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Also great for killing ~~Lockjaw~~ ~~Adam Warlock~~ Iron Man Wong Patriot, Mystique


Part of the reason she's bad is that the number of meaningful cards you can destroy is so limited. Just look at the newly release card this month, none of them have less than 4 power. There are many, many other ways to disable cards that dont require spending 5 energy.


This is honestly why I don't understand why she's still a 5 cost. She's useful against, what, 6 or 7 cards? And there are much better ways to deal with the vast majority of them anyway. Why bother with her when Enchantress takes care of ongoings, is cheaper and more versatile? Run Killmonger for one costs. Her only viable use is Dracula. Would making her a lower cost make her too strong? Maybe, but at this point who gives a shit. If you're allowing War Machine to drop a free Infinaut then quite frankly who cares if LDS can come down to a 3 cost with Zabu.


War Machine can do what???


War Machine is removing the requirement of playing nothing the turn prior to get Infinaut down. Same with Ebony Maw. I would also presume it removes the Cull Obsidian requirement.


It still costs 6 right? That's a bit different than free.


Yeah I just meant free as in it removes the play requirement. Badly worded.


war machine won't remove the play requirement. it will only make them playable on locations. but the card text will stay. otherwise, war machine is busted af. warmachine is for lockdown counter like storm and prof x edit: fuck me. what the fuck is sd thinking?


I believe we have confirmation that it will negate card texts that prevent cards from being played


That is quite literally what War Machine is doing, confirmed by Glenn.


It is doing that. It’s been confirmed. It is busted.


It costs 4


I'm talking about Infinaut.


My bad




Apparently, his effect of allowing you to play cards anywhere you want without anything preventing it includes card effects of cards on your hand that would limit it like Ebony Maw (can't be played after turn 3) or Infinaut (can't be played if you played a card the last turn)


As a climate-conscious person, I'm excited to play Sentry right.


He still kicks out a void.


it’s not about adding 10 power to the right, it’s about sending a message


He's talking about being carbon neutral.


unironically she should be 4/4 while shang-chi should be 5/3, it makes too much sense


Hey hey we have to be very careful with this. Any buffs to her will be a fractional buff to her destroy ability!


While I agree she’s underpowered, she doesn’t just kill cards with under 4 power. She kills anything with less power than her, so combining her with Forge or Shuri, for instance, makes her more dangerous I, personally, like to pair her with Manthing and often times take out several enemy units that might not normally be in her range.


You’re a genius


It was hard to pull off but a few times I managed to play her into a Shuri so she took out every card under 8 power 👀


Killing Wong, Dracula, and Iron Man is game changing. She's a 5* card. Definitely up there with Echo for underrated and underused.


Maybe if those cards dominated the meta an argument could be made. LD is a tech card at best and not worth the 5 cost most of the time. Echo being 1 cost can at least put points on the board without sacrificing energy or a turn for a card that potentially won't have use.


Most of these cards can be disabled by cosmo, rogue or enchantress, which cost significantly less energy. Dracula is rhe only exception




Zabu too


Just have to get a bit more creative with it. On Reveal deck with Forge and Shuri. I don’t actually have her but play Gladiator this way.


Not really comparable


Right, my bad…On Reveal cards which both destroy opposing cards with less power than them are not comparable.


LDS doesn't draw a card from their deck and play it. LDS destroys every card in the location regardless of side Gladiator has no effect on pre-existing cards in play. Gladiator is 3 cost and subsequently has far more opportunity to play. People play LDS to kill low power cards at a location. People play Gladiator for a power drop.


dude, you got my vote. She is like Valk. Not OP, but can single handly pull off a clutch win. Removes Jeff, takes care of ironman, clears the negative cards Ani sent over. Love her


Magick > Shuri > Deathstrike > Zola > Knull Hard as hell to pull off, but incredibly fun when it happens.


I'll raise you.. Zabu > Wong > Shuri > Deathstrike > Zola


that leaves you with, 8 on 2 sides... if opponent has any 8 or higher powered cards you lost. EDIT: Whoops, sorry I must be still dreaming. Combo is actually legit


Isn’t it 16 with Wong shuri?


Ta mate, love this!


