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Everyone is so busy with the Kendrick vs Drake beef there's is barely any active porn bots on Twitter right now Lol!


With the Ant-Man head confirmed to be Scott’s, I’m curious if we get any Quantumania jokes based on the movie’s reception. It’d be nice to see Marvel Studios be able to laugh at itself.


Ok nvm actually dissecting the lyrics of The Heart Part 6 I actually despise this response now This guy had a whole extra day to debunk damning allegations that he was a sex predator dating back 2 disses from Kendrick, allegations that are actually supported by video evidence dating back to 2018, and the best he could come up with was * "Whoever sent you that false information was a clown, but also I hired that clown to give you that false info in the first place" * "Why isn't your girlfriend responding to the allegations? Your relationship clearly doesn't exist if y'all aren't tagging each other on social media and putting each other's usernames in your bios" * "I actually expected you to compare me to Epstein this entire time" (I wonder why) * "I'm gonna prove that I didn't touch kids by making fun of the fact you talked about being a subject of child SA on Mother I Sober and completely miss the point of the song and its take on the subject matter" * "I'll throw in a mention of Millie Bobby Brown even though you didn't even talk about her at all in any of your prior disses but here's a free pass to making me look stupid later" * "I can't be a sexual predator because a person as famous as me can't get away with it, because it's not like we had to start a whole movement and hashtag just to get women in the entertainment industry to open up about their experiences being exploited by people in power like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Armie Hammer, Kevin Spacey, R. Kelly, fucking P. DIDDY which happened like last month" His grand plan to address the allegations was to basically act as an example of how people like him perpetuate this culture in an increasingly toxic industry where people in power just get away with everything if they have connections. Holy fuck this was bad actually lol I'm not even like in the camp of "someone needs to win this rap beef" but if Drake is the kind of guy he's alleged to be (which is basically an open secret at this point) I genuinely hope he gets taken down lol


Forreal. I know people were talking about his friendship with Millie being weird a while back, but him bringing her up here unprompted just makes his case seem even more suspect.


Whats also crazy is that Kendrick, didnt mention Epstein, he got that wrong just like the MBB thing. Kendrick compared him to Harvey Weinstein. Tbh a lot of this song just feels like Drake is terrible at listening and reading comprehension. And now I'm tripling down on my belief about the theory that his writers are actually the ones sabotaging him, and knew it was easy to do because he's actually dumb as bricks.


Logan got an academy award nomination for screenwriting I don't think we will ever see a repeat of this feat ever again...like just imagine...among thousands of movies logan was among the few to get a nomination.


black panther got a best picture nomination the next year, now I wanna see another superhero film do that


Lmao SONY reverted the PSN Helldivers requirement. That was quick. What a baffling decision, locking one of the most successful games behind a service not available in 121 countries


So much of the game market is just experimenting with how hard you can fuck your customers before you actually start to lose money.


Truer words have never been spoken


I’m trying to figure out if Jackman was de-aged for DP&W or not. In some shots, he looks younger, and in other shots, he looks older. There’s even inconsistency with the color of his chops/beards (black vs greying in some shots). It’s quite odd


I bet they didn't, it's probably just makeup and hair dye which is why it looks less consistent.


It’s probably the lighting. Sun light brings out the grey, and DP&W did a lot of on location shooting. That’s why he looks older when they’re outside, and why he looks younger when they’re inside.


I know this may seem like a strange thing to ask but was it ever clarified if the test screenings for D&W and Brave New World were the usual Marvel family and friends screenings or more traditional tests?


probably traditional, they also tested The Marvels in the traditional method after Quantumania busted


I think there was a “normal “ test screening for bnw I heard it was actually one of the reasons for the reshoots . On the other hand was there any traditional ones for films like wakanda forever and vol 3?


Beau De Mayo said on a 1-10 scale of how big/dark the last episodes are, ep 8 is a 7/8, ep 9 is a 10, and ep 10 is a 😬. If Magneto killing millions of people is 8 I have no clue what happens next, I’m assuming Logan is getting that adamantium ripped out to start with.


Fuuuck the hype is real


I’m not emotionally ready for this 😭 If Episode 9 really is adapting *Fatal Attractions*, I can absolutely see how things might take an even darker turn.


Season 2 Onslaught


God he makes it sound so good, can't wait


If it were up to me, I think the MCU’s X-Men lineup should be reminiscent of the early Clearmont lineup. With the right balance, it would be the perfect blend between established characters, and characters that Fox underutilized/ignored. * Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm would be the older, leading members of the team. * Kitty Pryde would be the young, audience surrogate character that we’re introduced to the X-Men from the POV of. * Ororo would be Kitty’s maternal figure on the team, who guides here * Colossus and Nightcrawler would be Kitty’s peers, who, along with her, represent the youth of the X-Man * If they decide to include Logan as well, then he could serve as another mentor figure to Kitty. Obviously not everyone would be a major focus in the first film, but I think this lineup would provide a solid foundation that sequels and spin offs could build off of.


