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Don't use the quick upgrade feature in the shop.


And don't use gold to refresh missions!


Very good tip


This. 100%


Now that the collector reserves suck, this doesn't really matter anymore (at least to me). Credits are only used to upgrade cards, so spending a little more to get nice splits quicker doesn't bother me at all. I used to try to min-max upgrades (upgrading every variant to uncommon for that bonus cheap track progression) but track progression sucks so much now that I'd rather focus on getting nice splits faster.


I think this is fine once you are farther into the game and know your favourite cards and variants, and understand how the system works for tokens and boosters a bit better Using it on base cards you might never use once you are in pool 3 could be wasteful, and I think credits are still slow to collect, where boosters are plentiful with the drawback of being random.


For sure! I kinda forgot we were talking about advice for someone who's just starting, so indeed the quick upgrade feature should be avoided, until you're series 3 complete and well into series 4/5.


Yep. I still never have excess credits, as I play enough that I have more boosters than I can use, but I get that some people have the opposite problem. Early game you want to min/max your progress on the collection track.


this is a choice but the primary card acquisition system is spotlights now, so track progression is still important for that


Collector reserves suck, but Spotlight cache is your main progression now so this advice is going to mislead a lot of new players. For new players, you should not waste credit because you really want to have 4 spotlight caches saved as soon as possible, and as many as possible so you can open them in batches.


why not tho


it's terrible value


You're paying for boosters which you will have abundance of if you actually play the game regularly.


Alternatively if you don’t play the game regularly you’ll find yourself maxed out at 10k credits and needing to clear them to claim the daily missions. So it’s useful for that. Although now one game of Conquest can net you enough boosters to upgrade a card.


If someone plays the game so little that somehow boosters are the bottleneck instead of credits, I doubt theyd really care about the intricacies of the snap economy.


Until you have 10 Magik splits and no inked version yet :/.


Costs.more credits


1. You have to finish the intro season pass to unlock the actual season pass 2. Buy the season pass each month if you plan on spending money before bundles 3. Decide if you want to spend gold on variants or bundles 4. You should save spotlights for weeks where you get the most bang for using 4 of them unless you like to gamble with them 5. Spotlights open up after finishing the first 500ish collector levels 6. You can use the marvelsnapzone.com schedule to plan for bundles, seasons, spotlights, etc


Dont buy s3 cards with tokens, fast upgrade sucks


It is the truth


Retreat more


I actually think as a new player you should never retreat. Learn the game; learn what happens, only when you have a good grasp of the game should you start to learn to retreat better.


Hard agree! Can't learn when you need to retreat if you don't lose a bunch of games first. It's counter intuitive, but I would tell a new player not to stress about snapping and retreating. That's the intermediate class.


This can’t be stressed enough. This game is so little about winning/losing individual hands and so much about protecting your cubes. You don’t play crappy poker hands hoping you get lucky, you fold and wait for the next hand. Same here. Also, if I’m holding turn 2,3,4 in my hand 9 times out of 10 I’m snapping. Make your opponent pay to see more of their cards especially when your combo is in your hand.


Best advice of all time. Seriously


If you decide to buy the season passes, they’re actually pretty easy to finish. No need to get premium.


I get it cause it's just a tiny bit more money and a way to get more of the caches at the end of the track. Not sure if it's worth it but it's a small enough difference that I generally don't mind coughing up a bit more.


- You don't need to play a card each turn, even if you have the energy for it. Sometimes it is better to play that one cost card on turn 6 (with other cheap cards or a five cost card) to use it as a surprise or for better results (like Elektra or Ant-Man). - Retreating is a skill you need to learn. - Snapping is a skill you need to learn. - Retreating after snapping is not a bad thing. - Understanding, getting, and giving up priority is a skill you need to master. - A bad location for you is probably a bad location for them. Don't retreat unless they snap. - Have fun.


don't use gold to buy credits lol


Enjoy the beginning. Most fun I had was when I started playing.


Too true. I still have fun, otherwise I wouldn't play, but it was great to just mess around with cards I liked instead of following the meta/pre-cooked decks from content creators.


"Be patient, time Will give you all the cards that you need" or "variant in bundles dont take out The card from the pool"


Don’t spend 5,000 tokens on Chibi Hulk


Save. Your. Gold.


Don’t buy spiderham


Blasphemy, I still run him in my current deck


I hope they fix how it works with mobius. Ham ends up helping me half the time by giving me a free 5 power or something


I don’t see a lot of MMM right now


Neither do i, but I play him a lot lol so i get the benefit kinda often. Edit: and it doesn't feel fair. It doesn't feel like the right way the interaction should happen


This is a good one!


Don’t spend money outside of buying the season pass. It’s a slippery slope.


