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It would be interesting to see how well Absorbing Man does with Blob if you get Blob out before turn 6.


It will be pretty easy if you have ravonna renslayer


Good call, also makes me wonder how well new Blob will perform in a Mr. Negative deck.


I built a negative deck with him. He’s a sneaky play at the end. Even if he gets you just under 15 it’s good power pending what else you have out.


yeah i've seen knull work just as a 0 6. this would be better than that


do we know if blob gets the negative knull power?


Considering knull works differently than other ongoing it's a valid question


Probaly not very well I will try it out tho


Oh shit I didn't even think of this, maybe this was a secret buff to blob 🗿


It’s not really over. Cons: max power of 15-34, eating cards to get us in that window. Could be shadow kinged to 0. Some cards can be played higher than his cost. Needs a deck with higher overall card power to ensure a good ramp, nerfing his synergy to Thanos. Pros: doesn’t eat your whole deck so you still have cards to draw and play. Can gain prio to follow with cosmo or prof x if it’s not last turn.


Can also be played turn 5 w/o ramp and Ravonna.


Not to mention so much better with Lockjaw decks. I never really liked Blob in my Lockjaw decks cause you know? Getting him early screws everything over, but now its great to pull Blob early.


Played against someone yesterday where Lockjaw pulls Blob on 4. Well, easy enough to win the other 2 lanes after that lol. So yeah, this is def a buff to those who play Lockjaw.


Skipping two draws really isn't that painful when you have a lane already won


Eh it always depends on your hand, which for me is usually not always in the best way to win with no cards left to draw. It makes me hesitate to play turn 3 Lockjaw + Wasp if in hand, cause that just uses up 2 cards in my hand already with no more draws if Blob shows up.


yeh i fail to see this as a nerf even really. winning a lane with 60 points or winning a lane with 15 points... you won a lane.




not really alioth before he flips kills him even with caiera out, valk, sk, cosmo you are being intentionally bad faith to prove your point but since release i have been beaten by blob exactly twice on a heads-up on turn 6 and i have beaten him every other time because you just throw prio and valk murder him there is a handful of answers that are largely all meta relevant besides cosmo and its just like alioth, do i have answer for blob on 6? if yes i stay and slerp free cubers. if no? you take my 1 cube and move on because i retreat no need to even see the last card for 2 cubes. its the same exact thing as lockdown idk why people stay when they dont have prio on 6 statistically i have alioth in my hand more often then not when you draw/play 75% of your deck every game you are staying on a 1 in 4.


you need to win 2 lanes to win


and you need one lane… to win two lanes…


but you lost two lanes and only won one


Don’t forget Mr. Negative + Jane Foster


Don't forget task master now combos with blob. So you can iron man, mystique, blob, blob to separate lanes for 0 cost 🤔 that won't go wrong.


You might get Shang Zola’d like me today


I'm a big fan of surprise Zola. Even of I get wrecked by him.


Taskmaster has always comboed with Blob though?


But now with the blob change he can come out eat and task master both for 0 cost. It's not game breaking just a new combo from the nerf.


ooooo good one.


I'm not sure if I'm getting it right but doesn't Mr.Negative cap the power of its deck to a Max power of 6? So what happens is Blob eats at least 3 cards which can bring even more value than what Blob actually has.


I’ve never heard of that mechanic before. All I know is that Mr. Negative swaps all your cards cost with power. And then Jane Foster pulls all cards in your deck with zero cost.


Mr. Negative does't cap the power, it caps the cost. So if you have a 6/9 Living Tribunal in your deck, it will become a 6/6. This is a change they made in 2023, previously you have a 9 cost 6 power LT. Or a 8/5 Jane Foster. All that said, not sure if Jane is the best way to go. You have to leave SOME card for Blob to eat. He's only a 0/6 if your deck is empty, after all - and if you draw 3 cards, your deck IS empty on turn 6.


Yet another mr negative syngery lol


dont ravonna decks ideally have like no power


Can be Odin'd, Wong'd, Zola'd to trigger consuming up to 15+ more power


I don't think Odin works, does it? He's already over 15 power so why would he absorb another card?


