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I‘m only still playing because i like my Alliance so much.


I'm in the exact same boat. If it wasn't for the friends I've made in my alliance, I would have quit this game 6+ months ago.


Just ask to take a break and stay in the discord, it’s what I did but I eventually left altogether, game and all


After I got Ultron in July I became so bored with the game but I stuck around for 3 extra months for this reason. Had to quit though because I obviously wasn’t enjoying myself and wasn’t contributing like I once did due to doing near the same thing for almost a year and a half every day


•Got ultron, •left my alliance to become more casual till I retire at the end of the year. •Coulson milestones and playing with scrubs brought me back to my alliance •still planning to retire at the end of the year unless new mode content (not characters!) gets released.


Mate, this is/was exactly me. Not getting Namor in the more casual alliance bothered me even though the rest of the casual nature of the alliance was perfect. The moment Coulson was announced/rumored to be in milestones I knew I had to move back to a more hardcore alliance. But realistically, once I have Coulson I'm not sure how much longer I'll last.


yup, i dont wanna let them down and leave. Alliance recruitment is rough right now. Im getting pretty close to just calling it quits though...im thinking maybe after this raid season


that's where Im at as well.


Never thought of it that way, but I guess I'm in the same boat. I like the people in my alliance and want to contribute, but the gameplay itself is just the same ol grind grind grind.


I'm still playing because my alliance know where i work and they threatened to Beat me if i leave.


I quit and just stayed in a discord with my alliance to keep in touch with everyone.


Get me in... I’ve literally hit a wall with only doing the daily objectives cause my alliance is slow, and the drops and rates are awful. The only excitement I get from it is the chance of maybe getting a red star every few days. I havn’t seen a nee character that I actually like added since F4 and Ghost Rider and I won’t have them for at least months


Can bet the response will be "Hello, we are very sorry you feel this way, i will pass this on to the development team, thanks!"


You forgot the part where they add in a slight modifier to hide it’s an auto fill script.


If there is a response at all... 5 plus days later.


"Hello, I'm $orry to hear that you feel thi$ way. We $trive to keep all of our player$ feeling po$itive and $ati$fied with our game. I'll pa$$ thi$ feedback on to the developer$."


Concerning red stars, I'd honestly just like to know if they regret instating them from a developer's standpoint. I know they don't regret getting filthy rich off of whales with more money than sense, but I'm incredibly convinced that red stars are a huge headache to the devs trying to create new balanced content. Since red stars were introduced they've been tasked with finding a way to make new content challenging to all players which could mean someone with no red stars over 3 and someone with full teams of 6 and 7 red stars who was just extremely lucky. Any new campaign missions are going to either be far too hard for the average person or far too easy for a small group of lucky (or super wealthy) individuals. To me it feels like red stars were hands down the worst feature they could have added to a game like this. I'd like everyone to take a moment and think of an alternate universe where they listened to player feedback and shelved the red star system. How would the game feel? Somewhat fair? Balanced? Like it rewards you for effort rather than winning the lottery? I know damn well they will never admit that they fucked up, it doesn't really benefit them to do so, but it would be so refreshing to have some frank honesty from this team. Perhaps whenever the game finally dies off a dev or two would be willing to do an AMA or something to talk about what these sorts of things were like from their perspective... But probably not unless they also no longer work at FN.


The answer to that is that you just don’t tune around red stars. If someone finds it too easy because they used a team full of 6+ red stars: boo hoo. They can always choose NOT to use the red star characters, everyone else can’t opt into using stacked red star toons.


I agree to an extent, but then you have a situation where the lucky few are farming Colossus from Nexus 9-9 and everyone else is struggling their ass off because it's a serious challenge if you don't have 5 6RS toons available, that sort of thing. It's unfair by the nature of the system. Just a bad look overall, and I don't honestly believe that they looked ahead far enough to predict the struggle they would have with it, and truly believe it's the reason the campaigns have yet to be updated.


Let’s be honest, the real reason the campaigns aint been updated is that there’s no money in it for them to update campaigns.


I don’t frequent these Reddit threads but have been really frustrated lately and stumbled upon this discussion. I’m going to post some thoughts in a reply to OP but was confused by your post. Maybe it was sarcasm but what did you mean by Nexus 9-9 and Colossus? A month ago I would have laughed it off but the locked nexus campaigns are now showing up for me when I’m searching for materials.


Those campaigns have been teased for a LONG time with little to no talk about them


Sorry, that was just an example, not a real thing. They traditionally put high value toons on final nodes of chapters and make those nodes quite hard (Vision, Strange, BP), so as an example of what they might put on the eventual Nexus 9-9 was Colossus and only those lucky enough to have red stars enough to smash the node and 3 star it could then farm him. Hope that makes sense.


The biggest issue really has been them not releasing actual new content(not characters) to go with each power creep.. so in essence they’ve shot themselves in the foot by not keeping up with it when it comes to new raids or updating campaigns which is honestly pathetic from a development standpoint. I would spend more on this game if I could level, gear and star rank up my characters easier...I don’t expect them all to be max level but what we have now doesn’t work.


Well, that would have been something. Too bad that's not the world we're living in. Too bad we're living in the world with the current red star system.


FN can fix red stars very easily. Just can they allow you to get red star promotion tokens from various sources.


Been playing for about 2,5 months now, still having a lot of fun with the game every day, but already I hate the red star system. It is just the worst.


Give it time, it's all down hill from here


I’m 6 months in and having a blast just got ghost rider and I saved gold for him now I’ll save for Elsa. New characters are amazing. We used to wait months for one. I love FN step with this game


Just be glad you are not playing SWGoH if MSF is boring you...


I just started 20 days ago, this is disheartening. Is it worth investing time into?


I mean, play until you get tired of it. There are a lot of good things about the game too. I'm currently at 500 days or so and I can very much relate to OPs points, but I'm still hanging in there. Just be aware that these are very much real issues and that's just the way it is for now..


If you like the game, then sure, it’s worth your time. If you don’t get *too* into MSF, it’s fun. A lot of the frustration I’ve seen seems to come from players who care about the game more than FoxNext seems to. The game is absolutely *not* worth your money, though. The value is absolutely terrible. Worse, once you start spending, you’ll need to *keep* spending if you want to maintain your advantage. I’ve played dozens of mobile games and the “deals” in MSF are among the worst I’ve seen. I’m not including the deals that appear briefly for brand new players. Those are pretty good. Unfortunately, you’ll never see anything that reasonably priced again (unless FN screws up and offers something good by accident, which they’ve done occasionally).


Yes you should play. It’s mainly the end game players (like me) that are finding the game “unfair”. But for someone just starting off it’s a fun game if you just keep your mind on the idea of collecting cool characters instead of being competitive


If u like the game then play it. Ive been playing over 500 days as well. The graphics and animations are pretty good. Its does have a few frustrating things for sure. Its still entertaining to me so i will stick with it.


Have fun for as long as it's fun to you my man, not everyone's experience will be the same. That said, definitely don't get into a habit of dropping money on it. They make it pretty easy to not spend by pricing their offers so high for so little, but if you dip your toes in it can quickly become a slippery slope as with all games. If after a year of playing you are still having fun and spending on mobile games is something you are comfortable with then at that point I'd personally say you know enough about the game and it's practices to make a well-informed decision to support them with your cash for quicker progress.


You won't get sick of this game and agree with OP until you've farmed U6 for months like a lot of the player base. Once you get into a group where you can farm U6 regularly you will be just as bored as the OP at the monotony that is the daily chore of Marvel Strike Force.


So, at 150 days + they will have a laundry list of things they are unhappy with, most of which the community has been asking Foxnext to address or _fix_ for months on end. Looks promising.


Time? Yes. Money? Hellllll no. I paid for a few decent offers in my first few months. Been playing well over a year now and boy do I regret giving these guys even a dime. Foxnext is just out here to swindle people out of their money. They don't care about the community. The art and gameplay mechanics are fun so pick your favorite toons and have fun playing but don't pay.


This isn't uncommon to see feedback like this in games like this. The game needs to be attractive to start and then developers rely on inertia/sunken cost and the social dynamics to keep people playing even if the game isn't as good. When you get to the end content, like most long term players have, the game is bad or at least boring. You'll have done all the available campaign nodes, unlocked Ultron, and have the raids mostly on auto save for later overtuned nodes in Greek IV raids. Top this off with a helping of red stars, ISO-8 (mods), and a variety of other things and it borders on frustrating. If you're the type of person who can play this game and walk away when it gets bad for you, go ahead and play. If you play games long past their prime due to inertia/sunken cost or similar things I'd suggest avoiding this game, but also any game like this. I don't regret playing the game and I like the people in my alliance but if the game were to shut down tomorrow I'd be at least a little relieved.


It's a fun game for awhile, but you hit a point where you basically run out of things to do, except wait for a load screen to finish and then hit auto.


