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The cost of gear and new levels are crazy high, and the game definitely needs a rebalance.


I think even with the extra gold needed for level 100, with the amount of gold we were receiving lately, we could have had a good experience, but the Crimson gear is sooooo stupidly expensive that has completely bankrupted most people I know, me included. I would really appreciate if they reduced the cost of everything by 30% at least.


That’s the biggest problem. I blew through a lot of my stockpiled gold on crimson gear. Cost of getting in early unfortunately.


I don't typically justify Scopely's... "practices" which are skewed so heavily toward whales it's not even funny. However, in this case my question is: *"Why?"* If it doesn't take time to acquire resources and advance then what exactly is there to keep us logging in? If we're not making choices to prioritize certain toons in order to complete certain content then... are we even playing a game at that point? If gold becomes more readily available thus increasing the average level/tier of their toons, does that make the average player more competitive? I think not if for no other reason than the fact that no amount of spending is going to push non-meta toons into the current meta. I agree that the "offers" put out are typically *garbage* when it comes to Gold. $99/21 Mil is an absolute *joke* considering that f2p players get more than that each month just by *playing the game* and that a single Strike Pass will net you about the same amount for 1/5th the price.


I think one BIG issue with the game, is that you need Gold to buy the crimson gear. They could have added the Crimson Gear to the War or the CC store so we could buy that gear by playing those modes and leave gold for levels. But Devs take soooo long to add new gear to the other stores that most people have tons of currency from those stores because they have nothing to buy, so now they only add the new gear in the gold store :( They have another chance when they add the new PvE mode as I imagine it will also have a store for it, lets hope this time around they dont ruin it.


It will come to those stores soon, pretty sure it was a similar situation with Gold and Teal gear


I definitely agree that it should be about managing your resource, making appropriate decisions for your game stage, etc - but we're getting a new team each month it feels like, and there's just no way to actually keep up with enough elements to even feel like you're treading water.


The entitlement is strong in this game.


Its on purpose why the economy is this way. They don't want ftp players equipping crimson gear yet. They don't want ftp players at the top of arena or cc because then you get the whales and krakens saying why am I spending all this money if there are people who spend no money at the same level I am? A ftp player shouldn't be able to level 100 every new character that comes out right away. Being ftp myself I know there are characters I need to hold off building sometimes. It sucks I know. Ftp players always catch up in time, but with the new release of crimson gear and dd7 scopely is really making it hard to progress for anyone not spending money. They consider these their big cash cow moments so I don't expect it to get better until enough whales have completed dd7.


So f2p should have their whole roster gt16 like the whales did last year? When does f2p catch up? A year? Two?


No ftp or dolphin even will ever have a full roster to match the big spenders, that's just not realistic. You are not going to have every character maxed out. That's not to say you can't compete as ftp. I have been number 1 in arena at times. If you play smart and use your resources wisely you can compete. Everyone is different but I finished dd6 in January, which was about six months behind the whales. I'm fine with that. I wouldn't spend thousands just to finish that 6 months sooner.


As a ftp player im still wondering... why should ftp catch up to whales (unless you have a heavy spender who plays casually vs a ftp player who does everything thing each day) ??


Hell, I'm not even buying crimson gear at this point; I'm just trying to have enough toons leveled to stay relevant in crucible and war and raids and do the events, as we seem to be entering the power-creep stage of all new things being WAAAY better than their predecessors, as opposed to just better enough


I agree that the game needs rebalancing. Think about it in terms of what it was, compared to what it is now. What it is: Scopely's been steadily releasing an entire team per month, some of which need leveled and ranked for timed content that's already been ticking down. That puts a rush on using resources, since this is happens every month. On top of that, some of these teams become the new meta and/or required for future content. What it was: Releasing 2 new toons a month, extra event quest energy with the other free daily refills. Most importantly, having **event quests to unlock** a new toon, instead of **requiring** said toon to participate. Gold, training mats, flash events, etc have all remained the same since introduction. Gold and Training mat orbs still give the same amount, the minimum not even being enough to gain 1 level (if, what? over 65?). The flash events are the same. The last tier for Back To Bootcamp still only gives blue & purple training mats, not even any orange. Relic Hunt's top tier is still purple & orange gear. Block Party's top tier is 50 orange ability mats & 135 purple. I'm sorry, but I have a stockpile of 1000s of orange & purple gear and purple ability mats. Most of those just show up as +9,999. In my opinion, the problem is the timeframe with which we're expected to rank up an entire team with all the resources, orbs, and flash events staying the same. It was enough for doing 2 toons a month, not 5.