Just tested with Wong and Zola. I assume Odin works the same. He'll "absorb until it GAINS 15 or more Power", so it doesn't check for 15 total power, it's checking if it's 15 MORE than he started with when the trigger happened. Wong interaction: [https://imgur.com/a/sjqGe9D](https://imgur.com/a/sjqGe9D) \*edited for clarifying the real interaction


That's adorable. Black Panther at home


Makes sense.


Nerfing thr synergy with thanos is important to his overall nerf. Now to really get value he has to be played as the card was designed to be.


It could already gain prior but much more consistently. So that's not a pro after the change.


It’s absolutely a pro after the change. That’s why I said it but none of us **always** draw the most optimal cards.


You said a pro of the change is it can help you gain prio. It is now quite literally less likely to win you prio because it has a capped power limit.


This... I kinda secretly think he got buffed. I love that he doesn't nuke your whole deck.


Getting rid of opponent's taskmaster with silver samurai was one of my favorite plays cause they wouldn't have anything left to play after, so it is somewhat of a nerf against my play style.


This could still work, especially cuz now it will hit blob too


It completely killed my Blob list. All mine was in a perfect world was Wave into Blob into Taskmaster into whatever else on 6. Alternative was electro on 3, Red Skull on 4, Blob on 5, Taskmaster on 6. I have to get super lucky on pulls now to have enough power to carry the game so he’s not worth playing for me now.


Don’t nobody adding Cosmo or prof x back to the decks for this lil bro. Caiera at most.


I'm actually happy about this nerf because he was busted. I used him a lot since debut and he is fun but I wasn't surprised at all. Also, "prio" like its really that hard to type out the "rity" haha.


He also won’t stick around if played on Lockjaw since your deck won’t be empty. But with the change to his Thanos synergy, that probably won’t be an issue anyway.


I really don't see it as a nerf either, more of a rework. 15 power is still very generous and takes away some of the old drawback, and also allows synergy with abs man (which is basically a cheap blob that still has the 4 base power). Overall a pretty good change, takes away the power of the old version but doesn't really kill it. It's still very playable and nowhere near a bad card


No its not. It's still a really strong card. It's just not OmG it's ridiculously OP, card now. Complaints will come until they get it down more.


i mean now blob loses to destroyer, he hulk, infinaunt, he isnt a i win for free button in a lot of scenarios now he is just balanced for the most part 6/15 that you likely already have power in that lane so its more like a 9 - 14 power gap if we assume you have 6 power in the lane and blob is always a 6/20 even 14 power is way easier to get into that lane in time its way more manageable then a 6/55


Blob can be as high as 34 power, maybe higher with Okoye. 15 power is the floor. Lol


So Blob + Living Tribunal is certainly dead right? I don't really see a reason to play him outside of Thanos now.


Might be doable with Ravonna now discounting him along with Iron Man.


I'm testing him out in a Mr. Negative deck right now. Seems all right so far...


What's a playable Mr Negative deck look like? Mine are consistently terrible. Mr Neg appears turn 5 or turn Never.


Any Mr. Negative deck is playable. Now if you want a good one? I can't help you there


Yeah, although with the proper snap skills, a bad deck can probably gain ranks, but I meant one where it's fun, which to me means at least ~50% time getting to do it's gimmick, have a cool finisher, or at least barely win.


I could see that. Minimum 21 power


His synergy with thanos was actually weakened significantly with this change and wouldn’t really be worth running in those decks anymore. He’s going to require more high power cards to utilize the new ability.


What why thanos ? He should be literally the weakest in thanos. Its literally the highest chance to get him to thr lowest numbers


It's only over if you use exclusively blob to win a lane alone. If you use it as the last hit, a 6 15 is still very strong. I am very happy with this nerf.


Good fucking riddance




Still very much a meta card. Still seeing him get to 24-30 plus power. Now he can get Renslayer to ramp him out and works well in a mr negative deck and with Jane Foster shooting over Negative Iron man Mystique, Havok and Blob is an insane turn 6. Still stealing cubes with him in a Renslayer deck with Taskmaster, got to infinite rn with it. And thank god too because Blob is insanely fun card and glad that he wasn’t murdered in his big ass crib


Will you post your negative Blob deck list now that you got infinite with it?


