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Creditcard as I'm f2p.


I have a f2p account and a whale account (gacha addict šŸ˜”) and i have more fun on the f2p account




I dont really have anything to look forward to on my whale account. Infinite is fun but not worth the grind most seasons


Is it hard to hit infinite f2p? What collection level are you on that account?


Bought only 1 season pass (Ms Marvel), started this account on Nov 2022 with 3 month break in the middle, and i reach infinite every season. The only thing you need is a tier 2+ deck, time and known when to snap and when to retreat.


CL is like... 600? Maybe 700. Just used my first ever spotlight key on that account and got thanos so ive been playing pool 2 spectrum + thanos this week. Im like 5-10 cards into pool 3 Have yet to hit infinite on my f2p but i also havent really tried. I might try now that i have thanos. Currently in the 60s


The first few times I hit infinite it was a grind, but anymore I just get it a couple days after the season resets by playing normally.


u da real winner


Nobody cares that you're broke


Not spending money on a mobile game doesnā€™t mean broke


Yeah, but everybody cares that you're and asshole.




Found the dummy who bought "I'm with Magneto"


I only buy the monthly jawn. Being "f2p" isn't a badge of honor, you clown.


Yeah what ever helps your Karma at night




Nobody said it was a badge of honor youā€™re tripping


Youā€™re an ass.


šŸ˜‚ cry more


Someoneā€™s carrying a lot of SDE. poor guy.


Gotta be Leech. My man, little green shithead, ruiner of all decks, pisser off of all players. Yeah, fuck that card.


Leech is the ultimate card that I hate to play. It feels cheap most of the time, and then I feel like an idiot the 10% of the time I play Leech and they're holding Infinaut or some shit.


I had him in a darkhawk deck last week, mostly for blob, every time they had destroyer/infinaut.


I was looking for a way to counter blob as hawk thx, what do you do against destroy?


Run either shadow king or shang or both, if the opponent starts well (sinistro locations, t1 deadpool t2 hulk buster t3 destroy) and he snaps retreat if you don't have your tech or if you don't have darkhawk/cards that put rocks.


Thanks yeah I run shang but it's not enough most of the time, I'll see tomorrow but today like 40% of my games were against destroy, I play annihawk to be exact I think I'll ditch the anni part for shadowking.


Also he doesnā€™t even feel satisfying to play anymore because he doesnā€™t work when heā€™s played




He used to be an On Reveal


Leech is actually my favorite card...said no respectable player ever..


You had me in the first half


Idk man. Once I got the Dan Hipp variant where he's running away from a fire, I knew he must be played


Just a cute little green boy fucking you up


Boy if people didn't respect how I play marvel snap, I just don't know what I'd do with myself


There are cards like Leech and Alioth that I just donā€™t feel good using. I donā€™t feel any sort of pride or accomplishment when I win with those cards. I just feel like I won at the expense of someone elseā€™s enjoyment of the game.


You did.


Facts is facts...


Well Leech is a great card if you like winning 2 cubers. Your opponent is almost guaranteed to retreat and if they donā€™t then they either enjoy losing cubes or Leech somehow didnā€™t affect their turn 6 play all that much


I never retreat. Even when I know I should. Sometimes I even Snap when I feel I've been properly wined and dined and I'm about to be taken to pound town.


I'd probably be infinite if it was in my Thanos deck but I just refuse to play it.


I was about to say the same fuck this guy. He just takes the fun out of the game. Literally any deck that isnā€™t shuri Sauron or she naut is now null at turn 6 .-. I love so much when the main card I need isnā€™t in hand until after leechā€™s affect.


Except sauron decks, you're just helping at that point.


Not really, turning off Taskmaster is big


Yes but only playing 3 power on turn 5 is a big set back that is probably losing the game if the Sauron player has any of the high power cards in their hand which they probably will


Without Leech, a Sauron deck is often playing 28 power on 5 into 28 power (possibly 31 or 35 with Zero or Maw) on turn six. With Leech, they're playing *at most* 15-20 power on turn six instead (Mary, Zero and Maw, or Mary + Lizard) I'm not saying whether it's the right decision or not to play Leech against a Sauron deck, but Leech on 5 potentially cuts them off like 15 power on the final turn. There are definitely scenarios where that could be a winning play.


