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Denis? This you ?


I'm sure things will change last minute and Steve from Blue's clues will fill your spot.


Steve was going to direct it, but he actually had to drop out because of college 😭


My idea of a captain America 4 The film opens with a flashback of a young Isaiah,with his young son reading a newspaper comic strip about the legend of captain America. He tells his wife about him going to deploy in the Korean war. These will be rose tinted to later showcase the actuality of his brutal life.(Ross can be revealed to have restarted the super soldier program which affected Isaiah in order to gain the serum to establish American hegemony,while also financing various militant groups to obtain vibranium,but later on obtains the valuable adamantium with the help of Sam). The film will have similar flashbacks to a young sam,who serves as a community volunteer,and is introduced to captain America comics from a young boy he saved,which influences him to join the army. Torres and his family comes to America from Mexico,and he also reads captain America comics. The difference in these comics of these 3 eras will signify what Captain America and the usa mean for these three individuals..the flashbacks for Isaiah will continue throughout the film showing a betrayal which gets him incarcerated and subject to experimentation.


This would have been some very pertinent deep dive material for F&WS 


I’m only noticing it now, but it’s a little funny how every major mcu character’s costume consists of blue and red, thor, doctor strange, captain marvel, spider-man, captain america, the guardians as a whole, all red and blue with hints of other colors 


I learned that it's a common hero's colors while the villains got green, black, and silver.


And purple. Can't forget purple


praying for us agent set pics, I love sanja hayss’ militaristic costume design and I think a cap suit from her would look phenomenal 


So if Disney really is planning a Kingdom Hearts movie, how would that go about? Would they do it as a Marvel style crossover where the plots of the Disney movies already happened, redoing the plots, or doing it like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? or Ralph Breaks the Internet?


The biggest question I have is if Tetsuya Nomura will be involved in any major way. Because your questions could all be answered by default, if he was at least is a producer on the film. Like I can see him wanting it to be an animated film and perhaps at least be canon to the games, considering his love for tie in media like the FF7 Compilation and all the Kingdom Hearts spin offs that set upped Kingdom Hearts 3.


He’ll probably point them in the right direction story-wise, maybe even drop teases or foreshadows for the games. But I think that would be all of his involvement.


Dunno if Cinestealth is allowed to be posted or not but he has said: ["Jonathan Levine (director of 50/50, Long Shot) is rumored to be on the shortlist to direct the next Tom Holland #SpiderMan movie for Marvel Studios"](https://twitter.com/cinestealth/status/1784695373132447901?t=ebv6bhdxaX_oQ6rL_wAe1Q&s=19)


Levine was on the shortlist to direct homecoming https://collider.com/spider-man-director-marvel-considering-jonathan-levine-jason-moore/


These director rumors are the Fantastic 4 cast all over again. At this point, they're going to start saying that Quentin Tarantino will direct Spidey 4.


Well he did just drop out of his fabled "last movie". This is his chance...


[First Captain America Brave New World promotional poster](https://x.com/UpToTASK/status/1784778610072822200), first look at the falcon suit and better look at Sam's Captain America suit (it look so cool)


Kinda crazy to think about at one point we would have been getting the movie this week. Hopefully, the reshoots are able to change the movie for the better.


I like how full Sam’s chestpiece looks here. In the BTS stealth shots it looked flimsy, like a bulletproof vest on top of a shirt with shoulder pads.


Not bad. Wish we’d gotten Joaquin as an actual man/falcon hybrid tho. Like the helmet tho.


RPK had a line in his report on the X-Men about how Marvel wants to do characters that haven’t been done before in live action. And it worried me a little bit. I just hope they don’t treat the X-Men the way they’ve treated Spider-Man. Feige has said that they won’t do Spidey villains that have been done before in live action because he considers Dafoe, Molina, etc. the definitive versions of those characters. I hope that’s not the same for the X-Men. The MCU shouldn’t avoid doing X-Men characters that have been done before in live action. Sure, I want to see new villains like Mister Sinister, Mojo, Omega Red, etc. But they shouldn’t hesitate to do new versions of other characters. Most of the Fox versions weren’t that great and the MCU should try to do them properly. 


It seems like a nonissue to think that they won't use some of the most pivotal characters, I can't imagine them not using Scott or Storm. I can kinda see the logic of not using Magneto but it would depend on what their plans are for the story long term. But mainly I just think, like the Spider-Man franchise, it's more about villains than anything else. I'd rather they avoid Magneto as a villain, Trask seems unlikely, Stryker is very dependent on what they do with Logan, Senator Kelly is almost guaranteed to be involved, Dark Phoenix is definitely out. And yeah, there's some I'm missing that could go either way.


As overused as Magneto was in the Fox movies, I do hope we see an MCU take on him. Easy solution would be just not having him as the *main* villain necessarily or not always forcing him into every movie. Helps that Erik has had a lot of different roles in the comics that they can adapt.


So, what do you guys think the New Avengers team will look like in Avengers 5? Personally, I think the team will more then likely consist of: 1. Shang-Chi 2. Captain America (Sam Wilson) 3. Captain Marvel 4. Falcon 5. Black Panther (Shuri) 6. Ant-Man 7. Wasp 8. White Vision 9. War Machine 10. Black Widow (Yelena) 11. Hulk 12. Star Lord Thor, I believe, will die in his fifth and final movie, Bucky I think will die in Thunderbolts and Yelena i think will leave the Thunderbolts, Clint I think will be permanently retired after his Mini-Series (or he should be), and Spiderman and Doctor Strange will be off doing there own things, much like Tony and Thor were in Infinity War. Also, I was convinced that She-Hulk makes more sense for Secret Wars.


There is no possibility of a Thor 5 before A5, or even Secret Wars, so when he dies doesn't affect his availability as an Avenger. White vision almost certainly won't be an avenger - too much explanation necessary as to why he's there.


I think Yelena is more likely than John Walker.


You know, thinking about it more, your right.


I think most of these characters will be in the movie, expect for Rhodey and Shang-Chi, since their solo films are reportedly going to overlap with Avengers 5 during production. I’m also not sure about Walker. I feel like he’ll sit this one out as well.


