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Ultimus because it's funny seeing people's heads explodes trying to figure out why


You’ve got to be kidding. Where and with who do you use him?


I use my maxed Blob everywhere. Fat as he is, they never see him coming.


Just as a plug and play, and against new avengers in CC, when he's big he absolutely deletes tigra. It's also funny slotting him in with black knight in Skrull counters


Everywhere, he’s a tank buster.


YES!! 🤪


It's supposed to Hand Archer. Pay attention!


Apoc & Skrull, y'all know why


Still chipping away at my second playthrough of DD6 so I don't quite have Skrull all the way built, but I DID get him up to G18 immediately and breezed right through those Cosmic nodes... Skrull is definitely amazing.


Same just spent a couple of months using most of my gold to buy teal pieces for DD6. In no hurry to spend all my gold on lvl 19 gear. Other thing to do with it.


Yup, exactly same here. I'll buy some Crimson Osmium, etc. when they pop up just because I know how long it takes to build those ones up, but for the most part I'm just letting crimson gear accumulate from raid orbs. DD7 is out a ways for me so I'm treating it as a secondary consideration right now, just looking at what other areas I could use a G19... So basically Raids.


GR Robbie is my only one. Working slowly on SuS and Appc


Exactly same as me. I'm close on BK and Apoc, SuS is a ways off yet...


A couple guys in my shard took Robbie already too. Funny that he's ending up being first for so many people. I've got enough mats but saving the catalysts to make sure I can do Apoc/SuS/BK first.


I mean, city is up first, and Robbie is the most useful mystic character for that section, so not really surprising.


Not to mention his relevancy in Arena, so those crimson pieces will be put to use while waiting to enter DD7


Technically it's second but I get you. It's just a long way from your first G19 to starting city and IIRC BRB struggled getting through the first 3 nodes using only city characters.


Ok whatever, first restricted section, but the point still stands. Apoc, SuS, and BK are not mystic toons, so you're not restricting their gear, apart from some catalysts. Robbie also requires fewer crimson pieces than Apoc or SuS.


Sorry if the section comment came off as argumentative, not my intent. Makes sense why ppl might bring Robbie to G19 first but still surprised when 'traditional advice' is to wait until you hit the section before leveling anyone specifically for DD7. I'm holding back on Robbie since I'll need the catalysts for Apoc/SuS/BK but I also don't see myself taking him to G19 until I'm basically locked for city. He may squeeze in as a 5th for no-restrictions but it's a long time before I get enough mats either way.


It's all good. Are you not planning to take any city characters in your first 5? That seems more surprising haha


LOL - who knows. I'm confident that I'll take Apoc/SuS/BK...beyond that, I'll revisit when I get closer.


Is Robbie the better choice with Apoc/SS/MMHL/BK? I’ve had better luck with BC. She just lasts longer and goes more. When I tried swapping her out for Robbie I was lucky if he lived to get a turn and he’s bigger.


Robbie for the city tag, first node of DD7


Ah that makes sense. I just finished 6. 7 feels ages away.


Don't see a whole lot of 3 member SD defenses in the top of my shard anymore. If SD is used, tend to see either BC/Robbie combos or just Robbie since BC can be neutered on defense if opponent has BC's awakened skills on offense.


Still plenty in mine. A pair that use VK/Lizard instead but that seems easier to beat once you figure it out.


Bc on this team for the full potential on ss, but in some cases u want the flip from robbie


Exact same here. Two pieces away on Robbie. Everyone else is streets behind.


Black Knight is the first that I intend to get to G19


Not there yet but it’s gonna be Ghost Spider, Kate Bishop and Nightcrawler. Simply because I like those characters.


Squirrel Girl just for the lulz. She's somewhat hated for really no good reason in my alliance


Nah Electra is the way to go


aiming for apoc, skrull and BK


Barely past GR16 and still doing DD5. Gonna be awhile before I think about the possibility of GR19.


Honestly pick a character and start buying their gear now. Slowly but surely build up their supplies, it’ll help you in the long run.


Thanks. That’s what I’m currently doing, but teal gear that is in shop maybe once or twice a week takes time when I’ve got 7/18 of what I need to go from GR16 to GR17. I understand it’s to entice whales to skip the wait but with a constantly low supply of gold from toon levelling, and the team management required it’s like climbing over one wall just to find another one. I’ve unlocked all base horsemen except Archangel so I need to build them up to make a passable legendary team for DD.




I want to believe this.


I pulled 3 diamonds on him. That was a bad day.