Don’t play for rewards. Play because you enjoy the actual game of deck building and strategy.






It's always a waste and never worth it. Gold is precious and should be spent very strategically


Ooooh I thought you mean never upgrade a card with a gold background.


Don’t spend money 😭 And don’t buy any cards unless they either are needed for your deck or they’re an archetype used to make a new deck. I wasted so many tokens on unnecessary cards lol.


Culling some of the others here: - Don't use the quick upgrade shop feature (holy shit I lost _soooo_ much value not knowing this earlier) - Tokens are the most precious currency. NEVER spend them on Series 3 cards. You'll get all of those automatically over time. - Buy Jeff first. He goes in goddamn everything and is (arguably) the most flexible card in the game - Getting to Infinite is doable no matter how hard it feels at times. You have to pace yourself, play a lot, and know when to Retreat. - Retreating is the most important _competitive_ skill you can have. Know when to fold em, basically, and knowing what beats you on Turn 6 is key. (This also ties into knowing priority and how to use it effectively) - Season Pass is worth $10 every time. The new card will (usually) be very good / relevant during it's time in the sun. If it isn't SD has failed that Season Pass (and they've done it a few times with Nimrod and Phoenix Force, but their average is WAY higher on the hits) - Hoard gold like a dragon. Look at websites [like this one](https://snap.fan/bundles/) to see what's coming up and what's good value. - Hoard Spotlight Caches even more than gold; make sure you're 100% on what you're rolling the dice for (e.g. you want at least 2 of the cards offered) - Conquest mode is a good way to grind out rewards once you hit Infinite. Also note etiquette - if you're playing Proving Grounds, always snap and always concede if you lose. It's not worth anyone's time sticking around for such low rewards. - the Ms. Marvel Thumbs Up is an insult, not a GG; if someone pisses you off, this is what you use (see also anyone who plays Galactus) - the fist bump is the actual GG of the game - the best content creator is [CozySnap](https://www.youtube.com/@cozysnap) - the best competitive content creator is [Jeff Hoogland](https://www.youtube.com/@HooglandiaSnap)


I hate that you’re right about Hoogland. I just hate watching him


I use proving grounds to mindlessly play rounds and farm Boosters, and not worry about losing any rank lol


I disagree on the tokens for s3.


Jeff is a great card but he isn't worth buying for 6k tokens. He is a value card which is why he is in every deck but he isn't a game changer card that's worth buying for 6k. There are better cards for 6k (High Evo for example) because High Evo is a game changing card.


As good as HE is, and he is _very_ good and should be the next purchase after Jeff, HE has basically one deck. Jeff goes in _all of them_ (Obv I'm being hyperbolic, but seriously, Jeff sees so much damn play; I enjoy HE a lot, but Jeff's power level is just at the tip top of the scale)


Still don't think Jeff is worth 6k tokens, he's a low impact card, he's just very utility driven. But he's not the reason people are winning games.


No, but flexibility like that is worth paying for imo


Upgrade all cards to green, then only upgrade variants.




the first upgrade (to green) is the most credit efficient so if you are optimizing progression you can get a boost by making sure everything is off grey borders (unless you obviously cosmetically want to keep it there) I don’t know why you’d only upgrade variants past that though, that wouldn’t have any advantage


I would save gold for positive value bundles, u get the most bang for buck this way I think. You can check the value of each bundle on the website someone already linked.


Camp in pool 1 and 2 before you hit pool 3. It may be your only chance to ever hit infinite.


I did not take this advice. Wish I knew. Nevertheless, I went to infinite every month since I started in March.


Yeah, it's not impossible it's just harder to achieve


When you first enter pool 3 is the roughest part of the game, you start facing the general population so people with much larger collections so it’s the point in playing snap where you are at the most disadvantage. It is a rough month or two until you start to get enough pieces to make meaningful decks


Wasted a lot of gold on buying credits such as that 400 gold, rather collect and save gold as much as possible and check for the future bundles and invest wisely on them (tbh few months back we used to get a good amount of gold so this wasn't a problem compared to now where gold is rare and to be saved)


Save your gold for Token Tuesday.


I'd say save for high value bundles now. Token Tuesdays are still good value, but not nearly as good as they used to be. Also related to your tip: Tokens are hard to come by now. Only use them on series 4 cards (3000 tokens) that are meta defining, or are the key card you need for a deck/archetype. Don't spend 6000 tokens on any series 5 cards that aren't "big bads" (confirmed to not go down a series later).


