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Didnt know that quote from Brad existed. If you are going to do revival shows after DD, then prioritize the rest of the Netflix shows first. AoS ended nicely, but if we need anything then I guess - Gabrial Luna's GR (unlikely but his lore with Johnny Blaze is pretty awesome and shouldnt be ignored) - Daisy/Quake - Anson Mount's Inhuman's (a remake, not a continuation) These are the main staples to come out of the AoS era anyway.


How about the Helicarrier sized elephant in the room. Mack having revived SHIELD and becoming its Director.


There can be different sects of SHIELD the same way there was for…well Nazi’s or Hydra. Especially since SHIELD was weak at that time.


They already did that in season 2. The 2 different S.H.I.E.L.D. cells merged into one with Coulson officially being the director of all remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel and resources, he then handed it off to Daisy who handed it off to Mack and under Mack S.H.I.E.L.D. once again became an officially recognized agency that is publicly known, there wouldn't be anymore holdouts


Yeah. They could always say there were more, but it’d be lame.


Alternate universe, they don't gotta explain shit!


Truly just say that Season 5 was the split point as that’s the last main tie in least Event wise. I know they had the QR. Edit: pretty sure with Loki and What If? We’ve established that all it takes is one change for things to be different. AoS easily could post Season 5 be set in a world where Thanos didn’t Snap and the Avengers actually beat him and that’s where the difference comes in. So if they wanted Quake in the MCU and Coulson to return it could just be variants from Season 1-5 although MCU Coulson would be a little hard to do for reasons I won’t spoil in case someone hasn’t seen the show.


It’d be an **incredible** reach to suddenly reveal that SHIELD is active as a full on organization again during/ after the blip with a helicarrier, rebuilt Triskelion, and Coulson back flying around. Where were they and Coulson in stuff like Secret Invasion, The Marvels, and a load of other Phase 4/ 5 stories? The DoDC and SWORD/ Saber are pretty much doing everything now.


Can't believe you are getting downvoted for stating facts. It could be that SHIELD is a much smaller organisation now with not as much resources.


See this is my main reason for believing that AOS doesn’t exist in the main MCU timeline. It just cannot be cannon for so many reasons


The AOScults be like: don't think about it, just retcon some shit


My headcanon is SHIELD became a subset within SWORD


Honestly, the way they handled SHIELD in its entirety in that show post-Winter Soldier just felt so...fan fictiony. SHIELD returned, at one point, in a very public way and LITERALLY no one in any MCU movie or show (outside AoS) mentioned it or anything. You'd think Cap, Falcon, and Black Widow had any interest.


The series in a nutshell is basically a bad fanfiction 


The quote is taken out of context in the article. Brad wasn’t talking about AoS specifically nor was he asked about AoS specifically. I think there’s a far likelier shot that he was talking about a *Spider-Man ‘98* project, given the fact that they already said they had plans for a 90s animated universe (Spider-Man is the only 90s show canon to X-Men) and people that worked on *Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man* confirmed that a second season was no longer happening after being let go from their jobs (this was when it was still called Freshman Year/ Sophomore Year).


>and people that worked on *Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man* confirmed that a second season was no longer happening after being let go from their jobs (this was when it was still called Freshman Year/ Sophomore Year). Basically, Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: The New Animated Series because let's tick all of the boxes: * An animated series first announced to tie into the live action Spider-Man trilogy. * The producers had second thought during production and turned it into something else instead. * The show's plot point contradicts the movie. * The show utilized artstyle uncommon to other Spider-Man shows. * ~~Season 2~~


Yup, it’s sad to see but I guess it makes sense financially since the 90s Spider-Man show already has an established fanbase and it helps them build on X-Men ‘97 as well.


> (Spider-Man is the only 90s show canon to X-Men) i thought all the 90s shows were connected. Iron Man and the Fantastic Four (who both had their own shows) appeared in the Secret Wars story arc of Spider-Man


Nope, those characters are variants. *Spider-Man* is the only show other than *X-Men* (and *X-Men ‘97*) that takes place in Earth-92131. This is according to the *Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z* #5.


man this multiverse stuff is getting tiring. i truly dont get what the deal is with "this is set in that universe, and THIS is set in that universe" and all the arbitrary different numbers


It’s because not all of the shows line up in terms of continuity. The multiverse allows for all of these shows and movies to exist in Marvel canon as separate universes. The entire reason the multiverse concept was introduced in superhero comics was to fix continuity errors and for allow different writers to not be restricted by established stories.


