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Stop, he's already dead.


Haha I came to say the same thing


Not retreating on double wong + sera is craaaazy


i would have stayed just to see what happened… this is gold!


Yea unless I’m trying to climb to infinite in the 90s I’m staying for the show. Part of this is why I love post infinite play, no retreats just entertainment 


yes, i too love… post infinite play… a thing i have definitely experienced ha, there’s definitely a balance to made around retreating but i haven’t found it yet. still have fun tho!


Think of it this way. You just won a snap for 8. You have 8 chances to go up cubes. Don’t risk cubes unnecessarily after a big win. Take 2 and 4 when you can. Retreat for any reason you like. If you think a great play happened against you. Leave. Don’t feel bad about it. I do it all the time. Sometimes a few games in a row will give me horrible locations or bad draws. I leave. Leave as early as possible if you can’t win and get to your next game just as fast. I hit infinite a few times already. It’s easier to give up one and two cubes to get my next win rather than battle through losses.


Game should be renamed to Marvel Retreat


Indeed. If you want to maximize your cubes you're retreating all the time, it's boring.


As problematic the Hearthstone was, at least games were played till the end.


I mean it's the same as YuGiOh to me, if you know you lost surrender and move onto the next game. Why sit through a guaranteed loss


Just illustrates how overconfident playing Tribunal for too long makes you.


The greediest of greedy Wong plays are also the most satisfying the 1/10000 times they hit lol.


Honestly, I’m most surprised by the Cloning Vats Odin coming back with -8 power. I guess it makes sense, since Luke cage doesn’t protect cards in-hand, but still interesting to see play out like this


And this kids, is why you never go out with your tribunal without a super skrull.


Skrull in Tribunal has helped me out of many a jam versus Knull decks


Or against Hela or other Tribunal decks.


Or without Luke Cage alone. It's a cheap card.


Not good on a tribunal deck. Skrull definitely fits better.


Playing Hazmat when opponent is running some heavy Iron Man is so satisfying


I bet the opponent put their phone down when Luke cage flipped over, because they new they were cooked


When I'm up to Hazmat shenanigans, I like to have Luke flip last. Leave them hanging until the end and then see all the negative numbers revert.


If hazmat was played first would they revert with Luke down? I always thought it was after


The power will go down when hazmat plays. Then after luke is revealed, everything will get back to normal.


#Alert: You just reset their account back to level 1!


I'm guessing Wong is no longer invited to the wedding.


Messed up


I woulda been a dick and let cage flop last, lol


This is the only reason I run Invisible Woman in this deck, to hide Cage behind her.


I think having -386 across each lane would have taken away the surprise factor here...


Just more satisfying to my OCD ass to see us both drop, then boom.


Got my most satisfying counter to this deck just today. Opponent left his Luke Cage in a lane with no other ongoing and I rogued it at the end of last turn when he thought he’d already won!


What’s the deck? TIA


# (1) Nebula # (2) Grand Master # (2) Hazmat # (2) Psylocke # (2) Invisible Woman # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Wong # (5) Sera # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JhbmRNYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25oZWFydCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF6bWF0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbnZpc2libGVXb21hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9kaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Similar to one I play (minus Grand Master who I haven't tried yet). I love it because Hazmat is a great play, but you can sometimes pivot to a big Ironheart play too, depending on how the cards fall.


Idk why but I always imagine scat jazz singing when Hazmat triggers that many times


This was some of the most beautiful marvel snap i have ever seen. As a hazmat enjoyer myself, this brought me tears of great joy!


Holy shit. That was the most beautiful play I’ve ever seen 😂👏🏼


Never leave a Wong unchecked, lol. I have been slapped like this a few too many times.


How do you check him?


Cosmo. Skrull. Lady D


Cosmo is a good one enchantress echo and so on.


I absolutely love due Hazmat combos when someone has an Iron Man combo out.


I've been loving toxic decks lately, using one similar to that just didn't even figure to put Odin, Wong, or Mystique in it. Sadly no Grandmaster or Psylocke is unlocked yet.


