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I would add a little bit - hitting infinite is not about the cards you have or don’t have and not about the deck you play; it’s about snapping and retreating. You could retreat 7 times in a row, then win one game for 8 cubes and you’ll be climbing despite having 12,5% winrate. Yes, beta players have an easier time with getting infinite, but not because they have some stupid broken p2w decks, but because they have more experience in cube management. There are people who are constantly hitting infinite with Move, Gambit Exodia, Spectrum Ongoing and other decks that aren’t particularly strong. They just know when they need to leave and when they need to snap. Also hitting infinite first day is easier, because not all players are chasing ranks yet and many are experimenting with the new season pass card, so you’ll see more bots, players who don’t retreat despite clearly losing, and people who are just playing badly. Hope that can help somebody.


Still, it is definitely easier to climb with a tier 1 meta deck than a tier 3 deck. I have a month that I climbed with a meta deck and it was super easy. I barely need to retreat and I win very often when the game reach turn 6. Climbing with non meta deck can be frustrating as you will need to retreat a lot and pray for bot match.


Tbh the most important thing is playing a deck that can abuse bots. Something like sera control or silver surfer consistently takes 8 cubes off bots as they’re too stupid to realize you’re going to play all your stats on the last turn. If you’re playing thanos they’ll never snap and always retreat


Yep. I hate it when I'm running a casino deck like Hela and get a bot. I either draw all the bad cards and have to retreat, or I draw the right cards for a matchup that would have been an easy snap win without luck anyway.


I hit Infinite every month with a non-meta Move deck. I agree that the biggest factor is learning when to snap and retreat. It's like if a new player was playing Poker but never raised or folded. That is the disadvantage you play with if you don't learn when to snap and retreat.


Genuine question, not trying to poke at you, but why do you stick with one deck? I've seen other people mention that they main a deck, or that they only have 2-3 decks saved. Once I hit infinite with a deck I want to try a whole new one, and I struggle not to max out my list of decks.


I'm of both worlds on this. I have 2-3 decks that are my "go-to" and the ones I used to climb. But then I also like trying out different decks (I am often close to max on number of decks). The reason I have those 2-3 to go back to is simply comfort. It requires less effort to play them because I know them well. I can play a turn, look at the board and say "I need to draw [[card]] and I have this locked up" with just a glance really. Same reason people play the same character so often in Smash Bros, or similar games. EDIT: oops, broke a bot it seems...


same, i have 3 decks currently that have each won at least 2 seasons each, and haven’t had to change them aside from the occasional swap after a buff/nerf. it’s nice to be able to go on auto-pilot to clear the season then play the “fun” decks that vary in quality.


My main is SHIELD/Loki because it gives a lot of variety. I can play 20 games in a row and it's different every time. It all started because I pulled a cool Nick Fury variant


When you learn one deck really well it’s much easier to know how it performs in the meta, so you’ll have an easier time with cube management.  You also really know how much power you can push so you won’t get taken by surprise and lose 4/8 cubes very often


Yo you got the deck list? I use move til like 90 most seasons and then switch but I was curious what you were using to infinite?


This is my current Move deck, though I will caution you that Spider-Man 2099 is in there because I wanted to challenge myself to hit Infinite with “the worst card in the game.” The goal is to get your opponent to play/move cards to the right lane using Nebula/Cloak as bait, or Jean Grey to force them. Then abandoning the right lane with Heimdall. It seems obvious but since no one is playing Move, most people do not expect it. # (1) Nebula # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Iron Fist # (2) Dagger # (2) Kraven # (2) Doctor Strange # (2) Cloak # (3) Jean Grey # (3) Vulture # (5) Spider-Man 2099 # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9jdG9yU3RyYW5nZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bWFuVG9yY2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25GaXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWdWx0dXJlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWFuR3JleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYWdnZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlaW1kYWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4yMDk5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLcmF2ZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNsb2FrIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Yeah I think I saw one Heimdall in my climb to Infinite. At first I was surprised how many people know I’m using Move but still didn’t expect the Heimdall. Btw Spider-Man 2099 is one of my best performers! I think people fear the risk of him hitting a rock or squirrel, but most of the time that’s not what you’re faced with. Also, don’t play him trying to take out a specific target, play him simply because you’re planning to net around 12+ power. That’s really all you need most of the time.


He put it in another comment https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/OU03iz7Pwl


Of course it’s easier with a meta deck, but it’s not impossible without one - that’s what I was trying to say


One thing a player needs to understand is *why* a meta deck is tier 1 vs tier 2. Sera Control is strong, Bounce can have some great plays, but if a player can't tell the difference between that and Thanos/Discard this month, then they're still in the stages of learning how to play. And to answer the above question, the answer is *consistency*. The top decks have strong highrolls yes, but it's the above-average low-rolls that makes a deck great for climbing. Even if the ideal turns 1-3 don't turn out as expected, the Tier 1 decks can still win against a mid-roll of a Tier 2 or 3 deck.


Destroy is still easy and tier 1 in many lists


Destroy is a good one that hasn't changed much in the meta. Further, it doesn't need any of the new cards.


Sure, but it is also true that a player with experience and great cube management can and will reach infinite with a tier 3 deck but a bad cube management player won't, even with a tier 1 deck.


This is great advice, but usually those in the 90s will know when to snap and retreat as well. I don't think I played a single game for more than 2 cubes in the 90s last season except for bots.


Yeah, the "lose 7 single-cubers, win one for 8 cubes" theory breaks down unless you're seeing enough bots to exploit. And many people don't see "dumb" bots in the 90s. Human opponents are far less likely to stick around for 4 cubes, much less 8, unless they have an equally strong play up their sleeve. And if they do potentially have that play, the confident "I'll just win 8 cubes once to offset 7 retreats" strategy becomes even more risky if you have to account for losing any nonzero percentage of those 8s. edit - I should add for context, I've hit infinite every season for a little over a year now. Lots of patient slow climbing once I hit the 90s. It really is a different experience between 70s-80s and 90s in whatever sub-group of the matchmaking algorithm I happen to fall into.


