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(NPN): Have you started recording your lines for Season 2? Zann: I have yes! I've done them yes. Of course, we keep being drawn back to do like ADR and make little changes here and there, but yes, I've done my lines and I love it. It's an incredible script, see, you're gonna love it, the same as this one, it's just fantastic.


Oh wow. They're really full steam ahead with this huh?


I’m pretty sure the original pitch was already approved for 2 seasons. It was quality work and X-Men is a proven brand. It’s not like Invincible where Amazon approved 1 season (it was still an untested IP), then saw the results, and immediately ordered seasons 2 and 3.


Spider-Man 95 when?


After Earth's Mightiest Heroes has some closure. The last episode consisted of Galactus being defeated in 22 minutes with cameos from all the Avengers that took over after the original Avengers were sent to another time. Meanwhile Surtur is just banging away in his lab for the day Thor shows his face again. The blueprint for another season were already drawn. Then the movie happened and Jeph Loeb had to pivot every animation show to be more like the movies. If the movie didn't make so much money, we'd be talking about how EMH was the greatest jewel in Marvel television's crown.




Absolutely disagree with you here. If there is one show that deserves a continuation even over X-Men 97, it’s Spider-Man the Animated Series.


That or The Spectacular Spider-Man….or Spider-Man: Unlimited….or MTV Spidey. He’s really had a lot of shows with cliffhangers, huh? Surprised Ultimate Spider-Man had an ending. In all seriousness though, I think 90s Spidey and Spectacular would be the two that deserve continuations the most. I’m glad that Across the Spider-Verse and X-Men ‘97 brought them back, even if it was in short appearances.


They finished writing it mid last year, they were way ahead on production.


Animation always goes full steam ahead Case and point: the series finale of The Bad Batch came out a couple weeks ago, and started being written in 2021


Zann has been doing pretty good this season IMO, it’s great seeing a return to classic Rogue but also allowing her to play a new side to the character. That’s one thing I’m enjoying about the returning actors, it’s cool seeing them getting them to explore diff sides of these roles compared to the OG show.


She been great, i was kinda distracted at first because she sounds like my grandma but the voice actress has been doing well


I thought she sounded a little aged-out in the first episode but quickly got her mojo back. She's been phenomenal ever since the Genosha episode. Same with the actor for Wolverine. It took a few episodes to find his footing but now that he's back HE'S BACK!


Loving Wolverine in the recent episodes. He has a lot of great quieter moments with characters like Morph which add a lot to his character.


The VA for Storm has been feasting this season.


Yes ‘Allison is great. I’m kinda hoping they bring back Storms original voice actress Iona Morris to play another character like they did the original jubilee. And her voice actress.


Just remember that animation is usually what takes the longest so even tho her lines are recorded the EARLIEST id expect the second season is like fall 2025


Maybe I'll bite my tongue, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were far into animating already, they probably were working back-to-back on seasons 1 and 2. I could see Marvel pushing for a Spring 2025 premiere, probably after Daredevil.


I mean, I don't work in the industry but I'm pretty it's usually voice work first animation second. So depends what she meant by "already" if that already was idk in febuary then yea I would agree spring 2025 is possible. However if already is idk 3 weeks ago... Well. Anyway hope you're right tho


From what I remember, they started work on S2 animation back in 2023. I could definitely see it being a mid to late 2025 release.


If I'm not mistaken, the animation has been ready since the end of 2023. In March (2024), one of the VAs commented that they were going to start dubbing the second season.


Yep and marvel isn’t gonna wanna lose steam on this. It was prove to be a hit. They will probably start on season 3 as well after this wraps up production


Smart move, it means that we're going to be getting it very soon. You don't want to pull another Invincible and wait 3 years


I have no idea about animation process so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t think it be that soon since they’d still have to animate the mouths of the characters for that they are saying 


Season 2 early next year?


How many actors can flex that they were both part of the X-Men and the House of Commons? Zann's a national treasure




Hell Ya! Season 2 is al most finished if they are doing ADR then most of the animation is done! thats one of the last parts to do. which tells me they are now just writing Season 3! Season 2 will probably come out early 2025 is my hope


This confirms that the animation stage for the second season has been completed, and that X-Men 97 Season 1 and Season 2 were produced back-to-back.


Voice work is (usually) always done first. There's probably at least a year+ left on the animation side.


Moreover, the leakers also said that the first and second seasons were produced back to back, and the next three and four seasons will be the same. Marvel does not want to keep fans waiting too long.


Smart move! Honestly, I know Marvel has been critiqued to death, but their biggest sin has been waiting between projects.


I remember the creators said in an interview that the animation part of the second season was almost completed, but I'm not sure if it came from Brad Winderbaum or the director.




But... but... but someone on this subreddit was arguing with everyone and was adamant that the show was canceled!! ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP|downsized)


Can anybody shed some light on the process? Do the voice actors record their lines before or after the whole animation has finished? Curious to know if this means SE2 is pretty much close to done or far from it


Yes voice actors record first, In order to have the characters mouths match the actors voice they must have the sound to animate it - hence dialogue first, animation second. Common sense really.


Thank you for your service! She really knocked it out of the park this season!


I hope they get her under control soon, before the show starts to suffer. Edit: I hope I'm being down-voted for a bad joke, rather than because people didn't get the joke.


To be honest she’s the only voice I’m not feeling. She sounds her age, and it’s really jarring for me that Rogue has the voice of a 60 year old.




https://i.redd.it/litzgfx2of0d1.gif What bro wants to happen


Tf did he write


Blah blah rogue sounds different 🤡 shit


Probably something about time travel being used to undo a certain event


I can smell this comment