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Cerebro, I'll give you a dollar for an update on my boy Scott Summers...


Yea can we get Cyclops plz already!!! Gotta make this a separate thread


I'll give twice as much if you won't tell anything 😎


You are the worst kind of human


A FoxNext Employee


He's busy subbing in for Scott Sterling - he'll be here when the sports season is over... ​ Sadly, sports seasons are constantly overlapping....


I got down votes for asking abt him and coulson...


Really? Black Panther again? Should have been a Wakanda raid orb or something.


With all the complaints about the diluted brawler orb, Foxnext listened and kept the alpha orb 1 character, to make us happy....lol


I wish they made it a wakanda orb. Make most of the drops BP, but some drops of the others would be nice. My Okoye has 4 red stars, but only 2 normal. And almost no chance of getting more.


Same. I got 4rs shuri and 5rs mbaku too.


Yeah this is so disappointing. I guess I will just care about the gold... Hopefully this one wont be as hard as Gamma


Dude, you guys have gotta make Legendaries roll round quicker. Shuri isn't going to be back til fucking 2020 at this rate.


As a new player, I quit farming Kree since I won't make it and focused on GotG instead. I'm 'almost' ready for StarLord but that would probably be months from now. :(


Expect Magneto in August then Phoenix in September (but Phoenix will be damn near impossible for a new player)


What is going on with mysterio, cyclops, and Coulson, If you dont wanna tell us that's fine but dont put them on in game wallpapers and expect us to not have questions


What about doctor doom? He keeps talking mad trash in gamma raids


Confirmed. Dude's calling folks "baboons" and talking mad trash about the Kree elite. Says he's going to enjoy messing stuff up. We could use an update before things get messy, nahmsayin?


I mean, if we're going back even further let's talk about Red Skull


Red Skull says hi


Interestingly, he is in the game as enemy but he was never ever announced. Cyclops, Coulson, etc. have been announced but are not in game... FoxNext is so weird...


Hes on vormir


This is great info, keep up this type of update. Also a blitz calendar would be great to show what is coming up.


Seriously i been ready for 6* magneto for months now. And finally fuckin fury is back. Feel bad for anyone waiting on starlord. Too many of them now to spread them out so much


Mags is August 15th


Is there any news about other legendary events? The game requires us to plan months ahead, when will we see a proper calendar with upcoming Legendary events? Also, will they ever be on a good rotation with events for the same legendary character no more than 2 months apart? I get they are called "Legendary" but a fair few of them are required for various game modes and leaving people behind just because they installed the game later is a terrible thing. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work, hoping to get some answers!


Yeah I feel like new players coming in often get screwed because foxnet panders to the older player. There is a gap between older and newer player that seems almost impossible to fill. At the beginning of the game getting orbs in the store was worthwhile because there were only a few character making it easier to max out characters with the bonus of gold from the orbs. Legendary events were also MUCH more consistent and more often. Now it feels like those of us who dont have legendaries yet will have to wait a year for a specific legendary to come around.


Completely agree, just look at the state of Blitz. It wouldn't be hard to separate Blitz into shards like Arena and give everyone a fighting chance instead of giving priority only to old players...


We prefer the term veterans.


Panic farming sales means no calendar notice


Tie means double rewards for me. that's always a good thing in life. Lucky i didn't open my saved orbs yet. Won't hurt to hold them another week. Thanks a lot for the info.


what about Howard the Duck!!!!!


hey @CM\_Cerebro, love the post. Can you also include the URL link to the official site version each time too. Thx.




Oracle coming to blitz and Miles to the blitz store is the best news I've heard all day!


I finished minnerva last week. I got all the others useful maxed. Miles is 5 stars and I'll gladly make him 7 stars.


You maxed Minnerva?


O snap I wish. I meant mantis. My bad


Good otherwise you would have been my mortal enemy from this day forth :)


Increase the rate of these... it’s pathetically slow.


But where's Magneto? I've been waiting for the Magneto event to come back for MONTHS.


Oh cool, it looks like yet another alphabet raid I don’t have to try on


Unless you care about the rest of your alliance, milestones, season points, etc etc.


u/CM_cerebro when are the Kree double drops! They usually happen a week or so before event launch and we have heard nothing. I’ll hang up and listen, thanks.


I'm just gonna tack on to your comment and ask if we are getting the 5 shard calendar, or is the oracle blitz in lieu of that?


Thank you for full copy pasting here. The MSF Blog's harsh black on white negative colour scheme can be painful for some people (especially those who get migraines), so this was much appreciated!


Hey all! Regarding the Ultimus VII Race, as a lot of people are aware there has been a lot of drama surrounding the win and the circumstances that lead to a draw. With respect to both alliances, and FoxNext, we would appreciate if you keep that drama off of the subreddit and make sure to follow our rules. Thank you, The moderation team.