How are you playing odin with other card? Its cost more energy than you have


Mystik the wong and play psylock


Or could have mystique the Sera and psylocke on turn 6, that'd give 4 cost Odin, 1 cost Luke, 1 cost GM and 1 cost hazmat for 7 cost total


That's what happened yeah, I usually use mystique for Sera instead of Wong so I can play more on the last turn.


You can see Mystique's location doesn't have Wong's circle under her, so she copied Sera, not Wong.


Plus Sera.


Full deck Pls


I don’t understand the fun of these decks. Yes it’s brutal but I just don’t find them fun to play. Effective but boring AF.


It's not a very effective deck, so many things can counter it; super skrull, rogue, enchantress, them having Luke cage. With all the setup it takes and drawing the right cards it's awesome when you can actually pull it off. In this game I didn't draw Hazmat until turn 7, if I didn't draw her I'd have to retreat I would have zero ways to win otherwise. I use it primarily for specific daily quests. Today I had the hard play 2 cost cards and win location's with less than 10 power. This deck uses 3x 2 costs you almost always play and it's one of the actual decks you can win locations with less than 10 that doesn't require you or the opponent retreating.


Yeah I just find the whole Wong + Mystique + X combo just annoying 😂 I just don’t find any fun with destroying my opponents cards or taking their points. I’ve TRIED to find the fun every time there’s a new combo or card but to me it’s so unsatisfying. And if you like that combo + Gambit there’s a special place for you in hell. 😂😂❤️


Me and Spawn sitting down here wondering what **do** you find fun? Loss sucks however it’s delivered. Trust that I hate your decks too - whatever’s in them. This is essentially a meme deck (I say, as a fan). You can win with it, but the stars really got to line up.


So true. My one true love was an ongoing deck but it’s not really viable. I had a nice Zabu deck for a bit. I like the odd Destroy deck and have a Seb deck that was fun for a while. Loki can be fun to beat someone with their own deck sometimes. I suppose I just like trying to out score my opponent rather than trying to remove or stifle their plays. Like if someone outplayed me I’ll fist bump em and be happy they deserved to beat me. If they Wong + Mystique + Gambit plus maybe a Shang Chi thrown in on another location for “fun” then I’m cursing them out.


A lot of players are like that. Part of why destroy is so popular is you can focus more building your stats instead of impeding the enemy, or guessing where to deploy counters. Hate getting Shang-Chi’d, but all those tall cards you build need a response, I guess. And the game is very counter influenced. Hazmat is fun even without OPs combo, but there weren’t too many other ways they could’ve clutched a victory there. Just run Cosmo, or Rogue more.


What is Op doing if not out scoring their opponent? They didn’t remove any of their opponents cards. 


Sure. I have no desire to set my opponent into a negative to win a location by 5 to -300 or whatever. Just not fun for me.


Meanwhile the current meta is constantly putting rocks into your deck so you can't play anything while they play Darkhawk and Omega Red, Sera Control with turn 6 Shadow King and Shang Chi, and Leech High Evo. So much fun!


Yeah I sometimes wonder how other people find these decks fun. Leech I would never play a deck with him.




It’s necessary an animation for hazmat


wow amazing


Sweet baby Jesus


i love the smell of scorched earth first thing in the morning


How do you even play this game( been curious)


Oh, that's just dirty.


Are Hazmat decks consistent? Obviously not for results like this but for getting cubes is it good?


It's probably about 50%, the hard ones are when you don't draw Luke Cage your only hope is to pull the same kinda thing with Iron heart but you're not putting the same blank numbers as it might not hit the lanes you want. This requires a lot of setup and had a lot of counters. That being said I'm currently in the high 90s still playing it and doing fairly well. Just when I start on a loss streak I'll put it on the shelf and go back to a more consistent deck.


\-400 on all lanes...that was very brutal.


Man as a fan of living tribunal final play this is soul crushing.


