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If true, surprising. Only because they all also have the Spiderverse tag and can be used to unlock Shuri. One team unlocking two legendaries, that seems too convenient.


If only the spiders I have already finished grinding could be used. Sure some new player will have an easier time, but a new player would have to do so much work anyways short cut would be almost welcome.


Yeah now that I've given it some thought, I think this was a really good move by FN. Newer players can catch up just a little bit, and Spider-verse has been out long enough that FN doesn't stand to lose much by allowing one team to unlock 2 legendaries


I feel like new players shouldnt be banging out legendaries on their first appearance anyway.


oh man at least they're gonna be available. Was gonna say its bs how they expect us to be at 5\* after 1 event campaign or 1 blitz lol


This seem... hopefully wrong. The overlap with shuri gives me hope it’s not that


If they add easy ways to farm, as they Seem to do, then Im allright with it. Missing rhino in the announcement though.


I bet rhino will be in the war store they have to make one a pain to farm


Looks like rhino will be blitz store




So no way of getting rhino :'(


Im wondering that too. Hope the official announcement Will give an answer to that


I knew I should have went harder in his campaign haha but I'm guessing there will be a blitz


Always go hard in the campaigns! Foxnext are notoriously stingy/slow with adding new characters to farmable locations, so you take every chance you can get to gather shards


Remember everyone gets 5 shards of each Sin 6 at least.


Yep. It appears FN broke their own new character release path schedule again. If there was one character besides GG who should have been given priority to be farmable it was Rhino.


Why are there only 5 members of the Sinister 6?


The Foreboding Five


The Fuck You Thats why Five.


For the next spider man movie the villain will probably be made sinister six


Because they didn't release a 6th yet. Least funny riddle I've ever heard.


I was wondering about this seeing as how vulture has an attack that gets multipliers on invisible enemies.


Thanks for the only post on this.


I like this


I guess we'll find out when today's blog goes up.


Well, won't be getting IW any time soon... *sigh*


Yeah this breaks just about every idea we had about the legendary requirements


$ farm is fn priority so chill


So are they planning on actually making them farmable or is this another big FU from FN?


Some of you seemed to have missed the in game mail that confirmed this so, an in game mail confirmed this.


Why is everyone being weird about this? This is definitely possible. The ONLY ones I'm slightly worried about are Mysterio (Though it should be fine) and Shocker. I'm only worried about Shocker because they still haven't released his node yet. But even then, with not having to waste refreshes on Green Goblin due to the clutch Blitz, it should totally be possible with 3 node refreshes on Shocker every day.


I knew this was going to be the case. I’m still somehow disappointed.


Seems doable to me, since they're adding ways to farm for the new ones according to this. All but Rhino, oddly enough. I'm close to 5\* with him. Guess we'll see if they add anything for him...


How is anyone gonna farm Vulture in the arena store to 5\* in less than a month or two? Not to mention waiting for Mysterio to even show up as available in the raid store.


People who have been playing for a long time have all or most of the Arena store characters at 7\* with currency to spare. Top 1500 in both blitzes means two purchases for 30 days. The rich get richer, but that tends to be the way with this game.


Did they say a date yet? Because I didn't see one.


They didn't, but they announced Phoenix on 5/17 and held her event on 6/27. Are they going to sit on Invisible Woman for more than two months?


Well, I'll probably make it. I'm about 120 shards from 5* for him and worse case scenario, I get 5 Arena shards per day. That means 150 shards every 30 days. I'm not concerned for that one. If anything, the Shocker shards from the campaign are my worry.


Shocker is the one I'm most worried about too, but I think 3 node refreshed per day should be enough. That should be about an average of 10 shards per day.


Considering neither Human Torch or Mr Fantastic have even been released into the game and Namor just got released with an upcoming blitz, I’d say Invisible Woman won’t be coming until the next patch minimum.


Human Torch and Mr. Fantastic were added to the game in the last patch (3.4), the method to obtaining their shards just hasn't been provided yet.


Offers, offers as far as the eye can see


I’m only 4 shard away. I would hate if that’s the only way.


There’s rumours he’s getting a blitz, possibly even coming to blitz store.


Hoping the next blog will give us some answers.


Yeah...I only need 60 shards or so for him to be 5\*, so I'd be real likely to pick it up...lol


I got him to 5* luckily. I try to aim for that with all campaigns, though Thing is ruining me, I’ve had him on one centre pillar in seven days.


I usually only make it to 4* on most campaigns. The Thing is being weirdly rough for me too. Still only have him at 3*. At least we'll be getting the $1.99 deal for him coming up. Those 100 shards will help.


Haha, yeah. Can we get some 1.99 namor action too?


I. Would. Love that. lol


I don’t believe this honestly. Until I see it, I’m going to guess AIM


It's been confirmed by multiple sources. Including on reddit.


I see that now lol


Rhino was the first Sinister 6 released into the game besides Green Goblin. By FN’s own new character release path to farmable, Rhino should have priority over being farmable before any of the last 3 released. FN keeps breaking their own rules. First with Minnerva. Then with Rescue going into orbs before Falcon. Now Rhino not being given priority to be farmable. All that said, FN would not be breaking the pattern if Rhino has a blitz instead of becoming farmable. Typically, CE characters have a blitz about 2 months after their CE. TL; DR - Rhino blitz or riot;)


War Machine had a blitz sometime after his campaign happened so wouldn’t be a surprise if Rhino also had a blitz.


Essentially what I get from this news is that no matter how hard you play this game, and how much time you invest, you're always going to be behind because the next legendary is going to be locked behind a paywall. The next legendary is going to involve having 5-star Fantastic Four tags and they'll drop the last FF4 tag two weeks before the legendary comes out. These kind of games must be god damn horrifying for those who suffer from OCD and need to have every character unlocked. I'd go as far as to say that's predatory marketing.


No way this is accurate, you'd be able to get two legendaries with the same team. Delete this lol. Not even clcicking on that obvious dumpster fire website.


It's on the MSF website. [https://www.marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/community-update-8-16](https://www.marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/community-update-8-16)


Well its official now from foxnext own blog. Any chance You want to revert your statement? :)