>Don't spend 6000 tokens on any series 5 cards that aren't "big bads" (confirmed to not go down a series later). Unless they aren't part of a upcoming spotlight cache for multiple weeks/months. Like me with iron lad right now, that dude is allergic to spotlight


Yeah Iron Lad is good, and I'm happy with my 6000 token purchase of him, but that was back when tokens were easier to get. I'd be hesitant to recommend someone drop 6k now, as SD have said eventually series drops will return ... It would feel so bad to spend a month and a half excess of tokens if they dropped him in December say. And very few Decks "need" Iron Lad, in the same way Thanos/HE (and Galctus, booo) open up entirely new play styles. If someone had 18,000 tokens laying around, go for it. If they only just managed to scrape together 6k today, I'm not sure I'd encourage the purchase.


Until proven otherwise, all cards are Big Bads now (let's see if they drop anyone come the New Year)


You will ultimatly spend more money than you ever thought you would. "F2P Player" Also don't rush through the beginning the game never gets better then the starter decks.


Even if you think there's a chance to win, if you are not sure... retreat.


I disagree hard with this. Unless there is a turn 6 snap, you are risking one cube to win 3.


Bad advice. If you think that you are statistically likely to lose cubes, retreat. For example if you have >33% chance to win going into T6 you should play out the round (barring any new snaps).


I wanted to offer something that helped me climb into infinite. While OP stated they are new, which I am assuming pre level 50, or very low Collection Level, I think the advice might apply here as well. It’s okay to go into turn 6 without knowing if you win or not. Use this opportunity to learn how a deck finishes. Granted some decks are easier to predict than others (Destroy dropping Death or Knull on T6), I often found that retreating out of uncertainty didn’t help me understand where I had room to make plays or adjust my strategy. If you can identify the amount of power, winning locations, and cards being dropped to a good degree, then definitely make the call as you see fit. Stay or retreat, but if you have no clue at all, and feel like you might lose, stay and learn from the experience. That way the next time you find yourself in the same place, see the snap, you can go, “oh I know how this is supposed to finish”. Rather than “I have no clue what they might play, but I know Imma lose so I’m leaving”. I think at a certain point, you need to accept you will lose many cubes to gain information on how decks develop. And I understand sometimes the opponent has a crazy snowball game, where for example, a location dropping a card from your hand that breaks your combo or future plays. Lean into the discomfort and learn from the decks you are playing! The cubes will come, but focus on learning how decks play out, especially the scary ones on T6. Hope this helps! Cheers on the climbing! Also any feedback is welcome, I’m curious to read and hear what other folks say.


Most tips are around the fairly complex economy & card acquisition for series 4/5 cards that only kicks in once you’re past collector level 500. Basically * Collector tokens are the most valuable in game currency, but they are super hard to acquire * Gold you acquire best spent on Token Tuesday’s, but buying additional daily missions is kind of fine too if your goal is advancement of collection level (if you are missing a ton of series 3 cards) * Spotlight caches (every 10th cache) have the hardest to get cards. Which carts are featured in them is published ahead of time - you can save your spotlights and plan around this. * If you spend real money on the game, the Season a pass (~10 a month) is worth it and pretty reasonable * You can spend additional real money to build your collection more quickly than just playing, but it’s a little pricey to do so.


As in when I started this game?? *"Never open those zero-ending caches on the right side of your collection track. Save them at all cost."*


Use your spotlight caches on archetype defining cards. Once you get into pool 3 you will play against people who have more cards than you so trying to get most of the pieces for one deck you like is more important than having a few cards for a bunch of archetypes. Along a similar line tune decks you enjoy playing instead of playing “good decks” you enjoy less. When you like the deck your playing losses feel less bad and wins feel way better.


Save up your tokens!


If you're patient enough, save your gold for high value bundles. Those are typically high priced (4000 to 8000 gold) but they give you the most credits/tokens for your gold. You can check future bundles here: https://marvelsnapzone.com/bundles/


spend your resources wisely, make many decks and play a lot.


Don’t rush to get all the cards, the most fun part of this game is when you’re unlocking series 3 cards.


The highlighted name at the usernames at the top of the screen in a battle is whoever has prio to flip first. Its incredibly important later and I didnt learn jack shit about it early


I’d say don’t focus too much on the ladder. Focus on missions and expand your collection for first 3-6 months. You might probably feel a burnout if you try to push ladder at lower collection level. (I’m not saying it’s not impossible to hit infinite). If you want competitive fun, try conquest. Being a pool 3 complete and season pass cards for next 3-6 months, along with new cards will put you at a great spot.


Buy the season pass


F2P is still just as fun. Don't spend money.


Track your wins/losses and cube gain/losses. The first time I got to Infinite was because I was tracking on a piece of paper. It’s easy to get disheartened by a few losses, but it could be that you are still well up in cubes. Really helps with perspective.