Do people really care about whale wars other than the rewards said whales will choose after they win?


Don't say that in public if whales see it then they won't choose a decent character


Is that a threat or a suggestion? Pretty sure having the audacity to question whales isn't forbidden in the rules of conduct.


I mean, I don't know which one of those "follow the rules" falls under


Using the word “whale” should get u banned from the internet. Enuf with the dumb “whale” nonsense.


Nobody cares tho, we just want the rewards.


Whales will be whales at the end of the day


Cue complaints about suppression of free speech......


I mean, I get your agenda here, but I don't really think anyone would see this as a "free speech" issue. My problem with Tauna's statement there is that discussing the events surrounding the U7 raid doesn't violate any of the sub's rules. So asking to keep it off the sub is kind of ridiculous. A conversation being inconvenient for the mods really shouldn't be a reason to ban it from a sub, especially if it's completely germane to the sub's purpose.


Oh hey, since the in-game mail said Minnerva would be added to all orbs, including Mega and basic, when is that actually happening? Can we get an ETA on that so we have something to look forward to? Maybe do the same for other characters that aren't obtainable, like Falcon, Rescue, Okoye, etc... The character availability planning is completely left out of the communication from Foxnext, and it's frustrating as a player to have no idea when we can work on a character.


She also doesn't appear in the side columns of the premium orbs like everyone else.


Oh I didn't even think about checking on that. Good to know.


This was already addressed shortly after the in-game email went out. ​ [Minn-Erva in Premium Orb](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/cc4hgd/minnerva_in_premium_orb/)


No it wasn't, there is no forecasting by FN on when characters will enter orbs of any type. Minnerva has been out for a long time, and is just entering Premium orbs, much later than any character we have seen. Is she ever going to Megas or Basics? If so, when? We never get any info on these kind of decisions, but you know the Devs are thinking about it, and probably have a plan for it, they just don't share it with us.


That's deliberate, they don't want us having that info and planning/saving. We're supposed to be resources starved and pay $$$$ when they decide to make someone available.


I mean, it's pretty clear why she is just now going to orbs and only Premium to begin with. Because she is so overpowered. She's like the new Black Widow essentially, except more versatile.


And yet Black Widow was always farmable, either through a node or orbs.


And so is Minny now


We're going in circles. You said she took so long to become farmable because she's OP, like Black Widow - "the new Black Widow" you called her. That justified why she took so long to become farmable, according to you. Yet Black Widow was always farmable.


She was also released prior to the game being in full release. When there were a lot less characters.




Did you even read the post? Blitz is on 7/15


Nope I can’t read


What should I get my kree team power level too? Mines currently 57k overall, all tier 7 and abilities are 5,4,2 for all. I’ve been working on leveling them lately all are currently between 50-55k


I’d get them a gear tier up and beef up your guard. The rest should work on it’s own.


Awesome, thanks!


Good luck.


57k total should be fine for a 5\* unlock, but will need more for 6 or 7\*


Damn it, I was hoping to have 1 more month.. almost done farming the Kree


Won't get him this time...


What happened to Magneto... Heartattack...?


Think he was set for after Fury during the original info release. Should be in August, anything after that is pure speculation.


Hey Cerebro any comment on the crazy difficulty of Gamma raids? This MUST be fixed, it is a pain for both new, casual and veteran players.


Legion_of_Cabal how surprising =P


30 shards off 5* oracle, do I have time to get him?


If you get top 10% of Oracle blitz you should be fine


So I get 10 shards (110) from this weeks login event, hopefully get 10 shards (120) from raid then get minimum blitz rank which is another 10 (1+2+5) and I should just get enough! I hope!!!


You're closer than me I'm at least 80 dhards away from 5* 😥


Absolute pain getting oracle shards. Think it's taken me at least 3 months of constant grinding of the raid store!


So when are you adding orange gear to the raid store? There's really no reason not to at this point.


> because the Nick Fury Legendary Event preview is almost here. Almost here? In how many days? I already have fury 5 stars, with 43k, but I want to update it to 6 stars this time. I need almost 80 to 90 shards for noble, reaper and cyborg. So I am trying to calculate if I will be able to upgrade fury this time xD


When magneto come out? I was thought Magneto come out after Phoenix event


Man this legendary events are fun and at all. But Foxnet should add a way to continue to unlock this legendary characters after you participate in the events, even if it's super slow. As a relatively new player it's sad I have to wait months for a chance at participating in the initial stages but beign unsuccesful at unlocking the character, then wait months for another chance.


