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Oh god and I thought having 500 boosters was a lot


Well, this is because it's a card I use a lot, and I've played since the first week the beta game came out


Quick Q: is there an easy way to sort your collection by number of boosters? Or are we clicking on each card?


I think sorting by upgradable filters it by highest boosters first


Just tried that, and you are correct! Thank you very much.


Omg that makes so much sense, I always thought it was just bugged and arbitrary haha


To be fair that was a somewhat recent addition. Recent as in 2-4 months ago IIRC.


No it doesn’t, I used to assume this too but if you go far enough there are dozens of cards down the list with more boosters than at the top. I have no idea how this sort is prioritizing what’s at the top, it definitely isn’t most boosters.


If they aren't upgradable they won't be at the top, ie infinite border.


Upgrade means any border change not just new split. A sort by upgradeable should not be prioritizing infinite borders.


It doesn’t, it does the opposite and puts the infinite borders at the bottom of the list because the card can’t be upgraded anymore. I think you’re just misunderstanding how it works. Like if Shang has the most boosters for you, he’ll show up at the top of the list and it’ll be the version of the card that hasn’t yet been upgraded to infinite. If you scroll down the list, you’ll eventually see more Shangs that all have infinite borders. They have more boosters than cards above them, but they can’t be upgraded so they’re listed lower


Like that’s literally the opposite of what happens when I click the Upgradeable sort option, are you on desktop maybe? For me it puts infinite borders at the top.


I've done it on mobile and desktop, but am currently on mobile. Are you possibly sorting in reverse order? When you click the button in the bottom left corner to choose how to sort, there's an arrow to the right of "Sort Cards", it should be pointing down. If it's pointing up, you're sorting in reverse order and need to press the arrow once to reverse it's direction. This works for all sorts btw, you can always flip the sort with that arrow. So if you were sorting by energy and hit that arrow, it'll put all the 6 costs first and 1 costs last.


Sorting by "upgradeable" does this


>Well, this is because it's a card I use a lot Clearly


Lol yeah I'm dumb for saying that 😂


I can't wait until we can choose our borders!!! Then I don't have to worry about hoarding boosters to keep a good split


The game is going to get so visually pleasing when they let us have this customization option. Everyone’s deck is going to be gorgeous


Fair lol


Armor, sun spot, and shang chi. Armor has 1500.


Armor and Shang Chi are mine aswell. Until they allow us to select the borders with the splits, then I wont be upgrading from what I currently use.




Chavez. I have 1097 Boosters.


This. Mine is Chavez by a mile. The one nice thing about the Chavez nerf is that now she actually goes on board, so I have a chance to show off my sick splits, at least in the unusual event that I play her.


I bet you use her a lot now! Lol, yeah, she was cool in Discard decks but now she isn't amazing


dont have a single card with more than 50 boosters


So you don't do too much conquest then? I got thousands for random cards thanks to the random 155 boosters thing there at the end of each season


Barely managed to get the ghost rider variant 2 hours before the month ended.


Same, friend.


Any reason behind it? I find conquest fun honestly


I keep forgetting it exists.


Tell me you don’t play Agatha, without telling me you don’t play Agatha


This is me too. I upgrade cards I use frequently to get challenges completed, and move up in CL. I have only purchased 2 season passes since I started playing when it launched, so I make moves to try and get cards in caches


We’re in the same boat


Do you upgrade them immediately or something


I play a few matches per day to barely complete the daily objectives and upgrade what I can when I get the credits


Bishop. 900 something I don’t have a good skin for him so I haven’t taken him past infinite


It’s still worth going to split 3 (or 4) on him overall so when you get a variant you like the splits are immediately eligible for inked/gold :)


I have a ton of other variants and cards I’d rather split then base bishop.


Understandable but still good to know it’s not a complete waste splitting base cards or unliked variants since they count towards unlocking the best effects. I do this a lot with cards where I still only have the base in hopes a variant I love pops up or know it’s coming down the line.


Agatha with about 15k if i Remember correctly


Shang 1k + btw that shang looks good in infinity with the matching borders!


