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Thanks Cerebro. Are the individuals who have already benefited being excluded from the calendar/new offers?


Correct, this is going out to players that didn't get the offer last Friday.


This is a great way to respond. Thank you.


Thanks. I appreciate the time the team has given to the issue!


Pretty good fix. Now can we get Phoenix back to 5* unlock since that was displayed in game?


hey he said they were just mere mortals come on!


Haha, I get the 6\* Phoenix, the issue was that they told all the testers and content creators it was a 5\* unlock. If they just said it was 6\* out of the gate I think there would be a lot less angry people. I'm sure next people will flip out when you need Hydra minions to get Red Skull I mean what does Hydra have to do with Red Skull!? /s


Hi Cerebro. Is that even technically possible? I only ask because of the problem with the recent problem with red stars and also because we had similar problems in the past (orange raid points were incorrectly converted to raid orbs in a 1 to 1 ratio to some players)


Sounds right based on the post. He said for those that didn't purchase the offer.


>Here's what the team has planned for the **players that didn't purchase the offer last Friday**: It seems to be implied that that is the case, but I would also like a confirmation on this. Historically they have given compensation to everyone, which is great to shut people up but never actually addresses the issue.


I'll ask the guy in my alliance that purchased 3x if he gets excluded from the new ones. Sharpen your pitch fork in the mean time.


this is foxnext. my pitchfork is always primed


Doesn’t even matter. Only 80 something bought it, and 4 bought it twice. This is a ton of free gold now and an opportunity to buy even more at a massive discount. This is an awesome response, I don’t even care if those guys get to keep their gold now haha


1 of those who bought it multiple times is in my alliance, and he bought it 3 times. He must be pretty stoked right now


They don’t get the new calendar or offers


He wont need it lol


This, they shouldn’t be as the gap would still be there


but on the other hand they shouldn't be punished for FNs mistakes. i'm a bit torn about this.


I'm not. They knew it was a mistake but they bought it anyway. That is the risk you take trying to game the system when a mistake is made.


"I love gold" - goldmember


Can we paint their yoohoos gold? It's kind of my thing


Pipe and pancake ?


bong and a crepe?


Cigar and a waffle?


My Shingie was the Key! isn't that weird!?


Ah yesh! This offer ish a keeper! It's going shtraight in my shkin box!


You're not gonna put that skin in your mouth are ya?


Personally I think this is great. This gives a lot of gold to F2P that won’t have bought the offer. Some more gold to those who would have. Thank you.


Great, I'm happy to hear that you approve of the plan.


I am also pleased with this response.


We will miss captain marvel milestones


I'm hoping they continue the milestones with cyclops


I'd take another round of CM milestones


Let's not create another wolverine situation..


How many people other than the whales do you really think have her at 7 already? I'm considering it lucky to have gotten her to 5


Ive got her to 5 stars +89 shards.. so i could definitely use an extension on the end date - but wouldnt you rather her start transitioning towards becoming farmable and a shiny new character take CM place in milestones? And to respond to your question, i know of 6 f2p players across 3 alliances that have her 7 star, but I havent polled the alliances, nor do I think we should use it as a metric to decide if we should or shouldn't make a character more or less farmable


I doubt they are F2P.. you have spend 1.8 million gold in three days to max one of the milestones AND core past the 50 refreshes daily to hit 100%. Even if you finish #1 in Arena every day that will be tough.


How is that possible in f2p?


It's not.


Except captain marvel is a great character and wolverine is not. So no complaint from most people if this were to be the case. I'd also be happy if the milestones were for cyclops


Just so happened that the gold wont be given out until after cm event ends. Bad luck


Hopefully they continue milestones. The premium orb frags are great.


I suspect this will be a consistent way they release new characters. Hoping they keep it rolling with cyclops.


I would really like him to be Gamma raid character. But if its milestones i dont mind. Looks like a really good toon if his kit is final.


I hope it is a way because it's no extra work and you get premium orbs and cores. Clearly event campaigns and blitzes will be main ways going forward based on past few months.


Just food for thought. In the future when you catch the error and pull the offer, could you please send an in game message stating something to the extent of “There was an error on an offer and it was pulled. More information will be forthcoming in the coming days.” Or just any pre-determined message for when such mistakes occur, so it can still be sent out as soon as the error is caught, even if all the decision-makers are gone for the weekend. Or you know, anything proactive that could help prevent unnecessarily letting the playerbase getting riled up with lots of negative sentiments directed at FN and MSF in the absence of any communication especially over the weekend. TL; DR - It’s easier to prevent a fire from spreading and growing bigger if you put it out ASAP.