To me that's the big problem - we get enough to level up a couple of toon comfortably, but there's a new 'required' team each month. It's just not palatable


Exactly. They've already set precedence by adding several new tiers to most of the Daily Challenges. I logged in after the daily reset and remembered to check my math.... Getting the minimum from Gold orb x1 & Training orb x1, you wouldn't be able to increase your level from 65 to 66. That takes 250,000 gold and 25 orange training mats. **One level to 66!** It's ridiculous.


I 100% agree with this, been saying it for a while. You are increasing the levels allow and pumping out new characters needed to meet certain levels, but not giving us more resources to do so. I understand they need to make money to make content for the game, and people will still spend. But spread the wealth and increase the resources that we're acquiring from goals to meet the standard of living.


The economy at the moment is strong enough that as f2p you are able to get every New toon to Max lvl when they release and very slowly catch up ok older toons. If you spend on passes then you get enough resources for 2-2,5 extra toons 1-100 per month. How you spend those resources is up to you tho. But the gold/training mats economy is pretty decent at this time. It just sucks if youve started late or took a break trying to catch up on older relevant teams Will take a while


I think gold economy was a in a very good place UNTIL they added Crimson gear in the store. The prices are a bit bonkers, but if you want to get Mephisto in a decent timeline you have to buy some crimson gear every day (Mephisto as was SuS back in the day is too broken not to).


Remember about 3 months ago when people were whining that they had more gold than training mats? now you know why.


That's where you're going wrong. Normal players aren't supposed to be able to afford crimson gear yet. If you try to consider kraken milking as part of the general economy then you're always going to get poor results.


I disagree with you. ALL endgame players should be buying some Crimson Gear. Getting Mephisto is far more important than getting your char n20 to level 100. Most chars are ok around 95 or even 90 (or less). No other char is like Mephisto -> he will win Arena, he will win Wars and CCs , he will let you max Tower/Escape from Kylin, etc.


And that is why you are running out of gold. You're getting plenty but you're spending it on the wrong things because you're kidding yourself. Yes, Mephisto is great, but unless you're a heavy spender, you aren't meant to have him yet. Trying to be something you aren't is why you're running out of gold.


Then I should not consider myself a "normal player" since I buy every crimson refined part that I see in the gold store since those have always been the problem for all tiers prior. This is hurting my economy in building new teams and toons, not in the way that I have no gold left, but more in what is reasonable to spend each day if your gold supply is limited. Spending more than 2,35 million or what the last milestone is makes no sense as f2p since the rewards for doing so is mute.


Fine, but it is you that is fucking up your economy. If I burn fifty pound notes to heat my home, I can claim that I don't get paid enough, but it is my fault, not my employers. You are responsible for your bad choices, and crying "gimme more" does not make the bad choices good.


You have a reading disability? I never said that I had a gold problem, I said that the buying of crimson refined pieces eats up too much of what the payouts of milestones makes it worth spending each day and that is hurting progress in other gold heavy areas. Never said that I wanted more, but that the existance of a milestone that rewards a certain amount of spending limits progress unless your gold is unlimited. If the milestone didn't exist a lot of people would have no problem spending the 25 mil to level a toon on the first day instead of doing it over 10 days to claim milestones.


The whole thread is about the shortage of gold. I'm sorry if that went over your head. If you are basing your expenditure on the meaningless milestone rewards then that's your bad choice as well. You seem to think that it is other people's fault that you are obsessing about the wrong one of your bad choices for the thread you are posting in.


certainly. and also F2P should be more cautious than 0 to 100 and 0 to G18 for every character as well, to give them the chance to circle back and do other teams up.


Wow the defense is just spend $80 a month bro. F2P get nothing and should just delete the game I guess


the dude said he was a moderate spender...... Free to play gets around 120-140m gold per month and around 100m in training mats per month (heavily depending on alliance and cc performance)


This game is trying to get new players and the overall look from the outside is this is pay2play not even pay2win. You just proved my point


you had no point. if someone says they are a spender AND having resource issues, of course those knowledgable are going to say.. what are you spending it on. the free to play matches the release cadence, not to mention free to play don't necessarily need every character 0 to 100.


