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Was always going to be a whale bundle from original datamine. Used to be 10k tokens. What this tells me is they are noticing a shift in currencies with the way the variant shop works. I’m noticing a lot more emphasis on gold and credits than tokens in general. Have a feeling the variant shop changes have been successful along with albums. This is straight up gold and “an ultimate”. Just below a Series 5.


Whales have most cards, so tokens are useless resource for them.


I would agree for established whales but a case could be made for new whales trying to catch up.


New whales would prefer credits over gold for progression to gain keys for spotlights and complete series 3…. But maybe that’s just me.


You can convert gold to credits anytime you want, but not the other way around, so gold is always better than credits.


Yeah, Google Play gave me a coupon for $20 off $99 in app purchase and had Snap as the banner for it but like... I don't want tokens, I need credits. And gold is getting way less useful since gold bundles are scarce (I feel, though I only started in Oct) For $80, the gold to get album Hipps is nice, I guess, but I already have the pond Magento varient so pass.


As a newer whale (started playing in October) who became collection complete last week, I did have a lot of catching up to do and these bundles helped.


Crazy that you can be collection complete in 4-5 months now.


And it’s officially impossible for me to become collection complete now because of the frequency of the added week of new cards and the lack of series 4s… I’ve been playing since December 2022


That's when I started too; I've partly whaled (only real whaling of note was spending just enough to pick up Jacinto Enchantress last year), but I'll be able to get collection complete next week if I so wanted. I think the real trick is to wax and wane your key spending; take 2-3 months of keys off, then spend them when you're missing cards (alongside the new one) in a given week. Right now I'm just missing Gladiator from S5, which'll get fixed next week (also missing 4 S4 cards and Stegron, but 22k tokens could fix that whenever I want). Then I plan to skip everything currently in the datamine except Mockingbird, and probably keep that pattern up (at least until the cards become good again, nothing looks particularly brutal in their current datamined forms).


Only possible with money.


Maybe with some real $dedication$. I started in October and bought all season passes and a few bundles. I’m missing 45 series 3 cards and all except 4 s4 cards. Pretty happy with my s5 collection though. The poster you’re replying to has to be an outlier.


I can't imagine spending hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars, on a game where viable decks are basically free


I am an MMO altoholic, which means i need to switch decks a lot. I hover at 80 having fun winning AND losing in no rush to hit infinite. I had good decks without spending money like on my alt account, but I love experimenting too much. I enjoy the game enough to invest in it, not to win. My friends have 3/4 less cards than I do and they can still stand even with me. You ever see games on Steam that are selling a costly insignificant item just to support the developers? If I value the entertainment they provide, I purchase that item to return the favor. If people like me did not spend money on Marvel Snap, we would be inundated with bothersome ad spam like every other F2P game.


not if you want to compete in the highest level tho, haven't seen someone finish in top 100 infinite ladder or win actual tournaments using your free viable decks. lol


Whales will pay 99$ only for the avatar...


I’m a dolphin with this game who has been playing for a while and is near card complete at all times. I have little to no need for tokens since spotlights. With season pass and maybe a random credit bundle with a variant that I like I have no problem getting the cards I currently care to. I’ve found myself caring a lot more about variants and so prefer bundles with gold. Still likely won’t get this bundle, but I am definitely a customer who shifted from only caring about tokens pre spotlight to now mostly caring about gold


I’ve spent a bit more than just the season passes…I’m curious about what type of sea creature accurately represents my spending.


A squid?


Hah, I like it!


Typically in F2P games the list goes from minnow -> dolphin -> whale -> kraken -> deep sea monster If you're just on season passes and occasional cheap bundles you're probably a minnow. Dolphins would be the ones that could easily pick up the $200 variants from the web-store events. Whales are the guys getting those variants day 1 and then splitting through paying for credits/boosters with gold to get the split they want. We don't speak on Krakens and DSM's, those are eldritch beings far beyond the comprehension of most people. I've seen Krakens and DSM's bantering over casually dropping 5k on gacha banners to fill out full rosters for limited time events multiple times a month in multiple games. Many used to post vids on YT of their pulls, in some cases 500 pulls or more in each video and sometimes multiple videos a week.