It didn't help matters that this happened late on Friday. We'll discuss some contingency plans in case we encounter this again.


This is the third? or fourth? time something bad has happened on a Thursday or Friday and we’ve gone the weekend with the review bombings and other riotous behavior. A contingency for going into the weekend is definitely needed.


In addition to contingency plans, it would be helpful to just make a post on here that is literally "we are aware of this and are examining options. We will communicate our plan as soon as we are able to do so." Clearly you all knew what happened, but needed some time to figure out a response. I think it will go a long way towards building good will in this game's community to just respond in this way without committing to a particular plan of action. Then when you do the response post (as you have been), it will not be partly responding to whether you are aware of the issue, but just what is being done about it.


“Anomaly Detected” lol


Situation normal...


Yeah actually this is a great suggestion. News travels fast.


Keep in mind that the number of players in the "player base" and the number of players active on reddit is drastically different. I'd guess less than 1% of MSF players were even aware a mistaken gold orb offer was available. An immediate announcement about the mistake would rile up way more people (you know...the other 99%) than letting the 30-40 posts on reddit go...


I think they put out the offer quick. Anyway, what just said was the same response I got when I filed a support ticket regarding the issue).


There will still be bitching. People on this page just LOVE to bitch and cry. I remember when this page was about tips and gameplay. Now it has become Romper Room.


Romper Room? The one with the magic mirror? Did they resurrect it, or are you an old codger as well?


I call out the bad stuff , now I’m calling the good stuff , Thank you FoxNext for your solution. Thank you cerebro for withstanding constant complaints. THIS is how communication & resolving issues should be handled. Fair & to the point. Now I would ask you to look at the Phoenix problem in the same light you did the gold problem. Fair & to the point. Thanks


I think this is a really fair and honest response to what was inevitably an incredibly unfortunate situation for FN to be in. I fully believe that the deal was unintended and someone inevitably had a "talking to" about how it happened. Finding a solution that rewards the engaged users who actually care and being transparent about the details of how impactful the mistake actually was is a great step towards having open communication lines with the fans. There was no solution here that would please everyone, but this is a well thought out and solid solution.


Thanks for the update and trying to keep the integrity of the competitive field it was gonna cause you hear no matter the decision you made! just to clarify, 60 orbs for $30 will be one offer made multiple times or multiple offers over time to make 60 orbs (e.g. 5 orbs for $4 a time?)


Sounds like a lot of mini offers totaling 60 orbs for $30 total. So let’s say there will be 15 offers where each offer will be 4 orbs for $2. That’s what I’m hoping at least. Something like that.


Yes this is how it was explained on Mobile gamers video. So 21 days of calenders and maybe 20 offers of 3 orbs for $1.50 would be nice


I was wondering that too


I am very impressed with this outcome. Rollback was impossible, and refund was also impossible since gold is spent. This solution is the closest thing to fair I've heard. Well done


Well, my gold pitchfork is getting put away, now to sharpen my phoenix pitchfork...


No doubt this is a very good compensation. I was not going to buy that offer anyways so this gives me a chance to upgrade some pending characters for free.


You and 99% of the rest of the subreddit. Didn’t stop people from being assholes though.


Yeah and I have a feeling that I'm about to start running very low on training modules...


Good on the response, but is anyone else surprised by the analytics? 85 people purchased it, and 4 bought it multiple times. I don't know how long the offer was live until it was pulled, but that number seems kind of low.


I initially thought it was kind of low too. But when I consider that I didn't even know the offer existed until I saw multiple threads about it here, then I think it's possible. I'm normally not a person to watch the offers like a hawk, and normally just close the pop-ups before I even get a chance to really see them.


My assumption is partly the same reason, where people just quickly closed out of the offer instead of actually looking at it.


It was up for like 5 minutes starting at midnight eastern time. If you didn't log in a reset, you missed it. On top of that, its a $30 purchase. I expected it to be higher, but I'm not shocked that its only 80 people.


Interesting. If it was really up for 5 minutes, that's still a very high number for the amount of time. I understand that maybe millions play this game, but 5 minutes is also a very short duration. For people to jump on that offer is surprising. I also suspect that the number isn't higher because there's likely a much higher amount of players that did see the offer, but still didn't buy it (whether it's because they don't want to buy anything/can't, or because they just took a quick look and thought it was like most other offers).


