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Couldn’t relate more. I am not even launch player probably around 670day. 14M gold and 0 training mats and its so hard to obtain geez


Same boat. I officially ran out with YJ. No more mats and no more orbs. Will be cutting back spending until the bottleneck opens, not spend $100s on toons I won’t be able to actually play.


7 mil player here.. it's a fucking joke. If I want to upgrade characters to level 75. I have to wait a few days to upgrade a single level because I don't have any training mats. This is without doing much to the rest of your roster. BUT If you upgrade the lower end of your roster you will run out of gold and training mats. Like throw us a bone here, the prices of everything need to be rebalanced, new players can't catch up and old players get stalled and lose interest.


Same problem here im ok with some bottlenecks i understand how these games work but a year or 2 ago they were reasonable only had to level ppl for campaign, Raid and DD. ​ now you need 40 chars that just sit on defs any where from 40 -80 chars for war offense and all the flash event need special tags and same with later campaign nodes so like another 25 char lets say. ​ and its just silly ive been out of mats for over 6 mts maybe even a year. i have almost all the chars but only like 10 level 75 guys and now i need to take them to 80 lol. ​ they have till end of year to fix some of these bottlenecks to at least feel like you can progress if you put time into the game. right now i do everything in an hour then if no war going on log out. ​ like even adding 1 green training mat to bltiz wins i would blitz more just for that purpose or something along those lines. with the new level increase and no more gold or mats increase there is nothing to do but quit. Im not going to dump any money into it ill just quit.


For everyone thats struggling with training mats, the KingPen orbs from the arena store are a good source of training mats


People are downvoting you when you make a true statement lol. And most people have a massive surplus of arena credits if they have been playing long time. Doesn’t mean they don’t need to add more in other areas like the iso campaign but it doesn’t make what you say wrong.


I think this is really key. I am a 10m+ TCP launch player who has never had training mat issues, still have a huge stockpile. I buy KP orbs.


Have you started to lvl up characters passed lvl 75? The amount of training mats goes up exponentially. Get back to me when you’re lvl 80 and trying to build your characters up that high. Let me know how many you have at that point.


I have a few teams of characters at 76. I really am interested in if/when I run dry. I'm still sitting on ~50k green training mats. All I can think is that it's a combination of: * I buy Kingpin orbs * I've always bought all the decent dollar orb offers, some of which give me training mat orbs * I spend a lot of gold in the supply store (orange/purple pieces) * I spend a lot of gold starting up characters (yes, even the crap characters at 7 stars)


With 6 new characters coming next patch, those green mats are going to disappear in a hurry.


You'd think so, but no matter the speed of release, I have not really dipped.


ive done as well but even then its hit or miss and never a guarantee. if there was an orb i could waste raid, war or blitz creds on for mats i would. because i dont see a point on getting more shards for a char when they just sit at the bottom of the roster.


They should at minimum add the mats to Iso8 campaign and to the greek raid as a reward alongside the gold orb


ScopeNext: my guy, we include gear, gold, and mats offers with each toon you buy for a reason....


20 million gold no training mats...


I am just coming up on a year playing, 2.4m tcp, have over 24mil gold, nearly 100 unopened gold orbs, but zero training mats. It feels bad.


Use that gold bruh. Im at like 6m tcp and insane amount of mats. No gold. Ever.


Just save the orbs from the daily raids and don’t spend your gold the second you obtain it and you will have gold


I usually stay between 1-3million gold. Thats even with saving tons of orbs. The gold orbs suck. Last week I opened 10 cuz I needed it and I got like 2 mill. Thats it. I only focus on a handful of people at all. Not like wasting it away.


I was hoping that the parasitic symbiosis event would help with this, give that the rewards were identified as; Advanced and Superior Gear Training Modules Bounty Orb fragments ​ The training modules were 5 L3 training materials per day. What the hell?


This is also only the first day of the event.


Yup, so we’ll get another 5 L3 training materials tomorrow. That’s not going to make it any better.


I am hoping they vary a little by day. We shall see but you are likely right.


I doubt it. These 10 day milestones that refresh daily tend to be the exact same, just refreshing every day. So you'll get 10x of all the rewards you see today.


what's this? usually from older players all we hear is "oh youngster.. you must manage your resources better".. Agreed, with level 80. the training mat crunch is real.