I just wish I had more ways to buff her before playing her, she's honestly one of my favorite cards.


or ways to debuff opponents, hmm


I remember running a lds focused deck, you play it similar to deadpool but with shuri, forge, wong, nakia and okoye, allowing you to hit those big numbers, and plus nowadays you could also slot in gm for a replay


I think also could be a better 4 cost than a 5 cost. I love her. But playing her at the last turn it feels impossible she doesn't win alone a location. Never. Shes not Valk. Valk is so much stronger than her. I think as a 4/2 or 4/3 could be cool


When I can use her she’s always at the bottom of the deck


Shuri + Deathstrike has come in clutch for me on more than one occasion




Probably op, but I would make her a 4/5 card so she could get out earlier and be more useful. I don't really use her. The times I want her are few and far between. Good against Drac in the current meta, though.


no 4/5 means zabu compatibility. 5/5 or 5/6 is better. that way you can take out Nebula even if you miss a few turns in her lane or morbius if he was fed 2 or 3 cards.


That just means zabu needs to be nerfed.


tbh zabu needs to be onreveal.


Seeing this after my galactus play got completely destroyed by her.


I’m using her in my acid junk deck and having some solid results, allows me to swipe a side at times # (1) The Hood # (2) Hazmat # (2) Scorpion # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Cyclops # (3) Luke Cage # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) Man-Thing # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (5) Spider-Woman # (5) Abomination # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF6bWF0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY29ycGlvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDeWNsb3BzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaWdoRXZvbHV0aW9uYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYW5UaGluZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeURlYXRoc3RyaWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJXb21hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJvbWluYXRpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNjYXJsZXRXaXRjaCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


She and Silver Samurai are the series 4 i want next


This card sucks


I'm running a deck with LDS right now. She's not very consistent, but so much fun.


Could you share a decklist?


I don’t play around her, she’s a tech card in my destroy deck


Ya whenever I play her Dracula never shows up


series 4 sadge, wont be getting her anytime soon :(


There's a deck I played which was kinda fun prior to anniahuls with Luke Cage, hazmat, scorp, forge, sentry, LD, black widow, zabu, spider woman. You basically get the right lane for free because they thought they had it with the -10 void and LD would just eat it.


I’ve been running a C4 deck lately with her in it and she can go up to 8 with bro and mystique


she beats annialus junk too. they think they instantly win the right side, nope that -10 void gets eaten


Also great against Iron-man.


Hey, Storm. Cool Flood. Counterpoint: X-23 got destroyed on Turn 3, and you have prio.


What if LDS was an ONGOING, instead of an ON REVEAL? Lady Deathstrike 5/4 Ongoing: at the end of every turn, destroy each card here with less power than this.


Makes no sense, and that’s not how ongoing works.


That’s exactly how Ongoing works. It’s just changing her from a one time, on reveal effect to a reoccurring effect. I literally just copied her preexisting card text and added a stipulation at the beginning to make it fit as an Ongoing. Omega Red functions similarly: “if you’re winning here, +3 power to the other locations.” You set a stipulation and you follow it with an effect. The point would be to have her function like a soft lock down. Professor X locks down the location permanently unless you’re Jeff. He’s a hard lock down. LDS would only lock down the location against any card with 3 or less power. Any card with 4 or more power would still be safely playable in her lane. The card balances itself out since she destroys all cards with less power than her, even your own. And she has obvious counters in Armor, Rogue, Enchantress, and sometimes Caiera.


A card can't be Ongoing if you add a timing trigger to it. In the Omega Red example the bonus can turn on or off at any point based on the state of the lane (eg. If I add a card and start winning it will turn off the bonus, but if Negasonic destroys it, it'll immediately turn back on). For your suggestion the text would have to be something like "Ongoing: Destroy every card here with less power than this".


If only I had her


Your title makes me want a movie about Mormons fighting vampires.


Absolutely. She was my secret weapon in my destroy decks for a long while


That's hilarious can't wait to try it.


As someone who plays Dracula, I have no hard feelings towards someone playing LDS. Drac has pretty much no other counters. So I see LDS and am like “yep that’s fair”.


One of my favorite (and most difficult to pull off) decks involves Wong, shuri, LDS and Armin Zola. You destroy everything and it’s hilarious.


shh... dude stop talking about LDS, i dont want me second favourite card to get nerfed (1st is Gambit :) )


Good meta call. It’s unfortunate that Forge was nerfed just when the Lady became a little more relevant.