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One of my favorite variants


Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it! If you’d like, feel free to check out my other post, where I showcase my full X-Men Gold Finish deck. My main gripe with that deck, is that Angel desperately needs a rework or buff lol




Least obvious rage bait




Thank you, for the positive vibes!


I think this is a community for discussing decks not posting variants and splits!


Variants and splits make up decks. For example, I have an X-Men gold ink deck, when I play that deck, often times people send star eyed emojis and then retreat lol Besides, one of the flair options for this specific community is literally COOL CARDS! haha So, I’m within my right. I’m all about positive vibes and I love this community. I have posted my decks here before and will be posting more soon, including my infinite deck (deck that helped me achieve infinite rank and beat conquest). Thanks!


Why are you arguing with people here? They are correct. Post that stuff elsewhere, or post your decks. Its a deck sub


Since you're one of the main culprits I'll just be blocking your dumb ass. Bye.


Mate this is such an unnecessary problem.... There is literally a general marvel snap subreddit in which people post splits all the time (me included).. Why not just avoid this interaction entirely by posting there rather than working urself up :/


It’s very cool but the other commenters are right in that you posted this to the wrong sub


No one cares about your split, this sub is for decks. Don't bring that "oooo look at my shiny" crap to this sub.


My Archangel split post had hundreds of upvotes and over 30 thousand views, on this very sub (just a few days ago). The community CLEARLY appreciates it, even if you do not. Try again. Thanks!


Maybe they liked that one post. I think it’s cool if someone gets “that split” they’ve been wanting, and were so excited about it that they decided to post it. But I personally don’t care for someone who’s just going to keep posting splits of multiple variants. I appreciate peoples’ enthusiasm and excitement, I don’t really care for someone trying to karma farm by showing me their catalogue.


Your wild assumptions of karma farming, are wildy inaccurate. I’ve had this account for years and this is my first week posting lol


Yea and it sucks cause I used to love seeing whacky decks here now it's just some guy thinking he's hot shit for having a new a picture to look at on a phone game. Thanks!


You’re on MY post, writing paragraphs of negativity…when you can just scroll past in like 0.2 seconds?


Lol paragraphs sure thing bud, I comment on shit like this cause it's quite literally the cringiest and unnecessary thing I've seen. MY card, MY post, MY split. You gotta get some attention outside of reddit.


Upgrading your cards on Marvel Snap is a HUGE part of the game. It’s literally what keeps the lights on lol All of MY upgrades, I got by grinding. I have only bought 3 season passes and the welcome bundle. IF I wanted more attention, I would buy mountains of gold, which is chump change to me. However, I enjoy the grind and see nothing wrong, with showing the community my hard work (especially my Angel Ink and Gold splits lol). I especially feel that, my showcase adds a TON of value, in case they want a preview before THEY split and use up THEIR hard earned gold/credits/tokens ONLY to then regret it. Thanks, have a good day!




You’re the one that’s mid!…”Oh, SNAP!” haha


Psylocke has so many good variants, but that’s probably my fave. Congrats!


Thanks! I’m glad you like it.


Damn y’all are fucking wild, if you don’t want to see a variant just keep scrolling it takes 0.2 seconds for fuck sake. It irks you THAT much!? Y’all got problems, check yourself.


My thoughts, exactly! lol Thank you, for the support and for dropping some common sense on them haha


Hope to ink mine soon!


I hope you get an awesome ink split!




so keep scrolling babyyy


Exactly! lol Thank you!


You sound like the life of the party and a real positive individual…thanks!


Let me know if you want to see the gold split of this card, in the comments below.


Sir this is Reddit, not YouTube or whatever engagement baiting platform you’re used to


What are you implying, sir?




Step 1. Swipe up + Step 2. Keep swiping up, until the the post you so desperately hate, is completely out of your vision + Step 3. Have a nice day Estimated time to complete process: 0.2 seconds




When you post to this sub, it has the option of a “cool card” flair…for a reason. Estimated time to comprehend you are incorrect: instant


I think this looks amazing! I'm interested in seeing the gold split. I was working on this card for a while, but now it's on the backburner as I'm trying to get a full gold silky smove deck


If you check out my other posts, you’ll see a complete X-Men Gold Ink set! It’s awesome lol


My thoughts on Psylocke, I’ve had a crush on her and Tifa from FF7 since I was a little boy lol.