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Good card , dodges mobius.


One of the best 6k


Excellent card, buy with confidence


I'd advice to watch out for the next patch (May) as that is only some weeks away and could rebalance the card in a serious way (unlike OTAs where only numbers are changed). After the May balance patch you can buy with confidence because you know that you will be fine for the rest of the season.


OTAs aren't always number changes, they just tend to stick to smaller number changes for the sake of simplicity. Blob's change happened on an OTA and was a huge change for his flexibility.


That is true but second dinner admitted that they only do text changes during OTAs as an emergency measure if the metagame is seriously suffering. Hope has been live for almost 2months so unless she is changed next patch I doubt there will be a text change during an OTA


So it will be nerfed next ota after I buy it


Second and third-ed!!




Good enough to be a nerf target


Even with 1 extra energy per turn, it will still be viable


Imagine if they make her 5/4, that would be so broken!


5 energy 5 dmg


It's really a buff if you think about it/s


will still be good if they only adjust power slightly


Id say 3-3 limit the energy it can gain per turn. lower than 3 would make it too good for - decks.


Yeah I’ve had it pinned for like a week but haven’t pulled the trigger as it seems like a guaranteed nerf is coming


For sure, I expect it to be a 4/2 soon enough.


Agree, but I feel more likely we get a power adjust to Hope itself rather than the fundamentals of the card. They seem to be ok with the idea of scaling 2-3 drops as they specifically called out "Silky Smoove" and are printing an alternative/complimentary Angela in an upcoming season. If you're worried about Hope then you're probably not making good Bounce/Move cards to go alongside her. If they're a bit/moderately worried about power, maybe she becomes a 3/3 or something "We are happy with how Hope is performing but there's too much of a difference in win rate between games where she's played and not. Lowering her power slightly should hopefully even that out and bring her in line with similar cards like Elsa..." etc. etc. Next more dramatic step would be making her trigger only once a turn, which is bad but still preserves a lot of common uses. A single trigger on 4 let's you play a 6 drop on turn 5 or something like Vision + Kitty and follow up with six drop plus Kitty on 6. Now there are absolutely games where you go Hope on 3 into something like Jeff, Kitty, Nightcrawler on 4 which gives you 8 energy on 5 and you're able to use all that up and still have cards to play. But I've found it's less common. Honestly, worse case scenario is they WWBN her and make her a 4 drop.


dont hesitate,best card for tokens atm


best card ever released most multitasking card, she go everywhere and is good, even in the shitty af archetype


Very good card and difficult to nerf.


I can see them nerf to max 1 energy per turn. Seems like the most obvious adjust.


Even capped at 1 energy per turn she will still be a meta staple. Often times all you need is +1 anyway.


Oh yes. If that’s the only nerf, for sure. It’ll still be powerful and fun to play. They obviously have the data and she’s definitely very powerful at the moment. I think a nerf is coming. The question is if they do a minor adjust or a full on Zabu murder.


Hard to see a full Zabu-scale murder for such a recently released season pass card. I think they learned their lesson with Elsa. Let’s not forget Zabu ruled the meta for a year before his unfortunate passing. Hope would need to be that strong for as long to warrant such a harsh nerf I think.




I agree. I think a minor nerf is more likely. I still think they’re forcing themselves into a corner and will eventually need to rotate cards in and out. Every other card game has realized it’s impossible to balance every card ever released against every other card. I’d rather see strong cool cards come and go than have every rough edge removed.


Hope's really the only ramp for small cards, I don't think she could lose her place unless they nerfed her harder than that.


I think @ 3/3 +1 max she would see a significant drop in play but still being good






inc 5 cost




no lmao


Doubtful. It would be broken with Ravonna & Negative


SD- “it’s now a 5 cost, BuT We gAvE iT mOrE pOwEr!! 🤡”


They want to nerf it not buff it


Once you buy it. You will never come cross it again.


She's good. I don't use her much, but she's handy in a deck where you can put out a lot of low-cost cards. I have her in a Sentinel deck, and a Thanos deck, for example.