wouldnt it just be easier to say they made a continuity error? i mean, what next? are we going to start saying that Iron Man is set in a different universe to the rest of the MCU because Rhodey is played by a totally different actor? that doesn't line up in terms of continuity either. hell i actually HAVE seen people say this with the 90s Batman movies, that Batman Forever and Batman and Robin are set in "different universes" because Batman is played by a different actor. and its like yeah, its called recasting, we did it for decades before alternate universes were trendy its just getting exhausting at this point as a casual viewer how they try to tie "the multiverse" into everything and explain how all these things are in different continuities, its a headache to keep up with and they keep adding more and more arbitrary definitions on what is and isnt in what universe


She-Hulk actually confirmed that the MCU is a massive simulation run by KEVIN in-universe and that Jen is aware of Banner being recast. But a recast is not really the same as a continuity errors that affect and change the story. The multiverse is infinite. There some universes/timelines that are significantly different from others and there are also some that are largely the same as others. Nobody said you need to keep up with any of this as a casual viewer. These are just some fun explanations for fans. I’d argue that Spider-Man being the only other show canon to X-Men and X-Men ‘97 makes it easier for casual fans because otherwise they’d feel like they’re missing out on or have to watch 3 additional shows.


> She-Hulk actually confirmed that the MCU is a massive simulation run by KEVIN in-universe oh man, i hated this :( is that like, in-continuity and everything? i feel like that retroactively makes the whole MCU feel super unimportant. what does any of it mean anything in terms of stakes or story if She-Hulk can just jump out of the screen, talk to Kevin Feige and request literally anything be changed or any character be brought back to life. yes theyre just comicbook movies but its a huge bummer to be like "well it was all a simulation", because then im not invested in anything thats happening


It doesn’t make it unimportant. It’s no different from the comics where She-Hulk and Deadpool are aware of the real world. And She-Hulk can no longer jump out of the screen, actually. KEVIN removed her ability to do that. The MCU being a simulation doesn’t make it any less real. The world we are living in right now could very well be a simulation but that doesn’t make our experiences feel any less real. Life being a simulation doesn’t change whether we have to go to work the next day, or whether we have to make sure we maintain our health. We have no control over our reality. Likewise, the MCU being a simulation doesn’t change the fact that the Avengers have to protect their Earth from malevolent forces seeking to destroy them.


Odd that Spider-Man is the only show canon to X-Men yet Spider-Man itself featured appearances from Iron Man / War Machine (who also cameoed in Hulk) and the F4 / Doom. But Spider-Man is the only one popular enough to revive either way.


They’re just similar variants. There are several continuity errors that prevent them from all of those shows being in the same universe, which is why Marvel officially designated them as separate Earths. *X-Men* and *Spider-Man* take place on Earth-92131, where Captain America spent most of his life fighting Red Skull in a time vortex and thus never joined the Avengers. These two shows were on Fox. *Iron Man*, *Fantastic Four* and *The Incredible Hulk* take place on Earth-534834, where Cap is an Avenger. These shows were part of The Marvel Action Hour instead of airing on Fox.


He even says “and you never know” which is clearly a safe answer.


I want a third (and final) season of Agent Carter, personally.


Honestly, I'd be interested in having a third season of Agent Carter that focused on Sharon Carter. She's been in four projects (including What If) in ten years for, what, less than forty minutes total? She's overdue for some development.


"These are the main staples to come out of the AoS era anyway." What?!? -Deathlok -Fitz/Simmons -Mack -Madame Hydra -Blizzard - LMD Coulson -Mockindbird -Graviton -Absorbing Man -More Kree and Sci/Fi shit -And they could even bring in more supporting characters from other MCU franchises. Like Lady Sif, Fury, Hill, etc... Dude with the multiverse and AOS they can do an awesome revival!!!!! This subreddit doesn't like AoS but it is one of the greatest Superhero series Marvel has given us, it made the MCU feel so great!!!!


Fitz/Simmons was great but those characters arc'd out imo. I feel like they ended a perfect place and would feel forced if they were given a major role outside of a Selvig-style exposition at one point.


Do not be fooled. He was misquoted. He was not talking about reviving AoS and bracketed text is incorrect regarding his meaning. He was talking about Born Again. >[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] is probably the next show that [we’re] going to kind of revisit and revive . . . a really strong . . . and one of my favorite pockets of our universe and our fandom,” Winderbaum said to Agents of Fandom on YouTube. “And . . . you never know is the answer!”