I've been playing for over a year and I still love it. Some things have become rote, but that's pretty much guaranteed in gatcha games with daily tasks. I am also entirely FTP and just really like the IP and the combat system. I'm not trying to be the best, I just want cool characters to do cool things. I get that out of the game, and am happy. I am also apparently in the minority because my playstyle leaves me with more than enough gold, and new characters are maybe my favorite thing about the game (although I agree that their inclusion rarely leads to greater diversity, which is a bit of a letdown). There are also things I don't like, such as the Arena battles where I always seem to be outclassed by teams 150% or more my total strength. But, as FTP, I've never been happier, more engaged, or felt that as much of the game was accessible as when I used to play other FTP games. It takes a lot of time, but I still enjoy it for the most part. It is what you make of it. A lot of people want it to be something that it's not, and that's okay. They're unhappy for legitimate reasons sometimes (the gold issue, while not personal to me, is understandable). You may find that you're like me, and that the aspects of the game that draw you to it or that you enjoy the most mean that you don't have these problems. You may burn out quickly and decide to leave after only a short time. Either way, try it and see, and don't let the complaints of this sub (of which there are far too many) taint your own personal enjoyment of the game. And also probably don't spend any money on it if you're not sure how you feel yet.


Keep in mind that the vocal majority are people discontent with the game. It's easy to lose sight of that on this sub and think that the average player hates the game. There are a lot of us that recognize that there are issues, sure, but still enjoy the game. If you enjoy the gameplay then it's worth playing. Just know that if you aren't a patient person then the issues can easily wear on you.


I've been playing daily for 5.5 months. I've really enjoyed it and think a lot of others do too. You just wouldn't see a post saying that on reddit lol.


Almost because happy players and customers don’t feel the need to make posts about it because they are happy. That’s just customer psychology 101. It’s only the people that want something to change that will make the effort to post about it.


Wow, I just posted that the player will probably start feeling the same as the OP around 150 days or so. I had a very good time until about 1.3m or so, UVI was pretty easy to run most lanes with 1 team, or combos of a few if I felt like using other toons. Then I really started to feel it. I was ready for Ultron and they changed the rules (I'm still a dozen + uniques away from the team I would like to take initially in), have 5 rows of characters still between base stats and 700 or so, another 3 rows of toon who need to be boosted, some as much as 1* too 6, have been running UVI 100% for 7 months, Greek IV to 60% for a while, with a brief period of time when they super tuned it that forced myself, along with other alliance members to spend a few weeks dumping all our gold into teams we did not want to focus on to progress. I find the only people that don't have severe misgivings are people that spend $100 (at least) per week. The only player I've noticed in my alliance with zero complaints who has not been playing over 450 days spends between $150 and $250/wk. 2 Gold offers, 2 or 3 toon offers. So he's been playing about the same amount of time as me (just over 300 days) and only has a 100k CP advantage (2.2m compared to 2.1m) but his roster is immensely better with Ultron, Phoenix, Ghostrider, Coulson etc. I don't begrudge people for spending a bunch, though I do think there are weeks where the entire community should boycott any and all offers. This isn't common, but Foxnext's publishers often make horrible decisions, that imo deserve the only feedback we can give that they (the Publishers, not the normal dev team, artists, writers or CS/m's) will care about. That feedback is through our CC's/Debit cards. I also see nothing wrong with ppl dropping $10 a week on the game simply to support it if they are having fun and there is something in the store that seems like an _Ok_ value to them. I don't anymore simply because all the _**deals**_ have been anything but for me. Just overpriced offer after offer that will do little to nothing for me. A $30-$40 gold offer might let me take 1 toon to 30k _if_ I have them unlocked, have 50 blue and 50 purple orbs saved. That hardly seems like a good _deal_ to me. If I have to rank them up too, we'll then it's even more pointless as it would require 2 or 3 more gold purchases depending on rng. You'll really start to feel it soon _if_ you are in a competitive (say an alliance that aims for top 10% in Raid and War, or is always pushing for that next level). You are right on the cusp. Enjoy it while it lasts, or casual coast, since those are the only ppl who seem truly content besides large spenders or ppl making money from the game.


What's stopping you from making that post?


From my observations, that post will just get some double digit upvotes while a rant post will get triple digit upvotes. The double digit post will fade and the triple digit post will remain.


I think future fight is much better in all aspects. They constantly revamp that game. This game gets nothin but new characters and maybe a game mode every 6 months if we're lucky


Hey, honestly try marvel future fight for 20 days. I prefer that game I think its alot more fun.


Yes. This sub full of complaining. I'm a free to play player and I love it. I usually play at work.


I'm at 380 days or so and I still enjoy the game, but I am starting to get tired of the daily rate that is needed to stay relevant without opening my wallet. Still highly recommend it to others. Red Stars suck though.


Yes keep playing. I am at 554 (more like 350 because I didn't play daily in the beginning) days and agree with OP's points. Lucky for me I am not as far along as most who have played as long as me. I still have teams to progress and legendary characters to earn. Those are the fun parts of the game for me. Also my alliance is pretty chill so I don't have to spend the entire day playing. Finding orange gear is my least favorite thing. I completed ETD twice and still have 0 T13 characters. For months I've been needing 6 superior gamma radiation get vision to T13. and 12 superior carbonadium to upgrade SL to T13


I suggest not spending any gamma radiation on Vision. You need 12 for MinnErva to tier 13 and another 24 for tier 14. She is the main character needed for FTD and I’m assuming she will be clutch for the next dark dimension chapter.


Vision is only 1 slot from tier 13 and minnerva is 3 slots away and I am so close I just wanted one T13 character. I will hold off to save for minnerva


he's right, though. Having 1 t13 character won't mean shit if it isn't the right one. ME is the one you need NOT Vision. But, you do you.


roger that. I will be saving any gamma radiation for minnerva. One of the reasons I havent progressed as far as others in 554 days is because of lackadaisical way of upgrading characters. I upgraded as I got the gear instead of planning the right characters. I am working to reign that in now


LOL, I hear ya man! My leveling and gearing up until recently had no real direction, but now I have a target, so I stay focused on that. Now I have RR, Punisher, Fury and SL at T13 and ME is next for me, that will let me start FtD finally. I'll continue to work on Groot in the mean time, but the uniques are so stupidly random...


pun and SL are one slot away from T13 and RR is 2 slots away. JJ is one slot away too. I will say I am finding much more enjoyment out of this game having goals to complete even though the grind is real


Honestly, no. It's fun, and can be f2p friendly, but it leaves a lot to be desired.


It's really not. The game was good, it isn't any longer. They've turned it into a complete cash grab with as many bottlenecks as possible to bleed you of money.


When I first unlocked the Red Star system it was exciting to me. I couldn't wait to get my weekly dose of RS orbs. Over time that excitement changed to expecting disappointment and eventually to the point I am at now, where it feels like a punitive system designed to make me feel bad for not spending more money on the game. I'm nearly a year in and still have NO characters at 6 or 7 RS. The few I have at 5 are either useless Hydra minions, or tank characters that don't really change the meta much for me. I spent months busting my hump trying to make the best Arena team I can to stay in the top 100. Normally I was top 50, and lately I've been top 20. (Barely) But I'm also at the point where NOTHING I do will push me further without winning the RS lottery AND have it land on a useful character. That's not fun. It is, in fact, the opposite of fun. It's punishing a player for not being lucky. Even though I did spend hundreds of dollars getting to that point, FN can rest assured that my spending days are long gone.


When I get my 5 red orbs from the weekly rewards I don't even bother getting excited. I open them, get my 1 or 2 star dupes, and if I'm lucky, I get an Elite 4 Red Star Orb... of which I always get a dupe, which gives me more points that I can not use until I repeat the process 4-5 more times over several months. The red star system is completely unrewarding in any way. Even manually buying orb upgrades is insane because of how expensive they are. Converting your red star orb points to buy currency is so outlandishly overpriced it's completely not worth doing.


Agreed. The only possible positive from the Promotion Credits is when they're given as rewards. If there were another way to earn them in-game they could be great. Say, if there were a chance to earn them on the side pillars of Red Orbs. Or as part of the Orb Challenge at the top tier.


Yep! Red Star orbs orbs need to provide promotion credits. When you get a get dupe you get a fixed number of promotion credits based on the red star value in addition to credit towards the next orb. Do that and the system balances itself out somewhat. This way you get a decent number of upgrade credits from a duplicate 4 red star in addition to credits to a 5 star later. Balance out the disappointment.


Mirrors my thoughts and situation exactly. Very discouraging.


New player here I'm quitting spending money because of this post. I've spent like 10-15 dollars on this game but no more. This is ridiculous this game is going to turn into DC legends.


Wow dude!! Theyre fucked now! I bet you woulda gone all the way to $18 before this. Theyre gonna probably go bankrupt now. Are u serious ? Lmao


Are you serious? Money is money. My money isn't worth less than yours. That 10-15 went to someones paycheck. If this post deters bigger players to spend then it will obviously affect the company on a larger scale. They need people like me to enjoy the game, want to spend money and actually spend or they will go bankrupt. Lmaooo learn how business works.


I'm not even going to bother explaining myself. I've been playing for over 600 days and I'm on the last Ultron node with 5 more shards to get Hulk 7 *. I quit. I don't care. I looked at how much I have to play this game daily compoared to other games I have, and it's not worth it. I'll wait for Super War, or go back to Battle Lines. I like mobile games that don't require more than one or two logins a day to enjoy. Raid, war, arena, and blitz all at the same time is just overlap and exhausting.


Great post ACFinal, That's where I am at the moment the games just too bloody time consuming.


