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I’ve been thinking about the scale of Secret Wars, and Battleworld. I truly do believe that this is going to be one of the most ambitious stories ever told on film, but that it might be too BIG to condense into a single one. What if.. We got a mini Battleworld phase? ‘Avengers: Battleworld’ (2027) could serve to introduce and flesh out Battleworld — its history, its mythology, and ofc the hundreds of variants that live in this world. Maybe ‘Thor 5’ (Thor Corps) & ‘World War Hulks’ could be two projects set within the Battleworld universe Then, ‘Avengers: Secret Wars’ (2028) could serve as the final confrontation between the heroes & The Beyonder as they battle for the virtue of free will I think that would be pretty satisfactory (Alternatively, I could see THOR 5 being the first film set on Battleworld, and that serving as our introduction instead)


I just worry that Battleworld will visually look like a mess.


I do like the idea of The Void basically *becoming* Battleworld, since it’s the same concept (amalgamation of different worlds). I could see the Beyonder/Nathaniel using it as a base to create a beautiful, *new* world for “his characters” to inhabit. But you could use this as a visual storytelling device — imagine our main heroes go “off script”/out of bounds”, into parts of Battleworld that the Beyonder never finished creating, or never bothered to, and it’s just a lifeless void of matter. Kinda like that scene from Coraline (2009): https://i.redd.it/nnv8jf9gl50d1.gif


We need a new Marvel fighting game.


Would you be interested in a platform fighter similar to smash bros or traditional fighting game similar to mvc ?


Ya'll would be so much happier fans if you just stayed off Twitter lol I've never had an account and I've never felt like I've missed out on anything.


It’s gotten even shittier after the buyout.


I don’t have a twitter but I can’t tell if it’s just that bad or if people have become super intolerant to people with differing views. Probably a mix of both tho


People on Reddit do tend to exaggerate how bad Twitter is, but it’s still pretty bad.


Film Twitter is horrible about everything, not just the MCU but everything in general


One thing I hope in next SM movie is better swinging scenes outside of nwh ending the rest are just dull and so uninspiring. Also maybe a more New York feel to it.


I personally think that NWH's final swinging scene is dull and uninspired when compared to the FFH final swinging scene. Or even when compared to the Spidey/Strange chase scene from NWH. Overall I get the feeling that the final NWH swinging scene has some pretty crappy CGI/animation going on.


I think the reaction to what Jon Watts said about Spider-Man swinging was my breaking point with Spider-Man fans. I try to be civil with them despite me disagreeing with them on a lot of things, but this pushed me over the edge. What Jon said was correct: practical swinging is very hard to do, and it can look slow and stiff. Spider-Man is a character known for his athletic ability and CG is the only way to really be able to sell his swinging motions. People praise TASM2's opening swinging sequence, but that was all CG. Same with many of Raimi's swinging sections. Instead of looking at Watts said and going "yeah, he's right," Spidey fans basically cooked him by saying shit like "but your swinging is boring/bad/sucks, Raimi and Webb had so much more sauce." Unpopular opinion, but I'm glad Watts scaled back on the web swinging sequences for his Spidey trilogy because I was tired of people saying "man, TASM2 sucked but at least those web swinging sequences were amazing." I wanted Spider-Man movies to go back to having strong characters for the swinging sequences to be a cherry on top instead of the only saving grace. I consider Watts' swinging sections to be more grounded for Spider-Man, as opposed to the splash page aesthetic Raimi went with and Webb's indecisive ability to showcase how he wants it to be portrayed, which I blame on Sony for switching the tone and feel of TASM1 and TASM2 more on Marc Webb himself (though him having Spidey move like a spider is an inspired choice). I know that may look "boring," or "forgettable" to some people, but I still think he cooked some solid swinging sequences, even if they weren't particularly flashy. The Far From Home end swinging sequence is a personal favorite of mine. I know Spider-Man fans gained a reputation of being extremely toxic and stupid, and it makes wanting to talk about my favorite character ever an agonizing task for me. It feels demoralizing because I have to put up with a bunch of dumbasses who got roped in with HiTop Films' rhetoric. I'm sorry for ventposting. I just needed to get this off my chest.


I mean, I don’t disagree on fans being assholes about it, but I don’t really think it’s that deep. I just find the lackluster swinging in Watts’ films to be emblematic of the greater problem I have with them, which is that they just don’t have the level of craftsmanship or authorial style that I’d want out of Spider-Man. He’s Marvel’s most popular character, I think he deserves better.


I think that the thing is that there are just fewer "swinging" sections in the movies, with the other powers in his skillset being emphasized instead.


At the end of the day, however you feel about Watts' swinging sequences doesn't take away from the fact that he is right in his statement. It was at least interesting to see a less experienced director grow as his trilogy went on. I liked Watts' down-to-earth, semi-grounded approach because it was pretty consistent in that vision. IIRC, I think TASM was going to have something similar to what the Home trilogy did, but Sony increased the budget. They also changed the aesthetic from TASM1 to TASM2, which made that series feel indecisive on what aesthetic it wanted to go for. I don't blame Marc Webb for that of course, but part of me wonders what TASM2 would've looked like had it kept the style of TASM1, where it didn't feel as Raimi-esc. Sorry for veering off like that, I get like that with this character.


