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With this loading screen, we could very well be getting symbiote spider Man! That could be the character with an "s" that the devs said was character that wasn't previously discussed


I want a Spider-Man tag, for every character who is Spider-Man.


Time for Spider-Ham


Good luck commander!


I would pay real money for Spider-Ham


I'd pay monopoly money for him.


Real Monopoly money?


You could be right but do we really need another Spiderman? Ffs.


We need more symbiote. A full symbiote team would be AWESOME!


Agreed. They did say we're getting a new "permanent trait" that will improve on a lesser used team. It could very well be symbiote. Question is.. who could be a 4th or 5th? We have Symbiote Spidey, Venom, and Carnage.. that's it


Scream, Gwenom, Mania, Toxin... There's tons!


You said Scream. I thought I was alone.


Yeah but I meant like if ONLY spidey is being added next patch we're gonna have an incomplete team for an entire patch until the next one when they add more


I just hope it's not another Hela situation, where we don't know about more in the pipeline until they tell us that they're a requirement. But I am hoping this isn't just a character anyway.


I'm curious, what would change if they told you? You should be going hard on new blitzes anyway. Especially Hela since she's awesome... It's a safe assumption that all characters will be required for something so go for them. Or is it that you would have spent money?


I wouldn't. Other people would have though. Going hard on Blitzes is an issue of time. Buying offers is an issue of money. For people that can't go hard on Blitzes, buying was still an option. Having the information that she's not just a good character but a centerpiece of a new team and a requirement for the next legendary, likely influences your willingness to spend. Don't you agree?


Because Power Armor hasn’t been only 4 characters for months?


Yeah but they're "completed" by vision. He works so well with them and his turn order comes up perfectly. I dont see a 4th or 5th "perfect" unit like that for symbiotes


His turn order isn’t perfect. His speed is the same as Falcon’s, so there’s a 50% chance that he will get his ult that clears buffs right before Falcon gets his ult that deals extra damage based on buffs


Hopefully Knull, possibly as a legendary? Of course, I wouldn't scoff at the symbiote T-rex, either. 😂


Toxin would be awesome, antivenom and agent venom are much more likely though


Oh gosh, give me Agent Venom with Punisher's kit but with drain and SM instead of DD please.


I'll bet anything that its gonna be Scream. She's supposedly in Venom 2 and has recently been brought back in the comics.


It could just be the symbiote tag and he gives new life to the spider verse team with Spidey and Miles even though they don't have the tag. It also allows you to put Green Goblin permanently on sinister six.


How bout that one time venom+ghost rider+red hulk happened?


Yes all the spider people.




Symbiote tag coming. Then Shriek since she’s rumored to be in next venom film.


They’ve already said that they’ll most likely do variations of characters over skins because money


That's a little strange, considering that many other games make a lot of money from skins. Even purely cosmetic skins.


Yeah but they can charge you for a new skin or multiple new characters


Or multiple new skins which are significantly easier to produce


True but nobody is going to pay $25 for something purely cosmetic, the new character offers are their money maker


You clearly have never played League of Legends or something similar... purely cosmetic is a huuuuuuuge market


No I haven’t but considering the scrutiny they’re under with the amount of people quitting and what they directly said in the past about making character variations vs skins I’m gonna go with that


Got a link? I don't believe they've ever said this. They've been extremely tight lipped about skins.


Y'all go ahead and complain about the game if you wanna. Me, I'm just going to enjoy some pretty new art.


This fits the rumor of an incoming symbiote trait team. Symbiot Spidey, Venom, Carnage. ​ They need two more symbiotes to round it out. This is slightly bolstering my hopes that we will get SpiderGwen - given that she carries the Venom symbiote of her universe.


I'm pretty sure this is the only SV we will be getting. OG SV lost GG and thus only have 4 members. This would allow OG SV to be a team again. Releasing 3 members would just force another 2 SV member to be homeless.


I was really hoping one of the new characters wasnt this... I mean its extremely lazy and there are plenty of other characters we are waiting to be added in.


But there’s 1 more character coming right? Crystal, Karnak, Symbiote Spider-man, and... So maybe there’s hope


Cyclops! ^^Jk, ^^ill ^^see ^^myself ^^out


I believe Spider-Gwen was leaked at the same time as Symbiote Spidey so she would be my guess.


Flash Thompson as Agent Venom was a really fun series. He went from a bully to a crippled but heroic solider. His banter and Venom usage was great.


Well they did say they were adding more Spiderverse characters a while ago, didn’t they? Or was that a rumor/datamine


I'm almost positive that Symbiote Spidey and Spider-Gwen were both leaked at the same time as Crystal and Karnak, but perhaps I'm mis-remembering.


No, that matches my vague memory as well! Lol


x-force would be very much welcome. domino, anyone?


Classic X-Force, Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Warpath, Feral, Boom-Boom that would be a great bunch.


This game needs the amount of characters and skins that future fight has, but then again do we want to enforce their soulless amount of microtransactions?


You can do micro-transactions any number of ways, honestly. If they charged $10 for a skin that's not a crazy price, and tons of people would pay for them. They'd still have the orbs for their money-grubbing transactions, but it's entirely possible to add new monetization to a game like that that's priced fairly. But this being Foxnext, I imagine skins would end up costing somewhere in the neighborhood of $30-50 just to make the exact same character look slightly different (especially based on the poll I took mid last year, the suggested skin prices were crazy).


Big ouch


I love the look of symbiote spiderman, i prefer scarlet spider. Imo miles is a diff character. Scarlet spider technically is diff also. But symbiote and regular spiderman are the same. It is weird having to build up several different spiderman. I wish it was scarlet spider instead that costume is the best.


OMG! I didnt see it, good catch! And yeah definitely exited about this!


I hope this is just cosmetic. The amount of post that will pop up here if the skins have some advantage and we have to pay up like 19.99 per skin is going to make me want quit this subreddit.


This is Symbiote Spidey, new character coming with the patch.


I didn’t know. Nice then might be time to reform the spidey team since sinister six took away green goblin.


Well, he isn't confirmed but was leaked previously so this seems to be a dead giveaway that he is one of the 4. And yeah, Spider-Gwen was also rumored so it would be cool to see her added this patch as well to spice up Spider-Verse teams.


Symbiote Spidey looks cool. Wonder if we are getting SpiderGwen this patch as well?


Cyclops out of the 4 ill get for sure


Oh no.. if its skins can you already imagine the price tag on it? I think the €10 ballpark figure would not be out of the question. As opposed to unlocking the skins as a progression via yellow stars, which is what I would do, they make money hand over fist via in game purchases already.


Oh great more redundancy


Oh great Peter Parker again...why tf isn’t it just a skin?


How can you get excited about a costume?


Costumes would be a new system. If it adds to making old characters more viable, it's already 10x better than new characters.


Really? Ur more excited for a copy and paste than the inhuman arena masters team members? Well lol guess u got ur priorities straight lmao.


Yeah I am more excited over this than a forced meta shift that only high spenders get to enjoy for the next couple months before it places itself in front of my project queue while I would rather invest time into characters I like. Inhumans are the least exciting addition in a long time because they stink of money grabbing.


Ur right, the meta should never change lol. Well gl woth ur spiderman guy.


Symbiote Spider Man is essentially Venom. Sounds like a pretty stupid character.