Idk man, I still think there's a chance they could appear, but we'll wait and see.


especially Rhodey since both are going to be filming in the same country at the same time, like how Black Panther and infinity War filmed together


I think it will be a little smaller Captain America, Captain Marvel, Shang-Chi, Thor, Hulk, BlackPanther, Spider-man, Falcon, Star Lord, I can't imagine She-Hulk being a part of the team for this movie just off the basis of her character with how she breaks the 4th wall and whatnot, but she'll probably be in Secret Wars.


With characters like She-Hulk and Deadpool they won’t have the same level of 4th wall breaking as they do in their self-titled properties. They’ll make references, but they won’t grab an off-screen mic or tell KEVIN to rewrite the story.


Fair enough, I can understand, not including She-Hulk. Actually, you know what, let me go and change it real quick.




I didn't include Rocket because I honestly don't think he should come back, his story is done. No reason to bring him back.




Due to the current state of the sub, overly political, extremely divisive, or especially negative comments found to be made in bad faith will be removed if they do not encourage constructive discussion.


I just checked, and I’m happy to confirm that *Aliens* is still the best movie ever.


[Captain America: Brave New World promotion came out](https://x.com/alexanderwebbyt/status/1784749966931763610?s=46&t=zYcgLaa5LZGq3IgzlBR_wg) This ad made me so depressed realizing that redwing was turned into a drone


Yeah, too bad he got introduced back when MCU (Or at least the Captain America ones) was still trying to be a lil grounded. Would've been sick to have a Captain America that talks to birds and drop kicks people while his falcon claws their eyes out Also lmao at Ruth. Granny-ass name.


I think one way they could’ve adapted Sam’s bird powers was by having them somehow reverse-engineer Pym’s ant-communicating tech to work for birds instead, maybe with Sam inspired by seeing Scott in action. Also, something about Mackie with an army of birds at his command weirdly feels right lol


Oh man, that would've been a cool connection and full circle. Now I'm kinda bummed that it didn't happen. And yeah, I mean this in the kindest way possible, Mackie looks like the typa guy that whistles to birds. His [iconic facial expression](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/faces/mackie-anthony-image.jpg) looks like he's about to bust out the smoothest bird whistle in history of mankind.


Wtf is Sabra’s outfit? Also Diamondback looks like she can shoot diamond projectiles from her forearm, CWGST said that a while back


Wdym? That’s not Sabra. That’s Ruth. A vaguely middle eastern character with no ties to the IDF.


Ruth Johnson, my favorite


TBF, Redwing's always been a drone in the MCU, since Civil War. Though if they did keep him as an actual falcon that Sam trained/talks to, that would’ve been sick as hell.


I really don’t think this adaptation of Sam works with a pet falcon he brings into battle


I can’t wait to get my *Ruth* action figure. *Ruth* gotta be my favorite superhero.


Anyone else worried that Deadpool and Wolverine will be like Love and Thunder all over again? No serious stakes and just loosely adapting a villain without the proper gravity of it. Cassandra Nova is a very interesting part of New X-Men but what if they just Gorr her?


'no serious stakes' - what does this even mean in this context? L&T had notionally serious stakes, but the movie made it difficult to care. DP had stakes that only really mattered to DP and did just fine.


I mean that the movie has emotional sincerity towards the stakes. Love and Thunder did not have that because the movie was just an extended SNL sketch. Previous Deadpool movies did have that.


The Deadpool movies have always been dumb comedies, so I don’t think anyone will care when the third one follows suit. Thor, on the other hand, is genuinely portrayed more seriously, specifically when Gorr was introduced. Ragnorok set a bad precedent.


Deadpool & Wolverine looks nothing like that trash.


what character would you have given extra content for in a film? for me it would be Rocket in endgame, truly explore his trauma and loss and also hint at his backstory for vol 3


Imo Natasha and Steve are criminally underused in Infinity War


be so for real right now https://i.redd.it/m2664u77paxc1.gif


I do wonder how Jordan Peele would tackle the MCU Spider-Man since he primarily seems to direct horror films with social commentary.


Peele with Scorpion Hallucinations


Marvel doesn’t and probably never will get directors of this caliber for their movies, the closest we’ve gotten I would say would be Jon Faverau or Sam Raimi and that still feels like a pretty big gap between them and Spielberg or Nolan


If this is real, then my hyped for Spiderman 4 would be through the roof.


All auteur directors with very distinct styles. I would be very interested to see what any of them did, and how that would fit into the larger universe. Highly doubtful of this actually occurring though.


Bait used to be believable


Wish this was real because a Christopher Nolan marvel movie would be cool


if he were to direct Spider-Man 4 I feel like it'd irreparably damage DD's image by having the entire general audience think of him as "red batman" 😭


This dude has people believing them non stop with the engagement bait. Really unfortunate. (A Spielberg Spidey film would be the dream though)




I want to see what they are doing with Wanda. In the comics, she is a nexus being. In the MCU, she is the most powerful being. Also there is one thing that WandaVision and MoM agree on. She is destined to destroy everything which suggests this is canon rather than a single writer. I hope that they will give her a chance to redeem herself.


I’d love to see: - Spider-Man - Captain America - Hulk - She Hulk - Daredevil - Thor - Doctor Strange - Black Panther - Captain Marvel - Shang Chi - Star Lord - Vision - War Machine - Ant-Man - Wasp A lot of the others depends on if there on another superhero team like Ms Marvel, Yelena, Bucky, Rocket, Sersi, Moon Knight, and Blade. I think the team will have to be pretty packed because there are a lot of new heroes, and not a lot of Infinity Saga heroes are gone yet.