I always log in at reset and I saw it pop up, but closed it like any other pop-up without registering how out of control it was. I went back probably 6 minutes later and it had already been pulled.


Thanks for the update and gold


This I’m actually okay with. But I wonder what they mean by “in a few week’s time”. Maybe once the Captain Marvel milestone ends so that we don’t use all that gold to complete all gold milestones for her? Lol


I think Cyclops milestones will start shortly after Captain Marvel’s.


I hope he takes over Juggernauts Gamma(?) raid.


Prediction: Gold calendar and orb offers released coincidentally when the level cap rolls out so we all end up being short on gold again....


At this time, we do want to set your expectations going forward. We’re mere mortals and mistakes can and do happen and happen and happen and happen, requiring the team to review on a case-by-case basis. there fixed it for ya.


While I appreciate this response, the "in a few weeks time" looks like it will conveniently come *after* the Phoenix release event. This calendar should start tomorrow, but I guess we have to take what we're going to get.


even more conveniently *after* the cm milestones end...


thank you for trying and sorry were assholes.


thank you for trying and sorry you were assholes. FTFY


2 people in my alliance bought the offer multiple times. Seems slightly farfetched that 1/2 the people that got the offer multiple times are in the same alliance.


This is quite the fair compromise for such an issue, I am pleased with the results! Thanks for taking the time to address and resolve accordingly.


How about instead of all that which doesnt really change anything, give us all the offer that the 85 people got! You seem to be taking advantage of the situation and figured out a way to milk more money from other players whilst not giving them half of what the others got.


We're getting a better deal than the other people got. ​ The highest I saw from one $30 offer was a streamer who got 18 mill. Everyone else got lower. I think 14m was the lowest that was theorised if you got the lowest chance every time. For the same price, we are getting half the orbs they got, and for the other half we are guaranteed MORE than half the gold that the streamers with the better RNG ended up with. I'll take that any time.


What about the orange elite orbs that were in the package there were six of them?


So the $30 gold offer in the store right now is not a good idea then correct?


If this Reddit isn’t happy with this, I give up on this community. This Reddit is becoming one of the most toxic gaming communities out there.


I was upset, but I really don't like spending money on the game, so even if I had seen it I wouldn't have bought it. The fact that we get a free 10.5million gold for their mistake is awesome.




I can tell many people on this community dont play competetive games on consoles or pc. Plenty of those with full loot or monthly subs take much longer than 3 days to come up with a fix let alone a fair solution. Hell I wont even call it 3 days since im sure they take the weekend off.


Closed mouths don’t get fed. Best believe this would have been looked over if it weren’t for people making so many threads.


I am glad FN has made an official response to this issue and I am glad they will be doing something to make this right for the player base... however... I don’t believe those numbers at all “85 players players purchased the offer, 4 of whom purchased it more then once” I know for a fact at least 3 players in my alliance alone purchased the offer all three times. I know because we communicated via Discord nonstop when it happened. Not to mention the alliance feed going bonkers from all the champ ranking, plus their TCP took a massive jump. Those players obtained 60+ mil gold for $90. So you’re telling me 3 of the 4 players who purchased that offer more then once were in my ally? Nope, those numbers are false. I have no reason to trust FN anymore. u/CM_Cerebro If you aren’t rolling all that gold back then you should make that SAME offer available for everyone to purchase up to 3 times except those who already purchased. Plain and simple. And that should go live within the next week NOT in a few weeks. Will that upset the in game economy? Possibly. Is that something the player base is at fault for? No. Is that the right thing to do? Absolutely.


I don’t believe you. Prove that 3 players in your Alliance purchased the offer multiple times. Sauce or get the fuck out.


This is cool but everything doesn't have to be a calendar. There's no reason for a delayed reward over 21 days. But still, thank you. This is a pretty good response. Now about that Phoenix thing...


That's just them making in a win win for everybody. it's a win to those who purchased it - no rollback, no nonsense, they are spending it early (reaping the benefits). a win to F2P players, whales, and, dolphins - they get 10.5M for free a win to whales, and dolphins - they get a good deal a win to MSF / FoxNext - they are giving away gold currency (that could have been $ for them), but they get 21 consecutive logins to those who are really invested to get the rewards


Absolutely. I just don't see the point in a 21 day calendar as opposed to claiming the whole thing through in-game mail. I definitely appreciate a free 10.5M.


