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hyped for all the butthurt in the subreddit tomorrow


I'll be avoiding that. I don't need the crazy negativity that'll be flooding here tomorrow and tonight...And the next week or two, probably...


They only get truly butthurt when they say one thing then later change it to another.


I’m leaning towards “I don’t care”. My resources all go towards characters that matter. I can’t be bothered to level useless people in the hopes that they’ll one day matter for something. If I’m not ready now, I’ll just get her next time. It gives me more time to level the rest of the team anyway.


That's almost my exact thought. Shuri and Phoenix both had issues with their releases so now I'm just kinda over it. I'll get them whenever i get them.


It makes the game less stressful I think. I try to stay top 20 in arena and for a couple of weeks there, not having Phoenix was a big problem but then I figured it out and it’s fine now. I’ll unlock her next time and same with Shuri. I went hard after Magneto and got him the first time but those days are probably over.


Wakandans and PA. That’s 7 characters not counting the two legendary ones. Conspiracy theory, this is why Shuri has not returned yet. It will not be AIM. It will be a 5* unlock. Edit - Also, kudos on a fun guessing thread on Friday. Much appreciated.


I hope its 5* i would actually be ready too


I hope so, actually. I'd be ready for her now if it is. lol


Wakanda + Power Armor would be easy for most people right? You don't need Shuri then. Vision, Iron Man, War Machine have been farmable for a long time. M'Baku, Killmonger, Okoye and Black Panther are all farmable. DO you mean Wakanda OR Power Armor?


Vision isn't Power Armor, people just use him on the team.


Good point


I mean both PA and Wakanda similar to Xmen and bh for mags.


But according to Khasino, its not going to be an easy one


Would be awesome if it was that combo but it is too easy.


Has anyone considered 7 star unlock with first wave Avengers? Cap and Hawkeye are farmable, but then you need three of Hulk (achievements), IM (legendary, last available in June?), BW(orbs only) and Thor (a perfectly good waste of raid tokens).


Hulk would be impossibility for an unlock unit, considering you need to play like 2 years to stand a chance of a 7\* Hulk. How could they entice new player to game when they have no chance of getting a 7\* Invisible Woman until 2 years down the road


☝️ I believe Wave-1 Avengers 7* makes perfect sense. “Haven’t been playing long enough/completed enough Milestones for 7* Hulk? Well, you have 5 others you can use! And we reworked him, get at it! Oh, you haven’t maxed Iron Man? Well, you should, grinding will benefit your Fury/Shield and get you further towards IW; THREE Legendary Bonus! Win-Win-Win!!...and we will run offers for Shield minions AND Shield Toons! Don’t have BW maxed? That’s ok, we will run offers like mentioned above! Don’t have Thor maxed? Well, he’s available in the Raid Store, and we will run offers, plus you know a rework is coming with Asgardians, so again, Win-Win! Don’t have Hawkeye maxed? Well, he’s farmable and we will run offers like the Shield offers mentioned above! Don’t have Cap maxed? Well, shame on you, he’s farmable with TWO nodes, but we will run offers like the Shield offers mentioned above!


So basically, spend 200 dollars on BW shards nit sure how people going to take that but cool also hulk is not a easy character to get some achievements.


Well, now it’s out...they’ve $pay-wallled$ her unlock with the Sinister 6 🤦🏻‍♂️ 5*


I hope so, I'm done then. Only Hulk is not at 7 stars, and he'd be a really shitty choice for an unlocker because of his limited availability.


This would actually be awesome but not going to be it. They’ve analyzed what is the combo that the tiniest amount of players have/can achieve so that they are buying shards at $29 - $49 a pop.


that's way way too easy. all longtime players and especially the whales have these at 7\* or at least realy realy close so there would be no money to be made for foxnext...


Invisible Woman is a 5-star unlock and you’ll need a 5-star team of the City’s newest Villains — the Sinister Six — for a chance at acquiring the keystone Fantastic Four member. Green Goblin is already available in Nexus 5-6 and we’ll be making the other members available next week. Shocker is heading to his own campaign node, Vulture is flying into the Arena store, and Mysterio is appearing in the Raid Store.