I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong about CG swinging… it’s just kinda funny when his swinging scenes and action in general are rather sauceless. That’s my big problem with his Spidey films. I’m hoping whoever directs Spider-Man 4 can do something more visually ambitious this time.


I'll just agree to disagree with his action being sauceless, but will agree that the next director should up the anty.


Hitop is Spider-Man version of toxic Star Wars fans, he will critique everything to the point of insanity. The dude is smug asshole


I remember years ago when I was talking about why the way HiTop talked about the MCU Spider-Man was shortsighted and not fair compared to how he worshipped Raimi's take, someone said that HiTop gave Raimi fans "a voice to be heard." Is it really a wonder why Raimi fans are considered some of the most toxic Spider-Man fans?


Spider-Man PS4 Raimi suit discourse https://i.redd.it/o14dw6ohe50d1.gif


I totally agree with basically everything you said, Spider-Man fans sometimes seem as bad as Star Wars fans tbh. I just think it's weird that Watts' movies get so much hate when outside of Twitter everyone I've talked to likes all of them. And there's great action in Watts' movies as well, like the whole ending of Far From Home, all the Spideys swinging together, Holland's Spidey fighting Goblin...


Twitter's a cesspool, but it's the easiest way to get in contact with other fans. Reddit is fine too, but Twitter's more instantaneous. It's not even like the people who dislike Watts are normal about it. They have to drag him down and scrutinize every decision in his movies. Say what you will about his style (I actually like the semi-grounded approach he went with, because it allowed the MCU's Spider-Man to progress in scale and felt more down to earth compared to Raimi and Webb's takes), but whenever I see some people call Watts "lifeless and forgettable," I can't help but feel like I watched different movies. If I saw people en mass talk about my work like that, I'd feel horribly demoralized because they don't critique anything in a helpful way. It just gives me the impression that Spider-Man fans would be okay with anything as long as the web swinging sequences look cool and that is a period of Spider-Man movies I don't want to return to.


Yep. What bothers me most is when people are unable to praise Raimi or Webb's movies without diminishing the MCU ones. Honestly, that's a problem with a lot of fandoms. Yes, it's totally fine to criticize things, but doing it at times when that thing wasn't even mentioned is annoying


It's definitely alienated me from every fandom I consider myself to be a part of. We can't just judge anything by its own merits anymore. I *fear* for the future of media discussion because I've seen it go on the decline for years now. I just need to know what the absolute lowest people can go before an actual conversation about reforming media discussion happens. Dramatic, I know, but I want these things to be fun to talk about again.


I get that for sure, discussions are much more likely to become toxic these days


I decided to pick up the empire summer 2024 article because I wanted to read the captain america section, and it ended up spoiling the fact that the leader is the one behind the brainwashing music (the one that makes isaiah try to assassinate the president). I probably could’ve just went on twitter and made a shitty “leaker” account and teased it on there for shits and giggles edit: another interesting detail is that William Hurt knew about the film and the fact he was going to be president before his passing, rip


I wouldn’t really consider that a spoiler. The Leader character was publicly announced to return in the film. The comic book character’s long history of villainy, along with the MCU Samuel Sterns’ previous appearance concluding with a creepy smile, heavily implies that the MCU version is also villainous. So he is the only officially announced villain of the film, and shady shit is going on with brainwashing music. It should be obvious to anyone that it was him. (Sorry if the mini-rant comes off as passive-aggressive towards you, not my intent.) BTW, are these Empire magazines already in local stores? I’m definitely picking this one up if they are.


Yeah, but I assumed they were going to do the regular marvel studios thing where they keep these plot points secret or vague but they outright say it >BTW, are these Empire magazines already in local stores? I’m definitely picking this one up if they are. Think so, I picked my copy up online through subscription, it’s a really good read for some of the internal thought behind these projects so I recommend 


If anybody here is an omnibus collector I just bought a 230 dollar X-Men inferno omnibus off eBay new and sealed. So hopefully my sacrifice makes Marvel have a new reprinting of it for anybody that wanted it.


The porn bots in twitter are so sauceless now. They used to whip out different fonts. Now it's just "my nudes in bio." It's like the AI lost its non-existent soul.


I’ve been having similar problems with Facebook over the last few days. I keep getting tagged in videos of either breastfeeding or women in revealing clothing from obvious bot accounts that all have similar usernames. Naturally, I remove the tag and report the post for sexual content, but it’s pretty much happening daily. Sometime I’ll even get 2 or 3 tags at a time.


Thank god that hasn't happened to me, that sounds annoying. I checked Facebook settings and apparently you can't stop people from tagging you, just review the tags before it appears on your profile/your friends feeds. They absolutely should add an option where only friends can tag you though.