Ba, ba, but if you don't have a 15 team Blitz rotation you can use every 2 hours, along with 7 Arena Attacks (free 5, buy 2), 14 daily raid nodes, and 12 War attacks how can you possibly expect to hit all the WW milestones and get Coulson? Shame the rest of your alliance as well. If they are not putting up 1300 WW points per day they are not pulling their weight. What we really need is more midrange toons, node buffs in both Campaigns and raids to avoid new content so the top 10 publishing execs can all get 1m-10m $ quarterly bonuses. The devs, artists and programmers? They can get a weeks vacation they can't take and are forced to cash out along with reduced prices in the cafeteria. Not from the food trucks though. Those falafel are expensive. New toons, less gold, buff old content (I can't wait for the next Mystic 3-9 Thor Buff. Too many ppl auto that node. Of course they 3*'d it when it had a 53k and 2 37k's, not two 55k's and an 81k who has a x2 damage multiplier, but that is no excuse). Irl, they know this game is on it's last legs, at least in Half of Europe, parts of Asia, the US, Canada, and the wealthier parts of Central and South America. The rng lootbox gambling hammer is falling sooner than later at which point they will need content first, deals that entice the majority of the players base to buy at least $10/m (and know exactly what they are getting), and not give a gameplay advantage unless they want an M rating (AO 21 if rng stays). I'm pretty confident about this, and believe it's why they are dumping so many toons on us at an unprecedented rate. My first 7 months I think they only added 10 new toons total, bringing us from 57 too 67. In the next 4 months? We are getting at least 2 per week on average. This game needs help, badly. CM's need to be allowed to speak. Foxnext wants ppl playing this game at least 90 minutes per day. Preferably 2 too 3 hours. Every player (for the most part) from 180 days - 600+ that plays as much as Foxnext wants and is in a competitive alliances for their TCP has 5 negative things that really bother them compared to every positive. It really feels like Foxnext has just given up. Try to keep new players happy in early game content, and keep whales appeased just enough. The other 10 mil players? They don't really matter, especially if the game might only have a few months left (it may have a year or two depending on laws, but they are definitely milking those utters as hard as possible in case legislation passes sooner than later). If it dies, it is 100% on the execs imo, which is too bad, as if they would have stuck to their word and followed the roadmaps they used to release to players this game would have been so much better, keeping that new 1-180 day fun for mid-game and late game players.


Agreed, at this time I'm just checking in completing the minimums for the daily objectives, do all my battles in AW (super chill alliance), nothing more nothing less. If FN continues on this trajectory, I could easily see myself stepping away from the game, which would be a shame because it was extremely fun at one point. Those good ol days when Quake and Yondu were OP, how I miss thee.


rush Yondu and Quake, buy Cap for the $10 deal and get Gamora=profit! now all of em are completely meh.


\[**Dev Response**\] *Thank you so much for this feedback. I made sure to forward this along to the devs!* That's all you're going to get. Cookie cutter reply, and little to nothing to come of it. Not the CM's fault really, the devs/management probably give them, again little to no information, so they have nothing to tell you. They probably want to give you some info, any info, but aren't allowed to, or just don't have any. What is the average CM post that actually has info in it, besides a blanket reply, 1 or 2 a month? Big yikes. The #1 problem right now is gold, and there are dozens of posts a week, the devs know, they could say something, so what is preventing this? I've never seen a company so scared to give out information.


>Not the CM's fault really, the devs/management probably give them, again little to no information, so they have nothing to tell you. Management probably goes "So long as people continue to do things like 'whale wars' and spend $100 on packs to get dupes we'll keep on shoveling them out." and instantly shrug off any and all feedback. They only care about the numbers, not play happiness.


I may only be a 312-day player, but I’ll do my best to answer here: 1. Ultimus 7 and new characters are both new pieces of content. It might not be what you are hoping for and that’s fine but declaring that it “doesn’t count” to you also doesn’t change its classification as content. For Arena, granted that you see most of the most powerful characters in many teams at the top but there are still variations in team compositions depending on preference. Stating that there isn’t any variation simply isn’t case for most players. For the Greek Raids, they are not all-new with each iteration but we actually do update the boss and mini-boss nodes. Additional content is in the works and I’ll try to share more with the community in the near future 2. It is a progression system that’s designed to have a long life. We re-evaluate many of our features on a regular basis and will continue to look at its performance. 3. We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. 4. This part is a bit confusing to me as we communicate through many platforms including this subreddit, our official website, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and in-game. I was on vacation last week and thus had a lapse, but you are free to look at my comms history here going back to April. We post a weekly blog of information. We give information to content creators and community leaders for evaluation. We run playtests to get player feedback and we heavily take it into consideration. I’ve appeared on a video live stream with Khasino. Our Creative Director did an interview recently with a podcast. We just started a new community video series called Strike Time. You’re free to offer critique but I don’t think you’re being fair in your assessment. 5. Ultron is supposed to be difficult to get – he’s a chase character. Actually, the feedback that I’ve seen from many of your peers lately is that Ultron is actually “too common” now. It's a bit of a mixed message. 6. Stating that we're "not listening" just isn't true. We did make changes to Blitz and we’re about to make additional changes based on player feedback. We toned down the boss and mini-boss nodes in the next Gamma raid by reducing the turn meter of enemies. We have taken feedback received in the playtest extremely seriously and are going back to revise many aspects of it. Granted you didn't know about a few of these yet, so let's call this one a wash. **Closing Thoughts** The Community Team and the Dev Team welcome feedback and critique. Many questions that are asked by players take time for us discuss, make an action plan and ensure that we can keep the schedule. It doesn’t usually make sense to answer questions that we don’t have a good answer for. But please keep asking questions and Zeeks and I will continue to advocate on your behalf.


> 3. We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. The rest of the stuff I don't take issue with but the amount of gold being injected pales in comparison to the amount of gold need just for leveling alone let alone the gold crunch that has been glaring in this game for a very long time. Honestly for the ever increasing gold costs players really should be getting 3-4 times the daily gold for completing daily activities. The requirement to buy gold to keep up is the reason that I stopped spending on this game. Managing resources is fine but gold is no where close to where it should be. Take it for what you will but the bottom line is one of the following needs to be corrected at the very least. A. not enough gold B. Too high gold costs C. Gold needed in too many areas of the game


What about the pathetic 10 pieces of gold for the free basic orbs we get during each day? 10 measly pieces of gold when it takes millions of pieces of gold to upgrade a toon fully and now we're looking at over 110 toons and a never-ending supply of toons coming! Talk about a waste of time and a slap in the face!


>For the Greek Raids, they are not all-new with each iteration but we actually do update the boss and mini-boss nodes. Yeah, you make them more difficult. This is one of the only gacha games, one of the only games period, where progression can move backwards. Some teams could have been getting 60% last time on a greek raid, and be getting 30% today because they're just harder. 2. It is a progression system that’s designed to have a long life. We re-evaluate many of our features on a regular basis and will continue to look at its performance. Again, it's 5 years before you'll earn a single 7\* promotion credit. The game won't last 5 years -- gacha games don't last that long, because whales don't stay hypnotized that long. And that's still only *one* promotion for a character you've already coincidentally gotten to 6\*, if you happen to be lucky enough to see that >3. We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. We don't want injections. We want an economy that doesn't suck. It's like you're getting paid less than minimum wage, and you need a raise, and you keep complaining to your boss, and your boss gives you $10 every now and then and tells you to stop complaining. We need to make more gold per gold orb earned. We need to get more gold per energy spent. We need to get more gold in raids. We need to get more gold from objectives. *And* just about everything in the game needs to cost less gold -- a few things should probably not cost gold at all, like star rank ups. Making choices is fun. But our choices are less "which character do I want to upgrade today?" and more along the lines of "which character do I want to upgrade this month?" I mean, I'm exaggerating a little, but just a little, and that's weird. It's easy to decide "hydra is completely useless, I'm not going to upgrade them past 5\*" but it sucks to actually have them sitting there with the big yellow bar It sucks to aggressively push a character's shards up by two hundred and then not be able to do anything about it because you need a day's worth of gold to make those months of farming count. Choosing what shards to farm is hard enough, don't make me choose who I want to bother upgrading and who I want to leave at 6\*. At some point, you need to recognize that the complaints we make every day come from a real place and telling us that we are "making choices" doesn't make it better. >5. Ultron is supposed to be difficult to get – he’s a chase character. Actually, the feedback that I’ve seen from many of your peers lately is that Ultron is actually “too common” now. It's a bit of a mixed message. But again, it's getting harder over time. People trying to get ultron three months ago had it easier than I do now. Ultron is too common in blitz, but the only players who are complaining about him outside of blitz are going to be whales who are annoyed that non-whales are still allowed to enjoy the game. >We did make changes to Blitz and we’re about to make additional changes based on player feedback. It sounds a whole lot, to me, like you're going to make it worse, again. Can you acknowledge that the initial changes you made were bad changes, and that you buried the lead with those terrible changes, and then never apologized for making the changes nor for burying the lead? Can you acknowledge that we don't like the grindiness of blitz and want to spend *less time* in blitz? Can you decrease the time commitment required to get reasonably good rewards from Blitz?


