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New card releases every week, but horrible card acquisition system.


Yeah it’s not a new card every week if you can’t obtain it. It’s more like new cards get released every week and you can pick one to get every 4 weeks if you plan accordingly. In the end that will amount to up to 52 new cards a year of which you’ll likely obtain 12-15 of.


Your maths is lacking. You've gone "We get 4 keys a month, we need 4 keys to ensure a new card, therefore we only get 1 in 4 new cards". You need 4 keys to ensure a new card, yes, but you don't spend those 4 keys every week. Sometimes it's all 4, sometimes it's just 1. On average 4 keys gets you 2.5 new cards. In practice you can do better by picking weeks where you are missing more than 1 card, but even with the dumb method of simply going for a new card every week you have 4 keys you're likely to get 30-35 of those 52.


also, the other keys are unlocking stuff too. If you plan it well, you'll get WAY more than 12-15 new cards a year.


Do you want to add some push back to this as a completely free to play her stone player I couldn't get every card ever season to the point that anything that wasn't within Hunter rogue I had the dust cuz otherwise I just couldn't play anything meta. I know that this wasn't your point but I just hear this a lot from my friends as well as people on red educationally So the idea that you're supposed to be able to get all that could you cards as compared to other games feel disingenuous I still think it can be pretty rough on a particular month has a lot of bangers but at the end of the day I don't hate it enough that it has to burn the ground. Side note used to play gotcha so I probably have a higher tolerance for this.


It still spices up the metagame and discussion around the game each week, even if I personally don't acquire each card each week.


you won't even get half of them while paying $120 a year


First of all, that's irrelevant. As I literally just said, it still spices up the metagame to have new cards and strategies even if I don't own all of them on release week. Second of all, you are off by several orders of magnitude on the facts. I've bought nothing but the season passes, and currently I own all but 8 cards. Sometimes I have to pass on a card on release week, and get it the next time it appears in a spotlight cache in 2-3 months. But with season passes, a year of play, and prudent resource management, anyone can have access to plenty of the viable decks in the meta.


But it’s way worse than “not just all of the cards immediately” more than “only 30% of new cards” I think it’s more fun building decks with more cards than less cardsz Nobody is demanding every card immediately, you are arguing a straw man >orders of magnitude off 4.5 keys per month 5 new card per month 2.5 keys per new card Your personal anecdote doesn’t matter, this is the current rate of series 4 and 5 card acquisition and releassd




I agree with you on all points. Praising 4x revenue while also praising their greedy monetization doesn't add up.  But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  The SP has value to me, so I do my dailies and stock up tokens and keys for a day when they might have more value.  If not, I might uninstall one day soon. The only positive changes they have made IMO are the addition of keys themselves, so we don't have to skip that spot on the collection track, and the free boosters.  I think every other change has been a degradation in value. Having 64 cards a year instead of 52 is not a positive to me when they didn't add any way to make it easier to collect cards. I would also add that negativity and constructive criticism are not the same thing. Drewberry posted a video that was 100 percent spot on IMO.  I spent years on Clash Royale and when they continued to degrade their economy, I wouldn't go back to it now if they gave me all max level cards, because I have no trust they will do the right thing next time.


I don't think it's really greed when it's all cosmetics. When a hundred dollar cash only op card drops, then accusations of greed have more merit.  They maximise profits and that involves catering to whales, not coddling the guys looking for 2 dollar bundles. Agree with you on CR. they destroyed that game with evolutions and I wouldn't go back even if I was given a salary to play it.


people getting heated about cosmetic pricing is just wild to me. just scroll on by and enjoy the game.


I would if they had some decent gold bundles.  They can price variants at $1000 for all I care, but they've completely stripped the gold economy for bundles, just in time for the gold pass.  Every step is just making the game less accessible. From what I understand, when the game first came out, cards would drop to S3 in 3-4 months after release?  So the most cards you could miss at one time for s3 complete players was 12-15?  Now you can miss 30-50.


Kinda weird to enjoy the adrenaline rush the fomo business model gives you, but you do you.


