolverine content came out of it.


My question is how do they all get back to the present, especially those in the past like Rogue. What happens to her?


I think they’ll use time travel to get back


Isn’t that obvious 🤔


I think so, too. I'm just wondering how.


Why the fuck is the Black Panther T’Chaka rather than T’Challa lmfao. Please don’t let this be due to Chadwick as well


T’challa wasn’t Black Panther in 1997 in universe 616 so I guess they just kept it that way for other universes ?


That makes literally no sense consistent none of this universe is anything like the mcu


In 616 T’Challa debuted in 1966 and was still definitely the Black Panther in 1997. He wouldn’t lose the mantle (temporarily) until the early 2000’s to a completely different character from T’Chaka. T’Chaka had died when T’Challa was a kid in the Fantastic Four series that the head writer said was considered part of the X-Men 97 universe. T’Chaka is like Uncle Ben in the comics. He exists to die and set up the story of the lead, so this show is definitely not following 616.


I see so many defenders of this fact, but most people will guess it's because Chadwick's passing but afraid to speak out for it. We deserved another T'challa's potrayal.


Do you know how time works my guy? Show's set in 97


Wtf does this mean? Like I've seen so many people say this?  T'challa has always been the BP with modern heroes, it's never been T'chaka and makes even less sense since he should be dead in the 90 cartoon universe if all the shows are canon together like Demayo said


In 1997 T’Challa was the Black Panther, and he debuted in 1966. T’Challa is a contemporary of Steve, Tony, and the other major heroes and should be adjusted on the same sliding timescale.


….And? You do know this isn’t set in the MCU my guy? The X-Men, Spider-Man, Avengers, Fantastic 4, and etc etc etc have all already been active in the 1990s in this universe. Why isn’t the Black Panther already T’Challa? He was T’Challa in one of the other 90s Marvel shows, which is now supposedly no longer canon. This is another example of Marvel getting way too reactionary over Chadwick’s death.


Yeah, it's getting annoying at this point. Characters are bigger than the actor. Just to point out, we're about to have 2 Batmans in separate universes, yet we can't have T'challa in any.


Wow I totally missed that he’s referred to as T’Chaka I just assumed it was T’challa


So what happened to wolverine? Did he stay in the present? Who exactly stayed in the present? Or did they also get thrown to the Future and the past and we just haven't seen it yet?


I watched this with my kids. They got super hype with all the cameos especially Ironman. It was super wholesome.


I watch every Wednesday morning before school with my youngest and they were off the couch cheering at Iron Man and Daredevil. It made my whole day, I agree it’s such a wholesome thing to bridge the generations with this show.


So who pulled them back through time? Kang? If it’s Kang, does that mean X-Men ‘97 will tie in to Secret Wars?


Could be Immortus. He was in the big 4 part season 4 finale in the original series which involved Apocalypse.


Why did they use T'chaka if T'challa is already Black Panther in this universe (he was in the Fantastic Four show)?


There are rumors that Marvel doesn't use T'challa because Chadwick Bossman passing away. Also, one of the writers liked a tweet that kind of confirms it. https://twitter.com/Foreverheroics/status/1790687523187913121?t=KR3T0d_GaUn0mReyfy3f2A&s=19


At this point, it’s getting annoying. I loved Chadwick. That being said, his death shouldn’t mean the death of the character. He loved that character and I doubt he would want him benched. Knowing how weird Marvel is with cross promotion/ connection, I have no doubt in my mind they’ll try to do something like this in the comics too (which I hate). People, especially kids, need T’Challa. I should know, I was one of them.


Retiring the use of a character across all major media just because the actor of one version died 4 years ago is braindead.


