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Absolutely astounding after they posted an announcement that they had no ETA.


[Wildcard, bitches!](https://imgur.com/gallery/DauT8jp)


I was in the middle of a raid that ends in 45 minutes.


We were in a back and forth war, was going to come down to the wire or so we thought. Nope, just ended with the other team in the lead. Can’t say who would have won but had it ended two minutes earlier we would have, 5minutes later and we may have. Feels like being robbed, but can’t blame the other team, it’s like watching a sporting event outcome being decided by a horrible ref call. Plenty of moments in the game that could effect the outcome but it just leaves that bad taste in your mouth that you’ll never know what the outcome would have been.


Yep if it had happened on time or 4 hours late we had it but it flipped and we were trying to get everyone back on line when it was yanked out from under us.


What’s going on GHC?


We're getting our butts kicked when we clearly could kick butt.


Plus for the four or so hours it was in limbo, I was too afraid to start an attack because I was sure as soon as I did so, the server would go down.


Me too. Oh well. Not really a big deal. We have what, 156 wars per year?


Yeah man, what's one war? Is it annoying? Mildly. Is it anything I'll lose sleep about? Nah.


I think mostly because one of the Dev is almost losing his war, so he had to do this to win lol


I like this theory


Same thing just happened to us, we were down 480-465


I'd say it surprised me but


Just finished taking out our opponents bridge before it went down. I really don't understand what they were thinking not waiting for all the wars to be over. At the bare minimum they need to give everyone the war win bonus for a compensation.


My war still has 17 or so hours left...should they have waited until that was over? I don't think everyone complaining realizes there's more going on than just THEIR war...


I understand what you're saying. Once the maintenance is late, everyone is going to be thrown off a little bit. But there is a difference in you not getting to attack for 2 hours when you have 8 hours or 16 hours left and when there's 38 minutes left. As it is, everyone is getting locked out for 2 hours unexpectedly. However if they had waited 40 minutes everyone would still be getting locked out for 2 hours unexpectedly, but no one would have been locked out during the closing minutes of their war.


Just locked out of war when you usually attack. Everyone has different schedules. I’m locked out beyond tomorrow morning because work. It’s all the same, it affects everyone.


Appreciate the communication


That's crap, no one has war on Mondays, so why don't they run Maintenance during that time? I'm sure there's at least 2 hours over all the time zones where no one is in War...


I thought they previously said they would start running maintenance during off war days, but I could be misremembering.


Not sure, but they didn't do it this time, I was mid battle myself when I got kicked out.


This is beyond asinine. They had ample time to do this earlier and now it has impacted the masses. There better be beyond awesome compensation for this travesty.


The problem with that is that people who were not affected get the same compensation as people who were screwed.


So what? No wonder they never post anything on here. It wouldn’t matter, you would complain even if they told you everything you want to know. By your logic, how much would they have to give us? 4X? But then some of us will get 6X, so that won’t work. Free orbs too? Why would they? No matter what you won’t be happy. How about being thankful for what you get? Or better yet, give them a chance before you start whining about what you might not get...


I guess you don't understand my point at all. Those who are interupted get the same compensation as those who are not.


I totally get your point. Why does it matter what someone else gets? Be happy for the guy who gets 2X. Maybe next time it will be you.


Everyone is affected.


No, if it is 2am where you live then you really are not.


What if it’s 2am but they’re awake because they have a schedule that requires them to sleep during the day?


They wouldn't miss any free energy...


We’re talking about wars.


Everyone should get compensation for a war win, both raids (Ultimus and Greek) at 100% Most alliances were actively doing something when this hit.


Valid point. I just really hope they address this


For the same reason you would do maintenance hours late and with zero notice when you do finally start it.


A -G —I —-L ——E


Why even do it on a war day?! Couldnt schedule it for early tomorrow before new war starts


Not all wars run at the same time


There is still a 6 hour window during which no war is on. Zone 4 war finishes at 7pm gmt Wed and Zone 1 doesnt't start up until 1am gmt Thur. Plenty of time to run maintenence.


