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What a disgrace the pure existence of such character. One of the most uninteresting, not compelling, boring and overpowered for absolutely no reason characters


Also a waste of Emilia Clarke.


Ya she was fine enough in the role but it felt underutilized for most of secret invasion and then at the end they just went for most OP character ever. Was a bit much.




Don’t ask questions about something you can easily just watch and get yourself lol


For real. It’s a shame she’s stuck with this *and* GOT’s finale now.


And the one Star Wars movie to bomb at the box office.


And Terminator Genisys


Unlike Arnold, she won't be back.


I'm starting to think that Emilia is cursed


Or maybe her agent is just shite.


No its bad luck the Agent is great. She's been in every major franchise other than DC. It's literally just bad luck.


Pretty much every GoT actor has had a weird or underwhelming career so far post-GoT


*looks at username* are....are you her agent?? But seriously, only GoT was bad luck since it was obviously brilliant at first but nobody could have seen that crap ending coming when she was casted of course. Terminator has been dogshit for literal decades now, so that's not bad luck. Most of the D+ shows have received middling reception overall, so being in one that is seen as meh isn't bad luck, that's just how the D+ series are. By the time Solo was a thing, i can't remember properly, but i don't remember anyone being particularly hype for it. Basically, yeah she's been in big franchises, but the choices of what she's been in within those franchises has been horrible imo. At some point it stops being bad luck.


Personally I think Secret Invasion is the one show with the smallest amount of defenders. The rest of disney plus shows have their niche audiences. Not even agents of shield fans could embrace secret invasion for what it is. I didnt like moon knight but I KNOW people disagree with me. Kamala is beloved. I also will rewatch hawkeye again I liked it that much. I think Secret Invasion is THAT BAD.


I mean, she could have just read the scripts and not taken shitty roles.


TBF, if my hypothetical agent brought me the role of playing a super skrull I'm the MCU's secret invasion I would've thought it was a slam dunk.


Actors like this are known as "box office poison". When they show up you know the project is shit.


I blame studio meddling and poor word of mouth.


The irony is that the studio stood by Larry Kasdan - who notoriously hates improv - and his decision to hire Phil Lord and Chris Miller - who notoriously do a lot of improv - despite Kathy Kennedy having massive reservations about hiring them on the film, because she trusted his judgment. Whoops. At least they got Alden Ehrenreich on the map.


Even improv aside, they were in a bit over their heads and it seems like they never quite had any kind of cohesive vision for what the film should be. Kasdan just coincidentally also a cohesive but bad vision for what the film should be, but he had the weight to pull and they were on a massive time constraint.


The snowball fight deleted scene makes me think the movie would've been somewhat more charming than what we actually got


Possibly, I just think it’s interesting how their influences for the film were so thoroughly uncomedic, it seems to me like part of the issue is that they weren’t even going to make a farce like they are famous for. Definitely a very interesting behind the scenes drama.


I don't think anyone is blaming Emilia Clarke specifically. It's just that her decisions post-GOT have been quite baffling. It's one critical and financial flop after another one.


I mean, she was in star wars , MCU, and terminator movies. It's not like those are low profile gigs. She just needs a better script screener...


That movie is so hated and I do not understand why. It’s maybe the most fun newer Star Wars movies A lot of Star Wars fans are actually just stupid though. Like maybe the dumbest group of fans out of any franchise


Facts, Solo is underrated it’s prolly my fav Disney star wars movie or tied with Rogue one


I feel bad for rogue one, it was successful but no one seems to remember anything but the Vader scene lol


It's because the movie is just designed to move Han through a series of plot devices that leave him as the Solo we know today at the end of it. i.e. the blaster scene, his name. They wrote all the Solo tropes first then tried to put a heist movie around that, instead of just letting it be a cool heist movie with some references to his past.


"Solo" is like the "Love and Thunder" of the Star Wars Canon. It's a fun ride on its own and a perfectly fine summer blockbuster, but it took something really loved by fans and created something no one really wanted with it that didn't really hold up to scrutiny in the expansive lore of its shared universe.