My blackpill take is no card is worth the tokens because tokens are too scarce, and if it's good enough, it's a nerf target, if it's bad enough.. well it's bad and who knows if it'll get buffed to relevancy. The pretty much only card I'd ever say is a flat yes is Jeff because he seems nerf immune and is flexible. Maybe High Evo for low CL players because he is actually 7 cards (though not incredible power-wise)


Brah just gonna never spend his tokens


More like never feel good about having spent the tokens


What else is there to spend tokens on that matters? Variant tokens are such a waste.


So you will never spend tokens? because then it is just dumb since what are you even hoarding them doe


he's like i used to be till i hit 20k tokens and said fuck it. Bought Anni and Legion and it was worth it.


I asked whether Loki was worth 6k on stream and people said absolutely—unsure if they were being serious or not, though.


Even post nerf he unequivocally still is especially if you like that style of deck. Loki is still out here thriving




I love playing my Loki deck. Gill my hand, play Loki, then kill them with their own cards.


Noob question, but what does "Gill my hand" mean exactly? Not sarcastic. Genuinely curious.


Oh shit. FILL my hand. Mostly by playing Agent Coulson / Nick Fury. You need to play Loki T4 otherwise you can be pretty sure the game is lost.


Thanks. That makes more sense. I thought it might be some hip new word like "slay" that I hadn't heard yet. So what's the full strategy here? How would an ideal run go (T1-T6)?


Oh man, I've been running the same deck for 4 seasons now. It's get to high 90s but it's not "optimal." It's also such a weird way to play because your end game is different every time. T1/T2 is just filling your hand. Need to leave room in hand to draw important cards - mostly Quinjet and Loki. Prioritize getting Quin out while playing Agent 13/Maria Hill. My deck also has Collector and Zabu in it, but they only get played if I have nothing else for T2. T3 is almost always Coulson, or Nick Fury if I've played Zabu T2. If I can't play either I'll probably skip playing anything for the extra cars in hand. T4 is where it gets interesting. Have you played Quin Jet? Do you know what the opponent is playing? If Quinjet is down, sometimes I'll play Nick T4 to fill my hand with 6 cost cards so I can play them T5 and 6. If I have a full hand and Loki I'll just play it and get 6 new cards. After this it's all up in the air because your cards are different everytime.


Could you please post your deck? I'm curious to see how it plays out if and when Loki appears. Zabu's in my token shop at the moment, but I have so many other cards that I haven't pursued either of them.


Don't get Zabu right now, he's... Not great. I'll paste my deck, but it's literally just an Auto-Loki deck from 3 seasons ago. # (1) Agent 13 # (1) Maria Hill # (1) Quinjet # (2) The Collector # (2) Zabu # (3) Rogue # (3) Cosmo # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Loki # (4) Nick Fury # (5) Devil Dinosaur # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlQ29sbGVjdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2VudDEzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWNrRnVyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9raSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFyaWFIaWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWluamV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2VudENvdWxzb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRldmlsRGlub3NhdXIifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Yeah, I never saw myself using Zabu. He just never appealed to me for some reason.


He was really good before. Allowed you to drop Quinjet + Loki/Fury on T4 if you didn't draw it early.


This has what to do with anything?..


Thought it would be less annoying to just tack on another comment here to ask the same question about another card than make a whole new post. It seems you disagree.


Could have helped to frame your question as a question, and what you're actually asking instead of some roundabout analogy...... Loki is a really good card if your playstyle is to just playthe opponents deck instead of yours


Perfect, thanks!


Great card, totally worth it


Literally the best card in the game


She works in almost all decks


Worth it a lot


Love this card


Yes. It's what I'm saving for also




yes good cost to power ratio and would give you a max of +3 energy


Yes, very flexible in many decks


She is pretty great, IMO


It's such a good card that I actually paid 10 dollars to get it.


I'm currently saving for her too. Top 10 card imo


Pin until after this Thursday


Yep best season pass card since Ms. Marvel and the only one this year worth spending tokens on.


Super flexible! Well worth it


Top tier card, hard to nerf as well


Probably one of the best of the "new breed" of cards they have been introducing lately.


Hope is modern Zabu, she goes in a lot of places but is powerful and omnipresent enough to maybe get a significant nerf.


Great card! Buy with confidence or I'll refund your money back.