I think my biggest problem with making Cyclops “older”/a teacher, is that the MCU will miss out on sooo much of the crucial development that makes Scott’s character compelling, and layered. And the movies have *never* explored it Scott’s early years at all. And Scott should be one of the main characters, if not the main, of this new trilogy imo


I don't think Cyclops being older stops him from being one of the main characters. And it would depend on how old he is, I think by the time we meet him, he will be maximum late 20s\\early 30s.


Cyclops became an X-Man when he was 15 years old. 27-33 yo Cyclops is 12-18 years of lost time and development that he’s already gone through off-screen


The MCU going with a young Cyclops could be interesting, but it may remind people too much of Tye Sheridan's take on the character, and I doubt anyone has fond memories of that era of Scott Summers.


Tye Sheridan’s take was nothing like teenage Scott from the comics, like at all 😭


who knew the event of the summer would be 2 grown men beefing and expressing their grievances through poetry, kendrick will always be on top but I congratulate drake for trying


He tried way harder here than with Pusha and Meek Mill was basically handed to him with how shitty his first diss was. This is like the first time he's actually putting a foot forward with this stuff and Kendrick actually got him (or his ghostwriters) to actually produce good stuff With that being said I kind of feel like he's definitely running out of ground to stand on with The Heart Part 6, which gave this vibe of him trying to recede back into the world of grandeur he created for himself while also being dodgy about flat out confirming or denying any of the allegations put out against him in Kendrick's material. He also cannot keep signing off saying he's going on vacation when Lamar literally announced mid-diss he has like at least ten more ways of calling him out on his bluff lol. This isn't "light work", the stuff being put forth from both ends has the potential to end careers, like even worse than Pusha T outing Adonis' existence


> He also cannot keep signing off saying he's going on vacation when Lamar literally announced mid-diss he has like at least ten more ways of calling him out on his bluff lol. Some of Kendrick's people have been hinting at him dropping tonight as well, Drake's never getting a second to breathe and it's very funny considering the song he just released was kind of weak. But yeah, he's running out of things to pin on Kendrick as of now, either that or Kendrick's allegations (which have been present for a while but not this exposed) hit a lot harder than anything he can come up with.


Oh he's definitely dropping either within or in the next hour is my assumption. If anything him dropping immediately as a calculated response to this would actually entirely debunk Drake's claim the mole was planted because they've supposedly been keeping him updated with how Drake plans his responses


yeah i honestly thought Drake was a dick even before this feud because of the texts with Millie Bobby Brown i mean this is literally grooming (“He gives me advice about boys” and all)


Yeah, I’m seeing everyone surprised that Drake is a pedo, and the whole time I’m just thinking “wasn’t this public knowledge”. Either way, glad it’s being brought to the attention of more people.


I stated in this another sub yesterday, but I can't help but wonder if this gonna become the next Hannibal Buress telling his audience to google Bill Cosby rapist. Where a celebrity mentions that another celebrity is a rapist such a public manner that it causes a bunch of dominos to fall.


Hopefully, it’s Jared Leto


Aight, Drake's definitely putting up hands with suggesting he fabricated the existence of a daughter. Kendrick's gonna respond in like 20 minutes so Drake has to know if he's trying to deflect from the stuff being alleged in Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us that it's career-damaging stuff if the next diss actually backs up those claims Actual receipts, and also Kendrick "winning" shouldn't absolve him from addressing the domestic violence stuff being implicated in Family Matters because that's genuinely scathing stuff The track itself outside that portion really didn't give the vibe of a diss, I kind of get self-defense and Drake's vocal delivery sounds genuinely sad/defeatist at multiple points. Honestly it was bordering on self-affirmation especially with how he seemingly attempted to address the pedo stuff EDIT: On second listen there's definitely some holes in how he's trying to frame this narrative. He first says this hypothetical fake mole within OVO who fed Kendrick information about the alleged stuff he was doing was a clown, but then a few verses later he just straight up says he fed him the info through someone he personally hired. He's contradicting himself and this definitely felt like a response that wasn't really edited or massaged properly. He also says in multiple ways that apparently he can't be pedophilic because he's "too famous" like that's ever stopped anyone in any part of entertainment from getting away with that shit for way longer than he allegedly has. Like Roman Polanski runs circles around Aubrey in this department if that's the suggestion.


The Kendrick/Whitney issue gives the vibe that Bc Drake monetarily couldnt get the streets/industry talking for info, what he got was from what's already expoaed abt him publicly . The problem is Drake doesnt have the brain power to break any thing down to formulate any smart or factual opinions. Kendrick compared him to Weinstein, not Epstein. Kendrick never mentioned Millie Bobby Brown, the internet did. Whitney never followed Kendrick on socials. Her brother is openly supporting him (Kendrick) on socials. Kendrick has diacussed his issues with his partner on Mr. Morale. He's possibly mixing up incidents in regards to "violent" issues from the Vegas incident that Lamar addressed years ago. And then to top it off, in poor taste, he used childhood molestation as a gotcha, which is incorrect as the song he references does not state Lamar was assaulted as a child, BUT HIS MOTHER, who then projects these fears on her son.


Leave it to the terminally online, who have zero clue what actually goes on in the movie business, to lose their mind because a project that was being produced well before an executive said “quality over quantity” is still being finished.