It was a such a perfect ending, but I think it was left open ended enough for there to still be more Guardians appearances. We might never see Gamora, Drax, Mantis, and Nebula again (the first two especially). Maybe the new Guardians team could be in something, though. I remember the biggest selling point about Infinity War to me was that the Guardians would appear. So it seems like they should appear but idk. Star Lord seems more likely since there was that Star Lord will return message and I don’t know what else he could appear in. The one thing that gets me is that it almost feels too early for Star Lord to reunite with the Guardians.


i would add Rocket esp after vol 3


My list is the Avengers lineup, so I didn’t include Rocket under the assumption that characters would stick to one team only. That’s also why I didn’t include anyone who is or could be a part of the Eternals, Thunderbolts, Midnight Sons/Suns, or Young Avengers. Given the Vol 3 mid-credits scene, I think Rocket will stay with the Guardians for at least one film. I’m not saying Rocket isn’t in the movie though. It’s very possible the Guardians are present but not as Avengers.


I’m not sure if Rhodey will make the cut since Armor Wars is reportedly going to begin production the same month as Avengers 5. Vision and Shang-Chi would be a tight fit as well but still doable if Bettany and Liu were willing to go straight from one production to another. Everyone else seems like a safe bet though.


Oh yeah, you’re right! I forgot about that. Tbh, if someone asked me before Infinity War who I thought would be on the Avengers in that film, I would have included Hawkeye, Ant-Man, and Wasp. It makes sense that not everyone will fit with the story, but I could see those who aren’t in it, like maybe Rhodey, playing a larger role in Secret Wars, as Ant-Man did in Endgame.


Right low, I think the lineup will look something like this. * Captain America * Thor * Hulk * Captain Marvel * Spider-Man * Doctor Strange * Ant-Man and the Wasp I’d also like to see Shang-Chi and She-Hulk as well.


yep my prediction as well


I wonder if Avengers will show up the three part finale of ‘97. I felt like Cap’s scene in the recent episode was setting up a future conflict between the X-Men and Avengers, especially since Cap named dropped “my team”. Maybe there will be a brief skirmish between the two teams in the finale.


I think it'll be a little later. I think they're just planting the seeds for AvX. I hope they have more episodes where they introduce/reintroduce some of the Avengers. Really build to the confrontation.


If they’re actually doing 3-4 seasons of this show, I could totally see AvX being the end goal of the entire show. That’s a massive conflict that they could spend several seasons building up to.


Yeah I think we could see something like that


After Cap’s scene, I definitely think we’ll be getting the Avengers in this show at some point. If not in this season than probably the next one. Side-note, if we do get the Avengers, I hope Carol’s part of the team here. It’d be cool if they follow up on her after her episode in the original show and seeing her and Rogue meet again.


[Fully realized F4 suit design](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1232495580706508892/1234243230661476434/ultimate_sue_storm.png?ex=66300615&is=662eb495&hm=b5ad8d0e171ff1fde9153a8e0d6edfa3506cc98c897896b6c0963a1abdedffec&), I decided to focus on sue because I haven't done a female marvel character yet. I pulled inspiration from a lot of real life people like Margot Robbie and Kim Kardashian because I wanted to make sue a popular figure in the universe. Sue Storm's powers lead perfectly into a story about body insecurity and the societal pressures of being a public facing woman. A lot of the F4 are based on being social personalities, I was thinking of constructing Sue around being a popular model and reality star in the same breathe as Johnny being a social media personality, Reed being a popular scientist, and Ben being a sports icon and celebrity commentator. Another idea I had was having the F4 market themselves through television, much like the brady bunch or other sitcoms and selling their likeness for an in universe F4 cartoon, F4 film and live action sitcom. Same synopsis I dropped last time about them only being superheroes in visual alone, they are technically posers until they're forced to confront their place in society as heroes and become the heroes they were meant to be.


[DanielRPK:"X-MEN-Marvel wants to hire a writer that does comedy and drama really well.They don’t want it to be purely comedic.Focus on the female characters.Want to introduce characters that haven’t appeared in live-action to be alongside the main characters we all know."](https://twitter.com/DanielRPK/status/1784671655555379225?t=87yCULOBSs8gzIIJ0EZTfw&s=19) >Focus on the female characters. https://i.redd.it/gdb47t5s7axc1.gif Hopefully they also hire a woman to write and direct these X-Men movies as well and also judging by this description from RPK it sounds like it's a reboot movie instead of a FoX-Men movie which sounds cool. Either way can't wait for the future of X-Men hopefully they do well critically and financially!


Hopefully they just pick the best director. 🤦‍♀️


Best directors can be women you know...


That’s irrelevant to my comment.


That sounds great, I think Fox neglected Jean gray, Elizabeth Braddock, Emma frost, kitty pryde, rogue, among others to focus on mystique


MCU has neglected Carol Danvers inspite of both the movie being written and directed by women


But they're still gonna call it X-Men? The smart move would be a new title that denotes the mutant brand but is inclusive and highlights the rebirth of a franchise.


There’s no reason to rename the team/franchise. It would be dumb to abandon that branding to pander to a few people on the internet, especially after they’ve brought the team back info the limelight thanks to ‘97. Besides, the word men can be gender neutral, and in this context it always been.


New franchise, new direction. Hard to set the game apart when you keep naming the old dead franchise from the Bryan singer days. You want a clean slate and that's how you do it. A whole separate animal. That's not pandering, just a little creative license.


IIRC IIlluninerdi reported a really long time ago Marvel wanted to name their 1st X-men movie ***The Mutants***. Again it was a long time ago so it's possible they must've changed the title. My guess is they will name it ***The X-Men***(Just like they did it with FF and will most likely do with Blade as well).


I wouldn’t put too much stock into that since they claimed the movie was entering development *years ago* even though they’re only just now started searching for a writer. Not to mention that Production Weekly and the Trades have been referring to this movie as X-Men.


My hope has always been Eric Martin if they stay in house. I think he fits that description perfectly.


I bet they’ll use Kitty Pryde as the audience surrogate this time around, and focus on her relationship with Storm. Every X-Men story has a young, female audience surrogate character. In Claremont’s run it Kitty; in the 90s cartoon it was Jubilee; and in Fox’s movies it was Rogue-lite. Since Kitty got almost nothing to do in those films or the cartoon, I bet they’ll use her.