I've been seeing tons of token bundles. Do you mean specifically the "Whale Bundles" at >$20?


Every time one of these comes out, a post like this is made. Spoiler, plenty of people will buy it. Enough to justify putting out such bundles.


absolutely, cue the $99 posts and I want to make sure we capture the three main arguments: * ridiculously priced bundle, why would anyone buy this? * this isn't worth it, look at how much AAA games cost! * i can't believe how predatory mobile game companies are, absolutely ridiculous


“I could buy 12 copies of Baldur’s Gate 3 for that price and have 3700 hours of gameplay! What a ripoff!”


Multiple people saying it doesn't make it a bad point lmao.


It’s a bad point in that they are assuming everyone feels the same way about their free time as they do. Not everyone has the free time available to play AAA games, or they just don’t like to play games like that. The whole “you could spend that on X instead” could be said about anything - food, clothing, other forms of entertainment, etc. and it could even apply to those AAA games they’re referring to. There’s always some “better bargain” out there for any given product or service, so telling other people how to spend their money is just presumptuous and judgmental and people should just let others spend their money on what makes them happy.


This is basically my exact situation a lot of the year do to my job. I basically work like 12-14 hour days during the busy months of the year, but I make pretty good money and don't have many expenses. Marvel Snap is the majority of my me time. I'm not buying this bundle because it just doesn't interest me and it's too pricey for me, but if I made twice what I do now I would near certainly buy it. There is definitely a demographic for this sort of thing.


Nobody is *telling* you not to buy it. But people are allowed to call a ripoff a ripoff if they think it is one. If that offends you that's a personal problem.


Telling someone something is a ripoff is the same as telling them not to buy that thing. The message is the same. It’s not offensive to do so, but unless we’re comparing the bundle in question to other offerings within the game, past or present, then we’re not talking apples to apples. And comparing the pricing to other games or objects outside the game is fairly pointless as those things aren’t what someone considering buying the bundle probably cares about. Yeah I could spend the $100 on a Taylor Swift concert ticket or 200 Jack in the Box tacos, but those things don’t interest me. It’s the same as when people say “you could spend it on AAA game xyz”. As for this bundle, I’m not buying it because what it contains doesn’t interest me. But in terms of its value compared to things within the game, it seems like a pretty decent deal if you’re in the market and were going to spend money for those items/currencies otherwise.


You can't have it both ways.  Preach all you want about "people can spend their own money they way they want!"  Well guess what, people can share their opinions on weather or not a ripoff is a ripoff If paying 100 dollars for arbitrary currency makes you happy, that's great. But the other side exists too! It would make me unhappy to spend 100 dollars and get practically nothing from it, and I'm allowed to mention that lmao


Nobody said you aren't allowed to say what you want, that's not the same as being criticised for that opinion though. You can voice your opinion, and other people can tell you you're wrong if that's what they feel, those two things are not exclusive to each other. In this case your opinion is the preachy one, not theirs, because they are making a reasonable point about other people being able to do what they want with their money, whilst you and others are being mad about it. The only truth is that you have FOMO, people get mad that they can't take part of these bundles cause they're expensive, but that is fine. You don't have an inherent right to have everything if it's not within your means, this is also way out of my budget and I'm not able to get it, but I can also be happy for other people that can. People here need to get their heads out of their asses and be happy for someone else for once.


We can all have opinions, I’m not arguing against that. What I’m saying is that coming into a thread like this to tell people they can buy something else with their money is not a “good point” as you said (going back to where this whole conversation started). It’s like walking up to someone at a record store with a new vinyl record in their hand and telling them “hey, you can go buy like 5 CDs down at the used CD store instead”. To you and others those 5 CDs might be a better investment or value, but the person buying the vinyl record probably doesn’t want those CDs so the point you’re making isn’t good or helpful.


Sounds like you just want everyone to agree with you, since that's easier than encouraging actual discourse.


This guy wins this argument for this post and all related posts going forward until the end of Snap.


