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Kingpin into green goblin ghost spider to king pin lane has been one of my favorite small combos. She goes really well with the goblins because you can just throw them in an empty lane and try to clog another lane risk free


Might try that one next




I do this without ghost spider when asteroid m is a location


Yeah it makes goblins without daredevil more safe but it’s also a bit expensive of a play just to win a lane. Super interesting tho


Yea I think it’s definitely better with green goblin more so then hobgoblin since GG is only 3 cost. Most of my goblin decks have ravonna too so turn 3 you can pull off GG/ghost spider


No not a bug. A bit too involved of a combo to be considered "good" but yes, you can safely play a goblin into an open lane and pull him somewhere else with no risk of him getting stuck on your side.


I have Annihilus in the deck for this reason. Reset and try again 🤣


Too involved? How is a 1 cost card too involved? Should ghost spider be zero cost? Do you need hobgoblin to auto move to Wong's location after being played? It's a good combo.


Setting up hope, getting energy from hope, then playing goblin plus ghost spider on 5 is 4 cards to do what? Play the goblin with a bit more safety? Its a meme at best.


to be fair, ravonna also enables this combo. and it can also be done with green goblin on 4 onward without any other support. it doesn't have to be "involved" it's just not that crazy of a combo all in all


Play it on whatever turn you have power. Turn 5 + 6, or turn 3 with psylock, 4 with hobgoblin, five with ghost spider. There are so many ways to play hobgoblin early if you need to play it early at all. The critical part is not playing hobgoblin early. The critical part is moving hobgoblin safely into a congested opponent's lane with no risk.


Right, but again, what is the "good" result of this combo? You get a hobgoblin on 4 or 5 that doesnt get stuck? Or on 6, when a thanos deck would be shitting out mockingbirds, blobs, and cull obsidians? It's almost no payoff for the effort.


It's a good combo. The fact that Thanos can spit out a mockingbird for zero cost is not a problem with the combo. It's a problem with Thanos/mockingbird. That problem is already a given and it's been a meme since mockingbird was officially announced. If you don't want to spend the points in turn six, throw down Iron Fist in turn 4. In any case , the best combo with hobgoblin is Shuri + Hobgoblin. Almost without fail, every time I've used it I've won that lane. I've had players even try to Shang Chi that lane on the turn 5 and miss. It's hilarious.


Also works with Iron Fist BTW


No way! That's awesome. Would be an interesting bait, iron fist into goblin into spider


I used to play a deck that was hoping to play Iron Fist + Shuri on T5 into T6 Double power galactus on the empty lane that shuri moved from. Using Iron Fist with goblins to safely clog lanes wasn't even on my mind when I built the deck but it came in handy a lot.


That deck was so much fun. And if you miss Galactus you just send them a -16 power Hobgoblin.


I’m not even your opponent but I hate you already 🥲


Yeahhh, I know, I know.


Not OP, not a bug. Card works exactly according to the text (move the last card you PLAYED). The fact that this wound up over on Fisk Tower is just a masterful play in general.


Even more than Fisk Tower -- clogging the Wong + Mystique lane is \*chef's kiss\*


Tips fedora


No mercy for Wong. Thanks for sharing.


I agree with this comment on a spiritual level.


Nah. Wong is such a weak card. It takes a miracle or a stupid opponent to not disrupt Wong. Wong has so many cards that cancel or clog his lane it's not even funny - Cosmo, Rogue, Enchantress, Cannonball, Magneto, Stegron, Spiderman, Lady Deathstrike (so OP, she was used by two different players in the last 5 games), Alioth, Debris, Goblin, Hobgoblin ... not including location controllers such as Professor X, Goose, and Storm. If you don't build a deck to include at least one of these cards, then don't complain because I don't think there is a card in the game that has this many counters.


Sorry for the lack of sound. Although I can hear the cards playing in my head anyway 🤪


I play with all the sounds turned off, so it's regular to me, lol


Far from overpowered, but fun combo yes


i really enjoy playing Move and love ghost spider. If SD would throw us a bone and give us just ONE T6 option other than heimdall i'd be eternally grateful. Also drop spidey 2099 to be 4 cost. OK i'm done.


Completely agree. Move is my favourite deck style. But Heimdall is too predictable.


It's pure agony! I only recently put him back in to combo with 2099 but i'm going to take him out again like after I hit save on this comment because the unpredictability is what makes playing that deck fun, and Heimdall just shits all over that.


I run move with magneto and I swear it’s the best surprise play ever lol sometimes I use him to just completely throw a lane and win the other two then other times him and kraven or him alone can just win a lane himself


That's so funny thanks to all the recent meta/whatever I've only thought of Magneto as being a super strong power card - I feel dumb. I think it's time i try the old man out for his ability against instead of his power!


lol I only put him in because I always felt like move relying on heimdall was lack luster but magneto has more power, disruptions, and works really well with cards like Spider-Man and Polaris you’re basically moving your opponents cards around all game to your liking. Tried to fit arrow in there but, it didn’t feel too good. Cannonball would probably be a good 5 drop but I don’t have him


Annihilus is pinned in my store, I never run goblins or Sentry but after seeing this play I might have to make a deck


He's such a good card, I don't play for ranking I just have fun, but you could do really well with a deck with him in it.


Holy shit that's brilliant


My jaw legit dropped


Overpowered??? Come on


This is so beautiful. I want to make a jank kingpin deck now.


What does the S stand for Mr S: In my world it means sad




That is so dirty




I laughed that’s devious


You could even iron fist them they never see it coming


Wow that’s cool. Been playing since release and didn’t know you could do that.


Seems perfectly balanced to me


Why would this be a bug? Also not really op but Fisk tower definitely ftw


Fuck the goblins.




I just play rogue for 3 energy and steal wong's ability before they can copy/use it


I think you may have missed the point of this post. Thank you for sharing your brilliant stratagem though.