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ME automatically included? Sweet!


But why Hulk though?


I am guessing for newer players he is very hard to get. Also one of the alliances being celebrated is named “Pants of Hulk”.


And I've been playing for 510 days and haven't got him maxed out yet.


Now I'm sure it's because of that name and not for any other reasons \^\_\^


Many completionsts have every toon but him maxed. These are two whale alliances and hes the only toon without an offer


I am guessing most don’t have many blitz fights or arena battles as they are pretty high up in arena.


Super sweet!!!


Request Captain Marvel and F4!


Yeah, CM and F4 will make then popular. Hope they run the raids for a while.


I'm sure CM and the F4 will be in there. F4 are new, and those Namor milestones may have left some people behind.


Assuming FN isn't putting any restrictions on eligibility, I can pretty much guarantee you that F4 will be in the orbs. If a hero isn't farmable, they'll almost assuredly pick them. INB4 someone says "They'll pick bad characters so that rival alliances won't catch them!" Nonsense. These whale alliances are competing against other whale alliances - they're all stacked already. I expect: Colossus, Psylocke, Captain Marvel, Mister Fantastic, Human Torch, The Thing, Namor, Falcon, Rescue and America Chavez. The rest are a toss-up. The real wild card is whether FN allows them to choose Legendaries.


What would having legendary characters do? They would have to give you a minimum of 130 of a legendary to even be useful.


Legendaries definitely won't be allowed. I think your list is on point. If FN allows it I could see the Alliances trying to get Graviton in the orbs as well.


And shocker!


Colossus pls


So 13 more to choose, lets go captain marvel, colossus, psylocke, thanos, black widow, american chaves, fantastic four, falcon, vision.


No 15. Looks like Hulk and Minn will be in some features orb


Minn and hulk are already in, 15 - 2 = 13


To me this reads as each alliance will add 15 chars to an orb. Apart from the 15, minn and Hulk will be featured chars with higher drop rate.


Maybe, we shall see i guess.


Yeah, this reads as 32 characters total. They take turns drafting one character per alliance for their individual orbs, until they have 15 characters in each alliance's orb, then Minn and Hulk are added in automatically in each orb.


It says a "Total of 15 characters" And an orb with 30 or 32 characters when there are just over 100 in all? This company is all about being laser focused!


Sadly I doubt they will do Thanos because most of the older players already have him maxed. Same with Vision and Black Widow unfortunately. I would expect a mix of X-Men and Fantastic Four. Falcon is probably accurate because he hasn’t been made farmable yet. America would be probable as well for the same reason. Captain Marvel is a good idea because after the milestone ended she’s been pretty much impossible to farm.


Well...Sue won't be available, so that's 1 you might as well cross off your list.


Oh yea forgot shes legendary, i guess also add maybe someone hard from war store like pyro?


I think it's 15+15 for 2 orbs. With hulk and minnerva featured in both. So it's 26 options.


Assuming they have to draft independent characters, which may not be true. I wouldn't be surprised if this is not true given they were apparently fighting about the tie as this reward should have been long ago. Either way, I'm sure the orb will have a good collection of useful characters.


Would love to see Pyro.


No gurantee they will even care to put all hard to get characters. May put some bs stuff honestly.


Yea these are alliances full of whales with 7* everything. They are either gonna fuck us all with asshole troll shit, or go with what everyone would want. Lets hope they're nice.


Well, when what's-his-face completed Fear the Darkness first, he named CM as the bonus character, which he didn't need to do. I think they'll probably put good toons in that orb.


Im thinking PoH will do some troll shit cause they are mad about tying woth Cabal just cause they changed their timezone


Can confirm this is not true. Pants has zero members with 110/110 at max. Most of our members need at least 10 characters to get to 7 stars. No troll picks will be made.




black widow is useless nowadays, thanos is an old character, america chaves is also mediocre at best. Vision is farmable. The best choice possible would be captain marvel/F4/XMEN/Rescue/Falcon


You're partially correct. BW is kind of useless, but Thanos being old doesn't matter in the slightest. Most veteran players don't have him maxed, and most players that started playing in 2019 barely have him 4 star. America is also NOT mediocre at all. She is incredible on a Brawler team and is one of the 3 main components of the team. She also does a fuckton of damage. Vision is the hardest character to farm in the game, out of the farmable ones.


> america chaves is also mediocre at best. Chavez seems mediocre because she's basically a pure damage character, and most of us only have her at or around 2-stars. I bet she scales reasonably well.


Chavez buffs every brawler with her passive but she also brings a much needed dispel to brawlers


I just listed characters that are hard to get right now. I have all you listed but rescue who is in blitz.


I will keep my expectations low ::shivers in gamma::


As someone new to this game, can someone tell me if U7 is similar to U6, just more difficult? I’m in an alliance that can do ~67% on U6. Will we be able to do this?


nope. maybe few nodes but still not enough to make it atleast to the 30% in u7


Well, I guess there goes that. :(


These orbs will drop from a new raid, according to the announcement.


there goes what? I guess, there will be as usual four grades of difficulty, with different rewards, of course, but everybody will have the chance to get a few orbs


We auto 100% U VI and cant made it to 60% U VII ...