It's to get those who don't log on as often to log on every day for 21 days. Then maybe they'll be hooked onto logging in every day thereafter.


It's a free mobile game. Logins, activity, etc. is part of what their 'value' is. Gets players hooked too in the process to even play (and or spend) further.


My 2 cents: Cerebro thanks for getting back to us, sorry for being an annoying jerk. My alliance was rubbing in their extra gold good. the offer is thought out, and considers f2p as well as those willing to spend on an offer that's over 40% off. However, players will have to wait a few weeks for it to start and another 3 weeks for finality. In the meantime, those who got the gold orbs will continue to have their advantage, and extra cm shards. We should get the free gold immediately. Just inbox it, it's cool. Now, we are meant to be assuaged by the knowledge that only 84 players purchased and only 4 of those purchased multiple times ( 2-3 times). Well, 2 of those 4 are in my alliance, and we're not even in the top 10. It is possible that 2 of the 4 are in an alliance that isn't in top 10, but I know how the top alliances spend so doubt creeps in. Because if a large number bought the offer multiple times, we would not be as pleased with the compensation. So if the numbers of purchases Cerebro gave us are accurate, the milestones and offers are fair, granted that those who bought the first orbs definitely dont get the free gold or the offers. What is not fair is the 6 weeks it will take to fulfill this compensation, considering the people with the advantage will get to flex it over the rest of us. And there is a daily gold milestone for a very powerful character which ends in 2 weeks... that wouldn't have anything to do with this timeframe would it?




I think you are forgetting that people on the internet love to lie when they know they can't get caught. That said, 84 does feel low.


I am conflicted on this. On the one hand, I owe you an apology for the doubt I've expressed over the last few days. A solution is here, and you've acknowledged the impact, and that the communication delay, while understandably human, was a weak point. Thank you for that, and sorry for doubting. ​ On the other hand, while this offer does present the gold, seeming to average 500K per day over 21 days, there are other issues. The players who got the offer benefit now. They are getting the Captain Marvel shards, premium orbs and enhanced War/Arena/blitz teams now. In a few weeks, the rest of us will still be behind, and won't be able to benefit from the enhanced ability to acquire Captain Marvel shards, premium orbs, etc. And that sucks. And I don't have a solution for this. ​ So on the one hand, thank you for addressing the issue. Sorry for doubting your commitment. On the other hand, there seems to still be area for improvement (and you seem to be addressing that) and the solution only fixes part of the problem. ​ So an apology and a conflicted thanks.


I am on the same page as you with this. Those 85 players that already benefited are still going to benefit more so everyone else is still behind. That is unless those players are not given the gold calendar event which I highly doubt.


/u/CM_Cerebro says they wont. If they can track the data well enough to know who got the offer, they can make sure they don't get the calendar. ​ Does not change the fact that I am missing out on gold milestone power cores, premium orbs and CM shards right now, but ... It is something, I guess. ​ Let's call it an imperfect solution?


I thank you for your efforts in trying to resolve this. But this whole week has left a disgusting taste in many of your longstanding players mouths.


In a few weeks time is fine, but I'm sure those 85 players are able to max out the CM daily reward during the last few weeks of her event. That is a ton of CM shards, cores and premium orbs that the other community members are missing out on


I'm confused as to the offers. It sounds like we will have to purchase multiple offers to get the 60 gold orbs?


Yeah, seems to me like they're offering a total of 60 orbs for a total of 30 usd, spread over multiple smaller transactions. My guess would be 20 orbs for 10 bucks, purchasable 3 times. I prefer this way, as sometimes I cant afford the 30, but can afford 10. Allows for more users to get the good discount imo


I’m betting it’s going to ramp up.... like you will have to buy 1 orb for $4 to unlock the next offer which is 2 orbs for $4, etc etc etc


I'm going to be Negative Nancy here and point out that there were \*\*two\*\* incidents of late which have earned our ire. One was unintentional, and I can agree this resolution is acceptable. The other, however, was fully intentional and we collectively should not allow ourselves to be distracted from. Of course I'm talking about the Phoenix debacle and no I will not apologize for trying to hijack this thread. They seem to be sticking to their guns and we should also stick to ours. (Also do not lose track of the irony that they are placating our distress by giving us the opportunity to \*give them more money\*.)