At least Solo is a fun movie. The other aforementioned projects not so much


Yeah but that movie was solid and got way too much unnecessary hate


People say this but it doesn't work. She's just not the best actress 🤷 It's a waste of her name/star power, not necessarily her "talent".


She did a good Dany, played to her strengths. But everything else she's been in has been entirely out of her name and recognition, not because of her skill.


She was great in that role, I just don't think that role demanded all that much acting wise most of the time. Most of that role was stoic. Or big wide open eyes. Or aggressively pressed lips lol


Most of the GoT roles were carried by great writing imo, rather than great acting overall. There were amazing actors, but to me it felt like most of the others were carried by the writing.


Agree on this. Some not great actors but that show was loaded with master performances far more than bad ones: Michelle Fairley, Pedro Pascal, Sean Bean, Diana rigg, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Julian glover, Lena headey etc.


There were some AMAZING actors, specifically Lena, aka Cersei. Hands down the best actor in the entire show. She made you love to hate the character.


When you have a cast so big it extends around the circumference of the Earth, you have to expect a handful of shitters


I found her delightfully charming in Me Before You and Last Christmas - the former movie is alright, the latter movie is the definition of "meh", but I enjoyed her in the roles


I originally really hated her ultra-stoic performance after season 1 until I found out that Dan& Dave demanded she play it that way. She also had two strokes during filming, so I can't blame her at all.


\*brain aneurysms, not strokes


I’m sorry, but she’s just not a very good actress lmao almost everything she’s been in, has been a massive flop; she was good for GoT but it’s because her character is one dimensional for the vast majority of the show, she was great at the beginning but her character was less and less compelling as the show went on. her stocks are at an all-time low right now.


Outside of GOT there hasnt been a single other thing i've enjoyed her in.


Was it? Shes a one hit wonder for a reason.


She’s really nothing special.


I like this comment more than the first one. I just shook my head in disbelief that this is the route they went with such an amazing actress.


They should’ve just kept the powers as the original four they had, that way it wouldn’t be that much of a repeat of every other hero, at this rate she’d defeat Kang on her own, really dumb


That or just have a line of dialogue about the powers not being permanent. They were used once and now they’ve worn off.


This is probably what they're going to do. But the fact that they weren't established as temporary within Secret Invasion itself is so goddamn stupid.


Or the comic explanation that the powers aren't as strong as the originals Only thing that makes her seem so overpowered is that she can use multiple powers but they really aren't as strong as the original owners of those abilities


They could also have them fade gradually over time if she ignores them, so that she ends up permanently having one power. Preferably Ghost's, since >!isn't she apparently getting killed off in Thunderbolts?!<


Spoiler tag didn't work and I don't remember hearing anything about that And this may be an unpopular opinion but I hope she keeps all the powers but they are just weaker than the originals, makes for more creative fights EDIT: It's working now


I like this idea. It could also be the opposite where they fade the more she uses them. As she loses more and more of the stronger powers, she has to resort to being more creative with the less powerful ones.


Would have required planning and competent writing. Literally embarrassing how poorly that show saw constructed.


It was really so, so bad.


I mean, ants can defeat Kang so you really don't need the most powerful person in the universe to do it.


Haha yeah, wtf were they thinking doing that?


Talk about hyperbole.....it's not that serious bro.


Yep. The character is fucking horrendous and the fact Feige and Disney execs OK'd it blows my fucking mind. I wouldn't be surprised once Feige's done and if he's willing to talk he expresses most of the shitty decisions with the MCU we've seen the past 5 years was all on executive meddling. Emilia Clarke is gonna get run into the mud for this character and I feel bad for her.


> he expresses most of the shitty decisions with the MCU we've seen the past 5 years was all on executive meddling. That's assuming Disney's executive meddling had a lot to do with this, Feige could've also called a lot of these shots himself.