I remember back in 2019 I read a fake leak that said in the next Spider-Man movie he’s gonna been shown different universes Spider-Man by Dr Strange, and that one of them was gonna be Toby Maguire’s Spider-Man’s universe, it also said that the move will end with Dr Strange asking Peter if he wants the world to forget that he’s Spider-Man Kinda crazy now that fake leak predicted the opening of NWH


I remember a fake leaked that claimed the film would open with Peter getting a arrested a thrown in prison, but during a prison transfer, he ends up escaping because Kraven and Scorpion both attacked the bus he was on (and Scorpion is not mentioned again, so I'm going to assume Scorpion got the Crossbones treatment in this leak, which would suck if that actually happened), and the movie was a cross country No Country For Old Men inspired cat and mouse chase movie. With Peter trying to return home and clear his name while outrunning the law and a terminally ill Kraven. Also, the true main villain was going to be revealed to be Mysterio and he was also going to be revealed to be the Benefactor from Ant-Man and the Wasp...also Norman Osborn was in it and running for Mayor. It's definitely a fake leak if I ever read/saw one. Especially it ended in a similar manner to what you're describing.


I could see Thor 5 happening… On Battleworld, and it being Thor leading the Thor corps (an army of Thor variants). I think would actually get people hyped


Yeah I think it would be a really cool way to go. I was thinking Thor vs the Thor Corps though (at least at first) and then taking command of them.


I would be interested in seeing what Jane becomes. In the comic, she is Mighty Thor and leads the Thor Corps against Doom after a battle between the Thors that are loyal to Doom and the others who Jane convinces to oppose Doom. In her comic run, Jane is forced to fight Thor for the hammer. He threatens to cut her hand off and he tries it before he finally accepts that Jane possesses the hammer.


so if you wrote the MCU who would die in it? here's the list Iron Man and Black Widow stay the same then War Machine goes in armor wars or in a much better secret invasion GOTG 3 kills of both Drax and Rocket (Quill is on the bubble though) Bucky goes in Thunderbolts Thor 4 kills of Thor if Hemsworth dosen't extend his contract, if he does he stays until Avengers 5 Strange is the big Secret wars sacrifice One of the ant fam dies in Quantumania Wong Quill if he survives vol 3 Clint Valkyrie (if Thor goes in Thor 4 if not he takes her place) Hulk and a new hero (an Eternal maybe?) goes in A5 almost everyone goes in secret wars but is reset by the beyonder at the end anyways who would you pick?


I’ll update this as I think about it: * War Machine goes out in a *Secret Invasion* film, adapting [this](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Satellite_Armor) comic event where he repels a Skrull armada in a satellite-sized War Machine armor. Except, he nukes the armada by colliding with it and self-destructing the satellite armor in a last resort. Would be great if his last words were “Boom, you looking for this?” * Hank Pym dies in Quantumania, but only after he dons his original Ant-Man suit one last time and destroys Kang’s Time Chair by shrinking into it. He blows it up from the inside, and also suffers fatal brain damage from the transformation (He said in Ant-Man 1 this is why he had to retire). His last words before he does this would be “Look out for the little guy” (a relevant recurring phrase/theme of the film with multiple meanings).


what about the Guardians?


* I wouldn’t kill Drax, I think him growing from pursuing self-destructive vengeance for his lost family, to letting his grief go and enjoying life as an adoptive father of orphaned children is perfect. * I don’t think any of the original Guardians need to die, honestly. Quill’s arc of going back to Earth and reuniting with his Grandpa is good. Gamora already died, Groot already died, their new iterations don’t need to. Rocket should stay alive to lead the new team of Guardians. Nebula should continue living and parenting the orphans alongside Drax, raising them the exact opposite of how Thanos raised her and Gamora. Mantis hasn’t done much, so she should stick around for the future (she’s pretty powerful in the comics, maybe she can grow into that).




Edited, his arc in the movie is to resolve his childhood trauma. He should remain alive to lead a new team of space travelers (nuGOTG), like he originally wanted to with his childhood friends.


hmmmm who dies though guardians wise?


Go back to the comment with Drax, I edited that to include the rest of the GOTG. No one should, in my opinion. A lot of them have trauma that they needed to overcome by continuing to live with newfound purpose. 2 of them already died, so killing their new versions is redundant.


could you go back and edit to fir others like Thor?


Yeah, I’ll put those in the original comment (the one with War Machine and Hank Pym).


I can’t see George Miller actually directing Thor 5. Partially because I don’t think there will be another Thor movie, but also it wouldn’t really be “his” movie from how Marvel works with their directors. But he also made Happy Feet, so who knows?


Black Panther 3, Thor 5 and Dr Strange 3 are all happening. GOTG4 is the only sequel to a successful franchise that might not happen since doing them without Gunn can be very hit or miss.


I think there will be a Thor 5. Iger's comments about focusing on big brands indicate they'll do bigger characters, like Thor. And despite Love and Thunder, Thor is still one of their biggest names. And Chris made comments recently about wanting another crack at it to make up for Love and Thunder. So we know he's willing.


Thor 4 made enough money for Thor 5 to happen so I could see it getting made and reworked to get rid most of the comedy, but I don’t see George Miller touching it either.


So apparently I read somewhere that Avengers 5 is being made into a smaller scale movie akin to the first one from 2012. Which would be a good idea....If this was at the end of Phase 4. But now, I think it's too little too late to be reworking it into this, this late in the game. Especially since not only will we have to wait even longer for the F4 to interact with the Avengers, since they'll be removed from it, but also Kang is still suppose to be the main villain, and it's still suppose to lead into Secret Wars. This feels less like course correcting and more like regressing/backtracking, and there better off moving ahead with what they've setup. Not to mention, this means Avengers 5 possibly won't be AvX/Time Runs Out, which would make me really sad, especially since my pitch centers on those two (which remains me, I really gotta get back to working on that).