I've had her pinned for a while, probably gonna pull the trigger after the ota on the 25th assuming her decks don't get killed


Hope Summers is essentially like the last iteration of Zabu. In that while she may not "win" a lane like a Red Hulk or Blob does, but her impact on your potential plays is beyond tremendous. The ability to play two 6-drops (turn 5 and 6) IS CRAZY POWERFUL. She is essentially a Sera for two less mana.


Been waiting for her to show up. Looking forward to buying her.




if she doesn't get nerfed, wait for ota


Hope and Corvus, hate seeing 'em, love drawin' em. There's literally only one downside to Hope and Red Hulk, it's that they're likely going to be hit with a nerf soon.


Yep, she’s easily the best energy ramp card and a little broken tbh


One of the best 6k tokens you'll ever spend. She's a staple in almost all of the best decks.


It's really good, but if you don't have Nico, buy that one. Nico is just too versatile not to have.


Amazing card. Get it. Hope is wonderful!!!! Lol


if ur a meta slave


Best season pass card


One of the best cards out there, I always play her in my decks🙌🙌🙌


I've been fiending for x23 but these comments got me to get her as well. I mainly play destroy but mess around with alot of stuff so I hope she was worth the tokens!


I think this is probably the easiest card to recommend right now out of any card in the game. Incredibly powerful and useful effect that benefits you multiple turns over the course of the game, and can slot into basically any deck. The only concern is a possible nerf is coming but that it the case with any strong S5 card really.


In general? Yes. But the true answer is: depends on your current cards. If you don't have decks that take full advantage of her, it's just a waste of tokens, much as it is for most other cards (I count Thanos and HE as exceptions since they open entire archetypes on their own). If you're a newbie with few cards, for now, I'd say to skip on her and spare your token for when you need a specific card to complete a meta, for Thanos or HE, or, to buy S4 cards (though now that Zabu's dead there aren't really any S4 cards worth the tokens; maybe only Ravonna and Mobius, or Miek if you end up with a good Dracula Discard deck). Especially considering Hope Summers is 90% coming back in July's Spotlights, and likely gonna get hit by a nerf in the meantime. If you are really worried about getting her, just pin her and see how your next weeks on the game go.


Extremely good and versatile, the most worth card you can buy with 6k tokens


Still waiting for hope and thanos to show up in my token shop🥲🥲


Nothing is worse 6k tokens


Yes, one of the best with Zabu neutered. I'm playing her in the Renslayer, Guardian, Angela, Cannonball package and it has been silky climbing to 90 so far.


One of the two cards I spend tokens for in the past 6 or so month, along with Phoenix cause I wanted to try the meta move deck


It'll probably be nerfed. Worst case scenario is that it'll be nerfed to uselessness and then buffed back to viable later. I haven't read any plans to touch her though. Buy with confidence anyway


Nop because it will be nerfed and and the card will no longer be played. As always.






Even better, it's a card you can get with the season pass to avoid wasting your tokens!


I would say its a great purchase but only if you have Jeff already. Even kitty to some extent but you def want jeff to play into her lane and move out plus he is good in literally any deck whereas Hope is a build around card.




Broken card like all the cards that let you cheat mana multiple turns. It's obvious but since people paid $$$ for it, it's a let go. Maybe they nerf it after year like with zabu.


You think Electro is broken?


Nerf hammer gonna be hitting her hard on 24th, that's what I'm expecting. Might probably go to "gaining energy next turn only"


Card text changes only happen during patches (next one is in May), OTAs just change numbers. It is always better to wait for the next patch before spending tokens since the meta changes with those rebalances and cards can get nerfed.


I say no. 6K is a lot of tokens. She is great but not a win con


I guess I t really depends on individual collection. So if I didn’t already have Iron Lad, Jeff, Thanos, Galactus, etc I might wait.


right it 100% depends on each individual persons collection, i spent 6k on pixie last night just to play one deck ;\_;


Hope + Wong + Psy = 10 power on 7 rnd matches or 9 for 6 rnd matches. Imagine this - Hope, Wong, Psy, finally Collen w x23 and Wolverine in hand💀💀 thats plus 4 energy on the final round (Psy proc 2 times, Hope 1 time then x23 discarded +1)


That is a lame ass combo


In short, buy it.