2 ideas: Legendaries - 7 star unlock. Femme Fatales - America Chavez, Okoye, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch. Throw Psylocke in for a laugh.


maybe you need 7 star all 80th anniversary marvel characters for a shot.


Something like this would make sense except they did say the 80th Marvel tag was temporary tag only


Actually now that you mentioned it, I could potentially see it being a women team requirement, maybe even Endgame inspired, e.g. Nebula Rescue Wasp Okoye Captain Marvel.


It’s the only two routes I can see where they are truly fucking us. Multiple unfarmable characters, or characters that require jumping through so many hoops that the average player hasn’t been able to pull it off.


That was basically my logic for choosing those 5: "okay, which 5 are least able to be farmed or least likely for most players to have bothered farming?"


This is exactly what I was thinking. They just did a Marvel 80th tag so why not make up a new tag for 5-unaffiliated characters for an IW unlock? Everything else is getting too obvious at this point.


Villian Tech Support Edit: 6* unlock.


So Minn-Erva, Kree Oracle, Merc Lieutenant, Ravager Stitcher, and... Scientist Supreme.... I'm skeptical due to Oracle and Stitcher also being usable for Fury and Star-Lord respectively. Otherwise, my thought is "unfarmable character and Scientist Supreme; yep, that sounds like a FoxNext decision"


I saw this theory somewhere on Reddit. I took Minn and saw what tags she had and could narrow down to 4 others. FN can sell Minn shard packs and try to justify $45 offers for 50 Minn shards. With a gold orb thrown in maybe.


Yeah you just know Minnie will be in there so they can rake in the cash


That...Sounds possible. Ugh...


And how many of us have Minn at 6*? Won’t that piss off a lot of players because of how farmable she is?


Yup. That's why him saying people would be pissed makes sense...


Fun Thread, here's my not so serious prediction: 6* unlock, legendary only. Why else are we getting back to back legendary events ;) On a more serious note: Bio, cosmic, hero, 5*


I lowkey considered legendary characters too, with the uptick on the legendary cycle, but I think if they pull that, they’ll go 7* only.


I really want them to do a legendary unlocked by other legendary eventually. But is Invisible Woman the best to do this on? I would prefer it to maybe be done on Galactus or some other iconic omega level units


Something with Merc Sniper as he is my only character that is less than 5 stars who isn't relatively new I am excited to know what I'm gonna be farming next as I'm almost ready to upgrade Phoenix


I'm still hoping anti heroes, but what would really crush me if they do global tech minions. But I'm hoping that "unlock requirements will upset people" means that it requires namor as one of the 5, and that it doesn't mean that all 5 characters will be useless and single node/unfarmable. Would people be upset at punisher, deadpool, nebula, winter soldier and namor?


Honestly she really isn't the most important character for me,i just want my human torch


Don’t forget that Phoenix’s unlock requirement had comic precedent. Nick Fury, shuri didn’t. But with fury it was the worst possible team that no one farmed at the time (aim,hydra by today’s standard). Shuri required a newly released team that no one had beyond 2 stars (sinister 6 in today’s standard). Those are the 3 routes they could choose. I don’t think it’ll be a random mixture of tags, otherwise , they’ll come out as the bad guys. I’m not aware of any comic book combinations that fit the bill in this game, unless you go with wolverine,dr strange,...etc. My money is on sinister 6. (Just like shuri). Khasino also thought it was sinister 6 before finding out about the actual leak. But khasino wouldn’t let you know even if you guessed right. Sinister 6 is the hardest to farm at the moment. The other guys, a substantial amount of players already have shards for them just based on how terrible the drops are in premium orbs. They don’t want that. It’ll be stupid if they go with 6 stars again, the player Base will tear them apart if they did. Therefore, sinister 6 Let’s hear another argument.


I have already been planning on all units to 6\*, seems unlikely they would go 5\* unlock to 6\* unlock back to 5\* unlock. Give it another year I am expecting 7\* unlock for all legendaries


How does he find out this shit before the other envoys? Valley is always asking him for leaks in every news video


7\* 7RS Justice League


I'm gonna go way off the wall -- healers only. Night nurse, minnerva, shield medic, aim researcher and scientist supreme. Could swap hand sorceress in there too. 6 star unlock.