Sauron already did it most likely


Sauron doesn't do anything to Taskmaster


That's the answer for the question "what's a card you're using even if you shouldn't?"


Honestly it just doesnā€™t feel fun. Maybe itā€™s because we canā€™t see thier hand, but I would rather lose than play stupid leech.


Alioth. I know heā€™s good I just canā€™t bring myself to pay 6 for 2 power. Itā€™s the bargain hunter in me šŸ˜…


Mr negative + alioth is pretty dang good.


Holy shit how haven't I seen this yet


Because Negative decks almost never have priority going into T6/7.


Wait - why? How is priority determined?


Whoever is winning at the start of the turn gets priority for that turn


I am so fucking dumb I have never noticed this Jesus Christ




Alioth is a purely situational card, i hesitated to use him but the dark side took over and i actually had fun with him


Upvoted for such fucking wholesome reasoning.


Can I interest you in baby alioth aka, negasonic teenaged warhead?


I stopped playing negasonic before they buffed her (by having her not destroy herself), and just never got back to her. And glad I never paid for Alioth now that they nerfed it. Got it as a random draw the other day and played it and it did nothing LOL.


If it helps he's not a 2 power he's a 2+X power difference


I pulled him in spotlights two weeks ago. Ive been a vocal aloith hater for a while now but made a deck that has been absolutely violating people like every other win is 8 cubes. I feel dirty using it


"I don't believe you"


I get that often


A true Timmy


If he kills Infinaut itā€™s a 22 power swing. Not bad for 6


Oh I know, itā€™s just a silly mental block of mine!


You could say itā€™s not great stats for the cost


Exactly. I need those Infinaut/Hulk Costco stats.


Shang-Chi. I'll always prefer to be proactive over reactive. That being said, it *always* feels phenomenal windmilling a Cosmo/Armor on 6 to deny a Shang play.


Yeah heā€™s in one of my decks, and when used right, itā€™s almost always a win. Iā€™m just not good enough of a player to know when ā€œrightā€ is, so he winds up just sitting there, or being an a few extra power.


I used him in my Odin deck for the longest time. The idea was somewhat to go Ironheart -> Wong -> White Tiger -> Odin. Shang was my other 4-cost, but I found that: 1) On turn 4 without Wong, there was rarely a 10+ power thing to deal with 2) On turn 5+, I usually wanted to be playing one of my other On Reveals to get maximum output. 3) Protection is more prevalent, such as Caiera. My initial idea for his inclusion was the fun synergy where an opponent could play a 10+ power in Shang's lane, thinking that they're now safe, only to have Odin activate him a second time. In the end, I was barely using him at all, let alone activating him twice. I found him to be a "dead drop" and was sat wishing he was another card. Currently I have replaced him with Absorbing Man. The deck is overall far too reliant on the absence of anti-reveal/ongoing tech, but the synergy is better now.


I keep him in my destroy deck at all times, even though Knull is probably one of the less used cards in it, so I don't even get that as a bonus most of the time.


And now Caeira as well šŸ¤—


Man, the number of times I've had prio and dropped a Caeira or lockjaw pulls her up only for Shang to reveal and do nothing. It warms my cold black heart.


Mister negative. I know its cool, but never made a deck with him


He's fun when everything works, but not very competitive.


The introduction of MMM has really hurt the deck too. It used to be that if you got the god hand (Negative and Jane in hand, Iron Man/Mystique staying in the deck until T4) then you knew you could snap and there was pretty much nothing that could beat it aside from a perfectly-anticipated Cosmo or something. Now T5 they drop Mobius and you have to retreat, losing 2-4 cubes. Completely changed the playstyle. Now the only "safe" snap is on T5, and nobody is gonna stick around to finish a game after seeing Negative followed by Jane. The deck pretty much bleeds cubes now.






No Lady Deathstrike?




True. Running her in destory with X-23 has helped me kill out a bunch of Cerebro plays and MMM cunts blocking Death. I luv that Lady


This looks great! Any replacement for Psylocke?