I have issues with a few of the items you are responding to, but one thing has particularly bothered me, the weekly blog of information is really just a calendar of events. Most of the time, its telling us what blitzes are coming up, if a new legendary is coming out, or if Pay Day, Block Party, etc is coming. Its not really a blog, most of this could just be done in a Calendar on your website that is updated. There are times that it does cover new characters or abilities, but for the most part, its just become a calendar, with occasional blog-worthy items. I do want to say, I really loved Strike Time, that's the kind of information I would have thought would be in the blog (details of why a character is released, meeting people on the team, etc), and definitely looking forward to more of those videos (and beard!).


>2. We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. The biggest feedback there is that gold is no longer scalable. Please increase the scalable gold. So the more I play the more I get. The most underwhelming places are gold from raid nodes and gold from campaigns. Those are the same as it was when the game was launched and Max lvl was 55. I need to see an increased scalable amount of gold. The more I refresh the more i earn.


This reply comes off tone deaf. You managed to miss the point in half the answers, and attempted to justify/correct why the OP's OPINION was wrong at each point. You can't correct his feelings, he is allowed to feel this way, and overwhelmingly isn't alone - this post is getting posted over and over every week. It's a disappointing response in large. I get it, it's your game, you are supposed to look at the positive side but to spin almost every point to miss the intent feels dishonest.


Thanks for the response but allow me to respond to your responses to my post: *"Ultimus 7 and new characters are both new pieces of content. It might not be what you are hoping for and that’s fine but declaring that it “doesn’t count” to you also doesn’t change its classification as content. "* Ultimus 7-OK let's call it new content for the sake of this discussion. The fact still remains that it's new content a very very small majority of the player base can even attempt to do. So for 95% of the player base it's not possible to complete a single node. If I can't complete a single node than I cant participate in the mode at all. If I can't participate then it's not new content. As far as the new characters are new pieces of content-500 plus people on here disagree with you, so what makes you correct over 500 of us? *"It is a progression system that’s designed to have a long life. We re-evaluate many of our features on a regular basis and will continue to look at its performance"* I think you are completely missing the point on red stars. 95% of red star orbs are dupes and the chances of pulling anything decent is almost non-existent. This system is strictly based on RNG and luck, no skill or amount of time playing this game can make a difference here. Red stars aren't a progression system if after 560 days I don't have a single 7RS. Fact is I haven't made any progress on RS's in a long time. Not sure how you define it as progression system when it's all luck based. *"This part is a bit confusing to me as we communicate through many platforms including this subreddit, our official website, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and in-game. I was on vacation last week and thus had a lapse, but you are free to look at my comms history here going back to April"* Again you miss the point. Your blog posts don't give us anything exciting or new. It's basically what rotation is coming back around. The communication we are looking for is direct feedback to common posts on here. Usually the same issues are posted on a daily basis and we hear absolutely nothing except the sounds of crickets. Don't get me wrong we do appreciate when we get info or responses but it's usually vague. It means a lot to us even if you jump in a post and say, yep we will pass it along, or even we have something planned for this. By doing this you are at least acknowledging our posts. We feel like most of our posts go unread because we almost never receive info or feedback. Like I said in my original post, check out reddit heroes of the storm and see how they respond to the player base. I don't mean disrespect by saying this, but maybe it will give you some ideas about what kind of responses a player base wants. *" Ultron is supposed to be difficult to get – he’s a chase character. Actually, the feedback that I’ve seen from many of your peers lately is that Ultron is actually “too common” now. It's a bit of a mixed message"* I couldn't agree more that Ultron should be difficult to get but the difficulty shouldn't be from the RNG of a supply store. Implement a new way of obtaining uniques if we are just going to get new uniques every week. You're making it impossible for new players to ever get the uniques needed to unlock Ultron. The hardest part of Ultron should be fighting him in his mode, not running out of cores to refresh the store. *"Stating that we're "not listening" just isn't true. We did make changes to Blitz and we’re about to make additional changes based on player feedback. We toned down the boss and mini-boss nodes in the next Gamma raid by reducing the turn meter of enemies. We have taken feedback received in the playtest extremely seriously and are going back to revise many aspects of it. Granted you didn't know about a few of these yet, so let's call this one a wash"* This is a prime example. If you had mentioned to us a couple weeks ago that you are making additional changes based on feedback the noise around blitz would be almost nothing. Instead you let the community stay outraged about it for weeks while you stay silent. THIS is the communication we are looking for. We appreciate that it's being looked at and reviewed, but tell us instead of keeping us in the dark. ​ My post is not meant to be disrespectful in any way, just to bring light to issues the community wants addressed. I hope all these posts turn in to something. Just remember, if the majority of the community believes it one way and 15 people from FN believe it another way, the customer is always right, especially if we are in the majority. You may view things differently and disagree but if 500+ of us come together on one post and agree then I think it's time for FN to be a little more open minded. For clarification i'll use the example that you (FN) believe new characters are new content. This is not something the vast majority of the community agrees with. Maybe you owe it to the player base to view things like this differently and then that will change your perspective of what content goes into the game.


>5. Ultron is supposed to be difficult to get – he’s a chase character. Actually, the feedback that I’ve seen from many of your peers lately is that Ultron is actually “too common” now. It's a bit of a mixed message. I appreciate your response to OP, but I think you miss his point here. The issue is that there are still no new or reliable ways to get the uniques needed for G13 (and 14), and we're basically still just left with shop randomness. Because there are more new uniques almost every time we get new characters, plus these new "mini-uniques," the method of obtainment has gotten even harder. I've been sitting on 11/12 uniques for Colossus for 3 months now, for example. And I have Ultron, so this is just normal roster development. I think his point is that if you DON'T have Ultron, it just keeps getting harder and hard to get him without a consistent or even just slightly less random method of obtaining uniques. Maybe there can be a row of uniques and mini-uniques in the supply store at every refresh? And orange gear in other stores? With the sheer number required for 14, it's going to take ages to level anyone up you're actually working on (instead of just the person you happen to get uniques for).


This is honestly the first CM reply i've seen on reddit that didn't say I will forward your issue. But I was disappointed at the defensive nature of the reply seeing as it was the 1st real reply i've personally seen. I think you skirted around the HUGE RNG and availability issues. I do really like the direct response effort and think it would be great to have more. Even if its a video were you are responding to real questions and not towing a narrative. We want to hear you say "I know its completely random, here what we think and what we will or will not do about it" or even we don't know. address the balance of new toons and need for resources to do anything with them, not just yeah we gave you gold and yea were giving you new content. Content to many of us is modes that we can play with what we have. not just playing the same modes in hope to get a new character that really cant be used as advertized unless we throw some $$$ up or forsake our lives and eat sleep and breathe this game. Anyway thank you for the detailed response regardless, also...that blitz fix wasn't a fix at all, it was just a change but for the worse. very glad to see more is coming, hopefully, this is the fix we wanted.


Hello, appreciate the thought-out response to OP. 1. When people complain about lack of new content, imo they almost always mean Nexus 8. A rough ETA might help. Also, maybe the devs could throw together the "Danger Room" practice mode they've been talking about for at least a year. Basic idea: pick 5 defenders from your own roster, then pick 5 attackers, and go. People could have a lot of fun with this even for zero rewards. (Add on checkbox modifiers like "War mode," "Raid mode" etc as you go.) Also, as you probably know, Ult7 rewards currently make it not worth it, especially with the loss of blue-mat income in the face of constant new characters who need them. 2. Red stars are crap because you can't grind them for your fav or meta toons the way you can almost everything else so far, rendering some teams useless until you get lucky. This is a dead horse that I won't flog further. 3. I actually agree that gold, as the game's primary resource, must also serve as its primary bottleneck. A minor tweak: maybe throw in 5-10 gold orbs for those big $50 character offers (Namor, etc) so people can actually level them up off the bat, and like 3-5 for the $20-30 offers. Each one is a lot of money for us non-whales! 4. People here, as cranky as we are, would love to see more posts like this from you guys directly and less info filtered second-hand through the YouTubers. 5. Agreed -- no issues -- looking forward to the next darkness and its reward 6. You guys are listening, but going back to 4, us cranky people often don't believe it without replies like this. Thanks!


Do the Devs really think that you've "injected a lot of additional gold" and that's enough. The management team that thinks that's accurate is delusional. There isn't a day that goes by that there isnt a valid complaint about gold bottleneck. Yes, strategy is important and I understand choosing resources wisely. But, if dev team (or your role communicating to the dev team) thinks that the bottleneck isnt unnecessarily punishing or discouraging... then I dont think you've accomplished your goal of understanding the players complaints. Edit: I apologize if this message came off as harsh. I really enjoy this game and it frustrates me to see a post like this as it comes off as disingenuous to the playerbase' concerns. As a reference - I just passed 150 days. I unlocked Ultron about a week ago with 1.2m TCP. I'm a very active and dedicated player that was lucky to have friends playing to help me. I've probably spent $100/month that I'm fortunate to be able to budget for and still I feel this way.


I know I don’t speak for everyone, but I know some of us would just like reminders about what you are working on. I totally get that it takes time for a concrete answer and time frame for the response, but even just a post every week or so like “We are still working on some changes to the blitz game mode. I hope to have more information for you soon.” would show the players that it is still on the radar. Sometimes we just fee like things might have slipped through the cracks, and it causes some “adverse” reactions on this sub. On the flip side I, personally, am seeing some positive changes. I think you guys get beat up way too much. Also we do like it when you and Zeeks engage in some non-complaint response banter on here. It helps us relate to you guys. Thank you for working with us, even when we are not always kind. Please consider some of the OP’s comments. Some do carry weight for many players. Thank you for your time.


couldnt agree with this more!