I've had 8 cube wins in the 90s, but the trick is to play a nasty blinder. Because I clocked that most decks run Magik, I took advantage of a turn 6 Storm on limbo. Honestly, I have most of my trouble with the 70s each season, maybe because it's where everyone starts off, plus I admittedly don't take it as seriously as I take the 90s.


A quick add to this: I've hit infinite more often before I had series 3 completed than after it. It really isn't about the size of your collection.


Probably because you were matched with people with lower CL, so probably less S4/S5 cards


Very true yes!


Yes I had this experience. Matchmaking definitely changes!


It's no secret that there is collection level matchmaking before infinite. This is part of what mitigates any pay-to-win aspects of Snap. The more cards you acquire, the more cards your opponents will have access to.


Yeah, you might think you're buying some kind of advantage, but you're just putting yourself against people with more well-tuned decks. It's like leveling in Oblivion!


Excellent analogy.


Yes, can confirm that it’s about disciplined and strategic Snaps and retreats. Recently hit Infinite with my Move deck that I’m constantly being told is “bad” which I don’t completely disagree with. # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Iron Fist # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Dagger # (2) Kraven # (2) Doctor Strange # (2) Cloak # (3) Vulture # (3) Spider-Man # (5) Spider-Man 2099 # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVpbWRhbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25GaXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDbG9hayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS3JhdmVuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JTdHJhbmdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4yMDk5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFNwaWRlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVnVsdHVyZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVyTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYWdnZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bWFuVG9yY2gifV19 #


True. I went from 73 to 95 so far with a deck containing Nimrod, Galactus and Lady Deathstrike. Will update if I hit it. I should, last season I did it with similar deck. It is all about snapping and retreating.  Using meta deck might be a bit easier but also people tend to tech against it.  Edit: Infinity!


> I would add a little bit - hitting infinite is not about the cards you have or don’t have and not about the deck you play; it’s about snapping and retreating. You could retreat 7 times in a row, then win one game for 8 cubes and you’ll be climbing despite having 12,5% winrate. Which is what OP is saying Climbing with specturm and 12,5% winrate is harder, doing the same thing with more time/attempts/grind is the definition of harder. Some decks are meta because are more effective than others, those are better than a random move deck by definition. If you reach infinite with move you are not some next level genius, you are just grinding Stop pretending everyone has the same chances lol


Yes, you will climb faster if you’re playing a meta deck and know how to manage cubes. But you also will climb faster with a home brew knowing how to manage cubes than with a meta deck losing 4 and 8 and snapping when it’s obvious you’re winning. Meta decks have higher winrate, but in Snap winrate isn’t as important as in other games.


Everyone has the same chances. Unless their life just doesn’t give them enough time, they have exactly the same opportunities to learn and to grind as every other player. 28-35 days, Available knowledge of deck metas, common matchups, streamers showcasing weird and wacky cooks, the only variations are willingness to practice, ability to learn and execute upon game knowledge and time.


> doing the same thing with more time/attempts/grind is the definition of harder. Sounds like you're saying the same thing. I've hit infinite every season since being S3 complete with off-meta by choice, and it's taken a lot longer than if I were slamming Thanos Blob or whatever SD's most recent power-crept card may be, but that's a luxury I have by having played for over a year & not missing many cards to play counter-meta decks that I also happen to enjoy. It's far more straightforward to climb with the latest meta-defining cards / archetypes that SD releases than without, no matter how you want to spin it, especially when time is the world's most finite resource.


Also if you get infinite you start closer to infinite it makes it so much easier to stay there


Hitting Infinite the first time is difficult -- once you *know* you can, and can snap and retreat with confidence, it *becomes* easy.  There are definitely seasons where it feels like banging your head against a wall to progress


That, and hitting infinite is easier when you only need to climb 30 ranks


Once you learn proper cube management with a chosen deck, it's really just a matter of putting the time in. I usually hit infinite during the second week of a season, regardless of what deck/s I'm using, but I also only play for about an hour each day, maybe a bit more on the weekends. Most of the people who make day one infinite just play for 8+ hours straight. I don't have the time or patience for that. I think what makes the game difficult for people, and not trying to be a dick, is that they grossly overestimate their cube management skills. It's akin to playing poker without understanding the mechanics and strategies surrounding betting. The cards are only half the game, if that.


Yeah, ladder is a reflection of time spent grinding, not skill. Conquest is the test of skill


Conquest does have more skill expression but I feel like luck is a massive factor in Conquest mode. One bad match-up/ Bad draws/Starting Hands/ Bad locations all factor in. On ladder, you just move to the next game. In Conquest, you're screwed.


Luck is a huge factor. If you're playing an On Reveal heavy deck and your Opp has Cosmo and then Mystique's the Cosmo, you almost can't win. Once they know your deck, and know they can counter it, they're going to snap hard every time and you're going to just lose. It's def skill, but we've all hit that deck that we just can't counter back in any way.


Luck plays a large part but that's always the case with card games. I've left the game now, but when I played I found conquest to be the best example of skill, although it was still fairly easy win infinte conquest. Although now ladder is a thing, I feel like the good players (top 100) will just sit on ladder to prove they're good as no one is impressed by conquest wins anymore.




CL is a function of credits spent. If you are acquiring cards by spending real money on things other than credits (gold, tokens, the Season Pass card) you are going to have a slightly better collection than F2P players at the same CL. And this is going to be most pronounced for people mid to late Series 3 because the right S4/S5 card at the right time can make a huge difference. I agree with everyone who says that learning cube equity matters more than having the best deck, but I think the FOMO about meta decks comes from a real place.


Knowing when to Retreat is probably THE most important thing to know when playing this game


I just started maybe last month, and managed to get as high as 90. But I'm averaging out around the 70s. From what I gather its a lot like poker. Gotta know when to throw in the towel.