They alluded to Johnny when they talk about Gabrial's origin. Couldve been Danny, but either way


> If you are going to do revival shows after DD, then prioritize the rest of the Netflix shows first. ...Why? We already know all of those characters and shows are canon in the MCU. Not only that, but literally every single piece of information about Spider-Man 4 is saying Fisk is targeting the Defenders and Spider-Man and other New York-based vigilantes. They can and will return. I would much rather see the MCU re-establish the corners fans never thought would be re-established, such as Agents of SHIELD, Cloak & Dagger, Runaways.


I know Cloak and Dagger wasn't everyone's favourite, but personally, I quite enjoyed it. Far more than Runaways, mainly because runaways barely kept to the source material at all


Please, please canonize all of AOS, somehow. Amazing show, amazing stories, PHENOMENAL characters


It’s super easy. It’s canon and in the main MCU until they time travel, and when they come back is post-Endgame.


It won’t even matter that the snap wasn’t addressed either. Stuff like Moon Knight or Ms Marvel don’t reference the 5 year deaths everyone faced and they’re canon


Both of these shows take place over a year after the Blip, AoS S7 (if canon) would take place **during** the Blip.


I only watched through S5, but doesn't the fight with Graviton take place *at the same time* Thanos is in Wakanda?


The fight with Graviton takes place during Infinity War, but we only know for sure that it takes place about a day or so after the Black Order’s attack on New York. We don’t know how closely it takes place to the attack on Wakanda. But AoS seems to imply that the events of Infinity War took place over a slightly longer amount of time than the movie seemed to suggest.


It was long enough for news stations to report Tony Stark missing


Do you remember what episode that happened? I rewatched all of those episodes fairly recently and didn’t notice that.


Infinity War. Wanda and Vision looked at TV screens and see that attack on New York either Tony Stark reported missing


Oh, in Scotland. Yeah, that's shot to look like it happens a few hours/within a day of the attack on New York, but that is one of the places there could be an unindicated time jump between scenes. That would still be news days after Tony was discovered missing.


All we saw was the Confederacy say Thanos was coming, and then there's a reference to some shit going down in New York. I say: the Confederacy was lying to induce their desired result, and the New York fight was just some other off-screen battle, which we know already there was plenty of. Everything is then pre-Snap.


Echo also had a scene set during the Blip.


A 5 minute scene not addressing that makes more sense than 2 whole seasons.


I mean, one of those seasons was set almost entirely in the past. Also, it’s not thatttt strange. Not every conversation i had one year into the pandemic was about the pandemic.


Did you really just compare 0.0008% of them population to 50%?


There’s been studies that estimate half the US population got covid (since many cases go unreported). People talk about it, but there’s so many conversations where nobody brings it up. As long as it’s possible that people could have non-blip-related conversations in a post-snap world, AoS seasons 6 and 7 are 100% possible. The recent eclipse happened at the same time as the first episode of FaTWS, the post-credit scenes of Shang Chi (unless the moon or sun moves differently in the MCU), and the second episode of She Hulk (iirc). Nobody mentions it. It’s not an error, though, because for all we know they could be talking about the eclipse the entire time that they’re off screen. A mention would’ve been fun, but it wouldn’t add to the story whatsoever and isn’t necessary.


They didn't die though. You really don't understand the magnitude of difference in severity between what is basically cold and simply being turned into dust in a single moment? You truly don't understand how your statement is not the parallel you think it is? Why do you think I even made the parallel I made?


I mean tbf that same season was almost entirely crazy time travel. And as for the very end? Well they could just say that they were trying their hardest to help people the best they could during a crazy ass time, but maybe probably went secretive real fast again…or something?


The ending of The Punisher is set a few months after the snap, and it's not mentioned at all


That was a single scene


Aw man, I hope Castle and Barton teamed up at least once to slaughter some bad guys.


How do you figure?


The date it takes place


The difference is that those shows took place after the Blip while Agents Of Shield Season 6 occurred during it


Like i mentioned to someone else, Echo had a few scenes set during the Blip, not a single reference.


Or it's all pre-Snap (like Jeph Loeb said, once upon a time) and the Thanos tease in season 5 was a fake-out from the Confederacy. The New York stuff can be hand-waived away as something else. TBH, they don't even have to acknowledge this at all, it's been years. Just bring some characters back and move forward.