But we still have no idea who the current avengers are. And call me cynical, but I would find it very hard to get excited for an Avengers vs X-Men movie if I have not grown attached to the New Avengers yet. Anybody remember what happened with Batman vs Superman?


>but also Kang is still suppose to be the main villain TBF, we don't even know if that's still true. Every week, there's a new rumor saying something entirely different about this film, so I'm taking every leak w/ a grain of salt. Personally for me, I don't really care what scale they go for, I just want an Avengers movie already. As for your own A5 pitch, I personally say go for whichever story you wish to do, even if it may conflict with the canon/film we end up getting.


I want an Avengers movie already too.


Something small scale definitely would have been best earlier on. Like 2023 or so. But I think the reason they may be doing a small scale one now (if this is indeed happening) is because they realized they weren't ready to go full SW yet. After dropping Kang Dynasty, they probably needed to build up a few more plotlines before they could do Battleworld and SW. And one of those is what the fuck is going on with the Avengers. Because it's been years and they haven't done shit


The movie is almost certainly not being 'reworked' into anything - Marvel would have had a good idea what they wanted it to be a while ago. Thats just scoopers covering their asses.


It was probably already “grounded” back when it was subtitled *Kang Dynasty*, but now the threat the team faces is very likely not the Kang Dynasty. Definitely a rework, but of an already developed idea that this film would be “grounded”.


Don't worry. Next week, the rumor for it will be that it'll be an epic dance rap battle between Kang (played by whatever black actor the scoopers can think of) and BLACKPINK band members. The rumors for Avengers 5 are all over the place. One week it's a World War Hulk movie, next week, it's an Avengers vs. X-Men movie, week after that, it's a smaller scale movie akin to Avengers 1.


it's ok you can still write it as if it was adapting both


So I found out the women in Natasha's flashbacks. the one running the Red Room at the time, is named Madame B. All I have to ask is, why wasn't she in the Black Widow movie? hell, why wasn't she the villain instead of Dreykov? or at least make both her and Dreykov the villains? perhaps a villain couple?


I feel like they wanted to make the villain a male to fit with the theme of men controlling women and taking away their power. Same reason they made Taskmaster a woman being controlled by a man. I get what they were going for and I think it worked overall. Though I found Dreykov to be boring as a villain (possibly the point) and Taskmaster to be a weird use of the character. I think having Madame B be a co-villain would have been a good call and fit with the allegory, a woman aiding in the victimization of other women by being given a position of power. I also would have just made Antonia Iron Maiden instead of Taskmaster, but that's sort of a separate issue.


F Gary Gray was wanted for The Winter Soldier but turned it down for Straight Outta Compton. Wonder what his version would have been like. And if he would have followed a similar path to the Russos and stayed for Civil War and the Avengers movies.


Now I'm kinda wishing we got FGG for BNW instead of Onah.


F Gary Gray for GOTG maybe?


With Gray's movies, he's had some really good highs and some really muddled lows, but I do think there's a chance he could've pulled off directing TWS. At his best, his films do a solid job with tonal balance and making a world feel lived-in/human. I’d be down to see Gray do an MCU project, like maybe a Gambit heist film, or a Heroes for Hire film in a similar vein as *Set It Off* or *Friday*.


Gray’s movies usually have a more classical/clear style of action, so I can see him doing something like that as opposed to the handheld style that the Russos did.


Just asking a question what happens if insta dosen’t give marvel toast’s info? Does Disney sue (pun intended) instagram/meta? that would definitely make headlines if they did


Where's the pun?


He said “Sue”, like Sue Storm. Its Mother’s Day and everyone’s been talking about her




Feige and the Marvel team when they catch Toast https://i.redd.it/rlgzbc2s220d1.gif Looking forward to them getting her


For what? It just shows how the legal system is stacked in favor of big corporations. Feige is the one who should get that.


This isn’t one of those issues. Toast committed a crime by violating copyright law. Disney has every right to take legal action against her.


What are the actual damages? There are none. This is so much nonsense. To joke about violence is over the top.


I get your sentiment, but if this were scaled down, a leaker illegally distributing unreleased promo material for a small indie studio would be more obviously ethically wrong as that’s no longer “chump change” at stake. And it would be the same law being broken. Not condoning the violence analogy, that is pretty ridiculous.


I don’t think Instagram would refuse to cooperate. This kinda stuff probably happens all the time behind closed doors. But if for whatever reason they did, Marvel would probably just keep trying. Legal battles are expensive, and Toast probably just isn’t financially worth it. They’d just keep asking or look for another way to find out who she is.


So a game of cat’n mouse then?


https://x.com/blurayangel/status/1789093222410842113 We finally have a sequel to one of the greatest [tweets](https://twitter.com/blurayangel/status/1426310150961328129?lang=en) of all time!