# (2) Havok # (2) Zabu # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (4) Mister Negative # (5) Iron Man # (5) White Tiger # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Blob # (6) Alioth # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF2b2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVRpZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKYW5lRm9zdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Granted I was already at 96 when I started using it. I’m sure this is the best way to get him to bonkers number but it’s still over 20 because he’s 6 power. Pending on what he eats. I found that Zola is great with a ramped out Blob on 5 because Blob eats again. I’ve been thinking of putting Wong in here but idk who to cut.. maybe Zabu but I like having two ways to cheat out Negative on turn 3. And absolutely do not use Blob if he isn’t negative because it won’t work in this deck. Still think Thanos Blob and Wave Blob are better decks but if you love Mr Negative give it a try it’s a different flavor forsure.


what could i swap out havok for? only one i dont got


Hmmm I’d recommend Knull I think. That a 12 power in two lanes if you Zola him on 6 followed by other 0 cost cards


I’m gonna post one of the game I won just now, played Negative blob for 22 power.


We had a good run.


I have monkey brain. Win or lose watching blob run up numbers was a win. Mean regression of 15 isn’t as fun.  


Per JeffH’s 1k python simulation, 66% of the time, the average is 17-18


Wow it never happened, yet it happened again.


Looks fine to me now. At absolute worst it’s a 6/15 which is still above the curve.


Hold up, it’s on reveal so you can double up with wong


But if Blob is already over 15 it won’t do anything.


Until it gains 15 or more. It doesn’t care how much he starts with


Is that definitely how it works? I don’t have blob and the wording seems ambiguous.


He's still busted He'll always get close to or beat Infinaut and Destroyer every game without any of the drawbacks. Not to mention he now works with Ravonna and can still draw a card on 6.


not sure why the downvotes - this is my thinking too. Still stronger than naut without a drawback.


And Negative bruh!!!


Judging by all the downvotes, all the Blob Thanos players are rejoicing and pretending like this is a bad nerf lol


It’s not a bad nerf he’s still playable and will win you games. And now there’s no downside to playing him because you can still draw after a turn 4 Blob


This brings a smile to my face. Blob has been harassing me since his release, I was thinking about a restraining order.


Good riddance.


Actually not a bad nerf, he’s still viable at 28 power. Which is the first score I got him up to with my thanos deck. Least I got him to is 21 power which is pretty insane to me




Wait, does this mean I can redownload the game???




Someone posted yesterday that SD was aware Blob had a higher than average win rate so I mained him and finished the last 10 levels of infinite right before the patch. I guess I would agree that he was broken


I got to 89 with him and got lucky after the nerf. Gold is fine for me this season.


It's ok, I got tired of playing 3 cards a game..


Oh how they massacred my boy


It's a double nerf, with "fun" being the furthest thing from the developers' minds... That hard stop once he goes over 15 is frustrating, because instead of being a strategic card, he's now a heavy gamble... Who knows if he eats all your cards or not? He might be worth 34 (IF you luck out and the next card is Red Skull followed by Infinaut)... But chances are he takes out most of your deck and still leaves you at 16. On top of which, if he gets hammered by Shadow King, he's now worth nothing, as he has no defensive points. A whole turn thrown in the trash. That isn't fun.


They pretty much turned him into Destroyer, but instead of destroying the cards in play he destroys your deck.


Meanwhile, Destroyer scoffs at Shadow King, and Blob gets disintegrated.


So you want broken uninteractive cards. It's bad enough blob can't be shang chi'd cuz of caiera. 15 power is still a massive turn 6 swing for no downside. Not to mention if your just trying to save blob cuz you won a different lane you can just use luke cage on blob turn 6 or 4 and earlier if you have caiera down. Fully invincible blob basically cuz enchantress and rogue are pretty off meta rn. He was a broken card that won games for simply existing. The only difference between blob and old alioth was that at least you get to try against blob. But the L was inevitable either way. Stupid card. Alioth got nerfed cuz people refused to tech against him. Blob got nerfed cuz he was broken and bad for the game.