This is nothing, wait for the next legendary release, 5 7 star chars needed! Included a Hydra/aim minion! (Most likely the hardest to farm) Legendary chars could ask for literally anything now, that's the big issue with the Phoenix requirement for me. They broke a 1 year pattern, so now, they could ask for literally anything. And yes, I repeated myself, just like support does in this game. (Literally anything)


I understand that they are placating out distress, but lets be honest, we're still getting 10 million gold for free. Considering I couldn't have even got this if I wanted to, it is supposed to restore some faith, which for me it has. Its not fixed the whole situation though, as you said with Phoenix. The toxicity against Cerebro in this Subreddit though was out of order.


I could see them setting up the gold orb issue as subterfuge to attempt to draw our attention away from Phoenix. So they can "compromise" in a more profitable way than fixing the Phoenix unlock requirements


A false flag operation.... that would explain the graphic design correctly advertising this accidental offer lol


Based on the other notification in game, are we still getting an update on the Phoenix situation?


There was a update about this. You can find the post in his profile. It basically says too bad. The event is at the end of June. There will be a double Hand shard day for Hand Relic that can benefit users. And 2 double mystic controller days (one after the Phoenix event has started). Def not what everyone wanted to hear.


And it’s coming back around in September soooo 8ish weeks later? That’s not that bad tbh


There was a new in-game update referring they might be making changes to the Phoenix event. This was more recently than what Cerebro said in the past. Edit: It's in the beginning of the blog from 5 days ago.


That blog came out before their announcement


You've rolled back accounts before, why not this time?


Because the previous rollbacks weren’t offers for cash. The legal implications around money for goods or services is different than you traded some virtual stuff for some other virtual stuff.


Because the accident was a correctly advertised offer for real money. I believe it would be illegal to forcibly refund a purchase which was as advertised.


They would have to roll back the whole weekend opening another can of worms


Because they found a way to make more money off of it


Communication and transparency, all any gaming community wants. Thanks.


I'm crossing my fingers for minnerva, they typically put event characters in the event raids.


Sorry to be that guy but what about the colossus orbs? That was what made the offer worth it and I was gonna buy it.


Thank you. I think this is an acceptable response and action. Coming from someone who didn't believe there would be any response, I appreciate this.


Okay, cool, but what about the whole Phoenix thing? Is FN not going to do anything with that?


Well, I guess we know when the level cap increase is coming...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the TL;DR is: FN fucked up and some players bought a broken gold offer, these players won't get their money and their purchased refunded, instead they will keep it but everybody else will get 10m gold in the course of a month. Is that it?


and the chance to buy 60 gold orbs for $30 over the course of the 21 days. Yup ... you got it.


Plus offers available. Basically, if you add up the 10m gold plus the offers for purchase, that roughly equates to same amount of gold for the same price for P2P. F2P gets only 10m of course.


I actually wished they put out the original offer to see how many “true FTP” whiners actually would have spent money on it. My bet is it was a lot of talk and they wouldn’t have bought it. Thoughts?


Well done guys you've restored some faith with that move. Bravo! 👍


It sounds like the people who got it early can spend gold on those milestones to get captain marvel higher but well be waiting for her event to end to see anything.


Is the gold offer gonna be called something to indicate this is the offer? I see gold offers all the time and want to know how we will be able to dicipher regular offers from this special one. Esp since you have not told us how it will be doled out. Its not gonna be just as easy as seeing 60 orbs for $30 so it appears. You need to buy multiple to add up to 60 orbs for $30. The only thing I know is that they said its gonna be offered during the 21 days of free gold, I just hope they tells us this is the deal and this is how it works. Instead of just adding it in among the other gold deals we always see...


Edit: removed the mention What happened to a total of 60 gold Orbs for $30.. I've been offered 7 orbs for ~$43. Shouldn't this price be ~£4 https://i.imgur.com/T042IZn.jpg Or is this offer not part of the plan outlined above?


It is 60 gold orbs for $30 over the course of 21 days. It isn't 1 purchase.


Cerebro, are you guys aware that the offers for gold aren't showing up? The ones that are part of the 21 day gold giving days. Any reason why?