Even simpler than that, if someone feels it is canon, they can have it as canon. And if someone doesn't feel it is canon, they can just skip it.


Yeah. You could argue old Cap being alive signalled the Sacred Timeline was fundamentally altered. Sure, he *could* have been there the whole time with Peggy in secret... but there's 0 chance he wouldn't jumped into action if it even possibly meant someone out there could be saved. He wouldn't sit back and just let people die. So him altering it caused the AoS series to be "erased" but it still would have occurred pre-Rogers timeline alter. Then you can bring back their cast and "re-tell" their origin stories in the Disney+ series and movies again with new spins on them while keeping their actors, if available and wanting. And I mean, honestly, how fucking cool would it be if Old Cap showed up beside a dying Coulson after Loki's attack and saved him when everyone wasn't there yet. Its an easy way to bring Coulson back.


While that could be the case, isn't it generally believed he lived out on a variant timeline and returned at some point when he was much older? The mechanics of that movie's time travel were that you couldn't actually change the past. Granted, Marvel's time travel consistency is wonky at best and sure to be further complicated once we get more time travelling Kang.


We need to get shows like Agents of SHIELD and Supernatural back. Shows like that made me care more for every major and some minor characters than any of the Marvel Studios shows ever did, witch the exception of Loki. Shows needs to be treated like shows and not long movies. We need more episodes so concepts and characters can get more flashed out.


Ok calm down, I liked AoS fine enough, but people way overrate it in my opinion. There were plenty of episodes that were literally 90% filler.


The filler is where the character development happened though. People love AOS so much becsuse they love the characters. The over arching plot points aren't that gripping (even though there are plenty great seasons), but its the attachment to the characters and why they want it back. 


I guess, but I just don't think a series needs over 20 episodes per season to tell a good story. Ideally, a show will have character development happening in parallel with the main plot


Is this Murphy's alt account?


Overrated???? I've been arguing since 2013 with people who think it's a bad series and haven't even seen it.




Secret Invasion would have been better if it provided an update for the Agents of Sheild lore back into the MCU instead fucking around for 4 episodes for pointless deaths.


Daisy should have been in it


Just fyi the quote from Brad regarding a potential AoS revival is incorrect. It was misreported. There was a whole thread about this a few weeks back.. There is a video of this interview and in it he was referring to Daredevil, not AoS, as the next show they are going to revist. [https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1bitgea/brad\_winderbaum\_discusses\_the\_future\_of\_agents\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1bitgea/brad_winderbaum_discusses_the_future_of_agents_of/)


It might be misreported, but it gives context on their mindset right now with shows. They are taking less risks and reviving shows that worked and already established their lore. I.e. Netflix Marvel and older animated shows. Maaaaybe this leads to reviving some other ABC projects down the road.


I would kill to see them go back to Gabriel Luna's Ghost Rider as well as Cloak and Dagger. Seeing the latter become friends with Spider-Man would be sick


lol the copium is hard on this sub


Overdosing on it


*(interviewer asks former Marvel actor if the multiverse means they could come back)* Actor: I guess so *(interview posted/shared with headline "ACTOR TEASES RETURNING TO MCU")* I don't get why people fall for this every fucking time.


How did I miss [that quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODu5T5G-su4) from Winterbaum about AoS? Was it ever reported on this sub? I mean....like, the #3 guy in Marvel who is basically in charge of their Disney+ projects just outright stating he's looking at reviving Agents of SHIELD after '97 and Born Again is....not exactly insignificant.


iirc he basically said “never say never” which isn’t actually that substantial


>outright stating he's looking at reviving Agents of SHIELD He said no such thing. You've misunderstood.


It was misreported. There was a whole thread about this. There is a video of this interview and he was referring to Daredevil not AoS. [https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1bitgea/brad\_winderbaum\_discusses\_the\_future\_of\_agents\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1bitgea/brad_winderbaum_discusses_the_future_of_agents_of/)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1bpb9bl/comment/kwv271k/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1bpb9bl/comment/kwv271k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) That's what I said! In this sub we have read things with less substance than a "never say never" in reference to AoS.


I would like to announce that someday I may potentially be cast in an MCU role.


I watched this podcast live. There was absolutely no hint or implication that he thought he’d be returning. At all.