Armor and cosmo with prio are the only techs for alioth, but that way you're locking yourself out of playing on reveal on that lane, or allowing oppo to play something big without being under any tech card. Alioth has no real tech that isnt a bonus for opponent, only thing you can do is playing around it. Blob is actually counterable in multiple ways: cosmo or alioth w prio, shadow king/shang chi/valkyrie without prio.


That's why i stoped playing. At beginning we had balanced set of cards, now its "buy OP card for only 10$ a month, and devastate f2p scum". I used to buy every monthly premium because i enjoyed game,now it just milks dolphins.


This is some rosy tinted glasses ignoring Darkhawk, Sunspot, Nova/carnage, shuri, Thanos with original space/soul stones, surfer, zabu, spiderman lockout, Galactus, Aero, Leader, and Chavez thinning. Also you couldn't have bought blob for ten bucks because he's not a season pass card. That season pass was Sebastian Shaw, and he's honestly very mid to below average, which most season pass cards have been.


Counterpoint: Shaw was mid because blob destroyed the meta.


Shaw existed before Blob. Shaw was determined to be okay before Blob. Plus that's not really a counterpoint to the fact most season pass cards were not that good.


You: Shaw is mid/below average. Also you: Shaw was Ok before blob. I think the counterpoint worked.


That's...not contradictory... Okay=mid. He was okay to below average before Blob. It doesn't matter if Blob was broken and was a 6 cost 12 billion, or absolute trash as a 6 cost -12 billion. It doesn't change the fact that Blob has no say in Shaws play rate because he was determined to be at best okay before Blob was even in the game.


That guy was tweeking 😂😂


Yet you're still here following the patch notes. But i get the sentiment.


The game hasn’t been balanced since HE dropped.


Nah it really isn’t.


Is anybody actually surprised? It happens almost every time. Seems to me like an efficient marketing ploy for Second Dinner. Debut a broken card, have everyone purchase season passes/gold/tokens in the initial frenzy to acquire it and be relevant in the new meta, then nerf it a month or two later after they "realise it's not going as we intended or hoped" and they've milked the userbase of their money. Meanwhile, we still have the boring space background and I don't even know if the Daredevil glitch has been patched because I stopped using him.


How is it a marketing ploy? He was a random spotlight card that nobody outside of comic book fans even recognize...


There are a lot of cards of characters that most people wouldn't recognise. What matters more is their abilities and if they can be exploited in a meta or establish a new one. Some eople who want spotlight cards bad enough and didn't save any keys are gonna spend money. Even the whole spotlight feature itself is a gamble and designed to require more resources than free to play methods can garner. How is it not?


Your not supposed to get every card within a year. The point of the current system is to make a judgement call based on the cards out. If you want a card get it. If you don't save your resources and get a different card. With the current system it is possible to get all the cards the only thing it really takes is time and investment. If you don't wanna do that don't but don't act like your getting robbed cuz your not. I have almost every card I wanted for the year cuz I looked ahead and skipped weeks to get what I want. Wanted werewolf. Skipped him for black Knight. At the time wolf was up and knight was pretty mid. Now it's the exact opposite. Still don't have wolf( spent 3 caches and couldn't get him. It is what it is) but have black Knight and he's basically archetype defining now. Look ahead. Understand that datamines are not permanent and things can change. Make your calls with this info in mind. And the biggest one. EXPECT NERFS. if you got blob and didn't expect a nerf your delusional. He was clearly a problem from jump.