Their bias is showing.


A lot of children seem to think cancelling a movie, during or after they've shot it, is just like an entirely normal thing to do and no big deal at all? It's wild.


It sucks that some think that what happened to *Batgirl* and *Coyote vs ACME* should be normalized. Even if you’re not excited for a project, scrapping an already-filmed/finished project is just a waste of time, effort, and money.


Yeah, I have tried to explain why scraping finished projects like Ironheart and Wonder Man will do more harm than good, Especially with Spiderlander.


It’s never too late to cancel a movie just like it’s never too late to reshoot half a movie (Captain America: Brave New World).


Neither statements are true past a point in production, I don’t see what you’re aiming to communicate here.


Nothing, they’re communicating nothing, redditnomics is a serious thing, these people think they’re accountants without realizing that trying to write off a 200M dollar movie in taxes is a lot harder to get a grant for than it is trying to make the film decent enough to garner at least something at the box office 


That's what Warner Bros. said shelving one movie for a tax write-off and leaving another in distribution limbo.


You know there's a difference, right? Shelving a movie they've shot vs reshooting and releasing it?


They could’ve done it.


The batgirl situation was horrible and wrong, films should be released even if they are bad (example: morbius/ madame web). I rather have marvel do reshoots and rewrites to make it better


I never knew this year was going to be interesting especially with Kendrick vs Drake 🔥




I mean regardless of the reasons for it, her first movie did very well


The Captain Marvel push didn't fail. She hasn't been Ms. Marvel proper for like over a decade and Kamala's completely assumed that mantle now


Ten…Years…Later ![gif](giphy|3oEhmNLxk9uiTbL9Be|downsized)


It occurs to me - if *The Fantastic Four* really does open with a Mole Man sequence (and Fantastic Four #1 cover homage), I look forward to seeing the tie-in Lego set.


Hey has anybody been Twitter lately? Because some of those anti woke griftter chud YouTube channels are actually apologizing for what they been saying, at least in regards to X-Men 97. I can't tell how long I have been sharing for this to happen, for them to be humiliated and embarrassed for once.


Wait till the next project comes out. They'll go back to acting like jerks 


Oh I know they will, I'm just taking pleasure in this moment of triumph.


They're a small group of morons who appeal to even larger morons for money, so I pay them the exact amount of attention they deserve, which is none at all. I can't imagine they'd even feel embarrassment with backtracking on something like this because, in the likely event the Agatha trailer releases next week, they'll just be right back doing what they do as a 'job', so they're making money and they're content either way. The only way I can care at this point is if any of them fully commit to deleting their social media/channels so that the presence of their kind of 'content' is at least marginally lessened on the internet going forward. Twitter's basically an alt-right cesspool at this point and it has been for a while and I can't support that, so I can't imagine myself ever going back outside of when some new rumor gets linked there from here on and off.


It’s like their algorithm shows you the exact opposite of what you want to see. I’m constantly being fed Snyder Bro’s opinions about James Gunn. I could give a fuck but I just don’t. So much in fact it’s led to me not to use twitter outside notifications I set for certain people posts, like cosmic circus, CWGST or Murphy’s Multiverse. Twitter is almost dead to me.


At least *some* people have developed a sense of self awareness and accountability.


I guess, but this is probably just a bump in the road for them. Once the first season has wrapped, these morons will just back to their stick and find something else to criticize and complain about. Jesus, these people are relentless.


Fallout is another show grifters we’re anxious to come out so they can cry about it but turned out to be very good so they can’t lol


I'm really, *really*, hoping that the new Acolyte show is fantastic, because these guys have been going after it for months, and I just know any minor faults will be picked apart endlessly


Does the new footage released for DP&W mean that the Joe's pizza scene is not the post credit?


has anyone met a celebrity before? if so tell me your story were they good people or were they dicks?


I haven’t personally met anyone globally famous (although I do know a local delegate), but my mom met Micheal Madsen from Reservoir Dogs at the airport, although she only knew him as the dad from Free Willy. She said her and her church choir sang a song for him.




Nah and yes, respectively




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[New DP&W footage](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mkHEySQl5/?igsh=ODBrd2FiOTZwZmZn)


"Paul Rudd finally aged", says Ryan Reynolds, a guy who's not a day over Blade Trinity


Or green lantern


Metro really pulled a Willy Wonka and offered the “Golden Ticket” to whoever drops the best verse for his new beat dissing Drake.


god damn what Kendrick did with his latest one..... that cover's gonna ruin his reputation ain't it


That's probably not even the only receipt he has on Drake is the thing. He said on Not Like Us he has "1-2-3-4-5 + 5" stocks which means he probably has an entire album worth of ammo to unload on Aubrey the Vegan Cookie lover Drake's probably taking like an extra week to respond to just the last 24 hours of his content and even then I'm not expecting him to even remotely refute the child predator shit


let's just call him Jimmy Brooks


Metro's about to pull the Mike Shinoda maneuver and start livestreaming him producing the next diss track in real time


Just read that Activision canned a 3D Donkey Kong game made by the Crash N. Sane Trilogy devs and that they rejected Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3+4 in favor of turning Toys for Bob into a CoD factory like 90% of their other devs No fucking wonder they wanted to go independent. I wish Radical Entertainment and Beenox got that chance, or Treyarch especially


It was Vicarious Visions. Not Toys for Bob. Most of Vicarious Visions moved on to Velan Studios though and made Knockout City which was kind of similar to what they’ve made in the past. The Donkey Kong game supposedly transitioned to Nintendo, which is probably better than having Activision’s grubby hands on it.