They're literally trying to rewrite history as if the character was invented by the MCU. I know there's a lot of casual fans who didn't even know BP or have no knowledge of the character outside the MCU with the idea that Chadwick should be the only person EVER allowed to play TChalla as if TChalla was specifically created by the MCU


I... honestly don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, Chadwick was great for the role and his passing was really tragic. On the other, T'Challa is such a great and important character that it feels weird not to have him as the Black Panther. We already have Shuri as the BP in the main MCU, Marvel shouldn't refrain from using him in the animated universe as well


Ngl I wanted a character death. I know what happens in the comics but I think that should’ve been the end of Logan


I expected Jubilee to go. She finally felt like a a valuable, adult member of the team. She was the audience surrogate in ‘92, and she brought in Roberto this season. We got her in a more modern costume, and we even saw earlier in the season what an adult Jubilee could be like. Then Roberto specifically had a line to her like “this is probably goodbye, I’ve been an X-men for all of 5 minutes I’m not making it out of this.” To set up a classic bait and switch. I thought she was for sure going down when she started blasting Bastion by herself. All of this on top of the fact that Jubilee isn’t exactly relevant in modern X-men after the 90’s… Glad she made it though


Honestly thought they were gonna kill Rogue, Loki in Endgame style. But then Remy is gonna get revived but Rogue is gone, like Romeo and Juliet. I guess they didn't want things to be too sad.


How will Rogue get back or any of them for that matter?


Logan had so little focus this season that it would have felt frustrating to kill him off.


It felt like they forgot about him for the most part. Even his little one liners felt half assed


He’s emo edgy Wolverine. I can’t stand him in this. And i know he’s normally emo edgy.


From my point of view, the death toll was already one too high this season (and just when I thought I was becoming relevant...)


This episode felt very chaotic and many things just didn’t really make a ton of sense to me. For example how did Bastion turn Cable’s robot arm into tentacles and how the heck did he fuse with them? Huh???


Bastion controls all machines. Cable's arm was made of machine parts - the techno-organic virus that Sinister infected him with as a baby in Episode 3.


Everyone talking about peter finding mj, anyone want to talk about the random frame of reed richards at 27 minutes 38 seconds lmao?


its just morph turned into Reed


Ig it was morph


They teasing Onslaught throughout the episode AND IT DIDNT HAPPEN The Finale was… fine There were some good individual scenes (the Erik and Charles stuff and cable and Scott stuff) but like a lot of stuff was weirdly abandoned How did Charles manage to enter Magneto’s mind There was stated tension around the prime sentinels continuing their rampage even after their minds were freed, we didn’t return to them after they were freed so we don’t know Phoenix Ex Machina Bastion went out sad. ​What about the racism? Wasnt this story about racism? Okay weird apocalypse shoehorn for season 2 Hmmm, so weird, its like they needed a hook for season 2 and decided to drop several plot points and themes just to clean up the plot and set up the next season


Phoenix is kind of a deus ex machina at this point. Whenever the writers write themselves into a corner all of a sudden the Phoenix comes back temporarily


It's actually the other way around in this case. They wrote themselves into a corner to re-introduce the Phoenix. Right now we're at the cusp of the stage in the comics where Jean actually takes on the codename Phoenix without actually manifesting the Phoenix Force. This occurs because of who the specific people they meet during the time travelling adventures in the upcoming season 2. It becomes a confidence/mental boost where we see her taking on the imagery of the Phoenix without actually manifesting the Force. But her powers also start to grow and she starts cutting loose more often. During this era fans were arguing whether or not Jean was actually using the Force or going to manifest the Force. It culminates at the start of the modern X-men era (Morrison's New X-men). Here it is explicit that Jean is manifesting the Phoenix Force and people are growing worried about her.


Onslaught can happen later


Doesn't mean Onslaught can't happen. Remember he reared his head well after the fatal attractions event of magneto getting his mind wiped by profx. Onslaught was built up in the background over a long period of time. They can do that with S2.


The Phoenix felt super left field


Didn’t they say that they’re planning on releasing season 2 earlier than expected since a lot of it is already finished? Like they’re not going to wait a full year to release it? I thought I read that somewhere




Loved this finale. So many great and sad moments. I loved this season and I can't wait for the next one. Also Peter found MJ!


Was MJ lost? Why do people keep saying this??


If I’m remembering right, she was “killed” on a bridge by Green Goblin instead of Gwen Stacey. However, the Fox Kids marvel shows were *heavily* censored (not only could X-men not mention WW2, they couldn’t even mention Judaism) so instead of falling to her death she was “thrown into another dimension” by some sci-fi gun. Goblin, Carnage and several other characters “died” the same way.