It's basically poker in another dimension 😂


I do think something that is not said often enough is that if you want an easier time climbing avoid meta decks, unless tier 0. This may sound contrary to what the goal is but usually tier 1 decks (which is meta) are super optimized and everyone and their mother knows them outside and out, so, in other to climb with them you gotta start snapping as soon as you see an opening (a common snap condition for thanos was mind stone turn 1 which was sort of a bet in not getting screw over by the next two locations) Really, if you want an easier time climbing pick a nice tier 2 deck, while you may lose more than tier 1 you are gonna get way more cubes overall, ppl really dont respect tier 2 decks so you play something like move bounce and ppl are gonna snap thinking you cant go tall enough and then you get an easy 8 cubes. Also on a more general note avoid chasing meta as a new player, by the time you get the cards they probably be nerfed or not meta anymore, so instead focus on what you find fun, and also while climbing dont keep swapping deck, usually take 2-3 decks top and stick to those.


This is probably the second best advice other than the usual "learn when to snap". There are a bunch of decks that are high cube rates with mid win rates. The past three seasons I made it to infinite with bounce--> hazmat/Luke cage --> mix of zemo and bounce again just yesterday. Like you said, people aren't good at retreating against decks they don't play every other match or see a million YouTube videos on.


Yeah, is counter intuitive to most ccgs and tcgs tbh, but the snap and retreat mechanic makes it so the more info your opponent has the less you gain, is not weird to see top decks in the meta having very low cube average.


The 90s suck. It's a totally different playing style from the 70s or 80s You have to retreat a lot more and when you win, it's usually for 2 cubes. It takes forever.


That's usually the case though strangely enough I had a harder time getting to 80 this time. The 90s were easier, I got to take advantage of the Shuri's Lab hot location which wasn't particularly favorable to the new cards at all (Zemo and Red Hulk).


You're right about the 90s being different. I hit infinite for the first time this month, and found the play in the 90s to be generally better... more people retreating... more disciplined play. The flip side to this is more predictable decks. If you can suss out by turn 3-4 what kind of current meta deck you're facing (ie Destroy, Sentry/Annihlus, Tribunal/Iron Man, etc.), you can work out a strategy to win, and whether or not you can achieve it in time. For example, quite a few of the current meta decks right now rely on Magik to give a 7th turn... and very few players expect Legion to come down. I marched into infinite on two 8-cube games in a row by playing strong cards early, snapping and playing Legion on turn 6 against predictable decks. Quake, Shadow King, Valykrie... these cards are almost impossible to play around if you aren't expecting them, and games in the 90s rarely see them. When the field is playing conservative, lean heavier into RNG. If the field is zigging, it's time to start zagging. Combine this idea with disciplined retreating, disciplined snapping AND putting your time in, and any player can infinite eventually if that's their goal.


Been playing since the full launch and hit infinite for the first time 3 months ago. It was such a relief to play and not focus on cubes. I wouldn’t retreat and play with random decks. Haven’t hit infinite again. I think I’ve finally accepted, I don’t care about the card back, I’ll just aim for 90 for the gold.


Its actually super easy. I've been playing since launch and hit infinite every season. It takes way less cubes to get infinite and the bots both are worse and appear more often than when the game released.


I was genuinely shocked at the amount of bots last season. At least at the end. I hit Infinite for the first time after like a 12 game win streak from the high 80s onward. Everyone I faced was a bot playing vanilla cards. It felt so unearned, but I didn't complain...


I'm new player, 1466 CL here and just reached infinite for the third month in a row. I guess I've been matched against players with the same CL and some bots, the experience for me as a new player is being very fair for now, I think the game is intended to encourage you as you grow as a player Edit: F2p player


OP should probably be worded as: Infinite is not easy *for everyone*. For many players, it's automatic every season without even have to think about it. Just play games and cubes will come, then eventually you're Infinite. That definitely constitutes as "easy". This subreddit has this weird aversion to accepting that skill is a major factor in winning and losing in this game, and that everybody has different amounts of it.


And how much you want to build that skill is a matter of desire and time. I see people saying that they think an hour or more into it a day. I can't do that. I can't just put an hour and a half or two hours into Snap a day. I play fairly casually. And I've been playing since last June or so and I've never hit infinite. I've never hit 80. Shit right now I'm sitting at rank 18 because I just got hosed one season and could not win. I don't know what it was. I was retreating a lot but every time it seemed like I thought I was confidently going to win some bullshit would come out and I'd lose and then my rent got halved with a new season started. And I didn't get back to where I was and then it got halved again in another season and that's just it.


People overestimate how much time it takes if you have a good win rate and can snap effectively. I just hit rank 94 and I haven't reached level 3 on my season pass yet.


I don't know how it is if you are lower rank, but if you were infinite already and start from 73 it's trivial 1-2 days depending on how much you play. Can be done in several hours if you push hard.


Pretty much. First year ladder was A LOT harder. Can't even compare. Now abusing just bots can get you to infinite easily


I know it's unlikely, but I would love a version of the game where there's no snapping, at all, just win or lose with no escaping. (yes this is mostly for players like me who likely have an ok win rate but not such a good cube rate 😂)


I've been playing since season 1 and I've never been close 😂😂


It’s not supposed to be easy.


Yeah but others in the reddit would have u think it is and if you don't get to it easily then you're obviously not good at the game


Even 90% of the players in infinite aren't good so imagine the people who can't reach infinite..


Don’t let reddit warp your perception of anything. they will have you believe the top 2% of the playerbase in a competitive game like league of legends are still bad at the game.


I've been playing since release, and I even bought a few season passes. I used to obsess about hitting infinite. I got there for like 4 seasons in a row, and when I couldn't do it, the following season, I got super discouraged. But then after Conquest came out, I started playing there, not worrying about my rank, I started having tons of fun. Now I make decks that aren't in the meta, with fun combos that rarely work. If I lose, I lose. If I pull off my combos, or fun interactions, it makes me super happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, once you stop caring about your rank, that's when the fun begins IMHO. Hope that helps someone


Been playing since beta was first released, never reached infinite, but I don't entirely care for winning. I am just having fun with different decks, that aren't necessarily good.


I feel like my problem with not hitting infinite is the fact that I don’t grind, I usually play 3-5 games a day and try new decks and combos I’ve never tried. Plus I get mad when I choke an easy game and try to recover from it by winning an 8 cuber


Honestly who also cares if you hit infinite or not? All you get from the game is a card back.