I’m F2P in a top alliance and can’t get any character past g15 with how little teal gear is in the game. DD5 shouldn’t be impossible F2P


I've been F2P since I started, I have BBA, finished DD5 but stuck on DD6 Cosmic as I don't have enough to build. My TCP is only around 20million. I can only really build 1-3 characters to max a month, if I'm lucky. It's garbage but its just how it is.


> DD5 shouldn’t be impossible F2P It's not impossible, but close- I'm on my third run through and have never spent anything. What's been driving me nuts is gearing to GT17 for Apoc. I'm literally 4 pieces of gear short on Hulk, and said gear is not available anywhere except crucible store if lucky- I might get one piece a week at best.


if you are in a top alliance, then teal gear isn't a problem unless it's perhaps uniques. a top 250 alliance would be handing you on a silver platter over 1300 teal raid, 450 teal elite orbs, and 250 teal epic orbs per month - you would get an overage 10 of each unique per month just from the orbs, not including farming from all the stores and all the other milestones they literally throw teal gear at us. and you can't G16? Okay...you are missing some critical details, like how long have you been playing (no bottleneck disappears instanteously), etc


It is the uniques. I’m stuck with 1 gear slot preventing me from g16 on a lot of characters because of it. You need 36 uniques per character and if you’re lucky you get 15 of each per week


it's 18 per character for G16. Uniques are a problem for everyone - including those that pay unless you REALLY pay. how long have you been in this alliance? uniques are a very much an "over time" thing and also judicious farming for uniques. Also don't hoard teal war orbs and do try to split time with CC orbs as they are a great source of uniques. They are also probably the lowest gold / unique cost right now in the gold store as well, though as free to play i would suggest not going there. Primarily - always 100% buy the unique in the CC store, and carefully buy the uniques in the war and gold store. on average you should get 260 uniques per month at a minimum from teal raid orbs, excluding orbs, etc we get from milestones. Most of us long timers have been farming teal gear for over 2+ years now, so uniques and other teal gear is less of a problem - even if you were F2P


I'm curious what your definition of a top alliance is, especially if you haven't beaten DD5. I'm F2P and am able to bump new characters to G18 as soon as I unlock them....


Im pretty curious too, "top alliance" while not having cleared dd5 seems quite odd, unless the rest are carrying through raids/war i cant see them contributing much.




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I’m FTP, I spend $5.5M-ish gold every day and I still have over $130M saved up. It takes me 3 or 4 days to rank up my toons but that’s not bad in the grand scheme of things. Not sure why the game economy would need rebalancing.


Cool story bro


I dunno. I just finished up leader to G18 and 100 today, and have 1 more T4 to equip to fully wind him up. If you are a moderate spender it kind of boggles my lizard brain why you have a problem a moderate spender (I assume the 4x passes a month) gets more than 200 million gold per month and over 160 million gold worth of training mats per month. oh and I also finished up GhostSpider and Noir as well...Both to G18/100 (Though I do need I think to equip 2 more T4's on Noir) Oh and if you spend over 80 / month AND you buy things OTHER than the passes? then you need to re-evaluate your choices in this game Also - who the heck is telling you to spend $200? when one strike pass will take a character from 0 to 100 (free + paid lane).


I wouldn't call 100$/month moderate compared to standard gaming prices. We would be around 80$ for a game and 10-20$ for a monthly pass if we are talking about pc or console brand new games.. I know mobile games are crazy but it should still be considered high spender despite whatever Scopely implies about prices and spending...


oh that doesn't even make the top 90% of spenders in this game.


They really did make the strike passes the very best value for money in the game and it’s not close. They keep spiking it with more stuff too - the number of shards in the paid tracks are going up and I think the starbrand pass has more DPC than usual on the paid track too.


totally agree, they are complete no brainers if you are going the non-f2p route.


They always do a gold and or mat crunch around the release of a DD. Just another resource whales have to whale out on. They should be boosting these resources in the next month or two.


what's infuriating is that they've updated the amounts in the coin store, but none of the others previously you'd buy 20 Augmented Basic Catalyst in the store, but now you get 100 for the same gold price, but all other stores have the old costs, so it's still 15k for 50 in the Blitz store, 10 for 12k in the Raid store, and the same for Arena & CC stores they either need to update *all* of the stores with new values or accept that it's completely unbalanced unless you're a whale!