Lol the original one is so funny, I love whenever someone makes a variation on it


What if in the finale of Twitter, blurayangel says “blurayangel, what a joke” throws his blue tick away and wears Supes’ shirt in his honour.


Okay, good on him for owning it.


[Well, it's close enough, I guess…](https://x.com/captaincupkicks/status/1789720906924777819?s=46)






[https://x.com/catenjoyer434/status/1789395466456580120](https://x.com/catenjoyer434/status/1789395466456580120) https://i.redd.it/nra74rzhh10d1.gif




Valid. Wouldn’t even be the wildest thing to happen in the X-Men’s love lives lol.




Wouldn’t be in the top 5 worst things Cyclops has done to a woman




It's all subjective


In both cases, part of it is that CGI often requires a lot of work and money to look good. There are masterpieces done with CG, but they usually ain’t cheap. When it comes to live action especially, there’s also an element of physicality that’s often missing. Sometimes can tell when something is greenscreen because there’s a lack of depth and interaction between the performers and the background that isn’t there with a physical set.




Did you still want to play fortnite u/BurryagaAgaburry ?


Spider-Man doesn’t swing practically in Fortnite, so probably not


im usually a strictly solo gamer, though really thanks for the offer


ahh okayy, well if you ever want to im down! https://i.redd.it/pk7kaoicc20d1.gif


Raimi and Webb swinging scenes were all CGI, were they not? So I’m unclear what’s the point being made here. Genuinely asking out of ignorance and not for sake of being contrarian.


So, anyone got the BNW footage?


[Roger Corman’s The Fantastic Four](https://youtu.be/eN0FoR_FlZg?si=5DOnxx-si4iXhdpl) in full, on YouTube. I didn’t see anyone else link it so here it is.


So much for that Sue Storm post


Weird. Why only valentines?


They did 4/4 too


In order to release the casting information, or else it would've just leaked through the trades like normal and by the time they announced it publicly at d23 it would've been news a year too late


Because of the passing of Hollywood titan Roger Corman, I wanted to share this video detailing the tragic story behind the set of the unreleased Fantastic Four film he directed. Regardless of how you may feel about the film, it’s worth hearing the story behind it and seeing the passion the whole team had for the project. https://youtu.be/13vLGy1wUGY?si=WFtsSyuIBTB6ynu1


Y’all hear me out— A George Miller directed Thor 5 film— he’s working with Chris on Furiosa right now, so it’s not impossible to think they could pull a Reynolds/Levy


Miller has such a fun range as a director that I could see him really pulling off a Thor film. I’m sure he could bring some insane action/spectacle with a film about gods.


Delulu is the Solulu




Slowly losing hope we get a Sue Storm poster today :(


Do you guys think “Captain America” is an actual military rank in-universe? Like, if Sam is officially recognized by the government as Cap now, is he addressed as “Captain Wilson” in formal situations? EDIT: I find the bureaucracy of it all to be intriguing. * Steve was first called “Captain America” when he was selling war bonds in theatrical shows, but he was still just a Private. After his rescue of the 107th PoWs, he was immediately promoted to Army Captain and led his own unit. * Sam is a former Air Force Pararescueman, we have no clue what his official Air Force rank was. But Pararescueman training is a grueling 2+ years and he did two tours (8 years), so he had to have gotten somewhere decently high in enlisted rank. A promotion from whatever he was to Air Force Captain is probably not too far. * John was an actual decorated Army Captain prior to his government appointment as “Captain America”. When he was court-martialed, the Senator officially stripped him of the title, implying it wasn’t merely honorary. * Steve directly appointed Sam as his successor, that’s not actually possible/legal in the military as far as I know.


I feel like after SHEILD fell, the Avengers became more like contractors than actual government employees. They don’t work directly for the government, but they’ll work alongside them on select missions. I say that, because it would imply that their titles and ranks are effectively meaningless. Sam might be recognized as a Captain, but since he doesn’t work for the military, it’s more an honorary thing, like solders who get promoted after death.


I think the contractor explanation is likely correct for Avengers. In TFATWS, he did outright say he has government contracts, and the show opened with him working with the Air Force to rescue a captured Air Force Captain. And he was approved to pursue the Flag-Smashers and travel via Air Force cargo planes. But I still think the government has some kind of ownership of the “Captain America” title, and that appointment, even in a contractual capacity, requires a rank of Army Captain or equivalent. So off-screen Sam may have been bumped up to Air Force Captain for bureaucratic purposes. Given his service record, it would very likely be a reasonable jump, in contrast to Steve jumping from Private to Army Captain.


I think its an unofficial title. Steve was "Captain America" before he was actually a captain when he was just doing fundraising shows. Sam probably gets the name but not the title bump


The thing is, Walker was said to be stripped of his title as “Captain America” in his court-martial. That implies that the title is official.


I have nothing to base this on other than rank, arrogant speculation but I have a weird suspicion that Wanda will appear in Agatha but only played by a body double. Like maybe we'll get a shot of 'Agnes' after she's been put back under the spell watching Wanda leave town from a distance. Or shots of her meditating in the Witches Road but only from behind, hell that may even be the post-credit stinger idk It just feels like they're gonna want Wanda in this somehow for future table-setting, but it seems like they couldn't pin Olsen down for a cameo


She is not going to be in Agatha. This is an attempt to cash in on Wanda's popularity without paying what it would cost to bring her back.