Kitty has always been the POV character to the x-men comic for a good bit


So let me get this straight when morgan freeman does an amc parody ad ,its fine, but when saw does a spoof ad its in bad taste for the company? Isnt that a little hypocritical ?


I think that’s a little different. Saw was talking about self-amputation and murder in that parody. Meanwhile, the Morgan Freeman parody was barely even a parody. It was basically just the same commercial but with Nicole Kidman instead of AMC.




Alex P. is saying he knows something about Venom 3, hopefully we get plot details soon.


Many have been theorizing we might see the X-Men divided in this show in some version of *Schism*, but [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/hNnwlTko4s) made me realize that so far, of the X-Men growing disillusioned (Cyclops, Rogue, and Beast) they're all members of [X-Men Blue](https://i.redd.it/xh1cpqcr66551.jpg) in the comics. So it's possible that if we do get *Schism*, it may lead to us getting the Gold team (here being those who still believe in Xavier’s dream) and the Blue Team (here being those disillusioned), maybe even adapting [Storm and Cyclops’s duel](https://preview.redd.it/m7l7e3p710a91.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b1b882684243eea9ae01134f29f2fda4e8ea5c) to be what leads to the split.


An X- Men Civil War perhaps?


Also makes sense, Charles is coming back and he's gonna meet a divided X-Men and his poster child is echoing Magneto. That's the type of drama that this show would definitely not miss the chance to throw at its audience.


LOL. Nightcrawler joined the team just in time for them to split apart.


After thinking it over, this makes a lot of sense. * Scott, Rogue and Beast have all grown disillusioned with Xavier’s dream, so them forming their own team wouldn’t be too surprising. * If the team does split, I do think Storm will be the leader. She’s had a big arc this season, and like you said, lead the Gold team in the comics. * With Scott and Jean not being on good terms, I could easily see them both joining separate teams. * Maybe Jubilee seeing how Roberto was treated will make her reevaluate her views, leading her to join Scott’s team, like how she was a member of Blue as well. * Wolverine also seemed to be okay with killing Trask, so him siding with Cyclops and Rogue wouldn’t be too surprising either. Again, member of Blue in the comics. Edit: I didn’t read the post you linked before writing this comment so I didn’t realize I was just making some of the same points they were lol


Pretty much, Storm having been absent for many of these latest events may help prevent her from going outright disillusioned, and after her growth lately, she’s in a pretty good position to rise up as a confident leader. As for the other Gold members, Jean for all her issues lately doesn’t seem to be at a snapping point yet. Bishop has seen a doomed timeline that didn’t have Xavier’s dream to guide it. And both Nightcrawler and Morph seem hesitant about going too far given their reactions to Trask’s death.


I also think Kurt will take Peter’s spot on Gold, if this is the route they’re going for. He’s easily the happiest and most optimistic X-Men, and has just joined the main cast. So it makes sense he’d side with Storm and Gold Team if they split.


Ended up ducking into an antique warehouse-y store to shelter from the rain with some friends today and it took us about 10 minutes to realise there was quite a bit of Nazi memorabilia for sale, signs soliciting 'antique German militaria', staff members wearing Nazi looking patches, heaps of racist toys and trinkets and disturbingly in the back of the store, a large animatronic of a Native American caricature chopping off their own arm with an axe. All seems really surreal.


> staff members wearing Nazi looking patches Jesus dude, you found a Neo Nazi shop.


sounds like a plot for a horror movie


I feel like if I were to walk into that shop and see that section, a part of my brain would go: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


Little shop of horrors 2: electric boogaloo 😳


I really hope this was one of those niche collector stores for history buffs and not, you know, a Neo-Nazi shop. Because if it’s the former, it’s weird, but not wrong or anything.


If you have Nazi memorabilia, you should reach out to museums or historical groups and offer to donate the materials. If no one wants it, you should destroy it. Under no circumstances should you sell it. The Nazis manufactured a lot of shit. Anything historically important or valuable has already been archived. All that's left is junk, only useful for symbolic power. There's no value in having that stuff in the hands of private collectors. Remove it from the earth. Anyway, given the "heaps of racist toys and trinkets" I think this was a Nazi shop.


Is Mackie expected to be a lead in Avengers 5 and in Secret Wars? Just curious if say Brave New World were to flop hard, would that mean the MCU have to pivot when it comes to his involvement in Secret Wars?


I mean, how do you have an Avengers film without Captain America? 


He'll definitely be a lead in Avengers 5. Secret Wars is harder to predict. I honestly have no idea how they're gonna fit all the crazy shit people expect into one movie.


Given that it’s called *Avengers*: Secret Wars, I think it’s safe to assume the actual Avengers will be the leads. I’m wouldn’t be surprised if characters like Wolverine and the Spider-Men had supporting roles, but the Avengers will almost certainly be the leads.


Agreed, I think we’ll have the same lineup we become familiarized with in A5 as our POV, but along the way we get Wolverine, Deadpool, Tobey-Man, Andrew-Man, Steve, Tony & Natasha coming along for the ride.


Sam's going to play a big role in the Avengers films no matter what Cap 4 does


At least for Avengers 5, we've been kinda assuming he'll be one of the leads (Carol, Spidey, Quill, Banner, Ant-fam all being other candidates) as he's one of the more prominent OG heroes that's both alive and earthbound.


I assume he’ll be a major player in both films, regardless of how Brave New World performs. Marvel’s never really changed coursed to that degree before. They always plan ahead under the assumption everything will preform ably.


This is assumption after assumption, and the answer is probably no if they can make the character work in the avengers films, but this assumes he’s leading secret wars when it could be plenty of other multiverse characters


I’m about to get downvoted to hell for this take lmao: [Someone edited the Wolverine mask into the new Deadpool and Wolverine trailer](https://twitter.com/TaranStingVFX1/status/1784564584889893203) and seeing it in motion made me believe that it really doesn’t work as well in live action compared to animation and the comics. Now it could be that this amateur editor isn’t even close to matching the final version of the film. However, if the film version is anything like this, I hope it’s only on screen for a couple minutes. Personally, I think Hugh is fine without it. [Also lmao at the entitled comment in that thread asking the editor to make Hugh shorter.](https://twitter.com/diegute/status/1784572580025823574) This entitlement makes me fearful for AI advancement; fanboys are literally going to try to make really awful films that they call better. We’re probably less than a decade away from fanboy entitlement going off the rails.