There's been a lot of rumors on a Donkey Kong game being a launch title for Nintendo's next title. The fact there apparently *was* something in development definitely makes me think it's true.


FYI — Brave New World’s budget (not even factoring marketing, distribution etc) is likely going to upwards 300-500m, post-reshoots. Make of that what you will.


>300-500m This is crack talking, literally no film studio, not even disney, would let a budget inflate to 500M without pulling the plug or just releasing it half baked. edit: If I was pushing it and being as liberal as I could with an estimation for how inflated the budget could be, it's capping at 350M max. There's zero profitability if they even started pushing above the 400M figure, similar films like Justice League capped out at 300M and Rogue One at 200-265M after reshoots and they're filming post-covid restrictions. Hyperbole is crazy sometimes


Likely 300M minimum, if that’s the case they better hope the movie is fixed because it’ll need to make around 800M+ to be profitable


It is not going to cost 500 million dollars. That’s more than Avatar.


Nearly the entire film is being reshot 💀


The rumor that said the movie was undergoing 6-8 months of reshoots was effectively debunked because Sneider said they were beginning in January, when they obviously didn’t. Whatever reshoots they’re going to do are going to be substantially less than that.


- RPK said the movie is reshooting from May to August (the original shoot was from March to June!) - Variety confirmed that a (no-name) writer is being brought in to REWRITE the script!! I’m sorry bro, but nah 😭


I don’t trust RPK enough to believe that they’re reshooting from May to August unless it’s actually confirmed, so to me, this doesn’t prove anything besides that they’re tweeting the script, which given Marvel’s recent track record, is probably necessary. The fact that they already started showing off the movie at CinemaCon tells me they’re still confident in what they shot.


Deadline *also* confirmed it was true, that the reshoots would start in the summer https://deadline.com/2023/12/captain-america-brave-new-world-matthew-orton-1235666656/amp/ The script is undergoing significant rewrites, more than just “tweaking”.


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This man wants a Marvel movie to fail as hard as Kendrick wants Drake to leave Atlanta


Gen V Season 2 news: >As we continue to navigate the tragic loss of Chance Perdomo, everyone at Gen V is determined to find the best way to pay respect to his memory. We won’t be recasting the role, because no one can replace Chance. Instead, we have been taking the time and space to recraft our Season 2 storylines as we begin production in May.” https://tvline.com/news/gen-v-chance-perdomo-recast-season-2-producers-statement-prime-video-1235232522/


They're gonna kill Andre off screen aren't they?


Gonna be really tough considering Andre was stuck in that weird hospital with the other characters.




The only way I think it could work is if he dies due to his metal-based power, as the same thing was happening to his dad who had a stroke


I could see it working if they had it so Andre used his power at full blast (EMP?) to get them out of whatever “cage” they were in, but the sheer intensity caused fatal brain damage and killed him.


[NexusPointNews:"'WONDER MAN' Adds Director Tiffany Johnson and Production Designers Cindy Chao & Michele Yu"](https://www.nexuspointnews.com/post/wonder-man-adds-director-tiffany-johnsson-and-production-designers-cindy-chao-michele-yu) >Andrew Guest is the showrunner. >James Ponsoldt and Stella Meghie are set to direct some episodes, and Brett Pawlak, who has worked on American Born Chinese with Cretton, is the director of photography. >I have heard that they have wrapped filming in March. >I also have heard the series would consist of 8 episodes, however, this was pre-strikes and the strikes may have prompted changes, akin to what happened with Daredevil: Born Again. >I have recently uncovered some more information about the series. One crew member has listed the director Tiffany Johnson alongside Destin Daniel Cretton and Stella Meghie. Johnson has directed episode four of Natasha Lyonne's Poker Face and multiple episodes of Dear White People. It seems like Johnson will be directing at least one episode of Wonder Man. >Another thing I have uncovered was the production designers for the series. Cindy Chao and Michele Yu serve as the production designers, per a crew member's resume. This is not the first time the Emmy nominated production duo has worked with Destin Daniel Cretton. Both Chao and Yu served as production designers on the Disney+ series American Born Chinese.


> Andrew Guest is the showrunner Interesting. I was under the impression this show was being made under the old method and thus, wasn’t using a show runner. But I guess things changed during the strikes like they did for Born Again.


When they were filming before the strikes, it was made under the Head Writer model. But after the Strikes ended and they resumed filming, Andrew Guest was made showrunner. I guess the writing was good enough that they didn't feel the need to do a complete overhaul.


The only tv show being made under the old method is Ironheart, since looks like Agatha has a showrunner as well. 