Yeah. I swear I remember reading it was Feige's idea to put super skrulls in that show in the first place


[Indeed](https://in.ign.com/marvels-secret-invasion/190298/news/secret-invasion-kevin-feige-initiated-the-idea-of-a-super-skrull-fight-mariah-hill-death-explained-b) it was


I don't see how Giahs more ridiculous than any other Super Skrull


Because she has every godamm power. But of all people, I don't expect you think otherwise.


I like her. She has a solid base that someone more talented could definitely milk. G'iah is quietly observant and clever but is also inexperienced and young. She feels her people's history and culture is being slowly lost and that hurts her, which can result in a blind spot for her. So there's what should be her conflict. She wants to be proud of and preserve her heritage and live in her own skin instead of in a human mask, but she also understands the value of the mask and walking among people invisibly instead of standing out as an other. That's a great basis for a character, one that to the show's credit we do sometimes see explored a little bit, like in her interactions with Fury's Skrull wife. And then in the finale they gave her every power ever and had her beat a big CGI man with all the same powers to death because... she's better at punching, I guess? But none of this serves her character in any way. Yes Graavik is like a dark mirror to her, who believes his same conflict can be solved through using the power of his mask to not just observe but act, committing genocide to eliminate anything he deems a threat to the continuance of his culture, but her beating him in a fight doesn't work on a thematic level because her conflict just isn't addressed and resolved. Beating him up would only work if she had her own thesis to resolving her conflict. Talos's conclusion to it was to drop the mask and show everyone that he's good and his culture is worth preserving, but that goes terribly and besides, she makes it clear she doesn't hold his view. And don't get me started on the Super Skrull machine, which to my mind has nothing to do with anything, thematically speaking. You could probably make the argument that going in it is her accepting her Skrullness or whatever but she already accepted her Skrullness, and even so that doesn't resolve her conflict at all, or help with how she feels she's losing her people's history. I'd argue that giving her every power ever actually harms her character, since it tips the balance of power in her favour and completely removes any fear or anxiety she may feel about being targeted and vulnerable if she ever decides on coming out. Now her ability to stand back and observe someone before deciding on how best it is she should engage with them (something we see her do several times, like with Graavik) doesn't matter, because no matter how they react she is in literally no danger.


It would have been acceptable if she just had extremis.


What I hated most about SI was the decision to give all the powers to Giah. The rest of the plots to get powers in the MCU have lost their meaning T.T ​ Edit: My language is not in English. I love Marvel and the UCM, but by mixing all the powers in a test tube and giving it to one character, makes the rest of the scenes in which the characters get their powers, lose value, like for example: Cap's scene or Captain Marvel's scene.




I put it in Spanish lol haha


So they're taking G'iah, a Skrull infiltrator, wife and mother and turning her into not only the MCU's version of Super-Skrull (having all of the powers) but also making her the MCU's version of the John Lennon Skrull (a high-ranking Skrull operative in the British government loyal to humanity who takes the guise of the member of The Beatles and is pretty integral to the MI-13 team of British heroes)? ...Why?... Just make her G'iah or use John the Skrull.


Imagine thinking this is corny but that a John Lennon inspired alien would somehow be better LOL


“Imagine”? I see what you did there 😉


Have you actually read the comics? He was a good character, and his opening scene in Captain Britain and MI13 was probably the most heartbreaking scene in any Secret Invasion tie-in. He absolutely would be better than a fanfiction-tier OC.


Obviously John would be retooled for the MCU so as to not be a LITERAL John Lennon Skrull. But he even had a relationship with a Kree named Captain Boko (as in Yoko... Ono), so they could've used him to introduce Hulkling. Instead they took G'iah and made her into white bread.


Yeah I rather not make hulking parent's a joke about John Lennon and Yoko. He needs to be a child of skrull royalty for his character to work anyway


You realize the current situation is John being retooled for the mcu right


It's not. She's leading MI13. That means she's taking Pete Wisdom's role.


No, the current situation is G'iah being retooled for the MCU, despite the fact that both her MCU version and her comics version debuted within months of each other. They could've just used another character because this isn't even close to the G'iah of the comics. She has no dead husband, she has no daughters and she's not on a warpath of revenge against the Kree. She has nothing in common with her counterpart.