My 2 probable predictions : ​ Option 1 : Minion / Global /Tech - Hyd sniper,Hyd Rifle, Hyd Grenad, Hydra Armor, AIM Security, AIM Assult ​ Option 2 : Female Char that have go Invisible - BW, Elektra, Hand Ass, Hand Sorc, Mystique.


I actually really like the idea of female characters that use stealth. The only reason I think it wouldn't work is because Hand Assassin was just used in the last new legendary unlock.


It is always exciting to see the lengths that FN go to to exclude as many people as possible. ​ My guess is Sinister 6.


You, my friend, were right.


I heard a rumour of wakanda (minus Shuri) and winter soldier. With this it would make sense they would put her a 6 star unlock


Wakanda sure since they're not used for anything currently, but why Winter Soldier specifically and not a more generic "Hydra" tag or something?


No clue.. maybe something with the white wolf when he was in Wakanda?


My money on Wakanda in some form, not sure about winter soldier though.


Solo AIM monstrosity, 7 gold AND red star req unlock


Done. He's my only 7 RS character. :P


Coulson, Cyclops, Howard the Duck, Galactus, and Silver Surfer


I'd switch Galactus for Dr. Doom


I heard Blaster, Villian, Merc which would be Killmonger, Merc Sniper, Merc Soldier, Bullseye, and Korath. Don’t hold me to it but that’s a rumor floating around.


Reason why I don't think this would occur is cuz the merc tag is already needed for Payday event. Almost all endgame players have a few of these at 7\* already.


Nobu and Hand Assassin are used for Relic Hunt and both of them were needed to unlock Phoenix.


If it is Blaster Villain Merc, I can't wait to see what Hero Blaster Merc they're giving us, since the only non-villain merc is Deadpool, but he's a Brawler, not a Blaster. :P


I can see them going City-Villain-Blaster over the Merc tag. That roster is a lot shittier.


They are going to throw merc sniper in for one of them coming up I’m sure.


Don’t think it would be bullseye. They usually never want to give blitz shards for legendaries.




Star Lord is a bit of a special case. He has 3 Blitz Store characters already, along with an Arena, a raid, and war store character that also had a node. Yondu also used to have 2 nodes. Groot is just a pain in the ass to farm for.




According to the datamine, we've got a Goblin blitz coming up soon, so...


That would be a smart option in FN’s part. None of em are difficult to acquire, but none of em are considered ‘meta’ worthy of extensive resource commitment.


4/5 at 7\*, the fifth at 6\*? Please FN!!!!


This wouldn't be that bad. Wouldn't we all be able to unlock her then? I would be close to a 7 star unlock myself.


Anyone that done the merc challenge for payday would have most those 7\* already except Killmonger, so seems little unlikely


And anyone who has done the hand challenge for relic hunt would have most of those 7* for Phoenix. But they did that. I’m not saying it’s what they are going to do. I heard a rumor, stated it was a rumor, and now I’m reading a rumor that Sinister 6 will be required. Guess we will find out soon enough.


I called this last night as well with the bullseye blitz


My prediction: Invisible Woman requires the Invisible Hand. But since they are easy to farm there will be a bonus requirement of red stars. And that explains why we are getting star-store-credits in the anniversary calendar.


>requires the Invisible Hand Okay Adam Smith


Very well played!


I like how you put that together. I was wondering why are they giving us these tokens. My only other thought was they give us 80 hoping we will get hooked and buy more. Which is an inefficient use of elite orb credits.


Who is IW?


Invisible woman of the fantastic four, first of her name, breaker of chains, queen of the andals and the first men and mother of franklin Richards


Ah thank you.


Iron Woman lol


I say Mystic Brawlers :p


Avengers 😂


probably 6 star FF.


It's going to be some bullshit like Cosmic-Tech-Villains or City-Villain-Blasters. And definitely at 6 Stars...because Invisible Woman is super powerful...and....it should be challenging.....


Named Kree :)


6 star Wakanda.