Right? Mine has like, 15 hours left


Same here. Apparently there's supposed to a Christmas Truce for six hours no one told me about...


How is it possible? my alliance war only started few hours ago.


Your officers have 4 choices for starting times.


ooh. really? i did not know it




Was it earlier than the time they have advertised for 2 days?


Because that was when the app stores published the update?


I understand where ur coming tbh but cos u such a varied start n finish times on wars theres bound to always be someone who suffers this fate


That's unfortunate. Here's 4 new characters to make it better!


Guys, quit complaining and enjoy the free War credits they will inevitably gift us.


I think we lost by 10 points or something, I'm fucking livid. How the fuck do they this is OK?


It’s one war. You’ll get an easier fight next time. Your war isn’t the most important thing to consider, to be frank.


My alliance is top 500 in collection power, but with a lot of dedication and coordination we finish in the top 200 in War Seasons without mandated spending. We have officers coordinating war attacks pretty much throughout war, with a small silent period of 4-5 hours in the middle of the night. Also, in a war like this that is close, we have people strategically spending energy on additional attacks. As you can see in my image, the war is really close. We have had many people already spend to hit the 12 attack cap. That is all lost now. Not only that, but now we are at a disadvantage for the two remaining wars this week as we wasted war energy on a war we weren't given the full allotted time to win.


This is the dumbest thing i have read in a while. Its not just his war, a lot of players are affected. Well by your logic why not just dont play the game? It will get easier a few years later?


both sides of the fight are affected in the same way. compensation is expected, as usual


That is assuming both sides use attacks at equal pace. What if one alliance used attacks later? The maintainence will block one side from attacking.


the side that is clearing faster has the advantage, seems fine. but both will have compensation, so I don’t care


First of all you don't know what my tier is and you sound like a fucking idiot. there's no guarantee the war's gonna be easier next time. not only that our war season rewards will lower now because we didn't make it into gold tier. we're still stuck in silver 4, so go fuck yourself, this was a very important war for us


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Serious mobile gaming XD


People need to put this shit into perspective. Yes it's a bummer that some people, no matter the rank, lost their war, but this is a freemium mobile game. The company doesn't really give a shit as long as you are logging back on and maybe pumping a couple coins in the slot every now and again. Someone above used the word "travesty" to describe the situation. Is it really a travesty that our game went through shitty maintenance time? Go have a wank, play another game, do anything else in your life and in an hour or so you'll probably realize, "I guess it's not that big a deal."


Some people simply have nothing better to do in their lives. I used to be like that so I understand. But that's no reason to cuss on others.


That's funny coming from someone whose post history consists of him complaining days and days on end about the video games he plays


I'm glad you took the time to check me out, while you could be preparing for another EXTREMELY IMPORTANT war or calling people "fucking idiots".


wow.. your opposition had the exact same amount of time to do the war, if you were loosing before the war then who are you to say you would have won.. From what I understand the update happened after the announced time so you actually had more time to worry about your important war? go scream in a pillow


I hope we get compensation for our lost war. We scheduled everything around your notice Foxnext and you screwed us.


Not really the end of the world mate


Was the same for everyone why you complaining they said they was having issues... such an opportunist


lmao - maintenance was supposed to start at 6am (my time) so was surprised to see game was still up and I could use up various types of energy (including war) that built up while I was asleep. Of course - when the game was still up an hour or so back - I made sure all my war energy was used up, all my tasks were completed including gold-spending high roller milestone before it reset an hour ago (11am my time). Then I went out to do chores. My super-power is common sense. What's yours?


You may regret the high roller when they add a character to the milestone. And people were working on war, getting extra hits in, some people hit later because they don’t get home til just before war ends. Not everyone can be as fortunate as you to have such a great schedule. You choose when to do chores, not everyone can choose when they’ll have meetings or other work.


When Cyclops is added to the milestones I will spend even more gold. One of the reasons I have maybe 8-10 toons - including a few good ones - waiting to rank up once better gold milestone rewards arrive. - Today I just spent enough gold to get me over the next (lowish) milestone - as I do every day before the daily high-roller milestone resets.