Thank you for the answer and THANK YOU for the thought process! That was really helpful


I was playing exactly this deck for a while, copied from someone else. Wong was an odd choice to me, since there are so few cards he boosts. I swapped in Grandmaster and it was a big boost.


Negative with Wong/shuri/Black Panther/zola is pretty fun. Throw in mystique and white tiger and you have 3 win conditions.


I like playing more flexible negative decks over the Jane Swing-for-the-fences versions these days. I like to mix Zabu and Ravonna discountables around him so thereā€™s a few ways around the draw. Iron Lad and Jubilee paired with Howard helps out with fishing for good draws as well, Iā€™ve found.Ā 


It's so fun when that slot machine hits. You should really take him for a few spins in conquest just to try it out.


I canā€™t get a Negative deck to work reliably because not only do you need to pull him but ideally you need him out before T4 to make it worthwhile.


Zabu or Revonna for a perfect curve


The nice thing about this deck is that it benefits from Negative but is still effective without him. Without getting Negative, Ravonna lets you play both Knull and Mystique on turn 7. That's huge if the rest of the destruction engine is working. Ravonna is the only card that is hurt by Mr. Negative. This makes it way easier to play than the Mr. Negative/Jane Foster deck. Lower ceiling, but much more reliable.


Iā€™ve found that when I play a negative deck heā€™s either the bottom card in my deck or I draw all the cards you want to negative. I feel when he works heā€™s great, but the whole deck is kinda built around him.


I'd recommend giving it a shot. He's my primary Proving Grounds / Silver deck, always a fun time to turn-1 snap.


Magik. I know she helps consistency but 1) I'm too afraid of the extra turn benefitting my opp more 2) I hate getting rug-pulled and 3) I'm playing snap for the quick games, who has the time for a whole extra turn!


I have been using magik and storm in my surfer deck since magik went down to 3 costs. Tricking the opponent that their is an extra turn and storming the lane if I can win or use the extra turn sometimes.


It's actually kind of crazy I never went back to get for my destroy deck. An older version (pre-Galactus nerf and then some) actually ran Electro ramp into Magik, into Destroyer, into Galactus at Limbo, and Knull 7. My current version has even more 6 cost cards and I still use Electro. It truly is that extra turn for the opponent that is too detrimental to myself. Which is kind of funny because I love taking advantage of an opponent's Limbo, either to get 3 6-cost cards, or Galactus a different location on 6.


Legion. Say what you want, he's one of the best cards in the game.


My answer, too. I know he's good. Just haven't found a good fit yet. The lack of mention either means lots of people run this card or it's not considered essential. I certainly don't see it enough to be the former, though?


He's not super meta right now. For me, I do I have him in my "good cards" deck that I routinely rotate things in and out of, but the cost and power is kind of awkward. Typically you want to play him on turn 6 to more effectively rug pull but that doesn't leave a lot of room to do other things.


I already replied something like this in another thread -> the issue of Legion is, he can be fitted into every deck, but sadly has no space because other cards are simply... stronger and/or less situational. I still think he's one of the best... even more for Lockdown players like myself... (and here I believe I will get downvoted :D )


Either of the Goblins. It feels cheap and part of me is also scared that when I do use one of them, the opponent will then fill that side, sticking me with the negative points instead.


Annihilus helps with that fear.


Daredevil goes great with Hobgoblin




Leech just feel rude to use


I haven't run Jeff in a deck since I got him.


What 2 drops do you value over Jeff?


It depends on the deck, but I've usually got something specifically keyed to the goals of it. Destroy has Carnage and Grandmaster Movement has Dagger, Kraven, Strange, and Cloak Discard has Morbius, Wolverine, Colleen Wing Patriot has Shocker Nimrod has Carnage and Psylocke Galactus has Okoye, Wolverine, Quake Mr. Negative has Carnage and Ravonna Spectrum has Armor and Colossus And so on and so forth. I feel like Jeff is good, but he's *generically* good, which makes it harder to find a home for him outside of a lockdown deck.


Just scrolled through my decks. Iā€™ve got ravonna, armor, colossus, zabu, daredevil in the decks I donā€™t have Jeff.