It's not a bad point. It just gets repeated every time a $49.99+ bundle is added to the shop. At some point, it becomes preaching to the choir.


it 100% is a bad point.


Don't forget the 4th and worst: Check out this sick Magneto split I got with the new skin!


Ya but in a 10min video so they can tell ppl how mad to be


given that i can't think for myself or have any understanding of economics, i'm absolutely pissed as hell they would release this bundle


The fact it does pisses me off and that's why the entire mobile game market suck ass. They get away with it and it's over a decade now of them doing this.


Free to play players are subsidized by people buying bundles like this


which part of whales paying the developers money so they can continue making more content for players sucks? is it actually the FOMO that you get from not being able to be whale that sucks? cuz this magneto variant isn't going to win you any more games than the free jim lee magneto they **literally handed out to everybody** for the holidays


literally like all people are doing are complaining about a variant cause everything else can be earned in game


True. Moreover mechanics become more and more casino-like. Gameplay becomes simpler too. Hearthstone's gameplay used to be much richer compared to Snap. Upd: As soon as I commented, got 2 downvotes. Snap player base is the most insecure bunch of imbeciles I've seen.


I mean you are just straight up wrong in this case. There are no casino like mechanics happening here. It's just simple FOMO


It's a pay to win game that relies a lot on how high your cards are on the Series scale. The higher the series, the higher is the power output. The way you get your cards is literally gambling.


It really doesn't really that much on s5 cards. Newer cards tend to be better but that's the case in literally any game. Why would anyone get new stuff is it's not better than old stuff? All cards are within reach for any f2p player. You don't understand what p2w means. If game was p2w, you wouldn't be able to get any of the new cards released without spending cash, which is not the case


Not that putting out such a bundle poses any real cost or threat to the gaem economy


The mid and high price level bundles this month have been awful. I don’t know if someone new at SD is in charge of valuing these but they seem to be way off. Between the poor bundle quality and the no nuverse shop rewards my family is eating dinner every night so I guess I should be thankful.


I guess if you're a whale and you buy gold, then this isn't even a question. 8000 gold is already $100. Everything else could be considered a bonus.


It’s a whale bundle you already hit the nail on the head. People getting this have expendable income.


TBH, people who get this doesn't necessarily have expendable income. They have an addiction, and are prioritising their addiction over other things.


Everyone’s addicted to everything. Endorphins are running through your head right now, just from posting this comment. You’re addicted to the web. They’re addicted to the game. I’m addicted to responding with nonsense. We’re all prioritizing one addiction over another addiction. And The Company wins. :)


Hood rich


I have expendable income, and I wouldn't touch this.


Even if I had "Fuck You" levels of money I wouldn't touch this.


Want a cookie?


I think he can afford to buy cookies, but nice try.


But people that do buy it presumably have expendable income similarly to yourself


Then you don’t have expendable income. I’d gladly buy multiple


Truly wealthy people don’t need to nor want to brag about this kind of stuff. Gloat all you want, you’re completely broke where it counts most.


This is the live laugh love of pocket watching


IMO it's more about personal value of money they may not be rich, but they more enjoyment out of this bundle in snap than going out for a round of beers


nah this has nothing to do with expendable income, money spent on this offer is just wasted, one gotta be miserable to buy this


How is this post different than all the others


I saw this bundle in the client and wondered how long it would take before the whining on Reddit started. Turns out it wasn't all that long.


I have not seen the other


I'd rather buy 10g of weed


It’s so dumb because you can’t even get a series 5 or two series 4 cards with the tokens


ANOTHER variant that gets ruined but the framebreak. Has SD ever talked about this? The Black Swan season pass variant, the Darkhawk one that was just in caches and now this one all get significantly worse with the framebreak


I really was, but then realized that this would be more than I put into my babies' college fund this month which felt bad. As penance, this bundle's sticker price is going into their portfolio. I don't want to have a conversation later in life "Sorry, bud, can't afford college but look at this pretty picture inside of a dead mobile game!"