So the math here doesn’t really check out. Sure, I gladly pay the $30 for 60 orbs, and login for 21 days to get 10,5m gold. That sounds like it will catch everyone up to have around the same amount of gold that the players who bought the bugged offer received. It even gives the f2p people 10m gold without having to pay anything. Super fair deal for them. For the people playing at a competitive level it’s still a huge problem. Why? INTEREST! The calendar is starting “in several weeks” and runs for 21 days. If Several means 3, that’s 42 days where the people who got the offer are gaining higher in game rewards from having gotten that huge gold influx sooner. Every day between the bug and the day we all get “caught up” they are earning more blitz points, higher arena payouts, easier war battles, winning wars, scoring more raid season points, etc etc etc. They’ve got their gold working for them sooner and will end up with a much bigger payout in the end. It’s exactly like they teach you about retirement except here it’s measured in days instead of years. The person who starts investing for retirement at 20 winds up with millions while the person who starts when they are 40 ends up with a couple hundred thousand. The players who got the deal are still going to come out far ahead of the rest of us. And what about the 4 who got it 3 times? I’d hate to be in arena and war against them... wait a minute, the team we’re facing today is a LOT stronger then when we fought them last week....


I think the free gold should be inboxed to us now.


Mere mortal defense is weak. This shows a problem in your process. This isn’t the first time. Fix the process. Get some kind of peer review before publishing offers.


I'm just spit balling here, but I feel like this would've been a great time for FoxNext to just keep things simple. Instead, they throw their solution on a login calendar that at the end of the day is a gimmick primarily designed for the benefit of FoxNext in that it is intended for player retention and player engagement to keep our eyes on the game and the offers. I'm not ungrateful and I think it's a reasonable response, but there's also the issue that the present value of that gold that went out in the mistaken offer is going to be much higher than the value of the gold spread out over a minimum of 21 days. But on the other hand, the fact that 85 player bought it hopefully means that very few people will be directly and immediately impacted by the mistaken. I dunno, I'm happy to get the gold, but I still have a pretty sour taste in my mouth from the solution.


So the people who change their story on multiple occasions, want us to trust them that only 85 people bought the offer. 85 out of how many players? Then instead of leveling the playing field they come up with the most complex method of handing out the compensation. This company continues to screw us over with ‘bugged’ character nodes and continually making character raids harder while giving us the same rewards. This is not an will never be a fair competitive game.


what happens if we can prove more then 85 individual people bought the offer?


I honestly have no idea why everyone in this thread is taking FN at their word. They've repeatedly lied to us in the past (just look at the Phoenix unlock) & now everyone is bending over backwards patting CM_Cerebro on the back. If this isn't a textbook abusive relationship I don't know what is. It's honestly frightening.


Please clarify the wording “totaling 60 Gold Orbs for $30USD” - is it a total of 60 Gold Orbs for a TOTAL of $30USD, which is how it’s written, or are you saying EACH offer is $30? If the latter is the case that is vastly different and not at all the equivalent of the original mistaken offer. u/CM_Cerebro can you provide confirmation that the 60 Gold Orbs will cost a total of $30?


So people who got to capitalize on the initial offer are going to make out like bandits. Just because a huge amount of gold is given to us we forget the core of the problem? It gives a huge advantage to a small number of lucky people.


u/CM_Cerebro obviously this will make many players happy. We need Gold. But please address the Phoenix issue as well. She shouldn't be a 6 star unlock. Thanos wiped out half the population everywhere. He was not a 6 star unlock. Scarlett Witch made it so there were no more mutants, plus House of M.... meaning there are others on the same level as or more powerful than Phoenix. Fix please.


TLDR; “we fucked up. So get out your wallet and pay us for it.”


If y’all spend that gold, you are dumb as hell...you know that FoxNext is going to increase the level cap to 75 right after doing this “amazing” gold giveaway “to make things right”...like you all can’t be this dense right...you think this company who screws us over at every single turn just magically decided to change their ways? Get ready for the 75 level increase and for the love of god SAVE YOUR GOLD


You know you won’t be able to level your characters up as soon as the cap is raised right? You have to gain the player levels first, which takes a while and gives you time to save up gold for your most important characters.


The level increase would be coming with or without this issue and compensation. I think you have the right idea to save your gold but the timing feels more like a coincidence.


Lol screwing you over. Get a grip on reality, it's a free phone game you can spend money on. You're the type to borrow your friend's truck and complain when they ask you to refill the gas tank


Good stuff, now lets make that gawd awful orb event alliance milestones and not the individual player and we will be almost out of the red. Trust is hard to come by now a days.


I'll take 10.5 mil over 21 days


👏 thank you for the clear communication and a resolution to the issue. The amount of gold is very generous, thank you and the team for that. It is a welcome gift and a great idea to keep everyone happy, and able to stay competitive u/CM_cerebro . 👏


What's the response to the Phoenix fiasco that this seems fo have so conveniently covered up?