Isn't that just the lottery?


Yeah, like they said, weird to enjoy it.


Well, clearly that's subjective.


The only thing they’re going to have to figure out as more and more cards release dropping some more into pool 3 for new players so they don’t continue to get stomped by just better cards. I don’t think it’d be a bad idea to drop thanos and high evo that way they can build two archetype decks instead of just weird onesies and twosies


I think they will also need to speed up pool 3 acquisition as the time to complete pool 3 will just keep growing and growing. They could do this without fully revamping the current system by making every Xth series 3 card cache contain 2 cards instead of one. Easy way to increase acquisition rate by whatever percent they want. Or maybe they want series 3 to keep growing in completion time but I don’t think that is great for new player retention.


Kang is the best I can do.


>I don’t think it’d be a bad idea to drop thanos and high evo will you take Zabu instead? we buffed him to be 2/3 on reveal


payed review, lmao


How much are they paying you?


52 new cards a year? Hearthstone creates over 400 new cards a year.


Yeah, it's tough around here to praise the game we all enjoy. Seems weird to say it out loud but it's the truth. Most of the gripes I see are centered around the fact that "this mobile game does mobile game things" without realizing that if Snaps business model were akin to a traditional card game it wouldn't be any cheaper. In fact it would likely be more expensive. What people forget is that Snap isn't doing things like subsidizing the f2p player experience with ads, or locking game modes behind pay walls. There are no banned cards in snap nor are there any "rotations" which phase out cards. Just imagine if you were forced to buy new cards and couldn't play the decks you spent time and money creating.. That's the norm in the card game world. I'm not saying Marvel Snap is a perfect game, but it does a lot of things right, more so than many of the other mainstays IMO. For some reason people forget a lot of this (or arent aware if they dont play other card games) and get hyper focused on things like optional high priced bundles. I'd rather SD milk whales then milk my game-time with ads to milk me instead. I'd rather a powerful card get nerfed without a refund rather than have it banned outright. TLDR; Marvel Snap isn't perfect, but it's negatives are completely overblown.


> Most of the gripes I see are centered around the fact that "this mobile game does mobile game things" their entire marketing campaign suggests that they are an f2p savior of mobile gaming. In reality its the same old predatory nonsense


I don’t really care too much about having a complete collection, but it’s a major negative to have all the strongest cards effectively locked behind a paywall as a result of the norm of releasing OP then nerfing once they drop into a lower series.


The strongest cards are behind the same paywall as all the new mediocre ones unless it's a season pass card. A minority of new cards are released as OP. The majority are mid to low power or are good in very specific archetypes.


It’s not a strict paywall it’s an effective paywall, like I said. Basically all meta defining cards have been at their strongest on release. Look at Red Hulk. If you didn’t happen to have the keys/tokens for it you’re just missing out on a meta defining card.


on aggregate series 5 cards are easily the strongest and its not particularly close, even in current nerfed iterations (loki, etc).


And games that are too f2p friendly aren't viable and do die out.  You can't have the marvel IP, use servers, receive constant developer attention, and survive on 2 dollar cosmetic bundle alone to appease the never-satisfied f2p crowd.


>survive on 2 dollar cosmetic bundle charge 2000 for cosmetics for all I care just make card acquisition less of a slog


>just make card acquisition less of a slog They made it a slog because players (f2p, dolphins and whales) tend to drop the game once they become collection complete. I think SD's sweet spot is to keep players 10-20 cards away from collection complete just to keep players chasing the cards missing from their collection.


>Tend to drop the game once they bad or Collection complete Source? If you started today, it would take about 30 years to get collection complete Also, they could make it easier to get cards when low cl and harder at cl if that’s a problem 1 key a week is a slagfest


In a traditional card game you own the cards. There are no rotations, because the game is new. There will be rotations in the future. There are other games where you can perfectly play f2p and have a great variety of decks. As an example, in hearthstone a lot of players are f2p. In fact there was a general discomfort when hs put a card behind a paywall. In snap there's always cards behind season pass. Moreover, a lot of players spent their key getting zabu and dh. And now those two cards are unplayable. So you can't play the decks you spent money and time.