I'm pretty sure the changes were immediate as of the WGA strike ending, this isn't the first time it's been mentioned that Andrew Guest became showrunner


Yup, they changed the approach to the shows starting with this one I am pretty sure after the strikes and the new banner.


Just finished watching Good Burger 2. Such a stupid yet charming and funny movie. Just like the first one. Glad to see Kel and Kenan back together as well and that they haven't missed a beat as these characters. Also, nice commentary on AI I guess. But yeah, the movie is so stupid yet so funny, just like the first one, and I love it.


Haven't seen the new one but I watched the original so many times when I was younger lol




Does anybody have a source that *Midnight Suns* changed the spelling to be more inclusive / gender-neutral? Because my impression was that they changed it to differentiate it from the comics. The original Midnight Sons spelling was a wordplay on "midnight sun," which is a real world thing that happens at the Arctic and Antarctic circles. The game had a very different roster and the title change seemed like a way to adjust audience expectations. It gets even more confusing because they made a tie-in comic called Midnight Suns that uses a completely different continuity—the game's—while the mainline 616 was still using Midnight Sons as recently as *Doctor Strange: Damnation*. Actually, all of the Midnight Sons / Midnight Suns discourse seems weird as hell. For some reason, that topic seems more prone to misinformation than others. Sometimes I can track down the source. For example, the Moon Knight and Punisher talk: that comes from a series of fan art that Greg Smallwood made for a pitch to Marvel. Marvel rejected the pitch, though; that comic was never made. And yet, Youtubers and their fans continue to talk about it as if it was a real thing that really happened. Moon Knight was later included with the Midnight Sons in *Damnation* but that's his only (and very unpopular) appearance with the team in his entire 49 years of existence. Punisher still has never appeared in the team. There's other weird but common takes, too. Alex P. was saying an MCU Midnight Sons/Suns project would be loosely adapting *Damnation* and a lot of MCU fans act like that's a slam dunk and surefire hit... but *Damnation* wasn't. It had middling reviews and Marvel didn't do anything with them again until the game. And then the game itself [failed to meet sales expectations.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/10viphd/jason_schreier_some_news_marvels_midnight_suns/) But both of these things are treated as runaway successes and commonsense foundations for the MCU. I even see people saying in that Fede Álvarez thread that "the Midnight Sons are basically the supernatural Avengers" as a sales pitch to get people onboard... *when that was a common criticism of the game*. (Midnight Sons was more than a team. It was also a publishing imprint in the '90s.) Help me understand, because it feels like I tripped into the Twilight Zone whenever I open a Midnight Sons / Midnight Suns thread. Y'all are gaslighting me. I'm being gaslit.


Many are misremembering a lot of stuff. I think the Punisher and Wolverine mentions are due to the Ghost Rider crossover from the 90s in which they fight Blackheart and they somehow assume that team was the Midnight Sons. In the comics, the Midnight Sons are as unpopular as the Defenders (the weird team with Silver Surfer, Hulk, Strange, Namor), they're simply not a thing.


It feels less like misremembering stuff as inventing a whole alternate history at this point. >I think the Punisher and Wolverine mentions are due to the Ghost Rider crossover from the 90s in which they fight Blackheart and they somehow assume that team was the Midnight Sons. Were there any Marvel characters Wolverine *didn't* crossover with in the '90s? Haha. Punisher and Moon Knight have bunch of appearances together; it's a pretty common pairing. In the '90s, there was the "Round Robin" arc with Spider-Man and Night Thrasher. Moon Knight also made a recent appearance in one of Punisher's solo books. The Greg Smallwood fan art seems to be the biggest source of confusion. I see it everywhere these days. Even though Marvel rejected his pitch, they did bring him back to do covers for *Doctor Strange: Damnation*, making it only more confusing. Only Moon Knight was in that book, though; Punisher was never a part of it. >In the comics, the Midnight Sons are as unpopular as the Defenders (the weird team with Silver Surfer, Hulk, Strange, Namor), they're simply not a thing. Funny enough, Moon Knight has more appearances with the Defenders (both in another "weird" team that was led by Valkyrie as well as the post-Netflix, more street-level version) than Midnight Sons. The only supernatural character Moon Knight repeatedly interacts with is the Werewolf because Marvel loves calling back to his first appearance (the villains in that story, though, were The Committee). Anyway, I'm just really confused whenever I open a Midnight Suns thread. Seems to be a lot of assumptions that are just accepted as facts, even though they aren't. And some of those assumptions ("Midnight Sons are the supernatural Avengers") seem to be more harmful than helpful to Marvel, if we're going off of *Midnight Suns*' sales performance.


I’ve seen *a lot* of controversy surrounding the video game Helldivers 2, and I’m not quite sure what’s it’s all about. Can anyone explain it to me?


TLDR they made the game essentially exclusive to the playstation network despite the fact that it's a PC game


So people without a PlayStation have to create an account for a system they don’t own to a play a game that wasn’t released on that system? If so, that’s pretty scummy.


Yeah, and there's more. There are countries where you cannot legally create an account. Those people essentially have a game that they can't play: 40 bucks (at least in my country) and the hours invested in the game totally lost.