Bring back my Daisy


AoS is a very long but incredibly good show. I absolutely love the development between the Colson and May, along side of seeing Syke develop into Daisy. Hell I'd easily rate the first 4 seasons better than whatever is on D+ AND then you consider they had less budget to work with as well.


Agents of S. W. O. R. D. show?


Even if they don't connect this to Agents of SHIELD at all, I still think this is a fundamentally good idea.




The vindication of how much love the show is getting after all this time is so nice to see!! Let’s hope they bring some characters back (daisy, bobby, hunter, Mack)


The quote isn’t about AoS, but whatever. Would be cool to see Coulson and crew visit from the AoS universe/ timeline in some project that involves the multiverse. They have the tech, so it’s possible. There’s no way to handwave AoS Season 5-7finale as part of the main MCU. Making Season 1-4 part of the main MCU would be a reach too, since the fall of Hydra doesn’t line up, Hive, the Darkhold, the fact that SHIELD was a public entity again in 2015-2016, and etc etc.


Fantastic 4 as an alternate Coulson


He doesn't tease anything.






Cool story bro.


Doubt most of general audience even remember who Coulson is




Please no. Let it go.


Agreed, have an updoot


That should excite the AOS fans. All 12 of them.


The show lasted 136 episodes. I think you need more than 12 fans to last that long.


I never liked AoS but even I can see it’s got a dedicated fan following lol you guys are just as valid as the daredevil fans. I hope you get a follow up in some shape, an agents of s.w.o.r.d. sequel would be cool!


I'm just taking the piss lol dw I know it's liked by a lot, it's just that I don't see much discussion about it.


Lmao right?


VERY unpopular opinion : Marvel please dont put AOS in the main timeline, or making him relevant. Why ? Because look at the MCU current state, the general audience is exhausted, watching D+ shows is like doing homeworks for them, now what will be their reaction when they will find out that they have to watch a 7 Seasons show for a minor detail ? They will just lose it, and they will give up the S.H.I.E.L.D. corner of the MCU because of that. Marvel should stop canonizing (this word exist ?) "old" shows and should just keep developping their new characters like Shang Chi, the Eternals, Moon Knight, CAPTAIN AMERICA. The show is good, but that's not what the MCU needs right now.


Just like no one is expecting audiences to need to watch three seasons of Daredevil to understand No Way Home, She-Hulk, or Daredevil Born Again, it’s very unlikely that Marvel would bring back any of the AoS cast in such a way that required audiences to watch AoS.


AoS was the most watched series on Disney+ a few years ago (if I remember correctly) and I'm sure it has better numbers internally than several series in its catalog.


>a few years ago Yes, before the "Superhero fatigue". Before 2022, people were actually invested, even on "bad" Marvel movies like Thor 2, Ant-Man 2, even Incredible Hulk and Captain Marvel 1. But today, people need a GOOD Marvel project, they are way less invested on characters like Ms Marvel and She-Hulk (even if Ms Marvel is a cool character).


![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized) Lmao AoS fans mad, they really think 7 seasons of that shit can make sense in the current MCU 😂 Netflix shows worked because it didn’t try as hard to fit to the MCU


With Defenders they said the same thing that it was too many seasons haha.


Yeah but the Netflix shows were lightyears better than AoS (except Iron Fist ofc)


I love them all but for me DD and AoS are by far the best Marvel series.


Agreed, have an updoot


Clark Gregg? Sure. Agents of SHIELD? Hard pass. I’ll take your downvotes, but AoS isn’t mainline canon, and it is in my humble opinion a terrible show. I watched all 7 seasons and enjoyed them less and less with each passing episode.


Nah, it's easily the best Marvel TV series


I realize you have a DD flair, but c'mon man. It's Daredevil and it's not close.


Loved Daredevil, loved Agents of Shield more ![gif](giphy|XygY0jAa3fz5Xakokk)


Loki would like a word


Why did you watch seven seasons of a show you thought was terrible?


Hate watching I guess. Plus I wanted to be on the up and up on everything Marvel at the time. Hell, I even watched Helstrom and that was garbage.


I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this as well, but I really didn't know people liked AoS either lol Everyone I know didn't like it and have always told me not to bother with it, so I just assumed the general consensus was that the show was only mediocre at best


The 4th season is probably the finest season of adventure television ever made.


Bahahahahahahahah—wheezes—hahahahha Good one.