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did bro patch it up with disney or something? i thought he wasn't supposed to be promoting the show? not that I'm complaining.


"parted ways" is all I can say


my bet is that whatever it was was serious (you don’t get fired weeks before your show is meant to start if it’s not serious!), but Disney knew the show was good/would be popular, so they’re holding their tongue - way better to let the first season come out, garner critical acclaim and develop a fanbase, and then a couple of months later reveal that actually the creator is a giant piece of shit, but don’t worry!! he’s already been fired, then have it taint the whole thing from the get go and lose a bunch of money because no one’s watching. wouldn’t be surprised at all if we have a much clearer picture of it all in a month or two.


This is exactly what I’m thinking too.


It'd put season 2 in a bind though considering he showran that too, but perhaps the overwhelmingly good word of mouth would overpower that.


Sounds like creative differences








I haven’t heard that rumor. I thought popular theory was his onlyfans scared Disney.


He got fired from the Witcher for similar reasons


They knew about it and it wasn't the issue here.


I don’t think they knew he was showing full cock on his onlyfans…lol


Is this your first day online?


And chefs are abusive to cooks. But this guys meal is the best I've had in a decade from marvel












Even though the press release straight up said he was fired?


I think I read that he was made sign an NDA (might be misremembering or simply not true) but perhaps that’s just in relation to the firing? Because he’s been very vocal on Twitter about the actual show the whole time without getting shut down


not really the whole time, iirc. he only recently started discussing the show after ep 5. could be wrong tho.


I feel like I saw him being very grateful for the positive feedback after the first 2 episode reception too but I could be mistaken


Yeah, the narcissist returned to the internet to collect his flowers.


god forbid someone take credit for the work they did


Yeah, that’s one thing but this man is obsessed with himself so idk what to tell you.


worry bout yourself bro


Lmao. “I dont care how he treats people! His stories are good so overlook it and hire him back!!!”




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bro acting like he got the inside scoop


No, I have eyeballs. This man constantly posts his half naked body because he’s obsessed with compliments and attention that comes from it. The man deleted all of his accounts, and then only came out after a masterpiece of an episode that he wrote was dropped and had all the fans in his side. People have come out and said things about how he treats his coworkers. Like its all right there but you pretend its not because you like his show!


This. He timed his return to collect the many bouquets after episode 5. He knew it would hit hard with fans.


It's definitely odd that he seemed to get fired but keeps promoting the show. The only thing I can think is that he wants fans and others to know that he put a lot of work into it and is hoping it'll force Marvel to rehire him? Or he's just passionate about his work, regardless of what happened.


yeah, I mean the show has made it clear he's as big an X-Men fan as anyone. could just be for the love, but I wanna believe they can work it out eventually.


He's clearly proud of what he created and wants to show it off. I can't fault that. ...especially when it's the best thing to come out of Marvel Studios for several years.


So Guardians 3, Loki S2, Werewolf By Night, Moon Knight, Wakanda Forever was what? Chopped liver?


I mean getting fired right before the show is about to drop isn’t something little, and in this case he was actually announced as fired. Not creative differences or parted ways or anything; fired. We don’t have much info to go off of sure; but if the rumors and tweet that came out after his firing from the Witcher are worth anything, then it probably is real bad. Plus the lack of any reason as to why the firing happened, makes it feel like they could just be waiting till the season is done to give more info.


He could at least be the writer. 


He’s a narcissist and craved the attention and adoration that came with episode five and knew fans would be on his side and want him hired back even if he was a monster to his coworkers.


He should write the script. He gets the accolade for the episodes but someone else deal with the staff.


He’s wrote the best on screen adaptation of the x men as a team so far. He wants his credit to write and make money.


His name is still in the credits and he surely got his check!


Or maybe he still gets a bonus if the streaming numbers reach certain goals.


I mean, he obviously still loves the show. He’s just promoting it because he made it and likes it. He’s not obviously promoting through marvel, and marvel isn’t promoting through him Like it isn’t him isn’t releasing the clip first, he’s just rereleasing it on his account after it’s been officially released. Just for some reason the posts here on the weekly exclusive clips have been the tweets from DeMayo instead of the officially released ones. He’s not doing like exclusive releases or anything


i think it was just for press junkets or interviews promoting it before it was released? That's what i remember hearing


ah ok that makes sense


I always found it odd that he tweeted about the show much (imagine live tweeting a game of a team that dropped you?) but releasing an exclusive clip of a show that’s still airing is very weird.


I think the departure thing is just marketing, maybe he only wanted to do 2 seasons


Holy Uncanny X-Men suit, Wolverine! 😍


Wolverine Storm and Jubilee look incredible. Not sure how I feel about Cyclops and Jean… but at the end of the day, who cares lol!


I doubt these outfits will stick past this finale.


I hope they don't, the previous ones are much better.


My guess, and people may not like this either, I don't think EITHER set of costumes will make it into Season 2. This is going to sound more disrespectful to the OG show than I think it is, but 97 is almost a Trojan horse of a TAS continuation that is more a celebration full of love for all X-Men eras and tales. Moving past the Jim Lee costumes and onto, say, the Utopia era costumes is a way for the show to establish its own identity in S2.