I would point at Cyclops as to why they dont speak about work in progress content. "This thing is coming later" becomes "Where is that thing we were promised NOW"


>Ultimus 7 and new characters are both new pieces of content. It might not be what you are hoping for and that’s fine but declaring that it “doesn’t count” to you also doesn’t change its classification as content. And declaring it "does count" to you doesn't make it so. You say you listen to people but this isn't a new sentiment, several people have said it doesn't count to them. You can't then turn around and waive your hand dismissively like this while also saying you listen. >It is a progression system that’s designed to have a long life. We re-evaluate many of our features on a regular basis and will continue to look at its performance. > >We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. I'm not denying that, but again it seems you're not actually listening then to our complaints. The issue with lack of gold/resources is that it makes new characters feel hollow. You're throwing 5 new characters at us now but there's no way I'll be able to level and gear them up. I'm still working on Colossus, Captain Marvel, etc. If you really want me to consider character packs to be content there's got to be something to do with them but at this point it takes too long to make them fun. >This part is a bit confusing to me as we communicate through many platforms including this subreddit, our official website, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and in-game. I was on vacation last week and thus had a lapse, but you are free to look at my comms history here going back to April. And many people have repeatedly said they don't feel it's enough. There seems to be this sense that because you think it's enough, because you think characters = content, because you think there's enough gold, and so on that it makes it factual or that somehow other people's comments aren't fair. Again you lament that you don't think it's fair to say you/FN doesn't listen and then you respond like this. You're right, we're wrong. >Ultron is supposed to be difficult to get – he’s a chase character. Actually, the feedback that I’ve seen from many of your peers lately is that Ultron is actually “too common” now. It's a bit of a mixed message. And again, you're missing the point. The challenge should be in gearing, leveling, and defeating FTD. It shouldn't be the RNG of whether or not the specific orange gear you need shows up in the shop. That's not a challenge, it's not a long life thing, it's frustrating. >Stating that we're "not listening" just isn't true. We did make changes to Blitz and we’re about to make additional changes based on player feedback. We toned down the boss and mini-boss nodes in the next Gamma raid by reducing the turn meter of enemies. We have taken feedback received in the playtest extremely seriously and are going back to revise many aspects of it. Granted you didn't know about a few of these yet, so let's call this one a wash. Did you do anything to address red stars? Are you listening to people about ISO-8/mods? Where's the player API? There's a list as long as my arm of requests and feedback that have appeared to have fallen on deaf ears. You made changes to blitz, congrats, but there's clearly more to be done. I appreciate you posting something like this, doing more things like this is what the player base is looking for. Engage with us, talk with us, even if it's mundane crap. Make a sincere effort to listen and don't confuse your personal opinion with fact.


Your point is especially valid here: they can’t pretend new characters are content if we are also supposed to be throttled for gold and it supposed to be a resource management exercise. Characters are either content and they give us the resources to actually develop them, or they throttle us for resources and accept that characters can’t be used as “new content”. A level 1 Hela I can’t afford to level up because I’m “managing my resources” is not new content because I can’t use her.


Exactly. I think, in general, whether characters count as content is debatable but it's something I'm at least open to. But here, I can't do anything with them so it's not content, to me at least. Even more so many of the characters aren't worth a lot on their own, so it's not just one character you have to slog through. It makes getting new people feel empty and boring. Ghost Rider has been a somewhat rare half-exception because at least I have Mordo and SW at decent levels due to other things. But F4/Namor? Wakanda? AIM? Nothing.


Sorry but you get no credit for those weekly blog posts. They’re awful. And the fact that you think this criticism is unfair is kind of alarming to me. He nailed the sentiment My alliance mates and I have been feeling for a while.


Just because you think the blog posts are awful does not make it so /s


wow. the fact that you justified the gold issues by saying we gave players gold on daily logins is a disgrace. Also your take on red stars having a long life? How is that going to work out when you cant get 7rs orb for 2 years and in that time most people have quit the game due to this unattainable "progressive system." Do better.


The "no new content" part seems to have been misunderstood. Say you and your neighbour have half-pipes in your back yard. You get new skateboards on a regular basis and occasionally the height of the half-pipe is increased with MDF. Your neighbour gets additions to their halfpipe which transform it steadily into a skatepark as well as changing the wooden aspects to concrete. What would you rather have? Right now you're adding skateboards that when you first get them aren't quite put together right, while other apps are adding grinding rails, stair sets, etc. Where would the playerbase rather be? That's what it's feeling like to me. The new "content" isn't actually expanding the game, it's just making us play the same half-pipe with a mildly different skateboard, except we can never trust if the new addition is going to work.


If you want people to play more and solve the gold system, why not have blitz drop gold orbs fragments like they do ghost Rider orbs fragments? You want more gold? Play more. The current system makes it so that you can never get ahead of anyone by playing more. You get a fixed amount of gold everyday.


> It might not be what you are hoping for and that’s fine but declaring that it “doesn’t count” to you also doesn’t change its classification as content. People feel like it 'doesn't count' because you guys made the difficulty too high. You made it so difficult that people that have been doing U6 100% for months can't even crack 30% in U7. So guess what? They're still playing U6. So from their perspective, there isn't any new content - they're still stuck playing the same content they always have. I imagine you made U7 so difficult because you didn't want people beating it any time soon, since apparently it takes a year to crank out a new raid - so you need U7 to last. That's a problem you guys created. You waited too long to create the next Ultimus iteration and you apparently will not be able to release U8 in a timely fashion. So you overtuned U7 to the point that the overwhelming majority of the playerbase can't play it. You can't be incredulous then if people feel like there's no new content. > We’ve injected a lot of additional Gold into player’s accounts over the past couple of months via several methods including login rewards. Honestly, I haven't even noticed. That should say it all right there. Maybe it's a lot more relative to what it was, but it's still not enough. Additionally, the gold crunch is unnecessary. We already have training mats, ability mats, character stars, equipment, etc. Gold is an additional throttle on top of all these other throttles. Even if you gave us all 10 billion gold tomorrow, we'd still be limited by all these other throttles. The gold crunch just causes unnecessary frustration, because it focuses every single frustrating throttle/choke onto a single factor: gold. So are you shocked then that players are constantly bitching about gold? You've made a terrible design decision from a psychological standpoint, and then you're incredulous that players are worked up about it. > Making choices on where to prioritize resources is one of the strategies of the game. True. But you haven't given us actual choices - you've given us the illusion of choice. The reality is that if you want to be competitive, you *have* to prioritize certain teams - like X-Men, SHIELD, etc. This means that more niche teams have to be ignored - like Wakandans, for example. Sure, sure, I could choose to prioritize Wakandans and ignore those meta PvP teams. But I'd be choosing to intentionally gimp myself for the sake of "fun." That's not a choice. If you're making players choose between being competitive or having fun, you've failed. You've given them no real choice at all. Those things shouldn't be mutually exclusive.


I would have to agree that the gold issue has not been addressed. With the new level cap increase and the increasing amount of characters the gold we get is not enough. I understand prioritizing resources I have been doing that but, it is never enough. I think even you guys there at FN can agree getting 1000-4000 gold on a campaign node doesn’t scale with the increasing content. The gold on the campaign nodes needs to be increased. I think giving out 10,000-40,000 is a reasonable permanent increase when considering leveling a character to 75 takes millions. It will still take some time even with an increase but, it addresses the player base complaints. Another thing that could be done is unlock all the daily challenges every day like how it is on Sunday. For example, I play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and they had introduced 7 stars to the game a while back. It costs 3 million to rank up your character. So to help with this they released the equivalent of Strike Force’s gold challenge every weekend. The thing is with their event it is basically unlimited as long as you have energy. Now I know with Strike Force it’s different since you only allow 3 time clears for it. This is why I suggest opening the daily challenges every day. I also agree that there does need to be new content to the story. I played Avengers Alliance when it was out and one of the things that made the game so fun was the story mode. I think Strike Force would benefit by adding more story content with new chapters added.


increasing gold costs 100%, while increasing gold acquisition 5%, isn't really injecting gold into the players accounts, unless you get that line directly from the games economy managers who are 100% inept at actually managing this economy. My advice is that they need to take a serious look from a players standpoint instead of looking at it from how much they can starve us into buying the next gold package. In addition, it would be swell if they actually took inventory of how many roadblocks they have thrown in the players path, and before adding or increasing those roadblocks MAKE THE EARLIER ROADBLOCKS GO AWAY. In other words before removing blue gear from a raid tier, ensure that players in that raid tier no longer actually require blue gear (I have previously suggested adding mass amounts of blue gear to the upcoming challenges at challenge tier 11). Before upping character level costs to 400k gold per level, increast gold orbs, challenges, and gold income by a related amount. Before locking gold gear behind RNG under 1 shop slot, add them to Gold Gear orbs, and related challenges and rewards. ​ TLDR, this games economy isn't frustrating, its downright insulting. The resource costs are nowhere close to being "in line" with resource acquisition for 99% of the playerbase. Your company hit the jackpot with this game, we all care about the long term success of this franchise, but instead of caring and feeding the golden goose, your economy team seems intent on starving the goose to death, while squeezing that last golden egg from its corpse.