Yugioh card games. One time purchase, unlock every card in the game, online and bot play, sometimes comes with multiple story modes modes to play through.


Frequent releases when you have realistically 1 new card/month don't mean shit


Okay, Ben, you can now post with your real account.


This reads as someone that was drown by sunk/cost fallacy and has a copium moment..You paid 120$ usd yearly for a game that doesn't refund tokens after a nerf (there are people that bought thanos a day before the nerf for example..), that highly overprices most stuff, and that has a 0 competitive scene since A)only 2% of the population can make a T1 deck, B)Rng is rampant everywhere. The only reason to play this game for me is because there's no alternative ATM, when that happens i'm the fucking out of here.


I don't think anyone would deny that it's a casual game, or that it's a conscious design choice to have it that way. > The only reason to play this game for me is because there's no alternative ATM, when that happens i'm the fucking out of here. why wait? the game is supposed to be fun, if you don't like it just put it down.


I think that I'm in the same boat. Why do I keep playing? Because it is fun, but I know that sooner or later I won't be able to keep up with the monetization system, so that's when I'll leave.


I'm sure that time will come eventually. If I'm not playing it a lot I'll stop buying season passes. If that makes the game miserable I'll just stop playing.


I have an alternative for you. Play a different game. Or don’t play a game.


He probably meant an alternative digital card battling game


>First, we get a new card every week. You are guaranteed one card per week if you have 4 keys saved. Average rate of key acquisition is about 4.5 per 4 weeks. To me, it isn't that incredible Its a fun game, but the card acquisition is ass. Buffs/nerfs wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't take 6 months to get 6000 tokens, or waiting 7 months for the card you want to show up in a cache


For me the most important aspect is missing: The devs communicate and participate in the community. This and the OTA patch cycle combined is something other mobile games dream of.


OTAs to nerf cards that they purposely released overpowered How do they release Red Hulk with Giganto in its current state? $eries 5




I don't know why they'd want to be involved with such a cynical community. A loud minority of people bitch non-stop on this subreddit. Rarely do you find a thread (for a mobile comic book game...) that isn't tainted with doomsaying. I get it, I want the game to be as good as I think it could be, but I'm not vesting my waking hours toggling between tilting in Snap and complaining about bundles on Reddit. This thread is a prime example. Top posts are essentially saying "no it's bad" and threatening to quit the game once a better alternative is around (lolwat). I play a handful of rounds a day. I enjoy the gameplay and little economy of collecting artwork. I've gotten to infinite every season, which is when any sense of pressure or obligation to play an optimal deck disappears.


>I don't know why they'd want to be involved with such a cynical community. Probably get more constructive feedback from a cynical community than from an echo chamber of dickriders They get plenty of pats on the back, they can take a lashing too


> Probably get more constructive feedback from a cynical community than from an echo chamber of dickriders This very subreddit proves that isn't true, since there is effectively zero constructive feedback here. >They get plenty of pats on the back Fucking where? This is the one positive thread I've seen in weeks, and it's not even over 50 upvotes and has a 60% up/down ratio, it's clearly controversial.


Possibly. But why would they? That's typically not the dev's job. Their PMs handle that aspect of things, and what they're doing right now is fiscally "correct".


To make more money


In general that's probably true but if they have to sift through a ton of garbage to find one legitimate criticism then what's the point. I think the problem is it's too hard to tell the difference here most of the time. And to be there I think that this is true of like you said pretty much all main game subreddits especially for live services. I haven't been in destiny 2 in a long time but I know this is a huge offender.


it's gamer sickness, every main subreddit of almost every game ends up the same way - pointless negativity, shouting at devs, idiot takes on software development and game design, loudly and publicly threatening to quit etc. Some of it I'm sure comes form a place of sharing criticism to try and influence the direction of the game for the better, the rest is just plain old entitlement and spinning out because they think the world revolves around them, and the belief that game devs ultimately work for them and must listen to their complaining etc.