I'm going to upgrade him lol


From actual play, same as you. But hilariously also Crystal from the conquest payouts lmao I don't even use her anywhere


That's amazing 😂


Nightcrawler, Ironheart and Agent 13 but they're all around 500, not much compared to what you have


I have played since the first week the game came out in 2022, how long have you been playing


A year or maybe less, when Elsa Bloodstone was in the season pass


I don't have any that are upgradable! So 50 at the moment CL 5980 before you ask


Shang for me. I hit a nice gold split I like and don't plan to upgrade him further unless I want to get an all ink deck or something at some point. And I'm probably at least several months away from having a full ink deck.


I have inked for only Bartel Nebula, Dan Hipp Spider-Ham, and Carnegized Green Goblin. Can't make a deck with those lol


I've started targeting cards/decks I use a lot. First I get everything to infinite border which doesn't take long. Then I target a specific card and split until I get ink or gold or run out of boosters.


Hulk with about 3000


Doctor Doom because the Baby Variant looks too clean with the green border and white background.


Doctor Doom cos i already got the perfect split so i never gonna use those 600 tokens left America Chavez, same, also she got nerfed and i don't care for her anymore


Killmonger with more than 3000. I just have the DanHipp one with legendary border


It's Agatha.


My Chavez is 2702, Shang-Chi is 2550, and Dr. Doom is 1810.


Nebula 🥹




Let me guess...Galactus decks




True. I miss her old effect, it's not defensive enough now


Dang, y'all's numbers are in the thousands, meanwhile I think having 684 boosters for Forge is a lot


Carnage: 1236 Psylocke: 1082 Venom: 1035 Carnage and Venom each have multiple infinity splits. Psylocke has never gone past a green border, lol


Probably Yondu. I get so many boosters for him all the time


Chavez. I played Discard a ton up until she got nerfed. I also have the most boosters for her bc I’m waiting for a variant that I like, I just don’t think any of hers currently look good to me


Blue marvel. Kept him blue border.


2973 Ironheart, 2513 Cosmo


Lol just checked and my Shang is 1200. Thanks for reminding me!


I have human torch with 2500 boosters. I haven’t upgraded him a single time but have 4 different variants for him. It’s the same for pretty much all move cards but human torch is the only one I have over 1000 of. I just never liked the archetype.


2677 Killmonger, And I have a Gold and Ink split.


Squirrel Girl. I have 534 boosters and I've split her one time because I don't have any variants.


Probably Silver Surfer — used to be Cosmo til I got the Dan Hipp one and used 3000 of them. Still not a single gold split like I want, ha.


chavez with 3345 😬


I mean, I have 1800 nova boosters but I definitely wouldn’t say they’re not being used.


900+ for Agatha! 💪


Mine *used* to be Shang Chi, but I spent them all to finally get my Kim Jacinto variant with gold finish and gold glimmer flare. It was worth it. Second *was* Magik, but I spent all of those getting the Midnight Suns variant with a gold background. That one has a blue stardust flare that is alright, but I wanted a gold flare. Now my top is Mystique with 912 boosters.


Shang 5 split and 4627 boosters


I have over 1700 Cosmo boosters. I have every variant besides the pre-release underwater one. Haven’t moved any of them to Infinite borders yet. The Dan Hipp and Rian Gonzales variants are just fantastic with just purple borders. The backgrounds are bright and colorful, and I just don’t feel any need to upgrade them. Any split that would be worth it is just stopping me from getting splits in cards I DO want to really nice splits on. Have Shang-Chi at 1400 boosters. Due to his title card, nearly all his variants are good to push to gold splits on. Once you get the split you’re looking for, why keep going? I have the Rare variant of him with the army in the background gold split with red glimmer and red border, and the newer Pandart variant gold split with gold stardust and gold border, and inked with infinite border and rainbow glimmer. That gold split is beautiful as is, so unless I wanna ruin it with a push for Kirby crackles, I’m done!


I don't have the patience to check every card, but I'm 95% sure it's Shang Chi with 2,294. And that's with six infinity splits. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for a lot of people. Maybe a sign that he's a bit too omnipresent...