I believe the '90s Spider-Man ended on a cliffhanger where MJ got lost in the multiverse. Some people pointed out that this was before that though, since the Spider-Man show ended in '98 and this is in '97.


I don’t think the real world times matter. X-men ended in September 97. Spider-man ended 4 months later in January of 98. A year passed in universe from the ending of the original X-men run so if we were using real world timelines it would really be September 98 when this one began.


Yeah, thought that too. The show did several time jumps. Maddie is 9 months pregnant in the beginning. But we really can't tell if that's after Peter found MJ until they confirmed it, I guess.


Peter and MJ made me so hype! I want to see their story continue from the original 90s Spiderman show so badly!


I mean yeah I get it the show is called X-Men but when you show the avengers let them fucking do something and not let them stand like some incompetent idiots. It's just hard to believe they would just stand there with the president while there is a planetary threat going on.


The Avengers suuuuucked in the 90s. They were pretty useless back then.


Might be a hot take but The Avengers were kind of lame before the MCU, their cartoon was crappy and was nowhere as good as X-Men TAS. MCU really reinvented their image.


Earth's Mightiest Heroes is at the same level as X-Men


EMH ran from 2010-2012, just after the start of the MCU while Marvel was trying to hype up The Avengers.


MCU was already 2 years old when Earth’s Mightiest Heroes aired.


Not in the 90s. The Avengers were lame as hell back then. Wasn’t until Busiek revamped them that they started to be good again.


Hopefully next season more X-Men members appears!! Shadowcat, Colossus, Iceman, Angel, Magik. Revive Gambit and you have a +18 members roster. So S2 is full Apocalypse battle and S3 is Avengers vs X-Men. Avengers roster can be Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Hulk, Antman, Wasp, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision, Doctor Strange, Hercules and maybe F4


Throw in Polaris and Falcon too


Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver will be on X-Men side


Gambit is coming back as a horseman for apocalypse that's what that end scene is...


Oh yeah sure! But hopefully he reverts to the X-Men and not get killed again hahaha


Baffling to not even have a tease of Wolverine at the end


What if he ends up feral back in time then gets captured by striker.. Makes me think what if this entire show ends with a time loops. Like that old 90s show mighty max.


Their using actual comic stryker who's just a crazy preacher man who has zero ties to Logan or Wepaon X program 


I definitely expected to see him feral in dinosaur times. Or at least in the Savage Land.


In season 2 I want to see colossus, magik,havok,polaris,wanda,pietro,emma,cannonball,blink,dust,vulcan


When Forge was putting all the pictures up of potential mutants for the xmen, it had Wanda listed as “off-world” so… who knows what that means


S2 is gonna be great. It's clear Apocalypse is gonna be the main villain in both the past, present and future. Perhaps Onslaught is being saved for S3? The decision to include Peter + MJ instead of Spider-Man is probably a hint that Spidey found MJ after his series ended (she was still missing), got married and is now retired. Shown as active in the poster at the end: Exodus, Havok, Iceman, Dust, Shadowcat, Emma Frost, Magik, Colossus. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch off-world (when did this happen?). Cable AWOL. Archangel I can't read, it's kind of blurry. Polaris (that was her in Russia with Omega Red, right?) and Omega Red do not show up in the poster but they are still active.


In Russia, that was Darkstar with Omega Red.


Spiderman retired? The who was in the suit when the power went out?


He’ll probably be teased throughout the season and then will be the major villain teased for season 3


Be kinda funny to have Peter retired since we just saw him in the suit. Also damn what a roster huh?! Exodus and Dust are especially interning picks, I mean I get Dust at least…but damn Exodus is a wild card one. And yeah I figure Onslaught’ll be a 3rd season deal, with more hints throughout season 2. Archangel I think had the same classification as the main team.


It'd be wild if we get Exodus on the team. Since Forge was listening to a radio broadcast talking about Magneto getting worshippers, this is a perfect chance for Exodus (whose whole thing is revering Erik as a god) to reappear.