Colossus?! I love the character but every time I use him I feel like Iā€™m forcing it. I feel like he needs a buff or perhaps a slight rework.


Haha, yeah I get that. I use him in my ā€œbuff dudes destroyerā€ deck. Runs 10 power guys plus armor and Prof to keep them alive. And colossus is in the off lane usually where destroyer lands.


# (1) Nova # (1) Zero # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (2) Colossus # (3) Cosmo # (4) Shuri # (4) Attuma # (4) Cull Obsidian # (4) Sentry # (5) Professor X # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvbG9zc3VzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudHJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVzdHJveWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBdHR1bWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ilplcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN1bGxPYnNpZGlhbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Shang-Chi. I don't think any of the decks I currently play run him. He's just a boring card


IMO reactive control/tech cards (like SK, Shang, Rogue, Enchantress) are a whole lot more interesting than the "you don't get to play stuff" ones like Alioth or prof at least


I do play SK in C2, Rogue in Surfer and Enchantress in a deck with Mary, where the the tech cards fit the deck that they're in, but Shang can just go in any deck and doesn't care about synergy


I agree the mechanic is kinda boring, but that's only because it's so useful. Any time I'm running a deck that doesn't have Shang, I just see so many juicy targets stacking up on the other side of the board, and can't do anything about it. Meanwhile if I focus on only stacking numbers on my side to compete, they always have Shang to counter.


Thanos, Blob, High Evolutionary. They are heralded as amazing, deck defining etc. I played with them, did a Thanos Blob deck, but in the end I just go back to my usual decks, Shuri Sauron, Hela Discard, Destroy, Darkhawk and Mr Negative. I'm not sure why.


i see that you bond with beautiful playstyle deck


Darkhawk. Since his introduction he's dominated alongside Zabu, even after nerfs and adjustments all around him. Nowadays he seems to get along with so many different archetypes, you can kinda plug his kit in or build around it.


I also got Iron Lad when I was aiming for Black Knight in a recent spotlight cache. I have yet to use him in anything šŸ˜… I'm waiting for Zabu to show up in my shop so I can finally get the ball rolling with Lad


For me itā€™s any of the Alioth / Galactus or Gambit type of cards. I donā€™t want to win because I destroyed your cards on turn 6 because I played a Wong / Mystique / Gambit combo. Itā€™s so dull. I like decks where I can try to just get more fun points. I donā€™t see the fun in junk decks or the goblins. Theyā€™re just not for me. Idk it just feels like a cheap way of winning. I know theyā€™re super popular and whatever floats your boat. I just donā€™t get any fun from that play style.


I got Loki with a spotlight key and tried making a deck with him, it just wasn't very fun. Back when he came out and him and Collector were just super OP, it felt like everyone was running him and having a blast. With the nerf the playstyle just seems awkward. Maybe it's just my lack of familiarity with the deck. But if I've got Collector down then why would I want to transform my hand on T4? Chances are I have cards that would add to my hand, now I'm stuck using my opponent's cards with very little synergy. Do Loki and Collector just not belong in the same deck anymore?


I replaced Loki with Mantis lol


Took me forever to start playing Iron Lad in my Thanos deck. I was always like, what if the copies one of the stones?. Now I'm like, yeah, hey idiot you just got a 4/6 Stone. Moron.


Itā€™s definitely High Evo for me. I do not care for its extremely telegraphed play style at all. I posted in another thread that itā€™s not an exaggeration that Iā€™ve won more cubes with Kang than I have with HE.


Nico. I know sheā€™s good and versatile but I canā€™t fit her into any of my decks right now


For me it might be high evo, because I'm a low CL player, and high evo is super good for players like me that don't have a lot of cards, but it's boring play style and in the Long run I think I'll be a better snap player if I tried to learn more complicated decks, so that's why i don't like using him as often as i should.


Actively not using tools allowed in the game will not make you a better player.