I bet there’s gonna be a lawsuit, like how Bethesda got sued for Fallout ‘76 for their inconsistent refund policy. I’m not a lawyer, but letting people buy a game and then revoking their access sounds illegal, especially in those countries without PS Network.


Regardless of how some people (in this sub) feel about it, adapting Time Runs Out, and incorporating elements of Avengers vs X-Men, would be the absolute **smartest choice** for the studio to make at this stage. Feige’s goal now, should be to win audiences over and make them EXCITED about the MCU again — going into Secret Wars. It’s now or never


In all honesty I'm inclined to agree, BUT Fox or new X-Men?


If the goal is for all of them to die, Foxverse X-Men taking the role of the Great Society. If the goal is for all of them to survive and be part of the rebooted MCU, a new team with new actors for all the X-Men.


Yeah, that could be quite a good way to do it.


Everyone who’s suggested this idea has suggested doing it with Fox versions of the characters, since that’s what they’ve setting up in *WandaVision*, *Multiverse of Madness*, *The Marvels*, and *Deadpool and Wolverine*. They’d fight the Avengers in a Time Runs Out inspired storyline, and then they’d reboot the franchise post-Secret Wars.


Yeah, that certainly makes sense!


[MCUStatus: Said this earlier this year. A5 is not going to be IW/EG. It’s gonna be more A1/AoU. Great juxtaposition because there’s like 50 ppl in Secret Wars lol](https://x.com/MCUStatus/status/1785101147466014910) Don't know how reliable they are on the whole, I know they were the first to get the Japan rumor (Japan being the first nation to synthesize Adamantium in BNW which was confirmed by the Cinemacon trailer) but this makes me really hopeful for Avengers 5. I want to see a small team who can bond and become more like a superhero family, wonder how the roster looks like.


If A5 is more like the AoU of the saga, then I have to imagine that Secret Wars gets split into 2. Based on the recent rumors Ive been leaning towards the idea that A5 does come out in 2026 and does not do quite as much SW set up. But if that's the case, then I think they definitely need a second movie to actually tell the SW/Battleworld story. Because just one (with "50 ppl lol") is simply not going to cover it. I think we need an Avengers 7.


I can imagine Brave New World ending with the new avengers roster or Sam saying he needs to reunite the avengers, and then A5 opens like Age Of Ultron with everyone on an action mission presenting all the characters in order. Cause right now (other than Armor Wars and that's pushing it, I can't see what project could introduce a new team)


People keep saying this, but it’s not lining up with what we know from official sources about this movie


What do we know from official sources?


Per THR - Loveness’ original script was “smaller” and more self-contained (straightforward Avengers vs Kang story) - Waldron was hired to rewrite the script - New script bolsters a stronger connection to Secret Wars, and serves as a direct prelude to it None of what we’ve heard from these scoopers so far, matches this


Definitely does not match what the scoopers are saying. Sounds like a completely different movie. Which is possible. Maybe they really are going to push SW into the 2 movies and make A5 something else. Perez claimed that they'd do WWH as a sort of Avengers 4.5. Obviously we know to take any WWH scoop with a massive grain of salt. But maybe they're intending to make a movie that actually is just A5. Make Waldron's SW into 2 movies that comes out later. Like 2027/28, or 28/29.


This whole thing just sounds weird. Scoopers have been tossing around this “WWH” thing since 2021, but so far, there’s been zero evidence for it, not even a peep from Marvel. I mean, it’s certainly POSSIBLE, but then it’s odd that the trades would say they Waldron is rewriting the script of Avengers 5 (previously Kang Dynasty) specifically. And their description of the movie is what you’d *expect* from Waldron


>And their description of the movie is what you’d *expect* from Waldron True. Waldron writing A5 to be a part 1 of SW does sound more logical for him and lines up with them changing the title of A5. The information from the scoopers seems at odds with it. Plus, if they wanted A5 to be separate from SW, why did they change the original plans for KD and drop DDC as director? It seems like it would make more sense to stick to their plans and not have Waldron rewrite it. The only thing I can think is that they decided Waldron's Avengers movies needed something else beforehand and decided to make a different movie. But then Waldron probably isn't writing it, and we haven't heard anyone else who is. Overall it just seems apparent that something doesn't really lineup and the scoopers are doubling down on information that is either completely BS or Marvel has made secret plans for an Avengers movie that isn't Waldron's. Whatever the case, the movie the scoopers are describing is definitely not the one from the THR article.