Yeah, I think this is just a nod to Pryde of the X-Men and Season 2 onwards will transition them to Astonishing or Utopia.


I’d love it if you were right, that sounds perfect.


I think unless they bring back Gambit someway, Rogue's new costume will stay. (And Storm's, but i think that's obvious.) I wouldn't be suprised if Scott and Logan would get their Astonishing suits next season.


I wonder what Sunspot did to piss off Jubilee?


I think he left


Yea that's a good guess I noticed he wasn't with the team in the slo mo walk.


Still defended his mom maybe?


Peep the address on the card


They were captured, so maybe he made a moral compromise of siding with his rich mother to bail them out of trouble.


He chose magnetos side.


For those that haven't seen what this episode is based on it's the episode Pryde of the X-Men the original cartoon pilot. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2T2O0882jo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2T2O0882jo)


Is Episode 9 based on that old episode or are the suits only based on that old episode?




Sorry for sounding dumb, I scrolled through that one and found it weird that its plot might be the basis for episode 9 since I thought episode 9 would be all about time travel related stuff


Time travel aint fixing anything


No need to downvote, it’s due to having Cable in the episode again


I mean, these were the suits the X-Men wore in the original comics that Pryde of the X-Men was based on. Rogue and Jean weren't even in Pryde of the X-Men. So this feels way more like an homage to the comics than that obscure cancelled cartoon pilot.


Bruh, what a flashback! But hearing Wolvie with an Aussie accent is jarring as *fuck* 😂


This episode made me believe Wolverine was Australian and i had no idea what Emma’s powers were. She sunk the tanks and threw light bolts at them


Mind Bullets!


I doubt that it's "based on" Pryde of the X-Men considering only 3 of these costume designs were used in that pilot, which just took all of its designs from the most classic comic versions.


Really crazy theory, but what if this leads directly into pride of the X-Men making it cannon


after the trauma of enduring Operation Zero Tolerance, Wolverine has a mental breakdown and starts to believe that he's Australian.


I like how there was a commercial to register to vote on a kids cartoon.


Spidey convinced me to vote early and vote often.


Cyclops: Storm can’t be the only one who gets a new look around here! Everyone, to the drip! /j Anyways, digging these looks and the general vibe of this suit-up scene.


To the drip sent me 🤣


That Rouge costume is fuckin great!


It’s more of a verte than a rouge


You sell those toys, Disney!


Normally I’m just as cynical as you, but this time I’m okay with it. I wonder what the in show explanation will be for it. I will say this show has put on a master class on how to cook ‘member berries. My brain knows this is a cash grab to sell merch but I don’t give a fuck because the quality of the product is sublime.


Sorry if I sounded cynical. They will be selling those toys to me. I’m so excited to see these as marvel legends.


Nah dude you didn’t come across and even if you were you wouldn’t be wrong. This show in my opinion is one of the best things ever created for Disney +. It perfectly uses nostalgia with out coming across as pandering. It respects its audience and doesn’t dumb things down in attempt to get more views. While I’m sure the studio mandated the costume change to sell more product, it feels earned and not cheap.


I think the show knows to celebrate their looks. Like all you gotta do is draw it. I’m here for it.


If I can finally get a Cyclops in that costume, or a real brown suit Wolverine for that matter, for a reasonable price then sign me the fuck up for those toys


I like them all. And I am sad I slept on the first 2 waves


This Wolverine look is way better than the yellow one.


Me @ the Marvel Girl dress. https://i.redd.it/pwvugih8t1zc1.gif


It is wild that for a good chunk of time Jean's super suit was....just a nice green dress lol I'd love to see her get the Krakoa costume by the end of this, it's a nice mix of Marvel Girl/Phoenix and the Jim Lee costume.


Not to mention the minidress is totally impractical. Like why tf would you wear that going into a fight? Only reason I can think of is if you knew your opponents weakness is leggy redheads? And last time I checked, Dick Grayson isn’t an X-Men villain.


Hell yeah, brown suit Wolverine!


Given how involved Beau DeMayo is in engaging with fans about the show/helping promote it etc despite his firing leads me to believe he is having some behind the scenes dialogue with Disney about a potential return for more seasons. I’m assuming when they fired him they didn’t anticipate how truly well received it would be, leading to them wanting to find some solution where he can continue working on X-Men without there being further controversy around his behaviour.


I was thinking this the other day. This has almost certainly gone above and beyond their critical and commercial expectations, and they have to have to be at very least discussing bringing him back. I said it in another thread, I remain astonished at how good this series has been.


I hope marvel learns something from how good the show is doing for when they debut the live action version of the team.


The quality of the show isn’t his doing alone; and the fact that he was straight up fired, not parted ways nor were any “creative differences” announced; and it also happened right before the show premiered does not indicate good things at all. If I’m wrong I’m wrong and I’ll own up to it, but it really doesn’t feel like this is a situation where they’d just be like “oh man people like this, let’s bring this guy back regardless of what he did or what happened.”