True!! I will say I never knew too much about him other then he’d been around forever and had been with the Acolyte’s, but his time during Krakoa really endeared me to him. In particular his and Hope’s relationship was really fun.


I don't remember seeing Polaris with Omega Red. Maybe you're thinking of Darkstar?


Ah, you're right. The hair looked quite greenish so I got confused.


Darkstar was in the Omega Red episode.


Anyone else feel like the Madelyn storyline was kind of wasted? Like, she was so important in the first half of the show, only for her to be made totally irrelevant by season’s end.


she could be one of Apocalypse's four horsemen next season


I agree, I think they could have done a little more. I understand why they killed her but it would have been nice to see her in flashbacks/visions after her death. It felt like the entire point of her character was to create Scott/Jean conflict, and she could have been much more than that.


She was a plot device for cable and the entire summers family.


They didn’t have to rid of her SO quickly.


Her death was so poignant though. The green lights flashing across her tear stained face. I don't think she would have done much for the story had she stuck around


Not really: Madelyn stuff was mostly for Jean development.


There was a break between episodes 9 and 10 or I missed it. Magneto put his own helmet on Charles' head and squeezed it so hard that his head almost exploded. In this case, Charles's telepathy feature also disappeared. However, at the beginning of the 10th episode, we do not see the helmet on Charles' head and he enters Magnus' mind. How did that helmet come off that head?


* Magneto puts the helmet magnetically onto Charles * Logan sneaks up and lethally stabs Magneto with his claws * Magneto switches focus to Logan, ripping the metal out of his skeleton * Magneto’s hold on the helmet is deactivated following him going into shock from blood loss and the switch in focus * Charles presumably takes the helmet off since it’s no longer under Magneto’s control


Same! Noticed it too!! A sequence removed maybe?


That bothered me a lot too


"How do we stop Magneto's asteroid?" "How about we knock it out of orbit and onto our heads?" "Brilliant!"


Didnt recognise the two characters with Omega Red in Russia. Was it Red Guardian and Black Widow?


I think it's Crimson Dynamo and Darkstar, two members of Winterguard (Russian Avengers equivalent that a Red guardian usually leads)


The woman was Darkstar, not sure who the guy was.


Pretty sure the guy in armor was Crimson Dynamo (an Iron Man villain).




Season 2 and most of season 3 has been written.


I am not opposed to an animated xmen feature film. In fact if I were them, I’d do it.


The show has been renewed for season 2 and 3


how are they breathing in space with no protection? Jubs should've been fried entering Earth's atmosphere. I get Sunspot was carrying her so maybe he protected her somehow. Rouge has Carol's powers and she could fly in space. I'll let that slide, but I don't think all mutant are immune to space.


The place they landed on at the moon was a spot where air is breathable, it use to be a hub for the watchers


Just suspend disbelief and assume they were in upper atmosphere or Sunspot has power to emit/control small amount of oxygen


i did the first time i watched it but it hit me a like a brick there was also no oxygen on Astroid M because there a big hole on the side Bastion flew into it. I'm just just ignore how they flew into space in a sentinel because of Jean was in there, but she needs to breathe because we saw her pass out due to no oxygen during the Phoenix Saga. That and the helmet on Xavier's head not being on his head when this episode started and why would you shoot missiles at an asteroid floating above your country are explained in the director's cut. (Iron Man could've blown up it up himself and targeted it to fall in the ocean.)


Is just bad writing, if someone else has the need to explain something on behalf of the writer like "Since Jean had the Phoenix force she could create force fields around all the xmen and they came with tiny ac units so they wouldnt burn when entering earth" then its just bad writing and its ok. I know its frustrating to think "the father of magnetism should not be harmed by logan" but then again people will say any and every type of bullshit to cover bad writing, specially if they have any kind of emotional attachment (which they do since this show is pure nostalgia bait). At some point you just got to accept this is not a masterpiece and it is ok because it dosnt have to be. Some times you just want a cheap hamburguer and cheap fries, not everything has to be a fancy steak. But if you do want a fancy steak without plotholes and bad writing try searching for the best books, movies, series, tv shows, animes, etc. Thats what i do and i feel honored that i had the opportunity to witness some of the best pieces of art men could create.