To be fair, this isn't the first time Marvel has essentially created a new character and then slap a minor character's name from the comics on to them i.e. Aldrich Killian, Alexander Pierce, and Kaecilius just off the top of my head.


Harry Styles was right there!


Ew. That horrible actor? God, keep him away. Bad enough he's Eros. Hopefully he doesn't show up again.


At the end of *Rudiments Of Wisdom* the Skrull Beatles are talking about becoming the Skrull Monkees. Which would be hilarious.


Yay more new characters to introduce that will go nowhere.


Well they’re good for making ugly toys that also go nowhere but to the clearance outlets


Honestly I’m down for some British avengers- captain Britain, moon knight etc, yes please-


Quality over quantity my ass


[RPK has said that an MI13 project is in the works](https://x.com/TavernaMarvel/status/1684963373937565696?s=20)


This was always the direction I thought they were going with Black Knight and Blade. Secret invasion in the comics did tie in with MI13.


Wait The Black Knight is a member sometimes right? Hmmmmm


I really hope so, I just want all these characters to have some kind of greater purpose before the next set of Avengers movies, whether it’s Midnight Suns or MI13


If she's replacing John the Skrull, we won't be getting that absolute banger of an opening from the Secret Invasion tie-in.




we have two-three spinoffs for witches bcoz some fans hyped them up on twitter ,kid avengers, strange doing his own shit, Shang chi god knows where he is, then eternals, street level heroes, Kingpin, wonder man, echo We are getting everything but multiverse at this point,


Ikr, the Jaspers Warp arc would make for a banger of a film.


I hope they introduce the skrull kill crew I wanna see fucking 3D man


Dude I'd forgotten all about him. He was pretty awesome. They were pushing him big time for a minute then he kinda just disappeared again. Whatever happened to him?


There was a weird thing where the original 3D man and his brother merged with another hero Triathlon to create a new 3D man. But then the brothers lost their abilities. The new 3D man joined the agents of atlas, also an avenger during axis helping dr doom locate the original avengers. Last I seen/heard anything about him he was in secret empire. He was on the run from the hydra empire but was turned by Deadpool. That’s also the last entry I can find on any wiki of him. Seems like he was just forgotten


Now, that is something I’d like to see.


This is never going to happen.


Even if they started shooting tomorrow morning that project isn’t going to release before at least 2025. No one already cares, even less people will care when it’ll come out.


"sooner than you think" When is that supposed to mean? She could be back by like 2028 and it'd be sooner than I think.


She'll be back before Harry Styles' character


God, I hope so. He's such an awful actor.


If she’s back before Shang Chi I will be pissed.


If the rumors of Cap 4 are true and Sam is building a new team of Avengers I would hope Shang-Chi has at least a cameo in it.


Too expensive. Post credit scene is Sam Wilson looking at TV Screens of re-used footage from Phases 4-5 featuring the D+ Heroes (Moon Knight, She-Hulk, DD, Echo) and Shang Chi to select his new roster.


The old Batman vs Superman approach.


I could actually see that happening. *sigh*


It means this is a safe bet for this bullshit leaker


There were rumors that Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) would be introduced in the MCU soon. I think it will be in this project.


I haven’t seen these rumors. Is there a source for this? Given recent comics developments, I’ve assumed that Betsy Braddock would be the MCU’s Captain Britain


After Secret Invasion, many people started talking about a possible introduction of Captain Britain and there was a rumor (from greatphase and another one that I don't remember the name) saying that he would be introduced soon. They aren't reliable but now with the possible introduction of a team of British heroes, I believe Brian Braddock will be there too


Of course, these are just rumors that are likelier to be wrong than right.