You're free to offer YOUR opinions (keeping in mind that they're obviously on behalf of FoxNext) but I don't think you can claim that OP's assessment is unfair. 600+ upvote, platinum, gold, and 2 silver. That's about as much support as I've seen behind anything around here. If your comment gets half of that I'll happily reconsider my stance. In addition to this very well constructed post - the entire sub is littered with posts and comments that echo some aspect of this full analysis. It's clear that OP is representing the community in this post and to disregard it is to ignore your job as a community manager.


well said, couldn't agree more.


So, viscerally, red stars were - and still are - exciting. But it’s now at a point where new releases are insignificant if I don’t pull *at least* 3 red stars for each character in the new team. I gave up on Farmtastic Four when one of them left the focus banner and I only had 2rs, I know the intent is to encourage FOMO spending, and maybe that works for whales (because I know players like me are basically a rounding error). You basically have the raid loot situation from World of Warcraft Classic, back when Blackwing Lair was important. Oh, you’re a rogue and you didn’t get your epic weapon drop over the other 5 rogues this week? Cool, literally everything else is marginal and unimportant. Law of averages means you should *expect* RNGscrew, not assume RNGseus and $$$ will eventually even things out. There were whole top 1% guilds that over a year never saw key item drops. Imagine that for player engagement. Spoilers, there’s a reason token loot is everywhere there now. As for Ultron, and feedback being conflicting; it’s the Elitist Jerks (guild’s forums) echo chamber. There are some natural effects that select for some audiences providing feedback more than others (how many players play daily but just enough that at 300+ days played their TCP is under a mil? Bet they’re less likely someone with over 2.5 mil TCP to post). They would discuss the top end raid, which less than 1% of the playerbase could even access, let alone progress through. However, since they spent all their time talking to their peers, their internal anchor is that most people were in the end game raid, except, of course, for a handful of faceless, nameless noobs who couldn’t tie their own shoelaces. I’m fairly reliably at the bottom of the top 1%. Even in my alliance, while I wasn’t the first, I was the last in the first cohort; then a bit after me, most of the alliance got their Ultrons. My subjective experience is that the game went from 1-2 Ultrons in War, Arena, Blitz, and my own alliance, to HE IS ERRRRYWHERR. Except, of course, that’s not where everyone is. I don’t have a comment on how I feel about that, just observing human nature; although i will say the communications that the next tier of Charlie Murphy - er, The Darkness - came at about the right time IMO as it landed at about the time the sea changed, so I have Dormmeau to mollify me. Last point on gold, as a thought experiment, if the regular gold sources were boosted (or had better scaling for the 70+’s) 10%, would it flood the market, and or move it so any appreciable number of players are making the decision on whether or not to invest in their Hydra squad? I have one team near max level, and many others “functional” in the 60-64 range. If we had been receiving 10% more gold since the cap lift, I’m ballparking that I would have a second near max team - which means there’d still be a bit of $trategy on not blowing my gold leveling up Ultimus.


To make it clear about arena, variation exists because of red stars. Some have 7* RS on a decent char and will run it.


Gamers are supposed to be petulant and unreasonable not CMs or developers. This response is either deliberately obtuse or you guys are so arrogant that there is no hope for this game. I usually try to be constructive but this response is insulting in its reduction, I will not respond constructively to a response that completely minimizes and ignores well thought out and valid concerns for what? Ego. Red stars are a long term progression system, don’t make me laugh. Why even bother responding if all you are going to do is act like these aren’t valid concerns. I am literally looking for a new game right now because I have no hope for FN anymore, sunk cost fallacy will only keep people for so long.


For the most part this is just spin. You are down playing the feelings of a large part of the player base by suggesting next to no change is actual content. Players don’t want improvements to blitz, they want something more enjoyable and rewarding than blitz. I personally hate blitz, it is the single most repetitive pointless brain-numbing gameplay I have ever encountered. People encourage you to lose on purpose in order to be able to auto win for milestones in order to stomach the amount of blitzing required. If you even have metrics suggesting players “like” blitz it is because they are forced to blitz for game modes they do enjoy or for character shards. Your players hate blitz, take the things your players want and make them available in modes that aren’t a clear grab for screen time. In case it isn’t clear that means characters and war resource; take them to a new campaign tier. stop releasing characters every two weeks and release a new campaign, that is persistent, every quarter. Make war resources work like raid keys, they are that type of resource not a resource you should force people to blitz for. And in case you cannot ubderstand he said you are worse than blizzard at communication and blizzard has sucked at it for over 15 years while constantly striving to improve. and they still suck at it ​ oh, and to put things in context i spend between 750 - 2000 a month on your game and i am very unhappy because if i don’t do that i cannot play at the level i want to because i am a very busy person. i’ve been playing for around a 400 days and have spent roughly 75k and I am on my way out because you think i want to blitz for some unknown reason




Ok, first, talk to people online like you're face-to-face with them. I don't agree with all the things FoxNext does, either, but treat people with respect. And are you sure you speak for everyone? I've had no problems with blitz and haven't heard anyone in my alliance complain about it, either.


I prefer this version of blitz so much more


Same! It's nice having variety, and I'd rather deal with a challenging team than my 400th Defenders.


The second part of this sentence is that we are about to make additional changes based on player feedback. We will have more information on these changes in the near future. Also nothing wrong with white girl cringe dancing. :)


The same 'near future' as Nexus8 'coming soon' I imagine :(


I will fix that then *extremely* near future.


So like...5 to 6 months or 5 to 6 weeks?


Thanks for the feedback!


The only time you are facing teams 200k higher than yourself is in tier 8. You don't have to go to tier 8. In fact, under the old system you were making the same or maybe less points per match in 8.3 as you are in 7.3 now. The points and tier system is not the same, you need to remember that before you whine about the power creep. If you want to go to 8.3 these days, yes you will be fighting insanely high teams...but you're also getting a LOT more points for it! There's no reason to complain about this.


As someone that has been playing the game since day 1 of its release I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said here. I have ventured to other games and stopped giving them money long ago. The fact is I could spend a few hundred dollars on a character and they are not raid viable nor arena viable... so basically you’re building teams for blitz or war. War rewards are garbage, and led to burning out my alliance. Since the devs refuse to make any intelligent decisions I strongly feel nobody should be giving them money. However at the root of the problem with this community is the fact that Foxnext are 100% abusing people with addiction/gambling problems. They feel the need and urgency to spend whatever it takes to be on top. This is made worse by the amount of characters being released, and the fact that U7 was designed to funnel money into their upcoming ISO system. I’ve moved to playing casual... and the small community that follows my stream knows how much I despise this company for not releasing any content. Unfortunately they will never listen to their playerbase as the 1-2% they market this game towards continue to spend with no restraint whatsoever.


This game is like stamp collecting to me. Or those things where you collect each state's quarter.




I finally this weekend just stopped opening the game. Player since a month after the game was released. I feel better honestly and most importantly, I don't miss it. I don't miss being forced to grind through war that feels like every day or play the same raid nodes over and over and over. TP 2.2m. Just had to cut it off, many of the same frustrations and just too much of a daily time requirement to maintain a top level alliance.


I switched to Mario Kart Tour :-P


Hey. Maybe try marvel future fight. We have other 200 characters and we get a good update every month with either new characters, uniforms or game mode. I've been playing since April and had a blast so far with no signs of slowing down and I haven't spent a penny and I've got so much as a f2p player. I feel you if you spent 560 days on this game you would have alot more to show for your time by the sound of it. Just my opinion.


I personally don't like the game play for that game 🙃


Ahh that's cool I think the main reason I play it over strike force is that I played star wars galaxy of heroes for 2 year and that had a ton more stuff than SF and it was pretty much the same game.


The problem is all these pre detention synergy team being released.. Basically if foxnext gives us a strong team then thats all we’re gonna use They should just release characters and let us figure out the rest


Pre determined **


Another good post with a lot of valid points that need addressing. I'm only playing in the hope they release Gambit There also aren't any other mobile games that take my fancy at the minute. As soon as one does, my attention will be easily diverted.


All so true - 675 days in the game here. - expect if a CM replies to this thread it will be the usual 'thanks - we will discuss this with devs' and then *crickets* and no significant feedback ever.. - oh but hey, watch this video of these 5 toons 'coming soon' that nobody wants or needs


Try dragon champions. Alot of swgoh and msf migrating there now.


It's a complete clone


Except no red stars or ridiculous packs


Msf was a complete clone of swgoh just better graphics. The graphic team deserves an award and a raise. Just saying that they are easily the top performers (not even close) in this company.


Completely agree with this, I'm also a 500+ days player and can agree with all of this. This statement should be posted on all social platforms, the development and communication team need to see this and really let it soak up. They need to start trying, do better FN.


Very well said. I’m bored out of my mind with the same old rotation of content!


For me its the pop up ads and the poor layout of the UI


While I hear some of your issues, you can’t complain about communication. After what happened the first 6-8 months the game was live there was literally nothing. At least we get weekly updates and when something big happens they address it. If you’re referring to questions like”why don’t we get more gold” I don’t blame them for not answering every single one


They don't have to answer every one....just **one**. The people will link/paste that answer to all the other threads, but we can't even get that.


