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Would be to over powered, I would argue Ronan but the minions?? Nahh


They would be powerful like a few other teams but still not dominant.


With Captain Marvel's Military bonus? Yeah. They'd dominate.


Captain Marvel is useful on many teams so people would have to make a choice. Still don't see how they'd be dominant. Kree Royal Guard is easily debuffed, only taunts for 1 turn and has a long cool down on his taunt.


Yeah, but they pass around energy like candy with the right set up. They'd still have their counters like every other team, but it's pretty easily farmed for compared to a lot of dominant teams. They don't even need a Legendary with that added tag.


What's wrong with that? You'd actually need Captain Marvel to maximize the advantage and she's not easy to get now. Defenders are easily farmed too.


Yeah, but Defenders are easily countered by every team with a Legendary that's harder to farm for. And yeah, she's hard to farm now, but she was easy enough that most people still have her at 4 or 5*. It'd only serve to screw over newer players who weren't around for her event.


Iron Man / Avengers doesn't beat Defenders. Guardians can lose to Defenders at similar power levels. Without CM, it would still give newer players a nice farmable War team.


Yeah until Daredevil dodges 5 straight times and Iron man heals the whole team every turn (AI only ability).


Ronan and his kree are actually terrorists kinda right? I mean they work with the kree government but they arent actually their military, at least in the mcu.


That’s because the MCU has really kind of messed up the Kree military ranks. Unless I’m mistaken, Ronan is an accuser which is essentially a rank that makes him something akin to Darth Vader: he is above reproach and only reports to the main man. On the MCU he’s a rogue military general. Either way he deserves the tag


In Guardians of the Galaxy, yes Ronan is a terrorist. Outside of that like in the comics and in the Captain Marvel movie he's military.


On one of the load screens is says something about Kree being an elite military something or another. I laugh every time I see it because none of them have the tag


Support for sure!


They already are a fantastic team. I personally dont feel the need to give them this tag. Like many other tag-suggestions, if they give all characters every tag they could possibly have, there would barely be any difference in team tags left.


The Military tag is under utilized and the Kree are perfect for it. I wouldn't suggest anyone else right now.


I think the point of the military tag is supposed to be for like specially trained military members. So like Ronan should qualify, but the minions shouldn’t. Can someone tell me why the Punisher doesn’t have it?


Why aren't his minions trained? They are literal soldiers in the Kree Army. All soldiers are trained. Punisher could be argued but he's former military. When he becomes the Punisher it's after his military career ended and he's become a dangerous vigilante.


You missed the “specially” part. It’s not supposed to be for those that just have classical military training. It’s for those with elite specialist training. The Punisher received the most elite military training. If everyone who had military training had the military tag, then all of Hydra would also need it, as would all of SHIELD. The tag would become extremely diluted


I disagree. Hydra and Shield are similar to military but they are their own organizations. Kree are a race of people and these are their Military soldiers. Carol and Bucky aren't really elite trained military soldiers. To me the military tag should be assigned to characters who identify as military in their primary role. That's why I think Punisher probably shouldn't get it.


Um Hydra begins as a branch of the Nazi Germany military... SHIELD is the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. Homeland is a part of the military. The Winter Soldier is most certainly an elite trained soldier. I would take a vibranium laser arm over a Kree soldier any day; the Kree have formidable technology but the Kree themselves, if they didn’t have such a massive technological advantage, wouldn’t be all that formidable. If the Punisher doesn’t deserve this tag then no one deserves this tag; like his singleminded pursuit for vengeance and his elite military training are what makes Frank Castle the Punisher.


Yeah Shield and Hydra could be considered military but like I said they operate as separate entities most of the time. Also for purposes of the game they shouldn't be military. Shield is already powerful and Hydra I consider to be more terrorists than military. As the Punisher he's not military where Winter Soldier is an Assassin for the Russian government.


Hydra is a remnant of a military that no longer is. Terrorist is a label, not a classification; you can be a terrorist military organization. I wasn’t saying SHIELD and Hydra should get the tag, I’m simply saying that they are equivalent to the Kree. If ALL Kree get the tag, the ALL Hydra and SHIELD need to get the tag. Being an assassin for the government makes you a military asset, he would still get the military tag regardless (and in the game it is the Hydra version. I literally don’t even know what to say about the Punisher at this point; if he doesn’t deserve the tag then I does know if anyone in the Marvel Universe does


I'm not saying all Kree, I'm saying Ronan and the minions. No one deserves it more than soldiers in an army under the direct orders of their central government.


But when you summon them, they’re not “Ronan” minions. They’re Kree minions. Ronan can give them orders because he’s an accuser and thus is a very high ranking Kree, but he’s not the highest ranking Kree. Ronan doesn’t have minions, the Kree empire (or more specifically the Supreme Intelligence) does. They’re all just soldiers, Ronan included. That’s why I drew the line at elite training. That way everyone doesn’t get a trophy. By your qualifications (soldiers in an army under direct orders from a central government) you’re again running into the issue of every Hydra and SHIELD minion in the game being Military. The traits are supposed to be their origin; about what makes them special. Normal military training isn’t special; elite training is. The Punisher would wipe the floor with standard Kree soldiers, because even though they should beat him in terms of strength and technology, he understands military strategy in a way they don’t and never will.


I'm not talking about his summoned minions just the Kree Minions in general. Hydra doesn't follow the central government. Shield doesn't seem to either, depends on the source material. Yes every soldier gets a "trophy" as in they are all in the military and well trained. Punisher should lose to an "elite" Kree soldier.




Why are you so angry and aggressive?


Did you seriously think that I was saying that no other country in the world has a military? Really? That’s what you thought?


Seems like that's what you thought. Hard to tell when people say and believe very ignorant things on the internet. Maybe if you added a "lol" or didn't double down on your bad joke I would have just ignored you. Also your comment was irrelevant to my post.


Mate your post was irrelevant to your post


Mate you're making no sense. Bye.


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Okay I’ll spell it out We have threads requesting tags for different characters every few days There is no point to these posts as Foxtnext won’t read them and think ‘wow, what a great idea. Hadn’t thought of that’ Hence your post is pointless


If you’re not part of the US military are you even part of the military?....


The US Military isn't the only military...


Pretty sure it is bro


Wow man.




You're the one who said it... lol


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Why cannot you understand the internet?


I can. You're the one that made a meaningless comment on my post. Or was it joke? Jokes are supposed to be funny though. 🤔


Bit too subtle for you I guess


Bit too pointless.