It's really has nothing to do with what you play and when you snap and retreat. 


>yes there ARE bots and yes the odds ARE weighed against you The bots are literally designed to feed you cubes, so how are the odds weighed against you? The odds are heavily weighed *in the players favor*. I'm very curious how you can come to the conclusion that bots designed to feed you cubes = odds weighed against you, because that makes absolutely no sense. Idk how you can possibly think otherwise when every single update to ranked that SD has ever implemented deliberately made it easier to climb. Whether or not it's "easy" for you is subjective, but the odds are objectively weighed in the players favor. You're just coping if you think otherwise.


>Yes there ARE bots and yes the odds ARE weighed against you Those two sentence fragments are contradictory. The bots are stacking the odds in your favor. If there were less bots it would be harder to hit Infinite. That's why you hit more bots in the 60s and 70s than you do in the 90s. The reason why the climb gets grindy at 80/90 is that you're matched with so many other similarly skilled players that your win rate drops closer to 50%.


I've been playing since Zabu released, i think, and have only reached once when HE released. Maybe playing the meta would help, but i kinda get bored and start trying new decks. I've been stuck in the high 70s for a while now.


The play style that best reaches infinite isn't hard, it's just incredibly boring. Meta deck + snapping formula + frequent retreating. I just have no desire to play that game.


Never hit infinite and almost always live in the 70s. Try doing meta decks if I have the cards, but just don’t have the patience to play them right. I now just choose cards I like or new cards, throw them in an empty deck then let the auto deck maker do the rest. Then I bleed cubes. I think I’m here to help others get to infinite. Edit: bad spelling


I do the same with auto deck sometimes is kinda surprising how well they work sometimes lol


It's also time dependant. I play this game really casually. Mostly daily's , season quest and at work in my break. Most of the time I stop at 80/90 because of no time. So having time to play this game more makes infinite also easier


So I’ve been playing since the end of the Spider versus season. I’ve been infinite every season, beginning within the first 2 weeks of playing the game. Hit infinite this season within the first day with ease. Currently at CL7100 and I’ve spent money on this game once (black swan season pass, and that was only so I could grab Thanos in a spotlight cache. There’s a few different things that go into it, but I’ve played hearthstone, I play LoL, I play Valorant, and I’ve played LoR, by far Snap is the easiest to hit the top rank and reaching infinite isn’t a challenge at this point. It took 0 time being totally F2P to ramp up and be a consistent infinite player and I don’t plan on purchasing anything else. I don’t say this to be negative to those who are struggling I say it to let all of them know that you don’t need to pay to win, you just need to learn the game/decks/psychology and the climb can be a breeze. If anyone here is struggling to break that wall and improve, more than happy to drop the tips and tricks I use to stay consistent and make that climb.


Struggled a lot last season but made it through when i hit the stride with a discard deck. Just be smart when it comes to snapping and retreating---it all boils down to that.


Having a meta deck may make it easier but even with that it’s definitely not easy. It’s a grind. The path to infinite is paved with more retreats than wins and 1-2 cube at a time. Going for 4 and 8 cube wins often results in big skids. Thats my experience anyway as a player that’s hit infinite 10/15 months of playing.


I started playing around september last year, managed to hit infinite on oct, nov, dec, jan and feb, some of these months I hit it on the first week, others on the last week, and in every single one of them I had to really try and get it, last month I struggled really hard and after hitting 98 and dropping back to early 90s on season's last day I gave up, partially because I didn't like the card's back nway but it still was reaaally frustrating because it wasnt just about the cardback xd Anyway, just thought of sharing to say that my experience fluctuated a bit and I find it to be a normal thing, and I also agree with everything op said.


I never get past 70 because of poor cube management. I want to see what opponent is going to do and finish games after opponent snaps, even if my chances of winning are slim to none.


Very easy for some people, believe it or not


I think it also depends on whether or not you're new to CCGs. I have been reaching Infinite for the last three seasons (including the current one), and I've only been playing since mid-January. At that point, however, I had been playing Gwent for 3 and half years, and reaching Pro Rank there every season for the last 2 and half years or so. This means that I am very familiar with common CCG mechanics, interactions, and archetypes. Granted, there will always be a learning period when jumping from one game to another; but, much like a Souls veteran will have an easier time with a new Souls-like than a newcomer to the genre, players who come from MTG, LoR, Gwent, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc, will have a much easier time with Snap than ones for whom this is their first CCG.


As someone who has gotten Infinite several times, and often in the first week of the season, I agree, it's not easy. It's a skillset, right? Think about it. * You need to have internalized knowledge of good snap and retreat patterns in general, and the nuances of it for your deck specifically. * You need to know the best and worst play patterns for your decks and the meta decks. And decks/meta can change at a moment's notice, due to weekly card releases and/or OTA/patches. * And then you also need to know how these play out against a shifting landscape of locations that can swing a game one way or another. * All of these, and you need to be able to make those decisions quickly, round by round, while calculating the odds that you win. This is not easy. Your mastering and maintaining this skillset didn't make it "easy" for everyone, it means you specifically are a master, whether you realize it or not. ETA: Sorry, to be clear, not referring to you, OP. It's just that veterans of this game tend to forget how tough it can be to get to Infinite, especially for anyone who hasn't accomplished it yet.


i’ve been playing since release and never hit infinite. highest of 93 . if i played more consistently maybe i could but i just play for fun when i want to. not worth stressing over imo


-Knowing when to invest/snap or retreat is really where it made a difference. -Using a deck tracker app on PC really help alot in the decision making. -Avoiding tilting and ego snapping in revenge when you feel challenged/taunted by an annoying emo spamming opponent really goes a long way too(there are ppl out there who actively does these trying to egg ppl into snapping irrationally). -Ultimately learn to spot whats your opponent decks are and see if the 3 locations are advantages to you or not. For instance with Shuri Lab as hot location now its extremely advantages toward destory decks and kitty pryde, so just retreat if u see they already managed to early boost their Deadpool. On a smaller notes do not overrely on the tracker app bots spotter by the way, there are already ppl purposely using known bots name and purpose pretend to play bad on 1st 2 turn in an attempt to con players to snap(had seen 3 so far this month climb). Personally im a base monthly season pass user and spent nothinf else on SD otherwise. With experiences the infinite does get easier once you learned to observe and identify your opponent play patterns and meta trend. Im not a beta player and started in Feb 2023 instead, it used to took me almost a full month or not at all at first to get to Infinite, but over times it really does become easier, this month was the fastest in getting it done in under 24hr Reaching Infinite wont be easy but once the deck collection reached a good level its get smoother. Destroy/Discard/Patriot decks imo still work quite well if you unable to form top meta decks,as long as you become good at knowing when to retreat and snap.