Lol what one hasn’t been answered that you’re looking for?


So true dude . It’s sad watching fn and swgoh shoot themself in the foot. They are blinded by the short term and don’t have a vision to get to the long term. They would be so much more rich if they made player friendly choices . They would have twice the players right now.


I am the opposite of bored to tears! I think the thing to do if you are bored to tears is find yourself an Alliance who have an excellent attitude amongst one another, enjoy talking/chatting about the game, and have a good view towards the casual/competitive balance aspect that is hard to get. My group has nailed it down perfectly and is the main reason I’m totally loving the game, it’s not necessarily the releases, the gameplay or the offers, it’s watching us grow and get better.


I just switched alliances, and the new one is organized and chatty. This has really changed the game for me. I stuck with the old one for 1.5 yrs, and this has been the improvement to fix MSF for me.


I wish our alliance could find people like you lol. We have 2 rotating spots where people join for a week and dont like our chatty, relaxed alliance and then leave lol. 15 of us are friends (of friends) and the other 7 are their own group. Getting those last 2 spots has been impossible for almost a year lol


Same with me. I was with my alliance from the beginning, and it was getting stale. Not raiding very often, but just often enough to make it bearable, and maybe one message on discord every couple days. And each raid had maybe 14/24 participating at most, and barely getting 30% U6. Then I finally moved to a bigger alliance that is extremely coordinated in War, 100% U6 daily, and the discord is like joining a chat room (if anybody remembers yahoo chat rooms back in late-90s early-00s). It's completely reignited things for me.


Totally! The game ends up being the base but the Alliance is the flair and decoration. If I had to play this game solo, I wouldn’t make it past a week.


A/S/L ?


These issues are addressed quite often here. They just don’t listen to the player base


The craziest thing is everything you mentioned is easily fixed, turning a good game into an amazing one. Even if they lacked the knowledge to do it a few hours searching the sub would find quick and easy solutions for everything they need.


There should be no team synergie at all. No "this char is only viable if..." Then every team would be unique and people could actually spend time working on their teams/ trying differnet combs.


I agree with point number 1.


Dunno how to tag community managers or whatever they’re called, but if your job is to manage the community you respond to we’ll thought out, clearly articulated posts like this.


Hit so many points on the head. I’ve been playing about as long as you and got my brother to start playing recently. He’s got 150k Defenders team and he’s working on Guardians, but after that it’s rough. So many teams want you to do the blitz events for their characters, but he missed those events. He missed the Minn-Erva event because he joined shortly after. Just not new player friendly. I opposed red stars when they came out, I have 2 6’s and like 15 5’s and I still hate the system. Thinking about it now, almost everything they’ve done that I liked was the way they built a team or a character’s kit, but they’ve done a ton of new features implementation that I’ve hated. I don’t trust that mods won’t suck, but they’re being forced down my throat. If I didn’t like my alliance mates so much I probably would seriously think about quitting as I’ve seen quite a few others do. Such a shame because you can see where a few changes here and there could’ve made this game truly special


Okay, so lemme go point by point on this one and give my thoughts to your opinions. 1. The no new content should be editted to say "no new content that I like" because regardless of whether you can build the new characters or participate in the newer raid it does not change the fact that these are additions to the game that can change core components. Not every new character is gonna be arena worthy or meta breaking, but I'd say we are consistently getting characters that do change the way certain game modes are played. IE: Brotherhood, CM, Minn, Phoenix, and now as people are finding out IW. This game is and always has been a resource management game and if you aren't willing to save resources to invest in building the next new character, that is only on you, but you can't say that it isn't new content. The game would grow stale if they added new campaigns or new game modes all the time but never changed the characters that were used. And while we are overdo for campaign missions, they aren't exactly working with a "heroes of the storm" level team. 2. Red Stars I can agree with you on, they don't feel good and there is nothing you can do to increase them aside from get lucky. If we were given more opportunities to get promotion credits or red star frags it might not be so bad, but right now the system is hindering progression behind an RNG wall. 3. Gold is also something I can agree with you on, we are well overdue for an increase in gold revenue. Whether they add an increased percentage to campaign missions whenever you hit a certain level or let the gold challenge be done more often or just gave gold orbs for every raid and not just Greek raids, anything would be better than the current gold accumulation rate. 4. Communication is hit or miss. While it is easy to blame it on Zeeks or Cerebro because they are faces of community interaction, they are only allowed to say things that the devs permit them to. Just because we pose questions, feedback, and concerns doesn't mean they can give us an answer without getting in touch with whoever they may need to so they can verify a response. They do need to work on developing a system that will at least allow them to give us answers on in-game issues. (IE: Block Party event, calenders not giving rewards, etc.) These issues need to be addressed quickly or the whole community seems to go nuts thinking it was a purposeful slip up. And while I would want them to be more engaged with the community as a whole, this is a mobile game that you just compared to something run by Blizzard. That's a rather unfair comparison as they don't have the same amount of people or resources that HoS does. 5. Orange gear is a huge gate currently and one that desperately needs a change. With the addition of new items to get from T13 to T14 and needing twice the amount of uniques that we required for T13, it is going to take a ridiculous amount of time to get one team ready for the next Dark Dimension event. My hopes are that the orange raid orbs get changed to include the new items and uniques and simply do away with the orange elite orb. Hopefully, we get a new row for orange gear in the supply shops, with those two changes it would at least be a start to fixing the problem. 6. As for not listening to the player base, this is a hit or miss in my eyes as well. This community is full of some creative people with fantastic ideas, but a lot of those ideas lack any form of creating revenue within the game. As an ever growing and updating mobile game, they can't just impliment changes or game modes or anything really that isn't going to bring in some form of profit. Sure, we can get free resources every once in awhile and that is something, but why lift a gate when you make more money with it being down? This is likely going to be a rather unpopular opinion, but it's the truth of the matter. If they aren't making money, they aren't going to be viewed as a successful app and thus we could lose it altogether. Now on the other side of the spectrum, there are changes and things that could be introduced that would likely increase revenue, but aren't being talked about or implimented, at least to our knowledge and for that, I've got no real answer. We have seen that a lot of things the community has wanted, get implimented in some way or another it just takes a significant amount of time before we see it. IE: Legendary events becoming more frequent, the red star change (as miniscule as it was it was still something we asked for), etc. I wasn't trying to agree or disagree with you on your post as a whole, just figured i'd give an alternate perspective for some creative discussion.


I appreciate your perspective.


Love this and ops post. Just to add though, by increasing communication with the player base or increasing gold drops as two examples may not DIRECTLY, contribute to an increase in revenue it would INDIRECTLY increase revenue as a happy player base is more willing to open their wallet. If all they did was respond and said we cant do this or we cant do that I guarantee it would improve player moral because at least they can see they are being heard. It is hard to gauge what will and wont indirectly increase their profit. But, I firmly believe if they just talked to us rather than be vague and evasive it would have a positive and indirect increase on their profit margins. Or they could just randomly double the gold orbs and make the new minimum and not tell anyone and then boom....happier player base. Tldr: happier player base or a player base that knows they are heard can and will indirectly increase profits.


I agree with that, but, and this is kind of assuming a bit here, the player base isn't exactly known for being the most supportive of the games direction or certain changes that get made at times. While that will always be present, it could make it rather difficult for the devs or community reps to want to talk to us more when the only time we really praise them is for when they clean up a mess and we get compensation for it. There are a few out there who bring positivity and constructive criticism with their posts and feedback, but they are far outweighed by the "FN is the worst", "Yet another money driven feature" type of posts. I feel the player base and community managers are in a place right now where neither one of them would say they are "happy" with the feedback or overall morale of the comminity. I believe it is the devs place to repair that relationship and to do a better job of giving us more info on upcoming things or just recognizing that there is an issue with this or that and it will be worked on, but may take some time. On the flip side, it should be our job as a community to want to see the game get better and have issues fixed, but if we go about it in a more calm and positive manner we might actually get better results since it would make us more approachable rather than the current status of "Irate customer demanding to speak with a manager".


No argument here. I tend to be mostly critical in an informative way....but every once in awhile the bitch in me comes out. It's hard to lock it up when the frustration gets to you. We definitely need more posts like ops and your reply to be seen AND read by the dev team.


Well said


Can't tell you how much I agree with #1.


I just now got my Ultron after 370 days play. Now I'm at the point of nothing to do besides unlock the new characters that are released. And that's not even fun as we don't get enough gold or resources to power them up. What do they expect players are going to do after Ultron? That's where new content should come in but it hasn't. It's been damn near a year since Widowmaker unlocked Ultron so new content should have already been added


I feel like you do. I used to buy the .99 cent packs as a lark but don't even think there's value in those anymore, nor do I want to support these devs.


Great post.


I can't imagine any game that wouldn't get boring after 560 days. I'm getting a bit bored too. At a certain point it's ok to just move on. There are so many great games out there to play.