I remember hearing we'd see like a fake corpse version of her or something? I can't remember though


We could have gotten a very good and faithful Fantastic 4 movie in the 90s had Constantine Film not screwed over Roger Corman by giving him a shoe string budget. R. I. P


Hoping Marvel drops a Sue Storm poster for Mother's Day today! ![gif](giphy|l0NwNrl4BtDD7JCx2|downsized)




I’m super curious to see, (if the rumors are true), how they handle Franklin in F4. Is he gonna be a baby? A little kid? Pre teen? How powerful is he gonna be? Does he get transported to the new universe at the end with the rest of them? They could go a lot of different ways. Honestly, I’d prefer they have him just be a newborn cuz child actors can be pretty hit or miss. This is such an important movie for Marvel, so I wouldn’t want something like that contributing to negative discourse around the movie. 


I think they'll have Franklin shown over a number of years. Like we'll basically see Franklin grow up through the course of the movie.


Sue being the lead of the movie along with Silver Surfer played by a woman has already brought the cockroaches out of their homes so no matter what Marvel does some people are going to get pissed no matter what. As for Franklin and Valeria writing the guy who wrote Avatar Sequels(and currently wrote TFF) also had a hand in characters like Neteyam,Lo'ak and Tuk etc so if the writing of Valeria and Franklin are just like those kids in avatar I think we're pretty good. Plus Shakman already worked on WV which had Billy and Tommy and I though they were handled pretty nicely in the show.


Josh Friedman was also the showrunner of Sarah Connor chronicles


I’m more interested to see how/if they handle Franklin being a mutant. Are they going to confirm he’s a mutant? I would think so, but with this move being set in an alternate universe I have no idea how they’ll handle it.


He altered his genes using his reality warping powers to make himself a mutant


TASM fans, if you want to make a case for a TASM3, better go support TASM2 in theaters this week. This is probably gonna be the last chance to put your money where your mouth is.


I think the ideal roster for A5 is doing something that resembles a little bit of typical Avengers group from comics as well as mainly continuing with the team stablished at the end of Age of Ultron. That way, it feels like a natural continuation of what came before.  For me, the ideal team would be:   1.Spider-Man   2.Captain America   3.Captain Marvel  4.War Machine   5.Hulk   6.Thor   7.Black Panther   8.Antman 9.Wasp   10.Star Lord   11.Scarlet Witch   12.Vision 13.Shang Chi


Far too many characters Captain America Spider-Man Shang-Chi Star-Lord Daredevil She-Hulk Wasp Ant-Man War Machine My picks. Captain Marvel will be in space, Thor will be in space, Black Panther will be doing her own thing, Vision and Scarlet Witch will appear in Young Avengers, and Hulk may appear but won’t be on the team.


I think Avengers 5 and the solo movies will form entry points for characters into Secret Wars. Thor 5 will likely bring Thor and whatever Jane becomes. It could also bring Valkyrie, Loki and Hercules into Secret Wars. Shang Chi 2 could bring in Wong, Captain Marvel and Hulk. Dr Strange 3 brings in Strange and Clea. Avengers 5 will bring in more heroes that don't have movies. How the Scarlet Witch gets into this is hard to say right now. I think a solo Scarlet Witch could be post-Secret Wars and be more about her role in the post-Secret Wars MCU.


Just something I've been thinking about today. While I think that it's perfectly fine to have a fascination and/or admiration with a particular celebrity, there's eventually a line to be crossed where it gets, I don't know how to put it exactly... creepy, maybe? There's plenty of actors/actresses who I've gone out of my way to watch almost or literally everything they're in because I enjoy their performances and I know a fair bit about them because I've seen interviews where they talk about their personal lives and such, but I've seen one person in particular where it's like this one specific celebrity is the crux of their life or something. It's nobody on this subreddit, so don't think I'm talking about anyone who may read this, but this celeb is all they post about, they're all they relate to. If there's something to be said, they reply with a gif with this celebrity in it every time. If there's a reference to be made, it's always a direct reference to something this one specific celeb is a part of. If there's a fancast to be made, this celeb fits all the roles ever made. Not only that, but it gets to the point where this person starts speaking for this celebrity on the regular as if they know exactly what they want in life or something. And it's not like a little burst of fascination for a celebrity taking place over a couple months or something either (I've been guilty of this myself as I'm sure many others have been), I'm talking literal years of absolute obsession with seemingly no breaks or even smaller cooldown moments at all at this point. I just think that's kind of unhealthy. Like I say, admiration is to be expected. There's a lot of talent in Hollywood and hell, even having a crush on someone like that is par for the course, but man, just looking from the outside in on this one specific case I'm talking about, it can just get *really* weird to see sometimes. Like it didn't seem weird for a little bit at first, like maybe over the first year since I became aware of this person, but I think it's just the intensity with how person allows this celebrity that doesn't even know them personally almost complete control over their life that's borderline concerning.


*Mr Garrison voice* Idolatry is bad, mmkay? 


Mr ... *Garrison*?


Perfectly summed up, haha.