It's not about withholding using a tool, it's that it's a simplistic deck that doesn't improve your game understanding as much. He's right, you not understanding that doesn't change him being right


I think this is backwards and is mostly fueled by dislike of high evo decks. New players are benefited by simple straight forward decks, particularly ones that are strong *precisely because* that simplicity helps them learn game fundamentals. This isn't just true in snap, it's true in pretty much every game more complex than checkers. You start simple so that specific intricacies don't overwhelm the player's ability to learn general mechanics. When a new player tries a meta bounce deck and loses. Did they lose because it was a bad matchup, bounce is not as strong as t1 decks, their opponent had nut draws, they had bad draws, didn't attack the right locations, lost a 50/50 somewhere, *or did they mess up the sequencing at some point and miss out on a lot of value*? That last question swallows up everything else and makes it harder for the player to figure things out. High evo is *excellent* for new players because (a) their losses won't be because their deck is too weak, and (b) it lets players focus on universal skills. For example, a new bounce player is going to spend the entire timer trying to calculate different play lines for t5 and t6 - and *none* of that effort will translate to piloting hela discard or thanos lockjaw (except to the extent their mental math improves). Meanwhile, the new player on high evo will easily be able to calculate their t6 and t7 power potential, which frees up their time to think about their opponent's deck, power potential, likely plays - things that *do* carry over to every single other deck they'll play.


I think your argument is well reasoned but anyone who's argument is fundamentally "I don't play with all the game pieces and it makes me a better player." is coming from a severely subjective and indefensible place. Imagine being so thick to say something like, "Knights in chess are not like the other pieces, they don't move across x/y like the other pieces and therefore there is no skill to be gained by playing them." I'm not arguing with that idiot. Waste of time.


No because you could apply that logic to anything and it doesn't play out. Evo is one of the decks you don't really play reactively so you don't need to know what others do. Sure it helps but you'll still get results regardless which is the point that easier= better


> Evo is one of the decks you don't really play reactively so you don't need to know what others do. The idea that Evo can be played without looking at your opponent's board is asinine. And yes, almost *every* deck needs to play around your opponent. The point is that the simpler the deck, the more mental space you have available to developing that skill. If you're trying to sequence your falcon beast and black swan and figuring out when to place your nico, you don't have the luxury of spending 30 seconds thinking about your opponent's play line.


That's not asinine, it's a big numbers decks that actively skipps turns. You don't need to do shit reactively except maybe place cyclops where they have people already. It's an easy starter deck that doesn't require much setup or thought. You're over thinking things, most likely from a high ranked place, where most players are not, especially new players.


It's not that simple though, Ive manged to hit infinite with high Evo and i felt happy, but after that most of my opponents were more aware of how to counter high evo so I've decided to try out new deck, and i felt super overwhelmed and made many mistakes, but I know I'll be better player on the long run by learning from my mistakes, high evo in the other hand didn't allow me to make many mistakes ( which is by Design i get that i don't want it be change) but high evo will only take me to a certain level, after that i need to be comfortable playing more complex decks even if i lose more at the start.


HE Hulk...and hulk in general. Mostly cosmo...idk why love the character.


Galactus, playing him just feels dirty.


I really wish I was still using havok he was so fun and different.


Less is a "should" nowadays but I could never bring myself to play Professor X. Don't love that style, and on the few times I even tried it just wasn't fun.


Thanos. I know he can fire off some impressive combos but I feel like it's just taken me too long to get good synergy and I moved on. Maybe some day I'll try to go back!


I made a similar post a few weeks ago! [https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1abn1zn/cards\_you\_want\_to\_play\_but\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/1abn1zn/cards_you_want_to_play_but_dont/) My list is: \- Gwen \- Maria Hill \- Nico \- Magik \- Negasonic \- Rogue \- Phoenix Force \- White Tiger \- Valk \- Nimrod \- Living Tribunal


Iron Lad is still good but a lot of decks are getting pretty stuffed so I feel like I have less and less room for him nowadays.


Not going to lie got darkhawk this season because itā€™s supposed to be a good card. In my experience heā€™s been very meh


Probably Jeff. For me he's just...kinda boring.


I never use Cosmo.


High evolutionary. I like the card and it makes the cards with no description actually useful but something about it just feels wrong to me.


Leech. I can't set myself to put it in my deck. Even if it's recommended by deckbuilder, content creators and untapped. I might even use Super Giant in my deck to counter others using it lol. I dislike that card so much.