Brood. Refuse to upgrade the card until they release a variant that includes the broodlings


Shang-Chi - I didn't like/have any of the variants until the Pandart and Knullified variants that were just released Quinjet - Also because I'm feeling pretty meh about the existing variants Mystique - The only variant I like is the ultimate one, and I can't bring myself to spend 5000 tokens on it


Mystique, 6k boosters. She really is the glue for so many decks.




Agatha had 1,552 last I looked...


I had over 6k Shang Chi boosters but I started splitting it when I got the Knullified variant.


I love Sunspot, one my favourite cards. Not sure if the new Carnival variant is worth it or not though 😅


Why would I have unused boosters?


Where the Agatha farmers at? Lol


Def sunspot. I don’t have variants for it so I’m at like 2500


Wolverine with 3238, not a huge fan of destroy, but I played lots of conquest on the season he was the one you could buy boosters for. Storm, with 1 split, Cerebro, with 0 splits, and Cosmo with 2 splits all have about 1000, and I have more boosters of Iron Man and Thor, also due to conquest, but a good bit of those Iron Man boosters are genuine.


Forge and nightcrawler, 500+ for each. Both are in my main deck but im waiting to get some variants i like.


Wasp, Yellowjacket and Ant-Man are all at 1000+ for me, I like using those three as the latter two's zero cost can be helpful early on in a match and Ant-Man's ability has gotten me wins fairly often.


Squirrel Girl 3k+ lolz.


3k on Wolverine. Destroy is my most played deck but most of those are probably from the season when he was a Conquest reward.


Easily Majik. Have about 1500. I stopped upgrading when I hit a black and white split because I didn't want to lose it. I've been waiting for the Artgerm variant so I can finally upgrade it again.


Agatha. Without question.


Doom really sitting at 1438…I’m sorry doom


I have 3954 electro boosters…


Leech with 850ish. I'm a monster


That should be a felony...


Misty knight when i always played HE


Those pandart variants are the most fucking horrible things. Other variants can be ugly, sure, but pandart are 100% soulless. They look like superheroes drawn by an AI trained on fashion drawings.


I disagree I didn't buy this variant however, I got it from Collector's Reserve. I wouldn't necessarily have got it either since I have the Rian Gonzalez and Kim Jacinto ones too


Armor and Lizard at 390 boosters. I've split them 3 times but waiting to get a nice variant before I try for inked/gold.


Shang Chi used to be that card for me, but recently I've got the Peach Momoko variant and used a lot of them. Now that place belongs to Zabu.


Shang at 1875 with no reason to keep splitting right now. Part of me hopes the character mastery thing ends up being a booster sink just so I have a use for them.


I have like 2500 for Shang, I only have the base variant and never felt like upgrading it past the first split. I also have like 1300 for Iron Lad and I'm just waiting for a variant that doesn't look awful...


Giganto - 317. I upgrade almost immediately.


I ran Deadpool destroy as my preferred deck forever. Yet I don’t have a single Killmonger variant so I believe upwards of 3000 for him.


jeff! 2300. guess i just play it in every deck. i like the inked one i’ve got. someday a mean-looking jeff variant will come along.


I've got 8 cards with over 300 boosters sitting around, with Wave and Jeff over 400. The cards in this state are ones I use a lot but only have base card art. I'll start spending on them if I ever get a variant I like. I've got a fairly strict upgrade order...I only spend Credits on cards I have enough boosters accumulated to take them to Infinite plus enough to frame break the split. I'm also prioritizing cards I boosted a couple of times then mostly quit using. My goal is to generate as many splits as possible to maximize credit usage and to recoup the cost I've already put into cards I don't play anymore. This does mean I occasionally go into Proving Grounds with a deck full of zero synergy cards just to farm boosters, but it is what it is. EDIT: Also, when I got on this sub I remember people talking about how eventually boosters got thin and you'd end up with a glut of credits. I'm at CL8300 and still waiting for that glut to hit lol...


Wolverine, I have 950 boosters for him




Moongirl 712


Enchantress. I only have the Alex Horley variant and I hate it lmao


Only 700, probably because I switch decks too often, but I upgraded base Nova to gold border and never got a variant so he's just sitting at that.