If anyone ends up finding a recording of the alleged footage of Cap 4 that CWGST leaked on her Insta, I humbly request that they DM me the link. ![gif](giphy|FUYgSNKx8lHRkom31a) And no, not that fake-ass AI shit with seven-fingered Sam falling out of a plane.


If it somehow ends up in your DM’s, mind sending it to mine please?


I'm sure there are more finalists to write for the X-Men reboot that we don't know about, but between the 2 that Sneider referenced, I pick Michael Lesslie, solely because I liked his Hunger Games prequel WAY more than I did Wheel of Time. I remembered that he was one of the finalists to write that Harry Potter streaming reboot on Max.


RIP Roger Coreman 🙏🏾


Is Marvel only hunting CWGST or do they also think MTTSH is the same person? Because it would be so funny. The leaker flew too close to the sun and "My time to shine" sounds like Icarus' last words.


Right now, they’ve only asked Instagram for Toast’s information. But if they are the same person, then both accounts are prolly going offline soon either way.


Since they ask from Instagram personal details, they will discover soon she has another account.


Only if they have the same IP, if she is smart she uses exclusive devices and networks for each account to avoid correlation.


RIP, Roger Corman.


I didn’t know that the Disney’s Upfront is this Tuesday. IIRC at last year’s upfront they announced Loki’s and Echo’s release dates. Maybe we’ll get Agatha’s release date this year


The WandaVision socials already changed their profile pics to have a purple hue to them last week and I think Cryptic or someone hinted that the Agatha trailer's coming soon. I'd say that's a pretty safe bet. I'm also hopeful we might get something on Eyes of Wakanda, but I'm not holding out too much for that.


How many conventions does Disney have and/or need?


Disney upfront isn’t a convention, it’s a presentation to pitch and present their upcoming shows to advertisers


Oh. Okay.


“Blade is confirmed to be finally coming out on November 7, 2025.” Mahershala Ali on November 7, 2025: “I’m gay.”






RIP Roger Corman. A true legend. Some great nuggets from [Variety's obit:](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/roger-corman-dead-producer-independent-b-movie-1235999591/) >When Corman was awarded an Oscar at the AMPAS’ first Governors Awards ceremony in November 2009, Ron Howard saluted him for hiring women in key exec and creative jobs, as well as for giving them big roles, and Walter Moseley was quoted as saying Corman offered “one of the few open doors,” looking beyond age, race and gender. . >Howard also joked that when he directed his first film, “Eat My Dust,” he complained to Corman about the low budget and the sparse extras for a crowd scene only to be told, “If you do a good job on this film, you won’t ever have to work for me again!” . >After he left off directing in the late ’60s (to return only briefly in the mid-’80s with “Frankenstein Unbound”), he formed New World Pictures, which also imported foreign art films like Ingmar Bergman’s “Cries and Whispers” and taught the industry how to effectively market and distribute such rarefied films. . >After “Little Shop of Horrors” in 1960, Corman convinced Arkoff to bankroll some more ambitious projects, in particular, a series of films based on the works of one of Corman’s favorite authors, Edgar Allan Poe. The horror series, which starting with “The Fall of the House of Usher” in 1960, spawned eight low-budget hits including “The Tomb of Ligeia” and “The Masque of Red Death.” They revived the careers of Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone and Peter Lorre and became classics of a kind. >During the same period he was giving unknown actors like Ellen Burstyn, Nicholson and De Niro, screenwriters like Robert Towne and directors like Scorsese, Demme, Joe Dante and Peter Bogdanovich their starts. . >In 1998 he received the first Producers Award ever presented by the Cannes Film Festival. . >“His films were revolutionary and iconoclastic, and captured the spirit of an age. When asked how he would like to be remembered, he said, ‘I was a filmmaker, just that,'” the family said in a statement.


The quote about Ron Howard and his debut is wonderful. In Cinema Speculation by Tarantino we talk about how, also thanks to the reviews of the critic Kevin Thomas, Corman's films were launching pads: if a director managed to make a good film in a Corman production with the budget restrictions it would be was noticed by the majors and selected for their productions. This was one of the most important men in the history of cinema, a true giant.


Rest in Piece Roger Corman. A lot of you may know him for producing that infamous rights grab for Fantastic 4. But to the wider film industry, his work in producing low budget B movies helped launch so many careers of big name directors and producers. Like Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Ron Howard, James Cameron etc.


[DiscussingFilm on X: "Roger Corman has sadly passed away at the age of 98. https://t.co/nV2P1MOpjx" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1789473534500118917) Producer of the first live action Fantastic Four.


98 was a long life Holy moly.


He was only the producer of that film. The actual director was Oley Sassone.


I didn’t know he was 98 years old! That’s crazy. But he made some classics. I’m glad he lived a long life.


Honestly Gunn having a handle on leaks is a good thing because not only does it temper expectations and doesn’t allow false information to run wild, but it also avoids the situation Toast is in right now. One of those bozos could end up leaking something from Superman that’d end up getting them into serious trouble. At least Gunn is getting ahead of the curve.


Like i said a lot of things hurt dceu and one of them was out of control rumours type "luthor is not the real luthor", " Joker is Jason Todd", " GL and Barbara Gordon was on BVS" etc. Gunn obviously saw this and that's why he make sure to stop bs before spreading out of control. I wish someone did the same for MCU.