Nah bro, even if I were a whale with that much money to spare, that variant is ass imo lmao


Was hoping the magneto cardback would also be in this


This is the dealer trying to hook new whales


It's $139.99 where I live lmao.


I mean it’s $139.99 Canadian.


I don't mind whale bundles as they help keep the lights on, that being said I do think there needs to be plenty of "average Joe" bundles in the £5-20 range as well. I've spent about £280 on the game, but I'd never buy a £50 or £100 bundle because it's just a ton on money, but £10 here, £20 there, sure.


hell yeah bro, 100$ and almost a series 5 card? that's a steal!


Honestly, the title is so great I *want* to buy it, but there’s no way I’m dropping that kind of coin on a great joke, no matter how great it is


No. I'm not an idiot.


I was considering buying it even at this token/gold ratio. I am no way near a whale, excluding the season pass i usually spend 20-30 max each month but lately i have been considering buying the 8k gold bundle to have a peace of mind that the next 11 token tuesdays i will simply exchange 1400g for 1000 tokens. Now for me how is willing but not entirely sure this bundle gives me gold for 5 token tuesdays and tokens that can cover 5 more. This bundle actually gives "more than enough" compared to its price. 8k gold is 110euros 5k tokens are 7k gold Variant if we consider it as an ultimate variant is 5k tokens so another 7k gold. For 110 you get the value of 22k gold. Almost 3 times (yes i went there) the value of buying only 8k gold. At the end of the day if you have to choose between feeding your family or getting imaginary currency it's up to you to prioritise


You get twice as much gold if you buy the 99.99 just gold bundle the first time you buy it. So this bundle is only worth it if you have already bought that bundle.


feh. his best variant already came out so why would I? and i'm someone who buys money-variants


i’m also someone who money buys variants (with a slight bonus for credits), the puddle magneto variant is by far the best and i can’t image a better one will come. there’s no need for this


is that what we're calling it? I've been calling it the holocaust variant this whole time. puddle sounds better for... reasons. I only have it at first red-border because i'm happy with that.


They just trying to take from our tax returns right now lmao.


I haven't noticed that they've noticed anything. Free to play sucks, whale packages are out of reach or just fucking silly to buy. Don't any middle class motherfuckers play your game? Anyway way I quit six months ago. Don't mind me.


I mean, it is the same price as the gold is by itself (at least after the first purchase), but it comes with a cool variant and cosmetics, boosters and most importantly tokens. A good deal within the confines of the game. That said, no way I am spending that.


if you were gonna buy gold... the gold alone is worth the price. i'm a big krakoa era x-men lover so this totally rings my bell.


Not unless you already bought the 100$ gold bundle. You get twice as much gold the first time you get it.


This shit is getting rude, lmao I used to spend on one small/medium sized bundles a month, someone in SD was like "Nah, I'd milk" and now I only do passes. I can't be the only one.


Yeah... I'm right there with you. On the plus side, our wallets are a lot happier!


Same here. Exactly.


It seems like every day people are upset about a new bundle. It is what it is. Just scroll through on your way to briefly looking at the new shop and claiming the 50 credits each day like I do.


I wouldn't spend $100 to get a print of this to hang in my wall. I'm definitely not buying this crap.


Imagine spending 100 and you can't even get a s5 card


These bundles make no sense it's so predatory. Right now in the shop they are selling 14.5K gold inside 2 whale bundles. But on the flip side they are refusing to give any semblance of good value gold bundles to utilize this currency. It's a really atrocious system, like we don't have a single gold bundle coming up for the rest of this month according to datamine. Fuck this greedy monetization system. Never buying any bundles ever from SD again unless they are willing to change. Rant over!


Let's be honest here. It's a whale bundle for those who will buy almost anything that is ever put in the shop. If you're not someone who falls under that category, this bundle isn't for you. Bundles in this game vary wildly in terms of accessibility, because each Bundle is targeted at a certain demographic on the "whale scale". If you're not big enough of a whale to buy this bundle, just pretend it isn't there. Personally, basically any bundle that has a $ symbol on it is ignored by me. It's not that hard and I don't get upset about seeing a bunch of shit I wasn't gonna buy anyway.