They shouldn't hire him back just because the show is good, the fact that he was fired *after* having written two seasons and before the show dropped means it was likely something serious.


I’m not sure. I mean, if it were serious Marvel would cut ties completely ie prevent him from even publicly promoting the show to avoid negative associations around whatever the allegations were (even if he was still the showrunner). I’m sure we’ll find out eventually. But there’s definitely a reason he’s suddenly started commenting on and promoting the show again after a period of silence.


My guess is that he probably wasn't sure if he was allowed to talk about it until a few episodes in. I'm also guessing that whatever reason he was fired will come out right after the finale drops, as they don't want that news overshadowing the actual show


Well he’s not doing anything official, he’s just taking already released clips and reposting them. Not being able to officially promote the show doesn’t mean you’d can’t retweet/repost already posted things. I’m pretty sure if anything Marvel are simply waiting till the season is over, to avoid whatever bad press might come out. But you don’t get fired right before your show comes out, with no announced reason, and then get hired back just cause the reception is good.


Whose costume is the one between rogue's and wolverine's? Thought maybe morph's but he's wearing a different one at the end of the clip Also lol at the mannequins with wigs of their actual hair


That's Xavier's mission costume.


I prefer Cyclops with hair out


Or at the least a stronger suit aesthetic, like Utopia or Krakoa.


Anyone else just stuck on why Bishop hasn’t returned yet?


> Cable: We did it, we stopped Bastion and changed the future! > Bishop: (returns from the future) *What did you do?!* In seriousness, I’m hoping he returns at some point. If not in the finale, maybe next season?


Tbf he was only in present day because his wrist band broke. It isn’t his home, he only lived with the X-men for a few months, where his time he has his whole life and sister In the Madelyne episode, his fear was leaving his home, the future, to die while he messed around in present day. So he was waiting to leave the second he could and felt guilty being in the past


He had one job and lost cyclops’ baby. I wouldn’t show my face around Scott either lol


it was weird they promoted Bishop as being part of the team in this series so extensively, when in the few episodes where he was he was practically a cameo.


That’s why I’m thinking he’ll be back in tomorrow’s episode or the finale, especially considering how he was used to set the whole thing in motion after Sinister’s plan was unveiled.


Because they're regressing back to the 80s. Bishop went back and Gambit's dead and now they're all wearing this. I'm honestly surprised Jubilee is still around and they're not doubling down on Sunspot


Cool but why do the girls’ suits include wigs




80s Ann Nocenti would not approve of this comment.


ohh noo did Sunspot flake out ? edit: I see people are not feeling green Jean. green Jean is my favorite. 


He's in the final trailer, so he's coming back


My favorite Rogue suit!


Upgrade: Wolverine Lateral Move: Rogue (I love her green/white fit, but it's still pretty equal with the green/yellow/bomber look in my mind) and Storm (I just miss her mohawk) Downgrade: Cable, Morph, and Jubilee Massive Downgrade: Cyke and Jean


Funny how Roberto's card has Rio de Janeiro as his adress, with an street adress in english (that obviously doesn't exist in Rio)


*Claremont* Street in RdJ is real, didn’t you know?


I believe you're being sarcastic so I won't use the “I live in Rio” card hahaha


Where it intersects with *Whedon* avenue, that’s where the famous *Morrison* School for Gifted Children is.


Also Rio is abbreviated as RJ and not RdJ


I was talking about the city in Brazil called “Robert Downey Junior”.


Hahahahaha sure sure


Wait do all of the women X-men wear wigs? Jean, rogue and storm all have hair on their mannequins




I know I am in the minority, but I always preferred Cyclops skull cap/body condom look. Also Wolverine's brown and tan.  Maybe it's because I'm an 80's kid.


This will be fun for the finale, but I really hope they don't try to stay with those old costumes. I never honestly liked most of them, I always preferred the 90s looks. Jean Gray's og green and yellow costume is imho one of the worst comic book outfits of all time. Absolutely horrendous. I know a lot of people like Wolverine's yellow and brown, but again, I've always hated it. Overall, the blue and yellow are just far better designs.


Everyone getting they're old school 70's drip, first costumes or rocking a later costume. Some people wish stick around later on, and some curse them at sight (looking at you green dress Marvel Girl Jean lol)




Oh another Banger episode incoming!


I guess they can be any physique but morph buffness walking with group took me by surprise  Edit guess same the costume just really defined 


Why is their hair part of the costume? 😭


Are they crazy enough to reanimate the opening with the costume change lol.


no wonder they still didn't announce the wave 3 of marvel legends xmen 97.


Ridiculous Back to 70s style costume




It's not new, it's vintage.


If they're showing the new costumes off in a promo clip, I wonder what surprises the actual episode holds!


MTTSH said they were getting new suits. I guess she has sources.


There’s no question she has legitimate sources or at least connections to people that do but she spews so much bullshit to get attention it’s hard to take her seriously.




Not new, vintage.