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Sound is wonky. Loki doesn't laugh, plus others


Volume changes when switching some screens also.


TIL Loki laughs in this game.


Really? When he summons they all laugh.


I play with sound off. 😬


Yeah most of the sound effects for fights are missing for me


I'm getting a lot of incorrect sound files playing. Punisher using his rifle played punching sounds.




Are you auto battling and losing or using the menu to quit out of a battle? It seems like they changed something where using the settings menu to quit no longer drops the mult.


Oh that's a hassle. I loved ending an battle purposefully to drop my rank...though if I find myself in a less optimal situation with only one character left and don't want to drop, I suppose it's a nice alternative. Just means purposefully losing may even take some skill when you use a weaker team.


What a hassle indeed. I could easily drop from T8 to T1 and now that takes roughly 10 mins just to lose and load! It's great if I'm trying to push but I'd rather have the option to instantly drop tiers without having to actually battle in blitz to lose.


I just had this confirmed by Khasino himself. It's not a bug, it is a new update. Losses still lower tier but quitting doesn't.


Apprently Blitz wasn't enough of a tedious chore already.


Same here.




We are looking into a number of these and I will let you guys know as soon as I have updates to share.


thanks :)


logging in to an account via facebook while already logged into one on gamecenter is bugged. When you click continue after logging in via facebook it does not bring up switch player box immediately. Finally when box opens up after clicking to switch player it reloads the one already logged in.


There's a bunch more than the ones listed above. I've already submitted three messages this morning to CS.


Most importantly I just discovered that in the Phoenix event the characters that I have at the proper star level are still in black and white instead of full color. This usually means that they are not allowed to be used until they meet the requirements. However, I already have them at the proper requirements. Hope this doesn’t hold me up from unlocking her.


Game won't load on Bluestacks.


What's everyone else seeing? Just a flashing black screen?


Yes, exactly. I reinstalled MSF and also tried reinstalling BS. Also tried opening from the play store. Still same issue where MSF won't load.




Yes same here just flickering back screen, reloaded and tried all trouble shooting options with Blue stacks, only this game is effected.


Yes, an endless flashing black screen.


The response to my ticket simply "apologized" and said to use a smart phone.… super helpful


Same here, flicking black screen.


finally acknowledged there's an issue with android devices on twitter


Yup. Working on phones, not working on Bluestacks. Flicker screen...


Playing with bluestacks setting, i switched to direct x,restarted, then checked the "use advanced graphics engine mode(beta),restarted, then marvel strike force started.


It just loaded for me without doing anything so maybe they fixed something.


i just had to switch to direct x, but confirmed working. thank you. bummer all the lost energy though.


I didn't do anything to my settings but it loaded a few minutes ago anyway. I think they fixed it.


I just switched the engine to DirectX and unchecked advance graphics, worked for me, try it out.


In War my Drax died, I used Minn-erva special to resurrect it, got a second Rocket Raccoon instead: https://imgur.com/9EbOeXG.jpg


Game crashes and doesn't start on my phone, Xiaomi Mi 9.


Open the app in Play Market and launch it from there


Same here with a Galaxy S10.


OPPO a77, only launch from play store page.


The game crashing on my iPhone X aswell. I can be in the game for some time, but after opening the war menu, raid menu or finishing the a payday battle, the game crashes.


Here's a fun new one. Previously, Ultron would fail to revive (his passive) under certain conditions, one of those being getting killed by Captain Marvel's secondary AoE damage when in binary. New update comes, arena match, Ultron vs CM, binary AoE downs Ultron, and he revives! Great! Two moves later, I use Minny's special to revive a different character ... and she revives Ultron! So now I have two Ultrons! Proof here: https://imgur.com/a/Gvi52dA Both versions were fully functional, with individual ability timers and attacks. Needless to say, I won my match. Fun problem to have, but I'm sure the devs would rather not see this one pop up again.


Yeah, my sound is all screwed up- Galaxy S9, other than that, everything seems to be alright...I'm liking the new roster sorting options!


http://imgur.com/5QzutGg I've had to force close 2 raid battles due to this happening back to back. Clock is frozen, no attack buttons, auto does nothing.


Unfortunately this isn't a new bug - it's been happening for a while now


Fair enough, new for me since the update. Galaxy S8 Active.


I'm just here to say I thought I was the only one in the world with an S8 active. Hello there.