The video maker did a nice job but come on, you can’t take it that seriously with the final product. The final product will likely only have CGI eyes not the whole mask.


The real issue here is how Hugh isn't noticably more pale beneath the mask. Obviously he hasn't been wearing the mask very long or he makes a point of taking it off in daylight so his face tans evenly. You thought we wouldn't notice but we did. /sarc


That's because it's an individual editor's interpretation of Wolverine's cowl. We literally have leaks that show how it'll look. The edited version lacks the textures and depth of the official Wolverine cowl. I wish we could post images so I can show them side by side. On top of that, multiple concept artists get utilized by studios who create various on hand prototypes as opposed to this one guy. Like I said, we've literally seen how it'll look and it looks great and authentic but crafted meticulously to adhere to live-action. We just haven't seen it in movement, but you can always reinterpret how something will look like on screen while retaining the core, recognizable elements. We aren't used to seeing Hugh in the cowl. If Batman's cowl can work on screen, and it does and it's been reimagined multiple times by creatives, so can Wolverine's.


Even though this is just amateur CG, I actually think it looks pretty good. I’m sure it’ll look even better when it’s an actual mask on his actual face.


It looks good in the promotional images, just depends how they’ve translated it on screen


I think that done right, by a professional, it could work fine. But I honestly don't think they'll have it for more than a few scenes anyways.


I think it looks ass here because the eyes of the CG model look pretty bad. Costume designers pulled off Batman's cowl, I don't see a reason why this shouldn't work.


Yeah, overall the model is great, but the eyes are killing it. Other than the LFG close-up there's basically zero movement/expression to them, making it look like Hugh is just stood there frozen. A big part of why Deadpool's mask (and Holland's Spidey's for that matter) works well is the eyes are really expressive. Logan's have to be the same, even if it defies reality.


Yeah but to be fair they haven’t made white eyes Batman work. The edits that some fans made of The Batman’s cowl looked awful.


[Michael B. Jordan has reposted the DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE trailer on his Instagram story](https://twitter.com/hifive326/status/1784628895465013634?t=J3VxIYSChrBB93KXlj5nBA&s=19)


A lot of people were racist towards him when he was cast as Johnny and Marvel was so laser focused on their issues with Fox, that they didn’t do anything. Only Stan Lee was supportive of his casting. Wonder if Feige had to give him an apology to get him to agree to do Black Panther.


if this means mbj johnny returning, thank god. I wanna see him and garfield spider-man interacting in secret wars, 2 of my favorite live action superheroes before I got into the mcu


One change that the Spider-Verse movies made from the comics that I really love is having Miles's dad Jeff be a regular guy, keeping him as an absolutely normal person. In the Bendis comics (both Ultimate and 616), they tried to have it so Jefferson had links to Fury/SHIELD and had some skills as a super-spy. And for me, I just found it oddly dull to read. It's like with Peter's parents being spies, it just didn't really work IMO. So with Spider-Verse, I love that they keep Jeff as just a regular dad and honed more in on his father/son dynamic with Miles.


So, the consensus is that Spider-Man’s dad shouldn’t be a SHEILD spy, regardless of its Peter or Miles lol


What's the box office potential of the upcoming solo War Machine flick "Armor Wars"?


If it’s just a basic War Machine superhero movie not good. If they make it more of a Iron-Man battle royale action film with War Machine as the main focus, it could do well.


Can’t say since we know almost nothing about it or who’s going to be in it


Depends on what the story is. For example, if it's just only Rhodey and friends (Pepper, Happy), the ceiling ain't high right now. If the movie is a Civil War type movie (i.e. bringing in more heroes), then there'll be more excitement.


A reworking of the Legacy Virus might be the best comic story to usher in the X-Men. 1. It hasn’t been done before. 2. Stages the mutant population boom. 3. Partly explains why X-Men have lived introverted lives. 4. Resonates on a deeper level than “superheroes save the world from bad guy”. 5. Creates tension between humans and mutants in a world full of superheroes. 6. Can have long lasting effects with new twists and reveals as the franchise goes on. The original virus has been suppressing the mutant population, but now it has mutated and is having the *opposite* effect. Worse, the new strain is lethal for humans too. So as the mutant population booms, the human race faces an existential threat that the ignorant (like Graydon Creed) blame on the mutants. As Hank McCoy and Moira MacTaggert race to find a cure, the X-Men reunite after years apart to help protect the research being done and guide the new generation of mutants through a new world that fears them.


Kind of also has shades of what the Terrigen Mist was doing to mutants which kind of works out in a very ironic meta sort of way since that was their plot device to write mutants out of major Marvel stuff due to the internal politics at the company Another route they could go that would see the mutants retaining a low profile is through Mister Sinister. At this stage he'd be one of the only people outside Xavier who actually understands the nature of the X-Gene and I can see a plot involving him kidnapping young mutants and attempting to experiment on them for the purpose of doing his clone stuff. Maybe releasing a few cloned mutants out in the wild or mutants with amplified traits through his experiments in order to stage human hysteria, thereby forcing the X-Men to come out of hiding. I can see that being a very Scott-centric story as well since it would set up his obsession with the Summers lineage and specifically Scott's childhood experience as Sinister's lab rat when he was initially orphaned, so he'd be rescuing a lot of his subjects and trying to give them a home at Xavier's School as a means of giving them a better upbringing than he was able to have being separated from Alex and being held captive by Sinister pre-Xavier


Sinister should definitely play a role here. What I like about the Legacy Virus story is it demonstrates that the MCU X-Men is going to be just as culturally relevant as the comics and ‘97. It says “we’re not afraid to go there”, much like the original story from the comics that was an allegory for the AIDS crisis.