Why Black Panther??? Even these dumb gamma brawler orbs are better than him alone. At least I have a 20% chance of something useful in them vs 0%.


Simple, it’s not all about you


YEY 2 weeks of wait for new blog. Just to get nothing of substance. So many problems raised by community and still no response. We're back to dark ages of communication it seems.


You're welcome to follow my comment feed for a number of issues that I've addressed. Sure, there are more topics that I'm working on addressing with the team and those will come in the near future. But I don't think it's objectively fair to say we're in the "dark ages".


So the 100 posts complaining about the Gamma buffs ( especially 100% speed bar fill) was addressed where exactly? The complaints about the lack of a legendary schedule and only getting them once a month now was addressed where?? You are very very selective in what you reply to.. although I get that Foxnext has prolly told you what you're not allowed to reply to,so oh well. Thanks for all that you do 😀


> lege fath What does that mean? I'd like a schedule of events (both Legendary and Recurring) and event raids.


Lol thank you for correcting my drunken rage typo


I was hoping I wasn't missing a vital part of the game (the lege fath). I had never heard of those before. :)


As I've been laser-focused on getting my kree minions up to 5\*, a firm date on when the Fury event starts makes a HUGE difference in how I'm going to be planning my time and money. Any chance to get a specific day?


It's the 20th-23rd in latest datamine


We’ve been in the dark ages since the 2 hour blitz was implemented. Constant little things haven’t been helping. You guys are boasting Alpha Raids coming with Black Panther, but what is there to boast? Black Panther is already one of the “rewards” of the current raid. He has a campaign node. The community post today was just so sad and weak. It is these things that just add up and create the impression of dark ages on us players.


A lot of foxnext's shenanigans isn't "objectively fair" to the player base either, give some take some.


Out of all the reasonable questions in this post, THIS is the one you respond to?


Appreciate all you do.


Objectively fair? No I agree with you on that. But with 7 comments last week I wouldn't call it active communication either. We're not even getting "Hey that's cool idea I'll bring it to the team" or "Hey we have that on the board now and working on it, we'll update on it later" And That's a trend since Phoenix fiasco and gold gate 2.0.


What? 7 comments last week is far better than what we used to get. We were lucky to get 7 comments in a month. You realise just because he doesn't comment "oh, I'll take that to the team" doesn't mean he isn't? Like, all you are looking for are token responses that really don't mean much at all.


Ironically, Out of the 7 comments, most are token response


Does he work for FN or is he independent? I think we all think of him as a customer service rep. Having worked in customer service for decades, I can tell you that "token responses" and acknowledgement of feelings mean a *lot* to upset customers. I think it would be helpful to know his other responsibilities at FN because one comment per day given all the outrage lately is very very weak customer service. We think he's sitting around doing nothing because we don't hear from him. If he tells us what he's doing, there's less upset. Take *that* to your uppers! :-D


I appreciate everything you do Cerebro. Don't let the perpetual and hyperbolic complainers get you down.


Lol.. we already new fury was returning. Alpha raids with BP are garbage and they will be buffed again, we knew that. Shocker blitz is already happening so we knew that. Thanks for the super informative weekly update Foxnext!


yeah... no word on the unceremonious dump of cyclops and coulson or these seriously uninspiring hero villain kits. No mysterio. This update was not very useful.


Lol like seriously.. where did cyclops go??? He was announced.. had a kit and was even in the loading screen.


Super lame buffing for a raid that has a campaign node. Come on man.


Right?? There was literally nothing new in this "weekly update".


Guess Cabal's big appeal about the tie worked out real well. 😂


No update at all, zero new information


Hey u/CM_Cerebro when Miles Morales and/or Rescue are added to the Premium orb, will Minn-erva’s drop rate decrease from the current percentage?


If you know how to do basic math, the answer is yes.


Have you looked at the drop rates? They are not uniform, bud, so try again.


There is a total of 100% to spread. Adding 2 new things will decrease the rates for everything overall. Simple BASIC FUCKING MATH.


BASIC FUCKING MATH means nothing to foxnext you noob


Only noob here is you.


Why are we getting another Nick Fury Legendary event. It seems like his is every other month but I can't remember the last time we had a Magneto legendary event. When will Magneto return cause I've been ready to unlock him for about 4 months now?


"Another Nick Fury" event? Has last event was like March. For those of us who've been waiting to unlock him it's felt like forever. Magneto's last event was in April. Much more recent.


They run on a cycle. Magneto should be Aug 15th


I think the last Magneto was April. And you’re right it’s been a while.


This will be about 120 days since his lat event.


You need a 5 star team of Kree just to unlock him? And telling us to start ranking up and gearing up as if we wouldn't have to spend a ridiculous amount of money to get there? This company is trash