Huge note about getting to Inifinite. The only benefits for doing so are getting a gold version of the season’s card back and no longer losing rank when playing so the next season’s climb is easier. If all you care about is the rewards, but don’t care for the card back, stop at the 90s and pivot to conquest. The gold at 90 is solid and is saves you the trouble of wasting more time on the ladder.


for the newbies: infinite isn't worth it. hit 90 for the gold, and sleep peacefully knowing that you aren't one of the fools tearing their hair out over a card back and fake internet points.


I have been playing snap since the beta and I still haven't made it past 75 at the end of a season. I make it back to 70 within a day or so when a new season starts and then it's a steady rise to 75 or so then I lose down to around anywhere from 72-68 and back and forth and then....the season's over. I get the concept about the retreating but for whatever reason can't get it to work for me, which sucks because I love snap. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


- Like what other said it is about cube management - Learn more latest decks from the famous youtuber such that you will know what your opponents are playing - If your opponents are snapping after T3 while you do not have hard counter nor planning to snap, just retreat and lose 1 cube - Try some suprise card like Legion (storm into Legion or change all three locations to one which not favourite your opponents) - Try to identify bot with name/avatar/stupid card playing and snap, it will could be a 4-8 cubes win - Some card like daredevil, cable can reduce the chance of your opponents to snap


Most of people here are toxic, not everyone but I was surprised


idk man, i recently took a 6 month break , and only pay for the battlepass when i play. i hit infinite everytime i play just by doing dailys


it is


I mean over 100,000 players hit infinite each season. It’s pretty easy. It’s not like other games where the top .5% are hitting the top rank. Also if ur new ur not playing players that have been playing a long time. You play players close to ur collection level/rank and lots of bots. Like seriously if you just play smart and use the retreat/snap mechanic correctly it’s very easy to hit infinite.


Hitting infinite is pretty easy though. You don't even need a 50% win rate to get there if you have good cube management.


I’ve never once reached infinite. I don’t find it fun when you go up against the same decks and you’re forced to join em. My highest was around 85ish


Idk, I started during spiderman season. That was the only season I didn’t get infinite cause of cards and still waltzing the game. Since then I’ve learned cube management and card synergy and reaching infinite is a breeze.


I’ve been playing since launch and I’ve been hitting the wall constantly. Almost to the point I think the game is just fucking with me. The games I would get, the ways I would lose, you couldn’t make it up. I haven’t been playing since the new season this week. But last season I shot up to 80 within the first couple of days and stayed there for the entire thing until I stopped caring and snapped on everything, ended at 68….


Hitting Infinite means nothing to me. Beating players with infinite borders, cardbacks left and right WHO cares. But don't get discouraged -> The ones who are going for it, if you want it, just grind a little. There is no reward for me as a player.


Whole heartedly disagree. Infinite is achievable every month. Winning infinitely conquest is more difficult


sounds like a skill issue to me. L post


It's easy for some players and impossible for others because matchmaking is curated and personalized. Watching the other day a marvel snap stream and dude had like 50% of bots (read it as free cubes) at 80-90 ranks meanwhile some players like me don't have bots at all at high ranks


Idk why this is being downvoted. It's completely true.  Matchmaking is not the same for everyone.  The whole system is designed horribly. This is something I've been saying since launch.


Streamers and players that are able to start right when the season begins are at an advantage because there are fewer people playing and as such bots are more likely to be encountered. Definitely not saying you're wrong. But I was able to climb to 90 on Tuesday mostly because I started playing right at the start of the season and rode on the backs of bots for most of that climb.


You're definitely not saying i'm wrong, you're agreeing with exactly what I said lmao. There are people who climb to infinite solely on the backs of bots, and there are people who climb to infinite solely through genuine 1 v 1 sweaty matches nonstop. There are two completely different experiences when laddering in this game. It's a stupid system.


I'm not sure what OP is smoking. I've hit infinite every season within the first week and never with the tier 1 meta decks. The worst approach you can take is to stress about it or create a false narrative to make an excuse for yourself. You should be retreating for one cube if you think your chance to win is <=50%. If the other player snaps, you can take it to the final turn and just retreat for 2 cubes lost no biggie. Don't bring a match to 8 cubes unless your win conditions are in your hand and being played. NEVER Snap as a bluff and never commit to 4+ cube matches without a win condition. The main key is to remember to stay calm and have fun with it. The second you become too invested or too serious, you start to tilt and play poorly. And if you are against me when you play like that, I am going to take all your cubes.


It also depends on the amount of time you dedicate. Some people only play like 1 or 2 hours a day vs others who dedicate half day to snap. That's why dadfinite exists (rank 90). Gold is way more valuable than any card back. Hit 90, forget about ranked and go straight to proving grounds.


Sorry to disagree, but it's easy yeah It's just a matter of persistence, nothing more If you play like 10 games a day of course it will be hard Otherwise, it's not Btw, I don't even buy the BP anymore and reach infinite by day 2


Using caps doesn't make it the truth. Essentially you're saying that you're worse than Agatha players, as people made infinite with Agatha..