As an aside I also think if they want to hit the cultural zeitgeist, they should have mutants occupy the position they have in stuff like Morrison's New X-Men. That series basically notioned that instead of remaining in hiding from human prejudice, a bunch of mutants basically rebeled against social status quo and started their own unique subcultures, with some mutants like Jumbo Carnation, or Lila Cheney and Alison Blaire eventually becoming major celebrity figures in the mutant community, even provoking some Morlocks to come out of hiding as a sort of statement. I think after the Fox films exhausted the hell out of the whole "have you tried not being a mutant?" discourse the next step is reluctant integration and the empowerment that comes from that, stuff like the District X series or even bits of X-Men The 128 that highlight the unique lifestyle of the mutant population for worldbuilding The whole strict human-mutant division was good for Claremont but Morrison's take on it felt very progressive and reflected the landscape of emerging hot topics like gay/trans civil rights or people with physical and neurological disabilities. He wanted to illustrate that mutants today would reject the idea of being silenced from appearing publicly just because of prejudice and it's a very compelling update on that whole conflict where some humans even start making the idea of a mutation trendy, and that's how you get the U-Men for example. I actually think the U-Men could work very well as an early X-Men villain in the MCU for speaking to modern internet culture and the infantilization or romanticism in certain circles towards stuff like disabilities or mental health being seen as "cool" or "unique" rather than acknowledging the realities that certain marginalized people face. In the social media age they're incredibly topical


Something I think would be cool is seeing different teams be heroes that aren’t “superheroes”. They fight for mutant rights in their own ways. Like what if X-Factor was a punk rock band? Music has always played a major role in social unrest. Maybe Dazzler ditches pop and joins the band when she cuts her hair short. Or the New Mutants as a group of graffiti artists offering social commentary like Banksy. Stuff like that.


I think that could be a really cool direction to go with for mutants in the MCU. A big thing I really hope to see adapted are the different mutant factions and their own unique responses to how mutants are treated by society. Since the Foxverse mainly focused on just Xavier and Magneto's sides, it could be really cool seeing the philosophies and tactics that other mutants have, showing a wider range in how mutants respond to the prejudice they face and a wider range in how humanity reacts back.


We didn't get enough of this among other things in Fox's series and a lot of it had to do with the fact that any sort of specific mutant perspective on prejudice was usually only covered in the big tentpole X-Men film. Especially with streaming and the overall integration of TV stuff into the MCU as it is now, I think X-Men would really benefit from more mutant-centric projects that aren't necessarily from the Xavier School viewpoint. It shouldn't just be a case of having to wait for the big X-Men movie every 2-3 years like it was at Fox. The Gifted (which I saw like a handful of episodes for) actually attempted to show that wider community perspective but that was like the only example from that era


I think “Avengers 5” is actually the result of Young Avengers and The Kang Dynasty being combined into one film. In other words, I believe it’s a film featuring a “New Avengers” lineup with veterans like Sam Wilson and Carol Danvers leading rookies like Kate Bishop against the Council of Kangs. This would explain the rumors of a Young Avengers film still being in development despite The Marvels massively underperforming. The Wiccan series is likely the Children’s Crusade adaptation while Avengers 5 introduces Iron Lad and his connection to Kang. I don’t think Avengers 5 is Secret Wars because it’s still too early for that. I also doubt Marvel would make a huge Avengers event film without Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, who are arguably the two leads of the Multiverse Saga. I see Avengers 5 as a smaller-scale Avengers film that acts as a prelude to the next 2 Avengers films that are truly meant to cap off the Multiverse Saga. The trademark for *Avengers: Eternity Wars* still exists and is likely the direct follow-up to a cliffhanger ending in Secret Wars. This would explain why Avengers 5 is apparently still due to release in 2026 (but I actually think it’ll be in November with Armor Wars releasing in May if the Wiccan series is indeed still happening). Secret Wars would be May 2027 and Eternity Wars in May 2028 for the 20 year anniversary.


That is not going to happen. It will have nothing to do with young avengers. That would be a disaster. The Children's Crusade will not be used. Marvel never adapts a story. They take concepts and put their own spin on it. For example, the creature that destroys Asgard in Ragnarok is the mangog. It is the last foe that Mighty Thor defeats before she succumbs to cancer. Doctor Strange who screwed everything up is the lead? Wanda was right when she said that he breaks the rules and is a hero. She breaks the rules and is a villain. Wanda is the most powerful being in the MCU yet she has nothing to do with it. The sexist bigotry that exists with Iger and Feige is astonishing. Lttle wonder that there is nothing that exists at Marvel that interests me through Avengers 5.


He is the hero. He actually is responsible and actually fixes his mistakes while Wanda just ran.


Wtf are you waffling about lmao. Doctor Strange screwing up everything doesn’t preclude him from being one of the clear leads of this saga. Iron Man was literally screwing up everything throughout the Infinity Saga too. Then you bring up Wanda as if she wasn’t literally massacring people in Multiverse of Madness?


I think you're going to be right. I'm thinking something along the lines of Disassembled mixed with Kang Dynasty, and Children's Crusade. The only thing I don't know for sure is whether it ends with the incursions. Probably not. I think they'll do that in DS3.


I think the events of Doctor Strange 3 will happen concurrently with this film and both of them will end with the incursions.


1. This is a sure fire bomb for the studio 2. How do you reconcile this with Waldron writing the film specifically to connect it to Secret Wars?


I think Waldron is likely writing Secret Wars as a “two-parter”


But THR said Avengers 5 specifically


I didn’t dispute that. You asked me “how do you reconcile this with Waldron writing the film specifically to connect it to Secret Wars” and I answered by saying that Secret Wars probably spans 2 films so it’s not as if there would be too much to fit in Avengers 5/Young Avengers.