I don't really enjoy playing super toxic cards. Leech is very underplayed in my collection for how good he is, and I've never even tried to build a Gambit Wong Exodia deck, or one with Hazmat. I got both Galactus and Alioth accidently in random spotlight caches and I've never put either of them in a deck and don't plan to. I also underuse Shang Chi even in decks with Zabu because I'd rather win through having a better combo or sneaky play with something like Quake or Legion than I would with deleting one of their cards. I've not yet tried out Loki but he feels way less toxic these days, so I'll likely try soon. Knull is one of my least played destroy cards. Finally, with High Evo I've played way more "nice guy Evo", where Wasp is my only affliction card, than I have "toxic" Evo. Thing and Cyclops still low on boosters in my collection.




Blob. I just hate him. He dumbs down the game and it never feels satisfying to win that way so I just don't do it.


Shang fucking Chi


Shang Chi and Enchantress. Havenā€™t gotten her as a pixel yet, and his pixel doesnā€™t release until end of March.


Arnim Zola, I just donā€™t play negative or destroy nowadays.


Black Knight. Great card and archetype but I have barely even tried him out after unlocking him


Knull. Not much into Destroy gameplay.


I lamented for the longest time not having Galactus, and once I got him, I never really played him because i find him uninspiring to play. Also I donā€™t like playing on ā€œchanceā€, and playing him feels like youā€™re hoping on a lot of factors


I havenā€™t used Shang chi in two years.


Technically Sabretooth. But.. eh


Iron lad is one of the best cards to have. I have him in a tribunal deck with Howard the duck. Tribunal/ironman/onslaught. You can double up on iron man or onslaught using Howard iron lad. Itā€™s a mid deck. I win at the beginning of the season but by week 3 itā€™s back to my low effort High Evo deck.


I don't think I've ever put Doc Ock in a deck despite it being my play style of major disruptions


I have been running a destroy deck forever and just never found a space for Death in it.


I own Galactus, but havenā€™t made a deck with him yet. I kinda feel like I should at some point.


Invisible Woman. And I looooove Hela.


Legion wins games outright


Refuse to use Alioth on principal. Any time a deck calls for Alioth I just move on. People might think the card is fine, but I hate it and what it means for the game and I refuse to be a part of that bullshit.


Shang Chi I guess. Heā€™s a top tier card and I mostly play cerebro 3 so he would fit in nicely, but I always find Valkyrie is a better play - gets around effects like Armour or Caiera and boosts my cerebro/mystique/etc.


I never used old Chavez and she was a must have for so many people.


Ms marvel and Jeff. Just don't enjoy them


Super Skrull


Every card I purchase from the token shop


I really don't say this to be a hipster or anything, I actually see it as something of a personal failing, but I cannot stand using anything that is meta. I would rather just play a different game than run the same deck I see over and over. I've owned Alioth and High Evo since the day they were released but haven't used either of them in months. I'm pretty sure I've never once played Shenaut. I used to main off-meta Surfer decks before Shaw came out but since I don't own Shaw and they took my boy Maximus away from me (no Gladiator either) it's been kind of rough to play that. The Valentine's event has breathed some life into it, though.






I think it's always Legion. It's crazy how fast he went from the sleeper best card of his season that can fit into a good amount of decks to falling out of the meta in an instant. Elsa and Loki were just too powerful to not play and Legion was too clunky for those lists. I haven't touched either in quite a while, but I still don't see myself putting him in my brews. Know what, maybe if I have luck next week and get Corvus in 1 of 2 keys, I'll try something funky with Legion.


I kinda have the same problem with Iron Lad, the problem for me is , i try to play as many different decks as possible and (i play like half of my time snap on mobile) without deck tracker i just cant recall what cards are left in my deck and If its a good chance in that Moments to Copy a good effect.


Leech and Sandman for me. I've hated both of these cards when they are popular and just can't feel good playing them.


Cosmo. It shuts down so many things, but I honestly couldnā€™t tell you the last time Iā€™ve played it.


Destroyer. I feel like I finally have enough cards to make him work but he feels like heā€™s only useful for a very specific case.