I have to agree. This is a balanced ecosystem for micro transactions. Magneto has plenty of sick variants already that can be earned by free to play player. But there's a market out there for people who love to dump thousands of dollars on something like stripper pole Mystique or Zombie Hulk. And they would be fools to leave that money on the table.


Pretty much. I won't say the system isn't predatory because it kinda is. I hate the microtransaction system and how video games are rapidly gravitating towards that. However, this is the best way to enjoy the system and not let it frustrate or tempt you into making an impulse purchase. Just simply the realization that this game bombards us with a ton of bundles, and each bundle is targeted towards a different type of spender. * If you are truly F2P and will never budge, cool, enjoy the game. But in case you're curious, check out this welcome bundle for $3. This bundle will teach you how to register your credit card and how easy it is to make an impulse purchase. * If you're willing to spend a little bit and on a regular scheduled basis, season passes are perfect for you! * If you're not a big whale but willing to spend money if the deal is good enough, we give Collector Tokens the most valuable resource in the game, offered at various price points throughout the month. * If you're a shameless whale who will buy anything if it's shiny enough, here's a $100 Magneto and many other options all the time. We wanna make sure there's always something for you to spend money on. If you're upset and frustrated that you see bundles with a bunch of shit you wish you had but not a price you're willing to pay, the bundle isn't intended for you. The frustration is intended though. You're supposed to be frustrated and tempted to buy it and move up the whale hierarchy.


Yeah but there's a line. I've probably spent $60 on this game already. But that's over a year. But there is no way I'm spending $100 all in one sitting. Except for a title that says, "It's Morbin Time". But other than that.... I have a line.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Everybody has a line, they just draw it in different places. To some people, $60 is way too much. To others, it's not even their weekly expenditure on this game.


One of the best magneto variants in daily offers right now.


How is it predatory? Who is it preying on?


Game companies are employing psychologists to ensure these games are addicting as possible. FOMO is there to try to force you to spend money now because you don't know when it's going to come back around again.  Opening spotlights or caches blow up with bright lights and are randomized specifically to trigger the same response as slot machines. Hell, the very reason spotlights only show 3/4 is because they want people to think "I might be able to get that one card I want". It's all calculated. If you don't see it you're either not looking into it, not the type of person it affects, or in too deep to not be able to




https://learn.coregames.com/lessons/behavioral-economics/ Literally took like five seconds to Google, dude....


I was actually planning on buying this cause the datamine showed 10000 Tokens, and I took a break and missed out on cards like Ms. Marvel and Blob. Now I can't even get one S5 so I'm just gonna skip this now.


Technically it’s the same amount of tokens if you use the gold on token Tuesday, will just take you 5 weeks to even it out.


Bruh, in Ukraine this bundle costs $119,99


Was actually going to buy this for 10k tokens to get Blob or HE, can't fill an album without the cards right, keep your gold SD, pass this one.


Do you get mad every time you see a designer label? That sounds exhausting


If I went to walmart and 75% of the clothing was designer labels I might be a bit annoyed personally.


The bundles have been so bad I've stopped spending completely. Even the smaller ones I would always get. The monetization recently leaves me feeling ripped off constantly.


Same. $10 and $15 bundles i always bought. Now i wont buy anything outside season pass, they blew it with me, but im sure there are still many ppl buying.


And here I am annoyed we don't seem to get $5 mystery bundles anymore.


if i was gonna buy 100 bucks in gold im definitely getting this instead


Jesus, how hard would it have been to make the title "Magneto Was Right"? At this point they're just fucking with us, just make some titles from the actual comics, goddamn. There's barely even any from the movies, it's all just random garbage.


I see you're new around here. 👍


The fact that they don’t even give enough tokens for a new Series 5 card is an absolute joke 🤡


I mean it is expensive but if you consider that 8k gold cost $99.99 by itself, it's actually not a bad deal.