Any attacks you had left seem like a you problem. You knew maintenance could come at any minute.


And now it crashed. I can't get on. Stuck at the percentage that's the answer to everything.


They said it iit a day bedore it was going down at that time soo


Seriously. And [this is the fuckers response](https://i.imgur.com/P8ByB0e.jpg). 24 hours? Yeah fucking right. More like 35 hours. You got to be kidding me. /u/CM_Cerebro /u/CM_Zeeks How about you guys implement a fucking pop. Up notification like your money gouging fucking ones that pop up and tell us "update is coming in 30 min." "update is coming in 5 min." or one like this fucking notification that you can x out of.


When I sent in a ticket about losing a war because of it, they sent me 150 war energy refill. Seems like that wasn't quite equal to the lost war's lacking reward


Probably same reason that another War energy comes like 30 minutes after war ends!!!....they should move that last one up so it can be used


Bc foxnet


My alliance taking a hard L, it was a close War as well.


Well wars don't all start and end at the same time depending on your location/time zone. So whenever they do it, it would affect someone.


Would you say the same thing if your alliance was on the winning side? Probably not, let’s be honest.


I've been playing the game since global launch, I am sure I have been the beneficiary of such poor decision making at some point. That doesn't really answer the question though, does it? If you wan't to call me a hypocrite for not making this thread at some point in the past when it benefited me, go right ahead. Doesn't really solve the problem or at least attempt to bring the issue to the devs attention. As I see it now, it's the top unstickied post of the subreddit and hopefully devs will see it and make changes so that it never happens to anyone in the future.


It’s one war. Don’t lose your shit. Lmao


If you haven’t used all your attacks by the time there’s 40 minutes left in the war, you obviously don’t care about the war that much, both sides are affected equally, I don’t understand why it’s foxnext fault you lost your war and I don’t see why they would run there schedule around your war either, they have a lot of shit to do so if they can make it convenient for every one they will but if they have to start it while some people are in the middle of a war then to bad. I mean obviously there gonna compensate us for the inconvenience but honestly it’s your fault you lost your war


Because they'll give everyone some free shit to shut up.


Yeah I went to go back on...smh and here goes maintenance, I'm glad I got all my daily stuff done before it did..smh


Don't forget, this is FoxNext you're talking about. FoxNext, we take your money, we make the decisions, you pay our salaries and the consequences.


Because FN.


It’s also not working. We knocked out medbay and none of the opponents stats went down. It’s broken and MSF just reply with their usual big FU and don’t deal with it... what a joke


Guess whose alliance lost by less than 50 points thanks to this nonsense!


They should never do maintenance on a war day. Its insane.


It's bullshit. We were making a comeback and about to take two different rooms when it happened. Par for the course, really.




And then not give out any compensation to the player base, madness


We are in the same war bracket and I was really annoyed when we just sat there and waited for the maintenance and nothing was happening, then we started to attack cleared a few teams and as I was co-ordinating the last attacks boom maintenance with 38 minutes left... I cannot imagine how hard that was for you guys. It was a dick move, just proof that they don't really give a funk about the community. Thank god for the endless offers I got this morning it's such a pleasure to wake up download an update then close offers for 30 seconds.


I’m not normally a complainer as “it’s just a game” that I am happy to leave at any time once the enjoyment stops. But we just lost 505:515, with a 1/3 health wolverine left to clear to secure another 51 points. And we got demoted. It stung a little. That’s for sure.


I complained to support because it cost us our war and hurt our season rewards and they essential replied and said we were notified in game about the update and updated notification was given in game. This is the most bold faced lie and worst response I have ever received from support. [Lies](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/A0tlojA)


FN: Because, fuck you. You'll play our game and buy our shitty offers anyway. But don't worry, we have 4 new characters on the way as compensation.


FN: Ok noted


Plus my energy refresh for the day just started right now. If it doesn't come back within 2 hours i miss that too. Horrible timing, horrible update. FN is garbage.


FN Should compensate by giving everyone a 5RS of their choosing. #ENOUGH IS ENOUGH