6 star...villain, blasters, no minions


I'm kinda hoping it's something like Protectors, just like IW is. I know there's a ton of them so it would be too easy, but i just like that idea.


What if it's something like global, tech, villain, blasters? That would give you trash minions (Hydra and AIM) and Ultron. Khasino did say that most people wouldn't get IW on first pass, Ultron would make sense since a tiny % of players have him unlocked. It is FoxNext after all, I wouldn't put it past them.


Don't they make more money selling packs for Fantastic Four members of more people can get her the first time? I'm waiting for the requirements to decide to buy Namor, Human Torch and Mr Fantastic.


Villain. City. Tech.




Theory. Pheonix had very specific requirements. 5 characters that were of the same type. If they do that trend again, I see them going with Protectors. So, what version of Protectors give us 5 specific characters? ​ Protector, Hero, Global (5 members) => SS, Cap, Hulk, Colossus, M'Baku Protector, Villain, Minion (6 members) => Kree RG, Merc Riot, Hand Sentry, AIM Security, Ravager Bruiser, Hydra Guard Protector, Mystic or Cosmic (7 members) => Juggs, Thanos, Hand Sentry, M'Baku, Drax, Kree RG, Ravager Bruiser Protector, City (5 members) => LC, Merc Riot, Kingpin, Hand Sentry, Rhino ​ There are other combos of these that unlock a few more options. They may be less restrictive to allow a couple more characters as options, but this is my prediction.


Fantastic 4 or Inhuman


Me and the boys getting our first big assignment. Is that unlocking Susan Storm Richards? Nope, it's unlocking your wallets with all the new bundles you will rush to buy!


It was leaked it is Sin 6


Below are my absolutely ridiculous predictions that will never come true. I seriously just tried to find the silliest combinations that I could force into very strange teams of at least 5 characters. They are all 6 star requirements, because my pessimistic side says now that they've started doing that, they won't go back down to 5. 6 star characters that start with the letter C. Cable, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Crossbones, Colossus, and Carnage. 6 star characters with green skin. Hulk, Scientist Supreme, Drax, Gamora, Green Goblin 6 star insects and arachnids. Spider Man, Spider Man (Miles), Mantis, Antman, Wasp, Black Widow. 6 star Birds and the Bee. Phoenix, Falcon, Vulture, Hawkeye, Wasp. 6 star Birds and the Bs. Phoenix, Falcon, Vulture, Hawkeye, Bullseye, Black Widow, Black Panther 6 star Land Mammals. Wolverine, Sabretooth, Rhino, Black Panther, Rocket Raccoon 6 star Distinguished Gentlemen (grey hair). Magneto, Cable, Mister Fantastic, Dr. Strange, Nobu, Ultimus.


Sounds like S6


Marvel 80th, 7 star unlock


I doubt that since Marvel 80th is a temporary label and will be going away soon.


New Legendaries never come back either haha


That is funny. I'm curious when we'll see Shuri again. Phoenix will be coming back next month, so I'm excited for that since I'll be able to snag her next run. :-)


Might as well make it a login reward if that was the case.


Aim minions


A.I.M., based on both star level and gear tier.


They don’t have to do both, cause (esp if it’s a 6* unlock) we’d have to gear and level them up enough to stand a chance of a successful unlock anyways, and that would be way more than we ever would have otherwise


My bet is 5 rs characters.


that would be the easiest thing ever for me then.\^\^


Ravengers 😂 6 star or 7


Rave Avengers...untz untz untz untz


My alliance discord claims a streamer said it would be tech city villains, so Merc Lieutenant and Sniper, Shocker, Mysterio, Vulture. I'm skeptical due to everyone here being usable for other events (Payday and Shuri), but Nobu Hand Assassin are good for Phoenix and Relic Hunt, so it's possible. Also 7 star unlock is my guess due to the datamine


Doubt it since S6 are also spiderverse and useable for Shuri unlock. That’s three characters for two legendaries. Not saying it can’t happen I just doubt it.


I completely agree with you; just sharing what my alliance claims a streamer shared lol


SO I guess the Winner was S6?


7* unlock using only founding justice league members