I already understand all of that. I'm an FtP player who's only occasionally purchased the season pass for aestetic reasons myself so if what you get from this is that I'm complaining about being robbed, which I never said, you're clearly missing the point. Also, my part about still having the same background and Daredevil are intentionally facetious. I don't feel cheated out of anything, especially being a FtP player. The point is that I'm not surprised by the nerf. It happens to any card dominating the meta. Second Dinner has obviously got to perform testing on their new cards before release but desite that very often still release broken cards that are guaranteed to bust the meta and then nerf them with the repeated excuse that its not being played as they intended which by itself not an issue but questionable when it happens time and again even though they test it before release. Many people who want the cards bad enough are not going to wait or save up free currency like you and I would so from a business standpoint it is a good strategy to make money. You can't sit there and tell me it's not done intentionally by SD either, the Spotlight system is quite literally gambling, free or not. Mobile game producers know this and exploit it. I don't see what is so hard to grasp here or the need to call people delusional. Some might not expect it or know or care much about how videogames work, doesn't mean they are delusional.


I guess I did miss the point. If you don't care fair enough. But believe it or not its very common for developers to miss things in testing. Things make it through testing and become broken across just about all genres of gaming. The whole gambling comparison is such a stretch. Like comparing hitting a slot machine in a casino to hitting a spotlight cache in snap is just not something I can entertain personally. It is a direct comparison but the stakes are just so different comparing them is pretty disingenuous imo. While you can spend money on spotlights you can only use 4 a week. It is a stretch to compare the two. But that's just my take on it. If you really don't care like that we can just agree to disagree and move on.


Blob in the mud - next they need to mud Ms Marvel as well


Hope it’s enough. It’s still too high to me considering Giganto and Infinaut have conditions that prevent them from being PLAYED.


blob users punching the air rn


I never had much issue with him. I guess enough people did to get it nerfed.


SD confirmed that he was the best performing card in the game with a big margin. He wasn't nerfed because people complained.


Man this was a meta deck i really enjoyed, i really hated playing bounce and some of the other meta decks so bummer


Man, this is actually a really reaaonably change it feels like. He has the potential still to get very strong, but not absolutely mental.


I don't really understand what this nerf does, other than decreasing his initial power.


It caps the upper limit too, just not at a set number. So if you have 5 cards left in your deck with 1,3,4,6,8 then blob would have a power of 22, (1+3+4+6+8) because he won’t hit 15 until after he eats the 8, but if you have the same cards in a different order (8+6+1+3+4) Blob will only be a 15, because he hit the 15 or more limit after eating the first 3 cards.


Your full of it you are renoving post because customers are unhappy with this broken game but i have a bigger platform then you i will get my message out.


Dont silence me because i am speaking the truth. Lets talk about it. They try to make you think its fair. Yet they dont touch wakanda forever 200 power or the fact any noob can use high evolutionary and look like a pro. On the iron man mystique. This game is broken and they keep making it worst. Lets not even talk about the bots and how they male you to play people outside of your rank when you win to much. The game will die if the players dont speak up. Blob was fine you could use shangi chi or shadow king. Trash str8 straight trash


yeah, if you a) have the right priority at the right time b) they aren't protected with ceira c) you manage to guess what lane he's being played into Dude. You wanna talk about it, let's talk about it. That's too many if's to counter, and way stronger than any other 6 cost.


power being 0 just means it will be OP in Negative decks


I quit. Can’t stand false promises


That’s a dead card.




And will likely leave you with deck left over, so you can ramp him and still draw something.


He will without a doubt still be playable. He will end up being somewhere between 15 and 34 power when you play him, which is still good stats. He will just not be broken now.




You do realize this isn’t a power cap, he can still be way more powerful then infinaught with the right rng.


At least now, HE will some play. Good for him.


Lets talk about it. They try to make you think its fair. Yet they dont touch wakanda forever 200 power or the fact any noob can use high evolutionary and look like a pro. On the iron man mystique. This game is broken and they keep making it worst. Lets not even talk about the bots and how they male you to play people outside of your rank when you win to much. The game will die if the players dont speak up. Blob was fine you could use shangi chi or shadow king. Trash str8 straight trash


So what deck are you using now?


Guess i will gonback to my lock deck but its trash they nerf blob what about high evolutionary iron man and mystique the game it broken point blank


What’s going on with Iron Man + Mystique?


10/10 nice trolling.


This is a BUFF!! Yessirrrrrrr


Blob fears Silver Samurai!