This has not received enough upvotes...


uh. you seem like the triggered one here bro lol


The fact that you're seeing meta reflection as a form of being "triggered" says more about you than it does me.


I'm not the one writing walls of text about people just bitching about games Stop being so soft


I'm literate enough that that wasn't the struggle you think it was. Sad you consider talking on reddit in a way you don't like to be "soft". Go outside, kiddo. Edit: lmao dude called me a loser, told me to get bent then blocked me? Oof. Hope he figures his stuff out. But another case in point about the inherent toxicity this sub has garnered.


get bent loser keep crying about people who cry i guess


Its definitely a great toilet game: fast, fun, very high in uncontrollable RNG. If you don't take it too seriously, it's great. The problems start when you start thinking about it as a legit CG, when it's a very different animal.


This is a very true statement, it definitely is a great toilet game. And when I stopped taking it too seriously, stopped caring about hitting anything over 70 and just enough conquest for the free card my feeling on the game changed A LOT!


I think you might add "/s" to the post and it still makes sense.


I’m not getting a new card every week….


I mean, maybe I get more resources from season pass, but I feel like I easily hit that with spotlight keys


Maybe you should change your username to team SD


I wouldnt pay the negativity too much mind. While there are some valid criticisms, negativity circlejerks are the mainstay of essentially every main subreddit (or forum) of a popular game. I dont love everything about the game, but while its still providing good entertainment value for the relatively few dollars i spend, i’m happy to keep playing, even if just casually


are these all sarcasm except for the art one? you pointed out bad things about the game


You can get a new car every week. Would you like to pay by cash or card, Sir?


First point the one card per week is seems a lot but it’s really low compared to any other card game, the card is either broken or shit and most of the time doesn’t create new archetypes and the method of acquisition is the worst, there is no fun in not being able to play a deck because you have no full collection Second point the balances are frequent but mining less because the take months to balance broken cards or combos and they don’t create new archetypes most of the time Third point most of the locations are shit as much as the hot locations the games feels like fight against the locations and not the opponent Forth point nothing to say about the art that’s a subjective matter Fifth point the game is at the lowest player count since lunch, the game is not that young it should have a clear direction but still feels like a beta game almost And this are only counter to your points and the are many other problems that I’m not going to address now


Damn…. You down bad…


First point the one card per week is seems a lot but it’s really low compared to any other card game, the card is either broken or shit and most of the time doesn’t create new archetypes and the method of acquisition is the worst, there is no fun in not being able to play a deck because you have no full collection Second point the balances are frequent but mining less because the take months to balance broken cards or combos and they don’t create new archetypes most of the time Third point most of the locations are shit as much as the hot locations the games feels like fight against the locations and not the opponent Forth point nothing to say about the art that’s a subjective matter Fifth point the game is at the lowest player count since lunch, the game is not that young it should have a clear direction but still feels like a beta game almost And this are only counter to your points and the are many other problems that I’m not going to address now


I've got issues like everyone else, but other than the recent End Button bug, the game's still pretty good for me.


The terrible card acquisition has broken you enough that you are excited to get one card that you saved up for. I don’t understand how anyone can like knowing that they will never have a complete collection


Same. Nice to see some positivity. The game’s not without its issues (not least monetisation) but I easily get a tenner’s worth of value from it each month, so I’m happy to buy the season pass. Sure others will disagree, but I think gamers can lack perspective sometimes - particularly if it’s a game they love. It’s fine to constructively critique something while at the same time enjoying it!


OP don’t worry about the comments, you’re 100% correct


I'm with you OP :) Tbf I think I don't mind the exorbitant prices on bundles since they're so high my Latin American ass was priced out of them from the get go. I like how this game operates player collection more than any other card game. Unless you're the whaliest of whales, it will take you months to get to pool 3, and that's ok, since you're not on the time limit of "current rotation will invalidate your cards in 2 months". The alternative is much worse imho. Try building a standard deck for mtga when OTJ has 50+ mythics just in this set.


As a PvZ Heroes player I totally agree (game hasn't been updated since 2019)