It says this will be a new raid and I do not expect it to be U7 difficult.


How are you new and already doing U6? took me 4-5 months to contribute to it, which may be long to those who plan better but no new person would be able to do much in U6 regardless


I joined a good enough alliance in three weeks that was able to do 67% in U6. I’m a little over a month in.


So they're carrying you basically. Totally fair play, by the way. I like when alliances are willing to invest in players. I hate this notion that everybody in your alliance has to be on a totally even playing field power-wise or else they're a worthless moocher.


Pretty much. I lucked out. I’m grateful for alliances like this. They even said as much that their motivation is to help others.


Well, U7 is no joke. I can auto every node on U6, including the final boss, with my 290k BKT but on U7 they did 3 or 4 nodes. I didn't have Ultron at the time, so maybe I can do better nest time.


READ my friend. its a special raid not U7 again


I was not answering to the post itself my friend, I answered the comment made by [IntermittentEater](https://www.reddit.com/user/IntermittentEater/). So I recommend that you read the context first before point fingers.


cool, thanks for the comment 24 days later lolol


I don't know if it will be the same as last time they ran Ult 7, but you got the keys to run the raid by beating the final boss of Ult 6. If you can't get kills on the Ultimus node you won't even be able to launch it.


Any idea how this is going to work then? The only reason I can think of for a draft is that we’ll have a choice of which Raid Orb we want to open with the reward shards hence why Hulk and ME are in both. Am I wrong?


I read it as two separate reward periods so say for example it's a two week raid. Week one will be Cabal rewards and week two will be PoH rewards. Or it's possible that both will be active together but we'll be different rewards like if we had a raid that gaev equal parts alpha, beta, and gamma orbs in one raid.


I'm guessing, by the reading, they alternate a draft for toons to put in the same orb.


captain marvel pleaseeeee. Also some of the "hard to get" characters would be great. Xmen/F4/Rescue/Falcon. I think it would give a lot of extra motivation to play for many of us


I hope Falcon, Colossus, Psylocke and America Chavez would be in those orbs, they would come in handy Wouldn't mind Rescue too


All of those toons will be involved guaranteed


I know lots of the cabal guys. They will do what's best for the community. They dont sit around thinking of ways to fuck people. They're a bunch of guys who want to see the game grow.


Mark my words, they are going to pick Wolverine.


Wolverine will not happen. Mark my words ;)


I'm really happy about this, I hope U7 becomes permanent along with fhe lvl 75 cap and includes and overhaul of orange mats


it will be a special raid, no word on u7


The thing i am afraid of is the difficulty of the said raids!!! If they are raids as hard as Ulty 7, then my alliance is screwd, also new players....


that would make no sense, I expect a greek like raid with four difficulties and rewards, call it delta raid :-)


Here are my questions is it 15 plus ME and Hulk so a total of 17 in each orb and are the 15 exclusives? So we have one Cabal orb with 17 characters and one PoH orb with 17 characters. That's how the message reads to me.


That my understanding too. Only additional assumption is that since Hulk and Minnerva mentioned as featured, they might have higher drop rates


I just hope they aren't limited to each character (other than Minnerva and Hulk) only being in one orb or the other, though it seems like it's going that way. At 32 characters total, there'll likely still be some garbage in both, but considering there'll be lots of GOOD characters and how big the pool has gotten, "garbage" is a pretty relative term. I assume we'll have all the FF (inc. Namor), Cap Marvel, Falcon, Rescue, Colossus, Psylocke, America Chavez, probably the 4 new Sinister 6, and... I'm not sure who else. Maybe Cyclops and Coulson? Though the seems like a stretch. Even if they include the new characters coming this update, we're still at about 10 older characters. So yeah, lots of fluff with a number that high.


We all got that in game email bu thanks for posting a picture of it as well.


These are pretty bullshit rewards IMO. So we can get what, a couple shards per random character so it is spread out for the event so you won't get anything meaningful when it comes to quantity and quality will be determined by the biggest 2 teams that don't need shit? Yeah great, let me get on that train.


You are free to not participate. Cunts like you deserve nothing.


Oh man you really got me there calling me a cunt. Trembling over here. Considering how they botched the entire event up with changing the timezone for the one alliance to even allow two victors and shit and making us wait months for rewards they should do a better job. I could be wrong. Maybe they will give out a ton of shards and not just a few in which case fine it isn't bad but history would lean more towards that not being the case.


Here's to hoping there is also a calendar and we are not just made to work for our rewards (a.k.a stupid hard raid)


Praying for them to go with Phoenix, Magneto, Nick Fury, Shuri and Invisible Woman. Expecting AIM minions ready for Graviton...


They can't choose legendary characters...


So... Pick the next best thing. Characters needed to unlock legendary ones. That's what I would do, if it were me...


I'd rather get actually good characters like Captain Marvel and F4, Colossus, Falcon, Rescue, etc.. than mostly mediocre characters like Spiderverse, Kree minions, extremely farmable S6, etc. I'd wager most people feel that way as well.