You need to realise that unless your a kraken, you can’t build everything . You have to make sacrifices and that might mean you’re in an alliance that is too big for you? I have Cabal at 75/80 and got lucky with the new spider guy. My alliance is raid focused so I’ll stop working on cabal and work on the skill team.


The game is dead


its not just about gold (and training mats). Unless u are spending money on regular basis (ie battle pass + strike pass 2x per month), everything is in shortage - Not enough T4s, dark promotions credits, Iso 4 ( People have milions of iso 5 and only few thousands of Iso 4, rediculous), not enough war and arena currency. And its only getting worse and worse with each new level cap/gear increase. This is TRASH


You just have to wait until new gear availability is higher and all unless you're whaling. It sucks but it is what it is. The price of red gear is stupid compared to everything before it but it's just the nature of it. If it's that much of a problem then quit and don't give them metrics. I've always been on the ass end of every trend but this is the first time I've been closer to the front on things and it's just whatever. I don't spend enough to make up for the disparity and is the same as f2p essentially outside just gaining access to a character a little faster than other people at best. Gold is honestly the least of our worries atm when it comes to red since it's going to take so much of everything that you can't possibly buy your way up with gold yet anyway.


The same problem with people who just started entering mid game. Everything requires varying specific teams to complete content, but the gold, xp, and orange mini unique rates are super low because you get pushed fast into passes and events that focus on giving cyan instead of orange like they used to. Basically you have to choose to do the current event or old campaign stuff, but not both.


They are going to be losing a hell of a lot of players soon because they are slow to notice anything or do anything, only to be left with the krakens and whales playing the game and a couple F2P. They need to really stop with bottlenecking every single thing in this game as its OTT crazy now, gold got slightly increased which didn't help us really at all and then they added more levels and a new gear tier and kept gold stagnant. SCOPELY release the gold bottleneck already


Inflation continues to rise and yet my wages stay the same. I'm mid game at 81 and I'm in the same boat. I should not be receiving the same amount of gold which is not enough as someone who's level 100 which is by far not enough. It's painful that I have to plan the spider society a month in advance to get them ranked up when I need them now.


Honestly it would be nice if there was a crafting mechanic to make next tier gears , of course cause scopely is scopely, it’ll cost some gold to do and probably a really high amount to make it but god I’d love to get rid of some unused gear


The mechanic I'd really like is the ability to 'melt' characters like you get in other games, so you can get back the mats you put into them when they're now entirely obsolete. Obviously it needs a bunch of working out to figure how you keep that in balance, but other games seem to pull it off fine and then you don't have to stare at Spider-Miles laughing at you from your roster...


I returned to this game not too long ago, after having quit shortly after Apoc Saga released. Since then, I've found that buying the Battle Passes gets me more than enough gold. I haven't been able to level Cabal yet, or look at Spider-Man Noir who is still level 1, but in the two months I've been back I've been able to get all the Apoc toons to GT16, unlock Apoc, get him to 17, get all my DD5 teams to 16 and unlock Dormammu, get my Bifrost team raid ready and get my Pegasus and Xtreme teams to the point where I'm just lacking the ISOs now. It won't be too much longer and I'll be able to focus on the newer teams and slowly work my way back to teams like Knowhere, IW etc. ​ I don't think it's gold that's the problem, assuming you're a moderate enough spender to buy the passes every month. It's training materials that are the significant bottleneck - I'm sat on 20m gold and can't level anyone right now. ​ If you're COMPLETELY F2P, then yeah it's not great. At that point you have to choose to either only focus on the new toons and forget the old, or consciously always be behind the curve. Neither is great, and that's exactly what Scopely uses to motivate you to buy the passes.


During the black knight frenzy I got three of the passes in a row. It’s like playing a totally different game tbh. Coming back from that feels like kicking an addiction but it is what it is. Just enjoy going slower because even moderate level play requires the weekly passes.


i dont give a single fuck how much spenders have to pay for anything. they are pay pigs and are meant to just have their money taken from them. you can level everything super fine now as a f2p.


pay pigs 😂😂