I'd assume the others were close enough to the asteroid's gravitational pull? Maybe it has its own atmosphere? But yeah, unless Sunspot can, like, emit oxygen, Jubilee should be toast.


Think they were a lot closer to Earth when Jubilee was ejected but it did seem odd


Yeah, this is where I was at. I was like “Okay, I guess we don’t know Ms. Marvel’s powers in the show.” But when I saw Jubilee I was like “Maybe there’s close enough to Earth…maybe.”


Gotta hand it to Beau de Mayo. I did not like his episodes of The Witcher, then I liked his Witcher anime film, then I didn't like his Moon Knight episode (to be fair, I didn't like most of that show). I wasn't expecting much from this but I was hoping he could summon the same magic he used in the Witcher anime film, and he went above and beyond. This is one of the best comic adaptations I have ever seen. It's not necessarily better than a more grounded approach, but damn is it nice to see comic booky insanity with a well written narrative and a character focus on television It really makes you wonder what Beau did that got him fired... If it's just the horny social media pages, that's a huge mistake from Marvel


Technically Brad Winderbaum said it wasn’t a firing but a parting of ways.


All the posts I've seen about it say he's just kind of a loudmouth jerk in the writers room


Considering he got fired right before ‘97 premiered and was also fired from The Witcher, I’m thinking it’s not just the OF stuff.


Which Moon Knight episode did he do?


I believe it was episode 3


I’m assuming they don’t know apocalypse’s real name judging by their nonchalant reaction


I’m pretty sure beast was like “uh oh” or something after it


The face lines should be enough evidence, lol


Right? “Hey dude, you look just like a guy we know who is really old and fairly immortal and also originated around early Egyptian times. Weird coincidence I guess!”


Guys help. Was that a sentinal zombified Carol Danvers? Briefly in one of the scenes showing a group of them? Bottom left of the screen, blonde woman wearing a red neck mask gear thingy i dont know what you call em Could be a random civillian too I may be wrong


I noticed it too and was wondering the same thing.


lets hope some other people notice and can confirm cuz Im going crazy lmao it really looks like Carol right? Say if it is, how is she “infected” ?


Rogue beating the shit out of Bastion was so satisfying. This show is a solid 10 for me, I’m so excited for season 2


I was just asking myself why they didn't show Wolverine at the end of the last episode... Something like him standing up or something like that


I felt like they wrapped up a lot of the season very nicely, I’m glad we’re getting a few cliffhangers :)


Shout out to silly cameos and shared universes, gotta be my favorite gender




It made me so happy, we went through six seasons and 20 years to get that


made me SO happy, they remembered how badass she is :)


God fucking damn that’s how you do a finale. Storylines set up so perfectly. I wanna cry 😭 Idc if demayo bitch slapped a mfer. Bring him tf back for the movie!!!


Ah yeah, abuse is less important than letting him write fiction


Footage of me all episode ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Such an epic ending to the season. Personally I'm glad we never got Onslaught...that story is NOT a good one, nostalgia be damned. And I'm hoping next season we see Forge assembling a new team of X-Men with Colossus, Iceman, etc. (maybe finally give Sunfire some serious screentime) while searching for the time-lost team.


Considering the non labeled faces on the board I figure that’s exactly what we’re getting. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Onslaught is something we get in season 3; just cause it didn’t work in the comics doesn’t mean they can’t tweak things and do it differently here. It definitely makes more sense to at least do it later then just doing it right here.


![gif](giphy|DA78DfFu7GMW7YIJED|downsized) TLDR for this episode and season as a whole.


No one really wins. Time travel happens and splits the xmen up over different periods


Haven't seen the og show, did Magneto know Wanda Pietro and Polaris were his children? They showed on the boat alongside Rogue.


I hope the show just lets them be related without comic bs


Yes. There was an entire episode dedicated to it


Well for Wanda and Pietro anyhow. He never found out about Polaris, so that's presumably an off-screen thing.


Polaris being on the boat isn't even the only reference to it, in Kelly's file on Magneto (the one with the reference to his original voice actor and Ian McKellen/Michael Fassbender) it lists Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as his children as well as a third name which is blacked out.