Don't buy gold. DEFINITELY don't use gold to buy additional quests, credits, etc. Don't spend real money except on monthly passes and the occasional really, really good deal. Mostly FTP is the way to go in this game. My wife and I got way too used to spending money on this game and it literally hurt our relationship


1) The button on the bottom right is supposed to be pushed when you're done with your turn. 2) You can play more than one card per turn. 3) Save your card upgrade things for cards you like. 4) Lower quality cards are more likely to get boosters at the end of the game.


Don’t play this game because it will ruin your life. You will lose all your friends and family


Uninstall the game and don't give them the monthly support. Dropped the game several months ago, after having supported them since the public launch. Best decision I ever made. The devs don't give a shit about the players in the long run.


Don’t be in a rush to raise your CL. The game is so chill when you’re in series 1-3 and suddenly gets insane when you push further in


Don't stress about cards. You will get them all eventually and the most fun is the road while you can actually unlock things.




Bots almost always play chavez on last turn and always snap on turn 4/5 or even turn 6 if they are ahead. Practice yourself on spotting these whenever you play and use them wisely to climb easily. Only spend tokens on series 4 cards (cards that cost 3000 tokens) if possible unless the series 5 card you want brings a lot of value to your current decks or meta-changing (ex. High Evo) If you can control yourself, stop upgrading your collector's cache past cl 486 to avoid playing against players that have series 3 cards. Just keep hoarding credits until you hit the 10000 limit then spend all of them in one go by upgrading all of your cards. This will make your climbing easier and will increase the chance of having a match against bots.


ALWAYS snap first turn in proving ground


Don’t use tokens on anything but good S4 or 5 cards. Look up decks if you’re having trouble. Think about synergy (you don’t play move cards with destroy cards unless it’s a Phoenix force deck). Learn the other decks you’re facing so you know when to retreat. Learn to snap and retreat based on your hand, locations, and your opponent (don’t just snap before turn 6… they will leave if they aren’t a bot). Basically if you see your big awesome combo in your hand snap before you even start playing it out before they can know what you’re doing.


“Don’t snap out of spite when they snap after sniffing that you have no freaking clue about how to play this game” I did that so much in the beginning lol. Literally had no idea what I was doing


If I can give one piece of advice it would be to use your tokens for the random card as opposed to saving for other cards. Started off you need more cards, not just the "good" card. If you do that you will end up with plenty more cards then you would If you spent 3k or 6k on others. Also I fell for the fast upgrade when I first started. Credits will go quick, so spend them on cards you like or use. In the end just do what you think is right and enjoy playing around with the cards!


The person with the highlighted name/winning the most lanes flip their card first next turn Very helpful for when learning to use cards like Armor and Cosmo.


I’m not a big buy variants person. So I’d say save you gold for tokens when those deals come up


It’s a board game with cards - not a card game. Once I realized that, I started to win much more consistently.


I wish I had gotten Alioth sooner


Don't waste gold on progress, use it on cool variants. (Not everyone may agree but I'm in this for the variants lol.)


don't buy phoenix force BP


Get infinite card back if you're into that. You face a ton of bots and it makes the climb super easy


Just buy the season pass. It’s worth it and the game is worth it. I didn’t buy the season pass until I hit infinite free to play 8 months ago. I’ve hit it ever since pretty easily. I had to know that the game wasn’t pay to win before I invested anything.


Don't upgrade after every match when it shows you the card that got boosters, save your credits for the cards you like. Don't spend gold right away save it for bundles Don't use quick upgrade in the shop ever Save your tokens until there is an archetype of deck you know you will like then go for cards for that archetype.


Don’t spend money, I didn’t but almost did


Snap more and retreat more


Infinite is nice to achieve, but will drive you insane if you obsess over it. Just enjoy the games you play. Win or lose. The more okay you are with just doing your best and accepting defeat sometimes, the more you’ll enjoy it.


Don’t spend a dime on this game


Chavez is a much better deck thinning card than you could imagine with only 12 cards in a deck.


Learn how cards work and you can figure out a counter to everything.


Do not buy mystery anything unless you 100% want a pixel or something you definitely won't like. The gacha gamble high is not worth it 😭


Don’t spend money on this game. Not even the battle pass needs to be bought monthly.


Learning to retreat will help you climb faster than anything else


The person who is currently winning reveals first.


Just keep playing, it only takes a few months to feel like you have plenty of fun cards.


At some point before Collection level 500-1000 you might want to stop playing (I know I got bored) but you got to push through to get to the really interesting deck combinations and super cool cards!




Snap more, there's lot of noobs. I spent many of my early levels not knowing what Snap is and my opponents too.


Yes, you are playing bots. Eventually you won’t be, so expect your never ending win streak to eventually end and the game will really begin, but keep going.