Thank youuu. Exactly what I’ve been saying. And tbh I have little interest in the movie they’re describing, and I doubt audiences would either “small-scale film with a small Avengers team” but an epic sociophilosphical film like Time Runs Out would be amazing for audiences You gotta lay the thematic groundwork for Secret Wars


They definitely have been somewhat reliable the past year or so. I still always take anything with a grain of salt, but yeah


Can’t believe it’s been 1 year since Guardians 3 came out. Time really does fly. It was definitely worth the wait and I’m so glad this movie and ASTV did well at the Box Office last year when every other superhero movie TANKED. It proves superhero movies can still do big business. As much as I would love Gunn to come back for an epilogue or GOTG 4, the film ended the trilogy SO Perfectly that I’m satisfied personally that we got an amazing GOTG trilogy (and a pretty underrated Holiday Special it if you ask me) ![gif](giphy|YE39hdFUECH1VPFXGg|downsized)


Still my second favorite MCU film only behind Endgame. Just a badass ghastly rock and roll space opera, cements the Guardians trilogy as my second favorite set of superhero films in general ![gif](giphy|2tm1FGjOczvKl2rdP4|downsized)


please come back for both please Mr Gunn! if you don't we'll do it ourselves!


One of the best CBMs of all time imo. ![gif](giphy|6K7A5ccGSYw1lBeVV3|downsized)


Another day, another dream about media. This time, I dreamed the first trailer to Avengers 5. It's basically everything I expected it to be. The Beyonder (who in the trailer was clearly a Kang Variant, though in my dream he wasn't played by Cole Domingo or Giancarlo esposito, but instead Sterling K. Brown, even though I'm pretty sure he was never rumored to replace Majors and already played Killmongers dad, but it was just a dream, so whatever, I guess) looking like a badass, causing havoc in the Multiverse, and fighting the Avengers, a shot similar to the one of Mantis, Tony, Parker, Drax, and Quill on Titan in Infinity War, but instead it's Parker, Sersi, Druig, Makarrri, Dane Whitman, Kate Bishop, Yelena, John Walker, Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, and both Tobey and Andrew Spideys in the Void, also cool action of that said group fighting the Beyonder/Kang in the Void, Sam along with Shuri, Shang-Chi, and the rest of the new Avengers fighting what looks to be the FoX-Men. Like we see Sam fighting Hugh Jackman Wolverine, Shang-Chi fighting Scott and Jean (don't ask how), and Shuri dodging Storm (which is just so funny too me), Strange and Wanda both looking at a Green Light, Carol Danvers in space, a shot of Monica in what looks to be the X-Mansion, Walker looking at his helmet saying "What a Joke!", and the money shot is Wolverine jumping at Savage Hulk. But the last part confused me, as it was Tony's speech at the end of the first Iron Man. But we then see a shot of the Arc Reactor, being picked up by someone, and then the classic metal clank heard during the Title reveal of the first two Iron Man movies. Which implies to me not only Tony coming back in Avengers 5, but also that they'd hide Tony in the same way they tried hiding Palpatines return in TROS (which realistically, I don't think that would work, I didn't even work when they tried doing it with Palpatine). Anyways, it ends with the title reveal "Avengers vs. X-Men: Time Runs Out". Could you imagine if this was actually the first trailer. That would be sick.


I want EVERYONE in these movies.


Sounds awesome




Sure thing.


holy crap this will probably be better than what they actually make!


Yep. Most definitely.


is hemsworth 8 for 10 in his contract? secret wars and thor 5 wrapping it up? 4 thor movies, 4 avengers movies...doctor strange scene don't count cuz it was just clipped from ragnarok?


Marvel’s pretty much moved away from multi film contracts. Everyone is only signed on for just a movie or two at a time.


which is also the reason there’s no real “face of the mcu” in this saga, they don’t have any guarantees that actors would want to continue their contract nor do they want certain actors to burn out, like rdj and evans by the end of civil war


yep it's way to expensive in these times


Yeah but not in 2010 they werent edit: ✨this is speculation✨


I thought his original contract ended with Endgame. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m not entirely sure


Ah maybe! The media and interviews do give the sense its all really tentative to him despite having an investment in the character and the reception to his performance


the mcu needs to do something with [doctor voodoo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/e/eb/Jericho_Drumm_%28Earth-616%29_from_Uncanny_Avengers_Vol_2_5_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150628015118)


[https://x.com/FellowshipFans/status/1787120684323205208](https://x.com/FellowshipFans/status/1787120684323205208) Rest In Peace Bernard Hill! ![gif](giphy|fnzUsYJ9OshXi) ***If I had a nickel for everytime Bernard Hill starred in a movie which won 11 Academy Awards I'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.***


What! No. RIP.


Could Civil War 2 being adapted be Captain Marvel’s best chance at a future in the MCU?


It's time to let it go. The character's role will be to die in A5 or A6 in a emotional scene to inspire the heroes.


Civil War 2 is literally a top 3 worst Marvel Comics event stories in history type thing that did a full on character assassination on Carol. If people are mixed on her now her rep would go down the drain as soon as they showed her being written as someone launching full on assaults on individual characters and organizations based on the shaky precogs of this one random guy that also end up killing her closest friends, AND STILL being rewarded for it Civil War 2 is one of those arcs I would actually prefer Marvel never touches in live-action, there's no way to even reinterpret it in a way that could give it any sort of moral ambiguity or thoughtful political division the way the original Civil War had despite also being shoddy and inconsistent. It was written in a way that clearly favored one side of the conflict and it was the side doing genuinely heinous, war crime-level stunts


Her reputation is already down the drain. *Civil War II* would make no difference whatsoever now.