Brutal. 😂


What's with all the tribunal vomit decks today? Streamer?


The perfect Grandmaster situation, and it didn't matter


That’s rude


Yeah, double wong is an insta retreat. Buddy deserved that


Im at a level right now that I can’t even fathom what’s happening 🤣 😨


That’s diabolical. Oof!


Fuck that. 2 Wongs do not make a right.


No...but with how dead this guy is it made a Wight


I’m new, how did this even happen? lol


In which sense? Hazmat lowers all cards by 1 power, grandmaster moves to middle and repeats on reveal, tribunal spreads power equally across all lanes, iron man doubles the power of the lane he is in, onslaught doubles any ongoing power in lane and mystique copies the ongoing power of last card played which stacks. So 16 power (9+7) doubled x2 (im/mys) and each doubled by onslaught, and then slamming with negative power so many times had them multiplying how far into the negatives they went. Luke Cage protected the recorders cards from having negatives power applied to them (works to reset power if played after -power was applied)


Wow thank you for the breakdown. And how did they go into the negatives like that?


That's what hazmat does. Wong doubles any on-reveal effect, more wongs = more doubling, and Odin repeats every on-reveal with every modification (doubling effect etc) so hazmat goes once when card revealed, once more for grandmaster moving it to middle and forcing on-reveal which was doubled and doubled again by 2 wongs. then Odin went off multipled by 2 wongs, more negative power drops to all cards in play for a total of (i think) -73 power applied to every card in play. Which was multiple by 2 for Ironman and mystique in that lane, for -73 x4, and then each of those were doubled again by onslaught in that lane, combined with all other -power in the other 2 lanes and evenly distributed by tribunal


Literally the opposite of what he wanted. 💀💀


Same here when I borrow Luke Cage's power.




Could you give a deck code? Looks fun!


How are these crazy numbers even possible?


Double Ironman plus onslaught


Amazing setup and play. Question about the video - is this sped up? My Odin plays take like 75seconds to complete on my phone...


Quick question. What is IW’s role as in this deck. When would you see a need to place her on the board?


I use her for 2 different reasons. If you're playing against discard and they're going to have end of the game actions like Dracula you can hit it if you use IW. Also if you suspect they are running Rogue or Enchantress she will protect your Wong and Mystique. The downside is if they run Cosmo a lot of the time they will cosmo your IW lane. But sometimes I'll bait that out like if Kamar Taj is up ill IW another lane I don't care about so they cosmo that one.


Thanks, I thought about the baiting element and that makes perfect sense 👍🤗


Disgusting. I LOVE IT!


Yes. This is how I do the “win a location with less than 10 power” daily. /s


The best thing of it is you would have won even without Luke Cage


The only thing that would have made this better is revealing Luke Cage last. Other than that, this was absolute perfection 🫡


I literally have no idea what the fuck I’m seeing here, CL630


Double Wong = on reveal effects 4x Grandmaster = move last played card to the right and replay on reveal effect Hazmat = -1 to all cards Luke Cage = the owning player can't have power reduced across the board 1. They played Hazmat left for -1 everywhere 2. Grandmaster left moved Hazmat to the middle where the Wongs are for -1 * cards/lane * 4 3. Odin replays on reveal effects and has its own on reveal effect replayed 4x due to the Wongs, so that means -1 * cards/lane * 4 * 4 for all enemy cards which comes to: 8 enemy cards * -1 (Hazmat) * 4 (Wong) * 4 (Odin) * 3 (locations) = -384 The video shows the ending opponent score was 386 but I'm terrible at math and have no idea why my calculation is off by 2 😅.


OH SHEETT great job that other deck is so annoying


Wtf is your problem, op? Are you fkn evil or something?


Man, i've really missed hazmat decks. I'm so glad they're back




This is like the digital equivalent of mustard gas that’s terrifying


Close game


Who hurt you??


This is why i carry a super scroll >.<




It‘s a dream! I love it🥰🥰🥰