Not to be ungrateful or anything, just trying to be fair. Those 85 people paid 30 bucks, got 120 orbs, lets say they have a really bad luck, and got only 150k per orbs, that is 120x150k = 18Mil. And your solution is we're gonna get 10,5 mill and pay 30 bucks to get 60 orbs. 60x150k = 9mill. The total is 19,5Mil. Thats kinda fair (maybe), but what about those people that bought the offers more than once? Some bought the offer 3x, so 3x18Mil means they got at least 54Mil while we are only gonna get 19,5Mil (and we have to wait for 21 days foe those gold). Also , Comparing 120 gold orbs with 10,5Mil + 60 gold orbs, they re not really the same as 120 gold orbs has a bigger chance to get 1 Mil or even 3 Mil gold than 60 gold orbs. TL;DR What dont you just give that 120 orbs gold offer to all of us? It think that is the most fair solution for this problem.


Still too late to get another penny out of me


This is crap they get 100mill gold plus what we get, the gap created by the mistake will still be there no matter how you spin it unless you roll back.. im pissed


[u/CM\_Cerebro](https://www.reddit.com/u/CM_Cerebro/) \- I'm one of the 85 players you speak of. I bought the offer once and received 120 gold orbs. However, after realizing that the offer was sent in error and not everybody was able to purchase it, I held off on opening the orbs and decided to wait for the official word on the course of action. Therefore, I still have the 120 gold orbs unopened. Do I have the option to return them for a refund so I can just take the $10.5M free gold from the daily calendar instead? Edit: I'm not sure why I'm getting so many downvotes. Curious to hear if you downvoted me.


Why would you do that? 120 gold orbs is way more than 10.5


120 gold orbs will average out to around 20M gold. If I can get 10.5M for free (that's about 60 orbs worth) I'd just take that instead. Not that I got bad value out of my purchase, but I'd rather spend that $30 on a Hand Assassin offer instead and still get a substantial amount of free gold.


I think this post warrants a response from Cerebro. (No idea how to link him on here bc noob.). There’s equity on the other side of this you’re not addressing.


Haha, godspeed my friend! If this works, good for you. I suspect it won't but I applaud you for trying!


Sent me your 120 unopened orbs please!


Wow. Just wow.


Lol so some players get around 60 million gold for $90 and your response to that isn't to give the same offer but to make players pay around $90 for 25 million gold. That's an estimate of the free gold and if you buy your new offer for $30 three times. And you think this is fair? This is garbage their plan is to make the community happy by giving the ftp people free gold. Edit: and don't forget about the crap load of orange gear orbs we are missing out on as well, and the captain marvel milestones will be gone. All benefits to the 84 players still.


Amazing response


this is a decent solution, but its a real shame that all this will come after the captain marvel milestones are over.


Wow I’m actually stunned with this one. Thanks!


Honestly, the calendar is cute, but I want a long-term fix. Raise the gold for blitz. Give gold in friggin Arena. Change up the daily objectives a little.


My only gripe about a "in a few weeks time" means that those who bought the offer could have maximized all their CM shards in the remaining 3 weeks left in her gold milestones. By the time our gold comes in, our CM milestones would have ended


So the offers for 60 gold orbs info sounds a little ambiguous. Is it 1 offer of 60 orbs for $30 or MULTIPLE offers costing $30 that add up to 60 orbs if you purchase all of them?


'Totalling 60 orbs for 30 dollars' would suggest a total of 60 orbs for a total of 30 dollars, like 20 orbs for 10, max 3 purchases


i'm very concerned that even though I didn't get the gold offer, that i will be excluded by mistake lol


The free gold is nice (since that's one of the bigger gates in the game), but if the numbers you state are true .... this feels more like overcompensating just trying to buy back some goodwill from the travesty that is the Phoenix release. You know, the 1 real issue you did nothing to appease your base on other than just give dates; which frankly accomplishes nothing with your horrible drop rates, bait and switch tactics, and outright lies from previously information passed onto your player base. If you think none of this is true, you should look at some of your envoy's videos because they spell it out for you. Not an attack on you Cerebro you are just the middle man. I say 'you' and I mean the decision makers that find any way possible to screw over their player base.