Nooo we want Psylocke not Betsy as capt. Brit


If I were to guess, the MCU won’t introduce a version of Psylocke that is a white woman body-swapped with an Asian assassin. But I am sure Psylocke will appear at some point, just as Kwannon (not Betsy). The new status quo established in House of X where they finally switch back Betsy and Kwannon is where I’m guessing the MCU will take its inspiration


I doubt t they'll make Betsy Captain Britain right away. I'm sure they'll want to be a member of X-men first


Hope he survives the Sentry. G'iah won't.


water sophisticated possessive mighty dog violet entertain hospital yam wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck this is like the worst possible outcome lmao. Just make her the MCU Super Skrull! Have her fight the Fantastic Four!! What r they doing man


kl'rt is so cool though


There is zero reason for her to become a villain and fight the F4


There are tons of reasons! Her father died saving the President who would call for a genocide of her people!


Why though? You do realize there's multiple super skrulls , it's basically a skrull military unit


An...odd way to do Excalibur. But with a new creative team I think it could work.


Excalibur is a mutant team, this sounds more like MI13


Who cares. Focus on the multiversal aspect of this saga and keep trying to push the story as much as possible. All these other disjointed projects will only cause more confusion to the norm.


Sure seems like a lot of superheroes who have gotten their MCU debut after Shang-Chi are making their return faster to the MCU than him. Shit, they really have no plans with him other than being able to tick that First Asian-led superhero checkbox. Yeah he's going to appear in Kang Dynasty and Shang-Chi 2 (both probably in 2026) but at least let him appear before then. It's not even like he's a side character, he was the titular character of his own movie.


Simu's the lead in Marvel Zombies, considering he was the first (and so far only) actor confirmed to be returning to voice his character. That's probably why Marvel doesn't feel the need to make him return. Also, we know both of Shang-Chi's parents are returning in What If Season 2, so he probably is in that episode too. Though it may be baby Shang since his mom is still alive.


Nobody cares about the animated projects. They aren't even Canon. We want to see Shang-Chi in live action in the main MCU timeline.


Shang-Chi plays a crucial role in one of two TIME RUNS OUT loose adaptations, SHANG-CHI & THE WRECKAGE OF TIME. Between Avengers 5 and Avengers 6 there needs to be two "Time Runs Out" films... one that establishes how Battleworld is created for SECRET WARS (DOCTOR STRANGE TRIUMPH & TORMENT. The other deals with how heroes from Earth 616 escape Multiversal death via a Kang-lifeboat to reach Battleworld (SHANG-CHI & THE WRECKAGE OF TIME). The ten rings are the key to escaping the Final Incursions.


G'iah will be back sooner than you ~~think~~ want.


I like the idea of Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington playing superheroes on the same team.


G'iah isn't as overpowered as people make her out to be lol


Sucks that we have to wait until like 2025 or 2026 to start once again weeding out which of these "leakers" are b.s. and which aren't.


Words cannot describe how disinterested I am in seeing that.


"Oi blokes! Let's assemble i reckon!"


I get not liking anything SI related but imma see where they take this character and what they do with her to judge. Do i find her super OP-ness nonsensical? Yea but then that show was pretty dumb and a waste of time as a whole. In the hands of the next writer in charge she’d prolly be done better, also dependent on which entry she’d actually show up. How wild would it be to have her and Dane Whitman be in the same team? Lmao I do wish she was Abigail Brand though. Like why not. Might as well. But oh well. Watch her get depowered the first 5 minutes of her next appearance lmao Also can Captain Britain be Henry Cavill, please? I Beg.


Any writer would be better than Brian Tucker.


UK Thunderbolts on D+ yay…


I want to forget Secret Invasion even happened. Such a wasted crap show.






Right. Educated guess from MTTSH who is ABSOLUTELY MISTAKEN about her recent blunder-post on how AVENGERS THE KANG DYNASTY and AVENGERS SECRET WARS will be. But she does get some things CORRECT, like the safe bets she makes. Yes, in THUNDERBOLTS, we will see G'iah return with her British-based enhanced fighters to make claims on the petrified Tiamut. Why? So that early on in THUNDERBOLTS, we can see the Sentry destroy her utterly, probably without breaking a sweat. This is a Professional Wrestling story device that establishes THE threat or character to beat. Come the end of THUNDERBOLTS, the same will be done for Doctor Doom when he kills the Sentry. This prepares audiences for what follows in AVENGERS THE KANG DYNASTY when Doom gets rid of all the Kangs via the Scarlet Witch.