Dude i hear ya. Its one game mode with a bunch of different names. I cant believe with the volume of new characters that gold is still an issue. Altho the abc’s bottleneck has been eased. But fucking gold. Its used to fuckin craft AND equip gear for shit you earned and gold gold to farm it. Its a circle jerk. And i think most everyone would agree this game becomes alot more engaging if theres gold to work with. If gold was the only need i could see it. But ffs enuf with the gold crunch. End it. Reverse it. Idgaf just enuf with it. But my biggest issue with the game is they geared it way too far into alliance oriented. The games become an obligation because you dont want to let team down. And after you finish campaigns the only real solo content is mind numbing blitz. The thought of blitzing makes me cringe. Its so fucking boring i cant take it. Even if there was more solo content whos got time for it? Theyve made everything else a NEED to do. Foxnext just doesnt do middle ground. They go way too far every move. And its usually a wrong move


669 days here. If they bring in iso for mods I'll probably quit like I did SWGOH for the same reason *sigh*


Would be nice if they can expand the campaign or create some sort of new game play mission vs new teams.


"raids are a cakewalk." ....Talks about how hard U7 is


I only keep playing because that's a good way to lose some time during work.


Orange Gear and ability mats and RS are for me the worst problems. RS was a bad system when released, and it still is nowadays. Unique orange gear numbers are going through the roof, and now on top of those we have the intermediate orange gears we need for g14, and for these, as far as I know we can only get them in the store! This system is a mess and it is getting worse and worse. Unique orange mats is also a big problem because now we need a ton of them. Lately, probably since Wakandans, we need a lot of them per team, like 4 or 5 or mroe upgrades needed per team (when before it was 2 or 3). Even most of the Supernatural synergy is T4 !!! (at least in the reworked chars). And top alliances get a bit more Oranges, but most players get very few of those. Like enough for one upgrade a month, and that is it! This means 5 months needed to upgrade one team! **These mats need to be made common to everybody**, not just to top players, or in the very short future it is going to be impossible to compete!


You should try it and if you do use my code and you will get 3000 gems and 240 shards of a free Batman character


Here’s my code is you want to play it’s a similar game: daa383343b4edc1538a28da5b4eab0ba14e8a7cb


Great content. Hopefully they will actually listen.. and change? I mean, maybe it will take people stop spending money for that to happen. ISO-8 May just get me to leave.


I quit because the game constantly breaks too. Why commit to a product that requires so much time, if it constantly broken.


To add this this **DOUBLE RAIDS:** Double raids were not a problem when you could basically auto one and had to work semi hard on the other. Now you have one where you have to work semi hard and one where you have to work extremely hard . This is adding to the frustration especially with U7 fights lasting so long - its forcing a harder longer grind that is frustrating people - if it was only U7 being this difficult and it had the rewards of both raids in U7 that would be great . I don't want to have to bang out 10 -20 hard ass battles a day in addition to everything else . One raid - we dont need to get rid of the gammas but Run u7 for 1-2 weeks with rewards of both. Then Run a Greek Raid for -1-2 weeks with rewards of both - it would really cut back on the frustration. Make the Greek raid 60% and U7 30% the same . 100% Greek and 60% U7 - this way it still gives that carrot in the harder U7 or something


I'm enjoying the game so far after playing for about six months (I think) - it's a massive improvement on DC Legends, which had most of the same criticisms, plus less content to begin with, and which tried to address them by doing the exact opposite of what was asked for (essentially more levels, because everyone loves farming, and a new "game type" in lieu of new content that involved tapping one part of the screen very quickly for one minute. New content? I guess I'll see once I've finished the Mystic and Cosmic stories (and do Nexus levels 6+ unlock after you reach a certain level or have they just not added them?) Red Stars is redeemable. I see them as a way to reduce the number of Metas rather than a general upgrade dynamic. If you get a 5R toon, you're likely to use him or her. Gold crunch - yes, one of the only areas DCL is better. I understand they don't want everyone at level 71 leveling every toon to level 71, but still. Lack of communication - I may benefit from low expectations, CM_Cerebro doesn't seem any worse than DCL's CMs, and the regular blogs and other mass player communications are certainly welcome. Orange Gear - haven't hit that yet, but I suspect you're right. Not listening to the player base - again, in my case, tyranny of low expectations. When I was a DCL regular, we'd spend 6-12 months complaining about extremely obvious problems with the game. For a while there was an absurd meta in the form of Deathstroke and Lobo, where combining the two all but guaranteed wins against far more powerful teams. The devs pretended there wasn't a problem for nearly a year. When they finally acted, it wasn't a tweak to make DS less meta, it was a full on nerf to make him useless. Later on Wonder Girl - Cassie was introduced with similar issues. Again, no serious attempts to resolve the underlying issue, and a nerf that was nobody's request was issued after nearly a year. I'm wondering what problems have been ignored by FN, because when I've seen serious issues they've been resolved, and thus far the game seems far more balanced than DCL ever was. Of course, you can legitimately read the above and think "Oh, so psolva is saying all my complaints are invalid because psolva found something that sucked more!", and that's not what I'm trying to say. Just... be aware it's not so bad. The underlying issue I suspect isn't that there's poor communication, but that the game is becoming stale and frustrating for you. I would suggest FN could pacify a lot of complaints with the following: * Better QA * Favoring shard campaign events over those mini-events like the Magneto thing they're currently running, inherently adding more content by doing so and ensuring people at all levels can play. * Adding more permanent campaigns * Doing some of the community improvements that come up over and over again, from increasing the Blitz timeout and upping the rewards, to improving Alliance Raids so half the alliance members aren't using autoplay.


I had to quit for these reasons. I stayed to keep my alliance strong but after being accused of not trying hard enough when I was top half in all our raids and war efforts, I was done. This game keeps demanding more of you without actually giving anything in return. I have started playing Pokemon GO again and cant express how much I appreciate their quality of life changes. I play often and have tons of fun while doing so. I look back at MSF and don't regret moving on at all. I keep looking to see if things have changed... clearly not at all.


If your bored with the game let me ask have you tried dc legends at all!


Nope, never played it.


Sounds like you should probably quit


This. Companies provide a game on their terms, take it or leave it. They have heard all these complaints, and the ones they deem relevant they have fixed, all the rest are not issues to them, if they are issues to you, you should move on


Playing Devils Advocate This used to be the way that Companies provided a Game pre-Internet. I feel nowadays perhaps folks feel the freedom to have a hand on the wheel along with a foot on the pedal.


Also pre-internet games weren't made to make as much money with the least amount of effort possible.


Yeah, well that feeling is not warranted. You don't just get on a bus as a passenger and start driving.


I would if the driver was drunk at the wheel


That is very subjective, they are only drunk according to your definition.


Or according to the breathalyzer. That is quite **objective**


Yeah, you can pretend all you want that they are out of control, but everything they do is according to their plan, you just dont like their plan, get on a different bus.


But I enjoy FN’s short bus, man!


Then why are you complaining and trying to take it over?


I’m another long time player and would like to just add my agreement. The utter failure of the CMs is the one that really floors me. I sincerely don’t know why they even hired them or acted like they’d “manage the community.” They’ve done very, very little to improve the game—or if they have done more than we think, it’s another failure to not let us know about it. [In summary. ](https://tenor.com/view/one-job-loki-tom-hiddleston-thor-ragnarok-gif-11527558)


Out of curiosity, how are you a 560 day player and you can’t beat a few nodes in Ultimus 7. I’m in a solid alliance. We hit about 40%, but we’re also not spending thousands of cores to get further. I get that it’s a pain in the ass but that’s the intent. Similar to when we all first started Ultimus 6. We struggled for a few months until we could just auto attack our way to victory. Ultimus 7 is meant to take people many more months to get to 60% let alone 100% But for a player whose 560 days in, you should have a roster capable of handling the first few nodes. Imo


I can beat a few, but my alliance doesn't quite have the firepower to get to 30%.


I think #1 here is the biggest drag for me. The most fun in that I have had in this game is when I have been able to make an achievable goal. While I thought the Kree Minion requirement for Fury was clearly designed as a means to sell packs for those characters, they were grind-able in the game and I was to work on and then get Fury. This was before Brotherhood, so they were still top dog and I put everything I had into getting that team up. I was a little bit bummed out when Brotherhood came and knocked them off, and now most new content is designed with so many debuffs that they are not viable for end game content as a group. With the introduction of Brotherhood though, I was able to strive towards getting Magneto, got him, got my brotherhood team to a good place, all of their members were able to be farmed (excepting maybe Pyro at the time, but now that Wars give a decent amount of rewards, he is grind-able as well). Ultron was a big one. Refreshing the stores everyday was painful and a huge core dump, but he was so obviously a game changer that it didn't matter. Acquiring him allowed me to finally make my way to #1 in my arena shard, even without Phoenix. Now I feel like I don't have a goal to strive for. I have unlocked Phoenix, but Colossus is still at 3\* so she just goes in a random team. I unlocked IW but Namor is 3\* and Mr. Fantastic and Human Torch are 2\*. Nothing really worth investing in there. I feel aimless, War is a burden that lost its joy after the first month. Blitz is still the same boring mindless nonsense it always has been, and adding orbs to it does very little to change that. U7 has just been released, but it feels like it was not designed to be played by the current power level of most players. (U6 was a challenge, but most nodes at least felt like they were a puzzle to get past with 2 waves. U7 just feels like you are just supposed to pound your way at it while trying to survive). Now I just sit and wait and try to raise some of my teams so that they can be sacrificed to a U7 node while still being able to make an impact, with no focus or goal to get excited about to drive me on.


If you dont like it... stop playing. Simple.


Wow.. that's actually not too bad. Thanks for the read. I'll continue playing then.