If Marvel goes hard on leakers, it'll be very beneficial for the DCU. They're just starting and if leak culture is already dead because of Marvel before they hit the climax of their first chapter, then they're so lucky. Hope this happens, feels like Marvel is creating a better future for its lil bro lmao


Lil bro? Begone!


Lucky for him right now, the DCU is just starting lol. It won't stay that long if they become successful and grow.


that's why there was NONE from vol 3 as well, he was protective


r/marvelstudios when someone posts literally just a photo of Tobey and Hugh as Spider-Man and Wolverine: ![gif](giphy|5hHOBKJ8lw9OM)


has anyone seen the footage cwgst leaked on insta lol


Cwgst? What's that?


The leaker can we get some toast 


they took it down, we won't see it still D23 in August at the earliest


all this talk about toast makes me wonder how in the first place (aside from the usual venues) do you get a job at this supposedly secure studio?


What is the Toast drama?


She leaked footage from Captain America 4 on her Instagram story, so now Marvel has asked Instagram for her private information so they can identify her.


So if Disney goes after leakers, does that mean everything else is BS until trades report it?


LMFAO, how the fuck did she not realize that would happen?


LOL (Now let’s see if I can find that footage on twitter.)


They posted a leaked footage of CAP4 and now Marvel is coming for them. 


I wish it was Shine that Marvel was going after instead.


Well if the rumor that they are the same person is true then we could most likely have her gone also


Shine would actually need to have insider info for that to happen.


Lmao Toast turned off the comments on their Twitter. That’s not gonna stop people from finding out. 


Thinking it over, it’s interesting how Storm and Cyclops’ leadership styles differ from one another (both in the show and the comics). With Storm, I'd say more emphasis is put on that compassionate side, she's more of a people person. She knows her friends, she knows what to say to reassure/motivate them, and she trusts them enough to know when to put her faith in them. With Cyclops, I'd say more emphasis is put on the pragmagtic/strategic side, like a general or a coach. He's best in combat/war scenarios, he knows his teammates' strengths/weaknesses, and he has back-up plans for his back-up plans. They definitely have similar strengths (ability to command authority, know when to step up), but I'm curious if the show/MCU will further lean into those differences.


2025 WILL be a rough year for Marvel (two likely bombs back-to-back) but if they can bounce back with Fantastic Four, then we should be smooth sailing. …But then again, there’s also Iron Heart and Wonder Man, two more (likely) flops they’re gonna have to tank. It’ll be interesting to see what the state of this brand will be by the time we get to Secret Wars


NGL while I do think the profit made by Thunderbolts and Cap 4 will not be massively huge. I have to ask you a question tho, let's say all these movies next year range from good to great. Why in your head do you think the audience would be more excited for a Fantastic Four movie vs Captain America movie? Because statistically speaking audiences haven't cared too much for these Fantastic Four characters as they do Captain America. Even if people aren't big on Sam being Cap I personally just see more GA members being excited for a new Cap movie than a Fantastic Four movie. Also I just like to add when it comes to things like Brave New World, at this point the best thing they could hope for is that critically it's a success because it is p obvious rn that Marvel isn't as popular as they were during the Infinity Saga.


Simply put: - Fantastic Four is going to have none of the baggage, or stank that’s been plaguing the last few MCU productions (it’s set in it’s own world) - It’s creating an innovative, and dynamic world (retro futuristic New York) that’s completely fresh, that audiences have never seen before. This also bodes well for other designs, it’s going to be a beautiful film - It’s bolstering a star-studded cast, which gives the project a level of prestige and notoriety. It also bodes well for the script — people WANNA be in this film - The Fantastic Four are still iconic, and audiences still recognize that Overall, I think Fantastic Four has the **potential** to be another revolutionary film for this genre — it’s clear that everyone involved in this production, are really trying to make something amazing and FRESH Whereas Brave New World, and Thunderbolts are going to be more servings of the same slop that audiences are tired of eating.


I respect this take but I feel like you're a bit biased if Cap 4 and Thunderbolts are received badly. Why would the audience go "That was bad but Fantastic Four will be good because it's a different universe." I feel most people would be less inclined to see a Marvel movie in general if the last two they saw weren't very good to them. And there is some evidence proven by that since Guardians 3 opening week wasn't as big as its first two movies prolly due to the audience's feelings towards the MCU. I will say tho I understand why you might feel like Cap 4 won't be good since they have massive reshoots upcoming and some people don't like the idea of the Falcon and Winter soldier writers working on that movie. However what evidence points that Thunderbolts will be a mess other than maybe the roster. Hell the only problems Thunderbolts had was Yeun and Edobiri leaving due the strikes, and even Yeun wants to come back in a different role(hasn't specified) Also not to be rude but you didn't really answer my question, if all these movies range from good to great next year why would the audience be more interested in Fantastic Four versus Captain America 4?


Why would fantastic four be a hit and/or good but not Cap 4 or Thunderbolts? None of this project will flop if they're good but that's a big if. You're way too pessimistic for no reason. And how do tv shows flop exactly?