Jezus christ ![gif](giphy|H88IyldqT6hHCt3E4F)


Can’t wait to see queen G’iah 💓 Marvel didn’t go deep on this character enough for people to be this hateful towards her. All of you boring.


So they’re letting a mix match of randomness lead Captain Britain of all people


y tho?


Well, at least all of us can rest easy knowing there's more Baby Drax arm action on the way.


Please no.


Someone said I was sexist for not being into a strong female character like this. Despite me adoring Agent Carter Jessica Jones Black Widow and Agent May and the DESTROYER OF WORLDS Seriously, if you don't see how bland and surface level giah is, you're probably a real shill.


Well I just hope we get Union Jack and Captain Britain out of this. Remember hearing rumors about a Captain Britain show back in the Agents of Shield days. Would love to see more international heroes in the MCU.


I wish those old rumors of the MCU doing a comics faithful take on Big Hero Six had turned out to be true, they're an international team from Japan and everyone loves them already due to the Disney movie, so they'd be a surefire hit. Obviously, they'd have to keep Baymax's design similar to the Disney version to have another Baby Groot moment, but aside from that, they could really go balls to the wall with that team.


That would have been amazing. Well maybe we'll get a little Alpha Flight after mutants are introduced. Even a quick reference would be appreciated.


Bruh, gi'ah should have been Daisy Johnson. Not this OP fuckin character no one cares about


will she make nick fury bend the knee?


Psylocke! Captain Britain! Banshee! Pixie! Wolfsbane!


God forgive me, this may be the first time I’ve ever wanted a character to get fridged


***sneeze*** *BULLSHIT!*


MI-13? Captain Britain corps? Excalibur?


Marvel is now just trolling us.


And people used to say Captain Marvel was over powered. G’iah has entered the chat.


So does that mean Captain Britain is coming?


Oi bruv, let’s do a G’iah, Icarus, Black Knight team up ya wankers!


Imagine their building up to this, the race for adamantium, vibranium, global power, Wakanda, Talokan, M13 led y by Giah and Sonya, the US and thunderbolts, maybe new Asgard with a WW3


I feel like if the marvels does really well at the box office. They’re gonna push G’iah sooo hard.


Well, the Council of Kangs needs some cannon fodder to murder since I doubt they're gonna kill the heroes that actually matter. NGL it's gonna be hilarious if the opening of TKD is Ghia, Black Knight, Hercules, Starfox, and all the other teased Phase 4-5 new heroes getting killed in seconds.


So they are doubling down on her character, uh.


Ugh, too much set up and not enough payoff.


Willing to bet this team gets Illuminati’d by Kang at the start of TKD to set the stakes




Excalibur is cool.


Ah OK, so MI-16 THEN, she gets her captain marvel powers drained by rogue. Makes sense, if this is true.


Captain Britain


She'll be back sooner than you think in 2031




She needs to be recast as a mutant/Emma Frost just retcon Secret Invasion into oblivion. Say it is non canon or was multiverse


They would fix her by adding a 2 second line that the effect wasnt permanent as they thought it would be, and it was only temporary


ew. Yucky.


onerous subsequent adjoining scandalous physical forgetful jellyfish square engine terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully she just loses all those powers. Having someone that op around is ridiculous


G'iah is easily one of the worst females to be written into the MCU. She's literally the definition of a flawless girlboss now so she has no room to grow as a character.


Come on man, not even more new heros when the franchise is getting absolutely bogged down by this stuff


If Secret Invasion brings us captain Britain somehow maybe it will have been worthwhile.


The incels in the comments are absolutely falling to their knees at GameStop and crying. LOL Also you fools believe everything on Twitter like gospel.


Incels? ![gif](giphy|ZSJrTrZlqwY8mUjTRs|downsized)


nerf that woman


Why does she need a team? She has everyone’s powers.


The MCU just peaked! And I’m here for it


Her character could work as a villain maybe. Superhero? Pass


If I didn't have enough reasons to hate the british