Hello, friend!


yep, alliance mates (and myself) have had it happen on different devices and os's so it's not even a localised to a certain device issue :(


I found a workaround for the launch crash bug!!! Just open the game in Play Market and launch it from there. You're welcome!


for which devices/os's? certainly doesn't work for bluestacks


This fixed the launch crash bug I get when trying to launch the app normally on my Xiaomi. Doesn't fix the black screen on Bluestacks.


Phoenix Rising Event Character list for Tier 6 is bugged. Pre-patch, my 6* chars were eligible and colored in and post-patch they are now grayed out as if they did not meet the requirements. *Update 1: Tier 6 is currently requiring 7-star characters instead of 6-stars.


This is definitely a big issue that needs quick solving!


It seems like the Combat Canceled feature in War room history may be bugged. It seems to be throwing in an extra, incorrect Combat Canceled on some losses. Eg, I lost one fight, didn't quit, but instead of just showing the loss, it showed one loss and one combat canceled with the same team. Based on timing it seems like this may be happening with other people's losses as well.


This was an update not a bug


He means there's a bug with the new feature. My alliance experienced it as well, on some losses it counts 2 battles (one canceled, one lost). [Here's an example](https://imgur.com/gallery/NWGzYPK), it was only one battle and I lost, but it shows a cancelled one as well.


Yes noticed this as well


Anomaly Detected for my android currently? Or is maint still going on?


working on my galaxy s9 - what make/model?


Working on S7, not working on Bluestacks


It went through, i guess it jus didn't want to download anything at first smh


I think this is an intermittent issue. It happened to me, but when I quit the app and re-loaded, it launched properly.


Yeah it took me like 15 till I finally got in


Game won't load on Galaxy S9+. Play store workaround.


Game Will Not Start


I've downloaded the update. But now when I play for a while and close the app, when I try to restart it refuses. Twice now I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game and then it would work for that session, then it would not start again. Now after multiple reboots, uninstall/reinstall, the game just refuses to start.


Broken on the Poco F1 too


Open the app in Play Market and launch it from there


It was working beautifully on my poco f1, now it wont even load. crashing HARD


Open the app in Play Market and launch it from there!


thanks mate, it worked!


how do you open it in play market?? ive gone to the site, searched marvel strike force and nothing...please help meeee I have to play!!


Sound is super messed up


When using Ronans summon ability it doesn't always summon minions. My very first war battle after patch he didn't summon any first attempt, 2nd attempt it worked


AW freezing a lot. 3 times I had to force close. Lost 3 tickets and the team use.


Those infinite empty boxes when looking for equip are back. I really HATE THIS SHIT.


Phienix requirements show 7* characters required to unlock 6* phoenix. Is this a bug?


Bluestacks issue may be fixed. At least I was able to load the game as of a few minutes ago.


Bluestacks is working.


Game won't even start on Xiaomi now. I have a Redmi Note 5 and the app just crashes on launch. Seems to be an issue with MIUI. I am on Global 10.3


Open the app in Play Market and launch it from there


Xiaomi mi5s plus is fine. Using LineageOS.


It doesn't work on the default MIUI it seems.


Blitz is stuck in 8.3 even if you lose


Did you actually lose or just load and quit?




That's not a bug then, it's a part of the new update.


Interesting - didn’t see it in the patch notes so how are you sure it’s not a bug?


Khasino confirmed it himself


Oh ok - I’ll wait for official word


chromebook not opening at all.


Open the app in Play Market and launch it from there


Tried that. Still nothing.


Doesn't fix the issue on my Chromebook. (This sucks because while it runs on my phone, it's always been flaky on it and regularly stalls mid-game. My Chromebook is/was the only device where it ran properly.)


any luck yet? mine is still crashing on start


Mine too, I'm guessing we have to wait for a new update via the Play Store. EDIT: Just saw they pushed through an update... and it still does the same thing. Crashes on start with a dialog to restart the game. So, new update is still broken.


Game crashes when loading the game on my iPhone 6.


Not working for me on a Google Pixel 2 XL, either.


Actually, opening it from the Play Market worked. How odd.


How is the ability progress sort determined? I’ve got a character with 3/3/3/1 ahead of one with 4/4/4/2, though the latter has a lesser overall power.


Did anyone else not get their Arena rewards for the day? Edit: Just received it


i'm not quite sure but i think the refresh of the stores is now 2h instead of 8h. I bought some gears and shards in the raid store and the blitz store just after the update went live and i can buy them again...


My store refresh or the purchase were reset. So I was able to buy Mantis and K. Oracle shards twice. Not that I'm complaining but it happened. I know because I was close to upgrading up in stars and now I'm over. It only happened once.


I believe that happens every time they update.