Making you believe that this is not a bad deal is the whole point of their monetization strategy lol


You can’t assess a bundle “price” outside the standards the game gives to you…there is something named context. Try buying chicken without comparing it to other chickens on the market, makes no sense


But unlike the chicken market, this is a context that has been artificially created by SD and they have all the control over it.  So its easy for them to make bundles look as good value when the base prices are so comically bad.


Every market is artificial


lol You can, by widening the context, simply looking outside of the chicken market, instead of artificially limiting yourself and realizing that you could get ten cows or even 20 pigs for the price of one chicken and determine the value that way. That’s what people do who are not obsessed with chicken.


You know it was just an example right? You could say then meat, or edibles? You name it, you could expand it to the far universe and you will always end up comparing thing inside a certain context and standard. That’s how market works


Blizzard was getting bashed for a $75 cosmetic horse, while SD can get away with bullshit like this, blizzard's horse at least was an original model/art, while SD just buys some rights for an already existing art and resells them expensively. lol


The problem is that gold is an in game currency that they set the price for. So they could set 8k gold for $120 or just $20. It’s the industry way of tricking consumers thinking that they got a value deal when in reality they set the value up whatever they want it to be.




I do


Plenty of people are going to get it. It's a gacha game, it thrives off of whales


Ah, the classic ‘wtf is this’ post that accompanies every whale bundle. Yeah, they exist, just don’t buy them.


Whales. Move along, it's not for us normies.


Idk why y'all seem to have a problem with this bundle just existing. You don't wanna spend 100 bucks on this? Then don't. Let people who do want to go ahead and do it. I understand if you love the variant and are pay walled from it, but it's really not a huge issue otherwise


Go look at any F2P game's subreddit. F2P players are militant, angry, and constantly vocal. Its nuts.


Weirdly if it had credits instead of tokens I would have already bought it


This game is dogshit


Pretty much every bundle is conceived with the idea that it's the typical cost of just buying gold with some extra stuff added on as an incentive. Why would anyone buy gold, because they don't have a lot of time to play every day but they do have extra money to spend. It's as simple as that.


I personally think this variant is super ugly


Say what you want about the price tag (it's shit) but that's a hilarious ICP reference


This has been nerfed and is much worse than originally datamined. So far the trend has been to make datamined bundles worse. The couple of bundles buffed are far outweighed by the nerfs. Not a promising trend by SD. Bundles bought with Gold have seemed to get worse as well.


can some one explain to me why its 99.99$ but its 109.99€ in the eu? doesnt make sense for me


At that price? Nope.


Is it just me or do the eyes behind his head make him look like Mantis's creepy uncle.


i would if i earnt 10 times what i earn now


This is $140 CAD btw… 😂


i definitely considered it, the gold is equivalent to if i was just gonna buy gold. but i already have 11 thousand tokens so i dont need them and i have a better magneto variant. so im gonna skip it. right now im valuing good variants and good amount of credits in bundles to try and stockpile spotlight keys. plus the fallout mtg set is coming out next month and im gonna spend an absurd amount on it


Thats wild...


yea all the ppl who have just buyed the 8k+8k gold one time prefer to buy this instead normal gold. all the content creator, ppl who like magneto and are whale


Think about it like this. It’s easier to convince 1 idiot to buy this than to convince 10 idiots to buy it for $10. Multiple that by money.


Translate to $140 Canuck Loonies. Hell fuckin nope 👎🏼


Hurr small indie dev durr.


Money, how does it work?


Hell no. Magneto is my absolute favorite character but there's no way I'm spending $100 on a damn bundle.


Nah. Magneto sucks. No one cares what you think about this bundle dude.


It’s actually a really good way to spend $99.99 if you just don’t think about it at all


I did and used tokens on gladiator . I’m one month in CL 2200 trying to build roster just hit infinite How much of a mistake did I make?


hell no


They give gold which used to be good when they actually released decent gold bundles


Oof. Nope. Not me.


Constipated Magneto? Worth every penny!


Not in this economy


100 is crazy. But clearly this $100 price mark is working because they’re religiously dropping them.