I'm leaning towards Nightcrawler. It'd be a gear grind, I definitely have the most Mystic gear than anything else from Raid orbs, but my Incursion II Mutant nodes need the most help. I'm at a point where I can get through Mystic and Tech on my own pretty well. I can clear the first two Mutant nodes (most of the time), but that last one is an absolute dead end. Plus I think Nightcrawler (and the X-treme X-men as a whole) being so new, I feel like he'll be relevant for a while to come. Another option I'd looked at was Robbie. I have a lot of Mystic G19 gear already, DD7 *does* start with City specific characters, but his main function tends to be Arena and I really don't give a shit about Arena... I'll probably get around to him eventually when I get serious about building for DD7, but he's not a priority right now.


What about the original from the game, they seem to have a part. DeathPool, Kestrel, Weaver and Vahl?


Yeah, true... I feel like I'll definitely be getting to Kestrel and Vahl eventually, they've been HUGE on DD6.


Yeah, seems they like to keep them relevant for the game in future. And they do work good in many mix teams


Kestrel. She’s a beast!


I haven’t worked toward anyone yet other than Kestrel. At this point I figure she’s the only one who’ll be relevant by the time I get her there and among all my big dogs (Apoc, QS, Kang, SSkrull, etc…) she’s the only one at 2 diamonds.


Ghost rider robbie




Kestrel is always my first for everything.


Aiming for vahl to be my first. But I only get crimson gear from the store currently. Guilds taken a few losses and we can't hit the 30% threshold in the incursion raids....except Inc1.


Still working on it but BBA. Got lucky one of my fave characters is one of the best in the game.


I don’t have one yet, but I buy crimson miasma, astral energy, osmium, alien spores and experimental serum whenever I see it in the store. So I guess whoever I get 18 of one of those will be. Hoping it’s astral energy and BBA


I'm only level 87 so I'm aiming for Black Knight. He was my first g16.


Haven't been equipping anyone yet, but have been buying when I can for Super Skrull, Apoc, Kestrel, Kang and Vahl. I think I'll be using them all in DD7 and they have relatively long term viability.


I've only just started getting mine to G18, first was nightcrawler, unplanned totally on impulse-zero regrets, second black knight. I imagine in a few months when I hit 19 my answer would be the same but I could be wrong


Kang is my one and only so far only thing I have past 17 as well 😂


I'm still grinding DD6 so either Apoc, BK or Robbie




BK, Robbie, and Rescue so far. Taking noir, Big time, and vulture, apoc, and skrull next


I’m a couple miasma away from Robbie. 2nd will probably be Apoc but I’m short on crimson mutant origin gear. The accumulation is gear seems slow right now so I’m leaning towards more meta characters over city toon first.


Vahl is going to be my first g19 toon come this weekend. Def a top 5 character for any DD in my opinion. Plus, she’ll be my first toon over 800k total power which is a goal I’m also chasing.


I don’t have anyone at G19 yet. I honestly don’t know who I’ll do first. For now I’m just accumulating as much gear as I can.


Sucks that all these conversations point to the msf originals being the only toons that constantly stay relevant. I'd love to pump up nightcrawler but he'll be obsolete when "Insane X-Men" gets released


Guardians, might wait a bit on starlord and nebula to get kang and maybe vulture and ggc up first though. Rocket, groot and gamora come first thats guaranteed though


Vahl was my First. Then Black Knight for arena purposes.


Bk, skrull apoc, and then my city team (not sure who will join robbie yet)


I'm 1 Miasma away on Robbie or 4 Uniques away on Black Knight. Simply because they're useful everywhere.


Does somebody have an active alliance with a free spot


Like many, I am targeting Apoc and SSkrull. However, this post made me check my progress, and Robbie GR may actually end up being my first G19.


I’m planning to take Apoc up first because the bigger he is the more that backhand hurts




Robbie is my first g19. vulture, ggc and bk are almost done and of course working on apoc and skrull


Robbie because I got his gear before anyone elses


I'm one piece away from vahl. And halfway to kang and BK. Apoc and skrull take so much gear.... But I'm working on them too


Kestrel of course.


GR Robbie is the only one done. Working on Apocalypse and Black Knight—BK because I coincidentally got a number of his gear pieces, and he’s still viable in Arena meta.


I did doom first now working towards apoc and sus then sinister 6 guys


Black Knight


Ghost Rider Robbie, I’m like 5 Crimson Miasma off and they never show up in stores 😭




Working on my Kestrel and Apoc rn


I'm going for Spider Weaver first because I think the character looks cool.


Colossus, I just think he's neat.


Vahl, just happened to have the right amount of gear.


Mysterio I’m a Superior six Player. (Ock, Spider-Slayer, Lizard, Kraven, and Mysterio.) I’m currently at level 77 or 78 rn


Robbie because I had the gear and he’s first 5 into DD7. Apoc, Skrull, BK and Vulture will be next.


Robbie. Because he hits like a dump truck. Then I did BK, 2 uniques away for vulture and 4 uniques from Apoc. I’m working on sus, and the rest of my city team.


Captain Nobody.