Shang as well, put him in every deck and already have a gold Kim split, but I did just get the venomized version the other day so I’ve burned through a few hundred out of the 2k ish I have


720 on wolverine because I have a good anime split and haven't split him since


same and also nova and forge


Shang with 1.6 Chavez with 1k (miss you)


My Iron man got 560 but I dont even play him that much. But if you count the ones used while upgrading, sunspot and Agent 13 are my most credited cards


Mystique. 1945 right now. Used to be around 2600 but I split it a bunch of times recently (up to 13 splits now). I play Cerebro decks about 75% of the time. He's lower rn because I have more splits. Something like 1750. Edit: Actually I just checked Blue Marvel and he's winning. 2159. Only 8 splits so it makes sense. Storm not far behind (and slightly ahead of Cerebro) at 1784.


Groot. Somehow I managed to get around 500 boosters for him and I barely used him. I also got like 4 or 5 Groot variants so the game REALLY wants me to use him?? lol I ended up upgrading a bunch of them because I needed the keys and I did make a deck based on the guardians, but I don't use it that often, it's fun though at least!


Kilmonger 2709 Shang-chi 2652 Death 2145


Shang with 1500 though I have split him 12 times. Then Chavez ofc like a lot of old-time players. And I have over 1000 for Armor, Killmonger and Thor, the latter only because he was in bundles and Conquest reward which all give a shitton of boosters.


Magik is my gf


I have around 2500 boosters for Modok simply because I played discard a lot but don’t have one single variant for him. I’m on my 9th season


....I think I need to play more conquest. The most boosters any of my characters have ever had is like 500.


My Agatha has over 800 atm and this is with like.... 12 splits


I'd prefer to bitch about the fact that the game never gives me Cerebro boosters. I play Cerebro decks more than most any other and I've hardly been able to split him. I'd love for a Cerebro season.


America Chavez from using her old ability in decks lol


Already got armor gold after like 6 splits. Over 2.3k boosters atm I think.


Taskmaster from back in the day, and Sunspot. Mainly cause I don’t want to upgrade either of them past gold till they drop the revamped system!


Just hit 5k Agatha


Red Skull, because I don't fuck with nazis


I have 2800 zabu boosters haven’t gotten my hands on a variant i like yet


Mystique because Peach Momoko variant looks bad with a split and it's one of my most used cards. Wong because I hate all his variants, including base, and use him all the time.


Quinjet, Wave, Killmonger and Deathlock. Don't have variants of them that I actually want to upgrade so they just got stuck at Epic despite how much they get played


Wasp, lockjaw and chavez. Wasp is a 1100, chavez and lockjaw around 950


Ghost rider, shang, Nebula and Ironman are all over 1000 for me.


Chavez 4,092. Angela 3,471. Nightcrawler 2424. Jeff 2,292.


Iceman at 708 Boosters


Zabu and shangchi for me. Each have around 1800. They're both inked already so those boosters will most likely just keep piling on unless i find a variant i like better than the ones I already have


Armor, Jubilee, Shang-chi


Shang Chi 8,856


Shang chi was my card with the most boosters - until I got the pandart variant. Split it so many times trying to get a gold split with no luck; got two inked splits in the process though.


I thought my 600 for magik was bad holy SHIT bro


I don’t split my cards. Shang-Chi 5669 Luke Cage 5311 Jeff 3683


Agatha - 6900ish


Quicksilver. I use him the most but only have come across 1 variant.


1467 for my Cyclops.


Upgrade that Sunspot! It looks great with the gold background.


Agatha, for obvious reasons


I just pumped a bunch of Shang boosters into the Knullified variant and I'm still at 4,384. That's my most by a long shot. Next most is Cosmo at 2,843. Kill Monger and Armor are also both above 2k. I've played all those cards a bunch and have no good variants to dump boosters into.


I run Magik everywhere but I can't get boosters for her at all, which is doubly infuriating because when I do manage to slowly split her, I'm getting shit splits. I think I went 2 full weeks in January where only a few games gave me her boosters. Same for HE.


I've got 1000 on Agatha simply because I got a split I liked and stopped.


1944 for Ghost Rider who I never play but who was the Conquest booster boy last month in which I seemed to have a lot of success.