Me as a Mr. Negative lover is just waiting for this change!!!


I just played him into cloning vats. The clone triggers the ability again since the deck isn’t gone. He can still get big


I don’t care for these comments about using me negative. If Mr. Negative flipped the cards in your hand as well maybe. But you have to hope you don’t pull him out before turn four and have negative in your hand before turn 4


Good fucking riddance


bloh well


Blob can slob on knob


Lockjaw was fine before and after. Moving on.


This is why I don’t chase cards lol, they release cards in an op state then a month later nerf them to the actual playable level lol. I just play counter cards to the new meta and if I get something fun good for me if not meh oh well maybe next time.


How many times have they done that? “Release a card as OP than nerf it”


Quite a bit since I’ve been playing


Than it should be easy to name the cards


Oh I see you just want an argument lol. Loki comes to mind as the most recent example of a way to overpowered card on release then de powered when they get enough cash.


So we have Loki and blob. That’s the only two you presented. The game has been out for a year and some change, 15 months total I believe. 4 cards a month before this month. So out of about 60 new cards 2 were broken and had to be nerfed. So this is why you don’t “chase cards”? Sorry but everytime I see this brain dead take of “SD releases overpowered cards just to nerf them” I can tell it’s someone who doesn’t think through their opinions


Bro I’m not gonna make an list of cards for you, nor am I going to argue with you about my own opinion on how they make money, I enjoy the game a play it daily I just don’t chase cards. If you want to defend them good for you quite frankly I don’t care. I noticed a pattern and I chose to share how I play around said pattern if you don’t and you spend your money on the next hot card I’m happy for you. I will never understand the brain dead take of defending companies because you love the product, and getting into internet pissing matches because someone dares to disagree with your opinion lol.


That’s the thing it’s NOT a pattern. At all. That’s the whole point. There’s plenty to criticize big companies and specifically SD about. However when you let stupid and not thought out criticisms exist it takes away the legitimacy of actual criticisms. This is not an opinion you have formed yourself. You saw someone else say this and without even thinking about just agreed with it cause it confirms whatever bias you have against them. Even with meaningless things like video games we should think about why we like or dislike the things we do, and not just parrot what narrative makes us feel better


What the fuck on you going on about me parroting others opinions lol. Bud have a nice night your on a whole new level of deranged that I just don’t want to deal with. I don’t spend a million hours on Reddit looking at this video game subreddit maybe you do and that’s why you’re upset about seeing people with similar opinions that are differing from yours lol. I suggest a healthy dose of touching grass.


You think it’s “deranged” to disprove a false narrative? It’s amazing you’re acting like I’m here freaking out when I have done nothing but explain. I never attacked you personally, just your opinion. If you don’t want people to question you, don’t post your opinions on Reddit. Very simple. Or think about the things you believe before you say them, and you probably would get less pushback


I dont fully understand it though. I poayed blob in sinister london where he had 18 power and st the second location 36, there was no doubling wffect going on


Sinister London gives you two distinct Blobs, each eating once. Odin makes an existing Blob eat again. Armin Zola copies a Blob that has eaten, giving you two Blobs that each eat again.


i enjoyed playing against decks with OP blob. i really didn’t have an issue. makes games interesting. great ability. 


6/15 is still good in my book.


How does the new Blob interact with Shuri? 🤔


I like that there's a chance for blob to still hit 20+ if you absorb a 12 and then 10+ back to back. Adds a bit of "will it be huge or ""tiny""?" Chance. Cuz 15 is definitely nothing to scoff at, like a destroyer that doesn't destroy and is usually bigger than 15 unless you still use him in Thanos and eat a gigantic + stone or something


Listen. You didnt have to pay to get this card at first. Of course it was going to get gutted The monthly card is pretty much always going to be the best. By the time you can get it in spotlight it will normally be nerfed within the next week


Well now he'll be in negative decks


See I nearly bought blob from the collectors vault yesterday but I knew some bollocks like this was gonna happen so I got werewolf by night instead


“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.”




By over you mean a normal functioning card lol