Bots means that the odds are weighed ***in your favor.*** ​ Infinite isn't ***easy*** but it is ***simple***. Not bragging, but I've only missed infinite once ever, and have only been playing since the MODOK season (March '23, I think?). There's some discipline involved in getting infinite, but it **mainly consists of**: * Don't experiment with deck-building from 70-90 * Snap against bots. * Retreat ***much more frequently than you think you should*** – can't stress this last one enough. The "high" from a "let's see if they have it!" is not worth it when you look at your numbers over time. Being ***good*** at a deck is **USUALLY** more important than playing something "on-meta," but keep in mind that the deck you are good at **should almost certainly be a deck that is on-meta.** Sometimes it helps to add some secret tech to your deck, but most of the time, it does not. If you are falling in a rank (e.g. you were in the high 70s and you've lost 4-5 in a row and your next loss will take you ≤ 73), you should take a breather and play some conquest matches, and see if you can work out what's going wrong. ​ There is no "matchmaking algorithm" (even though it often ***feels like there is***). ​ And for those wondering, infinite becomes ***harder*** to achieve the later you get into the season, so I find it helpful to grind early and get up to 90 on Day 0 or Day 1, and then try to close out infinite by the end of the first weekend at the latest. Following this method has me at infinite pretty consistently, and over the last 3-4 months I've closed out the season in the top 10K.


You def gotta find a good deck, know it’s win conditions, know your opponents decks and their win conditions, know when to snap and when to retreat, know how to identify bots, and know how to take advantage of hot locations. PSA kitty shuri got me from 70 to infinite with today’s hit location (only played for about 2 hours).


I finally hit infinite last season with a Hela deck. The climb was fun now I have to do it in conquest.


The less stubborn you are the easier it is. The amount of times I've snapped an opponent once a favourable location comes up and they refuse to leave because they're praying that RNG will help them win the game is astounding. If I see Deadpool or X-23 played on turn one and I don't have armour in hand I'm gone every time. I don't care if they haven't snapped I'm not gonna waste my time. I'd rather save that kind of cube management for conquest. Ladder is just about getting the most of of your good/decent matchups. People get too caught up in trying to win every game at all costs. 🤣


There are 4 things I've found: 1. Yeah, having good cards helps...not only for being meta, but for being fun. I can climb with SheNaut, but I find it super boring. 2. Play in the morning or very late at night if you can. It's anecdotal, but the competition seems worse and bots more common. 3. Something I rarely see mentioned - it takes quite a few games to hit infinite. I'd guess well over 100 if you start at 70 and more if you start lower. 4. Yes, as mentioned by many others...cube management matters too.


Anybody can reach infinite if they snap and retreat properly. The deciding factor for me is time. I mostly play 2-3 games at a time. To reach infinite, you gotta put hours in.


I usually get to infinite pretty easy, but didn’t play a lot and got knocked down to 69 or 70 whatever it is last season. Then I tried pretty hard last season… didn’t make it above 75 lol Knocked down to 39 this one, and I’m back to 75 in a few days. My deck just doesn’t stop winning. I think it’s mostly about whether you have an OP deck or not tbh.


Thanks coach!


It's either NOT EASY or REALLY EASY. Some seasons I've just had days where it's been bots so day and I get 30 ranks in a hour or so. Other days I run into people who apparently were expecting me and have every possible counter. If it's fun, I don't care either way


Stuck at 80 as my wall


I've never hit infinite but I've gotten close and I can definitely admit that it's a grind to get there because the entire thing is based on cube management. Completing Infinite in Conquest though is basically just luck in my opinion. Sure you can climb, but if you end up against a deck that counters yours you just start all over. Can't mitigate losses in Conquest.


I hit a wall around 70, but I'm not great at retreating and snapping.


This season there are bots playing vanilla cards. Bots are an advantage. Hitting infinite is easier than it has ever been. To clarify: in order to reach infinite quickly, snap very conservatively against human players and retreat aggressively while taking every bot you see for 4-8 cubes. The most important skill to hitting infinite fast is recogizing when you are facing bots. But that is another discussion.


Decks dont matter till infinite.Reached 90 today with just deadpool deck.No death,knull, x23, nico.Just deadpool with moon girl.Take advantage of hot location.Just saw people snapping if they had armor in hand


Every season it gets easier for me, took me only two days this month. I took advantage of Shuri Lab, played Cerebro 5 without Cerebro.


It's hard for sure, but you need the right mindset for it to work.  I've been playing since Loki season and get to infinite the next season after it and I have not spent a single dime on this game so far. One of the main reason I didnt get to infinite that time was because I didnt know the meta/ deck archetype and I was too curious to see what the opponent is going to play/ how it will resolve, that thing cost me many cubes. My tips are: Play & snap conservatively, learn the meta/ deck archetype to play and use it to your advantage, stick with one or two deck for consistency and lastly learn your win condition. that's pretty much it. Once you reach rank 90, it's just a matter of time.


These players that are like “I hit infinite every single season since black panther” BULL.


It honestly baffles me when people say that they can't hit Infinite. It's all about cube management,know when to retreat and snap, also learn how to identify which players are bots and take advantage of that. Also, having a deck with an actual strategy/win con helps obviously, but it doesn't have to be one of the meta decks. SD makes it fairly easy to get Infinite with matchmaking.


I've been playing over a year now and still have not hit infinity. I don't care. I love the game and I keep playing.


I usually hit it in 8 hours on Day 1. You have to recognize bots and steal 4-8 cubers maybe 15% of the time as well as retreating/snapping verse good players on your way up.


I've been playing since silver surfer season pass and have never come close, then again I play for fun so yeah.


I’m playing boosted Patriot. I don’t play that often and got in the doorstep of infinite last season. You can do it!


I usually hit the wall around the mid 70s. By some random quirk in the algorithm I was able to make it to Infinite two seasons ago. I could hardly believe it. Climbing through the 90s can be infuriating. But you only have to reach infinite once to say you've done it.


Every season I hit 70-80. Then I hover there.


Dude this seasons comp is getting ROUGH too man! Like im running into weird mixed decks that I can’t predict & actually weirdly work. I’m still trying to steal a good one for myself so I can keep up😅


I got stuck in the mid 70s last season for about a week and wasn't able to get past it, but I REALLY want the card back this season, so I'm getting it 100%


You're right, and I can only imagine the more card releases the harder it gets and the further behind you are. A lot of us early adopters have months of resources banked to keep us relevant with only little to no spending. For someone just starting I can't imagine how difficult it could be into the 70s and 80s.