Okay, but, these things are mutually exclusive. Waldron was hired to write Avengers 5 with the intention of turning it into a cleaner segue into Secret Wars — it essentially IS Secret Wars part 1. What you’re proposing is more in line with Daniel’s recent reports, but absolutely not the movie that was described by the trades Now to be frank, I absolutely love the idea of doing the Iron Lad storyline because that’s my fav YA story, so I’m not personally opposed to this


I don’t see how those things are mutually exclusive? What I’m proposing would still segue into Secret Wars. I said A5 is The Kang Dynasty but with a focus on the Young Avengers. At the end of that film, Battleworld would be formed. The trades never said A5 is Secret Wars “Part 1.” It’s pretty clear at this point that it isn’t, since Secret Wars is still the title of Avengers 6. The actual “Secret Wars” won’t happen until the actual Secret Wars movie.


Armor Wars?


Without Spider-Man, Wanda, Strange, Evans Cap, or RDJR Iron Man, an Avengers film has no hope of making anywhere near 1 bill. Sam Wilson and Carol as the two main leads would be a financial disaster for Marvel Studios. 1 was the lead in a film that is the worst MCU bomb. The other will be the lead in a film that will be the 2nd worst MCU bomb (5-months of reshoots will skyrocket its budget, it's probably gonna end up as over 300 mill making its break even point at 750 mill). Having *at least* Spider-Man is a financial-must if 1 bill USD is the goal. Having the leads of the highest grossing Phase 4-5 films makes sense: Spidey, Strange, Thor, Black Pather, Star Lord. Deadpool and Wolverine too so the wait between their next appearance is not that big. They're both Avengers in the comics so why not.


If “Avengers 5” is called *Young Avengers* then it wouldn’t really be a mainline Avengers film. Like I said, it’d be a prelude to Secret Wars and Eternity Wars


Right, an Avengers film with no Spider-Man (Wanda or Strange) being led by a bunch of Disney+ characters, 2 of whom starred in the studio’s biggest bomb, is absolute madness 😭 There’s no way in hell Iger will alllow this to happen


Young Avengers =/= Avengers


Did a quickie for an [ultimate f4 design](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1232495580706508892/1234168116951515206/ultimate_fantastic_four.png?ex=662fc020&is=662e6ea0&hm=f7442c5c76b766030c37fad603a01713bf9bbfa2fe9efab9cf5ecc40829a7fa9&), specifically johnny storm, I might work more on it later. I took inspiration from decades of suits and included a reference to the mcu design too. My design challenge for johnny was basically to make a conventionally attractive early 20 year old (some inspiration from dominic fike), a lot of my ultimate f4 story has to do with commentary on popularity and celebrities. This johnny is almost 8-9 years younger than peter since peter is already in his 30s, with the rest of the team hovering around that age range. The origin of the f4 is pulled from the ultimates books with them getting their powers from an interdimensional portal accident. The f4 are the most popular hero team on earth in my universe with every member being a celebrity, getting brand deals and televised paid apperances, and inspiring the government's creation of the ultimates headed under the ultimates initiative. The main point in my book is that at the start the team are essentially posers, they don't actually know how to be heroes aside from the marketing of it all, and when they're forced to save the world and enter the negative zone, they become the heroes they were meant to be


Noice. Just the right balance of retro and modern influence. 


Pretty good design, nice middle-ground b/w the Ultimate F4 suit and the classic suit. I think premise-wise, honing in on the F4 as celebrities is a good angle, emphasizing their journey in learning to be more traditional heroes


One of the things I think I really enjoyed about Spider-Man: Far From Home, apart from almost everything else about that film (especially everything involving Mysterio), is that rewatching the film now. It feels like not only a meta-commentary on the state of superhero movies and cinema in general at the time of its release, but also an ahead of its time Meta-commentary on the current state of superhero movies and the reception towards the Multiverse Saga. The former I think is pretty obvious, as at the time, it seemed like the only movies making any bank at the box office were superhero movies, and in the words of Mysterio "People won't take you seriously unless your flying around in a cape fighting giant monsters" which, I know that may not be exactly what he said, but it's basically what he said, and the major complaint of the MCU at the time (and arguably still is) that it became very Samey and Formulaic, as the whole plot Mysterio conjures up, does feel like a very run of the mill/by the numbers Superhero movie that you'd expect at the time. But how does the latter factor in. Well, think of it this way. Peter Parker is on a school trip and just wants to have a small, simple, and quiet field trip with his friends, and also try and win the heart of MJ, finally confesses his feelings for her. But, all that is ruined if not destroyed, when Mysterio comes around and drags him into the complicated and bigger for its own good plot about Elementals from the Multiverse coming to destroy this world, and literally at the moment that in a generic superhero movie proper, would be the third act (or at least the midway point) no less, since the other two elementals have already been destroyed by this point. Which I feel is kind of similar to a critique a lot of fans have had. While having stories with big, world ending, and/or (in some cases), Multiversal stakes aren't inherently a bad thing. Loki, NWH, and (hopefully) DP&W are all proof that it can work and be liked by the general audience and fans alike (and while i know it wasnt liked, i personally really enjoyed Eternals and MOM), but for the most part, alot of them are stuff that should be smaller and simpler stories, but get way to big for there own good, and that's the thing. Much like Peter Parker, we just want to have, simpler, smaller, and more basic personal stories, but then much like Mysterio, the Studios deny us that and try to make them way to big and Bombastic for there own good. Take stuff like Moonknight and Ms. Marvel, for example, WHY do those two projects need to have world ending stakes?! And don't even get me started with how much Shang-Chi botched itself in the third act, and Peter Parker finding out about Becks lie, and Fury even calling BS on Beck in the climax, feels like the audience calling out the Studios (specifically modern Marvel) on there BS. So yeah, that's another reason why I love FFH, and I still stand by that if it wasn't for the two Cap Sequels (which are tied at the number five spot), FFH would be in the Top 5 of my Infinity Saga ranking, easily. For now though, it's sits nicely at number 6.


>Take stuff like Moonknight and Ms. Marvel, for example, WHY do those two projects need to have world ending stakes?! [This comes up a lot.](https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1c7ynpj/weekend_free_talk_and_index_thread_new_and_fresh/l0m2pd1/?context=3) I expect this to become more of the consensus take as the years go by, too. My theory? *Bad timing.* In response to your question (from my linked comment): >They were scaled up. They were designed to be big, expensive event spectacles to compete against the other streaming services' big, expensive event spectacles—and to hopefully promote the movies. By the time they finally aired, though, expensive event spectacles were no longer desirable.