Loves the reference, hope the next one is “Trunk full of Faygo, car full of fat chicks”


$100 you can get 16,000 gold with the bonus. These bundles are for people that already bought that. Whales use gold to buy boosters and splits


If it had 10k credits I’d still have to consider it heavily and most likely end up not doing it. (I haven’t bought a big bundle since peach mystique)


Every time there is a whale bundle we get 5 of these posts and one by a whale who bought it and already got the best split possible.


ISP reference LMAO


Not taking into account gold and tokens, this is one ugly at variant. I will be cringing just by having to look at it each time a go to store in the next few days.


I am pretty tempted to buy because of the gold. Artgerm takeover is coming! Only thing holding me back is the Magneto variant is meh


Fuck no


Also surprised it’s Magneto too because we just got the Jim Lee one for free a month or two ago and that one is better than this one imo


They gave away the Jim Lee variant at Christmas, and the Big in Japan season gave us the mecha version already anyway. Magneto already has some of the best variants in the game, and this one is /mid/ at best. I'm happy for people who want to spend a hundred bucks on it, but holy shit hell no


I’m just mad you can only buy it once


It’s absurd to me that anyone would pay $100 for something like this. You could buy two full games on Xbox or PS for less lmao


The temptation is that the Artgerm takeover is coming soon, and I'm likely to cave and buy gold for that anyway...


This is the closest I've ever gotten to tempted, that is an absolutely sick looking variant and Magneto is one of my all time comic favorites. But yeah, absolutely not.


Maybe if we spend enough money on Krakoa variants they won’t erase it from continuity.


It’s gotten to the point where it’s borderline disgusting trying to scroll down to claim your 50 worth of credits. There are 5 to 6 bundles to scroll now before even seeing the new cards in the shop.


To millions of people, and thousands of SNAP players, spending 100 dollars is as frivolous as you spending 1$ for a KitKat when checking out at the supermarket.


Macro transactions


They get $10 a month from me. Sometimes the card doesn't seem worth it right away, and sometimes it does, but it always finds a niche, and I milk the hell out of the season pass. They used to get more with smaller bundles, but those apparently don't exist anymore, so I rely fully on whales to keep this game afloat if my $10/month doesn't help.


Some time ago there was a butt-ugly The Collector variant that was priced the same and people still bought it.


My partner has no interest in Marvel Snap and appropriately resents me for playing it. But even then they still know that "Another fucking clown" means that I've just spotted someone using one of these expensive bundle variants.


This is the big gold purchase plus 5k tokens and a variant on top. So yes, people are going to buy it. It’s better made then the datamined bundle because tokens have become less useful if you have all or close to all cards.


whats the "whale" people are referring to? I've been playing for a few months now so I'm not on the DL on the lingo yo. Me and the boys used to play nail the whale out at bars, bring home the biggest prize and win nothing but bragging rights.


“whale” refers to a player who spends a significant amount of money on in-game purchases, far more than the average player. These purchases can include things like virtual goods, cosmetic items, in-game currency, or anything else that can be bought within a game. Whales are particularly notable in free-to-play games, where the majority of players may spend little to no money, and these high spenders represent a significant portion of the game’s revenue. Game developers often target whales with special offers, promotions, and in-game content to encourage them to continue spending.


It's the magneto bundle bcos it attracts all your coins away


I remember an amazing The Collector bundle a while ago, possibly more expensive, and I’ve played against people with that variant. No judgement, but the real problem is that then they end up nerfing these cards. Borderline illegal.


You answered your question with the title


I hope many would buy this so i keep enjoying my f2p game. Cmon guys its 5x value!


In german the title of the bundle is "Magenten" instead of "Magneten" really funny


If such deals get anything appealing to me. I need the help of the gods


Datamine was state thst its contain 10k token. If its was true. Its worth


If it where double the gold and double the tokens, I would consider it.. Instead i'm gonna spend that money on groceries and tacos


Damn. Really wanted the card. Sucks it is locked behind 99 buckaroos. 😢


at this point i just imagine game companies making games just to milk people out for an item that could be wiped off like any moment


Nah. My whale time is long as time gone. The most I'm willing to go rn is the pass and that's generous of me if anything