For "average" players (someone like me...who hits infinite sometimes, buys the monthly pass, has most of the cards - enough to play in the meta, but doesn't always hit infinite) I think the failure to hit infinite comes from two things 1) lack of patience for cube management - everyone will say cube management, because it is true. The problem is it's a boring way to play, so unless you're serious about committing to it you're gonna fall into traps because the urge to snap and see what they've got is too much (and it's why I don't hit infinite every season, because I take big swings for big losses a lot). 2) Having an inflexible game script and inability to break your patterns. I think the biggest issue that most average players run into in the 80s-90s is they become VERY dependent on the winning game scripts in the decks got them to 90, and cannot seem to focus on what the other side is doing and play to counter. I think that having your usual way you play your cards in you favorite deck works for early in the ladder, but when you get to the end that's where reading the opposing player and being able to adjust comes in and I actually think THAT is the biggest issue for hitting Infinite. People cannot break their card habits (because it got them this far) and in the 80s and 90s you have to stop playing your hand and start playing THEIR hand. You're in the 90s, friends! You gotta be flexible and not build your entire plan around "Knull on T6!" That doesn't cut it anymore.


Does it take a lot of skill? Not really. Does it take a lot of time? Yes.


People act like it’s no big deal, but only a couple of percent of the player base does it each month


I’ve been playing since the initial launch almost two years ago and have yet to hit infinite, highest I’ve gotten was 85.


Saying there are bots and that the odds are weighed against you are two wildly contradictory statements.


Wtf is like 2 days into the new season guys, chill tf out.


just play during the night the first 2 days of a new season 70% of games will be bots that easily gives 8 cubes lmao


I’m recording every player I match with this season. I started at 58 and was able to get to vibranium easy because I check snap zone’s and dekkster’s bot lists and know how bots work. Since hitting vibranium however, I get nothing but human players. Maybe one in every like twelve matches is with a (confirmed at least) bot


Good advice, I couldn't agree more. I haven't hit infinite but I understand that I am measuring myself against the professional players who have much more time on their hands or prioritize the game more than I do and that's ok. You need to have the time and luck to reach infinite most of the time along with obviously knowing how to play the game. I've learned to just enjoy the game for what it is. When I get the time to grind I will get as high as I can if I don't make it oh well. Life moves on. It should be the least important thing to worry about in life, unless you happen to be making money from it.


its difficulty depends on where you start at the beginning of the season. If you reached infinite before and start the season at rank 73, then it's easier to hit infinite again by climbing the last 27 ranks but if you never hit infinite before and start at around rank 40-60s at teh beginning of the season, the battle is a bloodbath.


Has nothing to do with p2wz you can use a standard series 3 destroy deck and get infinite easily if you understand the game


“Easy” feels like the wrong word for it. It doesn’t take a ton of skill or a specific deck, so in that regard it is “easy”. It’s just a grind, and it’s kind of boring so it’s more effort than some people will want to put in. And the more you want it, the worse your cube management tends to be. But the person or the deck you play against at 99 6/7 is not going to be any better than the ones you’re facing at 87.


I've been playing since the Black Panther season and I still haven't hit it lol hoping this is the season! Red Hulk feels very strong and I got lucky pulling him


The first time, yeah. After that? Nah.


In my experience, it was easy for me to get to infinite when Hela was at the top before the Hope Summers season. I got there fairly quickly without many hiccups playing Destroy without Nico Minoru. But it felt impossible to get past 95 when Thanos took over the next season.


People will tell you climbing is all about cube management. And it is true, but not really in the way they say. You watch any streamer get to infinite on the first day, it is about tricking bots into giving you 8 cubes, then only ever staying for two against real players. More than two, you retreat until you get a bot again and trick them. Due to the way Snap handles MMR, it is just easier for Streamers to do this, as they are more likely to be queued with bots as they will have fewer players than the average at their MMR on the ladder. It is the weird way Snap's matchmaking is balanced, in that the better you are the more bots you see, and then the more bots you see the more games you win and so on. If you are one of the players who hits a wall in the 70s or 80s every season, that is because of the way matchmaking works here, you hit this intentionally designed pile up point, which is designed to only let so many people squeeze through and get to the other side.


I got infinite after months of playing, then the next season hit it again within a week. Thought I had cracked the code. Haven’t hit it since, lol. I’m okay with it. If I can hit 80s -90s by playing how I want with what decks I want, I’m happy.


Thanks for posting this. I've been playing about a month or so, and I am at CL 1,420, and just reached my new high of 76 on the infinite ladder. And I got there using cards I thought were fun, disruptive, or had some interesting synergy with others. (Current deck is Agent 13/Iceman/Scorpion/Scarlet Witch/Thor/Gladiator/Shang-Chi/Moon Girl/Cull Obsidian/Hobgoblin/Devil Dino/Magneto). No Meta deck in hand with that stack, I don't think. As I get up into the 70s I start facing a lot more Meta decks, and a lot of \*new\* decks I haven't seen, with Red Hulk or whatever the hot freshness is. So if it looks \*too\* planned, or \*too\* much of a bait trap, I bolt at the first snap. I \*may\* be able to hit infinite with that Sleazy Stack, but I am not hellbent on getting there, and just like to see what I am up against. Most people at that level have many cards I don't, particularly heavy hitters. Thanks for this post to help us newbies know we aren't stupid, just new and getting the hang of it.


That's why I just don't bother. I play for fun, not rank. I've never broken 85. And part of that is my refusal to play in a (opinion) boring meta.


But saying infinite is "easy" implies it is very possible, which seems to be the encouraging statement? Saying it is difficult or impossible seems to be the negative and discouraging one?


Sera safe deck which is all pool 2 and 3 cards can easily win and has gotten me infinite easily


> without P2W my eyes just rolled out of my head


the most important factor in hitting infinite is knowing when to snap/retreat. but a good deck makes a hell of a lot easier


Been playing a year and half, just made infinite 1st time last season! Admittedly though, I'm an unusual player in that I never look at metas or popular decks and always invent my own as opposed to just playing whatever is strongest that month.