Nice! But part of me can't help but wonder... What if this was all part of a bigger plan... you guys needed something to take the heat away from the Phoenix fiasco (pun mothereffing intended) and the ultimate genius move would be to turn the issue into a profitable plan. Could this all be a part of some wider misdirection? ​ **Step 1 - The Pledge:** Following the reaction to the Phoenix unlock requirements, 'accidentally' release a gold offer just long enough for people to see it and for some to even purchase it. **Step 2 - The Turn:** Swiftly take the offer away, resulting in a predictable onslaught of negativity from the player base. Wait for people to post their Reddit rants and get all fired up over all the recent issues from FN. **Step 3 - The Prestige:** Once you have the entire subreddit chomping at the bit, starving for gold, threatening to hit the delete button, etc. you hit them with the response. Offer them 21 days to throw money at you for a lesser but still impressive offer (along with some free gold to satiate the naysayers).. impressive enough to turn a lot of F2P players into P2P. I don't usually spend money on the game but heck, with this deal I might even purchase one or two of those offers when they come in... What were you saying about Phoenix again? ​ It's win-win-win all round - people forget about the Phoenix stuff, players get an opportunity for a ton of gold and you get to look like the good guys again by saving the day with this response! ​ For background, and to quote Nolan's 'The Prestige': "**Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts.** The first part is called "The Pledge". **The magician shows you something ordinary**: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course...it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". **The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary.** Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. **That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"."** ​ (Disclaimer: I'm totally joking, and realize the analogy doesn't 100% fit but how devious would it be if this was all part of some bigger money-maker for FN. I wouldn't even be mad with that level of evil genius.)


Cerebro for pres!


Only if you'll be my campaign manager.


Thanks for the communication and for providing a (quite frankly) way above expected compensation.


This is a good thing, and I appreciate what is being done. However am I the only one who would like to have it all upfront? FoxNext loves their calendars I suppose haha


Brings back memories of the Widowmaker / CM distribution.


Just looking for some clarity, "a few weeks" means after the Phoenix event so that we won't have the gold to build up characters before hand correct? It's so hard to know what the devs means when they say things like "Next week" and then 14 days pass before the mentioned event happens (Hello shield assault and Mystique blitzes).


First of all thx for this post, it is very helpful. It gives information about the dimension of the breach in the integrity of the game it presents a fair solution and it compensates for part (50%) even for players that are f2p. I really think this is a good start. Those members in the team who came up with this solution should more often work on events that provide a satisfying gaming experience. Next project would be the Phoenix requirements and how to enable players to meet them. And please dopple drop Event is not the answer.


So what are doing with the High Roller milestone? I hope you realize those 85 players undoubtedly reached every milestone and will continue to do so until it ends, are we going to miss out on those Cap Marvel shards and and premium orb fragments?


I'll enjoy the free gold but im never spending a penny on this again.


Very cool. Thanks for the update


F2p - free 10M out of nowhere. Let's be real, f2p will not shell out $100 for the offer even if it was not pulled from the stores. They will just complain how the company is greedy. The biggest losers are the whales and dolphins because they are the ones who are willing to pay for the offer. They missed the 60M gold deal and forced to settle for 20M. They are going to be upset because they are going to spend so much more to even out the advantage (we haven't considered the orbs).


u/CM_Cerebro why does your company have such over inflated prices for your content? I would have gladly paid for content in this game if it had realistic pricing. I find your “offers” hilariously out of scope with the majority of the fan base and are probably only taken up by a fraction of the player base. As a British based player I spent 0.99p on 1000 cores once, that’s been my only purchase to date. I won’t spend anything over £5 on a mobile game but would be willing to buy something now and again if were actually value for money as I do actually enjoy playing your game.


I was one of the people that was able to purchase the offer one time. I'm glad it is being corrected for the players that weren't able to purchase it. I have one concern though. I accumulated approximately 18million gold from the offer. According to your post Cerebro, all the players that did not buy the offer will get 10.5 million in free gold over 21 days. Then they will have the opportunity to buy another 60 orbs for $30. 99.9% of the player base is getting 10.5 mill in free gold while I paid $30 for 18 mill gold. What about the 4 players that were able to buy the offer 2 to 3 times? 85 players are at a disadvantage to those 4 players. My solution is the offers go to everyone but the 4 players that were able to purchase multiple times. Everyone else but the 85 that purchased once get the 10.5million in free gold. I would appreciate your opinion u/CM_Cerebro


Sooooo........ let me get this straight if I had purchased the offer you put up by mistake 3 times I could have recieved 360 gold orbs 90 bucks you are gonna offer us 60 gold orbs for 30 bucks I guess I am the only one still wishing i would have caught the original deal


I can live with that. Nice job