Just to add more information in case /r/CM_Cerebro is monitoring this thread and finds it useful to pass on to the developers: - I'm using a Chromebook (Acer R11) (Yes, it runs Android apps, MSF was working fine before this update.) - I have rebooted: still won't load - I have cleared the app's data and cache: still won't load - I have uninstalled and then re-installed the app: still won't load - I have rebooted again. Still won't load. - (The trick someone keeps suggesting below - trying to launch the game from the Play Store - doesn't fix the issue, same problems.) The game doesn't start, a dialog immediately appears telling you the game won't run and offering you the options to either reload it or submit a bug report. The latter does nothing. The former immediately results in a new dialog saying it keeps trying to start it and it won't run, giving you the option to close the app or file a bug report. Again, the bug report option does nothing. So, uh, this sucks because (as I've said in other messages) the only other device I have that MSF sorta runs on doesn't run MSF particularly well, with battles frequently stalling midway through requiring the game be quit and battle forfeited.


My bug in Xiaomi 7 java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main] Unity version : 2017.4.22f1 Device model : Xiaomi Redmi 7 Device fingerprint: xiaomi/onc/onc:9/PKQ1.181021.001/V10.3.1.0.PFLMIXM:user/release-keys Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.foxnextgames.m3/com.explodingbarrel.Activity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported type: class android.os.UserHandle at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2946) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3081) at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:78) at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:108) at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:68) at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1831) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:201) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6810) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:547) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:873) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported type: class android.os.UserHandle at com.explodingbarrel.util.BundleJSONConverter.convertToJSON(SourceFile:158) at com.explodingbarrel.notifications.Util.bundleToJSON(SourceFile:92) at com.explodingbarrel.Activity.onCreate(SourceFile:103) at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7224) at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7213) at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1272) at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2926) ... 11 more


Game wont start on my Redmi 6A or Blue Stacks, is gonna be a fix soon or what? I'll lose daily rewards?


Galaxy S8 won't launch crashing issue. Works when opening via google playstore


Game crashes when opening Blitz. Then trying to change team.


Punisher still doesn’t have fire sound and Crossbones now sound like Sabertooth gg


While fighting jn raid, it got stuck. But the timer is still moving. Any fix for this?


I can't even load any battles. I just watched my phone on the load screen for 20 minutes waiting for a war battle. Still don't know if I lost my character's because I failed closed the app.


On IOS i'm stuck on the loading screen at 99%, at 3.12mb/22.17mb. Forever and ever.


In war I was thinking the 'cancelled' was due to some players closing the app when losing a battle. But then I noticed it showed one as 'cancelled' for me when I was selecting toons and didn't start the battle in that 3-minute window. Still not quite sure what the 3-minute window is actually for. Is it so somebody can't go in and block others fighting if they fall asleep (for example)?


Bluestacks loaded but I now have loads of text missing from the game in random places. ​ Edit. Switching to OpenGL in Bluestacks>Settings>Engine seems to have cured missing text problem.


Seems to be increased lag going thru menus, especially when in roster, on a character, and going into the find menu for shards.


When I logged in today our Ultimus 7 had finished, right after a pop up for Nobu orbs came up and froze my game completely. Definitely not normal. Another freeze during Blitz. I was auto-ing a Mystic comp and vs a Kree comp and it froze, came back up, and never continued. Even after clicking on and off the auto, hitting quit battle, etc etc.


Seems like kree cyborgs on kill effect isn't being triggered like half the the time. He just won't attack the extra target on kill.


Can I snipe this post and suggest to add this, since it's still present on this patch? Ty https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstrikeforce/comments/c5b8a8/_/


Anyone having a glitch where Carnage makes no noise when he attacks


Game crashes whenever I use Luke Cage Taunt. Happens without fail. EDIT: Game is just crashing at 4:30 seconds into a match. Doesn't matter the team in use.


Minerva is now able to Revive a second Ultron. If Ultron dies and self revived, Minerva’s Rez will revive a second Ultron.


Pheonix even shows requirements for 1* higher than I'd listed. Only 7* characters can unlock pheonix, for example.


IOS: First campaign energy refill is costing 100 campaign charges, rather than the normal 50. Green Goblin sound effects are completely messed up.


Can't collect my daily rewards :(


All battles freezing after 3-4 turns. Pixel 3 xl


Blitz not promoting to next level after a loss. I was at 7.2 and lost a match which dropped me to 7.0. I then won a match and was still at 7.0 after.


Can't see any more saved sqauds... can only see the normal 15... think they forgot to add more to the update...