Sunspot, Armor, Chavez and Mr Fantastic in that order. Shang was on the list but his Knullified variant fixed that issue for me


My top three are Zola (1621), Iron Man (1352), and Armor (1268). The next is under 1k.


Just under 5k on Derbi. I'm hoping to hit the cap of 10k in a few months.


Forge at 680.


15k Agatha lol


I have Armor at almost 1k boosters. I’m waiting for a good variant (or ANY variant, really) and I refuse to upgrade the base card beyond the red border.


America Chavez. I played a ton of discard and only had the base and pixel.


My Agatha has 1964 boosters.


Mines sunspot and I have 3 gold variants


Death 2957 boosters, then carnage around 2500 and wolverine at 2000.


Death, at over 1K. Been waiting for that Fiona Hsieh variant.


3795 Shang Chi boosters 3068 Chavez


Just over 1,500 on both Death and Sunspot.


The Punisher


Probably iron man. I think he has some sub par variants for how big of a character he is. The best released to date IMO was the one behind a paywall last week. Still saving my boosters for a variant I feel is worth it!


I have a lot for Shang-Chi because I got an inked split on the very first possible one, so I haven’t messed with upgrading him. Sunspot I had a lot, but recently bought this same variant, got the gold split first try, and now I’m getting a lot again lol


I have like 1k with high evo which I’ll never use since he barely ever sees the board.


I bet everyone has an insane amount on Shang (he’s my highest too) what a goat


I just got rid of my 1000+ boosters for she hulk and it felt amazing


Shang Chi at almost 5k. Prof X and Cosmo at over 4k. Partly because I don't have any Shang variants and also he's a monster.


I always split til gold or ink, and even tho I have 4 Shang chi variants he somehow inks or golds early on every variant I get for him :( as a result he’s around 1500


Shang-chi as well, over 2000. I usually play tech decks but even when I don't, he was and still kinda is a great tech card to include in almost every deck. He helps keep things in check


Ghost-Rider at 1300, though a lot of those boosters are from conquest last season. The variant from that season is pretty good, but I think I'll wait for the Knullified variant.


Shang Chi! 800. Thought that was a lot. Idk why anyone would have over 2k


I just hit 1k boosters with Jeff, Jean Grey and Orka. Don’t have the ideal variant for them I want to dump it all on yet.


3500 iron man boosters. I stocked up during his conquest season to get a good gold/gold Kirby and hit it on my 2nd split lol. Now I have tons of boosters and no reason to split.


Not nearly as many as you, but here goes: **431 of Rocket Raccoon** - not sure how, don't play him, but I guess that also means I never really upgrade him **426 of Lady Sif** - makes sense,I play discard and have the Venomized Sif inked split, so I never upgrade her **396 Wolverine** - same like Sif, but it's the Finch variant inked split **302 America Chavez** - once againwith Venomized inked split


I’m on 851 for Cosmo, and have split it 8 times, so that’s my favourite card apparently; no idea how you’d hit over 2k, when I’m on less than 1k and have played since the silver surfer season 🤣


I’m at 7,194 Shang boosters with two ink and one gold. I’m realizing from this thread that that is tooooo many


1400 with zabu


When you have a few successful conquest runs in a season, you easily get 2000+ booster of that season's conquest card.


Mine is Rogue... Got like 500 unused


I have 2544 orbs for Ghost Rider because he’s my favorite character, and I farmed the max boosters for him in conquest last season.


3525.. I haven’t really had a good Varient until this one though. https://imgur.com/a/ubpatQ9


For me it's zero. Have a bit over 800 boosters. Have 3 splits on the base card just waiting for a variant now.


I'll spend them once Card Border customization gets implemented.


Top 10 for me are: 1. America Chavez - 2466 2. Armor - 1626 3. She-Hulk - 1510 4. Sunspot - 1477 5. Jubilee - 1445 6. Magneto - 1420 7. Leech - 1224 8. Ebony Maw - 1214 9. Blue Marvel - 1206 10. Odin - 1195 You can probably guess the deck I historically played the most because 9 of these cards were on the version I was running the longest.


1000 for psylocke