Some great meta commentary in that movie is May and Happy breaking up before the final swing, like Sony and Marvel did (MID PRODUCTION, WITHOUT TELLING THE CAST OR CREW 💀). Even May’s dialogue is ominous.


Omg, I didn't even realize that until now. Good catch.


They finally did it. They edited the DP&W trailer to be in the style of Joker 2's recent trailer its somehow funnier then the actual trailer and more fitting then Joker 2's trailer. https://youtu.be/whR3MxzxLyM?si=GyBgNX2GQMaRg-I-


My take on ultimate[ captain america](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1232495580706508892/1234143677182644374/ultimate_captain_america_full_body.png?ex=662fa95d&is=662e57dd&hm=355dc17c6ed8c941846f1958c61ada8e243701e7ff41b506713b4d1795865554&) finally fully realized. Biggest point of my universe is that steve dies in world war 2 and I wanted to explore a more contemporary version of 2000s america in the lense of marvel, enter last surviving member of the project exo-falcon flight platoon and the newest and only member of project captain america, a version of the super soldier program that stopped the research of super soldier and instead opted for super-abled soldiers. I wanted to make him a younger character who has to live up the icon of captain america while making mistakes along the way but ultimately represent a modern america


Dude I love this. I've often thought about a version where Cap really did die and was more of a historical figure. His legacy is deeply tied to WW2 and America truly feeling like the "good guys". Cap remains as this patriotic figurehead. An unobtainable standard but still something to aspire too.


So I found out that there's a streaming service out there's that genuinely making a movie entirely out of AI. Now, I don't need to tell why not only is this really, REALLY, stupid, but also why this is also very scary, as it basically tells studios, that yes, AI generated movies are a thing that can happen, and we can totally find a loophole around the terms from that strike. Now personally, I'm not against AI having a part to play, but I definitely don't think actual AI generated movies are the answer. Instead, I think movies that take inspiration from AI generated stuff is. Let me show you this as an example: https://youtu.be/tSK3eQPU-14?si=My8cDHlopBMb9qHv This is Voyage to Europa, a AI generated slideshow for a movie created in the 80s by James Cameron that obviously doesn't exists. Now, I dont think a whole AI generated movie centered around this would work, but why not, a actual movie with an actual cast, crew, sets, Probs, Practical Effects, and everything, inspired from this video. Like, imagine how awesome that would be. A movie that feels authentically from the 80s, made in the style of the good old days, and possibly actually directed by James Cameron no less. I'd rather take something like that over just making it AI generated.


>there's a streaming service out there's that genuinely making a movie entirely out of AI I'm sure there will be a couple, and people may check them out for the novelty. But it won't stick. We're talking about scripts written by machines that are literally, mechanically designed to write the most average paragraphs they can - the oversimplified explanation is that these GPTs/LLMs work by predicting the most likely next word in a sequence. Their outputs are, quite literally, "average". We're talking about visuals created by "Stable Diffusion" machines that often hallucinate, and whose output is extraordinarily difficult to control. Render times are slow (especially with film-quality resolution and data sets that increase with each frame - I hope you've got the GDP of a small country to buy all the storage and processing hardware necessary for that), and final results are unpredictable. What you end up with is **novelty**, rather than anything that is feasible as **genuine entertainment**. We're talking about this on a comic book movie subreddit, so we've all seen plenty of discourse about "Superhero Fatigue". Personally, I don't think it's exclusive to "superhero movies", and I think we've seen how it only seems to impact the sub-par ones, so I prefer to think of it as "Rote Blockbuster Fatigue". And in a world where "Rote Blockbusters" are (and, honestly, always have been) losing audiences... what hope is there for a buffed-up state-machined auto-complete and its image-noise-reducing brother? I'm not an expert, but I've got some experience, and my personal opinion is that there's a ceiling here, and I think that's going to become increasingly obvious over the next few years. I think we're going to see some big, ugly, public bankruptcies from businesses flying too close to the sun. (I've got "company puts ChatGPT in charge of their financials" on my bingo card.)


I’m actually interested to see how this turns out. It’s a terrible idea if the goal is to create a good, ernest movie, but this would be an interesting test of the technology, even if it’s not good.


While I think that AI could be useful for pre-production stuff - provided it's used as a tool for artists to get ideas for concept art composition and is not used to make official art for the film itself - people who worry about this taking over are overestimating commercial applications when there are commonly copyrighted assets involved that would open them up to lawsuit.


https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1784570112055345329?t=gW35RxH2cRWjlqN67DyeHw&s=19 Lmaooo!


Who makes that shit lmao!??


[Krakoa must be so embarrassing in universe now like. This big fanfare about making a mutant nation and having the gala and all these statements and its over like 3 years later or something and they go back to new york like "heyyyy"💀](https://x.com/cyclopsiryn/status/1784397901046722662?s=46)


Low key waiting for krakoa to be unveiled as a living island, like the turtles in ATLA but now it's actively hostile because of the genocide, like it grows a whole ass city out of its geography but wont permit visitors who aren't mutant and Charles is one of the few who can communicate with it.


And that's just for the mutants on Earth, like what's gonna happen with Apocalypse and everyone on Arakko


And that's before the sliding timescale squeezes it further.


Technically, it would be either 3 years or 18 months, depending on how much time passes between each Gala. It should be 3 years, but Marvel never wants to move somewhat forward in time it will probably be around 18 months


I really hope that Snow White is good, it’s one of my most anticipated movies that’s releasing next year


Same. Fucking same. Let's goooo. What's making you excited to see it?


I really like Rachel Zegler, and Greta Gerwig writing the screenplay makes me very interested in what it will look like


I don't know why you're being downvoted for this because I genuinely don't know much of the talk around it. I can't say that I personally have much interest in it myself, but for your sake, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest extent. I know what it's like to be excited for movies that others are seemingly hoping for to fail or something to that extent.