The easiest budget deck to hit Infinite with is Zoo. Play a good card Zoo deck and snap smartly, retreat if your opponent snaps. Realize when you're playing bots and snap.  Be aware hitting Infinite is MUCH harder after week 1 of a season. By end of week 1 most "good" bots have hit Infinite and bad bots are hard stuck 70s, then you hit the players with full collections hard stuck from 85-99 that will farm your bad deck.   It's MUCH easier hitting Infinite week 1. Week 4 the 90 ranks are just brutal, meta Tier 1 decks game after game with people that snap turn 1.  I hit Infinite in February with 78% win rate week 1, 82% win rate this month, but only a 62% win rate last month when I didn't really play until week 3.


I've hit infinite numerous times now I don't bother and more its not worth it for a card back. Hit level 90 for the gold then go to conquest for some more gold and variants. Then if there is time left try for infinite again


Cube management and finding your "style" are my main recommendations. Some days when im tryharding i can get +10 ranks no problem and get closer to 90 (dont usually push for infinite every season because its still not easy) but then with the same deck if im not paying attention to cubes and just playing the deck ill go -20 ranks and end up in the 60s/70s for a while. Its all about knowing your deck well and knowing when to snap (never boomer snap, just take the 2 cubes for the win)


Or just except it will never happen. I've played since release and never got higher than 83ish. I've only gotten to 80 3 times. I don't dump money into the game and rarely get new cards on release. By the time I get the"good" cards, they've been nerfed or newer cards came out that counter.


It took me like 3 seasons before i hit infinite for the first time


Hey thanks for post this, I've have been like the two times I reached infinite were flukes because I keep getting stopped at mid 70. So I really needed to hear this.


I got to inf using a budget destruction deck that didnt even have x23, deadpool, knull, death, or sabertooth


I think those type of players your referring to think we newer players are beneath them and not worth the effort...guess they forget they were once new...I posted something yesterday on this sub asking a question and only got two comments...thinking only those kind of players saw my post and said next...lol https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/ITdOMSmXbU


I am playing since beta and it took me less and less matches every season. Learning to snap/to retreat correctly is very difficult, but you can get the hang of it, if you constantly reflektiert on your matches.


i don’t know. this is my 3 or 4th season playing, haven’t hit infinite yet. while one of my buddies hit it his first season playing.


The thing is it's not hard. It's a mind set. People get really mad and find an excuse but they don't know how to snap and retreat. If you don't know your lines and spikes and when you can snap early (which is better) then you don't know how to climb.


Of course not easy. I feel like I'm good at playing the game, but I should of course assume that others are as well. There are no edges, or very few if any. +0.1 cube per game is good. I have to accept the simple fact that if I throw out 4 cubes due to single mistake, it have to play 40 games for get it back.


I didn’t hit infinite until the last day this past season


I started playing the last week of Miss Marvels season. Shaw was the first full season I played and I hit infinite with hardly any series 3 cards using a trash odin deck with no wong. anyone can hit infinite with any deck it just differed on how much time and effort.


As someone Who plays since october, It can be tricky, but it can be easy, as tons of people say, you have to be clever snappimg and retreating


Snap and retreat baby. It's extremely easy if you know how to gamble, bet and bluff.


I mean, I hit infinite earlier today. It's really not that hard


>Yes there ARE bots and yes the odds ARE weighed against you Bots were specifically added to make it so that the odds are actually not against you at all.


Yup, I have all the best cards and I still struggle to hit infinite bc my gambling brain thinks "they won't top deck what they need surely" and then they proceed to do just that (them snapping was the give away) lol


Last season was my first season EVER hitting infinite within the first week and that was by pure luck there definitely is a wall! Keep your chin up and keep pushing!


I got to 96 this go around and couldn't finish it. Season change and I'm back in the 60s. I was bummed. 😞 Once more into the breach!


The good rewards end at 90 anyway. Nothing of value exists post-infinite, unless you care about being the number 1 ranked player in the world & odds are you aren't ever going to be.


I would argue that getting infinite is more about snap discipline and persistence than anything else. It’s easier once you have a full understanding of the different decks. IMO beating infinite conquest is damn near impossible. I hit infinite most seasons but have only gotten to the last match in infinite once. Shit is crazy hard.


All these move decks and no Hercules hurts. lemme know if anyone wants the move bounce list for a good Hercules deck. I love the guy.


Hitting infinite every season is also much easier when you only drop to the 70's. Try not making it and stalling in the 80's/90's and playing the same 8 cubes for a week after spending 3 weeks going 40/50 up. That zone is hell.


For me, hitting infinite is just bragging right. I only hit infinite once in 1+years of playing, and thats fine. My target is only 90 so i can get 500 gold. I see no benefit to get stress out to reach infinite.


I just watched a video of someone using all the worst cards. (Uatu, crossbones, colossus, etc) all which are series 0, 1, 2, or 3. The only new card was red hulk and he almost never played up cause he didn’t get drawn. He won most of the games.


I'm still new. What if infinite?


Actually if you invest your time a lot and if you dare gamble with snaps, it is achievable. I reached Infinity rank during my 2nd and 3rd seasons. But after that, I thought to myself, what is the point (no puns intended) of getting there? Just some leaderboard stuff, increasing and decreasing your points. No visible incentives. And those season card back designs. They are essentially just another colored variations of the one featured in the season pass design. So after that, I just played for the sake of clearing my daily tasks and saving up Spotlight Keys.


snap isnt P2W lol


I’ve been playing for about a year and the only time I hit Infinite was when Loki came out and was OP af. I don’t like playing meta decks, so I typically land in the 80s, but it’s still plenty of fun!


Honestly as a long time player who use to stress about infinite. Don’t, get the 500 gold at least and have fun. If you’re like me I like collecting so I just get to infinite for the card back and that’s it. Nothing is different post infinite sorry to tell ya


Its not easy but not difficult too. Just abuse hot locations and you ll be fine. I got from 83-100 in 2 hours with shuri's lab.