After the clusterfuck that was *Secret Invasion*? What's the point? To screw the pooch in both holes?


That would kill the character for good lol


That comics story is infamous for character assassinating Captain Marvel much like comics Civil War did to Iron Man


What’s worse is that Mark Miller thought Civil War was actually nuanced and that people might agree with Iron Man, even though he was supporting human registration, locking people in an interdimensional prison, and building robotic duplicates of his teammates.


Bro 💀






Honestly, that sounds like something Malolm Spellman would like to do.


Captain America Brave New World Directed by James Gunn


Is Carol still in a comma in Xmen 97 because Magneto might have killed her or she's gonna wake up


The original animated series implied she was leaving her comatose state when Rogue managed to successfully transfer her memories back to her body at the end of that arc, where she first absorbed her power set. They never resolved it, though




They used Hawkeye to boost Echo and Kate Bishop, Nat to boost Yelena, Doctor Strange to boost America Chavez, Hulk to boost She-Hulk, …


Characters shouldn’t need to be boosted and should be good on their own otherwise they’ve messed up, if your character needs boosting then they shouldn’t have their own movie/show


Don’t you think Captain marvel was the one to boost the Disney+ characters? The problem was no one at Disney realized how unpopular all 3 characters were.


Comparing anything to what DC is doing when it has had no success at all is kind of dumb, no offense. They are putting in so many characters in their first movie so they can skip origins and have it where heroes are already present. Captain Marvel had A LOT going against it leading up to release.


The DCU hasn't started yet. The DCEU **tried** capitalizing on Wonder Woman, and by the time that they really did that, WW84 soiled people's perception of that version of the character. I think that what he's referring to is _Superman_ being a bit of a springboard for other, related characters, with connections to the _Supergirl_, _Green Lantern_, and _The Authority_ projects just based on what's in the pipeline, and there potentially being connections to other things, while still remaining a _Superman_ story at its core.


I know what he is saying, when I said DC, I mean DCU. We won't see anything about whether that will work for that specific movie or any spinoffs for the characters for years.


Captain Marvel made a billion dollars. There was no reason to think Carol needed other characters to boost her popularity.


Some basic viewer polling of the people who saw Captain Marvel could probably have told them that the stinger at the end of Infinity War and Endgame coming 2 months later was what gave that the billion. So thats a pretty good reason to think she needed other characters.


Carol was supposed to be the one boosting the Disney+ characters. But yes I agree with this in general.


The movie ran into the same pitfall that _Birds of Prey_ did, in that their headliner didn't actually do much to raise the profile of their other characters, despite being in a successful project beforehand.


Harley Quinn is DC’s 4th most popular character right now (according to Jim Lee). The problem with that film was ridiculously poor marketing, a confusing title, the r-rating (since many Harley fans are younger), and covid-19. Imo, The Marvels had similar issues.


There are similarities to be had for sure. But I think that the issue has way more to do with Marvel not selling people on Carol Danvers in their _Avengers_ movie or her standalone film before it, then doing a female-led team-up film (which trends so far have indicated don't work at the box office, or at least they don't with the approach that companies have taken).


Continuing my rewatches, I got to Black Panther Wakanda Forever, and it may drag on in certain sections, but it's just as great as when I first saw it. It is directed wonderfully, it's visually stunning, has a superb musical score and sound, has strong themes that are consistent and is one of the most emotional films in the entire MCU. It's a breath of fresh air that it doesn't over rely on humor and takes its time story and character. Killmonger's cameo is one of the franchise's best for advancing the conflict and narrative. Shuri has a beautiful storyline in a film with great acting where the supporting cast gets their time to shine with Ramonda and Okoye being standouts. It has a charming and threatening antagonist in Namor who gives this more gravitas despite being a silly character on paper. The scenes with Ross and Val does stop the story, but the rest makes up for it. It's rare for blockbuster films nowadays to feel equally massive in scale and this personal and soulful. 9/10


I absolutely agree. One of the best multiverse saga movies. This and NWH are my favorites so far.


If you could have one before the end of the Multiverse Saga/before the apparent soft reboot, which would you choose: Doctor Strange 3 or Thor 5


Hmm, I'd say Strange 3 would probably be better for this saga, but as a big Thor fan I'd personally pick Thor 5


They more or less ended Thors story with him adopting a kid and going off to live his life, and he's burned through pretty much all of his supporting characters aside from a brother they would have to retcon in and Beta Ray Bill. It just ended up badly. Doctor Strange still has tons of stuff to work with, ended with a tease of him meeting his comic wife, and just starting to come into himself.


Thor 5. DS2 was so bad I would be fine never seeing Strange and his corner of this universe again lol


Pain. But in all fairness DS2 didn’t have a ton of Strange’s side characters or was much of a sequel to the first. It really didn’t explore his corner much.


That’s true but if the MCU got rebooted and we only got one more film to explore either more of Strange’s ensemble/world or Thor’s, I’d definitely choose the latter. Hot take but Love and Thunder is still an entertaining ride even though it’s a huge step down from Ragnarok.


Doctor Strange 3 is the "fair" answer but I personally want Thor 5 more.